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Список книг на букву «C»

Все авторы и серии на букву «C»


A brilliant epochal saga from the acclaimed author of Remainder ('One of the great English novels of the past ten years' – Zadie Smith), C takes place in the early years of the twentieth century and ranges from western England to Europe to North Africa.

Serge Carrefax spends his childhood at Versoie House, where his father teaches deaf children to speak when he's not experimenting with wireless telegraphy. Sophie, Serge's sister and only connection to the world at large, takes outrageous liberties with Serge's young body – which may explain the unusual sexual predilections that haunt him for the rest of his life. After recuperating from a mysterious illness at a Bohemian spa, Serge serves in World War I as a radio operator. C culminates in a bizarre scene in an Egyptian catacomb where all Serge's paths and relationships at last converge.

Tom McCarthy's mesmerizing, often hilarious accomplishment effortlessly blends the generational breadth of Ian McEwan with the postmodern wit of Thomas Pynchon and marks a writer rapidly becoming one of the most significant and original voices of his generation.

Автор: McCarthy Tom
C# 2008 Programmer's Reference

C# 2008 Programmers Reference provides a concise and thorough reference on all aspects of the language. Each chapter contains detailed code samples that provide a quick and easy way to understand the key concepts covered.

Автор: Lee Wei-Meng
C# 4.0: полное руководство

В этом полном руководстве по C# 4.0 - языку программирования, разработанному специально для среды .NET, - детально рассмотрены все основные средства языка: типы данных, операторы, управляющие операторы, классы, интерфейсы, методы, делегаты, индексаторы, события, указатели, обобщения, коллекции, основные библиотеки классов, средства многопоточного программирования и директивы препроцессора. Подробно описаны новые возможности C#, в том числе PLINQ, библиотека TPL, динамический тип данных, а также именованные и необязательные аргументы. Это справочное пособие снабжено массой полезных советов авторитетного автора и сотнями примеров программ с комментариями, благодаря которым они становятся понятными любому читателю независимо от уровня его подготовки.

Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся программированием на C#.Введите сюда краткую аннотацию

C de cadáver

Kinsey Millhone acepta ayudar y proteger a Bobby Callahan, un reservado joven que conoció en el gimnasio. Él está convencido de que, tras el accidente que le dejó amnésico y con el cuerpo zurcido de cicatrices, alguien quiere matarle, aunque nadie le cree. Pero tres días después Bobby aparece muerto. Y ahora a Kinsey le toca encontrar al asesino.

Автор: Grafton Sue
C is for Corpse

From Publishers Weekly

The corpse in private eye Kinsey Millhone's third adventure ("A" Is for Alibi and "B" Is for Burglar is that of Bobby Callahan, a young man she first meets while both are working out in a local gym. Bobby is convinced the car crash he'd been injured in was really an attempt on his life and, fearful of another assault, persuades Kinsey to investigate. A few days later, Bobby is indeed killed, and Kinsey stays on the case. She is befriended by Bobby's wealthy mother, his opportunistic stepfather and druggie, anoretic stepsister. She learns Bobby was having an affair with a friend of his mother's whose first husband had been killed in a suspicious burglary, and whose second is county pathologist. While the almost hard-boiled Kinsey ferrets out the ugly secrets behind Bobby's death, she's also trying to save her elderly landlord from the schemes of the scam-operating senior lady he's smitten with. Kinsey Millhone is nobody's fool; she's also sensitive, funny and very likable. Writing with a light, sure touch, Grafton has produced a fast-moving California story about quirky, believable people.

Автор: Grafton Sue
C# для профессионалов. Том II
C# для профессионалов

Платформа .NET предлагает новую среду, в которой можно разрабатывать практически любое приложение, действующее под управлением Windows, а язык C# — новый язык программирования, созданный специально для работы с .NET.

В этой книге представлены все основные концепции языка C# и платформы .NET. Полностью описывается синтаксис C#, приводятся примеры построения различных типов приложений с использованием C# — создание приложений и служб Windows, приложений и служб WWW при помощи ASP.NET, а также элементов управления Windows и WWW Рассматриваются общие библиотеки классов .NET, в частности, доступ к данным с помощью ADO.NET и доступ к службе Active Directory с применением классов DirectoryServices.

