Книги жанра «Фантастика» на букву «B»

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Автор: Poe Edgar Allan
Автор: Bowden Oliver
Серия: Assassin's creed
Автор: Clarke Arthur

Statistician Sandra Foster and chaos theorist Bennett O’Reilly are brought together by a misdelivered package and urged into their own chaotic world of million-dollar grants, unlucky coincidences, setbacks, and eventually the ultimate answer.

Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1998.

Автор: Willis Connie
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Bread Overhead

The Staff of Life suddenly and disconcertingly sprouted wings — and mankind had to eat crow!

Автор: Leiber Fritz Reuter
Black Evening

From the American heartland to the edge of Hell, the author presents a career-spanning examination into his own life, and the fears we all share. This title is an anthology of some of this award winning author's horror stories.

Автор: Morrell David

Who will come to the aid of beleaguered King Hrothgar, whose warriors have become the prey of the vengeful outcast monster Grendel?

A grand and glorious story that has endured for centuries, the ageless classic adventure takes on a breathtaking new life in a remarkable new version for a modern era. Brilliantly reimagined by acclaimed, award-winning author Caitlín R. Kiernan, based on the screenplay by #1 New York Times bestseller Neil Gaiman and Academy Award®-winning screenwriter Roger Avary, it is the tale of a noble liege and a terrible creature who has cursed his kingdom with death, blood, and destruction—and of the great hero, Beowulf, who is called to a land of monsters to triumph where so many have failed…or to die as so many of the brave before him.

About the Author

Caitlín Rebekah Kiernan (born May 26, 1964 in Skerries, Dublin, Ireland) is the author of many science fiction and dark fantasy works, including six novels, many comic books, more than one hundred published short stories, novellas, and vignettes, and numerous scientific papers.


Blizna, rozgrywająca się w tym samym świecie co Dworzec Perdido, to kreacjapełna rozmachu i młodzieńczej energii, widać w niej przy tym, że Mieville próbuje szukać oryginalności także w fabule. Kogo znużyły powtarzane w nieskończoność schematy fantasy tolkienowskiej i tęskni do światów naprawdę innych, niepodobnych do niczego, co zna, powinien odwiedzić uniwersum Chiny Mieville`a – tędy prowadzi droga do fantastyki XXI wieku.Grupa skazańców i niewolników o groteskowo przetworzonych ciałach jest transportowana drogą morską do młodej kolonii Nowego Crobuzon. W podróży tej towarzyszy im kilka innych osób, z których każda ma powód do ucieczki z miasta. Jest wśród nich Bellis Coldwine, zdolna lingwistka, która zatrudnia się jako tłumaczka, co pozwala jej opłacić przejazd i uniknąć straszliwej kary. Jest bowiem powiązana z Isaakiem Danem der Grimnebulinem, genialnym naukowcem-renegatem, który niegdyś niechcący sprowadził koszmar na Nowe Crobuzon. Bellis ma jasno określony plan: przemieszkać w kolonii do czasu, gdy będzie mogła bezpiecznie wrócić. Na Wezbranym Oceanie statek opanowują jednak piraci i mordują wszystkich oficerów. Pasażerowie i szeregowi członkowie załogi zostają przewiezieni na Armadę, do miasta zbudowanego z kadłubów zdobytych okrętów. Tym pływającym lasem masztów rządzi dziwna, dwuosobowa struktura zwana Kochankami. Na Armadzie wszyscy dostają pracę i nawet prze-tworzeni mają takie same prawa jak ludzie, ludzie-kaktusy i ludzie-raki. Nikomu nie wolno jednak opuścić miasta.Samotna i sfrustrowana Bellis wie, że zdradzenie się z chęcią ucieczki oznaczałoby dla niej wyrok śmierci. Zamiast tego Bellis ukradkowo szuka informacji na temat planów Armady. Odpowiedź tkwi w ciemnych, amorficznych kształtach zwisających w wodzie wiele kilometrów pod miastem – przerażających obiektach obarczonych niezwykłą, mrożącą krew w żyłach misją…

Автор: éville China

Sergejs Ivanovs


Автор: , автора без

VOLTERS S. TERIJS, amerikāņu rakstnieks







Latviešu padomju rakstnieka (dz. 1950. g.) romāna va­roņi Marks un Ingus ir kādas provinces pilsētiņas iedzī­votāji; Autors liek viņiem nokļūt neparastās, pat fantas­tiskās situācijās. Viduslaiku Riga, kosmiskais kuģis, sa­prātīgu būtņu apdzīvota tāla planēta — tās ir dažas no romāna darbības vietām. Autors liek ikvienam padomāt par cilvēka misiju, par atbildību sava laika un arī nā­kotnes priekšā.


Fantastika — tā ir apkārtējā realitāte, novesta līdz absurdam.

R. Bredberijs

Kalnu grūtības ir aiz muguras, Mums priekšā ir līdzenumu

grūtības. B. Brehts






Tulk. M. Mencendorfa

Noskannējis grāmatu un FB2 failu izveidojis Imants Ločmelis

barakosa barakosa

Barakosa, barakosa


Bűbájos bajok

Volt egyszer egy szegény ember, s annak nyolc fia. A nyolcadik fiú felnőtt, megházasodott, és lett nyolc fia, s mivel csupán egyetlen foglalkozás jöhet szóba egy nyolcadik fiú nyolcadik fiának esetében, hát varázslónak állt. És bölcs lett meg hatalmas, na jó, mindenesetre hatalmas, s viselte a csúcsos kalapot, és itt a vége, fuss el véle? Itt kellett volna vége legyen?

Ám a férfi elmenekült a varázslatok csarnokából, szerelembe esett, megházasodott – nem feltétlen ebben a sorrendben. És lett neki hét fia, mind már a bölcsőben olyan hatalmas, mint akármelyik varázsló kerek e világon. És aztán lett egy nyolcadik fia! Egy varázsló a négyzeten. Az igézés, bűvölés, bájolás, varázsolás, egyszóval a mágia forrása.

Автор: Pratchett Terry
Серия: Korongvilág
Blask fantastyczny

Tylko jedna osoba może ocalić Świat Dysku, który sunie ku nieuniknionej z pozoru kolizji ze złowróżbną czerwoną gwiazdą. Na nieszczęście, osobą tą jest mało uzdolniony i tchórzliwy mag o imieniu Ricewind, którego po raz ostatni widziano, jak spadł poza krawędź świata...

Rincewind zostaje magicznie ściągnięty z Kosmosu, by stać się obiektem polowania wszystkich ośmiu Obrządków Magicznych, próbujących odzyskać ukryte w jego umyśle Zaklęcie. W towarzystwie Dwukwiata z Bagażem i Cohena — największego i najsłynniejszego z bohaterów Dysku (choć ostatnio trochę bez formy) — po licznych przygodach powraca do Ankh Morpork, by uczestniczyć w jednym z kluczowych wydarzeń historii i kosmologii równocześnie. Na szczęście zakończonym szczęśliwie.

Автор: Pratchett Terry
Серия: Świat Dysku
Blood of the Fold

An Epic of Two Worlds

In a world as rich and real as our own, Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell stand against the ancient forces which besiege the New World—forces so terrible that when last they threatened, they could only be withstood by sealing off the Old World from whence they came. Now the barrier has been breached, and the New World is again beset by their evil power.

War and treachery plague the world, and only Richard and Kahlan can save it from an armageddon of unimaginable savagery and destruction.

Terry Goodkind, author of the brilliant bestsellers Wizard’s First Rule and Stone of Tears, has created his most masterful epic yet, a sumptuous feast of magic and excitement replete with the wonders of his unique fantasy vision.

Автор: Goodkind Terry
Ballada o gwiazdach

Był to czas, kiedy ludzie zaczynali torować drogą ku gwiazdom wszechświata. Zawitał nagle, dziwny, oszałamiający, władczo podporządkowujący czyny i myśli ludzkie. Zew Świata Gwiazd okazał się silniejszy aniżeli odwieczny pęd ku morzu. Z Ziemi startowały jonoloty. Zawrotny, upajający czar odkrywczy gnał je ku gwiazdom. Jeszcze ekspedycje przedzierały się przez bagniste lasy Wenus, jeszcze opancerzone rakiety pokonywały przyszłą atmosferę Jowisza, jeszcze nie opracowano mapy Saturna, a już statki mknęły ku gwiazdom — wciąż dalej i dalej…

Młodego, utalentowanego rzeźbiarza Łańskiego zaprasza do siebie umierający Mistrz. I zleca zrobić zamiast niego pracę o wyprawie Szewcowa do Syriusza.

Jeszcze jeden wariant kontaktu z pozaziemską cywilizacją.

Blood Ties

The Guru of Garbage

Lyle Lavellette was known to some as Detroit's maverick genius, and to others as the biggest gasbag the auto city had ever seen. But now this golden-tongued tycoon had proved his critics wrong by producing a car that could free Americans from the oily grip of OPEC. His new car would run on compressed garbage and consign all other carmakers to the refuse heap. When a deadly assassin is sent to throw a bloody monkey wrench into Lavellette's odiferous enterprise, the Destroyer and his Oriental mentor Chiun are sent in to stop the slaying-only to find out that the name of the mysterious hit man was Remo Williams. Remo Williams? The one man the Destroyer could not destroy!

Серия: The Destroyer
Blue Smoke and Mirrors

"The Horror Is Quicker Than The Eye When Remo And Chiun Go After An Invisible Enemy"

"Now You See It..."

Someone - or something - is walking right through the walls of America's top nuclear missile facility, and walking off with some of the world's deadliest secrets.

Someone has mastered an unholy power that makes Chiun believe in ghosts.

Someone has perfected a mind-defying magic that beats anything in Remo's bag of tricks.

Unless Remo can take his eyes off the chest of a buxom beauty with a chip on her shoulder...unless Chiun can come down to earth from the sphere of the supernatural...America's nuclear safety and her two supreme defenders will be victims of a disappearing act...

Серия: The Destroyer
Blood Lust

Remo surrenders to a sex goddess armed to seduce and destroy the Destroyer.

"Arms Race To The Finish Line"

Normally Remo didn't care how evil enemies were armed. The Destroyer could take on everything from brass knuckles to H-bombs. But now he faced a foe equipped with arms that even he couldn't overcome. For the many arms of the goddess Kali were attached to the most fabulous body in the universe of love. And with Chiun trapped in the spirit world, Remo's flesh turned weak as his iron will melted down in the arms of a female who had the fate of the world in her many fiendish hands.

Серия: The Destroyer
Bidding War

The Art Of The Deal

Budget cuts are every administrator's nightmare, but CURE's own Dr. Harold Smith has a real whopper. A battle over bullion prompts Chiun to seek better pastures, and he's dragging Remo along.

Word spreads like wildfire: the fabled assassins of the House of Sinanju are hiring out to the highest bidder. While the desperate Dr. Smith is panicking big-time, rogue nations are trying to beat out, burn down and bump off the competition - before the highest bid gets the goods.

It's a seller's market for the lethal duo, and their success is assured - if there's anything left of the planet after the bidding way.

Серия: The Destroyer
Bamboo Dragon

It's a jungle out there - and the Destroyer may become the next endangered species.HOT, MOIST, DANGEROUS

Deep in the Malaysian jungle a group of scientists gets a lethal surprise, and a lone survivor rants about a prehistoric monster who eats men alive.

The survivor dies with bizarre symptoms - and CURE's Dr.Harold Smith wants answers. So Remo, his favorite problem solver, finds himself armed with a brand-new doctorate and joining an international expedition to look for the next Jurassic park.

But things heat up even more in the jungle. Who's to tell what the adventure will be, what with a sexy lady professor, the hidden agenda of expedition members, and the hot breath of something big, dangerous and undreamed of deep in the rain forest's heart.

Серия: The Destroyer
Brittle Innings

Frankenstein meets Field of Dreams in this nostalgic, gracefully written but fundamentally flawed baseball novel. Set in a sleepy Georgia town during WW II, this coming-of-age saga is based on the real-life story of Danny Boles, a major league scout who died of throat cancer in 1989. The fictional Boles leaves his rural Oklahoma digs to become shortstop for the Hightower Hellbenders, vaulting the Class C team into a pennant race in the process. Veteran writer Bishop (No Enemy but Time) delivers smooth and polished baseball prose and does some nice tricks with sports colloquialisms. He also tackles gritty issues such as the origins-in sexual abuse-of Boles's stuttering, the ravages of war and the rampant racism that plagued the sport. More problematic is Boles's huge teammate, slugging first baseman Henry "Jumbo" Cerval, who bears a suspicious resemblance to the gargantuan outcome of Victor Frankenstein's grand experiment. In the beginning, Bishop presents Cerval as a literate, likable freak. As the season unfolds, Cerval is revealed as the original monster, having escaped and survived for almost a century in the frozen North. Bishop milks the ludicrous premise for an intriguingly macabre ending, but the real problem is that Henry is far more interesting as a flawed human than as a scientific creation. That flaw aside, Brittle Innings should prove an engaging read for both sports buffs and fiction fans.

Автор: Bishop Michael
Автор: Sterling Bruce

YOU SANK THE WRONG BATTLESHIPDuring a routine naval drill at Pearl Harbor, American forces detect a ship of unknown origins that’s crashed in the Pacific Ocean. Lieutenant Alex Hopper, an officer aboard the USS John Paul Jones, is ordered to investigate the ominous-looking vessel—which turns out to be part of an armada of ships that are stronger and faster than any on Earth. And that’s when the Navy’s radar goes down. Ambushed by a ravenous enemy they cannot see, a small U.S. fleet makes their last stand on the open ocean, armed with little more than their instincts, to defend their lives—and the world as we know it.

Автор: David Peter

Aus einem Labor für Gentechnologie entläuft ein Hund. Der Eigenbrötler Travis Cornell nimmt den streunenden Golden Retriever bei sich auf. Aber schon bald müssen die beiden feststellen, dass sich nicht nur rivalisierende Geheimdienste, sondern auch ein mysteriöses Wesen an ihre Fersen geheftet haben. Endlich wird klar, dass es sich bei dem Verfolger um ein gentechnisch perfektioniertes Mordtier handelt, das dem Laboratorium gleichfalls entwichen ist und auf die Vernichtung des Hunds programmiert zu sein scheint.

Titel der Originalausgabe WATCHERS

Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Heinz Nagel

Автор: Koontz Dean
Bitter Seeds

Raybould Marsh is a British secret agent in the early days of the Second World War, haunted by something strange he saw on a mission during the Spanish Civil War: a German woman with wires going into her head who looked at him as if she knew him. When the Nazis start running missions with people who have unnatural abilities—a woman who can turn invisible, a man who can walk through walls, and the woman Marsh saw in Spain who can use her knowledge of the future to twist the present—Marsh is the man who has to face them. He rallies the secret warlocks of Britain to hold the impending invasion at bay. But magic always exacts a price. Eventually, the sacrifice necessary to defeat the enemy will be as terrible as outright loss would be.

Автор: Tregillis Ian
Серия: Milkweed Triptych
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Bitter Seeds

Raybould Marsh is a British secret agent in the early days of the Second World War, haunted by something strange he saw on a mission during the Spanish Civil War: a German woman with wires going into her head who looked at him as if she knew him. When the Nazis start running missions with people who have unnatural abilities—a woman who can turn invisible, a man who can walk through walls, and the woman Marsh saw in Spain who can use her knowledge of the future to twist the present—Marsh is the man who has to face them. He rallies the secret warlocks of Britain to hold the impending invasion at bay. But magic always exacts a price. Eventually, the sacrifice necessary to defeat the enemy will be as terrible as outright loss would be.

Автор: Tregillis Ian
Серия: Milkweed Triptych
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Between the Strokes of Night

After the Nuclear Spasm in the 21st century, Homo sapiens was extinct, save for a tiny remnant scattered in small, primitive space colonies. At first Solar Humanity had only one goal: survival. But when the battle for existence was won, humankind began moving outward in slow, multi-generation space ships, and as then millennia passed, planet-based civilizations emerged in many star systems. In the year 27,698 A.D, to these new worlds come the Immortals, beings with strange ties to ancient Earth, who seem to live forever, who can travel light years in days — and who use their strange powers to control the existence of ordinary mortals. On the planet Pentecost, a small group sets out to find and challenge the Immortals. But in the search they themselves are changed: as Immortals, they discover a new threat, not just to themselves, but to the galaxy itself.

Автор: Sheffield Charles
Blue Bloods

Schuyler Van Alen is a freshman at the prestigious Duchesne School. A loner by nature, she finds her life thrown into turmoil when she turns 15. Suddenly she is allergic to the sun, craves raw food, and if she cuts herself, her blood is blue. Schuyler has no idea what is happening to her. As more and more curious things happen, Schuyler must confront her family and friends to discover the truth behind her blue blood. But there are bigger problems soon to be faced. When a girl in school is found dead, with mysterious bite marks on her neck, Schuyler is more confused than ever about her heritage…and her destiny.

Автор: de la Cruz Melissa
Серия: Blue Bloods
Blue Noon

the darklings will hunt once again

Until suddenly, the blue time comes… in the middle of the day.

The noise of school stops. Cheerleaders are frozen in midair, teachers brought to a standstill. Everything is the haunted blue color of the midnight hour.

The Midnighters can't understand what's happening, but as they scramble for answers, they discover that the walls between the secret hour and real time are crumbling. Soon the dark creatures will have a chance to feed after centuries of waiting, unless these five teenagers can find a way to stop them.

A desperate race against time, a mind-blowing mystery of paranormal logic, a tale of ancient evil and spine-chilling sacrifice: blue noon is the exhilarating third volume in the Midnighters series by acclaimed author Scott Westerfeld.

Автор: Westerfeld Scott
Серия: Midnighters
Brass Man

Next novel in the 'Gridlinked' sequence, with the resurrection of the terrifying Mr Crane, a massive android kiling machine… and one with a grudge.

The knight errant Anderson is hunting a dragon on the primitive Out-Polity world of Cull, little knowing that far away a man — more technology than human flesh — has resurrected a brass killing machine to assist in a similar hunt that encompasses star systems.

When agent Cormac learns that his old enemy still lives, he sets out in pursuit aboard the attack ship Jack Ketch… whilst scientist Mika begins discovering the horrifying truth about that ancient technology ostensibly produced by the alien Jain, who died out five million years ago. The people of Cull must struggle desperately to survive on a planet roamed by ferocious insectile monsters, while they build the industrial base that will enable them to reach their forefathers' starship still orbiting far above them.

An entity calling itself Dragon assists them, but its motives are questionable having created genetic by-blows of humans and the hideous local autochthons, before growing bored with that game. And now Cull, for millennia geologically inactive, suffers earthquakes…

Meanwhile the brass killing machine, Mr Crane, seeks to escape a bloody past he can neither forget nor truly remember. So mindlessly he will continues his search for sanity, which he might find in an instant or not for a thousand years.

Автор: Asher Neal
Серия: Agent Cormac
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Brivido crudele

Una giovane orfana diciassettenne, vergine, e madre di cento figli. Un astronauta che, su un lontano pianeta, è stato vivisezionato e rimesso insieme, ma con criteri extraterrestri, da dei superchirurghi. Unite queste due vittime di un oltraggio insanabile. Dall’orrore che striscia sotto la loro pelle, pronto a prorompere, scaturiranno torrenti di paura, ira, odio, gelosia, tormento, terrore: le emozioni umane delle quali si nutre e si abbevera, e grazie alle quali ingrassa e si arricchisce, il “mercante di dolore”. L’astronauta, l’orfana e l’avvoltoio: il più strano “triangolo” coniugale che i mondi interplanetari abbiano mai veduto.

Автор: Silverberg Robert

In a futuristic world of fast-growing technology, corporate expansion in oute space, and plenty of violence, a carefully trained bodyguard whose human memories have been blocked by a metal plate offers perfect protection for a high price.

Автор: Dietz William C
Bezsilni tego swiata

Zbliżają się wybory gubernatora Petersburga. Spiskowcy, stosując przemoc i tortury, chcą zapewnić wygraną swojemu kandydatowi. Na nic się to jednak nie zdaje, bo zwycięzca zostaje zabity strumieniem…

Автор: Strugacki Borys
Burza słoneczna

Bisesę Dutt, odesłaną na Ziemię 2037 roku przez tajemniczych i potężnych Pierworodnych, prześladują wspomnienia pięciu lat spędzonych na dziwnej, odmienionej Ziemi o nazwie Mir, światem poskładanym z lądów i ludzi wyrwanych z rozmaitych epok historii Ziemi. Dlaczego Pierworodni utworzyli Mir? Dlaczego Bisesę tam zabrano, a następnie sprowadzono z powrotem zaledwie w dzień po jej zniknięciu?

Pytania, jakie zadaje sobie Bisesa, znajdą odpowiedź w chwili odkrycia przez naukowców niezwykłej anomalii w jądrze Słońca, będącej dowodem interwencji obcych ponad dwa tysiące lat wcześniej. Plan nakreślony przez zagadkowych obserwatorów oddalonych o wiele lat świetlnych ma zostać zrealizowany w postaci burzy słonecznej, której celem jest likwidacja życia na Ziemi. Kiedy nad światem zawisa widmo apokalipsy, okazuje się, że różnice polityczne i religijne na Ziemi zagrażają wszelkim próbom ratowania planety. A Pierworodni przez cały czas obserwują…

Серия: Odyseja czasu
Автор: Кинг Стивен
Brama mroku I krąg światła

Dzika magia szaleje w Toronto, Adept Ciemności wdarł sie do świata śmiertelników. W czasach, gdy tylko głupcy i niewinni wierzą w czary, kto ma walczyć z atakiem zła?

Szczęśliwym trafem w Toronto znalazło się kilku niespodziewanych obrońców Światłości: Rebecca obdarzona darem Widzenia; ROland, uliczny grajek, który pewnego dnia może zostać bardem; pani Ruth, bezdomna kobieta z kilkoma niezwykłymi sztuczkami; Daru, przepracowana opiekunka społeczna, której liczba podopiecznych rośnie tak samo szybko jak moc Mroku; Tom, kot o rzadko spotykanej przenikliwości i odwadze. Jest też Evan, Adept Światłości, który wesprze śmiertelników w walce o to, by Ziemia nie pogrążyła się w ostatecznej, całkowitej Ciemności…

Автор: Huff Tanya Sue
Broken Angels

Fifty years after the events of ALTERED CARBON Takeshi Kovacs is serving as a mercenary in the Procterate sponsored war to put down Joshuah Kemp's revolution on the planet Sanction IV. He is offered the chance to join a covert team chasing a prize whose value is limitless and whose dangers are endless.

Here is a novel that takes mankind to the brink. A breakneck paced crime thriller ALTERED CARBON took its readers deep into the universe Morgan had so compellingly realised without ever letting them escape the onward rush of the plot. BROKEN ANGELS melds SF, the war novel and the spy thriller to take the reader below the surface of this future and lay bare the treacheries, betrayals and follies that leave man so ill prepared for the legacy he has been given; the stars.

This is SF at its dizzying best: superb, yet subtle, world building; strong yet sensitive characterisation; awesome yet believable technology, thilling yet profound writing. Richard Morgan is set to join the genre's world wide elite.

Автор: Morgan Richard K
Серия: Takeshi Kovacs
Blood Promise

Rose Hathaway's life will never be the same.

The recent attack on St. Vladimir's Academy devastated the entire Moroi world. Many are dead. And, for the few victims carried off by Strigoi, their fates are even worse. A rare tattoo now adorns Rose's neck, a mark that says she's killed far too many Strigoi to count. But only one victim matters... Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose one of two very different paths: honoring her life's vow to protect Lissa—her best friend and the last surviving Dragomir princess—or, dropping out of the Academy to strike out on her own and hunt down the man she loves. She'll have to go to the ends of the earth to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved?

Now, with everything at stake—and worlds away from St. Vladimir's and her unguarded, vulnerable, and newly rebellious best friend—can Rose find the strength to destroy Dimitri? Or, will she sacrifice herself for a chance at eternal love?

Автор: Mead Richelle
Серия: Vampire Academy

When friends stop trusting each other, Darkness is there to fan the flames...

Things have turned black at the House of Night. Zoey Redbird's soul has shattered. With everything she's ever stood for falling apart, and a broken heart making her want to stay in the Otherworld forever, Zoey's fading fast. It's seeming more and more doubtful that she will be able pull herself back together in time to rejoin her friends and set the world to rights. As the only living person who can reach her, Stark must find a way to get to her. But how? He will have to die to do so, the Vampire High Council stipulates. And then Zoey will give up for sure. There are only 7 days left.

Enter BFF Stevie Rae. She wants to help Z but she has massive problems of her own. The rogue Red Fledglings are acting up, and this time not even Stevie Rae can protect them from the consequences. Her kinda boyfriend, Dallas, is sweet but too nosy for his own good. The truth is, Stevie Rae's hiding a secret that might be the key to getting Zoey home but also threatens to explode her whole world.

In the middle of the whole mess is Aphrodite: ex-Fledgling, trust-fund baby, total hag from Hell (and proud of it). She's always been blessed (if you could call it that) with visions that can reveal the future, but now it seems Nyx has decided to speak through her with the goddess's own voice, whether she wants it or not. Aphrodite's loyalty can swing a lot of different ways, but right now Zoey's fate hangs in the balance.

Three girls... playing with fire... if they don't watch out, everyone will get Burned.

Автор: Cast PC, Cast Kristin
Bridge of Birds

Against the exotic backdrop of China thirteen-and-a-half centuries ago—a land as filled with magic as Tolkien's Middle Earth—two odd companions seek the Great Root of Power. Number Ten Ox is a strong and eager, but rather naive, young peasant; Li Kao is a wily old sage with a slight flaw in his character and a weakness for rice wine. Together, they undertake a perilous quest to save the children of Ox's village from death by poison. The path they take leads them to a homicidal matriarch, the cruelest duke in history, monsters both visible and invisible, men more deadly than monsters, treacherous labyrinths, pleading ghosts whose pleas are incomprehensible, and the gradual realization that before they can accomplish their task they must complete another one: Solve a baffling mystery that occurred a thousand years before they were born.

Blending fantasy and folklore with social history and the customs of different periods of ancient China, the author has created a rare and beautiful book that enables Western readers to view the world through ancient Oriental eyes. Bridge of Birds is a tour de force of narrative and literary ingenuity that is funny, sad, shocking, suspenseful, and completely irresistible. At times one submerges in it as in a warm sea formed from the tears of laughter; at other times, the tears are of heartbreak. At the end the reader will find a denouement that is both stunning and deeply poignant.

No other book is quite like Bridge of Birds. Unless the author picks up his mouse-whiskered writing brush again, there never will be.

BARRY HUGHART, who also has a slight flaw in his character, meditates in a shack in the Arizona Sonoran desert. This is his first novel.

Автор: Hughart Barry
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Back From The Dead

Tim Gaines was the town pariah. Mocked and teased continuously since he was in the sixth grade, he approaches his senior year of high school with a sense of cautious trepidation. Years before, when he was in the sixth grade, a group of boys led by Scott Bradfield-a popular, well-liked kid from well-to-do parents-spread a vicious rumor that he was a devil-worshipper. The rumor stuck, and is believed by most of the students and even a few of the teachers and administrators. It's a rumor Tim can't beat, and one he sometimes feels he's brought on to himself due to his love of horror novels and movies. Now Tim has become friends with a loose-knit group of kids who have also become social outcasts thanks to other rumors spread about them by the student elite. With their mutual support, Tim has begun to come out of his shell. He's going out with them, being invited to parties, and even begins to have a romantic interest in a girl, something he never thought would happen to him in high school.

But all that will change when Scott Bradfield and his friends set their sights on Tim again. Only this time, they need his help. Like most of the student body of Spring Valley High School, they sincerely believe Tim Gaines is a devil-worshipper. And they believe he has a dark power. Now they want to use him and that power for their own sinister plight…..To bring back the dead homeless man they'd kidnapped and brutally beaten to a pulp in the guesthouse that resides on the Bradfield residence. They want him brought back not because they're scared of getting caught for his murder, but so they can savagely beat and murder him again…..and again…

Автор: Gonzalez J F
Bones of Faerie

The war between humanity and Faerie devastated both sides. Or so 15-year-old Liza has been told. Nothing has been seen or heard from Faerie since, and Liza’s world bears the scars of its encounter with magic. Trees move with sinister intention, and the town Liza calls home is surrounded by a forest that threatens to harm all those who wander into it. Then Liza discovers she has the Faerie ability to see—into the past, into the future—and she has no choice but to flee her town. Liza’s quest will take her into Faerie and back again, and what she finds along the way may be the key to healing both worlds.

Автор: Simner Janni Lee
Автор: Ryan Anthony
Серия: Raven's shadow
Автор: Ballantyne Tony
Серия: Penrose
Автор: King Stephen
Bayou Moon

Cerise Mar and her clan are cash poor but land rich, claiming a large swathe of the Mire, the Edge swamplands. When her parents vanish, her clan's long-time rivals are suspect. But all is not as it seems.

Two nations of the Weird are waging a cold war fought by feint and espionage, and their conflict is about to spill over into the Edge—and Cerise's life.

Автор: Andrews Ilona
Серия: The Edge
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Bücher, Bücher!

По мотивам мюзикла «Танец Вампиров» и рассказов Вудхауса про Берти Вустера. Когда граф фон Кролок похищает дочь трактирщика, красавицу Сару, на помощь к ней бросаются два охотника за вампирами — Альфред и Профессор Абронзиус. А Герберт, очень… нетрадиционно ориентированный сын графа, влюбляется в своего гостя. Собственно, об этом и рассказ. О любви. И о книгах. И о любви к книгам. И о книгах про любовь.

Если вы не знакомы с мюзиклом «Танец Вампиров,» но все равно заинтересовались моими фанфиками, советую вам сначала прочесть краткую информацию про мюзикл и послушать песни, а заодно и на персонажей посмотреть. http://zhurnal.lib.ru/k/kouti_k/tdv.shtml


La guerra galattica fra l’Alleanza terrestre e gli Invasori dura ormai da molti anni, e nessuno sta vincendo. Quando però l’Alleanza si trova a dover fronteggiare un’arma temibile e sconosciuta, una lingua capace di provocare attentati e sabotaggi, l’unica via di salvezza può consistere in una contromossa inaspettata: affidare a una poetessa, Rydra Wong, il compito di risolvere l’enigma di Babel-17 e di porre fine ai suoi effetti micidiali. Sarà solo l’inizio di una incredibile avventura fra le stelle, sotto la minaccia di una lingua che può uccidere e fra i pericoli di un universo forse troppo vasto per l’uomo, in un romanzo magistrale che è valso al suo autore un prestigioso premio Nebula.

Vincitore del premio Nebula per il miglior romanzo in 1966.

Nominato per il premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo in 1967.

Автор: Delany Samuel

Two months since the stars fell...

Two months since sixty-five thousand alien objects clenched around the Earth like a luminous fist, screaming to the heavens as the atmosphere burned them to ash. Two months since that moment of brief, bright surveillance by agents unknown.

Two months of silence, while a world holds its breath.

Now some half-derelict space probe, sparking fitfully past Neptune's orbit, hears a whisper from the edge of the solar system: a faint signal sweeping the cosmos like a lighthouse beam. Whatever's out there isn't talking to us. It's talking to some distant star, perhaps. Or perhaps to something closer, something en route.

So who do you send to force introductions on an intelligence with motives unknown, maybe unknowable? Who do you send to meet the alien when the alien doesn't want to meet?

You send a linguist with multiple personalities, her brain surgically partitioned into separate, sentient processing cores. You send a biologist so radically interfaced with machinery that he sees x-rays and tastes ultrasound, so compromised by grafts and splices he no longer feels his own flesh. You send a pacifist warrior in the faint hope she won't be needed, and the fainter one she'll do any good if she is. You send a monster to command them all, an extinct hominid predator once called vampire, recalled from the grave with the voodoo of recombinant genetics and the blood of sociopaths. And you send a synthesist—an informational topologist with half his mind gone—as an interface between here and there, a conduit through which the Dead Center might hope to understand the Bleeding Edge.

You send them all to the edge of interstellar space, praying you can trust such freaks and retrofits with the fate of a world. You fear they may be more alien than the thing they've been sent to find.

But you'd give anything for that to be true, if you only knew what was waiting for them...

Автор: Watts Peter
Автор: Drake David
Автор: Turtledove Harry
Серия: Gap
Автор: Turtledove Harry
Серия: Gap
Brain Storm

It's computer crime of the highest order when an electronic shadow force steals all of CURE's secrets, including those of Remo and the Master of Sinanju, and begins manipulating them for their own mysterious purposes. It's up to Remo to crack this secret organization before they can begin the downloading of the unimaginable threat--the Fourth Reich.

Серия: The Destroyer
Birth of a Killer

The highly anticipated prequel to the New York Times bestselling Cirque Du Freak series!

Before Cirque Du Freak…

Before the war with the vampaneze…

Before he was a vampire.

Larten Crepsley was a boy.

As a child laborer many centuries ago, Larten Crepsley did his job well and without complaint, until the day the foreman killed his brother as an example to the other children.

In that moment, young Larten flies into a rage that the foreman wouldn't survive. Forced on the run, he sleeps in crypts and eats cobwebs to get by. And when a vampire named Seba offers him protection and training as a vampire's assistant, Larten takes it.

This is his story.

Автор: Shan Darren
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Stefan Korsak and his genetically-altered brother have evaded the Institute for three years. When they learn the new location of the secret lab, they plan to break in and save the remaining children there. But one of the little ones doesn't want to leave. She wants to kill...

Автор: Thurman Rob
Серия: Chimera
Über den Wassern

Auf der Wasserwelt Hydros leben seit Generationen Siedler von der Erde friedlich nebeneinander mit den amphibischen Eingeborenen des Planeten. Als eines Tages ein Fischer ein paar von den intelligenten Fischen im Meer tötet, haben die Menschen ihr Siedlungsrecht verwirkt. Sie müssen ihre kleinen schwimmenden Inseln, die ihnen längst zur Heimat geworden sind, verlassen und sind gezwungen, ein geheimnisvolles dunkles Land zu sucher, das vielleicht nur in den Sagen existiert.

Автор: Silverberg Robert
Beschermers van Ringwereld

Tientallen jaren verstreken sinds Louis Wu's laatste bezoek aan de legendarische Ringwereld. Nu slopen twee Ringwereld-demonen van een fabriek het netwerkoog waarmee de poppenspeler Verst-in-de-achterhoede grote delen van de wereld bespiedt. Via het oog willen ze contact leggen met Louis Wu, om hem te waarschuwen voor het gevaar dat de ring bedreigt.

