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Книги серии «Anthology»

В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Вульф Джин, Бир Элизабет, Anne Melody, Probst Jennifer, Chase Emma, Proby Kristen, Meader Kate, Datlow Ellen, Oates Joyce Carol, Gaiman Neil, Lee Tanith, Stableford Brian, Yolen Jane, Clarke Susanna, Waldrop Howard, Friesner Esther, De Lint Charles, Bradfield Scott, Windling Terri, Sherman Delia, Steiber Ellen, Blackford Russell, Costikyan Greg, Cash Debra, Cadnum Michael, Cutter Leah, Hardesty Emma, Kanar Bryn, Park Severna, Black Holly, Link Kelly, Taylor Laini, Perkins Stephanie, Carter Ally, Levithan David, McEntire Myra, ña Matt de la, Forman Gayle, Han Jenny, Rowell Rainbow, White Kiersten, Singh Nalini, Andrews Ilona, Shearin Lisa, Vane Milla, Hirshberg Glen, Valentine Genevieve, Lane Joel, Dowling Terry, Ford Jeffrey, Mamatas Nick, Ballingrud Nathan, Wise A C, Dunn Katherine, Sharma Priya, Llewellyn Livia, Wood N Lee, Danvers Dennis, Jones Stephen Graham, Shearman Robert, Shearman Robert, Leigh Lora, Strong Jory, Gray Ava, Rowen Michelle, Morris Liv, Aurora Belle, Grey R S, Prescott Daisy, Beau Jodie, Heller Z B, Reid Penny, Clampett Ruth, Silber N M, Pullo Ashley, Cosway L H, Wood C C, Marts Jennie, Bowes Richard, Kushner Ellen, Barzak Christopher, Frost Gregory, Shepard Lucius, Berman Steve, Emshwiller Carol, Tobler E Catherine, Gailey Jeannine Hall, Sinisalo Johanna, Goto Hiromi, Gearhart-Serna Terra L, Moore Stewart, Snyder Midori, Narayan Shweta, Youmans Marly, King Stephen, Barron Laird, Lanagan Margo, Bestwick Simon, Straub Peter, Hodge Brian, Langan John, Lamsley Terry, Williamson Chet, Bobet Leah, Nickle David, Littlewood Alison, Taborska Anna, Newman Kim, Williams Conrad, Tem Steve Rasnic, Bailey Dale, Clark Simon, Rucker Lynda E, Strantzas Simon, Nagata Linda, Thomas Lee, Bacon Stephen, Allan Nina, Kabza K J, Toase Stephen, Cluley Ray, ünsken Derek, Jakeman Jane, Casson Tim, McAdams Molly, Jackson A L, King Tiffany, Lee Christina,

Беззвучный режим

Приехав в дом своего отца Джил и Джимми замечают что дом пустой. Такая же «пустота» и на улице: ни одного человека, ни одной машины. Где же все? Куда делся их отец? А что если они единственные живые люди на всем белом свете?

Рассказ Вулфа был вдохновлен просмотром телевизора с выключенным звуком, сказал Вульф. "Я обычно выключаю звук при рекламе и часто выключаю звук в шоу", — сказал он. "Иногда бывает интересно попытаться понять, что происходит, и это избавляет меня от консервированного смеха ситкомов".

При написании "Немого" Вулф во многом опирался на свое собственное детство, сказал он. "Сегодня люди почти никогда не оставляют маленьких детей одних в доме", — сказал он. "В моем детстве все было не так. Мой отец почти каждую неделю отсутствовал дома с утра понедельника до вечера пятницы — он был коммивояжером и объезжал на машине огромную территорию — Техас, Оклахому и Луизиану. У нас не было родственников в Техасе. Мама часто оставляла меня одного в доме на полдня или больше, пока ходила по магазинам, к дантисту или еще куда-нибудь. По выходным родители играли в бридж в доме другой пары, играющей в бридж; к их возвращению я часто уже лежал в постели и спал".

Автор: Вульф Джин
Между дьяволом и синим морем

Элизабет Бир — автор ряда научно-фантастических романов, среди которых трилогия о Дженни Кейси: «Выкованная» («Hammered»), «Шрам» («Scardown») и «На связи с миром» («Worldwire»), завоевавшая премию журнала «Locus»; «Глубинные течения» («Undertow») и «Карнавал» («Carnival»), попавший в число финалистов премии Филипа Дика. Она написала также фэнтезийную серию «Век Прометея» («Promethean Age») и, в соавторстве с Сарой Монетт, роман «Товарищ волкам» («А Companion to Wolves»). Кроме того, начиная с 2003 года Элизабет Бир опубликовала около пятидесяти рассказов.