Для кого предназначена эта книга

Эта книга предназначена для опытных разработчиков, возможно, имеющих опыт программирования на VB, C++ или Java, но не использовавших ранее в своей работе язык C# и платформу .NET. Программистам, применяющим современные технологии, книга даст полное представление о том, как писать программы на C# для платформы .NET.

Основные темы книги

• Все особенности языка C#

• C# и объектно-ориентированное программирование

• Приложения и службы Windows

• Создание web-страниц и web-служб с помощью ASP NET

• Сборки .NET

• Доступ к данным при помощи ADO NET

• Создание распределённых приложений с помощью NET Remoting

• Интеграция с COM, COM+ и службой Active Directory

C Новым годом, мальчишки! (СИ)

 Мишка и Олег + ребенок. Секоз и подарки. Ключевая фраза: женаты с детьми.   Зарисовка из жизни Мишки и Олега, в продолжение "Киндер, кюхе, кирхе"   От автора:  короткий рассказ-поздравление с Новым Годом тем читателям, которым полюбился цикл о Мише и Олеге.     Произведение не предназначено для лиц моложе 18 лет. Если вы не достигли этого возраста, пожалуйста, покиньте эту страницу.  Рассказ не пропагандирует однополые отношения. Здесь может встретиться ненормативная лексика. Если просмотр подобных материалов может нанести вам моральный ущерб, я прошу Вас прекратить чтение этих страниц. Отдельная просьба к гомофобам: пожалуйста, покиньте эту страницу.    

Cīņa par uguni



Krāšņi ilustrēta 1965 gadā latviski izdota grāmata par pirmatnējo kromanjonas cilvēku dzīvi, par cīņām ar plēsīgiem zvēriem un mežonīgu cilšu cilvēkēdājiem; par mīlestību un naidu; par cilvēcības uzvaru.

Автор: kais) ans
Cała prawda o Planecie Ksi

Przedstawiając przed laty konspekt powieści o planecie Ksi tak Janusz A. Zajdel pisał o swych zamierzeniach:

Osnową powieści jest sprawa grupy osadników, którzy mieli się osiedlić na planecie innego układu, lecz z nieznanych przyczyn zerwali kontakt z Ziemią. Z Ziemi wyrusza ekspedycja mająca za zadanie wyjaśnić, co się wydarzyło.

Ekspedycja napotyka jeden ze statków osadników, wracający ku Ziemi, z jednym tylko człowiekiem na pokładzie. Człowiek ten, były pilot kosmiczny, jest w stanie zupełnego rozstroju psychicznego…

Dowódca ekspedycji ratunkowej odkrywa prawdę o planecie Ksi, lecz sam powątpiewa, czy to aby cała prawda. Po powrocie na Ziemię zdaje raport swym przełożonym i znowu leci na Ksi.

O tym, co tam zastanie i jak potoczą się losy żyjących w ekstremalnych warunkach kolonistów, nie dowiemy się już nigdy. Janusz A. Zajdel zmarł w 1985 roku po ciężkiej chorobie i nie zdążył zaprezentować nam swojego innego spojrzenia na planetę Ksi. Pozostały tylko trzy urywki zamierzonej powieści i jej konspekt. Drukujemy je wraz z Całą prawdą o planecie Ksi – jednej z najwybitniejszych powieści fantastyczno-socjologicznych lat osiemdziesiątych. W hołdzie dla nieodżałowanej pamięci Janusza A. Zajdla, wybitnego autora, przenikliwego wizjonera, znakomitego naukowca i niezwykle szlachetnego człowieka. Patrona najważniejszej nagrody literackiej polskiego fandomu. W XX rocznicę Jego śmierci.

Автор: Zajdel Janusz Andrzej

Cuando el protagonista, homónimo del autor, conoce al gentleman Henry Morgan comprende que ha dado con su alma gemela. A Klas acaban de robárselo todo, así que decide ponerse en manos de Henry: este le descubre un anacrónico mundo de lujo, y le revela que está planeando robar el oro del castillo de Estocolmo. Y entonces aparece Leo, hermano de Henry y poeta maldito, que acaba de salir del psiquiátrico.

¿Quién supondría que una peligrosa trama de gángsters y contrabandistas estaría a la vuelta de la esquina?

