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Все авторы и серии на букву «R»

Rabbit Remembered

The stunning novella that concludes John Updike's acclaimed Rabbit series is now available on audio.

Set 10 years after Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom's death, Rabbit Remembered returns listeners to the small Pennsylvania town where Harry's widow, Janice, and his son, Nelson, still reside. They are faced with a surprise when Annabelle, Harry's 39-year-old illegitimate daughter, arrives on the scene, bringing with her ghosts from the past.

Автор: Updike John

Über fünfzig Jahre quälte sich Peter Wawerzinek mit der Frage, warum seine Mutter ihn als Waise in der DDR zurückgelassen hatte. Dann fand und besuchte er sie. Das Ergebnis ist ein literarischer Sprengsatz, wie ihn die deutsche Literatur noch nicht zu bieten hatte.

Ihre Abwesenheit war das schwarze Loch, der alles verschlingende Negativpol in Peter Wawerzineks Leben. Wie hatte seine Mutter es ihm antun können, ihn als Kleinkind in der DDR zurückzulassen, als sie in den Westen floh? Der Junge, herumgereicht in verschiedenen Kinderheimen, blieb stumm bis weit ins vierte Jahr, mied Menschen, lauschte lieber den Vögeln, ahmte ihren Gesang nach, auf dem Rücken liegend, tschilpend und tschirpend. Die Köchin des Heims wollte ihn adoptieren, ihr Mann wollte das nicht. Eine Handwerkerfamilie nahm ihn auf, gab ihn aber wieder ans Heim zurück.

Wo war Heimat? Wo seine Wurzeln? Wo gehörte er hin?

Dass er auch eine Schwester hat, erfuhr er mit vierzehn. Im Heim hatte ihm niemand davon erzählt, auch später die ungeliebte Adoptionsmutter nicht. Als Grenz sol dat unternahm er einen Fluchtversuch Richtung Mutter in den Westen, kehrte aber, schon jenseits des Grenzzauns, auf halbem Weg wieder um. Wollte er sie, die ihn ausgestoßen und sich nie gemeldet hatte, wirk lich wiedersehen?

Zeitlebens kämpfte Peter Wawerzinek mit seiner Mutterlosigkeit. Als er sie Jahre nach dem Mauerfall aufsuchte und mit ihr die acht Halbgeschwister, die alle in derselben Kleinstadt lebten, war das über die Jahrzehnte überlebens groß gewordene Mutterbild der Wirklichkeit nicht gewachsen. Es blieb bei der einzigen Begegnung. Aber sie löste — nach jahrelanger Veröffentlichungspause — einen Schreibschub bei Peter Wawerzinek aus, in dem er sich das Trauma aus dem Leib schrieb: Über Jahre hinweg arbeitete er wie besessen an Rabenliebe, übersetzte das lebenslange Gefühl von Verlassenheit, Verlorenheit und Muttersehnsucht in ein großes Stück Literatur, das in der deutschsprachigen Literatur seinesgleichen noch nicht hatte.

Автор: Wawerzinek Peter

Taylor and Carl Mitchell are brothers who have taken wildly divergent paths in life. But when a mysterious virus transforms most of the Earth’s population into bloodthirsty lunatics, they must learn to trust each other and work together in a dangerous new world where the slightest misstep could lead to the ultimate consequence.

The brothers must face their innermost fears and confront loss as they try to survive the long journey home. But will anyone be there waiting for them?

Sometimes there isn’t a happy ending.

Автор: Bouchard J W

The Colton Points of View Collection

This novella is for the devoted readers of the Driven series. It is recommended that this companion be read after Driven, Fueled, and Crashed.

Автор: Bromberg K
Серия: The Driven Trilogy

Największym atutem "Rachatłukum" jest niewątpliwie główny bohater, który do końca pozostaje bezimienny, właściwie anonimowy. Przez całą książkę opowiada nam o miłości swojego życia – rudowłosej Oldze. Właściwie powieść nie ma wątków pobocznych, jedynie drobne epizody. Jeśli jednak ktoś myśli, że to kolejna mdła, romantyczna paplanina, jest w sporym błędzie. Wolkers operuje językiem jakby nieprzystającym do tej tematyki. Obrzydliwym i obscenicznym, właściwie momentami wulgarnym, gdyż po prostu ta…

Автор: Wolkers Jan
Rachel's Totem

When Rachel arrives in Cougar Falls for a reading of her aunt’s will, she finds herself in a typical mountain town. Except that it’s not quite…typical. It’s full of the requisite, rough-hewn mountaineers, but these men seem more animal than man.

