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Список книг на букву «H»

Все авторы и серии на букву «H»

H is for Homicide

Kinsey Millhone, twice-divorced ex-cop, ever dauntless, ever vulnerable ("A" is for Alibi, etc., etc.), now investigating claims for California Fidelity, is assigned a seemingly routine claim from the files of deceased co-worker Parnell Perkins – robbed and shot dead. The case leads Kinsey to elusive, beautiful Bibianna Diaz and to a late-night restaurant meal interrupted by an attempt to kidnap Bibianna that ends with the shooting death of Chago Maldonado – killed by Bibianna's escort Jimmy Tate – an ex-cop and old pal of Kinsey's. Tate lands in the hospital; Bibianna and Kinsey in jail – to be greeted on release by Chago's brother and Bibianna's ex-lover, Raymond – a tense hood racked by the involuntary spasms of Tourette's Syndrome and by his obsession to marry a frightened Bibianna, who thought she'd escaped him. His plan to take her back to his Los Angeles barrio apartment is reinforced by gun-toting henchman Luis. Bibianna clings to new-found friend Kinsey, who goes along, knowing she's onto a mega-insurance scam and, possibly, Parnell's killer. Days later it's all over – a densely textured adventure heavy with unflagging menace lightened by wisps of humor; a three-dimensional villain; a surprise twist, and a heroine to have in your comer. First-class work from an author whose range grows steadily deeper and richer.

Автор: Grafton Sue

В монографии профессора Афинского университета Н. Василиадиса освещается важнейшая проблема человеческой жизни и православного богословия — проблема смерти. В книге показывается, с одной стороны, бессилие античной и светской философии дать удовлетворительный ответ на этот пугающий неверующего человека вопрос, а, с другой стороны, раскрывается учение Восточной Церкви о таинстве смерти и будущей вечной жизни. В монографии широко представлены мнения святых отцов на эту проблему.

Свято–Троицкая Сергиева Лавра. Лицензия № 030708 от 23.10.96 г. Формат 60x90/16. Печать офсетная. Тираж 11.000 экз. Заказ № 3126

Отпечатано с готового оригинал–макета в ПФ «Красный пролетарий» 103473, Москва, ул. Краснопролетарская, 16

Ha estallado la paz

Después de Los cipreses creen en Dios (época anterior a la guerra) y de Un millón de muertos (época de la guerra), José María Gironella en Ha estallado la paz trata de la posguerra. La familia Alvear sigue siendo el núcleo de la acción del libro y Gerona vuelve a ser la ciudad protagonista. Finalizada la contienda, todos los personajes retornan a sus hogares, excepto los exiliados, que se reparten a voleo por el mundo… La obra abarca los años inmediatamente posteriores a la guerra, con una mezcla de dramatismo, de poesía y de ironía que subyuga desde los primeros capítulos. El clima de aquellos tiempos aparece recreado con singular maestría, de tal modo que para el lector de edad madura constituye la ordenación de sus recuerdos, y para el lector joven un descubrimiento impresionante. En Ha estallado la paz, Gironella alcanza su momento cumbre de novelista nato, gran narrador que consigue fundir la historia con la ficción novelesca.

Автор: Gironella é ía

Trudno uwierzyć, że koneser kobiecych wdzięków i wielbiciel poezji romantycznej częściej doświadcza nudy niż miłości. David Lurie, dwukrotnie rozwiedziony pięćdziesięciodwuletni profesor literatury na uniwersytecie w Kapsztadzie, świadomie burzy swój święty spokój.

Nawiązuje romans z młodziutką studentką i wkrótce potem, zaskarżony przez nią, traci pracę i szacunek otoczenia. Wizyta u córki Lucy i zmiana trybu życia ujawniają, że nie potrafi znaleźć wspólnego języka z innymi. Nie radzi sobie też z poczuciem winy za tragedię, która spotkała Lucy. W końcu każde z nich będzie musiało znaleźć własny sposób na to, jak żyć z piętnem hańby. J. M. Coetzee otrzymał za Hańbę prestiżową nagrodę Bookera przyznawaną za najlepszą powieść anglojęzyczną roku. Jest pierwszym pisarzem w historii tej nagrody, któremu została ona przyznana dwukrotnie. Precyzyjny, klarowny język powieści doskonale oddaje znakomity przekład Michała Kłobukowskiego.