Toevallig heeft Wu net na een verblijf in 'de gewone wereld' beloten Verst-in-de-achterhoede op te zoeken, omdat hij aan een nieuwe verjongingkuur toe is. Maar juist willen ze een contract afsluiten of er dringt een beschermer binnen die zowel Wu als Verst-in-de-achterhoede tot medewerking dwingt. Een titanenstrijd, waarbij veel gebruik wordt gemaakt van instantverplaatsing, ontbrandt, tot er een superbeschermer op het toneel verschijnt die aanvankelijk geen keuze tussen beide partijen lijkt te kunnen maken.

Автор: Niven Larry
Серия: Ringwereld
Boża maszyneria

Loty międzygwiezdne i odkrycia innych zamieszkanych światów rozpoczęły drugi złoty wiek dla archeologów. Wśród licznych odkryć najbardziej frapującą zagadkę stanowią Wielkie Monumenty, rozsiane po kilkunastu planetach naszego ramienia galaktyki. O rasie zwanej Twórcami monumentów nic jednak naukowcom nie wiadomo, poza tym, że ich cywilizacja stała na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Do rozwiązania tej tajemnicy dąży uparcie grupa archeologów.

Автор: McDevitt Jack
Серия: Boża maszyneria
Beautiful Creatures

Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she’s struggling to conceal her power and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps, and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever. Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town’s oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them. In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.

Автор: Гарсиа Ками
Beautiful Darkness

Ethan Wate used to think of Gatlin, the small Southern town he had always called home, as a place where nothing ever changed. Then he met mysterious newcomer Lena Duchannes, who revealed a secret world that had been hidden in plain sight all along. A Gatlin that harbored ancient secrets beneath its moss-covered oaks and cracked sidewalks. A Gatlin where a curse has marked Lena’s family of powerful supernaturals for generations. And now that Ethan’s eyes have been opened to the darker side of Gatlin, there’s no going back.

Автор: Гарсиа Ками
Серия: The Caster Chronicles
Blue Moon

Just as Ever is learning everything she can about her new abilities as an immortal, initiated into the dark, seductive world by her beloved Damen, something terrible is happening to him. As Ever's powers are increasing, Damen's are fading—stricken by a mysterious illness that threatens his memory, his identity, his life. Desperate to save him, Ever travels to the mystical dimension of Summerland, uncovering not only the secrets of Damen's past—the brutal, tortured history he hoped to keep hidden—but also an ancient text revealing the workings of time. With the approaching blue moon heralding her only window for travel, Ever is forced to decide between turning back the clock and saving her family from the accident that claimed them—or staying in the present and saving Damen, who grows weaker each day...

Серия: Immortals
Автор: Martin George RR
Серия: Wild Cards

In the 22nd century, interstellar travel is possible but expensive, so human efforts are concentrated on Isis, the only nearby Earth-like world. Isis is rich with life, but toxic, so people like Zoe are genetically engineered from before birth to explore the planet and face its terrors.

Автор: Wilson Robert Charles
Автор: Baxter Stephen
Серия: Northland

She's no angel…

Poor Dru Anderson. Her parents are long gone, her best friend is a werewolf, and she's just learned that the blood flowing through her veins isn't entirely human. (So what else is new?)

Now Dru is stuck at a secret New England Schola for other teens like her, and there's a big problem—she's the only girl in the place. A school full of cute boys wouldn't be so bad, but Dru's killer instinct says that one of them wants her dead. And with all eyes on her, discovering a traitor within the Order could mean a lot more than social suicide…

Can Dru survive long enough to find out who has betrayed her trust—and maybe even her heart?

Автор: St Crow Lili
Серия: Strange Angels
Bloody Valentine

Vampires have powers beyond human comprehension: strength that defies logic, speed that cannot be captured on film, the ability to shapeshift and more. But in matters of the heart, no one, not even the strikingly beautiful and outrageously wealthy Blue Bloods, has total control. In Bloody Valentine, bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz offers readers a new story about the love lives of their favorite vamps — the passion and heartache, the hope and devastation, the lust and longing. Combined with all the glitz, glamour, and mystery fans have come to expect, this is sure to be another huge hit in the Blue Bloods series.

Автор: de la Cruz Melissa
Серия: Blue Bloods
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Quando l’imperatore muore, lasciando come unico erede al trono il nipote di cinque anni, il pianeta Barrayar rischia di piombare nel caos. L’unica speranza di pace è affidata ad Aral Vokosigan, che ha i titoli per diventare Lord Reggente, ma le fazioni in lotta sono disposte a tutto pur di assicurarsi il potere. E proprio a causa di un attentato ordito per assassinare Aral, sua moglie Cordelia e il bambino che lei porta in grembo subiscono accidentalmente gli effetti di un gas teratogeno. È un duro colpo per i Vorkosigan, ma Cordelia non si arrende e, grazie a un utero artificiale, dà infine alla luce un piccolo, che sarà chiamato Miles…

Автор: Bujold Lois McMaster
Серия: Barrayar, Barrayar (de)

Quando l’imperatore muore, lasciando come unico erede al trono il nipote di cinque anni, il pianeta Barrayar rischia di piombare nel caos. L’unica speranza di pace è affidata ad Aral Vokosigan, che ha i titoli per diventare Lord Reggente, ma le fazioni in lotta sono disposte a tutto pur di assicurarsi il potere. E proprio a causa di un attentato ordito per assassinare Aral, sua moglie Cordelia e il bambino che lei porta in grembo subiscono accidentalmente gli effetti di un gas teratogeno. È un duro colpo per i Vorkosigan, ma Cordelia non si arrende e, grazie a un utero artificiale, dà infine alla luce un piccolo, che sarà chiamato Miles…

Автор: Bujold Lois McMaster
Серия: Barrayar, Barrayar (de)

In a novel filled with lush imagery and exhilarating action, Faith Hunter creates a near-future world caught in the throes of an ambiguous apocalypse-where a woman with everything to hide finds her true destiny revealed.

As humanity struggles with religious strife and seraphs and demons fight a never-ending battle, a new species has arisen. «Neomages" are human in appearance, but able to twist left-over creation energy to their will. A threat to both humans and seraphs, they are confined in luxurious Enclaves.

Thorn St. Croix is no ordinary neomage. Nearly driven insane by her powers, she is smuggled out of an Enclave and now lives among humans, channeling her gift of stone-magery into jewelry making. But when Thaddeus Bartholomew, a dangerously attractive policeman, tells her that her ex-husband has been kidnapped, Thorn risks revealing her identity to find him. And for Thorn, the punishment for revelation is death.

Автор: Hunter Faith
Серия: Thorn St Croix
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In a novel filled with lush imagery and exhilarating action, Faith Hunter creates a near-future world caught in the throes of an ambiguous apocalypse-where a woman with everything to hide finds her true destiny revealed.

As humanity struggles with religious strife and seraphs and demons fight a never-ending battle, a new species has arisen. «Neomages" are human in appearance, but able to twist left-over creation energy to their will. A threat to both humans and seraphs, they are confined in luxurious Enclaves.

Thorn St. Croix is no ordinary neomage. Nearly driven insane by her powers, she is smuggled out of an Enclave and now lives among humans, channeling her gift of stone-magery into jewelry making. But when Thaddeus Bartholomew, a dangerously attractive policeman, tells her that her ex-husband has been kidnapped, Thorn risks revealing her identity to find him. And for Thorn, the punishment for revelation is death.

Автор: Hunter Faith
Серия: Thorn St Croix
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Błękitny Mars

Błękitny Mars kończy jedną z najwspanialszych sag science fiction, jakie kiedykolwiek napisano; stanowi trzecią część trylogii, wydaną po oklaskiwanym przez krytyków Czerwonym Marsie, który otrzymał Nebulę dla najlepszej powieści oraz Zielonym Marsie, zwycięzcy Nagrody Hugo w tej samej kategorii. Mars zatracił już charakterystyczną czerwoną barwę, teraz dominuje roślinna zieleń i błękit mórz. Ludziom żyłoby się wspaniale, gdyby nie gwałtowny napływ Ziemian. Przerażeni falą imigracji tubylcy mają do wyboru pustoszącą eksplozję populacyjną albo międzyplanetarną wojnę.

Автор: Robinson Kim Stanley
Серия: Mars (pl)
Bramy w piasku

Bramy w piasku to powieść, w której wydarzenia toczą się w oszałamiającym tempie: terroryści, Obcy, pracownicy naukowi obdarzeni niezwykłymi talentami starają się wyjaśnić zagadkę tajemniczego kamienia z pradziejów Kosmosu…

Автор: Zelazny Roger
Black Powder War

After their fateful adventure in China, Capt. Will Laurence of His Majesty’s Aerial Corps and his extraordinary dragon, Temeraire, are waylaid by a mysterious envoy bearing urgent new orders from Britain. Three valuable dragon eggs have been purchased from the Ottoman Empire, and Laurence and Temeraire must detour to Istanbul to escort the precious cargo back to England. Time is of the essence if the eggs are to be borne home before hatching.

Yet disaster threatens the mission at every turn — thanks to the diabolical machinations of the Chinese dragon Lien, who blames Temeraire for her master’s death and vows to ally herself with Napoleon and take vengeance. Then, faced with shattering betrayal in an unexpected place, Laurence, Temeraire, and their squad must launch a daring offensive. But what chance do they have against the massed forces of Bonaparte’s implacable army?

Автор: Novik Naomi
Серия: Temeraire
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Автор: Rosenfelt David
Серия: Andy Carpenter
Bone Gods

Pete Caldecott is trying to survive in Black London without Jack Winter, her teacher and closest friend.

After Jack was turned into a demon, he went to live far out of reach...in hell.

But for Pete, surviving is no easy matter.

The Black is rife with turf wars between mages and necromancers, the witch-hunting Order of the Malleus has resurfaced, and the gods themselves seem to be at each other's throats.

Then Jack reappears, as the head of hell's army, and Pete has to choose between Jack, and her duties as a Weir—which demand she kill him to save the world from certain destruction...

Автор: Kittredge Caitlin
Серия: Black London
Автор: Bova Ben, Ellison Harlan
Boża klepsydra

Jack McDevitt to autor wielu bestsellereów science fiction. Jego styl wyróżnia się lekkością narracji, przygodową akcją i poważnym podejściem do zagadnień naukowych. Niniejsza książka stanowi luźną kontynuację wydanej przed kilku laty powieści „Boża maszyneria”. Cały cykl składa się jeszcze z tomów: „Chindi”, „Omega” i „Odyssey”. Fabuła książki skupia się wokół nadrzędnego celu jaki przyświeca każdemu naukowcowi, czyli dotarciu do prawdy, poszerzeniu limitów ludzkiej wiedzy. Jak dużo jesteśmy w stanie poświecić dla odkrycia, z którym nie zetknął się do tej pory żaden człowiek? Nasz czas? Naszą reputację? Naszą karierę? A może nawet życie?

Na kilka tygodni przed spodziewanym zniszczeniem planety Deepsix w wyniku kolizji z gazowa planetą-gigantem, badacze odkrywają ruiny na powierzchni globu, które mogą oznaczać, że istnieje tam cywilizacja. Akademia nakazuje naukowcom z przelatujących w pobliżu statków, żeby ci wylądowali na powierzchni planety i przeprowadzili niezbędne analizy artefaktów. Dodatkowo do grupy naukowców dołącza popularny z powodu swojego ciętego języka i wyrazistych poglądów znany w całej galaktyce publicysta, który nigdy wcześniej nie opuścił Ziemi. Kiedy lądowniki ekspedycji zostają zniszczone, na skutek trzęsienia ziemi spowodowanego zbliżaniem się gazowego giganta, ekipa musi znaleśc sposób na opuszczenie planety zanim dojdzie do kolizji.

Автор: McDevitt Jack
Серия: Boża maszyneria
Автор: Bergstrom Elaine
Серия: Ravenloft
Автор: Sheckley Robert
Bill, Bohater Galaktyki

Bill, Bohater Galaktyki to jeden z najbardziej cenionych utworów Harrisona i jednocześnie przykład humorystycznego nurtu jego pisarstwa. Jest on satyryczną polemiką z niektórymi aspektami twórczości najpopularniejszego z autorów amerykańskich — Roberta Heinleina.

Bill, Bohater Galaktyki jest odpowiedzią satyryczną na militaryzm, imperializm i szowinizm, na typ edukacji, który — zdaniem Harrisona — produkuje nie supermenów, ale odmóżdżone roboty. O ile Heinlein igra z ideą nadczłowieka, a jego nieśmiertelni lub superinteligentni manipulatorzy są przedstawiani z sympatią, o tyle Harrison nie ma wątpliwości, że superman jest szkodliwy!

Автор: Harrison Harry
Bill, héroe galáctico

Bill, héroe galáctico es el relato despiadado y satírico de las aventuras de un campesino incorporado a la fuerza al servicio militar del Imperio más decadente y corrupto de toda la historia humana.

Bill no llegó a ser héroe a cambio de nada. Le había costado un brazo. Claro que le injertaron otro, pero no hacia juego con el que le quedaba (incluso su color era diferente) .

Al Imperio no le importaba lo más mínimo sus héroes o ciudadanos. Vivian como cerdos y eran tratados como ratas. ¿Qué podían esperar? El Universo entero se hallaba en guerra, y la guerra en el espacio era tan sucia y terrible como en cualquier otro lugar.

Автор: Harrison Harry
Brightness Reef

Millennia ago the Five Galaxies decreed the planet Jijo off limits. But in the last thousand years six races have begun resettling Jijo, embracing a pre-industrial life to hide their existence from the Galactics. Overcoming their differences, the Six have built a society based on mutual tolerance for one another and respect for the planet they live on. But that has all changed with an event the Six have feared for hundreds of years: the arrival of an outside ship. David Brin has returned to his popular Uplift universe in this, the first book of a new trilogy.

Автор: Brin David
Серия: Uplift
Автор: Wilson F Paul
Серия: Repairman Jack
Автор: Wilson F Paul
Серия: Repairman Jack

Lenie Clarke-amphibious cyborg, Meltdown Madonna, agent of the Apocalypse-has grown sick to death of her own cowardice.

For five years (since the events recounted in Maelstrom0, she and her bionic brethren (modified to work in the rift valleys of the ocean floor) have hidden in the mountains of the deep Atlantic. The facility they commandeered was more than a secret station on the ocean floor. Atlantis was an exit strategy for the corporate elite, a place where the world's Movers and Shakers had hidden from the doomsday microbe ßehemoth-and from the hordes of the moved and the shaken left behind. For five years "rifters" and "corpses" have lived in a state of uneasy truce, united by fear of the outside world.

But now that world closes in. An unknown enemy hunts them through the crushing darkness of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. ßehemoth- twisted, mutated, more virulent than ever-has found them already. The fragile armistice between the rifters and their one-time masters has exploded into all-out war, and not even the legendary Lenie Clarke can take back the body count.

Billions have died since she loosed ßehemoth upon the world. Billions more are bound to. The whole biosphere came apart at the seams while Lenie Clarke hid at the bottom of the sea and did nothing. But now there is no place left to hide. The consequences of past acts reach inexorably to the very floor of the world, and Lenie Clarke must return to confront the mess she made.

Redemption doesn't come easy with the blood of a world on your hands. But even after five years in pitch-black purgatory, Lenie Clarke is still Lenie Clarke. There will be consequences for anyone who gets in her way-and worse ones, perhaps, if she succeeds...

Автор: Watts Peter
Серия: Rifters
Blue Boots

New York Times bestseller Robin Hobb is one of the most popular writers in fantasy today, having sold more than one million copies of her work in paperback. She’s perhaps best known for her epic fantasy Farseer series(Assassin’s Apprentice, Royal Assassin,and Assassin’s Quest),as well as the two fantasy trilogies related to it: the Liveship Traders(Ship of Magic, Mad Ship,and Ship of Destiny)and the Tawny Man(Fool’s Errand, Golden Fool,and Fool’s Fate).The last one was reprinted in 2009. She is also the author of the Soldier Son trilogy(Shaman’s Crossing, Forest Mage, and Renegade’s Magic).Her early novels, published under the name Megan Lindholm, include the fantasy novels Wizard of the Pigeons, Harpy’s Flight, The Windsingers, The Limbreth Gate, The Luck of the Wheels, The Reindeer People, Wolf’s Brother,and Cloven Hooves;the science fiction novel Alien Earth,and, with Steven Brust, the novel The Gypsy.Her most recent books as Robin Hobb are the novels Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven.

In the poignant story that follows, she shows us that although love can build bridges across the widest of chasms, those bridges can be swept away by a flood of troubles—but that sometimes, with luck and persistence, they can be built again.

Автор: Hobb Robin

The long-awaited companion to New York Times bestsellers Graceling and Fire

Eight years after Graceling, Bitterblue is now queen of Monsea. But the influence of her father, a violent psychopath with mind-altering abilities, lives on. Her advisors, who have run things since Leck died, believe in a forward-thinking plan: Pardon all who committed terrible acts under Leck's reign, and forget anything bad ever happened. But when Bitterblue begins sneaking outside the castle—disguised and alone—to walk the streets of her own city, she starts realizing that the kingdom has been under the thirty-five-year spell of a madman, and the only way to move forward is to revisit the past.

Two thieves, who only steal what has already been stolen, change her life forever. They hold a key to the truth of Leck's reign. And one of them, with an extreme skill called a Grace that he hasn't yet identified, holds a key to her heart.

Автор: Cashore Kristin
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Автор: Marquitz Tim

There isn't much worth living for in Gypsum, Missouri – or Trashtown, as the rich kids call the run-down neighborhood where sixteen-year-old Hailey Tarbell lives. Hailey figures she'll never belong – not with the popular kids at school, not with the rejects, not even with her cruel, sickly grandmother, who deals drugs out of their basement. Hailey never knew her dead mother, and she has no idea who her father was, but at least she has her four-year-old foster brother, Chub. Once she turns eighteen, Hailey plans to take Chub far from Gypsum and start a new life where no one can find them.

But when a classmate is injured in gym class, Hailey discovers a gift for healing that she never knew she possessed – and that she cannot ignore. Not only can she heal, she can bring the dying back to life. Confused by her powers, Hailey searches for answers but finds only more questions, until a mysterious visitor shows up at Gram's house, claiming to be Hailey's aunt Prairie.

There are people who will stop at nothing to keep Hailey in Trashtown, living out a legacy of despair and suffering. But when Prairie saves both Hailey and Chub from armed attackers who invade Gram's house in the middle of the night, Hailey must decide where to place her trust. Will Prairie's past, and the long-buried secret that caused her to leave Gypsum years earlier, ruin them all? Because as Hailey will soon find out, their power to heal is just the beginning.

This gripping novel from thriller writer Sophie Littlefield blazes a trail from small-town Missouri to the big city as Hailey battles an evil greater than she ever imagined, while discovering strengths she never knew she had.

Автор: Littlefield Sophie
Автор: Silverberg Robert
Bewitched & Betrayed

My name is Raine Benares. I’m a seeker. I find lost things and missing people — usually alive. Finding the specters of six evil mages who escaped the Saghred, a soul-eating stone of unlimited power, was easy. Stopping them before they unleash Hell on earth just may be the death of me.

Being bonded to the Saghred wasn’t my idea — neither is hunting down its escapees. Especially not when one of them is also hunting me. He’s regenerating his body by taking the lives of powerful victims, along with their memories, knowledge, and most important of all, their magic. The dark mage wants control of the Saghred, and if he gets it, he’ll become an evil demigod whom no one can stop. The only thing in his way is me.

One of us doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance.

Автор: Shearin Lisa
Серия: Raine Benares
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Bentley Little wurde in Arizona geboren, kurz nachdem seine Mutter die Weltpremiere von Psycho besucht hatte. Vor seiner Karriere als Autor schlug er sich mit Gelegenheitsjobs als Reporter, Bibliothekar, Zeitungsbote oder Kassierer durchs Leben.

Mit seinem ersten Roman gewann Bentley Little den begehrten Bram-Stoker-Award und machte damit Stephen King auf sich aufmerksam. Seitdem gilt er als Meisterschüler des »King of Horror« und steht seinem Lehrer in nichts nach: Seine Romane begeistern weltweit Millionen Fans. Bentley Little lebt mit seiner Frau in Arizona und schreibt derzeit an seinem nächsten Roman.

Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von

Dr. Rolf Tatje

Für die Originalausgabe:

Copyright © 2003 by Bentley Little

Titel der Originalausgabe: »The Mailman«

Автор: Little Bentley
Автор: Abnett Dan
Серия: Torchwood
Автор: Cornwell Patricia
Серия: Kay Scarpetta
Brave New World
"O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is!
O brave new world
That hath such people in't!"
Miranda's speech in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Автор: Huxley Aldous Leonard

The triumvirate created by master vampire Jean-Claude, necromancer Anita Blake, and werewolf Richard Zeeman has made Jean-Claude one of the most powerful vampires in the U.S. He's consolidating power in himself and those loyal to him, doing in America what Belle Morte did in Europe when she was at her height of power. She almost owned Europe, and there was those who are determined that Jean-Claude won't do the same in America. Jean-Claude's motives may be kinder, but as any lawyer will tell you: motives matter, but you're just as dead.

Assassins are coming to St. Louis to kill them all. Anita knows they're coming, but even being forewarned doesn't mean you can win.

Автор: Hamilton Laurell K
Серия: Anita Blake
Bound to Shadows

In the darkness, demons come out to play . . .

and someone must bring their sins to light.

Part vampire, part werewolf, Riley Jenson knows what can happen when vamps don't play well with others. But she's never seen anything like this: a series of brutal murders surrounding the latest hot spot for vampire-human hookups — and the victims aren't just killed, they're beheaded. Now Riley is launching into action, toying with a seductive — and highly suspicious — club owner, and finding herself in the middle of another mystery: women being killed one by one, without a trace of violence.

For Riley, solving multiple cases — in a world going mad with human and vampire passions — would have been tough enough. Instead she has two jealous lovers on her hands: Kye Murphy, the amber-eyed werewolf who makes Riley's wolf blood howl — and Quinn, the cool, elegant vamp who has over a thousand years' experience at fulfilling women's desires. While she's busy juggling these two sexy beasts, Riley's detective work takes a stunningly violent turn. Finding a murderer is now a matter of life and death. Especially since the killer has long since found her . . .

Автор: Arthur Keri
Серия: Riley Jenson Guardian
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Автор: Kuttner Henry
Book of Shadows

Morgan and her best friend, Bree, are introduced to Wicca when a gorgeous senior named Cal invites them to join his new coven. Morgan falls for Cal immediately-and discovers that she has strong, inexplicable powers.

Автор: Tiernan Cate
Серия: Sweep
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Black Man / Thirteen


Carl Marsalis is a traitor, a bringer of death, a genetic freak and an unwelcome reminder of all that is dark in the human psyche — he in every sense of the word a Black Man. And right at the moment he’s beyond the UN’s juristiction, banged up in a Florida jail for financing an illegal abortion. So when the US police call, Carl cuts a deal.

The 13s are genetically engineered alpha males, designed to fight the century’s last conflicts. But men bred and designed to fight are dangerous to have aroundin peacetime. Many of them have left for Mars, but one has returned. Somehow he survived the journey to Earth, and now a series of brutal slayings has erupted across America. Only Carl can stop him.

And so begins a frenetic man hunt and a battle for survival. And a search for the truth about what was really done with the world’s last soldiers.

Author’s Notes:

“An accidentally lengthy meditation on elements of the human condition that the Kovacs books always had the capacity to sidestep — namely, the prison of our own flesh, and the inevitable doom of our own mortality. A future of genetic science out of control, geo-politics out of joint, and fresh colonial and racist aspirations for the whole human race.

“It took me two years to pull all this material together (or, some might say, apart) — check it out, see if it’s been worth it.”

From the Hardcover edition:

The future isn’t what it used to be since Richard K. Morgan arrived on the scene. He unleashed Takeshi Kovacs—private eye, soldier of fortune, and all-purpose antihero—into the body-swapping, hard-boiled, urban jungle of tomorrow in Altered Carbon, Broken Angels, and Woken Furies, winning the Philip K. Dick Award in the process. In Market Forces, he launched corporate gladiator Chris Faulkner into the brave new business of war-for-profit. Now, in Thirteen, Morgan radically reshapes and recharges science fiction yet again, with a new and unforgettable hero in Carl Marsalis: hybrid, hired gun, and a man without a country…or a planet.

Marsalis is one of a new breed. Literally. Genetically engineered by the U.S. government to embody the naked aggression and primal survival skills that centuries of civilization have erased from humankind, Thirteens were intended to be the ultimate military fighting force. The project was scuttled, however, when a fearful public branded the supersoldiers dangerous mutants, dooming the Thirteens to forced exile on Earth’s distant, desolate Mars colony. But Marsalis found a way to slip back—and into a lucrative living as a bounty hunter and hit man before a police sting landed him in prison—a fate worse than Mars, and much more dangerous.

Luckily, his “enhanced” life also seems to be a charmed one. A new chance at freedom beckons, courtesy of the government. All Marsalis has to do is use his superior skills to bring in another fugitive. But this one is no common criminal. He’s another Thirteen—one who’s already shanghaied a space shuttle, butchered its crew, and left a trail of bodies in his wake on a bloody cross-country spree. And like his pursuer, he was bred to fight to the death. Still, there’s no question Marsalis will take the job. Though it will draw him deep into violence, treachery, corruption, and painful confrontation with himself, anything is better than remaining a prisoner. The real question is: can he remain sane—and alive—long enough to succeed?

Автор: Morgan Richard K
Blood Witch

Morgan continues to unravel her past and the story of her birth mother as her relationship with Cal develops. She begins to understand more about her power as a blood witch when she finds her mother's tools of magic. Morgan can't quite relax into her relationship with Cal and the rather mysterious Hunter begins to feature more in her life. Cal and Hunter fight and, when Morgan intervenes, Hunter falls over the edge of the cliff into the rocks and water below. The book ends as Morgan begins her seventeenth birthday convinced that she is responsible for Hunter's death.

Автор: Tiernan Cate
Серия: Sweep
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Black Magick

Continues the story of Morgan as her power as a witch begins to grow. Her love for Cal deepens but she worries when Cal and Hunter, another witch, fight and she later believes she has caused Hunter's death. Morgan's powers grow stronger and she begins to discover truths about Cal and his mother, Selene Belltower, truths that cast doubt on Cal's motives and intentions towards Morgan.

Автор: Tiernan Cate
Серия: Sweep
Bad Moon Rising

A stunning and suspenseful new landscape emerges in the thrilling Dark-Hunter world – a world where nothing will ever be the same again…

Fang Kattalakis isn't just a wolf. He is the brother of two of the most powerful members of the Omegrion: the ruling council that enforces the laws of the Were-Hunters. And when war erupts among the lycanthropes, sides must be chosen. Enemies are forced into shaky alliances. And when the woman Fang loves is accused of betraying her people, her only hope is that Fang believes in her. Yet in order to save her, Fang must break the law of his people and the faith of his brothers. That breech could very well spell the end of both their races and change their world forever.

Автор: Kenyon Sherrilyn
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Blood Memories

Eleisha Clevon has the face of a teen angel, but she is no angel. Unlike most vampires, she doesn't like to kill, but self-preservation comes first.

When an old friend destroys himself by walking into sunlight right in front of her, Eleisha is shocked. And what she finds afterwards points to how very sick of his existence her friend had become — piling drained corpses in the basement and keeping records of other vampires' real names and addresses. That's a problem.

Because now, there are policemen on the case: two very special humans with some gifts of their own. They know who Eleisha is, and, even more dangerous, what she is.

Автор: Hendee Barb
Серия: Vampire Memories
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Bloody Bones

First, there were the dead in the graveyard who I'd been hired to raise to settle a dispute over who owned the land they were buried on. Then the three dead teenagers in the woods and another girl, drained of blood. Something was wrong in and around Branson, Missouri. And I was right in the middle.

Серия: Anita Blake
Burnt Offerings

"You can't trust anyone who sleeps with monsters". That's what Anita Blake had always believed. But now she was sharing a bed with the Master Vampire of the city. So when an arsonist began to target vampire victims, the creatures of the night turned to their former enemy. For now only "The Executioner" could save them from the inferno.

Серия: Anita Blake
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Blue Moon

"Richard was an alpha werewolf. It was his only serious flaw. We'd broken up after I'd seen him eat somebody". Thrown into jail for assaulting a woman, Anita's ex-fiance needs her help. She has just a few days to spring him and find out who framed him; the full moon is on its way.

Серия: Anita Blake
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Автор: Sawyer Robert J
Blood of Ambrose

“Blood of Ambrose is slick, weaving a dark tale of despair and death as our heroes struggle to save their kingdom and, as the book moves forward, the entire continent as a darker and far more dangerous adversary is revealed. Enge’s style is more show than tell and for Blood of Ambrose this works magically as the Two Cities of the Ontilian Empire seem to breathe life throughout the pages….It seemed too soon when I reached the end, so well had Enge penned this barbaric and epic tale. I fully understand now why the book was recently nominated for Best Fantasy Book of the Year.”

—Shiny book Review
Автор: Enge James
Серия: Ambrose
Black Air

“Black Air” tells the story of the Spanish Armada from the point of view of a young boy able to sense the impending death of other people.

Автор: Robinson Kim Stanley
Автор: Komuda Jacek


Staņislavs Lems.


Sajā grāmatā publicēts rokraksts, kas pēc pro­fesora Pitera E. Hogarta nāves atrasts viņa pa­pīros. Sis varenā prāta cilvēks diemžēl nepaspēja galīgi sagatavot un pabeigt manuskriptu pie kura bija strādājis ilgāku laiku. Viņu kavēja slimība. Tā kā par šo viņam neparasto darbu, kurš bija pasākts ne tik daudz aiz patikas, kā, aiz pienākuma apziņas, nelaiķis profesors ne­labprāt runāja pat ar sev tuviem cilvēkiem, pie kuriem man bija tas gods piederēt, tad, sagata­vojot rokrakstu izdošanai, atklājās dažas ne­skaidrības un strīdīgi jautājumi. Patiesības la­bad man jāpaskaidro, ka to cilvēku vidū, kuri bija iepazīstināti ar manuskripta tekstu, radās iebildumi pret tā publicēšanu, jo tāds it kā ne­esot bijis nelaika nodoms. Taču nebija saglabā­jies neviens viņa rakstveida apliecinājums šāda veida nostādnei, tāpēc jādomā, ka līdzīgi pie­ņēmumi ir nepamatoti. Toties gluži skaidrs bija, ka manuskripts ir nepabeigts, jo tam trūka virs­raksta, un tāpat tikai uzmetumos izdevās atrast kādu fragmentu, kuram — un šeit radās vislie­lākās šaubas — vajadzēja būt vai nu ievadam, vai arī pēcvārdam.

Uz testamenta pilnvaru pamata es kā nelaika draugs un kolēģis galu galā nolēmu šo frag­mentu, kas grāmatas izpratnei ir būtiski svarīgs, izmantot par ievadvārdiem. Virsrakstu «Balss no debesīm» ierosināja izdevējs misters Džons F. Kilers, kuram es šeit vēlētos izsacīt pateicību par iejūtīgo gādību, kādu viņš izrādīja, rūpēda­mies par profesora Hogarta pēdējā darba izdo­šanu, un tāpat es gribētu pateikties misis Ro- zemundai T. Selingai, kura ar tādu centību veica sagatavošanas darbu un lasīja teksta pēdējo korektūru.

Profesors Tomass V. Vorens, Vašingtonas Universitātes Matemātikas


Vašingtonā, Kolumbijas novads, 1996. gada aprīli.



Žils Verns

Jules Verne LES CINQ CENTS MILLIONS DE LA BEGUM Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1917

No franču valodas tulkojusi M. Silmale Pēcvārda autors J. Brandiss Mākslinieks N. Seminihins

Izdots saskaņa ar Latvijas PSR Zinātņu akadēmijas Redakciju un izdevumu padomes lēmumu

Tulkojums latviešu valodā, 70304-068 47mnnnnnn pēcvārds Izdevniecība

«Zinātne», 1979

Автор: Verns ils
Birth Of Fire

Editorial Reviews

Ingram Birth Of Fire is the story of Garrett Pittston, wrongly convicted of murder. Pittston faces a choice: life in prison, or near-slavery on Mars. Under the appalling conditions imposed by those who run the mines from Earth, Pittston and his fellow workers start a revolution to wrest their freedom from the penal colony. Display advertising in science fiction publications. Previously published by Pocket Books.

Customer Reviews

Avg. Customer Review:

One of the Best Mars Colonization Novels Ever, November 7, 2001 Reviewer:

I had not read any of Jerry Pournelle's other books, when I picked this up years ago. It is an amazingly good yarn dealing with the now cliched notion of the colonization of Mars. The lead protagonist Garrett is given the option to stay in jail in overcrowded earth or get shipped out to Mars on a work detail.

He opts for the latter and gets involved in a revolution to free Mars from the oppressive multinational corporations back on earth. I read this book at least thrice! Great writing. The author moves the action at a good pace. The book felt very believable.

Good story - classic Pournelle, August 3, 2001 Reviewer:

After I read 'Janissaries' I had a 'Pournelle reading frenzy' and this is one of the novels I bought as well.

I like it, it's quite classic. Boy gets to mars 'cause he doesn't have much of a future back home. When arriving on Mars it seems he won't have much of a future there either. But the locals help him out and suddenly he finds himself caught up in a revolution… classic, not the most complex plot ever, but a good read never the less. A juvenile in the Heinlein tradition, August 30, 2000 Reviewer:

Garrett Pittson is a youth without a future in a Washington slum. After a fight between gangs he is convicted to exile and slave labour on Mars. There he is picked up by the Marsmen, emigrants and former convicts turned settlers outside the cities and mines governed by companies - and lands in the midst of a revolution in growing. Allegiance to new-won friends and love to a settler's daughter makes him join the revolution and together with the revolution the Project - using nukes to make volcanoes spew out enough water and gases to strengthen Mars atmosphere sufficiently for humans to live without space suits on Mars. Some fight scenes of the Falkenberg quality. All in all a lot like Heinlein's juveniles - in atmosphere as well as in message. solid but unexceptional Pournelle, May 24, 2000 Reviewer:

A Birth of Fire is an entertaining read with all of the Pournelle elements you would expect. The character of the young protagonist is developed nicely. The plot is solid and moves along well; helped by some interesting military tactics. The Martian setting is very well developed.

