Книги жанра «Любовные романы» на букву «S»

num: 1 3 4 8 9
en: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
ru: А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Э Ю Я

Suzanna's Surrender

Through the past darkly...

Suzanna Calhoun and her sisters simply HAD to find the priceless emeralds hidden somewhere in their ancestral home. The jewels were the key to the deadly mystery that had threatened them for so long. And for Suzanna they were something more - her link to a man whose past was tangled with hers in ways she was only beginning to understand.

Holt Bradford had loved Suzanna for more years than he cared to remember, loved the laughing girl she'd been and the gentle, fragile woman she'd become. He'd never once told her what was in his heart, but now he had no choice...He had to protect her from the shadows swirling around her, and he had to make her his at last....

Автор: Roberts Nora
Серия: The Calhoun Women
Some Girls Bite

They killed me. They healed me. They changed me.

Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn't exactly glamorous, but it was mine. I was doing fine until Chicago's vampires announced theirexistence to the world-and then a rogue vampire attacked me. But he only got a sip before he was scared away by another bloodsucker... and this one decided the best way to save my life was to make me the walking undead.

Turns out my savior was the master vampire of Cadogan House. Now I've traded sweating over my thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan "Lord o' the Manor" Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed, four hundred year old vampire, he has centuries' worth of charm, but unfortunately he expects my gratitude-and servitude. Right...

But my burgeoning powers (all of a sudden, I'm surprisingly handy with some serious weaponry), an inconvenient sunlight allergy, and Ethan's attitude are the least of my concerns. Someone's still out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival House? An angry mob bearing torches?

My initiation into Chicago's nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war-and there will be blood...


Автор: Нейл Хлоя
Серия: Chicagoland Vampires
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Stakes & Stilettos

Newly vamped Sarah Dearly wants her normal life back, but fate is fighting against her. She tries to get a regular job and gets staked in the interview, only to be rescued by a masked vampire who calls himself the Red Devil. Then a wallflower-turned-witch curses her, making her a bloodthirsty, sun-allergic nightwalker--the worst vampire there is. As if all that weren't enough, she can't get married because her 600-year-old boyfriend, Thierry, is in a centuries-long marriage of convenience he can't escape.

As Sarah's nightwalker tendencies make her more dangerous, even to those she loves, she'll have to counteract that curse, unmask the increasingly intriguing Red Devil, and get a commitment from her man. But if that's what it takes to secure her happiness, Sarah is ready...even if it means embracing her inner vamp to do it.

Серия: Immortality Bites



izdevniecība «Liesma»Rīga 1970

No krievu valodas tulkojušas Irma Bērzkalne un Laima Rūmniece Mākslinieks Arvīds Jēgers

ceļš pie citiem - ceļš pie sevis

Kobo Abes romānus var lasīt dažādi — kā stāstus un kā


Kaut arī romāni piesātināti ar simboliku un ārkārtīgi izsmalci­nātiem filozofiskiem prātojumiem, lasītāju valdonīgi, neļaujot ne mir­kli pārdomām, vada stāstījums ar skaidru, dinamisku, gluži vai de­tektīvromānam līdzīgu asu sižetu. Stāstījums par skolotāju, kurš gadījuma dēļ nokļūst kādā nelielā piekrastes ciemā un milzu bedrē spiests bez apstājas cīnīties ar smiltīm, lai tās viņu neapraktu, un par viņa veltīgajiem mēģinājumiem izkļūt brīvībā. Vai arī stāstījums par ķīmiķi, kuram šķidrās gāzes sprādzienā sakropļota seja un kurš drudžaini meklē līdzekli, kā iegūt garīgo līdzsvaru un to parasto kontaktu ar apkārtējiem cilvēkiem, ko tik traģiski pārrāvis šis nelai­mes gadījums.

Bet šis priekšmetiskais, emocionāli piesātinātais un aizraujošais stāstījums katrā pagrieziena momentā, katrā varoņa pārdzīvojumu krīzes punktā pēkšņi aizsedzas ar daudzām nozīmes kārtām un pār­vēršas plašā alegorijā, līdzībā par personības tiesībām uz neatkārto­jamu individualitāti un tās pienākumu pret citiem, par cilvēka brī­vību un nebrīvību.