.M. Coetzee urodził się w 1940 roku w Cape Town w RPA w rodzinie o korzeniach niemieckich i brytyjskich. Pierwszym językiem przyszłego pisarza był angielski. Na początku lat 60. Coetzee wyjechał do Anglii, gdzie pracował jako programista komputerowy. Potem studiował literaturę w Nowym Jorku. W 1984 roku otrzymał tytuł profesora literatury w Cape Town. W 2002 roku wyjechał do Australii, gdzie obecnie wykłada na Uniwersytecie w Adelajdzie. Jako pisarz Coetzee debiutował w 1974 roku, ale międzynarodowy rozgłos zyskała dopiero jego powieść opublikowana w 1974 roku – "Czekając na barbarzyńców". Pierwszą nagrodę Bookera dostał w 1983 roku za "Życie i czasy Michaela K.". Drugi raz uhonorowano go tą nagrodą w 1999 roku za "Hańbę". Jednym z najważniejszych tematów pisarstwa Coetzee jest dziedzictwo apartheidu i szerzej – temat dyskryminacji, rasizmu i przemocy na całym świecie.

Автор: Coetzee John Maxwell
Habitat Zero

In the Pacific Ocean a Silicon Valley magnate vacationing on his luxury motor yacht Carpe Diem stumbles across a floating island of pumice.

Two weeks later, their motor yacht returns to its home port in San Diego on autopilot — but when it arrives, nobody gets off.

Sam Reilly and his team are called in to investigate what happened on board Carpe Diem. But what at first appears to be a simple boating accident soon turns into a deadly game of international intrigue — sending America and Russia racing toward each other on an unavoidable collision course.

Серия: Sam Reilly
Hacerse Querer

En el siglo pasado, los hombres emprendedores se aventuraban solos en el lejano territorio de Minnesota, en el noroeste de los Estados Unidos. Así se hizo necesaria la costumbre de mandar a pedir esposas sin conocerlas previamente.

Ansiosa por escapar a la humillación de su sórdida existencia en Boston, Anna acepta convertirse en novia por correspondencia de Karl, un adinerado granjero. El esperaba una muchacha de veinticinco años, hábil cocinera, experta ama de casa, dispuesta al trabajo rural y… virgen. Generoso por naturaleza, Karl deberá perdonar a Anna todas sus mentiras. Pero hay un secreto que ella aún le oculta a fin de preservar el amor incipiente…

Автор: Spencer Lavyrle
Hackers and Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age

"The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences. " –from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham We are living in the computer age, in a world increasingly designed and engineered by computer programmers and software designers, by people who call themselves hackers. Who are these people, what motivates them, and why should you care? Consider these facts: Everything around us is turning into computers. Your typewriter is gone, replaced by a computer. Your phone has turned into a computer. So has your camera. Soon your TV will. Your car was not only designed on computers, but has more processing power in it than a room-sized mainframe did in 1970. Letters, encyclopedias, newspapers, and even your local store are being replaced by the Internet. Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham, explains this world and the motivations of the people who occupy it. In clear, thoughtful prose that draws on illuminating historical examples, Graham takes readers on an unflinching exploration into what he calls "an intellectual Wild West." The ideas discussed in this book will have a powerful and lasting impact on how we think, how we work, how we develop technology, and how we live. Topics include the importance of beauty in software design, how to make wealth, heresy and free speech, the programming language renaissance, the open-source movement, digital design, Internet startups, and more. And here's a taste of what you'll find in Hackers & Painters: "In most fields the great work is done early on. The paintings made between 1430 and 1500 are still unsurpassed. Shakespeare appeared just as professional theater was being born, and pushed the medium so far that every playwright since has had to live in his shadow. Albrecht Durer did the same thing with engraving, and Jane Austen with the novel. Over and over we see the same pattern. A new medium appears, and people are so excited about it that they explore most of its possibilities in the first couple generations. Hacking seems to be in this phase now. Painting was not, in Leonardo's time, as cool as his work helped make it. How cool hacking turns out to be will depend on what we can do with this new medium." Andy Hertzfeld, co-creator of the Macintosh computer, says about Hackers & Painters: "Paul Graham is a hacker, painter and a terrific writer. His lucid, humorous prose is brimming with contrarian insight and practical wisdom on writing great code at the intersection of art, science and commerce." Paul Graham, designer of the new Arc language, was the creator of Yahoo Store, the first web-based application. In addition to his PhD in Computer Science from Harvard, Graham also studied painting at the Rhode Island School of Design and the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence.