And one of the rude strangers brings out the animal in her during an embarrassingly orgasmic-and scorching-sexual encounter in an alley. The fantastic tales that the townsfolk tell about the Ac-Taw, a clan of people who can shift into animals, are nothing but folklore. Or are they?

Burke is stunned by his response to Rachel, and even more so when she innocently shows signs of possessing Ac-Taw blood. And this puts her in more danger than she knows, danger that only increases the urgency to mark her as his own.

Rachel comes to realize she’s inherited much more than just property. She has also inherited a destiny to protect her newfound home.

For the Ac-Taw aren’t just legend-they’re real

Автор: Harte Marie
Серия: Cougar Falls
Racing in Place: Collages, Fragments, Postcards, Ruins

Is it truth or fiction? Memoir or essay? Narrative or associative? To a writer like Michael Martone, questions like these are high praise. Martone’s studied disregard of form and his unruffled embrace of the prospect that nothing-no story, no life-is ever quite finished have yielded some of today’s most splendidly unconventional writing. Add to that an utter weakness for pop Americana and what Louise Erdrich has called a “deep affection for the ordinary,” and you have one of the few writers who could pull off something like Racing in Place. Up the steps of the Washington Monument, down the home stretch at the Indy Speedway, and across the parking lot of the Moon Winx Lodge in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Martone chases, and is chased by, memories-and memories of memories. He writes about his grandfather’s job as a meter reader, those seventies-era hotels with atrium lobbies and open glass elevators, and the legendary temper of basketball coach Bob Knight.Martone, as Peter Turchi has said, looks “under stones the rest of us leave unturned.” So, what is he really up to when he dwells on the make of Malcolm X’s eyeglasses or the runner-up names for Snow White’s seven dwarfs? In “My Mother Invents a Tradition,” Martone tells how his mom, as the dean of girls at a brand-new high school in Fort Wayne, Indiana, “constructed a nostalgic past out of nothing.” Sitting at their dining room table, she came up with everything from the school colors (orange and brown) to the yearbook title (Bear Tracks). Look, and then look again, Martone is saying. “You never know. I never know.”

Автор: Martone Michael
Raddocks Horizon

In 2319 a damaged war veteran and a sociopathic geneticist find themselves facing a terrifying plague and a vengeful android left over from a devastating war. As desperation mounts to halt the disease, one question arises: what will have the higher body count, the virus or the doctor?

Cover art by oliviaprodesign

Автор: Cross Duran
Серия: Godyssey Legacy

Riley Bloom left her sister, Ever, in the world of the living and crossed the bridge into the afterlife — a place called Here, where time is always Now. Riley and her dog, Buttercup, have been reunited with her parents and are just settling into a nice, relaxing death when she's summoned before The Council. They let her in on a secret — the afterlife isn't just an eternity of leisure; Riley has to work. She's been assigned a job, Soul Catcher, and a teacher, Bodhi, a curious boy she can't quite figure out. Riley, Bodhi, and Buttercup return to earth for her first assignment, a Radiant Boy who's been haunting a castle in England for centuries. Many Soul Catchers have tried to get him to cross the bridge and failed. But he's never met Riley…


The protagonist of this Explorer Corps adventure is Ugly Screaming Stink-Girl. The name is supposed to bring her luck, but since she is quickly contaminated by a red fungus known as the Balrog, one has to wonder. Then she, Admiral Festina Ramos, and a slightly mad fellow named Tut are assigned to a rescue mission on the planet Muta. There, an entire expedition from the unit has been turned into gas clouds that give out electromagnetic pulses, and it looks as if this is the result of a deadly defense mechanism left behind by an alien race. It takes ingenuity and suffering to discover the mystery behind the pulses. The sheer complexity of Gardner’s characters and inventions will make the book daunting to a good many, but his ingenuity and wit will keep a good many others reading voraciously.