Автор: Östergren Klas
Caballeros de la Vera Cruz

Año 1187, Hattin (Tierra Santa): tras derrotar a la flor y nata del ejército cristiano, el sultán Saladino arrebata a los francos la Vera Cruz, el leño en que se crucificó a Cristo, que siempre había acompañado a los cristianos en sus combates. El caballero hospitalario Morgennes recupera la consciencia entre los caídos en el campo de batalla. Tras ser torturado por los sarracenos, acepta renegar de su fe y convertirse al islam.

Condenado por lo suyos, a modo de redención, parte en busca de la Vera Cruz con la esperanza de que esta dé ánimos a los francos y salvar así Jerusalén. Cuenta en su decisión con el apoyo del sobrino de Saladino, así como con el de una bella y misteriosa mujer de nombre Casiopea, un mercader de reliquias y un joven templario. Su aventura parece destinada al fracaso, pero una fuerza invisible lo acompaña, lo protege y lo guía.

¿Bastará con ella para librarse del más grande de todos los peligros?

«David Camus, el nieto de Albert, se apropia con gran acierto de los recursos del género en esta epopeya medieval. Hallamos en estas páginas la dosis ideal de misterio y de esoterismo.» – L'Observateur

«Una gesta épica que enfrenta la única verdad inexorable, la muerte, con la mayor incerteza: ¿existe algo más allá?» – El Mundo

Автор: Camus David
Cacciatore di liberta

«Cacciatore di libertà» è un esempio probante di quanto dicevamo nell’introduzione al volume, e cioè che la funzione sociale della fantascienza, nella sua disamina del futuro dell’umanità, deve essere quella di predire le possibili svolte della storia e degli sviluppi tecnologici, ma soprattutto di mostrarci come tali sviluppi influenzeranno la vita della gente. Poul Anderson, uno dei migliori nell’interpretare questo ruolo della fantascienza, considera, in questo umanissimo racconto, i probabili e cupi sviluppi delle nostre crisi ecologiche.

Автор: Anderson Poul
Серия: Grandi opere Nord
Cacciatrice di taglie

Stephanie Plum fa la cacciatrice di taglie per un’agenzia del New Jersey. Il suo compito è ritrovare il misterioso Ranger, sospettato di aver ucciso il figlio di un boss del traffico d’armi. Ma Ranger è anche l’uomo che ha insegnato a Stephanie tutto quello che sa del suo mestiere e che esercita su di lei un fascino pericoloso. E la cattura di Ranger non è l’unico pensiero che non la fa dormire di notte. La spassosa nonna Mazur si è trasferita da lei, un amico le ha affidato un cane bulimico, l’intimità con il fidanzato Joe Morelli è diventata impossibile, Stephanie deve più volte dissuadere dal suicidio un’amica e un maniaco tenta di ucciderla.

Автор: Evanovich Janet
Серия: Stephanie Plum (it)
Cactus Heart

In this "prequel" to the popular David Mapstone mysteries, author Jon Talton takes us back to 1999, when everything dot-com was making money, the Y2K bug was the greatest danger facing the world, and the good times seemed as if they would never end.

It was a time before David and Lindsey were together, before Mike Peralta was sherriff, and before David had rid himself of the sexy and mysterious Gretchen.

In Phoenix, it's the sweet season and Christmas and the new millennium are only weeks away. But history professor David Mapstone, just hired by the Sheriff's Office, still finds trouble, chasing a robber into an abandoned warehouse and discovering a gruesome crime from six decades ago.

Mapstone begins an investigation into a Depression-era kidnapping that transfixed Arizona and the nation: the disappearance of a cattle baron's grandsons, their bodies never found. And although the kidnapper was caught and executed, Mapstone uncovers evidence that justice was far from done. But this is no history lesson. The cattle baron's heirs now run a Fortune 500 company and wield far more clout than a former-professor-turned-deputy. Then one of the heirs turns up dead…

Автор: Talton Jon
Автор: Taylor Roger
Cadenza finale

Альфред Андерш (1914 — 1980) занимает видное место среди тех писателей ФРГ для которых преодоление прошлого, искоренение нацизма всегда было главной общественной и творческой задачей. В том его избранных произведений вошли последний роман «Винтерспельт», в котором выражен объективный взгляд на историю, на войну, показана обреченность фашизма, социальная и моральная повесть «Отец убийцы, (1980), которую можно назвать литературным, духовным и политическим завещанием писателя, и рассказы разных лет.