Автор: Graham Paul

“W. Len is a gifted writer… I predict he’ll go far.”

— Patrick McGrath, award-winning author of Constance: A Novel

“Len’s writing style is utterly delightful… wonderfully paced and easy to read while still being somehow lyrical.”

— Chloe Halston, Amazon Top 1000 reviewer, on W. Len’s House of Secrets: A Bletchley Park Novella

One day, I will reset the world… After being orphaned at a young age, Andrei, a teenage prodigy, falls in with an older pair of hackers. In spite of what they do for a living, he’s content with the surrogate family he creates for himself. However, this cozy arrangement is disrupted when the trio takes on a new assignment, one more dangerous than they expect. As the lies grow and tangle up their relationships, the naive assumptions Andrei has about life are upended. To survive Moscow and protect those he cares about, he has to grow up fast and learn to fight for himself.

In the Young Adult book Hack: Moscow (23,000 words), W. Len has created a coming of age cyber-thriller with a literary twist.

Автор: Len W
Hades Nebula

Tras sobrevivir a la devastadora pandemia que ha asolado el mundo y con la esperanza de ahondar en el misterio del Necrosum, el pequeño grupo de supervivientes de Carranque llega finalmente a la Alhambra de Granada, donde el aparato militar ha instalado uno de los últimos bastiones de resistencia de la Humanidad. Sin embargo, una vez allí descubrirán que las cosas no son cómo les habían prometido y los protagonistas deberán afrontar una realidad aún peor que todo lo que habían conocido hasta entonces.

El autor se sirve de los muertos vivientes para describir situaciones de extrema dureza y dramatismo, explorando la complejidad del ser humano cuando se encuentra cara a cara con el terror en un mundo manifiestamente hostil, y lanzando al lector, en definitiva, a una montaña rusa de sensaciones que desemboca en la conclusión final.

Автор: í Carlos
Hadie srdce

Fantázia, dobrodružstvo… Nebolo hádam ešte obdobia v dejinách ľudstva, ktoré by dávalo toľko živnej pôdy pre nekonečný rozlet tvorivej ľudskej fantázie, ako je tomu dnes. A nebolo ani obdobia, v ktorom by sa tak rýchlo menil obsah pojmu dobrodružstvo. Najmarkantnejšie to vidíme v súčasnej sovietskej fantastickej a dobrodružnej literatúre, z ktorej neveľký výber predkladáme slovenskému čitateľovi. Prvé tri poviedky našej knižky sú venované problematike medzihviezdnych a medziplanetárnych letov. Zem — písal svojho času K. Ciolkovskij — je kolíska ľudstva. No nemožno večne žiť iba v kolíske. Cesta človeka do vesmíru, spôsob života v kozmických lodiach, úporné hľadania seberovných bytostí v nekonečnom priestore a osobitosti stretnutia s nimi — to sú najpálčivejšie otázky, ktoré priťahujú nielen sovietskych spisovateľov-fantastov, ale i milióny pozemšťanov z polovice dvadsiateho storočia. Popri dnes už po celom svete známom I. Jefremovovi (slovenský čitateľ ho pozná z Hmloviny Andromedy) predstavujú sa nám tu doteraz neznámi mladí autori V. Žuravľovová (Belasá planéta) a V. Saparin (Nebeská kulu). Ich fantastické poviedky prekvapujú bohatou umeleckou invenciou. Prvé stretnutie pozemšťanov s Venušanmi (Nebeská kulu), plné dramatizmu a neočakávaných obratov, netápá v abstraktných sférach, je podané tak, akoby šlo o autentický príbeh, reálne a umelecky pôsobivo, ba so zaujímavým autorovým pokusom načrtnúť psychológiu nezemského človeka. Tak isto príbeh dvojčlennej posádky polorozbitej medziplanetárnej lode (Belasá planéta), ktorej sa po ťažkých útrapách podarí pristáť na Marse, popri všetkej „vedeckosti“ udivuje živou obrazotvornosťou mladej sovietskej autorky. Poviedky V. Savčenka (Prebudenie profesora Berna) a V. Saparina (Posledný pilot) sme zaradili vedľa seba, pretože, ako sa nám zdá, navzájom sa doplňujú. Kým prvá poviedka polemizuje s „teóriami“ o nevyhnutnej atómovej záhubě ľudstva a vštepuje vieru v jeho šťastnú budúcnosť, Posledný pilot je zasa pokusom nahliadnuť do tejto budúcnosti, do krásneho, plnokrvného života budúcich pokolení. Knižku uzatvárajú dve rozsiahlejšie poviedky I. Jefremova Havrania jurta a Afaneor, Acharchellenova dcéra. Tematicky čerpajú z oblastí navzájom vzdialených (na jednej strane dramatický príbeh sovietskeho inžiniera, ktorý s nasadením vlastného života nachádza bohaté rudné nálezisko, a na druhej strane obraz šľachetného saharského Tuarega, čo zachráni francúzsku karavánu, odsúdenú na smrť, a vymôže si za to cestu do Sovietskeho sväzu), obidve sú však charakteristické pre súčasnú sovietsku dobrodružnú literatúru: nejde v nich o hromadenie vonkajších efektov, ale o činy, ktorých pohnútkami a konečným cieľom je služba kolektívu, ľudu, pokroku.