Автор: Gardner James Alan
Серия: League of Peoples
Radiant Girl

A girl’s 11th birthday always brings big changes to her world, but for Katya Dubko, it is truly the end of the world as she knows it. In the northern Ukraine, an area of dense forests, abundant wild life, and sparkling rivers, Katya’s little village of Yanov has been a fairytale home. Her family life is rich with ancient traditions and magical beliefs, and her father has a good job working for the government at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station, a complex bigger than her whole village.

Steeped in the imagery of her people, Katya believes that the station is a magical factory, and she looks for men in white robes, the angels she has heard push buttons to create electricity. When she asks her father about the station, he reassures her that it is safe: “so safe I would let you and Mama sleep there. I’d let a baby sleep there.” Yet when Katya is sent into the forest to play while her family prepares her birthday dinner, she meets Vasyl, a mysterious otherworldly boy who tells her the agonizing truth: her world will be destroyed in an explosion. What is she to believe?

On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, and the Soviet government refused to acknowledge the extent of the disaster. As Katya struggles to survive in the aftermath, Vasyl reenters her life and helps her to realize that there can be no healing without truth, however difficult it may be to face. As she reconnects with her friends from before the explosion, she begins to learn more about the scientific concepts that have changed their world, and she discovers that blind patriotism like her father’s can be the undoing of a country as well as a man. With the help of friends she could have never imagined in her old life, Katya begins to understand that the things that are most important about her homeland and herself have survived the disaster. Combining the mythological truths of her ancestors with an understanding of the science behind the Chernobyl explosion, Katya finds the strength to fulfill a promise she made to herself many years before. And from her new vantage point she realizes that she is no longer the little girl in the fairy tale, she has become the author of her own story.

Radiant Girl weaves history, fantasy, photographs and illustrations together to create a fictional coming of age tale that offers readers insight on surviving the powerful forces of change that rock their own lives, both from within and without.

Автор: White Andrea

ORBIT HOSPITAL ist ein Klinikum im All, das allen raumfahrenden Lebensformen der Galaxis medizinische Hilfe leistet. Es nimmt alle Geschöpfe auf, ob sie ein Dutzend Gliedmaßen haben oder gar keine, ob sie sich von Radioaktivität ernähren oder Wasser atmen — von anderen exotischen Gewohnheiten und Bedürfnissen ganz zu schweigen. Es ist ein ökologisches Tollhaus und ein organisatorischer Irrwitz, aber es ist für alle da und es funktioniert. Es ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes — lebensnotwendig.

Автор: White James
Серия: Orbit Hospital
Radio Benjamin

Walter Benjamin was fascinated by the impact of new technology on culture, an interest that extended beyond his renowned critical essays. From 1927 to ’33, he wrote and presented something in the region of eighty broadcasts using the new medium of radio. Radio Benjamin gathers the surviving transcripts, which appear here for the first time in English. This eclectic collection demonstrates the range of Benjamin’s thinking and his enthusiasm for popular sensibilities. His celebrated “Enlightenment for Children” youth programs, his plays, readings, book reviews, and fiction reveal Benjamin in a creative, rather than critical, mode. They flesh out ideas elucidated in his essays, some of which are also represented here, where they cover topics as varied as getting a raise and the history of natural disasters, subjects chosen for broad appeal and examined with passion and acuity.

Delightful and incisive, this is Walter Benjamin channeling his sophisticated thinking to a wide audience, allowing us to benefit from a new voice for one of the twentieth century’s most respected thinkers.

Автор: Benjamin Walter
Radio Darwina

Wyklęty paleontolog Mitch Rafelson odkrywa w Alpach w spoczywające od dziesiątków tysięcy lat w nieznanej jaskini ciała rodziny neandertalczyków. Biolog molekularna Kaye Lang uważa, że w DNA człowieka, niby śpiący rycerze z legend, skrywają się pradawne choroby, które miliony lat czekają tylko na wezwanie, aby móc znowu zarażać i zabijać.

