by Brad Harris

Caged virgin


"Sure," he told her. "I'd love to give you a job. Don't ever let it be said that Joe Cousins failed to aid a lady in distress."

His eyes gaped at the lines of her body, zeroing in on her firm, ripe tits. Lynda felt a rising discomfort at the way he eyed her, a growing uneasiness as he took the liberty of leading her back to his office with an arm securely around her waist. She could feel the heat of his desire for her. The young girl realized that this was not the best man to approach for help.

She would never have approached him, except for the theft. She had been careless for just a moment. She had run into the post office to mail a card back to Brill. In her haste to send the message she had left her purse in the car. She came out in time to see her car disappearing down the small road that wound through the dusty little town.

She could have called Brill. Her over-sexed boy friend would have leaped at the chance to help her out of a jam. He would have rushed to her aid, even if he didn't figure it might make her more agreeable to going to bed with him. He would, though. That's exactly what he would figure. That's exactly why she didn't call him.

"Now, honey," the owner of the small diner asked her, "where have you worked before? You ever waited tables?"

He stared at her tits as she explained that she had never been a waitress before. He seemed not to even hear her as she explained the circumstances of her being there. He looked at her as though he wouldn't have believed her if he had heard her. He grinned lewdly at her, licking his lips like he wanted to eat her.

"In other words," he grunted, "You have no job and no money. All right, sweetheart, I'm an easy man to please. You can work here for a few days. You be nice to old Joe and you can work here as long as you need to."

He pulled her to him and grabbed her tightly. His mouth came down over her lips while one hand groped for her tits. He got her blouse open and tried to squeeze his fingers inside her bra. Lynda tried to pull away as he pressed at her nipple, sending warm sparks of terrified delight through her tits. She felt his tongue come into her mouth, lapping about sensuously. He suddenly pulled his hand out of her bra and reached beneath her skin, pulling the material up as he grabbed at her pussy.

"No!" she gasped, pulling her mouth from him. "No!"

"Oh, hell yes!" he laughed, his hand gripping roughly at her cunt. "Baby, you need some help. Old Joe is willing to look after you just as soon as you look after Joe's hot old cock."

He had worked her panties down and was getting a finger into her pussy. The slender brunette felt the rise of his passion. She knew his cock was already getting hard and angry, intent on battering its way into her cunt. She almost panicked, then deliberately brought her knee up viciously into his groin. The man stopped his groping immediately. He let out a bellow of pain and released her.

"Damn you!" he snarled. "Damn you, anyway!"

"I asked for a job as a waitress," she snapped back at him angrily. "I'm not a whore. I'll wait tables. I'll cook. I'll wash dishes. I'll do anything for a job. But I won't fuck with you."

"The hell you won't!" he growled at her. "Before you leave this town you'll be begging me to let you suck my cock!"

He grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her. Lynda moaned in pain, afraid that he would wrench her arm out of its socket. He pulled her across the room and held her with one hand while he reached for the phone with the other.

"Last chance," he whispered huskily. "You going to fuck me or not?"

"Hell no!" she answered. "No way!"

"Not yet is what you really mean," he muttered. "You will, Baby! You will!"

He held her by the arm and picked up his phone. The frightened brunette heard him ask the operator for the jail. Lynda suddenly realized what he was planning. She had already experienced a hint of the caliber of law enforcement in this town. She had experienced it when the two deputies stopped her out on the highway and tried to proposition her. She had experienced it even more when the same two had taken her report on the theft of her car. The bastards had acted like they'd never seen her before, like they'd not seen her driving the car she was now reporting.

"Rocky?" Joe Cousins grunted into the phone. "Got a little present up here for you. I think you might enjoy this one."

He hung up and pulled her to the door of his small office. Opening it, he looked out into the cafe itself and called out to the lone customer who had come in.

"Be with you in a few minutes," he told the customer. "Just pour yourself a cup of coffee. You know where everything is, don't you?"

He closed the door once again, then pulled the frightened brunette close to him. His hand raked lasciviously over her tits, then reached back down to her cunt. He was laughing as he grasped her pussy roughly and shook it. He laughed as he buried his face in her tits and rubbed back and forth over the heaving globes.

"Sure would have been easier if you had just decided to go ahead and put out for me," he told her. "Would have been a hell of a lot easier on both of us."