¡Hagan sitio! ¡Hagan sitio!

Lunes, 9 de agosto de 1999. El siglo está en sus postrimerías. Nueva York posee una población de 35 millones de seres humanos. Viven hacinados en las casas, en los cementerios de coches que en otro tiempo fueron aparcamientos, en los viejos barcos anclados a orillas del Hudson, en los depósitos militares cerrados hace tiempo... y algunos ni siquiera tienen un techo donde guarecerse y viven simplemente en las calles. El petróleo se ha agotado, los vegetales se están agotando, la carne es un artículo de súper lujo, la gente vive a base de galletas y sucedáneos extraídos del mar, el agua está racionada, y cualquier accidente puede romper este precario equilibrio. Y en Nueva York vive el policía Andrew Rusch, cuyo trabajo es investigar los crímenes que se producen diariamente en la ciudad, pero también cargar contra las muchedumbres que simplemente piden comida y agua.

Peor en ese miserable mundo, que puede ser el nuestro dentro de muy pocos años, en el que todo escasea excepto la necesidad, ni siquiera la policía tiene efectivos suficientes para llevar a cabo su trabajo.

Автор: Harrison Harry
Hag's Nook

Автор: Carr John Dickson
Серия: Dr. Gideon Fell
Hail and Farewell

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

Hail Warning

Having just stunned those in Washington with Operation Hail Storm, Marshall Hail and his crew move forward with their next mission, using assets from two ships, the Hail Nucleus and the Hail Proton. His team has been provided the latest intelligence for a new operation that seems impossible, but then, Hail has a knack for doing the impossible. Welcome to another techno-thriller filled with more espionage, twists and turns, drones, weapons, and terrorism than you can shoot a railgun at. Will Hail and Kara finally hook up? What happened to the crazy jet pilot? Will Hail kill Kornev? Who is the next unfortunate terrorist on the list? It’s all inside… now get reading before the third book, Hail Strike, hits the bookshelves!

Автор: Arquette Brett
Серия: Hail
Hailey's War

Twenty-four-year-old Hailey Cain has dropped out of the US Military Academy for reasons she won't reveal. She has had to leave Los Angeles and it would be too big a risk for her to return. Now working as a bike messenger in San Francisco, Hailey keeps a low profile, until her high school best friend Serena Delgadillo makes a call that will turn her whole life upside-down. Serena is the head of an all-female gang on the rough streets of LA. She wants Hailey to escort the cousin of a recently murdered gang member across the border to Mexico. It's a mission that will nearly cost Hailey her life, causing her to choose more than once between loyalty and lawlessness, and forcing her to confront two very big secrets in her past…

Автор: Compton Jodi
Haints Stay

An imaginative, acid western from a rising star in the indie lit world.

Brooke and Sugar are killers. Bird is the boy who mysteriously woke beside them while between towns. For miles, there is only desert and wilderness, and along the fringes, people.

The story follows the middling bounty hunters after they've been chased from town, and Bird, each in pursuit of their own sense of belonging and justice. It features gunfights, cannibalism, barroom piano, a transgender birth, a wagon train, a stampede, and the tenuous rise of the West's first one-armed gunslinger.