В рассказе «Между дьяволом и синим морем» описывается поездка курьера по постапокалиптической Америке. История напоминает повесть Роджера Желязны «Долина Проклятий» («Damnation Alley»), хотя и не является вторичной. Элизабет Бир, несколько лет прожившая в Лас-Вегасе, явно поддалась очарованию окружающей пустыни, где некогда был ядерный полигон, что и отразилось на этом рассказе. Собирая материал писательница специально изучала правила передвижения по радиоактивной зоне: если вдруг события, предшествующие описываемой истории, произойдут в действительности, это может оказаться полезным.

Cory Doctorow "When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth" Locus Award, 2007

Famine, Death, War, and Pestilence: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the harbingers of Armageddon — these are our guides through the Wastelands…

From the Book of Revelation to The Road Warrior; from A Canticle for Leibowitz to The Road, storytellers have long imagined the end of the world, weaving eschatological tales of catastrophe, chaos, and calamity. In doing so, these visionary authors have addressed one of the most challenging and enduring themes of imaginative fiction: the nature of life in the aftermath of total societal collapse.

Gathering together the best post-apocalyptic literature of the last two decades from many of today’s most renowned authors of speculative fiction — including George R.R. Martin, Gene Wolfe, Orson Scott Card, Carol Emshwiller, Jonathan Lethem, Octavia E. Butler, and Stephen King — Wastelands explores the scientific, psychological, and philosophical questions of what it means to remain human in the wake of Armageddon. Whether the end of the world comes through nuclear war, ecological disaster, or cosmological cataclysm, these are tales of survivors, in some cases struggling to rebuild the society that was, in others, merely surviving, scrounging for food in depopulated ruins and defending themselves against monsters, mutants, and marauders.

Complete with introductions and an indispensable appendix of recommendations for further reading, Wastelands delves into this bleak landscape, uncovering the raw human emotion and heart-pounding thrills at the genre’s core.

John Joseph Adams is the assistant editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and a freelance writer. His website is www.johnjosephadams.com.

Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse is available now. Look for it wherever books are sold, or order online from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Powell’s Books, or directly from the publisher, Night Shade Books.

Baby, It's Cold Outside

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling indie authors Jennifer Probst, Emma Chase, Kristen Proby, Melody Anne, and debut author Kate Meader come together to write a sizzling romance anthology.

Outside it may be frosty, so turn the heat way up with these stories of desire!

Can a determined woman executive and a playboy billionaire survive being stranded together in a snowstorm? Jennifer Probst depicts an encounter almost too hot to handle...

Drew and Kate play an encore to Tangled in this sexy take on a "Christmas Carol" by Emma Chase. When a Christmas Eve argument condemns Drew to a troubled night, three dream women teach him that no gift could be more tantalizing than Kate...

With Kristen Proby, ski slopes are quite delightful. Grace Douglas is sure she'll never learn to ski, but instructor Jacob Baxter could teach her lessons of a different kind...

Can a southern California transplant survive Montana's deep snows? Melody Anne, author of the bestselling Andersons series, melts the icy drifts completely away with the heat between sexy Hawk Winchester and brand-new teacher Natalie Duncan...

What could be hotter than a firefighter? Kate Meader shows how, as Beck Rivera and heiress-turned-tattoo-artist Lucy Cochrane discover, nothing ignites holiday flames like rekindling a lost love...

Black Heart, Ivory Bones

This sixth anthology in the adult fairy-tale series by acclaimed editors Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling presents another diverse collection of stories and poems loosely based on folklore traditions around the world. Readers familiar with previous books in the series will recognize the names of many regular contributors, including Tanith Lee, Jane Yolen, Esther Friesner, and Joyce Carol Oates, as well as works from Neil Gaiman, Charles de Lint, and others. Tanith Lee's "Rapunzel" opens the collection with a charmingly simple reconstruction of that classic fairy tale. Esther Friesner's "Big Hair" takes the same theme into the present with less cheerful results. Greg Costikyan considers the fate of an ensorcelled sleeping beauty dug up by archaeologists centuries later in "And Still She Sleeps," while Jane Yolen's "Snow in Summer" turns the tables on Snow White's evil stepmother with a deep-dish apple pie and a fry pan. Scott Bradfield's "Goldilocks Tells All" is especially memorable for its Jerry Springer-like portrayal of the ultimate dysfunctional family. Leah Cutter considers the loneliness of living under a curse in her Texas two-step story "The Red Boots." Severna Park's feminist "The Golem" revives a Jewish folktale, while Bryn Kanar's haunting "Dreaming Among Men" draws on Native American legend. Howard Waldrop's "Our Mortal Span" is perhaps the most unique story here, a surprising blend of black comedy, killer-robot story, and fairy tale. While on the whole this collection isn't as strong as previous volumes, it still delivers a fine array of thoughtful writing on some of the best-known-and yet unknown-stories we love. 

