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Rouch James - книги автора

Творчество автора (Rouch James) представлено в следующих жанрах: Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Проза, О войне
Творчество автора (Rouch James) представлено в следующих сериях книг: The Zone

Blind Fire

A Russian armoured column has hurled across the Zone and is heading for Frankfurt, a soft target. Major Revells’ men are ordered to stop it. But they intend to destroy it down to the last tank, no matter what destruction and mayhem is necessary.


Seemingly out of nowhere a powerful Russian armoured column has launched itself towards Frankfurt, crushing and thrusting aside any opposition. The city is unprotected, highly vulnerable and the only NATO force that can move to protect it is Major Revells’ tank hunter Special Combat Force. Ordered to halt the enemy, Major Revells’ men decide that half measures will not do, they have to utterly destroy the tanks and armoured personnel carriers. Employing only hand held weapons, time after time they ambush the Russian armour, blasting it apart at close range with anti-tank rockets and cannon fire until in the outskirts of the city both sides engage in a spectacular battle to the death.


First NEL Paperback Edition November 1980

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

Серия: The Zone
Body Count

The Russians have dropped two hundred of their crack Spetznaz commando troops in to Frankfurt. They attack communications centres, power plants and anything that will disrupt the city and bring it to its knees. Major Revells’ Special Combat Force joins the hunt for them, and a gruesome body count is maintained.


A giant Russian transport aircraft evades Frankfurts anti-aircraft defences and drops two hundred paratroopers in to the city. They are Spetsnaz, the elite Russian commandos’. Falling behind the NATO frontline, catching the cities defenders by surprise, they attack communication centres, power stations and any target that will bring the city to its knees. Major Revells’ Special Combat Force has to throw itself into the effort to eliminate the deadly enemy. One by one they have to account for them, employing any tactics, any methods they can improvise. Hampered by the civilians who remain in the city the S.C.F. go after the Russian, hunting them down in a long and lethal game of hide and seek across the city. And all the time a count has to be kept, a body count.


First NEL Paperback Edition August 1990

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

* * *

Major Revell and his Special Combat Company, a new breed of super-warriors waging the war of the future in a land wasted by nuclear destruction, must reclaim the blood-soaked city of Frankfurt, but they find themselves outgunned by an insidious new force from inside the Zone.

Серия: The Zone
Civilian Slaughter

The Special Combat force is hardened to horror but during a truce they find a KGB battalion has exceeded anything they’ve seen. In a fury, despite the truce, despite threats from their own commanders, they decide to extract a revenge. They set out to wipe them out the KGB battalion to the last man.


The men of the Special Combat Force have become hardened to atrocities performed by the Warsaw Pact armies. Or they thought they had. During a shaky truce, when those highly trained and experienced fighters are given mundane jobs, they discover mass graves and evidence of the grossest atrocities being performed on civilians. The evidence is that the horrors are perpetrated by a KGB battalion opposite their position. Driven to fury by what they have witnessed the Special Combat Force decide to take matters into their own hands when their reports are ignored and they are even threatened with disbandment if they don’t drop the accusations. Extracting revenge and putting a stop to further violations makes them enemies on both sides but nothing stops them, and they won’t stop until the job is done.


First NEL Paperback Edition April 1989

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

* * *

A shaky truce has been called, and Major Revell’s Special Combat Company has been assigned mundane duties. But when evidence turns up of civilians being slaughtered by a KGB battalion, Revell and his men take matters into their own hands, waging merciless war on the vicious Reds.

Серия: The Zone
Death March

A Russian General plans to use refugees as a shield for his assault on a city. The Special Combat Force has been sent behind Russian lines to retrieve a damaged nuclear demolition device. They find they are the only NATO troops in a position to obstruct the enemy attack. The risk to them is as great as it is to the enemy.


The Russian troops attacking Nurnberg are the dregs of the Warsaw Pact armies. Even the vast supplies of ammunition given to them does not make up for their being drawn from third rate formations and penal battalions. Then NATO uses nuclear demolition bombs to close their convoy routes and even that advantage is lost to the Russian General commanding the attack. He finds himself fighting intrigue within his own command as much as the NATO troops lined up against him.

Major Revell and the Special Combat Force have been sent to retrieve a damaged nuclear weapon from behind Warsaw Pact lines. They have to make a wide detour to return with it and discover the Russians have concealed a highly disciplined Division whose purpose is to make a flank attack on the city using refugees to breach the minefields and provide a shield. The Special Combat Force is the only unit that can thwart the surprise attack but to do so the risk is as great to them as it is to the enemy.


First IMPRINT E-Book Edition April 2007

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

Серия: The Zone
Hard Target

The Zone, a chemical and nuclear contaminated hell, a broad swathe of Europe where the Warsaw Pact mass attacks have been stalled by NATO. Major Revells’ men have to enter it to destroy a Russian tank workshop concealed in the midst of a refugee camp.