Tieši šajā grafiskajā, gluži kā tušas zīmējuma uzskatāmībā, aiz kuras rodas vesela pasaule sabiedrisku, morālu, psiholoģisku un me- tafizisku problēmu, arī slēpjas japāņu rakstnieka neparastā savda­bība. Šī pasaule ir sarežģīta, un autors to apzinīgi padarījis sarež­ģītāku, daudzējādā ziņā tā ir sveša krievu literatūras tradīcijām, to­mēr tā ir pasaule, kurā dzīvo un mokās kapitālistiskās sabiedrības lielum lielā inteliģences daļa, tāpēc Kobo Abes grāmatas noteikti pelna padomju lasītāju uzmanību.

Kobo Abes līdzības ir tikpat paradoksālas, cik viņa vēstījumi vienkārši. Darbības gaitā autors rūpīgi apsver bezgala daudz atrisi­nājumu, — reizēm tas apmulsina, kaitina, izraisa iekšēju protestu, tāpat kā apmulsina un kaitina nepievilcīgais, naturālistiskais priekš- metiskums, kad var sajust pat smilšu čirkstoņu zobos. Līdzības uni- versālumu līdzsvaro pilnīga ticamība detaļās. Dziļi pārdomāti ir se­cinājumi, pie kuriem rakstnieks mūs pamazām noved, pilnīgi nobrie­dis ir viņa saprātīgais un prasīgais humānisms bez ilūzijām un paš­apmāna. Droši vien viņš varētu atkārtot Brehta vārdus: «Lai būtu labs, man jābūt cietsirdīgam.»

Romāna «Sieviete smiltīs» (1963) varonis — vidusmēra cilvēks — ir vienkāršs skolotājs. Viņam ir viena kaislība — kukaiņu kolekcionē­šana un viens sapnis — atklāt jaunu sugu. «Ja tas izdosies, entomo- loģiskajā atlantā blakus jaunatrastā kukaiņa garajam zinātniskajam latīņu nosaukumam parādīsies arī tavs vārds, un nav izslēgts, ka tas paliks tur uz mūžiem.»

Bet nu šis cilvēks, kas sapņo vismaz ar kaut ko padarīt slavenu savu vārdu, apliecināt sevi kā personību, pazūd.

Izbraucis svētdienā ārpus pilsētas, viņš nokļūst kāda ciemata iedzīvotāju rokās; šo cilvēku vienīgais darbs ir atrakt smiltis, kas draud apbērt viņu mājokļus. Skolotājs nokļūst gūstā dziļā smilšu bedrē un spiests kopā ar kādu vientuļu Sievieti strādāt veltīgu, smagu darbu.

Cilvēks, atrauts no dzīves, nošķirts no pasaules, iemests ieslo­dzījumā, — tā ir viena no visizplatītākajām situācijām jaunās pasau­les literatūrā. Kobo Abes attēlotā bedre galu galā ir tas pats, kas franču rakstnieka Kāmī mēra apsēstā pilsēta. Rakstnieki pievēr­sušies un pievēršas šādam robežstāvoklim — starp dzīvību un nebūtību, pētīdami personības psihofizisko stāvokli. Vieni — lai pie­rādītu cilvēku dzīves un visu pasaulīgo lietu veltīgumu. Citi atkal pašā neiespējamībā izrauties no lamatām meklē sākotni cilvēka vī­rišķīgajam stoicismam nemitīgo briesmu priekšā.

Daudzu Rietumu mākslinieku radītais «savrupais» pasaules mo­delis metaforiski attēlo kapitālistiskās ražošanas stihisko spēku ap­spiestā cilvēka izjūtas, viņa atsvešinātību. Nenovēršami, ka šādos gadījumos ārkārtīgi asi, reizēm slimīgi rodas jautājums par perso­nības īstumu, tiek pārspīlētas tās vienreizīguma, pašvērtības pazīmes. «Elle — tie ir citi,» savā laikā sacījis Sartrs. Šķiet, ka pilnīgā sa­skaņā ar šo tēzi Kobo Abe tēlo aklas nejaušības kopā savesto Niki Dzimpeja un Sievietes mocošo savstarpējo attiecību ainas. Viņi abi uzstājas gan upura, gan bendes lomā. Viņus it kā apdraud pirmā grēka lāsts, kāds mūžsens vainīgums par pašu viņu eksistences faktu. Tomēr japāņu rakstnieks negrib pilnīgi piekrist franču kolēģa uzska­tiem — citādi nav iespējami savstarpēji sakari. «Bez Sartra «cita» ir «cits» — tuvākais vārda kristietiskajā nozīmē, kaut gan kristietība, ab­solutizēdama «cita» ideju, arī nonāk pie kaut kā maldīga.»[3] Kobo Abe, kā liecina romāns, meklē saprātīgu, reālistisku atrisinājumu pret­runām starp personību un tās vidi.