However, the book doesn't have the same spark as most other Pournelle novels. The biggest disappointment is that only the main character is developed enough to make the reader care about his fate. We never really learn enough about the thoughts and motivations of the girl who is one of the two supporting characters to become caught up in her story. The Martian colonial society also has a few small but nagging inconsistancies.

Автор: Pournelle Jerry
Автор: Barker Clive
Автор: Barker Clive
Автор: Barker Clive
Автор: Barker Clive
Автор: Barker Clive
Автор: Barker Clive
Автор: Asprin Robert Lynn
Серия: Thievs World
Автор: Vornholt John
Автор: Varley John
Автор: Vinge Vernor
Автор: Cook Glen
Серия: Garrett Files
Автор: Cook Glen
Серия: The Black Company
Blind Shrike

Spyder Lee is a happy man who lives in San Francisco and owns a tattoo shop. One night an angry demon tries to bite his head off before he's saved by a stranger. The demon infected Spyder with something awful - the truth. He can suddenly see the world as it really is: full of angels and demons and monsters and monster-hunters. A world full of black magic and mysteries. These are the Dominions, parallel worlds full of wonder, beauty and horror. The Black Clerks, infinitely old and infinitely powerful beings whose job it is to keep the Dominions in balance, seem to have new interests and a whole new agenda. Dropped into the middle of a conflict between the Black Clerks and other forces he doesn't fully understand, Spyder finds himself looking for a magic book with the blind swordswoman who saved him. Their journey will take them from deserts to lush palaces, to underground caverns, to the heart of Hell itself.

First published in the Infinite Matrix, www.infinitematrix.net, April 2005

In 2007 published re-edited as novel - “Butcher Bird: A Novel of the Dominion”

Автор: Kadrey Richard
Blind Shrike

Spyder Lee is a happy man who lives in San Francisco and owns a tattoo shop. One night an angry demon tries to bite his head off before he's saved by a stranger. The demon infected Spyder with something awful - the truth. He can suddenly see the world as it really is: full of angels and demons and monsters and monster-hunters. A world full of black magic and mysteries. These are the Dominions, parallel worlds full of wonder, beauty and horror. The Black Clerks, infinitely old and infinitely powerful beings whose job it is to keep the Dominions in balance, seem to have new interests and a whole new agenda. Dropped into the middle of a conflict between the Black Clerks and other forces he doesn't fully understand, Spyder finds himself looking for a magic book with the blind swordswoman who saved him. Their journey will take them from deserts to lush palaces, to underground caverns, to the heart of Hell itself.

First published in the Infinite Matrix, www.infinitematrix.net, April 2005

In 2007 published re-edited as novel - “Butcher Bird: A Novel of the Dominion”

Автор: Kadrey Richard
Białe skrzydła kopciuszka

Akcja tego utworu rozgrywa się na pewnej planecie, na której piękna astronautka poddaje się procesowi bioformacji — by stać się ptakiem o białych skrzydłach. O nieoczekiwanych perypetiach związanych z tymi nowymi możliwościami opowiada Bułyczow.

Автор: łyczow ł
Brooklyn Project

We have proven that time travels are safe; the present is affected by changing the past. Nothing had changed—count your pseudopods!

Автор: Tenn William
Автор: Clayton Jo
Автор: Sandford John
Серия: Virgil Flowers
Brain Drain

Artists, composers, and writers are being mutilated and destroyed in the bloodiest murders in police history. This maniac is taking one thing - their brains! The chief of CURE nearly ends up as the next corpse . . . Remo and Chiun are acting fast, and discovering the killer's an old enemy, stockpiling brains to extract the creativity he's lacking . . . They are tracking him to Hollywood - top brain center - where work can be fun! A sexy agent wants Remo for a new career . . . Chiun meets his soap opera idol . . . and there's a great spectacle coming: irresistible force, Sinanju, meeting indestructible object, Mr. Gordons.

Серия: The Destroyer
Bottom Line

The president is calling. Dr. Harold W. Smith, head of the secret agency known as CURE, took the phone from the bottom left drawer of his desk and answered with a sigh, "Yes, sir." The President of the United States could not directly assign CURE to do anything, he could only suggest. The one and only order any president could give CURE would be for its immediate dissolution. And five presidents now hadn't quite done that. Though all five were often tempted. "What do you know about the Lippincott case?" the Southern voice asked. Smith regurgitated a two-page, single-spaced capsule of hard information. "Uh, huh. Well, I hear there's a plot to kill all the Lippincotts, and it has something to do with animals. Weird experiments, like," "I see," Smith gagged. "Yeah, and I think it involves my having the Lippincotts use their clout to open up new trading markets in China." The hint was clear. The White House would like the Destroyer to take a look at the situation. "You'll be using those two, I suppose?" Smith rolled his eyes upward, "I imagine so." "Whatever you say," he drawled, "just, er, um, tell them to keep the deaths down.

Серия: The Destroyer
Bay City Blast

"Yes," Smith said, "he is taking over the city. He is giving an open invitation to organized crime to move its operations into Bay City. He's opening the piers so that contraband can move in and out easily, so drugs can flow freely. Mob interests are coming from all over the country . . . setting up cutting rooms and jewelry factories for stolen diamonds . . . printing facilities for counterfeit stock certificates and securities . . . major counting rooms for what may become the nation's biggest illegal gambling operations. It'll be the crime capital of the U.S. within a few months!" "Well, there's capitalism at work again. Proving that our system works best," Remo said. " . . . And we want you and Chiun to keep him alive. Of course, he won't know who you are or who you work for," Smith said. "Or why. Which includes us, as usual. But that's OK, if we can't kill him with kindness, then we'll CURE him," Remo said. "Let's not get into that," Smith gasped.

Серия: The Destroyer
Скачивание и чтение запрещены Rights Holder: Kensington Publishing
Balance Of Power

Remo and Chiun must focus on the dizzy series of event connecting the banana republic of Hispania, the Peaches of Mecca, and a luscious blonde named Gloria X. The missing link lies in the tequila-soaked brain of Barney Daniels, an ex-CIA agent who is spirited away to a mental hospital when he tips a few wild stories to the press. Under the influence of an intoxicating woman, the groggy sot becomes a hired assassin and gets into some tight situations. Every cutthroat in New York City is plying him with drinks to find out what he knows, and Daniels is having a high time . . . until someone slips him a mickey. It all comes back to his staggering memory in a dream: it's not the U.S. but the Russkies who are pouring missiles into the lush jungles of Hispania. Unless Remo and Chiun act fast, Washington, D.C. is likely to get blasted.

Серия: The Destroyer
Brain World

Milk run. That’s what they told Ronny Bronston this job would be. “Just like a vacation,” his boss had said. All he and the giant Dorn Horsten would have to do is visit the planet Einstein and see if there was any reason not to admit them to United Planets. The planet was a paradise, where the people had bred themselves for intelligence and beauty, where everyone was completely free. Free, sometimes, to get into more trouble than they could handle. Only Ronny could get them out of that trouble; and that’s how he wound up on the Dawnworld, in a gladiator’s arena!

Автор: Reynolds Mack
Серия: United Planets
Burn the Night

The Great Awakening approaches . . .

 After eons in exile, the naturi have broken their chains and now roam the Earth bent on revenge. It is the sworn duty of Mira, the Fire Starter, to protect the nightwalker race — though even she may be powerless to withstand the horrific onslaught. As Mira and her brave lover, the vampire slayer Danaus, stand ready to do battle, thousands of winged shapeshifters darken the skies. The war of ultimate extermination has begun, and the battleground is Mira's home turf.

 The humans don't yet recognize the doom descending upon them. And the nightwalkers will surely perish unless they unite with outcast naturi who claim to want peace. But these unexpected "allies" are the same demons who have long worked for Mira's destruction — and in these darkest of days the lines between friend and foe will blur treacherously before the bloody end of all things.

Автор: Drake Jocelynn
Серия: Dark Days
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Автор: Шоу Боб

It seems that (un)life is going pretty well for Zoey Redbird. She has settled in at the House of Night finishing school and is coming to terms with the vast powers the vampyre goddess, Nyx, has given her. She even has a boyfriend...or two. Best of all, Zoey finally feels she has found somewhere she belongs. Then the unthinkable happens. Human teenagers are being killed, and all the evidence points to the vampires at Zoey's school. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey's past life, she begins to realise that the very powers that made her so unique might also threaten those she loves. Then, when she needs her new friends the most, death strikes the House of Night. Zoey finds herself facing a betrayal that could break her heart and jeopardise the very fabric of her world. Not suitable for younger readers.

Автор: Casr PC, Casr Kristin
Серия: House of Night
Beggars and Choosers

Kress returns to the world of Beggars in Spain to tell a new tale in an America of the future, strangely altered by genetic modifications. Wracked by the results of irresponsible genetic research and nanotechnology and overburdened by a population of jobless drones, the whole world is on the edge of collapse. Who will save it? And for whom?

Nominated for Nebula and Hugo awards for Best Novel in 1995.

Автор: Kress Nancy
Серия: Sleepless
Bal na pięciu księżycach

„Wtedy to do akcji niespodziewanie wkroczył Din. Błyskawicznie wyciągnął z kieszeni cudem uratowany aparat Irka, przyklęknął na jedno kolano i zawołał:

— Jeszcze krok, a strzelę! Mam miotacz!

Zbir stanął. Ale Din mimo to strzelił. Strzelił i trafił. Zdjęcie, które wtedy powstało, krążyło potem po bazach i osiedlach planetarnych, dostarczając wszystkim niezrównanej uciechy.”

Автор: Petecki Bohdan
Brain Twister

Malone lives in a world where psionic powers such as telepathy and teleportation exist. He must cope with them as well as an FBI Director who leaves Malone continually confused about what situation he is being asked to handle and what he is expected to do about it. Malone is charged with investigating leaks in a secret government program. For assistance, he recruits a powerful psi from a mental institution who believes she is Queen Elizabeth I of England. The problem is, she may be right.

Brain Twister marries SF adventure with slapstick comedy for hilarious results.

A shorter version of this work appeared in Astounding Science Fiction in 1959 under the title That Sweet Little Old Lady. First published in the present form in August 1962 (Pyramid Books).

Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1960.

Автор: Phillips Mark
Серия: Psi-Power

Early in the American Civil War, rumors of gold in the Klondike have brought would-be prospectors to North America’s Pacific Northwest. Anxious Russian investors commission American inventor Leviticus Blue to create a machine which can mine through the ice of Russian-owned Alaska. Blue’s “Incredible Bone-Shaking Drill Engine” (or “Boneshaker” for short, named after boneshaker bicycles of the era), instead destroys several blocks of downtown Seattle and releases a subterranean vein of “blight gas” that turns anyone who breathes it into a species of zombie. (Wikipedia)

Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2010.

Автор: Priest Cherie

British author McDonald’s outstanding SF novel channels the vitality of South America’s largest country into an edgy, post-cyberpunk free-for-all. McDonald sets up three separate characters in different eras — a cynical contemporary reality-TV producer, a near-future bisexual entrepreneur and a tormented 18th-century Jesuit agent. He then slams them together with the revelation that their worlds are strands of an immense quantum multiverse, and each of them is threatened by the Order, a vast conspiracy devoted to maintaining the status quo until the end of time. As McDonald weaves together the separate narrative threads, each character must choose between isolation or cooperation, and also between accepting things as they are or taking desperate action to make changes possible. River of Gods (2004), set in near-future India, established McDonald as a leading writer of intelligent, multicultural SF, and here he captures Latin America’s mingled despair and hope. Chaotic, heartbreaking and joyous, this must-read teeters on the edge of melodrama, but somehow keeps its precarious balance.

Won BSFA Award in 2008.

Nominated for Nebula, Hugo, Locus and John Campbell awards in 2008.

Автор: McDonald Ian

In the year 2200 London is in ruins and in the hands of two warring families. Treachery and terror reigns as the families are decimated but Silvia and a cat, a shape-changer take revenge.

Автор: Burgess Melvin
Автор: Hemry John G
Серия: Paul Sinclair
Автор: Hemry John G
Серия: Paul Sinclair
Автор: Larson B V
Серия: Star force

Humans are the warheads in a lethal contest of missiles vs. long-range beams in deep space.

The desperate Homo sapiens of Earth launch their experimental beamship. It’s ultra-tracking and breakthrough technology allows it to out-range the Doom Stars.

The Highborn want that ship. They send swarms of missiles, knowing few will reach it. In the nosecones are their secret weapons—Free Earth Corps heroes from the Japan Campaign.

Launched from the giant missiles like shells in a shotgun, Marten Kluge and his friends must ride their torps into the particle shields and storm aboard the beamship or die in the cold vacuum of space.

BIO-WEAPON is the story of a suicide-ride to hell through a techno blizzard. BIO-WEAPON is a full novel, 85,000 words in length by Vaughn Heppner, Writers of the Future winner, Vol. IX.

Автор: Heppner Vaughn
Серия: Doom Star
Battle Pod

The brutal war of extinction enters a horrifying new round as the cyborgs arrive from the Neptune System, in this, the third book of the series.

The Highborn are remorselessly crushing the obsolete Homo sapiens. Gambling with humanity’s existence, Supreme Commander James Hawthorne attempts to lure the dreaded Doom Stars into a trap. Social Unity’s combined Battlefleet is the bait. The cyborgs are Hawthorne’s secret weapon.

Unfortunately, for Marten Kluge, a vast space battle threatens to take place around Mars. And that is exactly where he and Omi need to go to refuel their stolen shuttle. To reach the Jupiter System, they will need more than luck and Marten’s stubbornness.

Автор: Heppner Vaughn
Серия: Doom Star
Blood Cross

Jane Yellowrock is back on the prowl against the children of the night...

The vampire council has hired skinwalker Jane Yellowrock to hunt and kill one of their own who has broken sacred ancient rules—but Jane quickly realizes that in a community that is thousands of years old, loyalties run deep...

Автор: Hunter Faith
Серия: Jane Yellowrock
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Nunca rompa el círculo.

En esta tercera parte de la innovadora Serie del círculo, Thomas Hunter sólo tiene días para sobrevivir en dos mundos diferentes, llenos de peligro, engaño y destrucción. El destino de ambos mundos depende de su singular habilidad de cambiar realidades por medio de sus sueños. Ahora, guiando un pequeño grupo multiforme conocido como El Círculo, Thomas se encuentra enfrentando nuevos enemigos, desafíos interminables y el amor prohibido de una mujer de lo más insólita.

Entre a la Gran Búsqueda, donde Thomas y una pequeña banda de seguidores deben decidir rápidamente en quién pueden confiar, tanto con sus propias vidas como con el destino de millones de personas.

Автор: Dekker Ted
Brave New Worlds

When the government wields its power against its own people, every citizen becomes an enemy of the state. Will you fight the system, or be ground to dust beneath the boot of tyranny?

In his smash-hit anthologies Wastelands and The Living Dead, acclaimed editor John Joseph Adams showed you what happens when society is utterly wiped away. Now he brings you a glimpse into an equally terrifying future — what happens when civilization invades and dictates every aspect of your life?

From 1984 to The Handmaid’s Tale, from Children of Men to Bioshock, the dystopian imagination has been a vital and gripping cautionary force. Brave New Worlds collects 33 of the best tales of totalitarian menace by some of today’s most visionary writers.

From Huxley's Brave New World, to Orwell's 1984, to Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, dystopian books have always been an integral part of both science fiction and literature, and have influenced the broader culture discussion in unique and permanent ways. Brave New Worlds brings together the best dystopian fiction of the last 30 years, demonstrating the diversity that flourishes in this compelling subgenre. This landmark tome contains stories by Ursula K. Le Guin, Cory Doctorow, M. Rickert, Paolo Bacigalupi, Orson Scott Card, Neil Gaiman, Ray Bradbury, and many others.

Brave New Worlds

When the government wields its power against its own people, every citizen becomes an enemy of the state. Will you fight the system, or be ground to dust beneath the boot of tyranny?

In his smash-hit anthologies Wastelands and The Living Dead, acclaimed editor John Joseph Adams showed you what happens when society is utterly wiped away. Now he brings you a glimpse into an equally terrifying future — what happens when civilization invades and dictates every aspect of your life?

From 1984 to The Handmaid’s Tale, from Children of Men to Bioshock, the dystopian imagination has been a vital and gripping cautionary force. Brave New Worlds collects 33 of the best tales of totalitarian menace by some of today’s most visionary writers.

From Huxley's Brave New World, to Orwell's 1984, to Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, dystopian books have always been an integral part of both science fiction and literature, and have influenced the broader culture discussion in unique and permanent ways. Brave New Worlds brings together the best dystopian fiction of the last 30 years, demonstrating the diversity that flourishes in this compelling subgenre. This landmark tome contains stories by Ursula K. Le Guin, Cory Doctorow, M. Rickert, Paolo Bacigalupi, Orson Scott Card, Neil Gaiman, Ray Bradbury, and many others.

Blood Before Sunrise

What you can't see can kill you…

For months Darian and her Shaede guardian Raif have searched for the Oracle who attempted to overthrow the Shaede Nation-and kill Darian in the bargain. But now that they've finally found the half-crazed Oracle, for their efforts they are granted a possibility too painful for Raif to imagine, and too enticing for Darian to ignore.

Darian is determined to reunite Raif and the daughter he thought was dead, but her mission quickly proves dangerous when her lover Tyler is almost killed. And when a brooding and mysterious Fae warrior offers his guidance-at an extraordinary price-Darian finds herself willing to risk everything. As her single-minded hunt turns into an obsession, and she and Tyler grow further apart, Darian finds herself caught between the man she loves like a brother, and the man whose love she can't live without…

Автор: Bonilla Amanda
Bill, a galaktika hőse

„Ne akarj ember lenni, Bill! Te is tudod, hogy úgysem fog menni. Te hős vagy, Bill, egy igazi galaktikus hős. És ha nem érted a tréfát, miért álltál katonának?”

Bill belép a Galaktikus Birodalom hatalmas haderejébe, s Heliorba utazik, ebbe az acéllabirintusba, a Sötét Űrkor központjába.

S ahogy ő mondogatja: „A háború maga a pokol” — ám egy embernek a lelki üdvét is fel kell áldoznia, hogy a Birodalmat szolgálja.

A galaxisban háború dühöng a chingerek és az emberek között. Bill véletlenül leleplez egy chinger kémet, s az azt követő csatában vitézül harcol. Kitüntetésre terjesztik fel, melyet Heliorban kell átvennie, a Birodalom fővárosában. Ám városnézés közben ellopják a térképét, és menthetetlenül eltéved a labirintusban. Amikor hónapok múltán sikerül eljutnia egy katonai bázisra, bilincsbe verik dezertálásért, és egy pokoli bolygóra viszik kényszermunkára…

Автор: Harrison Harry
Bill, a galaktika hőse

„Ne akarj ember lenni, Bill! Te is tudod, hogy úgysem fog menni. Te hős vagy, Bill, egy igazi galaktikus hős. És ha nem érted a tréfát, miért álltál katonának?”

Bill belép a Galaktikus Birodalom hatalmas haderejébe, s Heliorba utazik, ebbe az acéllabirintusba, a Sötét Űrkor központjába.

S ahogy ő mondogatja: „A háború maga a pokol” — ám egy embernek a lelki üdvét is fel kell áldoznia, hogy a Birodalmat szolgálja.

A galaxisban háború dühöng a chingerek és az emberek között. Bill véletlenül leleplez egy chinger kémet, s az azt követő csatában vitézül harcol. Kitüntetésre terjesztik fel, melyet Heliorban kell átvennie, a Birodalom fővárosában. Ám városnézés közben ellopják a térképét, és menthetetlenül eltéved a labirintusban. Amikor hónapok múltán sikerül eljutnia egy katonai bázisra, bilincsbe verik dezertálásért, és egy pokoli bolygóra viszik kényszermunkára…

Автор: Harrison Harry
Bring the Jubilee

Trapped in 1877, a historian writes an account of an alternate history of America in which the South won the Civil War. Living in this alternate timeline, he was determined to change events at Gettysburg. When he's offered the chance to return to that fateful turning point his actions change history as he knows it, leaving him in an all too familiar past.

From the Inside Flap


—Ray Bradbury

The United States never recovered from The War for Southern Independence. While the neighboring Confederacy enjoyed the prosperity of the victor, the U.S. struggled through poverty, violence, and a nationwide depression.

The Industrial Revolution never occurred here, and so, well into the 1950s, the nation remained one of horse-drawn wagons, gaslight, highwaymen, and secret armies. This was home for Hodgins McCormick Backmaker, whose sole desire was the pursuit of knowledge. This, he felt, would spirit him away from the squalor and violence.

Disastrously, Hodgins became embroiled in the clandestine schemes of the outlaw Grand Army, from which he fled in search of a haven. But he was to discover that no place could fully protect him from the world and its dangerous realities….

“The Civil War has been often rethought, most effectively in Ward Moore's Bring the Jubilee.”

—Donald E. Westlake, The New York Times

#42 in the Millennium SF Masterworks series, a library of the finest science fiction ever written.

‘Seminal… concise and elegiac.’

Encylopedia of Science Fiction

‘A classic alternative world story.’

Brian Aldiss

‘One of the best American writers.’

Ray Bradbury
Автор: Moore Ward W
Серия: SF Masterworks
Bring the Jubilee

Trapped in 1877, a historian writes an account of an alternate history of America in which the South won the Civil War. Living in this alternate timeline, he was determined to change events at Gettysburg. When he's offered the chance to return to that fateful turning point his actions change history as he knows it, leaving him in an all too familiar past.

From the Inside Flap


—Ray Bradbury

The United States never recovered from The War for Southern Independence. While the neighboring Confederacy enjoyed the prosperity of the victor, the U.S. struggled through poverty, violence, and a nationwide depression.

The Industrial Revolution never occurred here, and so, well into the 1950s, the nation remained one of horse-drawn wagons, gaslight, highwaymen, and secret armies. This was home for Hodgins McCormick Backmaker, whose sole desire was the pursuit of knowledge. This, he felt, would spirit him away from the squalor and violence.

Disastrously, Hodgins became embroiled in the clandestine schemes of the outlaw Grand Army, from which he fled in search of a haven. But he was to discover that no place could fully protect him from the world and its dangerous realities….

“The Civil War has been often rethought, most effectively in Ward Moore's Bring the Jubilee.”

—Donald E. Westlake, The New York Times

#42 in the Millennium SF Masterworks series, a library of the finest science fiction ever written.

‘Seminal… concise and elegiac.’

Encylopedia of Science Fiction

‘A classic alternative world story.’

Brian Aldiss

‘One of the best American writers.’

Ray Bradbury
Автор: Moore Ward W
Серия: SF Masterworks
Blood Music

The award winning tale of the inevitable takeover of our society by a benign, intelligent scientific experiment gone awry. In the tradition of the greatest cyberpunk novels, Blood Music explores the imminent destruction of mankind and the fear of mass destruction by technological advancements.

Blood Music follows present-day events in which the fears concerning nuclear annihilation of the world subsided after the Cold War and the fear of chemical warfare spilled over into the empty void of nuclear fear. An amazing breakthrough in genetic engineering made by Vergil Ulam is considered too dangerous for further research, but rather than destroy his work, he injects himself with his creation and walks out of his lab, unaware of just quite how his actions will change the world.

Author Greg Bear’s treatment of the traditional tale of scientific hubris is both suspenseful and a compelling portrait of a new intelligence emerging amongst us, irrevocably changing our world.

Blood Music won the Nebula and Hugo Awards in its original shorter form.

Автор: Bear Greg
Серия: SF Masterworks
Автор: Frost Jason
Серия: Warlord
Barva kouzel

Ve světě, který leží na krunýři obrovské želvy, se vydává na cestu rozverná, temperamentní a neuvěřitelně výstřední výprava. Setkáte se s lakomým a naprosto neschopným čarodějem Mrakoplašem, naivním turistou Dvoukvítkem, jehož Zavazadlo za ním běhá jako pes na stovce malých nožiček, s draky, kteří existují, pokud na ně opravdu věříte, a samozřejmě dojdete až na okraj této podivné planety.

Автор: Pratchett Terry
Серия: Zeměplocha
Bogowie, honor, Ankh-Morpork

Coś nowego pojawiło się między starożytnymi miastami Ankh-Morpork i Al-Khali. Dosłownie. To wyspa, wynurzająca się z dna Okrągłego Morza Dysku. Ponieważ jest niezamieszkana i oba miasta roszczą sobie do niej prawa, komendant Vimes ze swymi wiernymi strażnikami staje wobec zbrodni tak wielkiej, że żadne prawa jej nie obejmują.

Автор: Pratchett Terry
Серия: Świat Dysku
Black Cathedral

At an old manor house on a remote Scottish island, six managers of a large corporation arrive for a week-long stay. Within days they will all suffer horrifying deaths and their bodies will never be found. The government assigns the case to Department 18, the special unit created to investigate the supernatural and the paranormal. However this is no mere haunted house. The evil on this island goes back centuries, but its unholy plots and schemes are hardly things of the past. In fact, while the members of Department 18 race to unravel the island's secrets, the forces of darkness are gathering… and preparing to attack.

Автор: Maynard L H, Sims M P N
Автор: Ruckley Brian
Серия: Godless World
Balsam długiego pożegnania

Twórczość Marka S. Huberatha w pigułce! Zbiór najlepszych opowiadań zajdlowskich autora, oraz całkiem nowych nigdzie dotąd nie publikowanych.

Opowiadania Huberatha są nie tylko oryginalne, w dużej mierze nieprzewidywalnej zaskakujące bogactwem tworzonych światów, ale dotyczą spraw ważnych, wokół których nie ustają publiczne dyskusje i spory. Sam autor twierdzi, że uprawia fantastykę właśnie dlatego, iż pozwala mu ona mówić o ludzkich problemach, o słabościach, o nietolerancji, zawiści i krótkowzroczności, oraz o rozterkach każdego człowieka myślącego: skąd się wzięliśmy? Kim jest Bóg? Czemu istnieje zło w naszym świecie? Te opowieści angażują czytelnika nie tylko intelektualnie, ale i emocjonalnie.

Tytułowy „Balsam długiego pożegnania”, „Akt szkicowany ołówkiem”, „Trzeba przejść groblą”, to nowe propozycje autora.

Czytelnik w proponowanym tomie znajdzie również starsze teksty: nagrodzone Zajdlem „Karę większą, nominowane do tej nagrody „Ostatni którzy wyszli z raju”, oraz inne popularne: „Trzy kobiety Dona”, „Kocią obecność”, „Absolutnego powiernika Alfreda Dyjaka” oraz debiutanckie „Wrocieeś Sneogg, wiedziaam…” nagrodzone w II Konkursie Literackim „Fantastyki”.

Автор: Huberath Marek S
Blue Gold

A POD OF WHALES, DEAD WITHOUT REASON IN SAN DIEGO BAY . . . A PRIMITIVE BRAZILIAN TRIBE WHOSE SECRETS COULD SAVE LIVES . . .A BILLIONAIRE TYCOON SET ON WORLD DOMINATION . . .An investigation into the sudden deaths of a pod of gray whales leads National Underwater & Marine Agency leader Kurt Austin to the Mexican coast, where someone tries to put him and his mini-sub permanently out of commission. Meanwhile, in South America’s lush hills, a specially assigned NUMA® team discovers a murdered body-a member of a mysterious local tribe, who live like ghosts beyond a five-part waterfall the locals call the Hand of God, and are rumored to be led by a mythical white goddess. Now they are in danger from a vicious cadre of bio-pirates intent on stealing medicinal discoveries worth millions.

Автор: Cussler Clive
Серия: NUMA Files
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Alex and Susan Wendt are the perfect couple in search of the perfect brownstone-and they find their dream house in the heart of Brooklyn Heights. Sure, the landlady is a little eccentric, and the handyman drops some cryptic remarks about the previous tenants. But the rent is so low, it's too good to pass up!

Big mistake: Susan soon discovers that the brownstone is crawling with bedbugs... Or is it? She awakens every morning with fresh bites, but neither Alex nor their daughter Emma has a single welt. Exterminators search the property and turn up nothing. Neighbors insist the building is clean. Susan fears that she's going mad-but as the mysteries deepen, a more sinister explanation presents itself: She may literally be confronting the bedbug problem from hell.

An understated horror story filled with loving references to Rosemary's Baby and other classic tales of urban paranoia, Bedbugs will keep your skin crawling into the wee hours of the night.

Ben H. Winters is the New York Times best-selling author of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters (Quirk, 2009). His most recent book, the YA novel The Secret Life of Ms. Finkleman (HarperCollins, 2010), was nominated for an Edgar Award.

Автор: Winters Ben H
Blood Bound

Mechanic Mercy Thompson has friends in low places-and in dark ones. And now she owes one of them a favor. Since she can shapeshift at will, she agrees to act as some extra muscle when her vampire friend Stefan goes to deliver a message to another of his kind.

But this new vampire is hardly ordinary-and neither is the demon inside of him.

Автор: Briggs Patricia
Серия: Mercedes Thompson
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Bone Crossed

Car mechanic and sometime shapeshifter Mercy Thompson has learned, the hard way, why her race was almost exterminated. When European vampires immigrated to North America, they found Mercy's people had a hidden talent — for vampire slaying. Unfortunately for Mercy, the queen of the local vampire seethe has discovered her true identity. She's also furious when she learns Mercy has crossed her and killed one of her vampires. Mercy may be protected from direct reprisals by the werewolf pack (and her interesting relationship with its Alpha), but that just means Marsilia will come after Mercy some other way. So Mercy had better prepare to watch her back.

Автор: Briggs Patricia
Серия: Mercedes Thompson
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Blue Mars

Red Mars, the kickoff to Robinson's epic Mars trilogy, won the Nebula for best SF novel of 1992; its follow-up, Green Mars, won the parallel Hugo for 1994. The conclusion to the saga is not unlike the terrain of Robinson’s Red Planet: fertile and fully developed in some spots, vast and arid in others but, ultimately, it’s an impressive achievement. Using the last 200 years of American history as his template for Martian history, Robinson projects his tale of Mars’s colonization from the 21st century, in which settlers successfully revolt against Earth, into the next century, when various interests on Mars work out their differences on issues ranging from government to the terraforming of the planet and immigration. Sax Russell, Maya Toitovna and others reprise their roles from the first two novels, but the dominant “personality” is the planet itself, which Robinson describes in exhaustive naturalistic detail. Characters look repeatedly for sermons in its stones and are nearly overwhelmed by textbook abstracts on the biological and geological minutiae of their environment. Not until the closing chapters, when they begin confronting their mortality, does the human dimension of the story balance out its awesome ecological extrapolations. Robinson's achievement here is on a par with Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles and Herbert’s Dune, even if his clinical detachment may leave some readers wondering whether there really is life on Mars. (Piblishers Weekly)

Автор: Robinson Kim Stanley
Серия: Mars
Автор: Gibson William
Автор: Sterling Bruce
Автор: Zelazny Roger
Автор: Zahn Timothy
Автор: Zahn Timothy
Автор: Zahn Timothy
Автор: Heinlein Robert A
Автор: Heinlein Robert A
Автор: Heinlein Robert A
Автор: Heinlein Robert A
By the Light of the Moon

Dean Koontz has surpassed his longtime reputation as "America's most popular suspense novelist"(Rolling Stone) to become one of the most celebrated and successful writers of our time. Reviewers hail his boundless originality, his art, his unparalleled ability to create highly textured, riveting drama, at once viscerally familiar and utterly unique.

Author of one #1 New York Times bestseller after another, Koontz is at the pinnacle of his powers, spinning mysteries and miracles, enthralling tales that speak directly to today's readers, balm for the heart and fire for the mind. In this stunning new novel, he delivers a tour de force of dark suspense and brilliant revelation that has all the Koontz trademarks: adventure, chills, riddles, humor, heartbreak, an unforgettable cast of characters, and a climax that will leave you clamoring for more.

Dylan O'Connor is a gifted young artist just trying to do the right thing in life. He's on his way to an arts festival in Santa Fe when he stops to get a room for himself and his twenty-year-old autistic brother, Shep. But in a nightmarish instant, Dylan is attacked by a mysterious "doctor," injected with a strange substance, and told that he is now a carrier of something that will either kill him...or transform his life in the most remarkable way. Then he is told that he must flee--before the doctor's enemies hunt him down for the secret circulating through his body. No one can help him, the doctor says, not even the police.

Stunned, disbelieving, Dylan is turned loose to run for his life...and straight into an adventure that will turn the next twenty-four hours into an odyssey of terror, mystery--and wondrous discovery. It is a journey that begins when Dylan and Shep's path intersects with that of Jillian Jackson. Before that evening Jilly was a beautiful comedian whose biggest worry was whether she would ever find a decent man. Now she too is a carrier. And even as Dylan tries to convince her that they'll be safer sticking together, cold-eyed men in a threatening pack of black Suburbans approach, only seconds before Jilly's classic Coupe DeVille explodes into thin air.

Now the three are on the run together, but with no idea whom they're running from--or why. Meanwhile Shep has begun exhibiting increasingly disturbing behavior. And whatever it is that's coursing through their bodies seems to have plunged them into one waking nightmare after another. Seized by sinister premonitions, they find themselves inexplicably drawn to crime scenes--just minutes before the crimes take place.

What this unfathomable power is, how they can use it to stop the evil erupting all around them, and why they have been chosen are only parts of a puzzle that reaches back into the tragic past and the dark secrets they all share: secrets of madness, pain, and untimely death. Perhaps the answer lies in the eerie, enigmatic messages that Shep, with precious time running out, begins to repeat, about an entity who does his work "by the light of the moon."

By the Light of the Moon is a novel of heart-stopping suspense and transcendent beauty, of how evil can destroy us and love can redeem us--a masterwork of the imagination in which the surprises come page after page and the spell of sublime storytelling triumphs throughout.

Автор: Koontz Dean
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Bite Club

Morganville, Texas is a quiet college town where humans and vampires live in relative peace. But lately a great deal of blood is being spilled — not in a feeding frenzy, but for someone's twisted idea of entertainment. After discovering that vampires populate Morganville — and surviving a number of adventures with her new night-dwelling friends — college student Claire Danvers has come to realise that for the most part, the undead just want to live their lives. But someone else wants them to get ready to rumble. There's a new extreme sport being broadcast over the Internet: bare-knuckle fights pitting captured vampires against one another — or, worse, against humans. Tracking the out-of-town signal leads Claire — accompanied by a loyal group of friends and frenemies — to discover that what started as an online brawl will soon threaten everyone in Morganville. And if they want to survive, they'll have to do a lot more than fight...