I w bardzo niedalekiej przyszłości, budzą się demony, z naszego genomu wyłania wirus, którego nazwa przypomina imię indyjskiego boga śmierci, Śiwy. Ludzkości zagraża zagłada, gdyż wirus powoduje poronienia u wszystkich zarażonych kobiet. Władze podejmują radykalne środki, dochodzi do zamieszek, prześladowań kobiet. Nieliczni, w tym Lang i Rafelson, w zagrożeniu widzą nadzieję, w chorobie, bólu, przemocy dostrzegają bóle porodowe ludzkości, które poprzedzają ogromny skok ewolucyjny, przyjście na świat nowego człowieka. Prześladowani i potępiani, ścigają się z czasem, aby rozwiązać największą zagadkę w dziejach rodu ludzkiego i powstrzymać oszalały świat.

Arcydzieło wysoko naukowej fantastyki autorstwa zdobywcy nagrody Nebula, według wielu krytyków najlepsza książka SF w USA w roku 1999. Prawdziwy, przedstawiony z ogromnym rozmachem i wnikliwością obraz nauki i nas, ludzi, postawio-nych przed obliczem być może największego zagrożenia w jej dziejach.

Автор: Bear Greg
Серия: Darwin (pl)
Radio Praha

The author’s own sojourn in Prague’s smoke-filled bars and decaying streets led to his eerie tale of… Radio Praha.

Автор: Daniel Tony
Radio Underground

With swift, bold and powerful writing, debut author Alison Littman tells the story of a family ripped apart by revolution, illuminating a time when news, rock ‘n’ roll and underground journalism forever changed the lives of those living behind the Iron Curtain.

After years of suffering under the communist regime in Cold War Hungary, Eszter Turján—fanatical underground journalist—would sacrifice anything, and anyone, to see the government fall. When she manipulates news broadcasts on Radio Free Europe, she ignites a vicious revolution, commits a calamitous murder and is dragged away screaming to a secret underground prison.

Her daughter Dora, then a teenager, cowers in her bedroom as the secret police arrest her mother. Haunted and hurt, Dora vows to work against everything Eszter believes in. But, it’s not that simple.

After nine years, Dora meets a strapping young fan of Radio Free Europe and is unwittingly drawn back into Eszter’s circle. She finds her mother, driven mad by years of torture, is headed for death.

On the brink of losing Eszter again, Dora must decide if she should risk her life to save the mother who discarded her—or leave it to fate.

Radio Underground is a beautiful, relevant novel that explores the lengths and limits of love, family and the power of expression.

Автор: Littman Alison
Radiografia De Chica Con Tatuaje

El novio de Carla ha sido acusado de asesinato. Todas las pruebas le incriminan, pero ella cree en su inocencia y decide emprender una investigación para dar con el auténtico culpable.

Автор: Sierra i Fabra Jordi

During China's collectivist era in the late 1950s, a rural work team responsible for building an important floodgate receives a strange new recruit: Hei-hai, a skinny, silent and almost feral boy. Assigned to assist the blacksmith at the worksite forge, Hei-hai proves superhumanly indifferent to pain or suffering and yet, eerily sensitive to the natural world. As the worksite becomes a backdrop to jealousy and strife, Hei-hai's eyes remain fixed on a world that only he can see, searching for wonders that only he understands. One day, he finds all that he has been seeking embodied in the most mundane and unexpected way: a radish.

'That dark-skinned boy with the superhuman ability to suffer and a superhuman degree of sensitivity represents the soul of my entire fictional output. Not one of all the fictional characters I've created since then is as close to my soul as he is.' Mo Yan, 2012 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

'Pungent, potent, absurd, moving, and alive, this early Mo Yan novella carries his unmistakable stamp. Survival is ignoble, and power blunt, but glimpses of the transcendent are possible: Radish captures the human condition with aching force.' Gish Jen, author of Mona in the Promised Land

Автор: Yan Mo

Five hundred years after a handful of human starship travelers got lost in a hostile universe, their descendants are still struggling for survival. As hard as life is on The Raft — a platform remnant of the ship’s hull — it’s even harder in The Belt — a string of shacks circling the iron-rich core of a dead star. Every Belter has heard the story of the legendary starship but most of them don’t believe it. But Rees, a lowly mine-rat, does. He wonders why the sky is angry red instead of the blue his parents remembered. Why food from The Raft gets less and less nutritious. Why fewer and fewer stars form every day. In his quest to find answers, Rees travels from boyhood to manhood, from the outermost edges of his world into its mysterious heart. And along the way he discovers there’s more at stake than his simple curiosity: life in his enigmatic universe is about to become impossible…