— Charlene Brusso.

My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories

If you love holiday stories, holiday movies, made-for-TV-holiday specials, holiday episodes of your favorite sitcoms and, especially, if you love holiday anthologies, you’re going to fall in love with MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME: TWELVE HOLIDAY STORIES by twelve bestselling young adult writers, edited by international bestselling author Stephanie Perkins.

Night Shift

Four masters of urban fantasy and paranormal romance plunge readers into the dangerous, captivating world unearthed beyond the dark...

(Kate Daniels, #6.5; SPI Files, # 0.5; Psy-Changeling, #12.5)

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh delivers a smoldering story with Secrets at Midnight, as the scent of Bastien Smith’s elusive lover ignites a possessiveness in him that’s as feral as it is ecstatic. And now that he’s found his mate, he’ll do anything to keep her.

In #1New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews’ novella,Magic Steals, when people start going missing, shapeshifting tigress Dali Harimau and jaguar shifter Jim Shrapshire must uncover the truth about the mysterious creatures responsible.

From Milla Vane—a warrior princess must tame The Beast of Blackmoor to earn a place among her people. But she quickly discovers that the beast isn't a monster, but a barbarian warrior who intends to do some taming himself.

It’s seer Makenna Frazier's first day on the job at Supernatural Protection and Investigations, and her first assignment is more than she bargained for when bodyguard duty for a leprechaun prince’s bachelor party goes every which way but right in national bestselling author Lisa Shearin’s Lucky Charms.

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Nightmare Carnival

A boy's eleventh birthday heralds the arrival of a bizarre new entourage, a suicidal diva just can't seem to die, and a washed up wrestler goes toe-to-toe with a strange new foe. All of these queer marvels and more can be found at the Nightmare Carnival!

Hugo and Bram Stoker award-winning editor Ellen Datlow (Lovecraft Unbound, Supernatural Noir) presents a new anthology of insidious and shocking tales in the horrific and irresistible Nightmare Carnival! Dark Horse is proud to bring you this masterwork of terror from such incredible creative talents as Terry Dowling, Joel Lane, Priya Sharma, Dennis Danvers, and Nick Mamatas!


Bleeding Heart by MICHELLE ROWEN

Skin & Bone by AVA GRAY

Angel-Claimed by JORY STRONG

Primal Kiss by LORA LEIGH

Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
The Beastly Bride

A collection of stories and poems relating to shapeshifting — animal transfiguration — legends from around the world — from werewolves to vampires and the little mermaid, retold and reimagined by such authors as Peter Beagle, Tanith Lee, Lucius Shepard, Jeffrey Ford, Ellen Kushner and many others. Illustrated with decorations by Charles Vess. Includes brief biographies, authors' notes, and suggestions for further reading.

The Best Horror of the Year. Volume 4

The first three volumes of The Best Horror of the Year have been widely praised for their quality, variety, and comprehensiveness.

With tales from Laird Barron, Stephen King, John Langan, Peter Straubb, and many others, and featuring Datlow’s comprehensive overview of the year in horror, now, more than ever, The Best Horror of the Year provides the petrifying horror fiction readers have come to expect — and enjoy.

The Best Horror of the Year. Volume 6

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”

— H. P. Lovecraft

This statement was true when H. P. Lovecraft first wrote it at the beginning of the twentieth century, and it remains true at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The only thing that has changed is what is unknown.

With each passing year, science, technology, and the march of time shine light into the craggy corners of the universe, making the fears of an earlier generation seem quaint. But this “light” creates its own shadows. The Best Horror of the Year, edited by Ellen Datlow, chronicles these shifting shadows. It is a catalog of terror, fear, and unpleasantness, as articulated by today’s most challenging and exciting writers.

The best horror writers of today do the same thing that horror writers of a hundred years ago did. They tell good stories — stories that scare us. And when these writers tell really good stories that really scare us, Ellen Datlow notices. She’s been noticing for more than a quarter century. For twenty-one years, she coedited The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, and for the last six years, she’s edited this series. In addition to this monumental cataloging of the best, she has edited hundreds of other horror anthologies and won numerous awards, including the Hugo, Bram Stoker, and World Fantasy awards.

More than any other editor or critic, Ellen Datlow has charted the shadowy abyss of horror fiction. Join her on this journey into the dark parts of the human heart. either for the first time. or once again.

When We Met

Today’s premiere New Adult authors combine their talents to tell four original stories from inside one house.

When four girls decide to live off campus together as juniors at a college in Michigan, they expect it to be their best year yet. Little do they know, it’s a year that will change the rest of their lives.

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