Haints Stay is a new acid western in the tradition of Rudolph Wurlitzer, Kelly Reichardt's Meek's Cutoff, and Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man: meaning it is brutal, surreal, and possesses an unsettling humor.

Advance praise:

"Haints Stay puts to mind the very best contemporary novels of the old West, including those by powerhouses like Charles Portis, Patrick DeWitt, Robert Coover, Oakley Hall, E.L. Doctorow and Sheriff Cormac McCarthy himself, not to mention Thomas McGuane’s classic screenplays for The Missouri Breaks and Tom Horn. But Colin Winnette has his own dark and delightful and surprising agenda. Be wary. He might be the new law in town.” —Sam Lipsyte, author of The Fun Parts and The Ask

"I loved it. Loved it! Haints Stay had me from the very first line — the visceral ante upped and crescendoing nearly every page. Humor, gore, that wonderful unsettling feeling you get when you're reading a book that excites you and kind of scares you as well? Yes, please." — Lindsay Hunter, author of Ugly Girls and Don't Kiss me

"From his curiously harrowing Animal Collection to the glorious guts of Fondly, I trust wherever Colin Winnette’s imagination sees fit to take me. And now — with Haints Stay — we venture to the lawless old West for a story stitched out of animal skins and language that glimmers like blood diamonds. This is a dangerous novel; let’s read it and risk our lives together." — Saeed Jones, author of Prelude to Bruise

"Funny, brutal and haunting, Haints Stay takes the traditional Western, turns it inside out, eviscerates it, skins it, and then wears it as a duster. This is the kind of book that would make Zane Grey not only roll over in his grave but rise undead from the ground with both barrels blazing." — Brian Evenson

"If the Western genre could be thought of as a pile of old stones, this book is a particular piece of lovely spit-shined agate at the top, gleaming in invitation, and under its glow the others are changed." — Amelia Gray, author of Threats and Gutshot

Colin Winnette is the author of Revelation, Animal Collection, and Fondly—which was listed among Salon's Best Books of 2013. He is an associate editor of PANK Magazine, and conducts a regular interview series for the Believer's "Logger." His writing has appeared on BuzzFeed, Electric Literature, and in the Believer.

Автор: Winnette Colin
Haiti Noir

An anthology of stories

Featuring brand-new stories by: Edwidge Danticat, Rodney Saint-Eloi, Madison Smartt Bell, Gary Victor, M.J. Fièvre, Marvin Victor, Yanick Lahens, Louis-Philipe Dalembert, Kettly Mars, Marie Ketsia Theodore-Pharel, Evelyne Trouillot, Katia Ulysse, Ibi Aanu Zoboi, Nadine Pinede, and others. Haiti has a tragic history and continues to be one of the most destitute places on the planet, especially in the aftermath of the earthquake. Here, however, Danticat reveals that even while the subject matter remains dark, the caliber of Haitian writing is of the highest order.


D'origine maorie, Jack Fitzgerald est entré dans la police après que sa fille et sa femme ont mystérieusement disparu sur une île de Nouvelle-Zélande. Pas la moindre trace. Juste la voiture vide et le souvenir d'un geste de la main, d'un sourire radieux…

Vingt-cinq ans ont passé. Jack est devenu un solitaire rapide à la détente, un incorruptible « en désespoir stationnaire ». La découverte sur une plage du cadavre d'une jeune fille au sexe scalpé ravive l'enfer des hypothèses exacerbées par le chagrin. Aidé par une brillante criminologue, Jack, devant les meurtres qui s'accumulent, mènera l'enquête jusqu'au chaos final…

Écrivain, voyageur, Caryl Férey est né en 1967. Il écrit pour la musique, le théâtre et la radio. La publication de Utu, deuxième volet publié en Série Noire d’une série romanesque consacrée aux Maoris de Nouvelle-Zélande, l’a révélé comme l’un des espoirs confirmés du thriller français.