Cadres noirs

Alain Delambre est un cadre de cinquante-sept ans anéanti par quatre années de chômage sans espoir.

Ancien DRH, il accepte des petits jobs démoralisants. À son sentiment de faillite personnelle s’ajoute bientôt l’humiliation de se faire botter le cul pour cinq cents euros par mois…

Aussi quand un employeur, divine surprise, accepte enfin d’étudier sa candidature, Alain Delambre est prêt à tout, à emprunter de l’argent, à se disqualifier aux yeux de sa femme, de ses filles et même à participer à l’ultime épreuve de recrutement : un jeu de rôle sous la forme d’une prise d’otages.

Alain Delambre s’engage corps et âme dans cette lutte pour regagner sa dignité.

S’il se rendait soudain compte que les dés sont pipés, sa fureur serait sans limite.

Et le jeu de rôle pourrait alors tourner au jeu de massacre.

Автор: ître Pierre
Cage of Bones

Workers demolishing a building in Colchester make a horrifying discovery in the basement: a cage made of human bones…with a feral child inside. As Phil Brennan and Marina Esposito investigate, they expose the trail of a serial killer who has been operating undetected for thirty years – a killer with a disturbing connection to Brennan's father.

Автор: Carver Tania
Caged Hearts

Данный текст представляет собой мою попытку литературной обработки визуальной новеллы «Katawa Shoujo». Я постараюсь, чтобы получилось достаточно читабельно. Ну и не убегать в сторону от сюжета. Сами понимаете, тут адаптирован только один рут из возможных…

Caged Moon

Haunted by an animal attack, seventeen year old Charlotte feels she is being followed. When she runs into a mysterious boy while camping, she’s afraid. Nothing seems right about him. Despite trying to stay away, there is an unmistakable draw to be near him. Even his scent smells familiar. But the closer she gets, the faster the secrets begin to unravel. Not only is he not human, he may have a link to her past. When Charlotte finds out someone wants her dead, she is torn between love and fear. Can she trust him to keep her safe?

Автор: Deagan Rachel
Cages and Those Who Hold the Keys

In the Midnight Museum - Bram Stoker Award-nominated for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction, 2005 Martin Tyler is a 44-year-old janitor whose life has come to a sputtering halt; he has no friends, no family, and no promise of better days ahead. In the grip of blackest depression, he attempts to take his own life, only to find himself waking up in a local mental health facility where he has been placed for observation. But something more has happened to Martin than just a failed suicide attempt; certain doors of perception have been unlocked in his mind, allowing him to see fantastic creatures that lurk outside on the streets of Cedar Hill - creatures only he can perceive. Over the next 48 hours, Martin will discover what these creatures are, who controls them, and why he must enter The Midnight Museum, a place with no doors or windows, but many entrances and exits; a place just outside the perception of everyday life; a place where Martin will discover how and why he inadvertently holds the fate of the world in his hands. The Ballad of Road Mama and Daddy BlissIn the novella The Ballad of Road Mama and Daddy Bliss, a man assigned community service duty with the city morgue after a DUI arrest is offered a simple deal: transport an old woman's body back to her hometown, and his record will be wiped clean. But this is no typical old woman, and -- as he soon discovers -- he is taking her to a town that is on no map. The old woman's identity, as well as the reasons behind the town's secret existence, will be revealed to him over the course of a few nightmarish hours between midnight and dawn -- the time when The Road demands its sacrifices.Kiss of the MudmanInternational Horror Guild Award for Long Fiction, 2007 A haunting story behind the lyrics of a rock song from the 70s. It is a story of music, stardom, death, and the combination of notes that brings dirty destruction to the Cedar Hill halfway house. Along the way, a visit from the "ulcerations" of Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, John Entwistle and Keith Moon, Kurt Cobain, and Billie Holiday enlighten the legend of just why the greatest guitar player that ever lived was a woman. Music fans will love it, and Braunbeck's fans should not miss it. It has all the things that make his work special: the pain, the despair, and the fear, all combined but with each one allowed its own moment in the sun, each one getting its own time with your nerves before they all come crashing down, leaving you with just enough energy to turn the page.TessellationsA haunted, young actress returns home after the death of her father to discover that her brother has seemingly gone insane. Over the course of one unnerving night she first witnesses — and then becomes a part of — a Halloween nightmare that, piece by piece, physically brings back the past, rips a hole in her consensual reality, and allows demons, monsters, and even a miracle or two to shamble into this world and transform it into the darkest of fairy tales...The Sisterhood of Plain-Faced Women'The Sisterhood of Plain-Faced Women' is the story of Amanda, who gains beauty but at a terrible price as her new physical attributes are torn from other people, the tale never less than compelling and with a heartfelt moral at its core.