He might have said more, he might have tried more with her, except for the arrival of the two deputies. Lynda felt a sinking feeling as she recognized the two. These were the same ones! Damn them, anyway! They came swaggering into the room, their eyes looking over her body, their mouths spread in lewd grins.

"What's the trouble?" the taller deputy asked. "You got some kind of problem?"

"This girl was trying to pick up one of my customers," Joe answered. "When I told her that we didn't allow hookers in Dalesville she tried to proposition me."

"That's a lie!" Lynda snapped at him. "That's a damned lie and you know it!"

"Shut up!" the heavier deputy snarled. "Shut up while a citizen makes a complaint."

"Anyway," Joe continued, "I played along with her. I brought her on back here. Shit, I didn't want her upsetting my customers, did I? I brought her back here, letting her think I was taking her up on her offer. Soon as we got through the door she started taking off her blouse."

"You bastard!" the brunette snapped at him. "You lying bastard!"

"Foul mouth there!" the tall, lean deputy noted to his heavy-set comrade. "Damn if she doesn't have a foul mouth."

Lynda looked at them helplessly. She wasn't going to get any assistance from these two. She had known it all along. Protesting was just a waste of effort. She drew in a sharp breath and clamped her mouth shut.

"Look there," Joe laughed, "She's still got that blouse open and her tits hanging out all over the place. We sure can't have a girl like this running loose around town."

"Shit no!" the burly man replied. "Not a pair of tits like that! God! Don't they get you horny just looking at them?"

"Yeah," the tall deputy agreed. "We'd better get this little hooker out of circulation fast. A girl like this could cause all sorts of trouble."

His eyes looked hungrily over Lynda, looked at her cunt-mound and at the lithe curves of her legs. He reached over and grabbed her arm. Before the astonished brunette realized it, he had snapped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists. The three men stood in front of her, grinning obscenely at her helpless body. The taller lawman reached over and cupped a tit roughly. His eyes narrowed in delight at the feel of her flesh. His tongue ran slowly across his lips. He rolled her tit lushly over her chest.

"Lots of trouble," he repeated. "Hell, with this piece of tail loose on the streets there wouldn't be a safe marriage in the whole damn town."

They took her out to their car and pushed her roughly into the back seat. Lynda saw the grinning face of Joe Cousins watching them. She saw the satisfaction on his face. Damn him, she thought. Damn him to hell. The bastard had lied as easily as anyone she had ever heard.

"You get in the back seat with her, Gene," the tall deputy told his partner. "The little lady probably needs to be watched carefully. Mustn't take a chance on a dangerous criminal like her getting loose from us."

He laughed as the beefy deputy climbed in beside the girl and slammed the door. Gene grinned over at the frightened brunette, sliding along the seat until he had her pinned against the far window.

"You gonna be good to old Gene?" he asked her. "You gonna show me how badly you want to be a good girl?"

He laid a beefy hand on her thigh, pulling her skirt up and reaching beneath it for her pussy. He pressed a finger against the delicate nylon of her panties, pushing into her pussy and rubbing at her clit. His breath was heavy and gasping as he looked down at her blouse where it had remained open.

"This little piece of pussy is going to be one good lay," he called to his partner. "She's sure going to make for some nice evenings down at the jail."

"The hell I am!" Lynda answered him. "You touch me and you'll regret the shit out of it!"

"You hear her, Rocky?" the man laughed as he rubbed his finger harder against her clit. "She's a regular little tiger!"

"Got my cock all rearing to get in her already," the deputy called from the driver's seat. "You're right, Gene. We'll have us a good time with that sweet pussy."

"Come on, Baby!" Gene urged the girl. "The better you treat us, the easier it'll be on you."

He pulled her over and leaned his face in front of her. He kept playing with her pussy while his other hand grabbed at her tits, squeezing them and thumbing through her bra until he had her nipples hardening despite her fear and anger. He pressed his mouth over her lips, sucking sharply on her breath. Then his thick, heavy tongue rammed into her mouth. Lynda moaned as he worked at her. She shivered in terror at the rough, brutal play of his hands on her tits and pussy. With her arms handcuffed behind her back, she was helpless. Her tits thrust forward despite her struggles, thrust forward in response to his ecstatic caresses.

"Say, Rocky," he panted as he lifted his face from hers. "How about taking her for a little drive in the country. I know a damn good place where we could take her. My pecker needs to taste her honey right now."