Автор: Caine Rachel
Серия: Morganville Vampires
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A new beginning . . . When Stefan Salvatore's first love turned him into a vampire, his world—and his soul—were destroyed. Now he and his brother, Damon, must flee their hometown, where they risk being discovered . . . and killed. The brothers head to New Orleans, looking for safe haven. But the city is more dangerous than they ever imagined, full of other vampires—and vampire hunters. Will Stefan's eternal life be forever damned? Based on the popular CW TV show inspired by the bestselling novels, Stefan's Diaries reveals the truth about what really happened between Stefan, Damon, and Katherine—and how the Vampire Diaries love triangle began.

Brains: A Zombie Memoir

Becker's slender debut novella is an unusual take on the zombie genre: part Grapes of Wrath, part postmodern memoir. A virus outbreak turns millions of people into mindless zombies, and the remaining humans declare war on the undead. Zombified English professor Jack Barnes discovers that he has retained his memories and his consciousness. Joined by several other sentient zombies, Barnes sets off to find the virus's creator in hopes of presenting a treatise on zombie civil rights. Barnes's dogged entitlement and self-centeredness make him both uninteresting and unbearable, and while Becker's writing is crisp, the plot meanders like its characters, consisting of little more than cannibalistic feasts and tin-eared literary and pop culture references (Hell is other zombies; Perhaps life as a zombie is better than no life at all).

Автор: Becker Robin
Beyond the Shadows

Logan Gyre is king of Cenaria, a country under siege, with a threadbare army and little hope. He has one chance - a desperate gamble, but one that could destroy his kingdom.

In the north, the new Godking has a plan. If it comes to fruition, no one will have the power to stop him.

Kylar Stern has no choice. To save his friends-and perhaps his enemies-he must accomplish the impossible: assassinate a goddess.

Beyond the Shadows is the action-packed conclusion to the Night Angel Trilogy.

“What a terrific story! I was mesmerized from start to finish. Unforgettable characters, a plot that kept me guessing, nonstop action and the kind of in-depth storytelling that makes me admire a writer’s work.”

—Terry Brooks

“Kylar is a wonderful character—sympathetic and despicable, cowardly and courageous, honorable and unscrupulous …a breathtaking debut!”

—Dave Duncan, author of The Alchemist’s Code
Автор: Weeks Brent
Серия: Night Angel Trilogy
Blood Brothers of Gor

Tarl Cabot, seeking the monsters from the Steel Worlds, found himself among the cruel savages who rule the vast Barrens.

Though himself enslaved, he stood with his comrades and masters against a coming onslaught. For the Kur had united the enemies of the tribe that held Cabot, and death and destruction were unleashed. Out of the plains came riding hordes of feud-driven braves, from the skies came a host of maddened tarn-riders, and even among the slave girls held by the blood brothers here was a devilish treason.

BLOOD BROTHERS OF GOR is one of the great John Norman epics. It is a long novel of constant action, told in depth and detail, of a struggle fought for the fate of a world where strong men clash and beautiful women await their victors.

Автор: Norman John
Blood Brothers of Gor

Tarl Cabot, seeking the monsters from the Steel Worlds, found himself among the cruel savages who rule the vast Barrens.

Though himself enslaved, he stood with his comrades and masters against a coming onslaught. For the Kur had united the enemies of the tribe that held Cabot, and death and destruction were unleashed. Out of the plains came riding hordes of feud-driven braves, from the skies came a host of maddened tarn-riders, and even among the slave girls held by the blood brothers here was a devilish treason.

BLOOD BROTHERS OF GOR is one of the great John Norman epics. It is a long novel of constant action, told in depth and detail, of a struggle fought for the fate of a world where strong men clash and beautiful women await their victors.

Автор: Norman John

Caitlin Paine awakes from a deep coma to discover she has been turned. Now a true, full-bred vampire, she marvels at her new powers, including her ability to fly, and her superhuman strength. She finds that her true love, Caleb, is still by her side, waiting patiently for her to recover. She has everything she could dream of.  Until it all, suddenly, goes terribly wrong.  Caitlin is horrified to discover Caleb with his ex-wife, Sera, and before Caleb has a chance to explain, Caitlin tells him to leave. Heartbroken, confused, Caitlin wants to curl up and die, her only consolation being in her wolf-pup Rose.

Автор: Райс Морган
Серия: vampire journals
Beasts of Gor

On Gor, the other world in Earth's orbit, the term beast can many any of three things:

First, there are the Kurii, the monsters from space who are about to invade that world.

Second, there are the Gorean warriors, men whose fighting ferocity is incomparable.

Third, there are the slave girls, who are both beasts of burden and objects of desire.

All three kinds of beasts come into action in this thrilling novel as the Kurii establish their first beachhead on Gor's polar cap. Here is a John Norman epic that takes Tarl Cabot from the canals of Port Kar to the taverns of Lydius, the tents on the Sardar Fair, and to a grand climax among the red hunters of the Arctic ice pack.

Автор: Norman John
Beasts of Gor

On Gor, the other world in Earth's orbit, the term beast can many any of three things:

First, there are the Kurii, the monsters from space who are about to invade that world.

Second, there are the Gorean warriors, men whose fighting ferocity is incomparable.

Third, there are the slave girls, who are both beasts of burden and objects of desire.

All three kinds of beasts come into action in this thrilling novel as the Kurii establish their first beachhead on Gor's polar cap. Here is a John Norman epic that takes Tarl Cabot from the canals of Port Kar to the taverns of Lydius, the tents on the Sardar Fair, and to a grand climax among the red hunters of the Arctic ice pack.

Автор: Norman John
Автор: Smith Christopher
Серия: Bullied
Breath and Bone

Everyone in Navronne seems to be after Valen. There is the fanatical Harrower priestess, Sila Diaglou, who wants to raze the kingdom. The Bastard Prince Osriel, who steals dead men's eyes. And the Pureblood Registry, determined to keep every pureblood sorcerer in thrall. Even beings out of myth, the Danae guardians, whose dancing nurtures the earth and whose attention could prove the most costly of all.

As Navronne sinks deeper into civil war and perilous winter, Valen finds himself a bargaining chip in a deadly standoff. Doomed to madness by his addiction to the doulon, and bound by oaths he refuses to abandon, the young sorcerer risks body and soul to rescue one child, seek justice for another, and bring the ailing land its righteous king. Yet no one is who they seem, and Valen's search for healing grace leads him from Harrower dungeons to the very heart of the world. In the twilight of a legend, he at last discovers the hard truth of the coming dark age and the glorious, terrible price of the land's redemption...and his own.

Автор: Berg Carol
Серия: Valen
Błękitny Adept

W zielonej, magicznej krainie, zwanej Phaze, Stile jest potężnym, budzącym lęk Błękitnym Adeptem. Pojedynkuje się z jednorożcem, zabija wielkiego, prastarego smoka i zdobywa miłość damy swego serca.

W równoległym, technokratycznym świecie Protonu prosty niewolnik Stile walczy o zdobycie statusu obywatela, rozgrywając sterowaną przez komputery grę. Wychodzi też zwycięsko z serii ataków na swe życie, zgotowanych przez tajemniczego nieprzyjaciela…

Автор: Anthony Piers
Серия: Adept (pl)
Blackman' Burden

In his “North Africa” trilogy Mack Reynolds argues that a future African continent abandoned by the rest of the world might achieve prosperity if it were unified and brought under the control of a benevolent dictator—here, African-American sociologist Homer Crawford, who under the name of El Hassan strives for “the uniting and modernization of the continent of my racial heritage.”

Serialized in Analog magazine Dec 1961–Jan 1962, but was not published in book form until 1972.

Автор: Reynolds Mack
Серия: North Africa
Border, Breed Nor Birth

El Hassan, would-be tyrant of all North Africa, was on the run. His followers at this point numbered six, one of whom was a wisp of a twenty-four year old girl. Arrayed against him and his dream, he knew, was the combined power of the world in the form of the Reunited Nations, and, in addition, such individual powers as the United States of the Americas, the Soviet Complex, Common Europe, the French Community, the British Commonwealth and the Arab Union, working both together and unilaterally...

A novel of colonialism set in North Africa, continuation of “Blackman’s Burden”. First serialized in Analog magazine in Jul–Aug 1962; published in book form in 1972.

Автор: Reynolds Mack
Серия: North Africa
Автор: Anderson Poul
Серия: Time Patrol
Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight

v1.0 - eBook downloaded from http://torrents.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=463754 and after that imported to fb2 by soshial (21.05.2008)

Blood Lite

The Horror Writers Association Presents


...a collection of entertaining tales that puts the fun back into dark fiction, with ironic twists and tongue-in-cheek wit to temper the jagged edge.

Charlaine Harris reveals the dark side of going green, when a quartet of die-hard environmentalists hosts a fundraiser with a gory twist in "An Evening with Al Gore"...In an all-new Dresden Files story from Jim Butcher, when it comes to tracking deadly paranormal doings, there's no such thing as a "Day Off" for the Chicago P.D.'s wizard detective, Harry Dresden...Sherrilyn Kenyon turns a cubicle-dwelling MBA with no life into a demon-fighting seraph with one hell of an afterlife in "Where Angels Fear to Tread"...Celebrity necromancer Jaime Vegas is headlining a sold-out séance tour, but behind the scenes, a disgruntled ghost has a bone to pick, in Kelley Armstrong's "The Ungrateful Dead." Plus tales guaranteed to get under your skin — in a good way — from Janet Berliner Don D'Ammassa Nancy Holder Nancy Kilpatrick J. A. Konrath and F. Paul Wilson Joe R. Lansdale Will LudwigsenSharyn McCrumb Mark Onspaugh Mike Resnick Steven SavileD. L. Snell Eric James Stone Jeff Strand Lucien Soulban Matt Venne Christopher Welch

So let the blood flow and laughter reign — because when it comes to facing our deepest, darkest fears, a little humor goes a long way!

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Blood, Smoke and Mirrors

Even a bad witch deserves a second chance.

Wrongly accused of using her magic to harm, the closest Catherine Baker comes to helping others is serving their coffee. Life as an outcast is nothing new, thanks to her father’s reputation, but the injustice stings. Especially since the man she loved turned her in.

Now the man has the gall to show up and suggest she become the next Titania? She’d rather wipe that charming grin off his face with a pot of hot java to the groin.

Alexander Duquesne has never faltered in his duties as a guardian-until now. The lingering guilt over Cat’s exile and the recent death of his best friend have shaken his dedication. With the murder of the old Titania, the faerie realm teeters on the brink of chaos. His new orders: keep Cat alive at all costs.

Hunted by a powerful stranger intent on drawing her into an evil web, Cat reluctantly accepts Lex’s protection and the resurrected desire that comes along with it. Lex faces the fight of his life to keep her safe…and win her back. If they both survive.

Warning: This book contains one tough and snarky witch, one gorgeous guardian, explicit blood drinking, magician sex, gratuitous violence against vampires and troublemaking Shakespearean faeries.

Автор: Bachar Robyn
Blind Lake

Utilisant une technologie quantique qu’ils ne comprennent pas totalement, les scientifiques des complexes de Crossbank et Blind Lake observent des planètes extraterrestres distantes de la Terre de plusieurs dizaines d’années-lumière. À Blind Lake, Minnesota, Marguerite Hauser s’intéresse tout particulièrement à un extraterrestre qu’elle appelle « le Sujet », mais que tout le monde surnomme « le homard », à cause de sa morphologie. Et voilà qu’un jour, personne ne sait pourquoi, le Sujet entreprend un pèlerinage qui pourrait bien lui être fatal. Au même moment, l’armée américaine boucle Blind Lake et instaure une quarantaine qui tourne à la tragédie quand un couple qui tentait de s’échapper en voiture est massacré par des drones de combat. Que se passe-t-il à Blind Lake ?

Автор: Wilson Robert Charles
Balshazzar's Serpent

With the universe’s wormholes collapsed, darkness has fallen across interstellar civilization until Dr. Karl Woodward, commander of the starship The Mountain, ventures to an uncharted world and into a terrifying confrontation.

Автор: Chalker Jack L
Серия: Three Kings

When half-human Cal Leandros wakes up on a beach littered with the slaughtered remains if a variety of hideous creatures, he's not that concerned. In fact, he can't remember anything—including who he is.

And that's just the way his deadly enemies like it...

Автор: Thurman Rob
Серия: Cal and Niko
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Quitting her husband's house and moving back in with her horrible family, Lady Maccon becomes the scandal of the London season.

Queen Victoria dismisses her from the Shadow Council, and the only person who can explain anything, Lord Akeldama, unexpectedly leaves town. To top it all off, Alexia is attacked by homicidal mechanical ladybugs, indicating, as only ladybugs can, the fact that all of London's vampires are now very much interested in seeing Alexia quite thoroughly dead.

While Lord Maccon elects to get progressively more inebriated and Professor Lyall desperately tries to hold the Woolsey werewolf pack together, Alexia flees England for Italy in search of the mysterious Templars. Only they know enough about the preternatural to explain her increasingly inconvenient condition, but they may be worse than the vampires — and they're armed with pesto.

Автор: Carriger Gail
Серия: Parasol Protectorate
Blood Will Tell

Eden is a Soul Eater. While that hasn’t meant much to her in the past, she’s pretty sure any minute now she’s going to go all "Carrie" on her eleventh grade class.

Noah is an Ankh. As an immortal Warrior, his purpose in life is to hunt down and kill Soul Eaters.

Eden is Noah’s next assignment. Problem is… this is an assignment with a difference. Eden’s not your average, run of the mill, Soul Eater. Noah’s job? To test Eden for possible redemption.

It’s a risky business.

Especially if Noah awakens Eden’s inner monster.

It would be kind of hard for Eden to listen to the angel on her shoulder when the devil on the other is telling her, her new best friend is a lying, scheming, immortal enemy…

….betrayal is such a bitch.

So is Eden when you get on her bad side.

Автор: Young Samantha
Серия: Warriors of Ankh
Blood Past

All Eden wants is redemption... but the road to redemption is never an easy one.

Travelling to Scotland to find her mother’s bloodline, Eden is soon embroiled in the politics and training of the Scottish Warriors of Neith. It is a world where some stand with open arms ready to welcome her as family, while others keep a wary distance, conspiring against her. Through it all Eden learns of love, friendship, and what it means to be a warrior. Her future has promise... that is until a man she thought forever gone from her life returns to threaten it all.

When the one person Eden loves above all else is endangered, she will have to make a choice. Him... or her?

Life is such a bitch...

... but so is Eden when you don’t play nice.

Автор: Young Samantha
Серия: Warriors of Ankh
BioShock: Rapture

It's the end of World War II. FDR's New Deal has redefined American politics. Taxes are at an all-time high. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has brought a fear of total annihilation. The rise of secret government agencies and sanctions on business has many watching their backs. America's sense of freedom is diminishing… and many are desperate to take that freedom back.

Among them is a great dreamer, an immigrant who pulled himself from the depths of poverty to become one of the wealthiest and admired men in the world. That man is Andrew Ryan, and he believed that great men and women deserve better. And so he set out to create the impossible, a utopia free from government, censorship, and moral restrictions on science—where what you give is what you get. He created Rapture—the shining city below the sea.

But as we all know, this utopia suffered a great tragedy. This is the story of how it all came to be… and how it all ended.

Автор: Shirley John
Blood Blade

After narrowly surviving a bizarre animal attack while on vacation in the wilds of British Columbia, urbanite Cole Wickstrom is introduced to the mysterious world of werewolves, vampires, and other creatures, who are hunted by a loose-knit band of humans called Skinners. Lost and pursued by werewolves in the woods, Cole is saved by a skinner named Paige, who teaches him the ways of the supernatural. Cole realizes that the Skinners are dwindling in numbers and losing a fight against the supernatural creatures that could leak over into the regular human world at any time. Meanwhile the vampire Misonyk, who has an old grudge against the Skinners, has convinced another very powerful creature to fight for him.The creature is very strong, very dangerous and insane. Events set into motion by Misonyk and his creature could very well pave the way for the most powerful breed of werewolves to come forward and reclaim their territory. Cole takes a liking to Paige and cannot just leave her when this vampire and his companion begin their own killing spree. Eventually, Paige convinces Cole to join up with the Skinners and train to become one of them. Cole (and the reader) are shown that the Skinners are more than just hunters, but have their own history as well as a special connection to the supernatural.

Автор: Pelegrimas Marcus
Серия: Skinners
Black Dawn

In Last Breath, the rain brought a new and dire threat to Morganville and its vampires... their ancient enemies, the draug. Now, the vampires are fighting a losing war, and it will fall to the residents of the Glass House: Michael, Eve, Shane and Claire, to take the fight to an enemy who threatens to destroy the town, forever.

Lovers of Morganville, rejoice: Black Dawn takes the intrigue, romance and nail-biting suspense of the series to its highest level yet!

Автор: Caine Rachel
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Burglars' trip

Сказки, рассказанные перед сном профессором Зельеварения Северусом Снейпом

It’s devoted to professor Fate, the unforgettable character of Hollywood*.

*Посвящается профессору Фэйту, незабвенному персонажу голливудского синематографа.

Язык дан человеку для того, чтобы скрывать свои мысли.

Шарль Морис Талейран

Я не сомневаюсь, что наше мышление по большей части обходится без слов.

Альберт Эйнштейн

История научно-практическая, на основе которой всемирно известный профессор Хогвартса Северус Снейп впоследствии написал монографию «Целевое использование Непростительных Заклятий. Варианты применения».

Примечание: Издание монографии было запрещено Министерством Магии Англии по причине содержания в ней практических советов с расчетами и иллюстрациями. Тем не менее, книга имела грандиозный успех, будучи издана во Франции, Германии, Нидерландах, Испании, Греции, Канаде и других странах.

История добровольно-принудительная, в которой замученные переходным возрастом подростки решают возникающие проблемы, как и положено, наименее приемлемыми способами. Зато наиболее болезненными, как для себя, так и для окружающих.

История фатально-оптимистическая, из которой следует, что все, происходящее в подлунном мире, является закономерной неизбежностью. Вот такое moralite.

История активно-теоретическая, о поисках смысла жизни за ее пределами, путем отсутствия осмысленных действий в ее границах, или о том, как у дураков мысли сходятся. И расходятся.

История относительно-математическая, в которой профессор Дамблдор увлекся вычислениями, забыв о погрешности, Северус Снейп в очередной раз вспомнил, до какой степени он ненавидит окружающих, а мистер Малфой, как обычно, просто не смог пройти мимо.

История занудно-террористическая, о том, как бывает полезно успеть подвести итоги, пока итоги не подвели вас. И о Фортуне. Слепой, глухой и кривобокой.

*опыт креста (лат.) Так Фрэнсис Бэкон называл решающий эксперимент, определяющий направление дальнейшего поиска. (А вовсе не то, что некоторые могли подумать).

История информационно-юридическая, рассказанная исключительно мистером Люциусом Малфоем, потому что профессор Снейп, в целях безопасности своего «клиента», до сих пор категорически отказывается комментировать данные события. А с самого «клиента» что взять.

История ритуально-шизофреническая, с элементами паранойи, на основе которой всемирно известный профессор Хогвартса Северус Снейп, может, и хотел бы написать очередную монографию (возможно, даже не одну), да врожденный инстинкт самосохранения не позволяет. Ибо не хочет профессор провести остаток своей бурной жизни ни в клинике Святого Мунго, ни в Азкабане. Так что не станет он монографию писать. Не судьба.

История визуально-юмористическая, о том, что случается, когда интеллект зашкаливает, энергии - через край, а «мирных целей», на которые все это можно направить, на горизонте не видно.

*разновидности безумия бесконечны (лат.)

История безупречно-стратегическая, в которой Альбус Дамблдор наглядно доказал, что наблюдение за процессом гораздо интереснее получения результата, а профессор Снейп не смог ему в этом помешать. Хотя и очень старался.

История абсурдно-хронологическая, очень темная и в целом уголовная, в которой профессор Снейп не может отказаться от внезапно открывшихся возможностей, а мистер Малфой не знает, куда от них деваться.

История загробно-анатомическая, рассказанная в основном мистером Малфоем, потому что профессор Снейп в кои веки все пропустил.

История позитивно-альтернативная, в которой мистер Малфой узнает много нового, а профессор Снейп убеждается, что жизнь действительно развивается по спирали. Да только ему от этого не легче.

История театрально-прикладная о перевоплощении, полном и частичном, рассказанная по большей части мистером Малфоем, потому что профессор Снейпа до сих пор плюется, когда о ней вспоминает.

История совершенно секретная о том, что делал профессор Снейп во время происшествия в Министерстве Магии, вместо того чтобы искать Гарри Поттера в Запретном лесу. И о том, что делал в это же время мистер Малфой, вместо того чтобы пытаться добыть пророчество для любимого Повелителя. И о том, чем в итоге все это безобразие закончилось.

Жизнь делится на три части: когда ты веришь в Санта-Клауса, когда ты не веришь в Санта-Клауса и когда ты уже сам Санта-Клаус.

История примитивно-теократическая, в которой Старейший Князь знакомит профессора Снейпа с основами диалектики на примере отдельно взятого феникса, а профессор Снейп в очередной раз знакомит Старейшего Князя с изгибами собственного мировоззрения. Без примеров.

История, безусловно, самая грустная, о том, как профессор Снейп отправил Альбуса Дамблдора в «очередное приключение», а сам от такого счастья воздержался, чем и вызвал стойкое неудовольствие всех, кто так неосмотрительно легендарному шпиону доверял.

История пространственно-временная, в которой Темный Лорд Волдеморт осознал бескрайность своих возможностей, а профессор Снейп - ограниченность возможностей Старейшего Князя. А еще о глубине души человеческой. И вообще, о ее наличии.

История походно-полевая, о том, как просто при некоторых навыках безвозвратно потеряться в окружающем пространстве.

История дифференциально-вариационная, в которой мистер Гарри Поттер и Темный Лорд Волдеморт наглядно знакомятся с общей теоремой динамики, известной под названием принципа наименьшего принуждения.

История потенциально-драматическая, в которой профессор Снейп узнает много нового о должности Старейшего Князя, а мистер Малфой и Альбус Дамблдор о нем самом.

История последняя, безнадежно-абстрактная, в которой всемирно известный профессор Хогвартса Северус Снейп не оставляет бессмысленных попыток идентифицировать собственную личность. А все окружающие усиленно ему мешают. Впрочем, как обычно.

Автор: , автора без
Автор: Zindell David
Серия: EA Cycle
Blood Music

The book that launched the career of Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author Greg Bear—and earned him an avalanche of praise from the SF world—“Blood Music” offers a “dazzling flight of disciplined imagination. (It’s) one of the most interesting stories to come along in years” (Poul Anderson).

Автор: Bear Gregory Dale
Black Wings: New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

The work of H. P. Lovecraft continues to inspire many of the leading contemporary authors of horror and the supernatural. In this anthology, S. T. Joshi, the world’s leading expert on Lovecraft and the author of the lively treatise The Rise and Fall of the Cthulhu Mythos, tries his hand at assembling a modern-day Lovecraftian anthology, casting his net on both sides of the Atlantic and producing a volume that radically expands our notions of what constitutes “Lovecraftian” fiction. Caitlín R. Kiernan, Brian Stableford, and Nicholas Royle produce innovative deconstructions of Lovecraft’s “Pickman’s Model” and “The Hound.” Michael Shea transfers the Cthulhu Mythos to San Francisco, Laird Barron and Philip Haldeman set their Lovecraftian horrors in the Pacific Northwest, and Donald R. Burleson and William Browning Spencer enliven the parched Southwest with cosmic monsters. Ramsey Campbell, Jonathan Thomas, Jason Van Hollander, and others make Lovecraft himself a character in tales of cosmic menace, while David J. Schow and Michael Cisco ring new changes on the Lovecraftian concept of the forbidden book. These and other stories by Michael Marshall Smith, Norman Partridge, W. H. Pugmire, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Darrell Schweitzer, Donald R. and Mollie L. Burleson, Sam Gafford, and Adam Niswander all reveal how vital and vibrant the Lovecraftian idiom remains… and how terrifying.

Black Wings: New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

The work of H. P. Lovecraft continues to inspire many of the leading contemporary authors of horror and the supernatural. In this anthology, S. T. Joshi, the world’s leading expert on Lovecraft and the author of the lively treatise The Rise and Fall of the Cthulhu Mythos, tries his hand at assembling a modern-day Lovecraftian anthology, casting his net on both sides of the Atlantic and producing a volume that radically expands our notions of what constitutes “Lovecraftian” fiction. Caitlín R. Kiernan, Brian Stableford, and Nicholas Royle produce innovative deconstructions of Lovecraft’s “Pickman’s Model” and “The Hound.” Michael Shea transfers the Cthulhu Mythos to San Francisco, Laird Barron and Philip Haldeman set their Lovecraftian horrors in the Pacific Northwest, and Donald R. Burleson and William Browning Spencer enliven the parched Southwest with cosmic monsters. Ramsey Campbell, Jonathan Thomas, Jason Van Hollander, and others make Lovecraft himself a character in tales of cosmic menace, while David J. Schow and Michael Cisco ring new changes on the Lovecraftian concept of the forbidden book. These and other stories by Michael Marshall Smith, Norman Partridge, W. H. Pugmire, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Darrell Schweitzer, Donald R. and Mollie L. Burleson, Sam Gafford, and Adam Niswander all reveal how vital and vibrant the Lovecraftian idiom remains… and how terrifying.

Black Wings: New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

The work of H. P. Lovecraft continues to inspire many of the leading contemporary authors of horror and the supernatural. In this anthology, S. T. Joshi, the world’s leading expert on Lovecraft and the author of the lively treatise The Rise and Fall of the Cthulhu Mythos, tries his hand at assembling a modern-day Lovecraftian anthology, casting his net on both sides of the Atlantic and producing a volume that radically expands our notions of what constitutes “Lovecraftian” fiction. Caitlín R. Kiernan, Brian Stableford, and Nicholas Royle produce innovative deconstructions of Lovecraft’s “Pickman’s Model” and “The Hound.” Michael Shea transfers the Cthulhu Mythos to San Francisco, Laird Barron and Philip Haldeman set their Lovecraftian horrors in the Pacific Northwest, and Donald R. Burleson and William Browning Spencer enliven the parched Southwest with cosmic monsters. Ramsey Campbell, Jonathan Thomas, Jason Van Hollander, and others make Lovecraft himself a character in tales of cosmic menace, while David J. Schow and Michael Cisco ring new changes on the Lovecraftian concept of the forbidden book. These and other stories by Michael Marshall Smith, Norman Partridge, W. H. Pugmire, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Darrell Schweitzer, Donald R. and Mollie L. Burleson, Sam Gafford, and Adam Niswander all reveal how vital and vibrant the Lovecraftian idiom remains… and how terrifying.

Автор: Curran Tim
Автор: Church T S
Biały smok

Perneńczycy mają problem — ich smoki się starzeją. Trwają więc dyskusje nad ochroną gatunku i w końcu zapada decyzja. Jeźdzcy wykradają jajo smoczycy Ramoth i umieszczają je w przeszlości, chcąc w ten sposób zapewnić sobie przetrwanie smoczego rodu. Nie wiedzą jednak, że podejmując się tego ryzykownego czynu, sprowadzają na siebie niebezpieczeństwo, które trudno było przewidzieć. W starciu z nowym problemem potrzebna będzie im i odwaga i spryt.

Автор: McCaffrey Anne
Beute (Prey)

Ein Forschungslabor mitten in der Wüste von Nevada. Die Wissenschaftler trauen sich nicht mehr aus dem Sicherheitstrakt heraus, denn draußen lauert der Tod. Mutierte Mikroroboter jagen Kaninchen, Kojoten und schließlich auch Menschen. Der Biotechnologe Jack, extra eingeflogen, um den Killer-schwarm zu vernichten, muss sehr schnell feststellen, dass seine Mission fast hoffnungslos ist ...

Автор: Crichton Michael
Bringt mir den Kopf des Märchenprinzen

Wie gewinnt man den 1. Preis im Millenium-Wettbewerb der allerübelsten Tat? Der listige Dämon Elbub schickt einen Märchenprinzen auf die Reise zu einer verwunschenen Prinzessin und sorgt für mehr als eine unangenehme Überraschung.

Автор: Thomas Nick S
Серия: Battle Earth

Гарри Поттер осужден за убийство, которого он не совершал, и отправлен в Азкабан на долгие десять лет. Однако за эти годы угроза Вольдеморта стала лишь страшнее. Что сделает Гарри, вновь столкнувшись лицом к лицу со своим злейшим врагом и предавшими его друзьями? Переметнется ли он на темную сторону или будет бороться с ней?

Автор: Flint Eric
Серия: Boundary
By Eminent Domain


Things are changing for the supersecret organization known as CURE. Dr. Harold Smith has a protégé, Remo is thinking about apprentice shopping and Chiun is fantasizing about retirement from the headaches of the job (i.e., Remo). Yet the world still has big trouble to dish out for the master assassins-and this time it's a real doozy.

Somebody's given America an eviction notice in Alaska-in the form of mass murder. Pipeline workers and dozens of U.S. troops are being slaughtered by a mysterious "ghost force" of silent killers. Remo and Chiun recognize the techniques-a bargain basement brand of Sinanju-which poses an alarming question. Who has trained an army of die-hard Soviet troops in the ancient, secret art of the master assassins?

Серия: The Destroyer
Bloody Tourists

A-Kickin' and A-Grinnin'

The tiny Caribbean tourist trap of Union Island wants to declare its independence from the U.S. And while baby-faced island leader Greg Grom's "Free Union Island" movement is taken about as seriously as a summer day, good ol' Greg is touring Dixieland's hot spots, from the honky-tonks to the hee-haws, trying to rally support for the cause. And some weird stuff is happening . . .

Ordinary beer-swilling, foot-stomping, line-dancing yahoos are running amok, brawling like beasts on a rampage. Remo Williams -- currently not experiencing a lot of job satisfaction as Reigning Master -- spots the connection between the doofball from Union Island and the redneck killer zombies. And he's pretty sure Greg is slipping something into the local brew, but the why is another matter. No biggie. Remo's not in a mood to make friends, or deal with the Chiun's abuse or CURE's insults. He's here to smoke some bacon. Happily.

Серия: The Destroyer
Blood of Elves

Watch for the signs! What signs these shall be, I say unto you: first the earth will flow with the blood of Aen Seidhe, the Blood of Elves…

For over a century, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves have lived together in relative peace. But times have changed, the uneasy peace is over, and now the races are fighting once again. The only good elf, it seems, is a dead elf.

Geralt of Rivia, the cunning assassin known as The Witcher, has been waiting for the birth of a prophesied child. This child has the power to change the world – for good, or for evil.

As the threat of war hangs over the land and the child is hunted for her extraordinary powers, it will become Geralt's responsibility to protect them all – and the Witcher never accepts defeat.

Following The Last Wish, BLOOD OF ELVES is the new novel starring Geralt of Rivia, the inspiration for the critically-acclaimed videogame The Witcher.

Автор: Sapkowski Andrzej
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Black Magic Sanction

Rachel Morgan has fought and hunted vampires, werewolves, banshees, demons, and other supernatural dangers as both witch and bounty hunter—and lived to tell the tale. But she's never faced off against her own kind . . . until now. Denounced and shunned for dealing with demons and black magic, her best hope is life imprisonment—at worst, a forced lobotomy and genetic slavery.

Only her enemies are strong enough to help her win her freedom, but trust comes hard when it hinges on the unscrupulous tycoon Trent Kalamack, the demon Algaliarept, and an ex-boyfriend turned thief.

Автор: Harrison Kim
Серия: The Hollows
Before I Wake

I died on a Thursday—killed by a monster intent on stealing my soul.

The good news? He didn’t get it.

The bad news?

Turns out not even death will get you out of high school...Covering up her own murder was one thing, but faking life is much harder than Kaylee Cavanaugh expected. After weeks spent “recovering,” she’s back in school, fighting to stay visible to the human world, struggling to fit in with her friends and planning time alone with her new reaper boyfriend.

But to earn her keep in the human world, Kaylee must reclaim stolen souls, and when her first assignment brings her face-to-face with an old foe, she knows the game has changed. Her immortal status won’t keep her safe. And this time Kaylee isn’t just gambling with her own life....

Автор: Vincent Rachel
Серия: Soul Screamers
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Blask twoich oczu

Tiril, Erling i Móri muszą się rozdzielić…

Tiril, ścigana przez dwu mężczyzn, ucieka na morze, które wynosi jej łódź na brzeg samotnej wysepki. Mijają miesiące, a Erling wciąż rozpaczliwie szuka zaginionej dziewczyny.

Czarnoksiężnik Móri wraca na Islandię, by zrealizować swe zuchwałe marzenie o zdobyciu magicznej księgi, Rödskinny. Śmiertelnie zagrożony przekazuje telepatyczne przesłanie Tiril, która postanawia zrobić wszystko, by mu pomóc…

Автор: Sandemo Margit

Na barki młodego Dolga spada wielka odpowiedzialność. Jego pomocy potrzebują nie tylko rodzice, pojawia się też Danielle. Danielle to zastraszone i poniewierane dziecko, które przez większą część życia trzymano w zamknięciu. Kiedyś miała brata, ale rozum pomieszał mu się po tym, jak zaczął widywać ducha…

Автор: Sandemo Margit
Bleak Seasons

“Let me tell you who I am, on the chance that these scribblings do survive...

I am Murgen, standardbearer of the Black Company, though I bear the shame of having lost that standard in battle. I am keeping these annals because Croaker is dead, One-Eye won’t, and hardly anyone else can read or write. I will be your guide for however long it takes the Shadowlanders to force our present predicament to its inevitable end...

I expect these writings to blow away on a dark wind, never to be touched by another eye. Or they might become the tinder Shadowspinner uses to light the pyre under the last man he murders after taking Dejagore...”

Автор: Cook Glen Charles
Серия: The Black Company
Автор: Tenn William
Автор: Tenn William
Bestia I Wilki

Bliźniacy Ulvar i Marco różnili się od siebie tak bardzo, jak tylko to między braćmi jest możliwe. Marco był piękny niczym młody bożek, Ulvar natomiast przypominał najstraszniejszą bestię. Ludzie Lodu wiedzieli, że każdy z braci ma do spełnienia specjalne zadanie, nikt jednak nie mógł uwierzyć, by jakiekolwiek dobro mogło przyjść za sprawą Ulvara, który był zły jak najprawdziwszy diabeł…

Автор: Sandemo Margit
Best Served Cold

Springtime in Styria. And that means war.