Автор: Braunbeck Gary A
Cailloux dans le ciel

Pour Joseph Schwartz, la chose arriva à l’instant où il avait un pied en l’air. Il se trouvait dans la ban­lieue de Chicago et s’apprêtait à enjamber une poupée de chiffon. Lorsqu’il reposa le pied, après avoir éprouvé une fugitive impression de vertige, sa chaussure s’enfonça dans l’herbe. Il était alors dans une forêt.

Ce qu’ignorait Joseph Schwartz, c’est qu’il ne s’était pas déplacé dans l’espace, mais qu’il avait effec­tué un immense bond dans le temps. Désormais, la Terre n’était plus qu’une petite planète d’intérêt stratégique secondaire dans l’im­mense empire galactique dirigé de­puis Trantor.

La présence d’un homme venu du passé ne va-t-elle pas modifier les rapports de force existant entre les Terriens et la garnison de soldats impériaux ?

Автор: Asimov Isaac
Серия: Cycle de l'Empire
Cain His Brother

In his family life, Angus Stonefield had been gentle and loving; in business, a man of probity; and in his relationship with his twin brother, Caleb, a virtual saint. Now Angus is missing, and it appears more than possible that Caleb-a creature long since abandoned to depravity-has murdered him.

Hired to find the missing man, William Monk puts himself into his shoes, searching for clues to Angus's fate and his vicious brother's whereabouts. Slowly, Monk inches toward the truth-and also, unwittingly, toward the destruction of his good name and livelihood…

Автор: Perry Anne
Cairo Countdown

The U.S. maintained a top-secret air-force base in Cairo. And it operated right out of the international airport!

Suddenly a terrorist rampage threatened to reveal the covert American presence in egypt. No known intelligence agency could risk exposure to break this attack on one of America s biggest secrets. Therefore, in the name of Mack Bolan, come in Able!

But the terrorists had crack killer-teams of their own— and they would not hesitate to use them...

Автор: Stivers Dick
Серия: Able Team
Cairo Modern

The novelist's camera pans from the dome of King Fuad University (now Cairo University) to students streaming out of the campus, focusing on four students in their twenties, each representing a different trend in Egypt in the 1930s. Finally the camera comes to rest on Mahgub Abd al-Da'im. A scamp, he fancies himself a nihilist, a hedonist, an egotist, but his personal vulnerability is soon revealed by a family crisis back home in al-Qanatir, a dusty, provincial town on the Nile that is also a popular destination for Cairene day-trippers. Mahgub, like many characters in works by Naguib Mahfouz, has a hard time finding the correct setting on his ambition gauge. His emotional life also fluctuates between the extremes of a street girl, who makes her living gathering cigarette butts, and his wealthy cousin Tahiya. Since he thinks that virtue is merely a social construct, how far will our would-be nihilist go in trying to fulfill his unbridled ambitions? What if he discovers that high society is more corrupt and cynical than he is? With a wink back at Goethe's Faust and Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews, Mahgub becomes a willing collaborator in his own corruption. Published in Arabic in the 1940s, this cautionary morality tale about self-defeating egoism and ill-digested foreign philosophies comes from the same period as one of the writer's best-known works, Midaq Alley. Both novels are comic and heart-felt indictments not so much of Egyptian society between the world wars as of human nature and our paltry attempts to establish just societies.

Автор: Mahfouz Naguib
Całkowe drzewa

System podwójnej gwiazdy T3 i LeVoy zasiedlają potomkowie ziemskich kolonistów. Żyją w warunkach zbliżonych do nieważkości na struktueach zwanych drzewami. Plemię obumierającego drzewa wysyła grupę zwiadowczą w poszukiwaniu miejsca na nową kolonię. W czasie długiej, pełnej niebezpieczeństw wędrówki członkowie ekspedycji wpadają w ręce łowców niewolników.

Автор: Niven Larry
Серия: Całkowe drzewa
Calculating God

When aliens land in Toronto, they present astounding evidence that their planet and Earth have experienced the same cataclysmic events — evidence that they claim proves the existence of God.