"I'd like to," Rocky answered him. "I'd sure like to. Can't risk it, though. We're on duty this afternoon. Soon as we got her panties down, there'd be a call from the sheriff. We'll get our chance tonight. You can count on that."

"Shit!" the burly deputy snarled. "She'll be worn out by then. Won't be any more fight left in her. By the time we get off Sam and his crowd will have worn her pussy clean out."

"Can't be helped," his partner commented as he pulled the car to a stop in front of the red brick building that housed the jail and sheriff's offices. "Let's get her inside."

"Sorry, old buddy, but your hot pecker will just have to wait a while for its fun."

They pulled Lynda from the car and took her inside the building. The smell of strong disinfectant hit her nostrils as she was pushed back through a narrow hallway. A skinny man with several days' growth of beard on his face rose as they came to his small desk. He looked at Lynda, eyes focusing on her open blouse, and grinned broadly. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed quickly. He spat a wad of tobacco juice into a paper cup on the desk and spoke to the two deputies.

"Where the hell did you boys come up with this?"

He stepped from behind the desk and eyed Lynda approvingly from head to toe. He patted her on the ass, then cupped a tit and bounced it lightly on his fingers. The grin remained on his face. Even when he spat the deep brown tobacco again, he still grinned.

"This little hooker was causing trouble down at Joe Cousins' place," Rocky answered him. "We figured that she was too much pussy to allow around this town."

"I agree! I agree!" the tobacco chewing jailer answered. His hand tightened over her tit while his other hand stroked her hips. "Can't have good stuff like this roaming the streets. We'll keep this for those who can appreciate it."

He spat again, releasing her tit and pulling out a worn notebook from his desk. Rocky took out a key and began removing the handcuffs while the jailer made a few notations.

"All right, honey," he said to the girl. "Let's see your identification."

"I don't have any," Lynda told him. "These two bastards know I don't have any. My car was stolen less than an hour ago! My purse was on the front seat. I called them and reported it. They know damn well that I'm no prostitute. I asked the man at the cafe for some work to earn bus fare out of here. When I refused to put out for him he called these apes. Get me the sheriff! You aren't going to get away with this!"

"Jane Doe," the jailer muttered as he wrote in the notebook. "Transient. Refused to identify herself. Slandered the officers of the law. Boys, I think we have heard all this before."

"Yeah," Rocky answered, "they're all alike. Book her for soliciting and lock her up. We'll be in to question her later."

Lynda saw his elbow dig into his partner's beefy stomach as he referred to questioning her. The brunette had no doubt what he meant by that. She looked around helplessly, trying to figure some way out of the place. Clearly they had no intention of letting her make any phone calls. She was their prisoner, helpless, unless she could appeal to some more responsible person.

"The sheriff!" she demanded. "I want to see the sheriff!"

"And he'll want to see you, too!" Rocky laughed. "Oh God! He'll sure as hell want to see you! That will have to wait until the gets back in town, though. Too bad, sweetheart."

The two deputies pushed her behind the jailer as he led them through a heavy door with bars across the window. They went down another hallway, stopping before an open cell. Lynda was shoved inside. She stood, too angry to speak, as they slapped the jailer on the back and walked back up the hall.

The skinny man who was now her sole keeper stepped toward her. His grin was even wider as he looked over her slender body. He reached behind him and pulled the cell door shut.

"All right, honey," he laughed. "Let's make sure you aren't concealing any weapons on you. Strip out of those clothes."


"You want to do it the easy way?" he asked in a voice trembling with excited passion. "Or do you want me to call for help?"

Lynda looked at the man in front of her. His body was throbbing, his Adam's apple working anxiously. His nostrils flared as he waited for her to comply with his order. Lynda could imagine how delighted the two deputies would be to return and help him strip her clothing from her. She opened her mouth to protest, then realized that her complaints had been totally ignored up until now. There seemed no reason for this crude jailer to begin heeding her protests now.

She took a deep trembling breath and began slipping out of her blouse. The slender man licked his lips at the full display of her tits in the dainty, lacy bra. He trembled more noticeably as she slipped her skirt off and stood before him, clad only in the skimpy bra and her transparent panties. She stood there, certain that this was enough. It was enough if he actually wanted to be sure that she wasn't hiding anything.