There have been nineteen years of blood. The ruthless Grand Duke Orso is locked in a vicious struggle with the squabbling League of Eight, and between them they have bled the land white. While armies march, heads roll, and cities burn, behind the scenes bankers, priests and older, darker powers play a deadly game to choose who will be king.

War may be hell, but for Monza Murcatto, the Snake of Talins, the most feared and famous mercenary in Duke Orso’s employ, it’s a damn good way of making money too. Her victories have made her popular — a shade too popular for her employers taste. Betrayed, thrown down a mountain and left for dead, Murcatto’s reward is a broken body and a burning hunger for vengeance. Whatever the cost, seven men must die.

Her allies include Styria’s least reliable drunkard, Styria’s most treacherous poisoner, a mass-murderer obsessed with numbers and a barbarian who just wants to do the right thing. Her enemies number the better half of the nation. And that’s all before the most dangerous man in the world is dispatched to hunt her down and finish the job Duke Orso started…

Springtime in Styria. And that means revenge.

Автор: Morris Mark
Серия: Torchwood
Автор: Paolini Christopher
Серия: Inheritance
Автор: Sheckley Robert
Автор: Sheckley Robert
Автор: Asimov Isaac
Автор: Thomas Nick S
Серия: Battle Earth
Автор: Thomas Nick S
Серия: Battle Earht
Автор: Thomas Nick S
Серия: Battle Earth
Автор: Silverberg Robert
Broken: A Plague Journal

An author struggles to make amends for the war-torn realities he has written into existence. He leaves his empty life behind and travels across a spectrum of parallel universes in a frantic hunt for Maire, the maniacal architect of the Sixth Extinction, who has forged a new alliance and will stop at nothing to erase all realities from existence. Both a sequel to and a retelling of Enemy and An End, Broken merges the rich, horrifying universes of the previous installments of the Silver trilogy into a haunting story that is part love letter, part handbook for the apocalypse, and part confession.

The recipient of the silver medal for the Fantasy/Science Fiction category of the 2006 Independent Publisher Book Awards, Broken: A Plague Journal is the third and final book in the Silver trilogy by Paul Evan Hughes.

Автор: Hughes Paul Evan
Серия: The Silver Trilogy
BattleTech: Остров благословенных

Книга серии BattleTech/Боевые роботы.

3072 года. Битва за планету Новый Авалон, Слово Блейка против Федеративных Солнц.

Автор: Моен Стивен
Blind Lightning

From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:

The Budrys story depicts meek, peaceful alien beings, intelligent but simple. Now we meet a very different sort of creature: a ravenous beast out of nightmare, rippling with strength, coursing with barely repressed violence. Yet Harlan Ellison’s Lad-nar and Algis Budrys’ Tylus both regard the Earthmen who visit them as supernatural beings. They recognize in them the skills and powers of superior civilizations. In this story, intelligence meets brute force in a conflict that is not quite a conflict, and a strange, curiously touching relationship develops between man and monster on this rugged lightning-blasted world.

Harlan Ellison has been a professional writer since 1955, and this was one of his first published stories. It reveals the power and intensity of imagination that has since carried him to a successful career as an author of screenplays for television and motion pictures.

Автор: Ellison Harlan

As in its predecessor, we are back in the Yorkshire town of Malbry, and in the company of a young man whose behaviour verges on the sociopathic. BB is in his 40s, still living with his mother and making his living with an unrewarding (in every sense) hospital job. His ‘real’ world is a virtual one. On a website which he has called ‘badguysrock’, he has an avatar -- and as the blueeyedboy of the title, he deals in deeply unsettling violent scenarios which feature people from his own life. As we enter deeper into this murky world, we learn other equally disturbing facts. BB has an unhealthy relationship with his mother, whose violent, controlling behaviour is some kind of a pointer to the unhappy man he has become as an adult. What's more, he appears to be the only surviving brother of a group of three. His dead brothers were named after the colours in which their mother dressed them, and had died in mysterious circumstances. There are so many off-kilter aspects to this world that readers will quickly discern it is only a matter of time before something very nasty happens.

Автор: Turtledove Harry
Серия: Gap

As demonic Fomorii ravage their land, Bec and a band of warrior companions leave their devastated rath to answer a plea for help. An orphaned priestess-in-training, Bec hopes the journey will help her solve the mysteries of her birth. But fighting demons has a steep price…

Автор: Shan Darren
Серия: The Demonata
Blood Beast

Grubbs Grady has so far escaped the family curse, but when he begins to experience alarming symptoms at the onset of the full moon, he is scared that the jaws of fate are opening and about to swallow him whole. He has cheated death, defeated demons, moved on with his life. But Grubbs is torn between the world of magic and his wolfen genes. Can he fight the beast inside or will he fall victim to his tainted blood?

Автор: Shan Darren
Серия: The Demonata
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Blood of the Demon


Welcome to the world of Kara Gillian, a cop with a gift. Not only does she have the power of “othersight” to see what most people can’t even imagine, but she’s become the exclusive summoner of a demon lord. Or maybe it’s the other way around. The fact is, with two troublesome cases on her docket and a handsome FBI agent under her skin, Kara needs the help of sexy, insatiable Lord Rhyzkahl more than he needs her. Because these two victims, linked by suspicious coincidence, haven’t just been murdered. Something has eaten their souls.

It’s a case with roots in the arcane, but whose evil has flowered among the rich, powerful, and corrupt in Beaulac, Louisiana. And as the killings continue, Kara soon realizes how much there’s still to learn about demons, men, and things that kill in the night—and how little time she has to learn it.

Автор: Rowland Diana
Серия: Kara Gillian
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From the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of Parable of the Sower—one of the few African-American women writing science fiction—comes a collection of chilling fiction—true parables of the contemporary world. "Butler graces new mansions of thought with her eloquent, distinguished, and poignant prose". —Booklist.

Автор: Butler Octavia E
Автор: Abercrombie Joe
Bad Medicine

A man looking for psychotherapy is accidentally sold a Martian therapeutic machine — with unexpected consequences.

First published in Galaxy 1956/7

The story was published in 1957 by Bantam Books as a part of the Pilgrimage to Earth collection of science fiction short stories by Robert Sheckley.

Автор: Sheckley Robert
Автор: Schend Steven E
Серия: Waterdeep
Beyond the Sea Gates of the Scholar Pirates of Sarsköe

Garth Nix was born in 1963 in Melbourne, Australia, and grew up in Canberra. When he turned nineteen he left to drive around the UK in a beat-up Austin with a boot full of books and a Silver-Reed typewriter. Despite a wheel literally falling off the car, he survived to return to Australia and study at the University of Canberra. He has since worked in a bookshop, as a book publicist, a publisher’s sales representative, an editor, a literary agent, and as a public relations and marketing consultant. He was also a part-time soldier in the Australian Army Reserve, but now writes full-time.

His first story was published in 1984 and was followed by novels The Ragwitch, Sabriel, Shade’s Children, Lirael, Abhorsen, the six-book YA fantasy series “The Seventh Tower,” and most recently the seven-book “The Keys to the Kingdom” series. He lives in Sydney with his wife and their two children.

Автор: Nix Garth
Barrayar (на испанском)

Попытка покушения на Эйрела Форкосигана при помощи ядовитого газа не удалась, но при этом пострадала беременная Корделия. У новорожденного Майлза Форкосигана вечно ломаются кости и множество других медицинских проблем. Он вырастет низкорослым.

Автор: Bujold Lois McMaster
Серия: Barrayar (es)
Автор: Howard Robert Ervin
Автор: Howard Robert Ervin
Bones of the Earth

Paleontologist Richard Leyster has achieved professional nirvana: a position with the Smithsonian Museum plus a groundbreaking dinosaur fossil site he can research, publish on, and learn from for years to come. There is nothing that could lure him away—until a disturbingly secretive stranger named Griffin enters Leysters office with an ice cooler and a job offer. In the cooler is the head of a freshly killed Stegosaurus.

Griffin has been entrusted with an extraordinary gift, an impossible technology on loan to humanity from unknown beings for an undisclosed purpose. Time travel has become a reality millions of years before it rationally could be. With it, Richard Leyster and his colleagues can make their most cherished fantasy come true. They can study the dinosaurs up close, in their own time and milieu.

Now, suddenly, individual lives can turn back on themselves. People can meet, shake hands, and converse with their younger versions at various crossroads in time. One wrong word, a single misguided act, could be disastrous to the project and to the world. But Griffin must make sure everything that is supposed to happen does happen—no matter who is destined to be hurt… or die.

And then there’s Dr. Gertrude Salley—passionate, fearless, and brutally ambitious—a genius rebel in the tight community of “bone men” and women. Alternately both Leyster’s and Griffin’s chief rival, trusted colleague, despised nemesis, and inscrutable lover at various junctures throughout time, Salley is relentlessly driven to screw with the working mechanisms of natural law, audaciously trespassing in forbidden areas, pushing paradox to the edge no matter what the consequences may be. And, when they concern the largest, most savage creatures that ever lived, the consequences may be terrifying indeed.

Автор: Swanwick Michael

“Bolos. For a millennium and a half, they have been humanity’s warriors. They have fought Man’s battles, died in Man’s wars, battled to save Man’s children, even from his own kind. They have guarded Man’s worlds … and avenged Man’s defeats.” “Tireless, infinitely patient, infinitely deadly, Bolos are the most fearsome fighting machines ever developed. The most lethal artificial intelligences in history. Yet they are more than that. They are not merely the weapons of their Human commanders, but their comrades. Brothers and sisters in arms, who all too often die together.” But Bolos and their commanders do not die easily. Mankind’s enemies have learned the price of a Bolo’s death. And if Bolos and their commanders do not always die in victory, this much has always been true. They do not surrender. And they never-ever-quit.

Автор: Weber David, Laumer Keith
Серия: Bolo
Автор: Weber David
Brzydki mały chłopiec

Naukowcy XXI wiku opracowali technikę podróży w czasie. Pozostaje ich do rozwiązania tylko jeden problem:Jak zmniejszyć do minimum niebezpieczeństwo nieodwracalnego zakłócenia istniejącej rzeczywistości. Decydują się więc na porwanie trzyletniego chłopca z Neandrtalskiego plemienia. Chłopiec pozostaje w XXI wieku pod ścisłą kontrolą, mieszka w zamkniętej strefie, w któej znajdują się obiekty przeniesione z jego czasu. Opiekuje się nim pielęgniarka, panna Fellowes. Mały Neandertalczyk okazuje się nader pojętnym uczniem. Po trzech latach jest cywilizowanym dzieckiem. Wtedy zapada decyzja, że zostanie odesłany w przeszłość. Dla uczonym przestał już być interesującym obiektem badań. Potrzebują przestrzeni, którą zajmuje, dla innych postaci przeniesionych z czasów historycznych. Razem z nim jednak przenosi się w świat epoki lodowcowej nieoczekiwanie jeszcze jedna osoba…

Автор: Montano Steven
Автор: Montano Steven
Серия: Blood skies

In her first novel since 2002, Nebula and Hugo award-winning author Connie Willis returns with a stunning, enormously entertaining novel of time travel, war, and the deeds—great and small—of ordinary people who shape history. In the hands of this acclaimed storyteller, the past and future collide—and the result is at once intriguing, elusive, and frightening.

Oxford in 2060 is a chaotic place. Scores of time-traveling historians are being sent into the past, to destinations including the American Civil War and the attack on the World Trade Center. Michael Davies is prepping to go to Pearl Harbor. Merope Ward is coping with a bunch of bratty 1940 evacuees and trying to talk her thesis adviser, Mr. Dunworthy, into letting her go to VE Day. Polly Churchill’s next assignment will be as a shopgirl in the middle of London’s Blitz. And seventeen-year-old Colin Templer, who has a major crush on Polly, is determined to go to the Crusades so that he can “catch up” to her in age. 

But now the time-travel lab is suddenly canceling assignments for no apparent reason and switching around everyone’s schedules. And when Michael, Merope, and Polly finally get to World War II, things just get worse. For there they face air raids, blackouts, unexploded bombs, dive-bombing Stukas, rationing, shrapnel, V-1s, and two of the most incorrigible children in all of history—to say nothing of a growing feeling that not only their assignments but the war and history itself are spiraling out of control.

Автор: Willis Connie
Серия: All Clear
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Автор: Denning Troy
Серия: Cormyr
Автор: Gross Dave
Серия: Sembia

The first book in Richelle Mead's brand-new teen fiction series-set in the same world as Vampire Academy.

When alchemist Sydney is ordered into hiding to protect the life of Moroi princess Jill Dragomir, the last place she expects to be sent is a human private school in Palm Springs, California. But at their new school, the drama is only just beginning.

Populated with new faces as well as familiar ones, Bloodlines explores all the friendship, romance, battles and betrayals that made the #1 New York Times bestselling Vampire Academy series so addictive—this time in a part-vampire, part-human setting where the stakes are even higher and everyone's out for blood.

Автор: Mead Richelle
Серия: Bloodlines
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Black Genesis

The fantastic Mission Earth saga continues with Black Genesis, as the aliens implement their insidious plan to infiltrate Earth society. Every volume of the Mission Earth series has been a New York Times bestseller and a Literary Guild Alternate Selection. Get in on the profits b y cashing in on Mission Earth-Mania!

Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1987.

Автор: Hubbard Ron
Серия: Mission Earth
Bone Dance

In the pitiless post-apocalyptic future, Sparrow's confusion and self-doubt are more than mere teenage angst. How much more may determine the future. Mixing symbolism from the Tarot deck, voodoo mythology, and a finely detailed vision of life and technology after the nuclear war, Bull has come up with yet another winner. Sparrow's video-age consciousness has obvious appeal for the MTV generation. A tense, ferocious dance on the deteriorating high wire of the future.

Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1991.

Nominated for Hugo and World Fantasy awards in 1992.

Автор: Bull Emma
Bone Dance

In the pitiless post-apocalyptic future, Sparrow's confusion and self-doubt are more than mere teenage angst. How much more may determine the future. Mixing symbolism from the Tarot deck, voodoo mythology, and a finely detailed vision of life and technology after the nuclear war, Bull has come up with yet another winner. Sparrow's video-age consciousness has obvious appeal for the MTV generation. A tense, ferocious dance on the deteriorating high wire of the future.

Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1991.

Nominated for Hugo and World Fantasy awards in 1992.

Автор: Bull Emma
Beggars in Spain

In 21st-century America, genetic engineering makes it possible for those who can afford it to become parents of improved, custom-made babies. The controversial procedure has produced a new breed that can function without sleep. Leisha Camden, daughter of a wealthy industrialist, is one of "the sleepless," who are endowed with remarkable intelligence and other genetic enhancements. A generation of prodigies, Leisha and her peers are resented by the rest of the population, who begin to persecute them. To escape violence, the Sleepless retreat to an armed camp, the Sanctuary, where for decades they fight to legitimize their existence in an increasingly hostile society. Leisha, a brilliant, idealistic lawyer, finds herself ostracized by both Sleepers and Sleepless as she struggles to bridge the widening gulf between the two groups. Meanwhile, the Sleepless must learn to deal with the prodigies among them. Kress competently handles a well-worn science fiction concept and raises some intriguing scientific and sociological issues.

Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1993.

Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1994.

Автор: Kress Nancy
Серия: Sleepless
Before They Are Hanged
Before They Are Hanged

“We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged.”

—Heinrich Heine

Superior Glokta has a problem. How do you defend a city surrounded by enemies and riddled with traitors, when your allies can by no means be trusted, and your predecessor vanished without a trace? It’s enough to make a torturer want to run — if he could even walk without a stick.

Northmen have spilled over the border of Angland and are spreading fire and death across the frozen country. Crown Prince Ladisla is poised to drive them back and win undying glory. There is only one problem — he commands the worst-armed, worst-trained, worst-led army in the world.

And Bayaz, the First of the Magi, is leading a party of bold adventurers on a perilous mission through the ruins of the past. The most hated woman in the South, the most feared man in the North, and the most selfish boy in the Union make a strange alliance, but a deadly one. They might even stand a chance of saving mankind from the Eaters. If they didn’t hate each other quite so much.

Ancient secrets will be uncovered. Bloody battles will be won and lost. Bitter enemies will be forgiven — but not before they are hanged.

“Nobody writes grittier heroic fantasy that Joe Abercrombie, and the second book in his The First Law series just proves the point in spades… When Abercrombie’s characters ride for glory, you might as well be there with them, he does such a good job of putting the reader in the scene. Immediate, daring, and utterly entertaining, this second book provides evidence that Abercrombie is headed for superstar status.”

—Jeff VanderMeer, Realms of Fantasy

Автор: Abercrombie Joe
Серия: The First Law
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Blood Rites

Lost items found. Paranormal Investigations

Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.

No Love Potions, Endless Purses, or

Other Entertainment

For Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, there have been worse assignments than going undercover on the set of an adult film. Dodging flaming monkey poo, for instance. Or going leaf-to-leaf with a walking plant monster. Still, there's something more troubling than usual about his newest case. The film's producer believes he's the target of a sinister entropy curse-but it's the women around him who are dying, in increasingly spectacular ways.

Harry's doubly frustrated because he got involved with this bizarre mystery only as a favor to Thomas, his flirtatious, self-absorbed vampire acquaintance of dubious integrity. Thomas has a personal stake in the case Harry can't quite figure out, until his investigation leads him straight to Thomas's oversexed vampire family. Harry's about to discover that Thomas's family tree has been hiding a shocking secret: a revelation that will change Harry's life forever.

Автор: Butcher Jim
Серия: Dresden Files
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Budowniczowie Pierścienia

Bohaterowie Pierścienia, pierwszego tomu sławnego cyklu Opowieści ze znanego kosmosu: Louis Wu, przez długi czas przebywający w elektrycznym transie, postarzały Kzin — Mówiący do Zwierząt oraz najlepiej Ukryty, partner szalonego Nessusa, wyruszają na powtórną wyprawę do Pierścienia.

Pierścień — najbardziej zadziwiający twór techniki w poznanym kosmosie, sztuczny świat trzy miliony razy większy od Ziemi, ma dać odpowiedź, jak zapobiec kataklizmowi grożącemu całemu wszechświatowi.

Автор: Niven Larry
Автор: Lessing Doris
Серия: The Fifth Child
Автор: Francis Anthony
Серия: Skindancer

Der Biochemiker Vergil Ulam ist ein Genie seines Fachs, aber er ist ebenso risikofreudig wie sorglos. Erarbeitet in einem gentechnischen Forschungsunternehmen auf dem Gebiet der Biologik. Sein Ziel: die Herstellung »intelligenter« Zellen durch DNS-Rekombination von menschlichem Genmaterial mit dem von Einzellern. Er tut dies auf eigene Faust und ohne Genehmigung der Firmenleitung.

Der Durchbruch gelingt ihm: es ergeben sich intelligente Lymphozyten. Als das Management von seinen gefährlichen Experimenten erfährt, die Unterlagen beschlagnahmt und ihn zwingt, die gezüchteten Kulturen zu vernichten, und ihn feuert, injiziert er sich eine von ihnen in die Blutbahn. Ein paar Tage später ist er kein Mensch mehr, sondern eine überaus produktiv und fehlerfrei arbeitende biologische Struktur, die sich alles einverleibt, mit dem sie in Berührung kommt.

Die Evolution nimmt eine neue Wendung: optimal für das Leben — aber für die Menschheit das nackte Grauen.

Автор: Bear Greg
Bikini Planet

Rookie cop Wayne witnesses a mob hit and must make a swift getaway. But waking up 300 years in the future is more extreme than he’d planned. Putting his only skills into use, he joins GalactiCop, but becomes entangled in a gang war for control of Bikini Planet - pleasure capital of the universe.

Автор: Garnet David
Автор: Howard Robert Ervin

uala is part muse, part psychic vampire. While the freedom to sing or write or create is denied her, her mark across history is unmistakable: a trail of brilliant poets, musicians, and artists who have died tragically young. She has no sympathy for their abbreviated life spans; every thirteen Halloweens she burns in a bonfire and rises from her ashes with no memories of what has come before other than the knowledge of how her end will come. James is the best bagpiper in the state of Virginia—maybe in the country—plus he's young and good-looking: just Nuala's thing. But James, supremely confident in his own abilities and in love with another girl, becomes the first to ever reject Nuala's offer. He's preoccupied with bigger things than Nuala: an enigmatic horned figure who appears at dusk and the downward spiral of Dee, his girlfriend-who-isn't. James Morgan has an almost unearthly gift for music. And it has attracted Nuala, a soul-snatching faerie muse who fosters and then feeds on the creative energies of exceptional humans until they die. James has plenty of reasons to fear the faeries, but as he and Nuala collaborate on an achingly beautiful musical composition, James finds his feelings towards Nuala deepening. But the rest of the fairies are not as harmless. As Halloween-the day of the dead-draws near, James will have to battle the Faerie Queen and the horned king of the dead to save Nuala's life and his soul.

Серия: Books of Faerie
Автор: Saul John
Botschafter von den Sternen

Tenebra, die Welt der Extreme, hatte sie eingefangen und ließ sie nicht mehr los. Nur der irdische Robotlehrer — eine Maschine konnte den Versuch zur Rettung der beiden Sternenkinder aus der Hölle von Tenebra unternehmen. Eine Temperatur von über 180 Grad, und ein Luftdruck von 800 Atmosphären und eine planetare Oberfläche, die täglich tiefgreifenden Veränderungen unterworfen war, machten der Maschine nichts aus.

Der Autor hat seit Jahren in den Kreisen der SFAnhänger einen ausgezeichneten Ruf, weil er es wie kaum ein anderer versteht, die Reaktionen von Lebewesen in einer fremden Umgebung lebensecht zu schildern.

Автор: Clement Hal
Botschafter im Kosmos

Im Dämmerlicht des plumpen Empfangsgebäudes, dessen schmutziggraue Farbe den düsteren Eindruck noch verstärkte, scharten sich der Botschaftsrat, zwei Botschaftssekretäre und die Attachés um den Gesandten Spradley. Die bunten Orden der Diplomaten brachten ein wenig Farbe in die trübe Halle. Ungeduldig sah der Gesandte auf seine Fingeruhr. „Sind Sie sicher, Ben, daß die Zeit unserer Ankunft genau mitgeteilt wurde?“

Автор: Laumer Keith
Battle of the Ring

The Starwolves are back in another action-packed adventure. The superbeings confront a Company death machine of vast lethal scale, designed solely to destroy them. Now they must fight a living engine of hate.

Автор: Gunnarsson Thorarinn
Серия: Starwolves
Автор: Sheckley Robert
BattleCorps «Proliferation Series»-1: Отрыв

повесть ранее на русский не переводилась и не издавалась

Автор: Varley John
Автор: Sheckley Robert
Автор: Sheckley Robert
Автор: Sheckley Robert
Besos Oscuros

Soy la princesa Meredith, heredera del trono de mi país si soy capaz de mantenerme con vida para reclamarlo. Mi primo, el príncipe Cel, está determinado a que no lo consiga. Mientras los dos vivamos, deberemos competir por la corona. El primero de nosotros que tenga descendencia será el que consiga el trono. Así que ahora, los hombres de mi guardia real, temibles guerreros hábiles con las armas y los hechizos, se han convertido en mis amantes, en una placentera carrera para conseguir ser el futuro rey y padre de mi hijo. Además, deben protegerme contra los intentos de asesinato, porque a diferencia de la mayoría de los sidhe, soy humana en parte, y muy mortal.

Автор: Hamilton Laurell K
Blue Diablo

Corine Solomon is a handler—when she touches an object she instantly knows its history and its future. Using her ability, she can find the missing—which is why people never stop trying to find her. Like her ex-boyfriend Chance, who needs Corine's gift to find someone dear to them both. But the search proves dangerous as it leads them into a strange world of demons and sorcerers, ghosts and witchcraft, zombies—and black magic...

Автор: Aguirre Ann
Серия: Corine Solomon
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Автор: Burroughs Edgar Rice
Автор: Dowd Tom
Серия: Shadowrun
Автор: Sargent Carl
Серия: Shadowrun
Автор: Kenson Stephen
Серия: Shadowrun
Before I Fall

What if you had only one day to live? What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life?  Samantha Kingston has it all: the world's most crush-worthy boyfriend, three amazing best friends, and first pick of everything at Thomas Jefferson High—from the best table in the cafeteria to the choicest parking spot. Friday, February 12, should be just another day in her charmed life.  Instead, it turns out to be her last.  Then she gets a second chance. Seven chances, in fact. Reliving her last day during one miraculous week, she will untangle the mystery surrounding her death—and discover the true value of everything she is in danger of losing.

Brighid’s Quest

Torn between the possibilities…

Fleeing her centaur clan's increasingly militant beliefs, Brighid Dhianna has begun to find peace and acceptance among the humans of Clan MacCallan. Still, she agrees to leave her newly formed friendships to guide her clan chieftain's grieving brother home.

As she journeys, Brighid discovers that the long-dormant Shaman blood that runs so thickly in her veins will no longer be silenced. As seductive new powers begin to beckon, Brighid glimpses a future that is more impossible – and more magical – than any she could have dared to imagine.

But when tragedy summons her back to the Centaur Plains, Brighid must make a decision that will affect not only her friendship with the humans, but the centaur herd and indeed the world. For the Great Goddess Epona has set her on a new path that demands everything she has to give.

When the whole world is turning to her for help, healing the heart of a warrior doesn't sound so daunting…

Автор: Cast P C

I used to think my sister and I were just two nice southern girls who'd get married in a few years and settle down to a quiet life. Then I discovered that Alina and I descend, not from good wholesome southern stock, but from an ancient Celtic bloodline of powerful sidhe-seers, people who can see the Fae. Not only can I see the terrifying otherworldly race, but I can sense the sacred Fae relics that hold the deadliest of their magic.

When my sister was found dead in a trash-filled alley in Dublin, I came over to get answers. Now all I want is revenge. And after everything I've learned about myself, I know I have the power to get it….

MacKayla Lane's ordinary life underwent a complete makeover when she landed on Ireland's shores and was plunged into a world of deadly sorcery and ancient secrets.

In her fight to stay alive, Mac must find the Sinsar Dubh — a million-year-old book of the blackest magic imaginable, which holds the key to power over both the worlds of the Fae and of Man. Pursued by Fae assassins, surrounded by mysterious figures she knows she cannot trust, Mac finds herself torn between two deadly and irresistible men: V'lane, the insatiable Fae who can turn sensual arousal into an obsession for any woman, and the ever-inscrutable Jericho Barrons, a man as alluring as he is mysterious.

Автор: Moning Karen Marie
Серия: Fever
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Banshee Cries

In "Banshee Cries," ritual murders under a full moon lead Jo Walker to confront a Harbinger of Death. Maybe this "gift" she has is one she shouldn't ignore — because the next life she has to save might be her own!

Автор: , автора без
Bears Discover Fire

Bears Discover Fire is the first short story collection by the most acclaimed science fiction author of the decade, author of such brilliant novels as Talking Man and Voyage to the Red Planet. It brings together nineteen of Bisson’s finest works for the first time in one volume, among them the darkly comic title story, which garnered the field's highest honors, including the Hugo, Nebula, Theodore Sturgeon, and Locus awards.

“Bears Discover Fire” is a Hugo Award-winning short story by American science fiction author Terry Bisson. It concerns aging and evolution in the US South, the dream of wilderness, and community. The premise is that bears have discovered fire, and are having campfires on highway medians.

It was originally published in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine v14 #8:144- (August 1990).

Автор: Bisson Terry
Beyond the Dark Portal

The aging orc shaman Ner'zhul has seized control of the Horde and reopened the Dark Portal. His brutal warriors once again encroach upon Azeroth, laying siege to the newly constructed stronghold of Nethergarde Keep. There, the archmage Khadgar and the Alliance commander, Turalyon, lead humanity and its elven and dwarven allies in fighting this new invasion.

Even so, disturbing questions arise. Khadgar learns of orcish incursions farther abroad: small groups of orcs who seem to pursue a goal other than simple conquest. Worse yet, black dragons have been sighted as well, and they appear to be aiding the orcs. To counter Ner'zhul's dark schemes, the Alliance must now invade the orcs' ruined homeworld of Draenor. Can Khadgar and his companions stop the nefarious shaman in time to stave off the destruction of two worlds?

Серия: World of Warcraft
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By Darkness Hid

Given the chance to train as a squire, kitchen servant Achan Cham hopes to pull himself out of his pitiful life and become a Kingsguard Knight. When Achan's owner learns of his training, he forces Achan to spar with the Crown Prince-more of a death sentence than an honor. Meanwhile, strange voices in Achan's head cause him to fear he's going mad. While escorting the prince to a council presentation, their convoy is attacked. Achan is wounded and arrested, but escapes from prison-only to discover a secret about himself he never believed possible.

Автор: Williamson Jill
Серия: Blood Of Kings
Blood of Amber

Pursued by a fiendish enemy, Merle must battle through an intricate web of vengeance and murder that threatens more than the San Francisco Bay area. For Merle Corey of California is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished Prince of Amber; and the forces, seeking to destroy the royal house, have unleashed sorceries that can strike anywhere, especially at the very heart of Amber.

Автор: Zelazny Roger Joseph
Серия: , The Chronicles of Amber
Blood Brothers

The vampires have been vanquished! Harry Keogh and the armies of the dead have destroyed the evil that once plagued the world. Nathan and Nestor, secret twin sons of the Necroscope and a proud gypsy woman, were children when their father, his humanity poisoned by his fearsome struggles, sacrificed himself to save mankind.

Yet there are vampires still, vampires crueler and stranger than any the Necroscope had faced. When these new, merciless killers swoop out of the sky, Nathan and Nestor are men-but they have few of Harry Keogh's miraculous powers.

Torn from each other by battle, the sons of the Necroscope journey across the vampire world, exploring its mysteries, each seeking the powerful, terrible vampires, his missing brother…and the woman they both love!

Автор: Lumley Brian
Серия: Vampire World
Black Creek Crossing

The dark history and dire secrets of a peaceful small town are summoned from the shadows of the past. Unholy forces are stirred from long slumber to monstrous new life. And two young misfits discover the chillingart of turning persecution into retribution. With these eerie ingredients, bestselling master John Saul once again works his unique brand of sinister magic to conjure an unforgettable tale of unspeakableterror.

For most of her young life, thirteen-year-old Angel Sullivan has been on the outside looking in, enduring the taunts of cruel schoolmates and the angry abuse of a bitter father. ThenAngel's family moves to the quaint town of Roundtree, Massachusetts-where a charming home is available, a promising job awaits Angel's unemployed father, and most of all, the chance to make anew start beckons to the shy, hopeful teenager. But when she is shunned by her new classmates, Angel falls deeper into despair. Until she meets Seth Baker, a fellow outcast-and a fateful kinship is forged.

It's Seth who tells Angel the unspoken truth about the legacy of murder that hangs over her family's home-and the whispered rumors that something supernatural still dwellsthere. Uncertain whether the stories are true, and desperate to escape the torment of their daily lives, Angel and Seth devote themselves to contacting whatever restless soul haunts the dark recesses of Black CreekCrossing. But once they have begun, there is no turning back.

Guided by an anguished and vengeful spirit, they uncover the shocking events and centuries-old horrors that lay buried beneath the placidveneer of Roundtree. And along with the ghastly revelations comes a terrifying power-one that feeds upon the rage of the victimized, turning the basest impulses and most dangerous desires into devastatingweapons. Now, the closer Angel and Seth are pushed toward the edge by their tormentors, the deeper they descend into the maelstrom of dark forces they've unleashed… and the more unspeakable the hour ofreckoning will be.

Автор: Saul John
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Автор: Evans Erin M
Серия: Neverwinter

The behemoth is the fiercest creature in the British navy. It can swallow enemy battleships with one bite. The Darwinists will need it, now that they are at war with the Clanker powers.

Deryn is a girl posing as a boy in the British Air Service, and Alek is the heir to an empire posing as a commoner. Finally together aboard the airship Leviathan, they hope to bring the war to a halt. But when disaster strikes the Leviathan's peacekeeping mission, they find themselves alone and hunted in enemy territory.

Alek and Deryn will need great skill, new allies, and brave hearts to face what's ahead.

Автор: Westerfeld Scott
Серия: Leviathan

Nagrodzona Nebulą opowieść SF, jeden z kamieni milowych fantastyki naukowej. Kosmiczna wojna, kontakt z obcą cywilizacją i związane z tym problemy lingwistyczne. Lektura obowiązkowa.

Trwa kosmiczna wojna Sojuszu z Najeźdźcami — w ważnych strategicznie miejscach dochodzi do aktów sabotażu, którym towarzyszą transmisje w tajemniczym języku, Babel-17. Rydra Wong, piękna i słynna poetka i lingwistka otrzymuje od wojska zadanie: rozszyfrować ten język i odkryć, kto się nim posługuje oraz w jaki sposób jest on związany z terroryzmem. Rydra kompletuje więc załogę statku, złożoną z żywych i umarłych, i wyrusza w niebezpieczną podróż — od spelunek, w których walczą chirurgicznie zmodyfikowani zapaśnicy, przez Kostnicę, w której zmarli czekają na wskrzeszenie, Stocznię Wojenną i salony międzygwiezdnej arystokracji, po piracki statek-cień — a przede wszystkim w podróż przez niezwykły język, zmieniający ludzki umysł.

Автор: Delany Samuel R
Автор: Maxey James
Серия: Dragon Age

By the author of Sharp Teeth, a novel of love, spies, and witches in 1950s Paris—and a cop turned into a flea

Will is a young American ad executive in Paris. Except his agency is a front for the CIA. It’s 1959 and the cold war is going strong. But Will doesn’t think he’s a warrior—he’s just a good-hearted Detroit ad guy who can’t seem to figure out Parisian girls.

Zoya is a beautiful young woman wandering les boulevards, sad-eyed, coming off a bad breakup. In fact, she impaled her ex on a spike. Zoya, it turns out, has been a beautiful young woman for hundreds of years; she and her far more traditionally witchy-looking companion, Elga, have been thriving unnoticed in the bloody froth of Europe’s wars.

Inspector Vidot is a hardworking Paris police detective who cherishes quiet nights at home. But when he follows a lead from a grisly murder to the abode of an ugly old woman, he finds himself turned into a flea.

Oliver is a patrician, fun-loving American who has come to Paris to start a literary journal with the help of friends in D.C. who ask a few favors in return. He’s in well over his head, but it’s nothing that a cocktail can’t fix. Right?