Автор: Baxter Stephen
Серия: Xeelee Sequence

The Benevolent Satrapy rule an empire of forty-eight worlds, linked by thousands of wormholes strung throughout the galaxy. Human beings, while technically “free,” mostly skulk around the fringes of the Satrapy, struggling to get by. The secretive alien Satraps tightly restrict the technological development of the species under their control. Entire worlds have been placed under interdiction, cut off from the rest of the universe.

Descended from the islanders of lost Earth, the Ragamuffins are pirates and smugglers, plying the lonely spaceways around a dead wormhole. For years, the Satraps have tolerated the Raga, but no longer. Now they have embarked on a campaign of extermination, determined to wipe out the unruly humans once and for all.

But one runaway woman may complicate their plans. Combat enabled, Nashara is more machine than flesh, and she carries inside her a doomsday weapon that could reduce the entire galaxy to chaos. A hunted fugitive, she just wants to get…

Автор: Buckell Tobias S
Серия: Xenowealth

The Nazi Civil War rages on…

The Provisional Government has scored a significant victory, driving the Waffen-SS back from Berlin and winning itself time to plot a counteroffensive. But Karl Holliston — the self-declared Führer of the Greater German Reich — isn’t about to give up so easily. As mighty armies prepare for the final campaign, winter sweeps down from the east and both side prepare their ultimate weapons, the fate of the world hangs in the balance…

…And if the Reich burns, the rest of the world may burn too.

Автор: Nuttall Christopher G
Серия: Twilight of the Gods


 Mirdza Kļava


They’re coming back to life…

The oldest secret order on earth has just woken up…

They want nothing less than the world…

They are the Hidden Hand…

The race is on to find an ancient power and stop the greatest sacrifice in history…

With the same high-octane pace and thrills of the Joe Hawke series, Raiders is an archaeological and historical action-adventure featuring a great new team and a terrible new enemy.

Former soldier Jed Mason is working as an asset recovery specialist — retrieving kidnapped people and stolen goods in a dog-eat-dog world of international crime, violence and ransoms. Nearly killed on a dangerous mission, he must deal with a terrible personal tragedy, but when a mysterious private consortium briefs him on a violent kidnapping he quickly discovers when one door shuts, another opens.

Why was the head of the Vatican’s secret archive murdered in Rome? Why was a leading American archaeologist snatched? Mason must lead his old team on a new adventure to stop a truly terrifying enemy intent on the sacrifice of millions.

Drawing on the same fast-paced action as the world of Joe Hawke, Raiders introduces a new series with an exciting and compelling band of brothers — and sisters — who must stand together in the face of adversity or die one by one.

Автор: Jones Rob
Серия: Raiders
Raiders of Gor

Tarl Cabot was a warrior of Gor-the world that earth could never see. Normally, he was a proud and mighty warrior. But now he was bound for Port Kar. The only city with no home stone to give it a heart. It was a city of reavers, and looters...of out casts with out allegiance. Merchants and Pirates stalked it's quays beside the beautiful sea of Thassa.

Tarl Cabot was head for the sink hole of the planet, a teaming den of Iniquity. And that was no place for a honest warrior from far Ko-Ro-Ba.

But he was no longer Tarl Cabot, the warrior. Now he was only bosk...a miserable slave.

Автор: Norman John
Rails Under My Back

"Will put Allen in the company of writers such as James Joyce, August Wilson, and Ralph Ellison." — The Philadelphia Inquirer.

When it was first published fifteen years ago, Jeffery Renard Allen's debut novel, Rails Under My Back, earned its author comparisons to some of the giants of twentieth-century modernism. The publication of Allen's equally ambitious second novel, Song of the Shank, cemented those lofty claims. Now, the book that established his reputation is being restored to print in its first Graywolf Press edition. Together, the two novels stand as significant achievements of twenty-first-century literature.