Автор: Sawyer Robert J
Calcutta: Two Years in the City

The award-winning author Amit Chaudhuri has been widely praised for the beauty and subtle power of his writing and for the ways in which he makes “place” as complex a character as his men and women. Now he brings these gifts to a spellbinding amalgam of memoir, reportage, and history in this intimate, luminous portrait of Calcutta.

Chaudhuri guides us through the city where he was born, the home he loved as a child, the setting of his acclaimed novels — a place he now finds captivating for all the ways it has, and, perhaps more powerfully, has not, changed. He shows us a city relatively untouched by the currents of globalization but possessed of a “self-renewing way of seeing, of inhabiting space, of apprehending life.” He takes us along vibrant avenues and derelict alleyways; introduces us to intellectuals, Marxists, members of the declining haute bourgeoisie, street vendors, domestic workers; brings to life the city’s sounds and smells, its architecture, its traditional shops and restaurants, new malls and hotels. And, using the historic elections of 2011 as a fulcrum, Chaudhuri looks back to the nineteenth century, when the city burst with a new vitality, and toward the politics of the present, finding a city “still not recovered from history” yet possessed of a singular modernity.

Chaudhuri observes and writes about Calcutta with rare candor and clarity, making graspable the complex, ultimately ineluctable reasons for his passionate attachment to the place and its people.

Автор: Chaudhuri Amit
Calexit: The Anthology

When California declares independence, their dreams of socialist diversity become nightmares for many from the high Sierras to the Central Valley. Follow the lives of those who must decide whether to stand their ground, or flee!

In San Diego, the commander of Naval Special Warfare Group One finds his hands tied by red tape, even as protesters storm the base and attack dependents.

In Los Angeles, an airline mechanic must beg, borrow, or bribe to get his family on the plane out before the last flight out.

Elsewhere, a couple seeks out the new underground railroad after being forced to confess to crimes they didn’t commit.

In the new state of Jefferson, farmers must defend themselves against carpetbaggers and border raiders.

And in the high Sierras, a woman must make the decision to walk out alone…

Featuring all-new stories set after Calexit from JL Curtis, Bob Poole, Cedar Sanderson, Tom Rogneby, Alma Boykin, B Opperman, L B Johnson, Eaton Rapids Joe, Lawdog, and Kimball O’Hara.


En el fondo de un pequeño lago volcánico, muy cerca de Roma, descansan desde hace veinte siglos dos barcos misteriosos, los más grandes de la Antigüedad. ¿Cómo llegaron estas naves egipcias a un lago romano? Una inscripción en el interior de los barcos puede ser la clave: el nombre Cayo César Germánico, más conocido como Calígula, sea tal vez la respuesta. Esta extraordinaria novela ofrece una nueva visión de la excéntrica y controvertida figura del emperador Calígula, tan despreciada y cuestionada por la historia. Un niño que logró sobrevivir y aprendió a defenderse en un medio hostil, un muchacho que veneraba a su padre y que junto a él descubrió y se enamoró de Egipto. Un joven marcado por la soledad, el dolor, arrastrado a la locura por el asesinato de toda su familia, víctima de las intrigas del poder. ¿Cabría ahora preguntarse si el gran verdugo, el asesino brutal, no fue en realidad una víctima?

Автор: Siliato Maria Grazia
California Girl

A different world then,

a different world now…

California in the 1960s, and the winds of change are raging. Orange groves uprooted for tract houses, people flooding into Orange County, strange new ideas in the air about war, music, sex, and drugs, and new influences, ranging from Richard Nixon to Timothy Leary.

For the Becker brothers, however, the past is always present – and it comes crashing back full force when the body of the lovely and mysterious Janelle Vonn is discovered in an abandoned orange-packing plant. The Beckers and the Vonns have a history, beginning years ago in high school with a rumble between the brothers of each clan.

But boys grow up. Now one Becker brother is a cop on his first homicide case. One's a minister yearning to perform just one miracle. One is a reporter drunk with ambition. And all three are about to collide with the changing world of 1968 as each brother, in his own unique way, tries to find Janelle's killer.

As suspects multiply and secrets are exposed, the three Becker brothers are drawn further into the case, deeper into the past, and closer to danger.

Автор: Parker T Jefferson

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