Add a few chance encounters, a chorus of some more angry witches, a strung-out jazzman or two, a weaponized LSD program, and a cache of rifles buried in the Bois de Bologne—and that’s a novel! But while Toby Barlow’s Babayaga may start as just a joyful romp though the City of Light, it quickly grows into a daring, moving exploration of love, mortality, and responsibility.

Автор: Barlow Toby
Blood Spells

Mayan lore and modern science warn that 12/21/2012 will bring a global cataclysm. Dark forces stand poised to crush mankind. The only hope rests with a secret group of modern magic-wielders called the Nightkeepers. But as Patience White-Eagle and her husband, Brandt, team up as a mated warrior pair, they will face a deadly threat that will test their powers-and their love...

Автор: Andersen Jessica
Серия: Nightkeepers
Blood Warrior

The second in a fierce and sensual new paranormal romance series featuring demonic gladiators, ruthless mafia villains, and the choices made by a proud race on the brink of extinction.

As a young man, sarcastic, violent Tallis Pendray believed the Dragon Kings’ survival depended on a prophecy delivered in dreams by a woman named “the Sun.” His role has been to complete inexplicable, even reprehensible tasks. First, by murdering a priest, he united his fragmented clan in their hatred of him. Dubbed “the Heretic,” Tallis fled his family’s Highland estate. Now disillusioned, he seeks revenge on the woman he holds responsible for two decades of exile.

Telepath Kavya Indranan is a charismatic, seductive cult leader born to a prominent family. However, she grew up terrorized by the ominous threat of her powerful, insane twin brother. On the run and hiding among the poor, she witnessed the destruction wrought by her clan’s centuries-old civil war. Maturity nurtures Kavya’s determination to end the cycle of bloodshed. Those who follow her call for peace have nicknamed her “the Sun.”

Автор: Piper Lindsey
Серия: Dragon Kings
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Black Heart

As a former Agent of Death, Madeline Black is no stranger to witnessing violent ends. But being the one to cause them is an entirely different story…

Despite her having saved Chicago from a vampire invasion, the Agency wants to get Maddy off their payroll—permanently. With the deadly Retrievers hot on her trail, she has no choice but to trust Nathaniel to port her to safety. But even the exotic and dangerous world that she winds up in is not as peaceful as she would have hoped. Caught in a turf war between a group of fae and a disturbingly familiar foe, Maddy soon discovers that the twisted plots of her grandfather, Lucifer, and his brothers extend even into this unknown realm.

Now, with enemies gathering on all sides, Maddy’s fate is looking darker than ever. And to protect her unborn son from her adversaries, she may have to tap into a power she hoped never to access…

Автор: Henry Christina
Серия: Black Wings
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Box Office Poison

What happens when exquisitely beautiful elves start getting all the roles in Hollywood? Human actors sue, that’s what. In a desperate attempt to keep the squabbling inside the Screen Actors Guild from going public, the president of SAG forces the two sides into arbitration.

Enter Linnet Ellery, a human lawyer working for a vampire law firm, to serve as arbitrator. Linnet discovers that there are sinister forces at work in Tinsel Town determined to shatter the fragile peace between elves, vampires, werewolves, and humans. Someone has been coercing famous elven actors into committing sudden and terrible acts of violence against humans in a series of tragedies that could turn the tide of public opinion against all the supernatural Powers.

During the course of her investigations Linnet realizes that a puzzling secret surrounds her, and that a strange power has been affecting the very course of her life. . . .

Автор: Bornikova Phillipa
Серия: Linnet Ellery
By a Thread

When killing people is your job, there’s no such thing as a vacation.

Then again, how often does an assassin live long enough to enjoy her retirement? In this line of work, you either get lucky or you get dead. And since I destroyed my nemesis Mab Monroe a few weeks ago, all of Ashland’s lowlifes are gunning to make a name for themselves by taking out the lethal Spider—me, Gin Blanco. So I’m leaving behind my beloved barbecue joint and heading south with my baby sister, Bria, to cool my heels in a swanky beach town. Call it a weekend of fun in the sun.

But when a powerful vampire with deadly elemental magic threatens an old friend of Bria’s, it looks like I’ll have to dig my silverstone knives out of my suitcase after all. Complicating matters further is the reappearance of Detective Donovan Caine, my old lover. But Donovan is the least of my problems. Because this time, the danger is hot on my trail, and not even my elemental Ice and Stone magic may be enough to save me from getting buried in the sand—permanently

Автор: Estep Jennifer
Серия: Elemental Assassin
By a Thread

When killing people is your job, there’s no such thing as a vacation.

Then again, how often does an assassin live long enough to enjoy her retirement? In this line of work, you either get lucky or you get dead. And since I destroyed my nemesis Mab Monroe a few weeks ago, all of Ashland’s lowlifes are gunning to make a name for themselves by taking out the lethal Spider—me, Gin Blanco. So I’m leaving behind my beloved barbecue joint and heading south with my baby sister, Bria, to cool my heels in a swanky beach town. Call it a weekend of fun in the sun.

But when a powerful vampire with deadly elemental magic threatens an old friend of Bria’s, it looks like I’ll have to dig my silverstone knives out of my suitcase after all. Complicating matters further is the reappearance of Detective Donovan Caine, my old lover. But Donovan is the least of my problems. Because this time, the danger is hot on my trail, and not even my elemental Ice and Stone magic may be enough to save me from getting buried in the sand—permanently

Автор: Estep Jennifer
Серия: Elemental Assassin
Beyond the Rift

Combining complex science with skillfully executed prose, these edgy, award-winning tales explore the shifting border between the known and the alien.

The beauty and peril of technology and the passion and penalties of conviction merge in narratives that are by turns dark, satiric, and introspective. Among these bold storylines:

• A seemingly humanized monster from John Carpenter’s The Thing reveals the true villains in an Antarctic showdown;

• An artificial intelligence shields a biologically enhanced prodigy from her overwhelmed parents;

• A deep-sea diver discovers her true nature lies not within the confines of her mission but in the depths of her psyche;

• A court psychologist analyzes a psychotic graduate student who has learned to reprogram reality itself; and

• A father tries to hold his broken family together in the wake of an ongoing assault by sentient rainstorms.

Gorgeously saturnine and exceptionally powerful, these collected fictions are both intensely thought-provoking and impossible to forget.

Автор: Watts Peter
Blood of the Maple

A seduction-gone-wrong leaves vampire Parker Hollis with a new vegetarian lifestyle and on the run from a vengeful witch. Moving to small-town Maggie's Grove, Parker meets a redheaded dryad with green, leafy blood that draws him in a way he hasn't experienced in decades. His new neighbor smells divine, and it isn't long before craving gives in to need.

n a unique community of supernaturals, tree-loving outcast Amara Schwedler has never quite fit in. She's scarred by a traumatic incident and feared by the local townsfolk. She's convinced Parker will look elsewhere for a mate once he discovers she's not one of the O-positive set, and can't believe it when Parker finds her irresistible.

hen the witch who's been plaguing Parker's life discovers the newfound attraction between Parker and Amara, she takes out her anger on the town. Can the supernaturals of Maggie's Grove accept Amara and band together in time to withstand the assaults of the enraged witch?

Автор: Bell Dana Marie
Серия: Maggie's Grove
Bear Necessities

To hold onto his love, he must release his beast.

Once a Bear sets his mind on a mission, it’s best to stay out of his way. Alexander “Bunny” Bunsun is that Bear. Something’s not right with his cousin Chloe, and he’s come to Halle, PA, to sort it out, turn his Harley around and head home to Oregon. Until an enticing scent lures him into the local tattoo shop.

There she is. An inked, Southern-drawled she-Wolf with lime-green hair. His perfect mate.

Tabitha Garwood’s rotten day just got worse. Her Outcast status makes her a target for harassment with alarming regularity. And now, in the middle of a root touch-up, looking like a half-melted Skittle, she’s met her destined mate. The only upside? She finally has a protector in the form of a huge, tattooed, shaved-head Bear who vibrates with carefully restrained power.

When Chloe is left for dead and Tabby is threatened, only Alex can keep his growing family safe. Giving Tabby the loving home she needs, though, could come at a price—Alex must give up the control he’s worked a lifetime to attain.

Which means someone could die at the hands—and claws—of his beast.

Автор: Bell Dana Marie
Серия: Halle Shifters
Blood Drive

Anna Strong was a tough-as-nails bounty hunter, until the night she was attacked-and changed forever.

Now a vampire, Anna discovers that her long-dead brother may have had a daughter-and the girl's in serious trouble. There are some very dangerous people after her, but they're about to learn that to a bounty hunter with an unnatural thirst for blood, even the deadliest human predators are easy prey.

Автор: Stein Jeanne C
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Black Arts

Jane Yellowrock is a shape-shifting skinwalker who always takes care of her own—no matter the cost....

When Evan Trueblood blows into town looking for his wife, Molly, he's convinced that she came to see her best friend, Jane. But it seems like the witch made it to New Orleans and then disappeared without a trace.

Jane is ready to do whatever it takes to find her friend. Her desperate search leads her deep into a web of black magic and betrayal and into the dark history between vampires and witches. But the closer she draws to Molly, the closer she draws to a new enemy—one who is stranger and more powerful than any she has ever faced.

Автор: Hunter Faith
Серия: Jane Yellowrock
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Body Count

The Russians have dropped two hundred of their crack Spetznaz commando troops in to Frankfurt. They attack communications centres, power plants and anything that will disrupt the city and bring it to its knees. Major Revells’ Special Combat Force joins the hunt for them, and a gruesome body count is maintained.


A giant Russian transport aircraft evades Frankfurts anti-aircraft defences and drops two hundred paratroopers in to the city. They are Spetsnaz, the elite Russian commandos’. Falling behind the NATO frontline, catching the cities defenders by surprise, they attack communication centres, power stations and any target that will bring the city to its knees. Major Revells’ Special Combat Force has to throw itself into the effort to eliminate the deadly enemy. One by one they have to account for them, employing any tactics, any methods they can improvise. Hampered by the civilians who remain in the city the S.C.F. go after the Russian, hunting them down in a long and lethal game of hide and seek across the city. And all the time a count has to be kept, a body count.


First NEL Paperback Edition August 1990

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

* * *

Major Revell and his Special Combat Company, a new breed of super-warriors waging the war of the future in a land wasted by nuclear destruction, must reclaim the blood-soaked city of Frankfurt, but they find themselves outgunned by an insidious new force from inside the Zone.

Автор: Rouch James
Серия: The Zone
Blind Fire

A Russian armoured column has hurled across the Zone and is heading for Frankfurt, a soft target. Major Revells’ men are ordered to stop it. But they intend to destroy it down to the last tank, no matter what destruction and mayhem is necessary.


Seemingly out of nowhere a powerful Russian armoured column has launched itself towards Frankfurt, crushing and thrusting aside any opposition. The city is unprotected, highly vulnerable and the only NATO force that can move to protect it is Major Revells’ tank hunter Special Combat Force. Ordered to halt the enemy, Major Revells’ men decide that half measures will not do, they have to utterly destroy the tanks and armoured personnel carriers. Employing only hand held weapons, time after time they ambush the Russian armour, blasting it apart at close range with anti-tank rockets and cannon fire until in the outskirts of the city both sides engage in a spectacular battle to the death.


First NEL Paperback Edition November 1980

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

Автор: Rouch James
Серия: The Zone
Автор: Bolme Edward
Серия: The Inquisitives
Blowups Happen

A mathematician discovers that his formulas predict that an important new power station poses an extremely grave risk to humanity, and he must convince others of the danger.

The version of "Blowups Happen" here following is exactly, word for word, the way it was first written in February 1940.

Автор: Heinlein Robert A
Backs Against the Wall

Joss has escaped the Colonies but her troubles have only just begun. She’s wounded, exposed and vulnerable but worst of all, she needs help. And there’s only one place she can go to get it. Only one place she can stand to be.

With Ryan.

Together they’ll have to delve into the seedy underworld of post-apocalyptic Seattle. A world of gambling, fighting, secrets and lies. A world governed by The Hive.

But the deeper they sink, the more they’ll find that The Hive isn’t everything it seems. That even the mighty have someone to fear. Is the enemy of their enemy their friend? Or is there another threat, one greater than the Risen or the Colonies, looming in the distance?

Автор: Ward Tracey
Серия: Survival
Backs Against the Wall

Joss has escaped the Colonies but her troubles have only just begun. She’s wounded, exposed and vulnerable but worst of all, she needs help. And there’s only one place she can go to get it. Only one place she can stand to be.

With Ryan.

Together they’ll have to delve into the seedy underworld of post-apocalyptic Seattle. A world of gambling, fighting, secrets and lies. A world governed by The Hive.

But the deeper they sink, the more they’ll find that The Hive isn’t everything it seems. That even the mighty have someone to fear. Is the enemy of their enemy their friend? Or is there another threat, one greater than the Risen or the Colonies, looming in the distance?

Автор: Ward Tracey
Серия: Survival
Автор: Rabe Jean
Серия: Dhamon Saga
Big Driver

Now a Lifetime original movie, Stephen King’s haunting story about an author of a series of mystery novels who tries to reconcile her old life with her life after a horrific attack and the one thing that can save her: Revenge.

Tess Thorne, a famous mystery writer, faces a long drive home following a book signing engagement. Advised to take a shortcut at the suggestion of the event’s planner, Tess sets out for home, well after dark. On a lonely stretch of New England road, her tire blows out, and when a man in a pick up stops, it is not to help her, but to repeatedly assault her and leave her for dead. Tess survives, and she plots a revenge that will bring her face-to-face with another stranger: the one inside herself, capable of gruesome violence.

Автор: King Stephen
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Broken Soul

Jane Yellowrock is a vampire killer for hire—but other creatures of the night still need to watch their backs....

When the Master of the city of New Orleans asks Jane to improve security for a future visit from a delegation of European vampires, she names an exorbitant price—and Leo is willing to pay. That's because the European vamps want Leo's territory, and he knows that he needs Jane to prevent a total bloodbath. Leo, however, doesn't mention how this new job will change Jane's life or the danger it will bring her and her team.

Jane has more to worry about than some greedy vampires. There's a vicious creature stalking the streets of New Orleans, and its agenda seems to be ripping Leo and her to pieces. Now Jane just has to figure out how to kill something she can't even see…. 

Автор: Hunter Faith
Серия: Jane Yellowrock
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Broken Ties

After fighting tooth and nail to reach his cabin in Ohio, Mike Grant has finally been reunited with his family. The safe haven he built has enough supplies to last them for months, but with the extra mouths to feed that timeline is shrinking fast.

With a murderous gang of bikers in the nearby town, a loose alliance with a neighboring hunter, and tension building from members inside his own group, Mike has to navigate the murky waters of trust in this post-EMP world, and hard choices have to be made. Friends are lost and family bonds are tested as Mike is pushed to the brink in this thrilling next installment of the “Broken” series.

Автор: Hunt James
Серия: Broken Lines
Broken Roads

This is a stand-alone novel and doesn’t require reading the other books in the series

It’s been a week without power. No phones. No computers. Nothing. Whatever shred of humanity is left in people is slowly dwindling away. Gangs are forming, people are starving, and the whole country is in a free-for-all.

With his house burnt to the ground, Mike Grant finds himself on the road, fighting to stay alive. A single thought propelling him forward: get to his family.

Accompanied by his neighbor, Nelson, Mike leaves Pittsburgh and heads to his family’s cabin in Ohio. For Mike the only thing worse than not making it to the cabin is the fear of his family not being there when he does.

Автор: Hunt James
Серия: Broken Lines
Broken Lines

The advancement of technology has allowed our society to grow in leaps and bounds. The fields of medicine, engineering, agriculture and countless others have benefited from the applied science of high tech microprocessors and their data processing capabilities. This technology helps power our homes, cars, laptops, and phones. It is involved in every aspect of our lives, but as powerful and complex as these systems are there is one device that can cripple everything and bring the world as we know it to a standstill: EMP blast.

Mike Grant, a veteran welder for a Pittsburgh steel company, is at work when an EMP blast wrecks the entire country. With no transportation and no way to contact his loved ones, Mike has to combat the panic stricken city to find his father, reach his wife and children in the suburbs, and escape to their cabin in Ohio.

This fast-paced, adrenaline filled thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat as we all find out what happens when the lights go out.

Автор: Hunt James
Серия: Broken Lines

Basilica est une ville dirigée par les femmes, dans laquelle culture et tradition sont les maîtres mots. Les hommes ne peuvent y résider que sur l’invitation expresse de leurs compagnes. C’est pourtant l’un deux, volemak, qui reçoit de surâme, l’ordinateur-dieu veillant au bien-être du monde, une vision d’apocalypse : Basilica, et, au-delà toute la planète Harmonie, sont sur le point de disparaître dans un déluge de feu. Mais à cause de quoi ? Ou de qui ? Alors que les tensions politiques grandissent entre les différentes factions de Basilica, Nafai, le benjamin de Volemak, s’efforce d’aider son père dans la quête de la vérité. Mais il semblerait que Surâme ait d’autres ambitions pour l’adolescent…

Автор: Card Orson Scott
Banquet for the Damned

Few believed Professor Coldwell could commune with spirits. But in Scotland's oldest university town something has passed from darkness into light. Now, the young are being haunted by night terrors and those who are visited disappear. This is certainly not a place for outsiders, especially at night. So what chance do a rootless musician and burned-out explorer have of surviving their entanglement with an ageless supernatural evil and the ruthless cult that worships it? A chilling occult thriller from award-winning author Adam Nevill, Banquet for the Damned is both a homage to the great age of British ghost stories and a pacey modern tale of diabolism and witchcraft.

Автор: Nevill Adam L G
Blood Worm

The strange new beetles look like exquisite jewels — covered with emerald and yellow markings-but are utterly murderous! And now, gigantic worms are accompanying them — worms that turn pink after feasting on human blood. No one can escape their horrendous onslaught.

Автор: Halkin John

John „Black Jack” Geary. Legenda. Najwyższa karta, którą flota Sojuszu może wystawić w śmiertelnej grze o przetrwanie. Poprowadził swoje okręty przez przestrzeń Syndykatu wygrywając w bitwach i wymykając się gigantycznej nagonce. Wiedza, którą współcześni oficerowie zatracili w dziesiątkach lat brutalnej, kosmicznej rzezi, dała mu przewagę.

Ale „Black Jack” jest już zmęczony. Stawka rośnie. Pojawia się lęk przed błędem i zagładą w chwili, gdy flota jest już niemal u celu. Okrętom brakuje paliwa, amunicji i żywności – coraz trudniej jest walczyć.

Kurs na Heradao, więzienny system Syndykatu! Stawką jest życie 2 tysięcy towarzyszy broni. O ile jeszcze żyją.

Pancerniki, krążowniki liniowe, ciężkie, lekkie, niszczyciele — kolejno, dywizjonami, wchodzą w Nadprzestrzeń. Prosto w paszczę lwa. Stało się…

Do domu jest już tak blisko. I tak daleko.

Автор: Campbell Jack
Серия: Zaginiona flota
Between Two Fires

His extraordinary debut, Those Across the River, was hailed as “genre-bending Southern horror” (California Literary Review), “graceful [and] horrific” (Patricia Briggs). Now Christopher Buehlman invites readers into an even darker age—one of temptation and corruption, of war in heaven, and of hell on earth…

And Lucifer said: “Let us rise against Him now in all our numbers, and pull the walls of heaven down…

The year is 1348. Thomas, a disgraced knight, has found a young girl alone in a dead Norman village. An orphan of the Black Death, and an almost unnerving picture of innocence, she tells Thomas that plague is only part of a larger cataclysm—that the fallen angels under Lucifer are rising in a second war on heaven, and that the world of men has fallen behind the lines of conflict.

Is it delirium or is it faith? She believes she has seen the angels of God. She believes the righteous dead speak to her in dreams. And now she has convinced the faithless Thomas to shepherd her across a depraved landscape to Avignon. There, she tells Thomas, she will fulfill her mission: to confront the evil that has devastated the earth, and to restore to this betrayed, murderous knight the nobility and hope of salvation he long abandoned.

As hell unleashes its wrath, and as the true nature of the girl is revealed, Thomas will find himself on a macabre battleground of angels and demons, saints, and the risen dead, and in the midst of a desperate struggle for nothing less than the soul of man.

“Having made a huge bloody splash with Those across the River, Buehlman returns with a book set in 1348 Europe… It’s intriguing that Buehlman has leapt so far from the mid-century Southern setting of his first novel, just as intriguing that he’s also an award-winning poet. Expect demand.”

Library Journal
Автор: Buehlman Christopher
Black Library Weekender Anthology

Black Library Weekender Anthology — это двухтомный сборник рассказов, выпущенный исключительно к одноименному мероприятию, проводившемуся 3-го и 4-го ноября 2012 года. Представляем первый том, посвященный далекому мрачному будущему вселенной Warhammer 40000. В сборник вошли рассказы Джеймса Сваллоу, Джона Френча, Гэва Торпа, Сэнди Митчелла и других.

Book of the Dead

When a massive sinkhole opens up and swallows a retired couple from Iowa it seems like a freak occurrence. But it's not the only one. Similar sinkholes are opening all over the world, even on the sea floor. And they're getting bigger.

People living near the pits begin reporting strange phenomena — vibrations, sulfurous odors, and odd sounds in the stygian depths. Then the pets begin to go missing.

When people start disappearing as well, the government is forced to act. Professor Matt Kearns and a team of experts are sent in by the military to explore one of the sinkholes, and they discover far more than they bargained for.

From the war zones of the Syrian Desert to the fabled Library of Alexandria, and then to Hades itself, join Professor Matt Kearns as he attempts to unravel an age-old prophecy. The answers Matt seeks are hidden in the fabled Al Azif — known as the Book of the Dead — and he must find it, even if it kills him. Because time is running out, not just for Matt Kearns, but for all life on Earth.

Автор: Beck Greig
Book of the Dead

When a massive sinkhole opens up and swallows a retired couple from Iowa it seems like a freak occurrence. But it's not the only one. Similar sinkholes are opening all over the world, even on the sea floor. And they're getting bigger.

People living near the pits begin reporting strange phenomena — vibrations, sulfurous odors, and odd sounds in the stygian depths. Then the pets begin to go missing.

When people start disappearing as well, the government is forced to act. Professor Matt Kearns and a team of experts are sent in by the military to explore one of the sinkholes, and they discover far more than they bargained for.

From the war zones of the Syrian Desert to the fabled Library of Alexandria, and then to Hades itself, join Professor Matt Kearns as he attempts to unravel an age-old prophecy. The answers Matt seeks are hidden in the fabled Al Azif — known as the Book of the Dead — and he must find it, even if it kills him. Because time is running out, not just for Matt Kearns, but for all life on Earth.

Автор: Beck Greig
Автор: Egan Jennifer

In the wake of civil war, Bren Cameron, the brilliant human diplomat of the alien atevi civilization, has left the capital and sought refuge at his country estate, Najida. But now he is trapped inside Najida—which has been surrounded by enemies—with Ilisidi, the powerful grandmother of his ally, Tabini-aiji, atevileader of the Western Association. But Ilisidi, the wily and dangerous aiji-dowager, is not inclined to be passive, and in a brazen maneuver sends Bren into enemy territory, to the palace of Machigi, the leader of the rebels. Bren's mission is to negotiate with Machigi—a young atevi lord who has never actually seen a human—and somehow persuade him to cease his hostile actions against the West. Bren knows that the autocratic Machigi rules a fractious clan, and that his hospitality is not guaranteed. Bren's genius for negotiation enable him to make a daring trade offer to Machigi—one that seems to interest the young warlord. But Machigi is suspicious of Ilisidi's motives, and, to Bren's utter shock, evokes an ancient law that jeopardizes Bren's life. Can Bren stay alive, not alienate and not alienate Ilisidi or Tabini, while also representing the interests of their enemy? The long-running Foreigner series can also be enjoyed by more casual genre readers in sub-trilogy installments. Betrayer is the 12th Foreigner novel. It is also the 3rd book in the fourth subtrilogy.

Автор: Cherryh C J
Серия: Foreigner

Basis of the Hit Movie Ring 0: Birthday!

Birthday is Ring-master Koji Suzuki’s return to the Ring universe, a collection of short stories focusing on the female characters with a theme of birth. An exploration of extraordinary circumstances from the perspective of memorable women, this expansion of the Ring, Spiral, and Loop world was adapted into a hit movie less than a year after the book’s publication.

Thirty years before the tragic events of Ring, Sadako Yamamura was an aspiring stage actress on the verge of her theatrical debut. The beautiful and ravishing Sadako was the object of every male’s desire involved with the company including n the director. There was one thespian she was interested in, but¦

Fast forward past the events of Ring, Ryuji Takayama’s distraught lover, Mai Takano is struggling in the wake of the professor’s mysterious demise. Mai visits Ryuji’s parents’ house to find the missing pages of his soon-to-be published article. There she is drawn to a curious videotape and a fate more terrifying than Ryuji or Kazuyuki Asakawa’s.

Reiko Sugiura questioned the purpose of bringing a child into a world where there was only death. She already lost one son, and the father of her unborn child, Kaoru Futami, had disappeared in search of a cure to the deadly disease that threatened all life. Despite Kaoru’s promise to meet again in two months, he has not returned. Despondent but driven for answers Reiko is led to the Loop project, where she will discover the final truths of the Ring virus.

Автор: Suzuki Koji
Серия: Ring
Автор: Олдридж Рэй
Bald New World

Selected by Publishers Weekly as one of the Best Science Fiction Books of Summer 2014 and listed on Buzzfeed's 15 Highly Anticipated Books of 2014, Bald New World asks the question:

What if everyone in the world lost their hair?

Nick Guan and his friend Larry Chao are a pair of eccentric filmmakers who choose to explore the existential angst of their balding world through cinema. Larry is heir to one of the most lucrative wig companies in the world. Nick is a man who’s trying to make sense of the tatters of his American dream. Taking place throughout China and America, the pair set off on a series of misadventures involving North Korean spies, veterans of an African War, and digital cricket fighters. Their journey leads them to discover some of the darkest secrets behind wig-making and hair in a hairless world.

"After my heart gives out and I'm on the operating table for emergency surgery, I will have told my physicians and surgeons to replace my heart with Peter Tieryas Liu's Bald New World, or any of his books really, because that's what I think of when I think of Liu's writing-heart. Similar to the work of Philip K. Dick, this parodic dystopia is steeped in futuristic technology that further bridges the gap between man and machine. Still, whether watching the latest episode of the immensely popular reality show Jesus the General or sparring against an opponent in the blood-sport known as cricket fighting, the humanity of our narrator shines through. Although we humans are capable of doing and creating sad, funny, glorious, devious things, we also persevere and adapt, survive. I wonder what Huxley would think of this, but he's dead. You're not, so read this book, feel alive."

— Jason Jordan, author of Pestilence, editor of decomP

"The boldly imaginative Bald New World follows Nicholas Guan, a military type tasked to digitally touch up scenes of carnage, in his misadventures from Korea to a futuristic California and in his frenzied dash from Gamble Town to China. The novel tells of beautifully flawed characters, the blurring distinction between reality and virtual environments, the comical yet chilling wave of religious fanaticism, and a world battling a strange malady called the Great Baldification, an ingenious symbol of human vanity. Peter Tieryas Liu’s Bald New World is vivid, exhilarating, and wildly entertaining." — Kristine Ong Muslim, author of We Bury the Landscape and Grim Series

"Bald New World is a hypnotic, surreal, and insightful novel, blending Blade Runner and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle to create a dark, funny, and captivating story. One of the best books I've read this year." — Richard Thomas, Staring Into the Abyss

Автор: Liu Peter Tieryas
Blade: Trinity

Der Daywalker ist zurück...

Als dem Halbvampir Blade die Schuld für eine Serie von grausamen Morden angehängt werden soll, verbündet der sich mit den so genannten Nightstalkers – einem Clan von menschlichen Vampirjägern. Mit vereinten Kräften verfolgen sie die Blutspur, die sie direkt zu einer berühmt-berüchtigten Figur einer Vampirlegende führt. Die Vampire sind fast soweit, ein uraltes Geheimnis zu lüften, das es ihnen erlauben würde, im Sonnenlicht zu bestehen. Blade muss sie unbedingt stoppen oder er riskiert die Versklavung der gesamten Menschheit.

Автор: Rhodes Natasha
Blade: Trinity

Der Daywalker ist zurück...

Als dem Halbvampir Blade die Schuld für eine Serie von grausamen Morden angehängt werden soll, verbündet der sich mit den so genannten Nightstalkers – einem Clan von menschlichen Vampirjägern. Mit vereinten Kräften verfolgen sie die Blutspur, die sie direkt zu einer berühmt-berüchtigten Figur einer Vampirlegende führt. Die Vampire sind fast soweit, ein uraltes Geheimnis zu lüften, das es ihnen erlauben würde, im Sonnenlicht zu bestehen. Blade muss sie unbedingt stoppen oder er riskiert die Versklavung der gesamten Menschheit.

Автор: Rhodes Natasha
Автор: Silverberg Robert
Автор: Silverberg Robert
Автор: Silverberg Robert
Beating Plowshares Into Swords: An Alternate History of the Vietnam War

It is January of 1965 and without warning the North Vietnamese launch their Tet Offensive against the South, routing the American supported army and rolling over territory without a fight. In a matter of days it appears as if the Communists are about to score their biggest victory in the Cold War since Stalin’s armies rolled over Eastern Europe at the end of World War II, while the West is on the verge of an unprecedented defeat. In Washington, President Lyndon B. Johnson cleans house at the Pentagon and reaches across the political divide to a man who has built a career out of being tough on the Reds: former Vice President M. Richard Nixon, a man in the wilderness of politics after a career ending defeat. With Nixon as Secretary of Defense, the United States sends more than a million men to South Vietnam and proceeds to bomb the North back to the Stone Age, but it is not enough, as the North Vietnamese refuse to give up and beg for terms of peace. Is it time to think about the unthinkable? Told in the form of an oral history by the men and women who fought, protested and profited from the Vietnam War, Beating Plowshares into Swords is a look at the history that never was, but might have been, and a very different 1960’s than the one we remember.

For years I’ve heard historians and armchair warriors claim that America fought the war in Vietnam with our hands tied behind our backs; that we really could have won if only North Vietnam had been bombed into to a waste land; if only the Ho Chi Minh Trail had been cut; if only a million more men had been sent in country; if only we had wanted to win. In this short novel, I attempt to construct a scenario where the United States military put the hammer down on the North Vietnamese and what the consequences of such a policy would have been for America, Indochina and the wider world. At the same time I constructed different fates for such historical personages as LBJ and Nixon, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, as seen thought the eyes of fictional characters: a young man fighting in the jungles of Southeast Asia, a General working in the halls of the Pentagon and the Oval Office, and an idealistic school teacher marching in the streets of America’s cities. History is a great Leviathan, driven by ego and ambition, fear and avarice, ignorance and insight, brute instinct and sheer brilliance, and most of all by forces far beyond the control of any one person no matter how much power they possess. It is full of fascinating What Ifs and Beating Plowshares into Swords is but one of them.

Автор: Schaefer F C

Later, along with “Hot Sky”, was used as the foundation of the novel Hot Sky at Midnight.

Автор: Silverberg Robert
Автор: Silverberg Robert
Автор: Silverberg Robert
By the Seawall

Micah-IV wasn’t human and couldn’t understand why humans did strange things—but he could imitate them!

Автор: Silverberg Robert

Человечество сумело добраться до Исис — далёкой планеты, где есть жизнь. Но эта жизнь оказывается фундаментально враждебна земной. Программа по её изучению сталкивается с серьёзными проблемами, и тогда с Земли присылают прорывные технологии: девушку Зою с усиленной иммунной системой и компактным костюмом биозащиты, призванным заменить громоздкие скафандры. Но постепенно вопросы о перспективах исследовательской программы отходят на второй план, уступая место вопросам куда более насущным.

Bruderschaft der Unsterblichen

Vier junge Männer — miteinander befreundete Studenten einer amerikanischen Hochschule — starten eines Tages zu einem Trip in die Wüste von Arizona. Ihr Ziel ist ein geheimnisvolles Kloster, das es dort, abgeschieden von der Welt, geben soll. So steht es in den verstaubten Dokumenten, die einer der Studenten beim Quellenstudium gefunden hat. Wenn die Dokumente nicht lügen, leben in diesem Kloster Mönche, die das Geheimnis der Unsterblichkeit kennen. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen erlauben sie Außenseitern den Zutritt zu ihrer Bruderschaft. Sie müssen zu viert kommen und sich gemeinsam einem Ritual unterwerfen. Einer der vier wird sein Leben für die anderen geben müssen, und ein weiterer muß von seinen Freunden geopfert werden. Erst dann können die beiden Überlebenden in die Unsterblichkeit eingehen. In einer Mischung aus Spiel und Ernst versuchen die vier, die aus verschiedenen sozialen Schichten kommen und sich auch in ihrem Temperament, ihren Schwächen, Stärken und Vorlieben stark voneinander unterscheiden, sich auf das einzustellen, was sie in Arizona erwartet. Als sie das Kloster tatsächlich finden, wissen sie noch immer nicht, ob man ihnen nicht einen Mummenschanz vorgaukelt. Und vor allem wissen sie nicht, wer die Unsterblichen und wer die Opfer sein sollen …

Автор: Silverberg Robert
Bili the Axe

With the help of powerful inhuman allies, Prince Bryuhn has persuaded Bili and his warriors to delay their return to Confederation lands and join in his campaign against the deadly invading army that threatens to destroy New Kuhmbuhluhn.

But even as Bili and his warriors rally to the Kuhmbuhluhmers’ aid, the forces of the Witchmen are on the move again. Are Bili and Prince Bryuhn galloping straight into a steel-bladed trap from which death is the only release?

Автор: Adams Robert
Серия: Horseclans
Before the Dawn

Los Angeles, 2019. Large sections of Tinseltown are in Richter-scale ruins in the aftermath of the Pulse and a devastating earthquake. Surviving among a ragtag pack of street kids, agile as a cat, and an expert thief, Max steals from the rich and gives to Moody, her mentor in crime and leader of the gang. But with no real family to speak of, Max longs for her missing “brothers and sisters” from Manticore, the covert agency with a sinister history of militaristic manipulation and control.

By chance, Max sees a news story on TV about a dissident cyberjournalist in Seattle, known to everyone as “Eyes Only.” The police are searching for his accomplice, a young rebel whose image flashes on the screen. Max immediately recognizes Seth, one of her Manticore siblings. She mounts her motorcycle and hightails it north. What she rides into is an elaborate web of betrayal, greed, revenge, and selfless heroism that will only further fuel her quest to uncover the secrets of her past—and seize hope for the future...