Автор: érey Caryl
Серия: Folio Policier

Amerikāņu rakstnieks Marks Tvens (1836-1910) bērnību pavadījis Hanibalas pilsētiņā Misisipi krastos. Tur gūtie iespaidi atainoti stāstos par diviem draugiem Tomu un Haku. Grāmatā par Haklberiju Finu turpinās “Toma Sojera piedzīvojumos” sāktās puiku dēkas. No angļu valodas tulkojusi Mirdza Ķempe. Mākslinieks Viesturs Grants.



sprīdīša bibliotēka

9. sējums


Redaktore Gunta Leja Mākslinieciskais redaktors Modris Adumāns Tehniskā redaktore Viktorija Blaua Korektore Ligita Smilga

Formāts 60x84/16. Ofseta papīrs JMe 1. Kudrjašova garnitūra. Ofsetspiedums. Izdevniecība «Sprīdītis», LV —1080 Rīgā, Aldaru ielā 2/4. Izdevn. J^ 3(148)B-116.

Reģistrācijas apliecība Jvfe 2—0375. Izdevums sagatavots dialoga sistēmā DIS, piedaloties Poligrāfijas skaitļošanas centram. Programmētāja D. Veipa. Iespiesta Možaiskas poligrāfijas kombinātā, 143200 Možaiskā, Miera ielā 93. Pašūt. JS6141.





Kādreiz tas bija izcils zinātnisks atklājums. Gēns, kurš izmaina cilvēka prātu un ļauj cilvēka smadzenem pieslēgties

datoram. Tagad tas ir nāvīgs vārds Tas ļauj cilvēkiem iegūt neierobežotu varu,  tāpēc šos cilvēkus nogalina pirms tie paspēj izaugt lieli. Haks- tā saucas šis piedzīvojumu stāsts kurš aizvedīs tevi tālā nākotnē

Raenona Lasitjē sarakstīja grāmatu "Haks"septiņpadsmit gadu vecumā. Viņa piedzima un uzauga Londonā, pašlaik studē Oksfordā. Viņai nav ne kaķu, ne zirgu, ne gaļēdāju augu, tomēr ir kāda jauna iecere. Pašlaik rakstniece strādā pie "Haka" turpinājuma.

Raenuna Lasitjē

Visas latviešu izdevuma tiesības re. Šo grāmatu  pilnībā,  arī kādu tās daļu drīkst kopēt, pavairot, saglabāt ierakstu sistēmās vai pārraidīt bez iepriekšējas rakstiskas izdevēja atļaujas.



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© izdevums latviešu valodā, izdevniecība PĒTERGAILIS, 1999.

Nākotne ir mūsu vidū, reiz rakstīja slavenā kareivja Sveika radītājs Jaroslavs Hašeks, un tie bija prātīgi vārdi. Arī Haks vēsta Tev par tālu nākotni, kas patiesībā ir ļoti tuvu. Mūsu plakano divdimensiju televīziju šeit aizstājusi telpiskā bolovīzija, bet dzīvokļos un transporta līdzekļos tālruņa lomu pilda holokoms — tas ļauj gan sazināties, gan aplūkot sarunu biedru vai viesi pie ārdurvīm un ļauj arī pieslēgties datoriem. Haka nākotnes pasaulē ikviens var noīrēt ne tikai vieglo automašīnu — skimmeri, bet arī nelielu lidaparātu — flailcru. Flaiteri stipri līdzinās taksometriem filmā "Piektais elements", un tos, tāpat kā jebko citu nākotnes pasaulē, pārvalda datori.

Haks vēsta Tev par cilvēkiem, kas spēj "saaugt" ar datoriem. Tie nav lādi datoram pielipuši puiši, kādus Tu varbūt pazīsti, — ar lielām, piesarkušām acīm, bālu seju. Par tiem sacerētas daudzas anekdotes. Reiz kāds datorists esot atradis vardīti, kas teikusi: "Noskūpsti mani, par princesi pārvērtīšos!" Protams, ka datorists skūpstīties nevēlējās, jo nezināja, ko iesākt ar princesi, taču runājoša varde viņam šķita teicama lieta!

Skaistā, tumšmatainā Reivena patiešām atšķiras no šādiem datoristiem. Viņas apziņas impulsi šaujas caur pasaules datortīklu kā nazis caur sviestu, un neviens serveris, ne parole nespēj tiem pretoties! Kāds tur brīnums, ka valdība nolēmusi ikvienu Haku nāvei, pat nezinot, ko īsti prot datorcilvēki ar noslēpumaino Haku gēnu.