Rails Under My Back is an epic that tracks the interwoven lives of two brothers, Lucius and John Jones, who are married to two sisters, Gracie and Sheila McShan. For them, their parents, and their children, life is always full of departures; someone is always fleeing town and leaving the remaining family to suffer the often dramatic, sometimes tragic consequences. The multiple effects of the comings and goings are devastating: These are the almost mythic expression of the African American experience in the half century that followed the Second World War.

The story ranges, as the characters do, from the city, which is somewhat like both New York and Chicago, to Memphis, to the West, and to many "inner" and "outer" locales. Rails Under My Back is a multifaceted, brilliantly colored, intensely musical novel that pulses with urgency and originality.

Автор: Allen Jeffery Renard

The dead will rise…

A doctor returning from the mountains in India unknowingly brings a deadly virus to the western world. The nightmare begins.

Society crumbles…

Alex Harley is hiking with three friends when all media channels shut down to be replaced with the Emergency Broadcast. Civilians are warned to stay in their homes. Isolated and afraid, the four friends begin a fight for survival.

The end of the world is here…

The military sets up Survivor Camps to separate the infected from the uninfected. A U.N. rescue mission is put into operation to save survivors from the clutches of the zombies. Alex and his friends must deal with the undead and power-crazed soldiers if they are to survive the apocalypse.

But while they fight for survival, the authorities consider drastic measures to rid the world of monsters…

Автор: Harbinger Shaun
Серия: Undead Rain
Rain Gods

MWA Grandmaster Burke spins a tale replete with colorful prose and epic confrontations in his second novel to feature smalltown Texas sheriff Hackberry Holland (after Lay Down My Sword and Shield). An anonymous phone call leads Holland, a Korean vet who survived a POW camp, to the massacre and burial site of nine Thai women, a crime that brings FBI and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) officials running. As a slew of bad guys relocated from New Orleans after Katrina grapple for advantage in new territory, mercurial killer Preacher Jack Collins finds plenty of work. Pete Flores, a possible witness to the massacre, and his girlfriend are targeted by Collins for elimination, and by the FBI for bait. Holland must protect the hapless Flores and his girl from both. Three strong female characters complement the full roster of sharply drawn lowlifes. The battle of wills and wits between Holland and Collins delivers everything Burke's fans expect.

Автор: Burke James Lee
Rain of Doom

In Beirut, an American voice speaks into the telephone:

"We'll never forget the Beruit bomb. Tell the mullahs they can run, they can hide, but the posse of the Apocalypse rides in the night. The payback will not quit until we have killed Khomeini..."

Автор: Stivers Dick
Серия: Able Team
Rain of Terror

Chicken Little was Right!

Well, maybe the sky wasn't falling-but something was falling from the sky. Something that stunned America's scientists, stupefied America's security forces, and sent the new U.S. President miles underground to dodge the hellish hailstorm of unidentified falling objects.

What was this infernal armada of UFO's? And who could stop it as it shattered one city after another? The only answer in America's arsenal was Remo and Chiun-as they shot into action against a mad dictator who stopped at nothing and a smart computer than knew all the answers..including the secret of how to outwit the wise and wily Chiun and destroy the indestructible Destroyer.

Серия: The Destroyer
Rain Storm aka Choke Point

In Rain Storm, Rain has fled to Brazil to escape the killing business and the enemies who have been encircling him. But his knack for making death seem to have been of “natural causes” and his ability to operate unnoticed in Asia continue to create unwelcome demand for his services. His old employer, the CIA, persuades him to take on a high-risk assignment: a ruthless arms dealer supplying criminal groups throughout Southeast Asia.

The upside? Financial, of course, along with the continued chimera of moral redemption. But first, Rain must survive the downside: a second assassin homing in on the target; the target’s consort – an alluring woman named Delilah with an agenda of her own; and the possibility that the entire mission is nothing but an elaborate setup. From the gorgeous beaches of Rio to the glitzy casinos of Macao to the gritty back streets of Hong Kong and Kowloon, Rain becomes a reluctant player in an international game far deadlier and more insidious than he has ever encountered before.

Автор: Eisler Barry

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