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Книги серии «The Front»

Эта серия относится к следующим жанрам: Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Ужасы и Мистика, Проза, О войне
В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Moody David, DiLouie Craig, Long Timothy W

Screaming Eagles , часть 1.

“Band of Brothers meets Dead Snow”

Private Franklin Grillo is a fresh faced infantryman in the 101st Airborne. He’s been dispatched to the Ardennes Forest outside of Bastogne to assist Baker company against a surprise attack by the Germans. Outgunned, low on ammo, food, and supplies, the men along the new front are up against an army ten times their size.

Barely able to hold out the 101st now face a new threat. German soldiers who take massive amounts of damage but keep on attacking.

This is an alternative history that will sink its teeth into you.

Red Devils , часть 2.


The German stranglehold on the town of Bastogne has been released, only for the living dead to rise up and take their place. A ragtag group of men fight their way out of the chaos and make a frantic escape from the rubble and ruin. One of them, British soldier Lieutenant Robert Wilkins, uncovers crucial information about the source of the zombie scourge. Along with a crack team, Wilkins is dispatched to where the outbreak began – the ominously silent concentration camp at Polonezköy, Poland – to try and find a way to halt the undead advance.

The fate of the entire world rests on the shoulders of just a handful of men.

Berlin or Bust , часть 3.

An airborne operation of German, American, and British paratroopers drop on Berlin in this exciting new episode in the WW2 zombie series, THE FRONT!

While the Battle of the Bulge turns into a bloodbath due to the introduction of a serum designed to create super soldiers but creating flesh-eating zombies, a German paratrooper unit rests in Genoa, Italy after years of hard warfare. They celebrate an announced armistice hours before flying to England to learn the truth: Germany has collapsed due to the spread of these monsters, and they must work with their former enemies to drop on Berlin and recover a pure sample of the Overman serum.

What follows is an inside look at how the elite German paratroopers fought and their bloody homeward mission to recover the Overman serum before all Europe falls.


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