Автор: Collins Max Allan
Серия: Dark Angel
Bioshock Infinite. Цейтнот

Главный герой фанфика Bioshock Infinite Цейтнот - обычный рабочий по имени Чандлер. У него есть девятилетняя дочь Лиза. Всю жизнь Чандлер провел в нищете и грязи, и поэтому больше всего на свете он желает, чтобы его дочь не повторила его судьбу. Для достижения мечты ему нужно накопить определенную сумму денег. Большую часть он уже собрал, осталось заработать всего сто десять монет. И вот ему удачно подворачивается одна работенка, за которую он может сразу заработать почти половину оставшихся денег. Чандлер с радостью берется за эту работу, не подозревая, что угодил в хитро расставленную ловушку и что всем его планам, мечтам и надеждам скоро придет конец... ОТ АВТОРА: В данном фанфике присутствуют и закрученный непонятный сюжет, который распутается и станет ясным только ближе к финалу; и обязательные постоянные галлюцинации у главного героя; и супер способности, которые дают человеку энергетики; и сражение главного героя один на один с практически неубиваемым Механиком... Для справки: те, кто играл в игру, конечно же, в курсе, кто такие Механики. Для тех, кто не играл, поясню: Механики - это самые сильные противники в игре, фактически боссы. Главный герой побывает во многих локациях из игры и конечно же повстречает некоторых ключевых персонажей. Например, отважную лидершу революционеров Дейзи Фицрой. История фанфика начинается незадолго до того, как в Колумбии вспыхивает пламя революции, и продолжается уже когда на улицах города идет кровопролитная гражданская война. Сюжет фанфика самобытен и почти не перекликается с сюжетом оригинальной игры.

Blood Ties

Creatures of the night…

When a series of gruesome murders are uncovered around the world, the trail leads back to the SGC — and far beyond…

Recalled to Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Colonel John Sheppard, and Dr. Rodney McKay are shown shocking video footage — a Wraith attack, taking place on Earth. While McKay, Teyla, and Ronon investigate the disturbing possibility that humans may harbor Wraith DNA, Colonel Sheppard is teamed with SG-1’s Dr. Daniel Jackson. Together, they follow the murderers’ trail from Colorado Springs to the war-torn streets of Iraq, and there, uncover a terrifying truth…

As an ancient cult prepares to unleash its deadly plot against humankind, Sheppard’s survival depends on his questioning of everything believed about the Wraith…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Серия: Atlantis
Blood Ties

Creatures of the night…

When a series of gruesome murders are uncovered around the world, the trail leads back to the SGC — and far beyond…

Recalled to Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Colonel John Sheppard, and Dr. Rodney McKay are shown shocking video footage — a Wraith attack, taking place on Earth. While McKay, Teyla, and Ronon investigate the disturbing possibility that humans may harbor Wraith DNA, Colonel Sheppard is teamed with SG-1’s Dr. Daniel Jackson. Together, they follow the murderers’ trail from Colorado Springs to the war-torn streets of Iraq, and there, uncover a terrifying truth…

As an ancient cult prepares to unleash its deadly plot against humankind, Sheppard’s survival depends on his questioning of everything believed about the Wraith…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Серия: Atlantis
Blood Ties

Creatures of the night…

When a series of gruesome murders are uncovered around the world, the trail leads back to the SGC — and far beyond…

Recalled to Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Colonel John Sheppard, and Dr. Rodney McKay are shown shocking video footage — a Wraith attack, taking place on Earth. While McKay, Teyla, and Ronon investigate the disturbing possibility that humans may harbor Wraith DNA, Colonel Sheppard is teamed with SG-1’s Dr. Daniel Jackson. Together, they follow the murderers’ trail from Colorado Springs to the war-torn streets of Iraq, and there, uncover a terrifying truth…

As an ancient cult prepares to unleash its deadly plot against humankind, Sheppard’s survival depends on his questioning of everything believed about the Wraith…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Серия: Atlantis

Doctor Rodney McKay can't believe his eyes when he discovers a moon leaving planetary orbit for a collision course with its own sun. Keen to investigate, he finds something astonishing on the moon's surface — an Ancient city, the mirror of Atlantis…

But the city is not as abandoned as he thinks and Colonel Sheppard's team soon encounter a strange sect of Ancients living beneath the surface, a sect devoted to decadence and debauchery, for whom novelty is the only entertainment. And in the team from Atlantis they find the ultimate novelty to enliven their bloody gladiatorial games…

Trapped on a world heading for destruction, the team must fight their way back to the Stargate or share the fate of the doomed city of Admah…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Серия: Atlantis

Doctor Rodney McKay can't believe his eyes when he discovers a moon leaving planetary orbit for a collision course with its own sun. Keen to investigate, he finds something astonishing on the moon's surface — an Ancient city, the mirror of Atlantis…

But the city is not as abandoned as he thinks and Colonel Sheppard's team soon encounter a strange sect of Ancients living beneath the surface, a sect devoted to decadence and debauchery, for whom novelty is the only entertainment. And in the team from Atlantis they find the ultimate novelty to enliven their bloody gladiatorial games…

Trapped on a world heading for destruction, the team must fight their way back to the Stargate or share the fate of the doomed city of Admah…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Серия: Atlantis
Автор: Turtledove Harry
Серия: The Hot war
Big John

It’s easy to forget the reasons for things—until they touch you personally.

Автор: Larsen Doug

Andy Duncan teaches freshman English at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, where he is working on a masters of fine arts. In 1995, he graduated from North Carolina State University in Raleigh with an MA from the creative writing department. Originally from Batesburg, South Carolina, Mr. Duncan also spent seven years as a newspaper reporter and editor in Greensboro, North Carolina. Although “Beluthahatchie” is his first fiction sale, he has since sold stories to Negative Capability and Starlight I. The author is currently at work on an alternate-history novel.

Автор: Duncan Andy

Sometimes a person just needs a little help—not necessarily from friends…

Автор: Ashwell Pauline
Bird box

Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.

Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it’s time to go, but the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat—blindfolded—with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. Something is following them all the while, but is it man, animal, or monster?

Interweaving past and present, Bird Box is a snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

Автор: Malerman Josh
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Bird box

Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.

Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it’s time to go, but the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat—blindfolded—with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. Something is following them all the while, but is it man, animal, or monster?

Interweaving past and present, Bird Box is a snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

Автор: Malerman Josh
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Business as Usual, During Altercations

Just how far might “flight security” have to go?

Автор: Delaney Joseph H

Человечество сумело добраться до Исис — далёкой планеты, где есть жизнь. Но эта жизнь оказывается фундаментально враждебна земной. Программа по её изучению сталкивается с серьёзными проблемами, и тогда с Земли присылают прорывные технологии: девушку Зою с усиленной иммунной системой и компактным костюмом биозащиты, призванным заменить громоздкие скафандры. Но постепенно вопросы о перспективах исследовательской программы отходят на второй план, уступая место вопросам куда более насущным.

Broken Symmetry

Success in an experiment does not necessarily mean getting the results you expected…

Автор: Burstein Michael A
Blood of Dragons

The final volume in Robin Hobb's popular Rain Wilds fantasy series, *Blood of Dragons* completes the story of the dragons, their keepers, and their quest to find the lost city of Kelsingra—and the mythical silver wells that the dragons need to survive.

Can Tintaglia and the Elderlings unlock the secrets of the ancient city? Or are they doomed to extinction?

The world of Robin Hobb’s Rain Wilds series has been praised by *Booklist* as "one of the most gripping settings in modern fantasy," and *Publishers Weekly* called the Rain Wilds books "a meticulously realized fantasy tale" and "a welcome addition to contemporary dragon lore."

### Review

“A satisfying story” (The News-Star (Monroe, LA) on DRAGON HAVEN )

“A deservedly popular author, an accomplished storyteller with an engaging and readable style.” (London Times )

“A master fantasist.” (Kansas City Star )

“[A]n engaging tale with fully realized characters that already feel like friends.” (Las Vegas Review Journal on CITY OF DRAGONS )

“Real-life resonance gives the story extra depth…Bring on the next installment.” (Kirkus Reviews on CITY OF DRAGONS )

“Dragons, magic, and intrigue combine to make this book a fascinating read” (Booklist )

“Hobb excels at telling big stories and juggling multiple story arcs. Fans of the author and of this series who eagerly await this installment will not be disappointed” (Library Journal (starred review) )

### From the Back Cover

Years ago, the magnificent dragon queen Tintaglia forged a bargain with the inhabitants of the treacherous Rain Wilds. In exchange for her protection against enemy invaders, the humans promised to protect an unhatched brood of dragons. But when the dragons emerged as weak and misshapen hatchlings unable to fend for themselves, dragonkind seemed doomed to extinction. When even Tintaglia deserted the crippled young dragons, the Rain Wilders abandoned the burden of caring for the destructive and ravenous creatures. They were banished to a dangerous and grueling journey in search of their ancient dragon homeland, the lost city of Kelsingra, accompanied by a band of young and inexperienced human keepers, also deemed damaged and disposable.

Against all odds they have found the fabled city, yet myriad challenges remain. Sintara, Mercor, Heeby, Relpda, and the rest of the dragons struggle to find their wings—and their independence. Their human escorts, too, must contend with unsettling upheaval: Thymara, Tats, Rapskal, Sedric, and the others are transforming into Elderlings—true dragon companions. As old rules give way to new alliances, secret fears, and adult desires, the keepers must redefine their lives as they attempt to reawaken Kelsingra to its former glory. But gaps in the dragons' memories leave them all struggling to recover the magic that once animated the great city.

As the young Elderlings risk "memory walking" in the city's hidden history, an outside threat is growing. The Duke of Chalced has dispatched his forces to the Rain Wilds with a compelling mission: slaughter the dragons in an attempt to stave off his own demise. The tide of history is about to turn on a life-and-death battle that will ultimately decide the dragons' fate. If they win, the regal serpents will rule the world once more. And if they lose, they will vanish from the world forever.

Автор: Hobb Robin
Black Heart, Ivory Bones

This sixth anthology in the adult fairy-tale series by acclaimed editors Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling presents another diverse collection of stories and poems loosely based on folklore traditions around the world. Readers familiar with previous books in the series will recognize the names of many regular contributors, including Tanith Lee, Jane Yolen, Esther Friesner, and Joyce Carol Oates, as well as works from Neil Gaiman, Charles de Lint, and others. Tanith Lee's "Rapunzel" opens the collection with a charmingly simple reconstruction of that classic fairy tale. Esther Friesner's "Big Hair" takes the same theme into the present with less cheerful results. Greg Costikyan considers the fate of an ensorcelled sleeping beauty dug up by archaeologists centuries later in "And Still She Sleeps," while Jane Yolen's "Snow in Summer" turns the tables on Snow White's evil stepmother with a deep-dish apple pie and a fry pan. Scott Bradfield's "Goldilocks Tells All" is especially memorable for its Jerry Springer-like portrayal of the ultimate dysfunctional family. Leah Cutter considers the loneliness of living under a curse in her Texas two-step story "The Red Boots." Severna Park's feminist "The Golem" revives a Jewish folktale, while Bryn Kanar's haunting "Dreaming Among Men" draws on Native American legend. Howard Waldrop's "Our Mortal Span" is perhaps the most unique story here, a surprising blend of black comedy, killer-robot story, and fairy tale. While on the whole this collection isn't as strong as previous volumes, it still delivers a fine array of thoughtful writing on some of the best-known-and yet unknown-stories we love. 

— Charlene Brusso.

Серия: Anthology
Black Gum

After his life spirals out of control, a young man navigates a world of juggalos, transients, and petty criminals with Shane, an enigmatic small-time drug dealer with a penchant for body modification.

Автор: Osborne J David
Blood of Dragons

The final volume in Robin Hobb's popular Rain Wilds fantasy series, *Blood of Dragons* completes the story of the dragons, their keepers, and their quest to find the lost city of Kelsingra—and the mythical silver wells that the dragons need to survive.

Can Tintaglia and the Elderlings unlock the secrets of the ancient city? Or are they doomed to extinction?

The world of Robin Hobb’s Rain Wilds series has been praised by *Booklist* as "one of the most gripping settings in modern fantasy," and *Publishers Weekly* called the Rain Wilds books "a meticulously realized fantasy tale" and "a welcome addition to contemporary dragon lore."

### Review

“A satisfying story” (The News-Star (Monroe, LA) on DRAGON HAVEN )

“A deservedly popular author, an accomplished storyteller with an engaging and readable style.” (London Times )

“A master fantasist.” (Kansas City Star )

“[A]n engaging tale with fully realized characters that already feel like friends.” (Las Vegas Review Journal on CITY OF DRAGONS )

“Real-life resonance gives the story extra depth…Bring on the next installment.” (Kirkus Reviews on CITY OF DRAGONS )

“Dragons, magic, and intrigue combine to make this book a fascinating read” (Booklist )

“Hobb excels at telling big stories and juggling multiple story arcs. Fans of the author and of this series who eagerly await this installment will not be disappointed” (Library Journal (starred review) )

### From the Back Cover

Years ago, the magnificent dragon queen Tintaglia forged a bargain with the inhabitants of the treacherous Rain Wilds. In exchange for her protection against enemy invaders, the humans promised to protect an unhatched brood of dragons. But when the dragons emerged as weak and misshapen hatchlings unable to fend for themselves, dragonkind seemed doomed to extinction. When even Tintaglia deserted the crippled young dragons, the Rain Wilders abandoned the burden of caring for the destructive and ravenous creatures. They were banished to a dangerous and grueling journey in search of their ancient dragon homeland, the lost city of Kelsingra, accompanied by a band of young and inexperienced human keepers, also deemed damaged and disposable.

Against all odds they have found the fabled city, yet myriad challenges remain. Sintara, Mercor, Heeby, Relpda, and the rest of the dragons struggle to find their wings—and their independence. Their human escorts, too, must contend with unsettling upheaval: Thymara, Tats, Rapskal, Sedric, and the others are transforming into Elderlings—true dragon companions. As old rules give way to new alliances, secret fears, and adult desires, the keepers must redefine their lives as they attempt to reawaken Kelsingra to its former glory. But gaps in the dragons' memories leave them all struggling to recover the magic that once animated the great city.

As the young Elderlings risk "memory walking" in the city's hidden history, an outside threat is growing. The Duke of Chalced has dispatched his forces to the Rain Wilds with a compelling mission: slaughter the dragons in an attempt to stave off his own demise. The tide of history is about to turn on a life-and-death battle that will ultimately decide the dragons' fate. If they win, the regal serpents will rule the world once more. And if they lose, they will vanish from the world forever.

Автор: Hobb Robin
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора

Deep in the Caribbean ocean, a nuclear submarine is forced to suddenly abort its mission under mysterious circumstances. Strange facts begin to emerge that lead naval investigator John Clay to a small group of marine biologists who are quietly on the verge of making history.

Alison Shaw and her team are preparing to translate the first two-way conversation with another animal species, but they are about to discover much more than they ever expected.

When a mysterious object is found on the ocean floor and an unknown group suddenly becomes interested in her work, Alison learns that Clay may be the only person she can really trust. Together they find themselves embroiled in a desperate attempt to stop a catastrophe that spans the Atlantic Ocean and reaches all the way to Antarctica.

Автор: Grumley Michael C
Серия: Breakthrough

Nous sommes en 1880. La Guerre Civile américaine fait rage depuis plus de deux décennies, poussant les avancées technologiques dans d’étranges et terribles directions. Des dirigeables de combat sillonnent le ciel, et des véhicules blindés rampent dans les tranchées. Les scientifiques de l’armée détournent les lois de la nature et échangent leur âme contre des armes surnaturelles alimentées par le feu, la vapeur et le sang. Bienvenue dans le Siècle Mécanique, un siècle sombre et différent. C’est dans ce monde que vit Briar Wilkes et son fils. Elle est la veuve de l’infâme Dr. Blue, créateur du Boneshaker, la machine qui détruisit Seattle, perçant par-là même une poche de gaz qui transforma les vivants en non-morts. Mais un beau jour, son fils décide de pénétrer dans Seattle dans l’espoir de réécrire l’histoire. Sa quête le conduira dans une ville en ruine grouillant de morts-vivants affamés, de pirates de l’air, de seigneurs criminels et de réfugiés armés jusqu’aux dents. Seule Briar peut le ramener vivant.

Автор: Priest Cherie
Серия: , Siècle mécanique

The Vallerio Forest. Millions of acres of undeveloped land, cut off from the outside world by giant fences, armed guards, and government edicts. It’s widely considered an ecological paradise. But beneath its majestic canopy lies a dark underbelly of strange creatures, secret facilities, and horrifying experiments.

Five months ago, survival expert Zach Caplan swore off the wild and moved to New York City. But when trouble strikes his ex-girlfriend, famed biologist Amanda Morgan, he must return to the forest that nearly destroyed him. This, however, will prove far more difficult than he could ever imagine.

For something is stirring within the Vallerio. Something ancient, something deadly. And as Caplan fights to untangle the terrifying truth about the dark forest, he will come to an inescapable conclusion. The fate of humanity is in his hands… and one wrong move could mean extinction.

Автор: Meyer David
Серия: Apex Predator
Broken Symmetry

Success in an experiment does not necessarily mean getting the results you expected…

Автор: Burstein Michael A
Bug Trap

There are standard protocols for job-hunting, but things don’t always work that way…

Автор: Burns Stephen L
Barsk: The Elephants' Graveyard

An historian who speaks with the dead is ensnared by the past. A child who feels no pain and who should not exist sees the future. Between them are truths that will shake worlds.

In a distant future, no remnants of human beings remain, but their successors thrive throughout the galaxy. These are the offspring of humanity's genius-animals uplifted into walking, talking, sentient beings. The Fant are one such species: anthropomorphic elephants ostracized by other races, and long ago exiled to the rainy ghetto world of Barsk. There, they develop medicines upon which all species now depend. The most coveted of these drugs is koph, which allows a small number of users to interact with the recently deceased and learn their secrets.

To break the Fant's control of koph, an offworld shadow group attempts to force the Fant to surrender their knowledge. Jorl, a Fant Speaker with the dead, is compelled to question his deceased best friend, who years ago mysteriously committed suicide. In so doing, Jorl unearths a secret the powers-that-be would prefer to keep buried forever. Meanwhile, his dead friend's son, a physically challenged young Fant named Pizlo, is driven by disturbing visions to take his first unsteady steps toward an uncertain future.

Автор: Schoen Lawrence M
Bound in Blood

When Jame returned to Knorth hall to help her brother Torisen name all the fallen fighters’ death banners stored there, she made the disturbing discovery that those banners splattered with their owners’ blood also have trapped their owners’ souls. She also found a contract proving her cousin Kindrie to be legitimate, proving that there are three full-blooded Knorth. Three full-blooded Knorth means that the Three-Faced God can be manifested—something that none of the three are likely to want to do, if they have any choice in the matter. .

Returning with this unwelcome knowledge to school at Tentir, Jame continued to dodge the attentions of an unwanted admirer, strengthen her link to her feline hunting ounce, work with the rathorn colt Death’s-head to insure that it doesn’t resume its attempts to kill her, and, of course, kept causing plenty of unintended havoc. She also had to help fight off attacks from hillmen, repel a stampede of yarkcarn (think warthogs the size of mammoths), fight in the Winter War (a mock conflict—or, at least, that’s how it was supposed to be), and solve the mystery behind the death of her evil uncle, who somehow is still spectrally manifesting himself in nasty ways.

No doubt about it—Jame is back, and with a vengeance, as the popular and critically-praised fantasy adventure series continues.

Автор: Hodgell P C
Big Planet

Big Planet is a fantastic world populated by an odd assortment of splinter societies, where beauty and evil dwell in uneasy proximity. The tyrant Charley Lysidder- self-styled "Bajarnum of Beaujolais"- seeks to rule the planet, and Claude Glystra leads a commission from Earth to investigate. But Glystra's ship is sabotaged in orbit, and crashes to the surface far from safety; Glystra must trek 40,000 miles across the vast planet to Earth Enclave, if he is to succeed- or even survive...

Автор: Vance Jack
Серия: Big Planet

 Alex Verus has a magic shop in Camden, London, and an uncanny ability to see the future. But suddenly everyone can see Alex's future. Because the Mage's Council of Great Britain just named him a traitor and ordered his death in seven days' time, and there's no way anyone can get out of that. Alex's friends — Luna and the other apprentices he's taken in — are tainted by association. They'll be marked for death too when the ruling comes into play, and Alex becomes locked in a race against time to save them. But with only seven days to work with, will he have time left over save his own skin?

Автор: Jacka Benedict
Серия: Alex Verus
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Believing Is Seeing

Believing is seeing, as the title of this outstanding collection of fantasies proclaims. And "reading is seeing more than you've ever imagined when in the masterful hands of acclaimed author Diana Wynne Jones. Here are seven tales--seven doorways to bizarre, yet strangely familiar worlds--to transport one and all. In these worlds are a child born to an ordered society but preordained to spread Dissolution . . . a girl who so loves the sun that she renounces her humanity for eternity . . . a cat and a boy, held captive by an evil magician until they can find a bigger magic of their own . . . a woman imprisoned in a strange country dominated by three ravenous wolves . . . and many other characters and stories just as exceptional. These richly drawn, razor-sharp stories showcase the skills and sheer narrative power of one of the most esteemed fantasy writers of our time.

Автор: Jones Diana Wynne
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Brennendes Land

Im Jahr 2044 hat Amerika seine ökonomische Vormachtstellung in der Welt verloren und präsentiert sich als instabiler Staatenriese, dessen innerer Zusammenhalt nur über allgemeine Notstandsgesetze realisiert wird. Technisch hoch entwickelte Überwachungsmethoden spiegeln sich in einer allgegenwärtigen Medienrealität wider, die Maß und Instrument der Elite ist. In dieser Atmosphäre gerät der Wahlkampfexperte Oscar Valparaiso aus einer Gouverneurswahl immer tiefer in die Machtstrukturen der auseinander brechenden USA, bis er Teil und Initiator eines neuen amerikanischen Traums wird.

Автор: Sterling Bruce

For centuries the Seleighe have kept imprisoned a nameless, monstrous God. But the seal is failing, and Veresan of the Summer Fire must travel far beyond his own land to prevent disaster.

Автор: öst Andrea K
Black Jack

Er starb im Krieg — so glauben alle. In Wahrheit lag er 100 Jahre im Kälteschlaf. Nun feiert man ihn wegen seiner Kriegsverdienste als lebende Legende. Er erhält das Kommando über eine Flotte, die im feindlichen Territorium gestrandet ist. Sein Auftrag: möglichst alle Schiffe lebend nach Hause bringen. Die Realität: Unzählige Feinde auf dem Weg. Und eine Meuterei in den eigenen Reihen, die ihn 40 Schiffe kostet…

Автор: Campbell Jack
Blauer Mars

Das Terraforming des Mars nimmt seinen Fortgang. Allmählich entsteht ein zweiter »Blauer Planet«, ein neuer Lebensraum für die Menschheit. Doch die ersten Siedler wehren sich, ihre neue Heimat von einem Millionenheer unersättlicher Neuankömmlinge überfluten und ausbeuten zu lassen.

Автор: Robinson Kim Stanley
Серия: Mars (de)
Beyond the Aquila Rift: The Best of Alastair Reynolds

This is an amazing collection of some of the best short fiction ever written in the SF genre, by an author acclaimed as ‘the mastersinger of space opera’ (THE TIMES).

Alastair Reynolds has won the Sidewise Award and been nominated for The Hugo Awards for his short fiction. One of the most thought-provoking and accomplished short-fiction writers of our time, this collection is a delight for all SF readers.

Автор: Reynolds Alastair
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Barrington Bayley SF Gateway Omnibus: The Soul of the Robot, The Knights of the Limits, The Fall of Chronopolis

Although largely, and unjustly, neglected by a modern audience, Bayley was a hugely influential figure to some of the greats of British SF, such as Michael Moorcock and M. John Harrison. He is perhaps best-known for THE FALL OF CHRONOPOLIS, which is collected in this omnibus, alongside THE SOUL OF THE ROBOT and the extraordinary story collection THE KNIGHTS OF THE LIMITS.

The Soul of the Robot

Jasperodus, a robot, sets out to prove he is the equal of any human being. His futuristic adventures as warrior, tyrant, renegade, and statesman eventually lead him back home to the two human beings who created him. He returns with a question: Does he have a soul?

The Knights of the Limits

The best short fiction of Barrington Bayley from his New Worlds period. Nine brilliant stories of infinite space and alien consciousness, suffused with a sense of wonder…

The Fall of Chronopolis

The mighty ships of the Third Time Fleet relentlessly patrolled the Chronotic Empire’s thousand-year frontier, blotting out an error of history here or there before swooping back to challenge other time-travelling civilisations far into the future. Captain Mond Aton had been proud to serve in such a fleet. But now, falsely convicted of cowardice and dereliction of duty, he had been given the cruellest of sentences: to be sent unprotected into time as a lone messenger between the cruising timeships. After such an inconceivable experience in the endless voids there was only one option left to him. To be allowed to die.


Die nicht allzu ferne Zukunft. Der Klimawandel und die Profitgier der internationalen Großunternehmen haben die Erde, wie wir sie kennen, zerstört: Der Meeresspiegel ist angestiegen, das Erdöl versiegt und ganze Spezies wurden ausgerottet. Künstlich generierte Krankheiten, Bioterrorismus und Hungersnöte gehören zum Alltag. Die Supermächte sind schon lange untergegangen, stattdessen beherrschen die Lebensmittelkonzerne die globale Marktwirtschaft. Einzig dem Königreich Thailand ist es gelungen, sich durch Isolation und eine rigorose Biopolitik, seine Unabhängigkeit zu bewahren. Anderson Lake, Mitarbeiter der Firma AgriGen, wird nach Bangkok geschickt, wo er sich Zugang zu thailändischen Genlaboratorien verschaffen soll — weltweit die einzigen, die noch Stammkulturen unverseuchten Getreidesamens besitzen. Doch Thailands Regierung setzt alles daran, das Eindringen westlicher Konzerne in ihr Land zu verhindern …

Biokrieg ist ein atemberaubender Wissenschaftsthriller, der mit dem Hugo und Nebula Award als bester Roman des Jahres ausgezeichnet wurde.

Автор: Bacigalupi Paolo

The Imperial Library Corps has brought the light of civilization to the Galactic Periphery for millennia, but when a rogue admiral launches a surprise attack on the Empire will the libraries be abandoned as just another casualty of war?

Amid the backdrop of interstellar conflict, a librarian at the edge of the galaxy must make a fateful decision which will determine the course of his life.

“Bibliophile” is a 11,000-word novella imagining the future of libraries and those who depend on them. It is the first installment in a series of library-themed science fiction stories titled “L is for Librarian.”

Автор: Bruno Tom
Серия: L is for Librarian

In the midst of a beautiful summer, in a perfectly American suburban middle-class neighborhood, a faraway evil is lurking, waiting to strike the unsuspecting residents.

First come the flashing lights, then the heavy rains, high winds, and finally a total blackout. But that’s only the beginning…

When the whipping black tentacles fall from the sky and begin snatching people at random, the denizens of Piccamore Way must discover the terrifying truth of what these beings have planned for the human race.

Автор: Curran Tim
Bloody Finish

A short story published in

Автор: Curran Tim
Breakfast at Twilight

It’s distinctly ungood to wake up in the middle of a war. Anybody knows that. But what bothered the McLeans most was the fact that the war they were in wouldn’t begin for another hundred years!

Автор: dick Filip Kindred
Burn Artist

It’s 1986. Alexi Sokolsky is a 25-year old Spook, a hitmage for the Russian Mafia, and he is about to face his most difficult challenge yet.

The Yaroshenko Organization is neck-deep in a multimillion dollar Wall Street heist when an unseen mage levies a terrible curse against one of Alexi’s comrades. The mage demands that the Russians release his client from the deal, cancel his debt, and forfeit their earnings, or they will suffer the fatal consequences.

After the first victim burns to death from the inside out and the deadline closes in, Alexi is sent to hunt the murderer in a feverish game of cat-and-mouse and stop him before more people die. But to save his friends and family and honor his contract, Alexi must also save his worst enemy, the one person in his life who truly deserves to die in a fire.

His father.

Set 5 years before Blood Hound, Burn Artist is a prequel to the series which reveals more about Alexi’s past. What were the events that shaped him? Why did he murder his own father? And what are his true feelings for his best friend?

Автор: Baldwin James Osiris
Blood Hound

Alexi Sokolsky is not your everyday hitman. Introspective, intuitive, and fiercely intelligent, he is also a mage capable of murder with nothing but his voice and the power of his will. However, arcane ability comes with a price: The same powers that make Alexi indispensable to the Russian Mafia also make him a social outcast, an object of fear and superstition.

When a high-ranking Sicilian Mafioso is murdered with demonic magic and dumped on Russian territory, the Russians blame the only mage they know—Alexi. Then a key contact in the lucrative cocaine trade disappears, and Alexi is the one sent to play detective. He quickly learns that every mage and his dog are searching for a Gift Horse, a mysterious creature rumored to be made of pure magic who carries the secrets of all creation in her flesh and blood… a creature who is calling to Alexi for help.

If Alexi heeds the Gift Horse’s call, he stands to lose everything and everyone he’s fought and killed for. If he doesn’t, the world will be held hostage by whoever finds her first—and given that a demon-summoning murderous psychopath is in pole position, the odds are not in the world’s favor.

Magic, mafia and mystery come together in the first installment of the Hound of Eden Supernatural Thriller series. Recieve your complimentary copy of Burn Artist, a 150-page prequel to the series, when you sign up for the Hound of Eden Mailing List here: https://www.instafreebie.com/free/o2OAa

Автор: Baldwin James Osiris
Автор: Curran Tim
Black magic

Посвящение: Моей лени, тупости и всем тем, кто считает, что Марти Сью может быть серьезным произведением!

Описание: Попаданцы, тысячи их! Они всё время попадают и попадают, нагибают и рвут все живое, или безудержно страдают, заставляя юных дев обливаться кровавами слезами. А еще они очень любят альтернативные способы любви и питают просто нездоровую привязанность к одной немытой и черноволосой личности.Но есть у них и еще одна черта: все они герои, которые пафосно превозмогают и идут навстречу опасности. Но в этот раз все не так просто!

Автор: bezymnyjhomyak1
Black magic (СИ)

Посвящение: Моей лени, тупости и всем тем, кто считает, что Марти Сью может быть серьезным произведением!

Описание: Попаданцы, тысячи их! Они всё время попадают и попадают, нагибают и рвут все живое, или безудержно страдают, заставляя юных дев обливаться кровавами слезами. А еще они очень любят альтернативные способы любви и питают просто нездоровую привязанность к одной немытой и черноволосой личности.Но есть у них и еще одна черта: все они герои, которые пафосно превозмогают и идут навстречу опасности. Но в этот раз все не так просто!

Best of Breed

There is a kind of disadvantage that might seem insurmountable—unless you’re willing and able to resort to a certain kind of trickery!

Beggars In Spain

In 21st-century America, genetic engineering makes it possible for those who can afford it to become parents of improved, custom-made babies. The controversial procedure has produced a new breed that can function without sleep. Leisha Camden, daughter of a wealthy industrialist, is one of "the sleepless," who are endowed with remarkable intelligence and other genetic enhancements. A generation of prodigies, Leisha and her peers are resented by the rest of the population, who begin to persecute them. To escape violence, the Sleepless retreat to an armed camp, the Sanctuary, where for decades they fight to legitimize their existence in an increasingly hostile society. Leisha, a brilliant, idealistic lawyer, finds herself ostracized by both Sleepers and Sleepless as she struggles to bridge the widening gulf between the two groups. Meanwhile, the Sleepless must learn to deal with the prodigies among them. Kress competently handles a well-worn science fiction concept and raises some intriguing scientific and sociological issues.

Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1993.

Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1994.

Автор: Kress Nancy
Серия: Sleepless
Автор: Kress Nancy
Серия: Sleepless
Beyond the Sea

The Soviet battle cruiser Simbirsk, which launched in June 1940 and was reported sunk in 1944 with the loss of all hands, is still sailing the open sea.

January of 2017: American Los Angeles class submarine U.S.S. Houston is tracking a surface target that is not listed as part of the Russian navy s response to the NATO maneuvers. What they find will set in motion the answers to one of the great mysteries of World War II. With the Russian navy bearing down on the Houston and international tensions running high, the United States Navy declares the Soviet-era derelict legal salvage under international law.

With the world s most powerful navies going toe-to-toe in the North Atlantic, the President of the United States calls upon the one organization that has a chance to figure out why this ship is in this time, in this place Department 5656, also known as the Event Group.

When the Group arrives, they are confronted by three warships of the Russian Navy who have come to claim Russian property. The two groups meet and soon discover that the ancient battle cruiser is not a derelict at all, but fully functional with a mysterious apparatus that sent the original crew to their deaths. In the midst of their warfare in the tossing seas, both navies are sent into a realm of unimaginable terror an alternate world of water, ice, and death.

Автор: Golemon David Lynn
Серия: Event Group Thriller
Bone Swans: Stories

A swan princess hunted for her bones, a broken musician and his silver pipe, and a rat named Maurice bring justice to a town under fell enchantment. A gang of courageous kids confronts both a plague-destroyed world and an afterlife infested with clowns but robbed of laughter. In an island city, the murder of a child unites two lovers, but vengeance will part them. Only human sacrifice will save a city trapped in ice and darkness. Gold spun out of straw has a price, but not the one you expect.

Автор: Cooney CSE
Bubba Pritchert and the Space Aliens

First Contact may not look quite like the preconceived cliches—on either side!

Автор: Webster Bud
Серия: Bubba Pritchert
Beholder Mage Girl

Введите сюда краткую аннотацию

Battle Royale

Koushun Takami’s notorious high-octane thriller is based on an irresistible premise: a class of junior high school students is taken to a deserted island where, as part of a ruthless authoritarian program, they are provided arms and forced to kill one another until only one survivor is left standing. Criticized as violent exploitation when first published in Japan — where it then proceeded to become a runaway bestseller — Battle Royale is a Lord of the Flies for the 21st century, a potent allegory of what it means to be young and (barely) alive in a dog-eat-dog world. Made into a controversial hit movie of the same name, Battle Royale is already a contemporary Japanese pulp classic, now available for the first time in the English language.