Taču Haks ir grāmata arī par saprašanos, jo raibajā komandā, kas cīnās pret Datordrošības policijas (DDP) slepeno nodaļu, bieži vien viss atkarīgs no spējas savaldīt dusmas un īgnumu un palīdzēt draugiem.

Pirms Tu sāc lasīt šo grāmatu, padomā — vai Tu pazīsti kādu sešpadsmitgadīgu meiteni, kas raksta fantastisku piedzīvojumu romānu? Raenona Lasitjē ir tieši tāda meitene, un šī ir viņas grāmata!


Veltīts Maruškai, bez kuras šī grāmata nekad nebūtu uzrakstīta.

arī Pīteram, Tanakvī un Viktorijai — par to, ka jūs tādi esat.


1.   Taustīšanās miglā 11

2.   Pravietisks sveiciens 29

3.   Dīvainas lietas 42

4.   Liktenīgā tikšanās 57

5.   Gaisma sabiezē 74

6.   neierastas rūpes 88

7.   Dabas kļūda 106

8.   Elle ir drūma 122

9.       nāvējošais zobens 139 lū.

Sprādzienu vilni 153

11. Asinis pret asinīm 167

12. meli kā patiesība 181

Автор: Ē NA
Half an Inch of Water: Stories

A new collection of stories set in the West from "one of the most gifted and versatile of contemporary writers" (NPR)

Percival Everett's long-awaited new collection of stories, his first since 2004's Damned If I Do, finds him traversing the West with characteristic restlessness. A deaf Native American girl wanders off into the desert and is found untouched in a den of rattlesnakes. A young boy copes with the death of his sister by angling for an unnaturally large trout in the creek where she drowned. An old woman rides her horse into a mountain snowstorm and sees a long-dead beloved dog.

For the plainspoken men and women of these stories-fathers and daughters, sheriffs and veterinarians-small events trigger sudden shifts in which the ordinary becomes unfamiliar. A harmless comment about how to ride a horse changes the course of a relationship, a snakebite gives rise to hallucinations, and the hunt for a missing man reveals his uncanny resemblance to an actor. Half an Inch of Water tears through the fabric of the everyday to examine what lies beneath the surface of these lives. In the hands of master storyteller Everett, the act of questioning leads to vistas more strange and unsettling than could ever have been expected.

Автор: Everett Percival
Half Broken Things

Dagger Awards (nominee)

Loners Jean, Micheal and Steph are drawn together to Walden Manor by a mixture of deceit, good luck and misfortune. There, they shape new lives, full of hope and happiness. When their idyll is threatened they discover their new lives are worth preserving. But at what cost?

Автор: Joss Morag
Half- Life 2

Книга, написанная по сюжету игры Half-Life 2. Продолжает сюжет книги серии HL1

Half of a Yellow Sun

A masterly, haunting new novel from a writer heralded by the Washington Post Book World as "the 21st-century daughter of Chinua Achebe," Half of a Yellow Sun re-creates a seminal moment in modern African history: Biafra's impassioned struggle to establish an independent republic in Nigeria in the 1960s, and the chilling violence that followed.

With astonishing empathy and the effortless grace of a natural storyteller, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie weaves together the lives of three characters swept up in the turbulence of the decade. Thirteen-year-old Ugwu is employed as a houseboy for a university professor full of revolutionary zeal. Olanna is the professor's beautiful mistress, who has abandoned her life of privilege in Lagos for a dusty university town and the charisma of her new lover. And Richard is a shy young Englishman in thrall to Olanna's twin sister, an enigmatic figure who refuses to belong to anyone. As Nigerian troops advance and the three must run for their lives, their ideals are severely tested, as are their loyalties to one another.

Epic, ambitious, and triumphantly realized, Half of a Yellow Sun is a remarkable novel about moral responsibility, about the end of colonialism, about ethnic allegiances, about class and race – and the ways in which love can complicate them all. Adichie brilliantly evokes the promise and the devastating disappointments that marked this time and place, bringing us one of the most powerful, dramatic, and intensely emotional pictures of modern Africa that we have ever had.

Half Past Human

Tinker was a Good Citizen of the hive, he had no choice. The time had come to give up his neuter status and become polarized. The Big Earth Society wanted Tinker to mate. But no one had prepared T inker for sexual activation, nor for a woman like Mu Ren. From that moment on, Tinker was no longer a Good Citizen of the hive. Suddenly Tinker knew he wanted more. He wanted out. Tinker had become a man.