Major Revells’ tank hunter team are given the suicidal task of hunting down and destroying a crack Russian tank repair workshop. The elite unit is upgrading weapons and armour, getting it ready for a massed assault on the NATO front line. Crossing the severely contaminated terrain of the Zone the Special Combat Force have to enter the dangerous world of the refugees to find their target. They encounter a renegade group of East German deserters, the reviled Grepos, border guards. Through them they discover that the workshop has been sited underground, close to a huge refugee camp. Invulnerable to assault by any conventional means without unacceptable civilian losses, Revells’ men have to risk everything to attack at point blank range.


First NEL Paperback Edition November 1980

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

Серия: The Zone

The Russian plan a sea borne attack on the NATO flank through the Baltic. Parachuted on to a Swedish island Major Revells’ team ambush the Soviet warships and transports using captured weapons to ensure it is not NATO that takes the blame.


The Warsaw Pact land forces, brought to a halt by determined NATO defences and counter attacks, plan a powerful sea borne assault on the NATO flank through the Baltic sea in the depths of winter. Parachuted on to a Baltic island in the grip of viciously cold weather, the Special Combat Force has to avoid detection. If they are discovered then some of the Scandinavian countries, presently in a precarious state of neutrality might no longer supply the west with essential materials. To avoid any such accusation Revells’ men have to employ an array powerful captured weapons to destroy the enemy warships and transports. In terrible frigid conditions they must fight first the cold and then without being detected, rain destruction on the massively armed Soviet task force.


First NEL Paperback Edition March 1981

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

Серия: The Zone
Killing Ground

Major Revell has kept his men together in the face of relentless Soviet attacks. They discover a huge unguarded dump of NATO stores. Employing the supplies, they set about turning the surrounding countryside into a huge killing ground, causing enormous casualties and hoping they can hold out until relieved.


The Warsaw Pact has been keeping up relentless pressure and the NATO forces, low on ammunition and every manner of stores is in retreat. Time after time Major Revells’ men take casualties but still he keeps the survivors together, inflicting what damage on the enemy he can. By chance they come across a huge NATO supply base, abandoned and left virtually unguarded. Already the skeleton staff have used surplus and condemned ammunition to turn the surrounding countryside into a massive killing ground, Now the Special Combat Force throw themselves into the defence of the vast resources, hoping they can hold out against over whelming enemy strength until help comes.


First NEL Paperback Edition October 1988

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

* * *

Mankind’s last war continues in the contaminated strip of European hell known as “The Zone”. But an American major and a British sergeant are sick of retreating. In a huge, abandoned ammunition dump, they prepare their forces to hit the ruthless Russian aggressors—and hit hard!

Серия: The Zone

A heavily armed NATO riverine force led by the Major Revells’ Special Combat Force uses the Elbe to try and relieve the Warsaw Pact siege of Hamburg. Only partially successful the NATO troops must survive in the battered city until they can launch a breakout.


The city of Hamburg has been surrounded by Warsaw Pact forces for a long time, a siege that is starving defenders and civilians alike. To relieve it NATO launches a riverine assault led by Major Revells’ Special Combat Force. A bitterly fought battle eventually delivers some relief to the city but then the enemy noose tightens again and there has to be another battle when the trapped relief force launches a no-holds-barred attempt at a breakout, employing weapons and vehicles scraped from any source. It is then they discover to just what depths the enemy have sunk in their desperation to maintain the encirclement.


First NEL Paperback Edition March 1982

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

Серия: The Zone
Plague Bomb

Across the most heavily contaminated part of the Zone a group of publicity seeking peace activists try to reach the Russian lines. Major Revells’ squad try to intercept them, having to out manoeuvre the KGB officer tasked with protecting the group. It is a deadly race that all parties stake their lives on.


Saturated with the poisons from repeated chemical and biological attacks a part of the Zone is the most contaminated place on earth. A naïve group of publicity seeking celebrity peace activists intend to cross it and greet the Russian troops on the far side. It is a gesture that threatens their lives, puts them at risk of the more terrible of deaths. Major Revells’ Special Combat Force is sent to intercept and return them. Doing all he can to aid the civilians is a ruthless KGB Colonel whose next promotion depends on his success in helping them and providing the Soviets with a publicity scoop. It is a lethal race in the most awful place in the Zone, a deadly race, with death awaiting not just the losers.


First NEL Paperback Edition October 1986

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

Серия: The Zone
Sky Strike

A NATO air assault hurtles towards a vital Warsaw Pact rail junction and marshalling yard. Betrayed, waiting for them is a mass of enemy anti-aircraft guns and missiles. The battle becomes one of survival as Major Revells’ men have to fight their way home across the Zone.


Aboard helicopter transports bristling with weaponry and with a powerful escort of gunships, an airborne NATO assault group crosses the Zone to attack and destroy a Warsaw Pact rail junction and marshalling yard. But the attack force has been betrayed and the already powerful anti-aircraft defences have been massively reinforced. Faced with batteries of missiles, massed cannons and Shilka flak tanks the attack is scattered and brutally clawed from the sky. Surviving the slaughter Revells’ Special Combat Force finds itself deep inside enemy territory and has to engage in a running battle to carve a path through the enemy forces. Using stolen enemy vehicles they have to fight every inch of the way to return to the NATO lines.


First NEL Paperback Edition July 1981

First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005

First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007

Серия: The Zone

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