Автор: Takami Koushun
Battle Royale

Koushun Takami’s notorious high-octane thriller is based on an irresistible premise: a class of junior high school students is taken to a deserted island where, as part of a ruthless authoritarian program, they are provided arms and forced to kill one another until only one survivor is left standing. Criticized as violent exploitation when first published in Japan — where it then proceeded to become a runaway bestseller — Battle Royale is a Lord of the Flies for the 21st century, a potent allegory of what it means to be young and (barely) alive in a dog-eat-dog world. Made into a controversial hit movie of the same name, Battle Royale is already a contemporary Japanese pulp classic, now available for the first time in the English language.

Автор: Takami Koushun
Billy’s Bunter

Some forms of oppression are subtler than the obvious. so are some ways of fighting back…

Автор: Cuirle Walter F

A cynical, paraplegic screenwriter with borderline personality disorder gets recruited to join a secret organization that oversees relations between Hollywood and Fairyland in the first book of a new urban fantasy series from debut author Mishell Baker.

A year ago, Millie lost her legs and her filmmaking career in a failed suicide attempt. Just when she’s sure the credits have rolled on her life story, she gets a second chance with the Arcadia Project: a secret organization that polices the traffic to and from a parallel reality filled with creatures straight out of myth and fairy tales.

For her first assignment, Millie is tasked with tracking down a missing movie star who also happens to be a nobleman of the Seelie Court. To find him, she’ll have to smooth-talk Hollywood power players and uncover the surreal and sometimes terrifying truth behind the glamour of Tinseltown. But stronger forces than just her inner demons are sabotaging her progress, and if she fails to...

Автор: Baker Mishell
Серия: The Arcadia Project

There are places where even the strangest meet not quite as strangers…

Автор: Shelley Rick

Как и с предыдущими книгами, Мартин периодически зачитывал отдельные главы из будущей книги на различных фестивалях. Некоторые главы имеются лишь в пересказах, другие — полностью отредактированы и даже опубликованы на сайте писателя или как дополнение к электронным изданиям книг. В марте 2014 года Мартин в своем блоге отметил, что, видимо, достиг разумного предела по числу спойлерных глав и больше их выпускать не будет. Для сравнения: до выхода «Танца с драконами» было опубликовано или зачитано 13 спойлерных глав (из 73 глав, вошедших в книгу).

Beyond the Volcano

It’s easy to concentrate so hard on the problem at hand that you don’t even notice the problem you should be working on.

Автор: Farrar Ned
Bouclier périlleux

 L’autorité des Mondes syndiqués s’effondre lentement depuis la victoire de l’Alliance. Partout éclatent sécessions et guerres civiles. Que deviendront ces « étoiles perdues » ?

De haute lutte, Midway a conquis son indépendance et s’est soustrait à la dictature syndic. Mais à quoi bon si c’est pour retomber sous sa férule faute d’une flotte spatiale digne de ce nom ? Ou pour succomber à une nouvelle agression des Énigmas ? Car voici que surgissent aux confins du système stellaire les vaisseaux du CECH Boyens, le vieil adversaire, ainsi que ceux des extraterrestres belliqueux. Et, même si Black Jack Geary, retour d’expédition dans l’espace inexploré, a plus d’un tour dans son sac pour venir à bout de ces menaces-là, il reste l’ennemi dans l’ombre, l’ennemi infiltré, celui qui vous sourit en face et vous poignarde dans le dos.

Des siècles de conditionnement dictatorial ne s’effacent pas d’un trait. La présidente Gwen Iceni et le général Drakon vont pourtant devoir apprendre à se faire confiance alors que le danger rôde autour d’eux.

Tandis que « Par-delà la frontière » prolonge la série de « La flotte perdue », Jack Campbell a ouvert un troisième champ de romans imbriqués, celui des « Étoiles perdues ». Bouclier périlleux fait suite a L’Honneur terni.

Автор: Campbell Jack
Bird Box

Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.

Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it’s time to go, but the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat—blindfolded—with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. Something is following them all the while, but is it man, animal, or monster?

Interweaving past and present, Bird Box is a snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

Автор: Malerman Josh
Bird Box

Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.

Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it’s time to go, but the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat—blindfolded—with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. Something is following them all the while, but is it man, animal, or monster?

Interweaving past and present, Bird Box is a snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

Автор: Malerman Josh

Die Erde im 22. Jahrhundert: Seuchen haben die Bevölkerung stark dezimiert. Auf der Suche nach neuem Lebensraum konzentrieren sich alle Hoffnungen auf Isis, einen nur wenige Lichtjahre entfernten Planeten. Doch als die Menschen die paradiesisch anmutende Welt erforschen, um herauszufinden, ob sie für eine Besiedelung geeignet ist, stoßen sie auf eine ungemein aggressive Biosphäre. Zoe Fischer, ein menschlicher Klon, wird mit einem künstlich optimierten Immunsystem ausgestattet und auf die isische Orbitalstation geschickt. Dort angekommen, wird sie Zeuge einer anhaltenden Serie von Katastrophen: Die äußerst flexiblen Mikroorganismen von Isis entwickeln sich zu gefährlichen Killern, Raumanzüge korrodieren in Minutenschnelle, zahlreiche Wissenschaftler sterben einen qualvollen Tod. Eine Bodenstation nach der anderen muss aufgegeben werden. Und als Zoe bei einem Erkundungsgang in ein unterirdisches Tunnelsystem und in die Hände einer einheimischen Lebensform gerät, befallen die todbringenden Erreger die Orbitalstation, auf der mehr als 1500 Menschen leben…

Автор: Wilson Robert Charles

Situé à quelques années-lumière de la Terre, Isis est un monde verdoyant à l’écosystème complexe. Un monde classé zone de biomenace de niveau 4. La moindre molécule de son biotope est capable de tuer un être humain au terme d’une terrifiante agonie.

Et pourtant, Isis constitue la découverte la plus prometteuse de ce XXIIe siècle : berceau d’une vie fondamentalement différente, elle pourrait en miroir éclairer notre propre nature.

Zoé Fisher a été conçue pour explorer Isis. Son organisme a été génétiquement optimisé pour s’adapter à l’environnement inhospitalier de cette planète ; sa personnalité patiemment construite autour de cette seule mission.

Quels dangers imprévus Zoé affrontera-t-elle sur cette planète grandiose et meurtrière ? Devra-t-elle sacrifier son humanité pour en découvrir tous les secrets ?

Dans la lignée de Solaris, de Stanislas Lem, Bios nous invite à l’exploration vertigineuse d’un monde radicalement autre.

Автор: Wilson Robert Charles
Серия: Folio SF

BLACKSTAR is an intriguing tale of Area 51, stranded visitors, cutting edge technology, and a megalomaniac General.

Fantastic things are going on at Groom Lake, things that defy our imagination. The greatest scientific minds of our day are working there. Several of them have disappeared when their usefulness was deemed over by General Devin.

General Devin reports only to the President. When President Sampson became concerned about the lack of accountability for the General, he asked his old friend, Raymond Eller, the Director of Homeland Security to assume a supervisory role over General Devin. The General could not have Eller or anyone else snooping around “his facility” and potentially discovering his most secret high tech weapon project, the BlackStar. Eller had to disappear as had the others who didn’t suit General Devin’s purposes.

When the BlackStar was finally completed and tested, the aliens made a surprise visit. It was clear that they were not pleased with the latest development. J, the alien who has been on Earth since the Roswell crash, remained behind, seeming to be deteriorating in health, but watching, always watching.

This is a gripping techno-thriller that you will find almost impossible to put down. If you enjoyed THE END (Book I of The Event Series), THE BEGINNING (Book II), THE REVELATION (Book III) or THE BRINK series by this author, you will want to read this book.

Автор: Huffman M W
Автор: ński Andrzej
Breslau forever

Staszewski to najlepszy pies wrocławskiej komendy (nie mylić z pieskiem noszącym w zębach teczkę za przełożonym). Prowadzi śledztwo w idiotycznej sprawie, która ciągnie się od lat 30. zeszłego stulecia. Jeden po drugim ginęli zajmujący się nią oficerowie. Nie ma i nie było żadnego podejrzanego.

W przedwojennym Breslau to samo śledztwo rozłożyło na łopatki funkcjonariuszy niemieckiej kripo. W ruinach powojennego Wrocławia – milicjantów obywatelskich. Do czego doprowadzi Staszewskiego? Do spisku, sekty, klątwy, sedna Breslau czy jak poprzedników... do śmierci.

Problem w tym, że ludzie, nie wiedzieć czemu wybuchają, podpalają się albo popełniają samobójstwo w któryś z bardziej tradycyjnych sposobów.

Za każdym razem otaczają się kwiatami. Zawsze towarzyszy im rytuał powtarzalności.

Автор: ński Andrzej
Black Wizard

Когда 30 лет назад вернулась магия, Земля увеличилась в четыре раза, а на столицы начали нападать орды монстров, планета погрузилась в хаос. Но выросло первое поколение магов, подоспело второе и мир вернулся на Новую Землю. И в этом новом мире живет Томас Корнев, осужденный маг А ранга. Однажды он убил своего учителя за то, что тот хотел принести его в дар демону. Ритуал сорвался, но вот силы демона оказались заточены в жертве, наделив удивительными способностями. Выйдя на свободу, Корнев, будучи должен кругленькую сумму мафии, должен найти способ участвовать и победить в Турнире Академий. Иначе…

Серия: Black Wizard
Bored World

A short story by Andy Weir.

Автор: Weir Andy
Black No More

The landmark comic satire that asks, “What would happen if all black people in America turned white?”

It’s New Year’s Day 1933 in New York City, and Max Disher, a young black man, has just found out that a certain Dr. Junius Crookman has discovered a mysterious process that allows people to bleach their skin white—a new way to “solve the American race problem.” Max leaps at the opportunity, and after a brief stay at the Crookman Sanitarium, he becomes Matthew Fisher, a white man who is able to attain everything he has ever wanted: money, power, good liquor, and the white woman who rejected him when he was black.

Lampooning myths of white supremacy and racial purity and caricaturing prominent African American leaders like W. E. B. Du Bois, Madam C. J. Walker, and Marcus Garvey, Black No More is a masterwork of speculative fiction and a hilarious satire of America’s obsession with race.

For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,800 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

Battle Hymn

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Legion of the Damned® novels comes the final volume in the postapocalyptic military science fiction trilogy about America warring with itself and the people trying to keep it together…

The Second Civil War continues to rage as Union president Samuel T. Sloan battles to keep America whole and, more than that, to restore the country to its former greatness.

“Wanted Dead or Alive.” Following a fateful battle between Union Army major Robin “Mac” Macintyre and her sister, the New Confederacy places a price on Mac’s head, and bounty hunters are on her trail.

But there’s work to be done, and Mac is determined to help Sloan reunify the country by freeing hundreds of Union POWs from appalling conditions in Mexico and capturing a strategic oil reserve that lies deep inside Confederate territory.

However, to truly have peace it will be necessary to capture or kill the New Confederacy’s leadership, and that includes Mac’s father, General Bo Macintyre.

Автор: Dietz William C
Серия: America Rising

Lindon has a year left. 

When his time runs out, he’ll have to fight an opponent that no one believes he can beat. Unless he learns sacred arts the right way, from scratch, he won’t have a chance to win…and even then, the odds are against him. 

In the course of their training, he and Yerin travel to the Blackflame Empire, where they fight to master an ancient power. 

Success means a chance at life, but failure means death. 

In the sacred arts, only those who risk the most can travel far.

Автор: Wight Will
Серия: Cradle
Below Zero

Twelve-year-old Zak, who has an inoperable brain tumour, is with his sister and parents when their private plane is disastrously diverted. Wrecked on a remote research outpost in the Antarctic, they find themselves in an abandoned base. Then Zak’s parents disappear, and the base’s equipment starts 3D-printing nightmarish spiderlike creatures. Zak’s bizarre visions appear to suggest a link to something else–beneath the ice–which only he can understand…

Автор: Smith Dan
Ball Lightning

On his fourteenth birthday, right before his eyes, Chen’s parents are incinerated by a blast of ball lightning. Striving to make sense of this bizarre tragedy, he dedicates his life to a single goal: to unlock the secrets of this enigmatic natural phenomenon. His pursuit of ball lightning will take him far from home, across mountain peaks chasing storms and deep into highly classified subterranean laboratories as he slowly unveils a new frontier in particle physics.

Chen’s obsession gives purpose to his lonely life, but it can’t insulate him from the real world’s interest in his discoveries. He will be pitted against scientists, soldiers and governments with motives of their own: a physicist who has no place for moral judgement in his pursuit of knowledge; a beautiful army major obsessed with new ways to wage war; a desperate nation facing certain military defeat.

Conjuring awe-inspiring new worlds of cosmology and philosophy from meticulous scientific speculation, Cixin Liu’s Ball Lightning has all the scope and imagination that so enthralled readers of his award-winning Three-Body trilogy.

Автор: Liu Cixin
Ball Lightning

On his fourteenth birthday, right before his eyes, Chen’s parents are incinerated by a blast of ball lightning. Striving to make sense of this bizarre tragedy, he dedicates his life to a single goal: to unlock the secrets of this enigmatic natural phenomenon. His pursuit of ball lightning will take him far from home, across mountain peaks chasing storms and deep into highly classified subterranean laboratories as he slowly unveils a new frontier in particle physics.

Chen’s obsession gives purpose to his lonely life, but it can’t insulate him from the real world’s interest in his discoveries. He will be pitted against scientists, soldiers and governments with motives of their own: a physicist who has no place for moral judgement in his pursuit of knowledge; a beautiful army major obsessed with new ways to wage war; a desperate nation facing certain military defeat.

Conjuring awe-inspiring new worlds of cosmology and philosophy from meticulous scientific speculation, Cixin Liu’s Ball Lightning has all the scope and imagination that so enthralled readers of his award-winning Three-Body trilogy.

Автор: Liu Cixin
Body Art

Jeff has a secret he keeps from everyone, especially his wife.

Jeff likes to spend time… special time… with women he meets on the streets.

But Jeff’s secrets have a way of bleeding into his personal life and his sanity begins to peel as the truth insists on being confronted.

Автор: Charles Garry
Baronessa [СИ]

Как жить с тем, что твои родители погибли в страшном пожаре? Как жить с тем, что только при звуке твоего имени многие хотят тебя убить? Как жить с тем, что твой родной брат по крови пытается убить тебя? Для того чтобы противостоять силам врага и защитить свою жизнь и своё королевство, тебе надо не только быстро научиться выживать в таких условиях, но и обзавестись союзниками, рискуя умереть.

Believer [СИ]

У каждого человека должен быть Хранитель. У каждого Ангела должен быть подопечный. Но иногда что-то идет не так, и тогда остается лишь глупая надежда на то, что старейшины ошиблись. Что за бесконечно долгую жизнь он хотя бы раз услышит Зов.

Black Autumn

A rogue Russian nuke sails toward the harbors of Los Angeles in the hull of a ramshackle sailboat. Without destroying a single building, the bomb shatters the latticework of the American dream, toppling one piece of the economy after another. A group of Special Forces veterans and their prepper friends scramble for survival in a worldwide catastrophe so psychologically disruptive they are left questioning everything they ever believed to be true.

Автор: Kirkham Jeff, Ross Jason
Серия: ReadyMan
Battle the Elliot. Часть 1 и 2 (СИ)

Это вы всё читаете на свой личный страх и риск. К тому же произведение не является художественным. В нём, в некой художественной форме, моделируется альтернативное, наиболее благоприятное, для России, по мнению автора, развитие истории.

Battle the Elliot. Часть 1 и 2 (СИ)

Это вы всё читаете на свой личный страх и риск. К тому же произведение не является художественным. В нём, в некой художественной форме, моделируется альтернативное, наиболее благоприятное, для России, по мнению автора, развитие истории.

Battle of Mesquite

Thirty years in the future, the autocratic president of the new United States, George Tower II, invades the breakaway Republic of American States to reunify the nation and move one step closer to world domination.

General William Story, a US defector, leads the ROAS Army of Defense as it battles against Tower and the overwhelming military might of his government. The general knows that if Tower’s forces prevail, one of the last bastions of liberal democracy will cease to exist, and his life will be forfeit.

As the armies collide in Mesquite, Nevada, infantry squad leader Staff Sergeant Lisa McMichael and other front-line troops struggle for survival and supremacy on the battlefield. Unbeknownst to them, behind the scenes, advanced artificial intelligence controlled by the ROAS is the ultimate prize and might hold the key to victory.

Political and military leaders, common soldiers and citizens, all must make life-and-death decisions that extend beyond their moral boundaries. Tensions will rise as emergent technologies threaten to change the landscape of war itself.

In this clash of powers, who will win, and what will the future hold?

Автор: Pope David
Серия: US Reunification War
Battle the Elliot - 3 (СИ)

Альтернатива на тему РЯВ с попаданством информации из будущего к адмиралу Андрею Андреевичу Вирениусу. ...Андрей Андреевич указывает, что война японцами запланирована на весну. Хотя мы, своими действиями, можем и спровоцировать их на более ранние выступление, уже в середине зимы. При этом он указывает, что развёртывание флота и войск начнётся на третий день, после принятия политического решения на войну. Одновременно с развёртыванием флота начнется захват наших торговых судов в портах Японии, Корее и находящихся в море. Особо внимание, Андрей Андреевич, обращает на обеспечение безопасности идущей из Одессы "Манчжурии", он указывает, что есть особая заинтересованность японцев в её грузе. А также на одноимённый пароход, что ремонтируется в Нагасаки. Ещё будут блокированы наши стационеры в портах Корее и Китая...


“A grippingly well told story.”

—Craig Berkman

No-one could have imagined there was worse to come.

Former Australian special forces soldier Stone Luckman never dreamed he could put his troubled past behind him.

In a search for survivors, Luckman rescues marooned surfer Mel Palace from a collapsing Gold Coast high rise. She tells him she’s been expecting him for weeks. Later, she claims she can read minds.

If his own insanity meter wasn’t off the register, he’d suspect she had a screw loose. But then lately he’s been having visions of an Aboriginal spirit man who is strangely connected to global events.

There are those who say the Earth has fallen victim to a terrible act of God. To China and America, however, it’s a declaration of war. Each accuses the other of being responsible.

The head of Australian defence intelligence sets Luckman a secret task aimed at ending the threat of war, but if it backfires he’ll be branded a terrorist and left on his own to take the rap.

Luckman is compelled to take Mel on the journey, though for the life of him he doesn’t know why.

He’s about to find out.

Автор: Eaton Matt
Berlin or Bust

An airborne operation of German, American, and British paratroopers drop on Berlin in this exciting new episode in the WW2 zombie series, THE FRONT!

While the Battle of the Bulge turns into a bloodbath due to the introduction of a serum designed to create super soldiers but creating flesh-eating zombies, a German paratrooper unit rests in Genoa, Italy after years of hard warfare. They celebrate an announced armistice hours before flying to England to learn the truth: Germany has collapsed due to the spread of these monsters, and they must work with their former enemies to drop on Berlin and recover a pure sample of the Overman serum.

What follows is an inside look at how the elite German paratroopers fought and their bloody homeward mission to recover the Overman serum before all Europe falls.

Серия: The Front
Berlin or Bust

An airborne operation of German, American, and British paratroopers drop on Berlin in this exciting new episode in the WW2 zombie series, THE FRONT!

While the Battle of the Bulge turns into a bloodbath due to the introduction of a serum designed to create super soldiers but creating flesh-eating zombies, a German paratrooper unit rests in Genoa, Italy after years of hard warfare. They celebrate an announced armistice hours before flying to England to learn the truth: Germany has collapsed due to the spread of these monsters, and they must work with their former enemies to drop on Berlin and recover a pure sample of the Overman serum.

What follows is an inside look at how the elite German paratroopers fought and their bloody homeward mission to recover the Overman serum before all Europe falls.

Серия: The Front
Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation

Broken Stars, edited by multi award-winning writer Ken Liu—translator of the bestselling and Hugo Award-winning novel The Three Body Problem by acclaimed Chinese author Cixin Liu—is his second thought-provoking anthology of Chinese short speculative fiction. Following Invisible Planets, Liu has now assembled the most comprehensive collection yet available in the English language, sure to thrill and gratify readers developing a taste and excitement for Chinese SF.

Some of the included authors are already familiar to readers in the West (Liu Cixin and Hao Jingfang, both Hugo winners); some are publishing in English for the first time. Because of the growing interest in newer SFF from China, virtually every story here was first published in Chinese in the 2010s.

The stories span the range from short-shorts to novellas, and evoke every hue on the emotional spectrum. Besides stories firmly entrenched in subgenres familiar to Western SFF readers such as hard SF, cyberpunk, science fantasy, and space opera, the anthology also includes stories that showcase deeper ties to Chinese culture: alternate Chinese history, chuanyue time travel, satire with historical and contemporary allusions that are likely unknown to the average Western reader. While the anthology makes no claim or attempt to be “representative” or “comprehensive,” it demonstrates the vibrancy and diversity of science fiction being written in China at this moment.

In addition, three essays at the end of the book explore the history of Chinese science fiction publishing, the state of contemporary Chinese fandom, and how the growing interest in science fiction in China has impacted writers who had long labored in obscurity.

Binti: The Complete Trilogy


Collected for the first time in an omnibus edition, the Hugo- and Nebula-award-winning Binti trilogy, the story of one extraordinary girl’s journey from her home to distant Oomza University.

In her Hugo- and Nebula-winning novella, Nnedi Okorafor introduced us to Binti, a young Himba girl with the chance of a lifetime: to attend the prestigious Oomza University. Despite her family’s concerns, Binti’s talent for mathematics and her aptitude with astrolabes make her a prime candidate to undertake this interstellar journey.

But everything changes when the jellyfish-like Medusae attack Binti’s spaceship, leaving her the only survivor. Now, Binti must fend for herself, alone on a ship full of the beings who murdered her crew, with five days until she reaches her destination.

There is more to the history of the Medusae—and their war with the Khoush—than first meets the eye. If Binti is to survive this voyage and save the inhabitants of the unsuspecting planet that houses Oomza Uni, it will take all of her knowledge and talents to broker the peace.

Collected now for the first time in omnibus form, follow Binti’s story in this groundbreaking sci-fi trilogy.

Автор: Okorafor Nnedi
Bunker 10

Beneath Pinewood research facility is Bunker 10, holding the two most dangerous creatures on earth.

A little girl and a mouse. And they’ve just escaped.

Winner of the UK Royal Mail Award.

Автор: Henderson J A
Серия: Dark Scotland
Bodež snova

Postoji svet svetlosti i senke, u kojem dobro i zlo vode večni rat. To je svet Točka vremena - najveće epopeje epske fantastike ikada napisane.

Dok se tkanje stvarnosti rastače, sva znamenja ukazuju na to da je Tarmon Gai'don – Poslednja bitka – pred osvitom. Rand al'Tor mora da se pripremi za suočavanje sa Mračnim. Ali Rand najpre mora da ugovori primirje sa seanšanskim vojskama, budući da borba sa njima sve više iznuruje njegove vojne snage.

Sve je u metežu dok tradicionalne svetovne moći propadaju... U Kaemlinu Elejna se bori kako bi zadobila Lavlji presto, sve vreme pokušavajući da spreči građanski rat, dok Egvena dolazi do zaključka da u Beloj kuli više nije bezbedno.

Vetrovi vremena uskovitlali su se u oluju, a Rand i njegovi saborci nalaze se u njenom središtu. Ova mala družina mora da savlada iskušenja sudbine i zlehude sreće – ili će Mračni odneti pobedu, a svet biti izgubljen.

Автор: žordan Robert
Серия: Točak vremena
Blind Fright

When blind, 27 year old Tonie Buckingham and his guide dog, Kelly, move from his parents’ home into his own, first house, in Sale, just south of Manchester, during 2017, he very soon discovers that the house is not quite as empty as he had expected, when his sleep is disturbed by terrifying nightly hauntings.

Prior to this, Tonie had never even believed such things could happen, yet he could not ignore the weird events which even spooked Kelly.

Tonie enlists the help of a good colleague and friend, Suzanne and, together, they are determined to discover the history behind the presence as they attempt to bring sanity back to the house and their lives.

The author, John Stephen Raynor, is registered blind and has had personal experience of the paranormal.

Автор: Raynor J S
Bouře přichází

Rand al’Thor, Drak Znovuzrozený, usiluje před Poslední bitvou o sjednocení roztříštěné sítě království a uzavřených aliancí. Zatímco se snaží zastavit postup Seančanů mířících na sever – a přitom si přeje, aby s vetřelci dokázal uzavřít alespoň dočasné příměří – jeho spojenci s hrůzou sledují stín, který narůstá v srdci samotného Draka Znovuzrozeného. Egwain al’Vere, amyrlinin stolec vzbouřených Aes Sedai, je zajatkyní v Bílé věži a objektem rozmarů její tyranské vůdkyně. Zatímco vše směřuje k seančanskému útoku, o jehož bezprostřední hrozbě ví, snaží se Egwain spojit nesourodé frakce Aes Sedai a poskytnout jim vedení tváří v tvář narůstající nejistotě a zoufalství. Její boj prokáže odvahu Aes Sedai a rozhodne o budoucnosti Bílé věže – a možná i samotného světa.

Серия: Kolo Času

Новинки! Свежие поступления книг жанра «Фантастика»

  •  Горячий старт. Часть 1
     Глазачев Георгий
     Фантастика, Героическая фантастика, ,

    Каждое действие имеет свои последствия. И люди совершающие эти самые действия зачастую даже не видят границ того, что они совершили. Поймали разумных из других миров? Отлично! Знания, технологии, будут нашими, а самих «Пионеров» в утиль. Вот только сидя в особняках, офисах и прочих резиденциях на заштатной планетке и думая о себе как о «центрах мира» и «вершителях судеб» можно сильно проколоться, при этом подставить всё население этой самой планетки. Да в прочем, какая разница кто, где и что? Сейчас нас ждёт «Горячий Старт»! И да, ВОЗРАДУЙТЕСЬ!!!

  •  Слишком поздно
     Гувер Колин
     Фантастика, Ужасы и Мистика, Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Детектив, Любовные романы, Современные любовные романы, Остросюжетные любовные романы, О любви, , ,

    Любимый автор пользователей TikTok, более 435 млн упоминаний.

    «Трудно признать, что браку пришел конец, когда любовь еще не ушла. Люди привыкли считать, что брак заканчивается только с утратой любви. Когда на место счастья приходит злость.

    Но мы с Грэмом не злимся друг на друга. Мы просто стали другими.

    Мы с Грэмом так давно смотрим в противоположные стороны, что я даже не могу вспомнить, какие у него глаза, когда он внутри меня.

    Зато уверена, что он помнит, как выглядит каждый волосок на моем затылке, когда я отворачиваюсь от него по ночам».

    Совершенной любви Квинн и Грэмма угрожает их несовершенный брак.

    Они познакомились при сложных обстоятельствах. Драматичное, но красивое начало. Сейчас же близится конец. Что может спасти их отношения?

    Квинн уверена, что должна забеременеть. Но ее уверенность становится и тем, что ведет их брак к концу.

    Сколько секретов, недосказанностей и боли могут скрывать друг от друга любящие люди? И обратим ли этот процесс?

    «Восхитительный, но и буквально выворачивающий наизнанку роман. Убедительная история о том, как ожидания счастливой жизни не оправдываются… и что с этим делать». – Library Journal

    «Душераздирающе… Еще один потрясающий роман от Колин Гувер». – Bustle

    «Пронзительная история любви». – Booklist

    «Совершенное изображение несовершенного брака». – Kirkus

    Колин Гувер – троекратная обладательница премии Goodreads Choice Award в номинации «Любовный роман». Автор бестселлеров «Уродливая любовь» и многих других. Ее произведения переведены на множество языков и постоянно попадают в списки бестселлеров по версии New York Times и Amazon.com. Сильные, эмоциональные истории Колин Гувер покорили сердца миллионов читательниц по всему миру, ведь они посвящены лучшему чувству на земле.

  •  Начало
     Вязовский Алексей Викторович
     Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Попаданцы

    Емельян Пугачев заставил говорить о себе не только всю Россию, но и Европу. Одни называли его самозванцем, авантюристом, иностранным шпионом, душегубом. Другие считали народным заступником и правдоискателем, признавали законным императором Петром III. Именно в этого неоднозначного человека, в самый разгар крупнейшего крестьянского восстания, попадает наш современник – далекий потомок Емельяна Пугачева.

  •  Потерянная
     Олие Ольга
     Фантастика, Героическая фантастика,

    Волею судьбы четверо совершенно разных людей собираются вместе. Двое попаданцев: детектив, угодивший в тело ребенка, и девушка-инженер, которая в новых реалиях сразу нашла призвание артефактора. Другие двое из магического мира: один с тьмой, пугающей всех вокруг, вторая – сбежавшая аристократка с загадочным прошлым, не приспособленная к жизни и не имеющая ни чувств, ни эмоций. Их встреча неизбежна в Академии Хайшары. Смогут ли они найти общий язык и ужиться? Время покажет.

  •  ОПГ «Деревня» – 3
     Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Юмор, Юмор,

    И если ты долго смотришь в прошлое, прошлое тоже смотрит в тебя... Наши герои пытаются изменить прошлое - ставшее для них настоящим. А начиналось всё с того, что они просто хотели жить не отсвечивая, и не думая идти к сильным мира сего на поклон. Однако так получилось, что вопреки всем современным установкам, вроде: "каждый сам за себя" - они не смогли остаться в стороне...

  •  Гранит науки
     Заикин Александр Сергеевич
     Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Боевая фантастика, Героическая фантастика

    Вот где справедливость – я вас спрашиваю? Почему именно на мне судьба решила отыграться? Другим попаданцам плюшки всякие дают, способности, да обычно делают всякими бастардами знатных родов. А я что получил? Пинка под зад и пожелание удачи! Крутись, Санёк, как хочешь.

    Одно радует – никакой тебе глобальной угрозы. Нет могущественного врага, который плетёт интриги на Земле, чтобы однажды он и его слуги вырвались из иного мира или реальности. У меня всё как-то более приземлённо: политика, личное сведение счётов среди сильных мира сего и вроде в будущем ожидается новая мировая война. Но мне-то от этого не легче! И единственное спасение – прорываться во власть, устранять плохих ребят и сделать так, чтобы всем стало хорошо. Ну или чтобы хорошо было только Российской империи и её гражданам. Только как это сделать студенту с одним лишь магическим талантом?

Новинки месяца жанра «Фантастика»

  •  Кровь Василиска (СИ)
     Винокуров Юрий
     Фантастика, Фэнтези, Попаданцы,

    Прошлая жизнь… Да-да, у меня была прошлая жизнь. Жизнь, полная боли и страданий, подвигов и предательств. Убей или умри. Вырви глотку врагу или сдохни сам. Я выжил. Я стал, возможно, лучшим в своем деле, но… Всегда есть чертово "но"… Можно много говорить про то, что я был один против всего мира, но это отговорки для слабых. Я просто не справился. И поэтому умер. Теперь я начинаю новую жизнь. Я не просил судьбу об этом, но благодарен ей за второй шанс. Шанс начать всё с чистого листа...

  •  Требуется приспешник (СИ)
     Альшер Лилия
     Фантастика, Детективная фантастика, Любовные романы, Любовно-фантастические романы,

    Иронично, что найти работу можно только с опытом работы. Особенно если влиятельный папа против твоей самостоятельности. А уж со свеженьким дипломом некроманта-теоретика шансы трудоустроиться вообще стремятся к нулю. Так что хвататься нужно за любую возможность. Даже сомнительную, даже ассистенткой главного злодея столицы. Даже, если этот самый злодей против! Как это «мы вам перезвоним»? Присоединяйтесь, ведь у нас:

  •  Крещенский подкидыш
     Маликов Виктор
     Фантастика, Ужасы и Мистика, Приключения, Приключения,

    «Крещенский подкидыш» — заключительный рассказ авторского цикла «Рождественские истории Залесья». Праздник Крещения в Залесье для главного героя, крестьянина Добромира, оборачивается удивительным и незабываемым приключением: в узелке, подброшенном на порог его избы, он неожиданно обнаруживает живого детёныша Змея-Горыныча… Добромиру и его тётушке Марье, местной ведуньи, ничего не остаётся, как совершить увлекательное и полное опасностей путешествие по возвращению детёныша в родные земли.

  •  Фейри-профайлер
     Омер Майк, Кроуфорд К Н
     Фантастика, Детективная фантастика, Детективы и Триллеры, Полицейский детектив, Триллер



    Фейри живут среди нас. И один из них — серийный убийца…

    Я думала, что вычислить этого убийцу будет легко. Просто еще один маньяк, бродящий по улицам Лондона в поисках легкой добычи…


    Этот убийца — фейри, и он неуловим, как дым на ветру. Но я — Кассандра Лидделл, профайлер ФБР, и моя работа — выследить его. Не имеет значения, что один из главных подозреваемых — фатально привлекательный фейри — пытается меня соблазнить…


    Даже когда улицы Лондона охватывает тотальная паника, а местная полиция объявляет виновной меня. Я так просто не сдамся. Я — агент ФБР. И тоже обладаю магическими способностями.


  •  Страна Арманьяк. Книги 1-7
     Башибузук Александр Вячеславович
     Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Боевая фантастика, Героическая фантастика, Приключения, Вестерн, Исторические приключения, Приключения, Попаданцы, ,

    Полным ходом идёт русско-японская война, Японская империя начинает аннексию Сахалина. Для защиты острова из каторжан формируется ополчение. Александр Любич, бывший штаб-ротмистр Отдельного корпуса пограничной стражи, волей судьбы попавший на каторгу, не задумываясь вступает в дружину, но в первом же бою попадает в плен.

    Казалось, всё предопределено, смерть неминуема, но череда невероятных событий, позволяет избежать казни, а потом Александр начинает понимать, что он уже совсем не тот человек, кем привык себя считать — в штаб-ротмистра совершенно непонятным образом вселился неизвестный жестокий средневековый персонаж. Кто он такой — пока неизвестно, но это совсем не повод отказываться от защиты родины. Аннексия говорите? Ну-ну…

    Примечания автора:

    Можно считать эту книгу эдаким вбоквелом к серии «Страна Арманьяк», но это будет абсолютно самостоятельный цикл и ни одного героя из «Арманьяка» здесь не появится. Хотя, главный персонаж «Чёрной крови Сахалина», вам обязательно кое-кого напомнит. Итак, всё как обычно, постараюсь свести до минимума рояли, побольше исторической достоверности и реализма, щедро подсыплю приключений и посмотрим, что из этого получится. Судить, в любом случае, только вам.

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