Автор: Bass T J
Серия: Hive
Half Share

After Ishmael Wang is promoted to the environmental section, he's caught in a swirl of mystery, doubt, belief, lust and a really nice fitting pair of jeans. He has to come to grips with what it means to be a spacer while he's still trying to figure out what it means to be a man.

Join Ishmael, Brillo, Pip, and the rest of the crew of the Lois McKendrick as they help the newest member of the crew adjust to life in the Deep Dark.

Автор: Lowel Nathan
Half-Blood Blues

Berlin, 1939. A young, brilliant trumpet-player, Hieronymus, is arrested in a Paris cafe. The star musician was never heard from again. He was twenty years old. He was a German citizen. And he was black.

Fifty years later, Sidney Griffiths, the only witness that day, still refuses to speak of what he saw. When Chip Jones, his friend and fellow band member, comes to visit, recounting the discovery of a strange letter, Sid begins a slow journey towards redemption.

From the smoky bars of pre-war Berlin to the salons of Paris, Sid leads the reader through a fascinating, little-known world, and into the heart of his own guilty conscience.

Half-Blood Blues is an electric, heart-breaking story about music, race, love and loyalty, and the sacrifices we ask of ourselves, and demand of others, in the name of art.

Автор: Edugyan Esi
Halfway to the Grave

Half-vampire Catherine Crawfield is going after the undead with a vengeance, hoping that one of these deadbeats is her father-the one responsible for ruining her mother's life. Then she's captured by Bones, a vampire bounty hunter, and is forced into an unholy partnership.

In exchange for finding her father, Cat agrees to train with the sexy night stalker until her battle reflexes are as sharp as his fangs. She's amazed she doesn't end up as his dinner-are there actually good vampires? Pretty soon Bones will have her convinced that being half-dead doesn't have to be all bad. But before she can enjoy her newfound status as kick-ass demon hunter, Cat and Bones are pursued by a group of killers. Now Cat will have to choose a side… and Bones is turning out to be as tempting as any man with a heartbeat.

Автор: Frost Jeaniene

For months part-angel Clara Gardner trained to face the raging forest fire from her visions and rescue the alluring and mysterious Christian Prescott from the blaze. But nothing could prepare her for the fateful decisions she would be forced to make that day, or the startling revelation that her purpose — the task she was put on earth to accomplish — is not as straightforward as she thought. Now, torn between her increasingly complicated feelings for Christian and her love for her boyfriend, Tucker, Clara struggles to make sense of what she was supposed to do the day of the fire. And, as she is drawn further into the world of part angels and the growing conflict between White Wings and Black Wings, Clara learns of the terrifying new reality that she must face: Someone close to her will die in a matter of months. With her future uncertain, the only thing Clara knows for sure is that the fire was just the beginning.

Автор: Hand Cynthia
Серия: Unearthly

The official novelization of the highly anticipated revamp of the classic horror film Halloween.

In 1978, Laurie Strode survived an encounter with Michael Myers, a masked figure who killed her friends and terrorized the town of Haddonfield, Illinois on Halloween night. Myers was later gunned down, apprehended and committed to Smith’s Grove State Hospital.

For forty years, memories of that nightmarish ordeal have haunted Laurie and now Myers is back once again on Halloween, having escaped a routine transfer, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. This time, Laurie is prepared with years of survival training to protect herself, her daughter Karen and her granddaughter Allyson, a teenager separated from her family and enjoying Halloween festivities.

Автор: Passarella John
Halálvilág 1

A bolygó neve Pyrrus… egy különös hely, ahol az összes állat, növény és természeti erő mintha egyetlen cél érdekében esküdött volna össze: elpusztítani az embert.

A telepesek itt szuperemberek… kétszer olyan erősek, mint a szokványos emberek, és a reflexeik egészen lélegzetelállítóak.

Szükségük is van rá. Mert ha élni akarnak, gyilkolniuk kell…

Jason dinAltra, a csillagközi szerencsejátékosra és hazardőrre vár a feladat, hogy rájöjjön, miért vált ilyen ellenségessé a Pyrrus bolygó az ember rövid itt-tartózkodása alatt…

Автор: Harrison Harry
Серия: Halálvilág

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