Izmisuma lēkmes un tukšumam teiktās deklarācijas par likumu un personības tiesībām Niki Dzimpejam mijas ar bēgšanas mēģinājumiem. Bet, jo rafinētāki un saprātīgāki ir šie mēģinājumi, jo negaidīti pierastāka kļūst gan bedre, gan ar lāpstu veicamais mehāniskais darbs, kas palīdz samierināties ar laika skrējienu, gan pastāvīgais no­gurums; un viņš jau izjūt patiku, kad viņam no augšas nolaiž ciga­retes un nelādzīgu degvīnu. Un bez tam — Sieviete, kaut arī sveša, toties gluži blakus, atliek tikai pastiept roku …

Apslāpēdams sevī patīkamās domiņas par brīvības «slogu», tās šķietamību, viņš tomēr pēdējo reizi mēģina izrauties no lamatām. Viņš drudžaini bēg projām no bedres, un tikpat drudžaini viņa do­mas skrien atpakaļ pie Sievietes, pie viņu kopīgās briesmīgās eksis­tēšanas brīžiem. Bedre it kā negrib viņu laist vaļā. Maldīdamies starp kāpām, glābdamies no vajāšanas, viņš nokļūst smilšu slīkšņā, viņa kājas stieg aizvien dziļāk un dziļāk, smiltis jau sniedzas līdz viduk­lim, un tad šeit no pašiem viņa būtnes dziļumiem izlaužas dzīvnie­cisks kliedziens — palīdziet! «Dzīvot, par katru cenu palikt dzīvam, pat ja šī dzīve līdzināsies visu pārējo cilvēku dzīvei, gluži kā lēti vienā un tai pašā formā cepti cepumi!»

Fiziskajai kapitulācijai neizbēgami seko morālā kapitulācija. Iezīmējas visbriesmīgākā traģēdija — pielāgošanās traģēdija. Dzīvība pirkta par dārgu cenu — par atteikšanos no visa, no kā veidojas per­sonība. Bet izrādās, ka Niki Dzimpejam nav nekā cita, ar ko maksāt kā vien pārmērīga iedomība un savs «es». Viņš bija domājis, ka spēj veikt kaut ko lielāku nekā bez apstājas rakt smiltis. Bet, atskatīda­mies atpakaļ uz savu pilsētas dzīvi, viņš neatrod it nekā vērtīga, kam būtu jēga un kas paceltos pāri gausajam dienu ritumam. Ku­kaiņu kolekcionēšana, ieilguši mīlestības sakari, kas nedod prieka, pelēcīgs, drūms darbs, ko saindē skaudības bacilis. Būtībā dzīve šeit, nebrīvībā, neatšķiras no dzīves sabiedrībā, kur «brīvais» cilvēks «pērk akcijas, apdrošina dzīvību, ir divkosīgs pret arodbiedrību un priekš­niecību. Viņš aizspiež ausis, lai nedzirdētu izmisīgos palīgā saucie­nus, kas atskan no notekgrāvjiem un atkritumu bedrēm… Lai ne­uzmāktos pārdomas, viņš uzgriež televizoru, cik vien skaļi var…»

Jau pirms nokļūšanas bedrē Niki Dzimpeju bija, burtiski, apsē­dusi ideja par smiltīm — par neauglīgām, plūstošām smiltīm, kas iespiežas visās spraugās, — par cietu, ar hidrodinamiskām īpašībām apveltītu ķermeņu kopumu. Šo ideju viņš liek savas pasaules uzskata sistēmas pamatā. Neskaitāmie plūstošie smilšu graudiņi, kam dia­metrs ir viena astotdaļa milimetra, izaug līdz augstākās realitātes apjomiem — «pati kustība ir smiltis». Smiltis apbedījušas senās civi­lizācijas, un «nekas nevar stāties pretī šim bezveida graujošajam spēkam». Nakts murgos viņam rādās tādas kā mucveida mājas — kuģi, kas veļas pāri plūstošajām smiltīm un glābj no nepieciešamības cīnīties ar tām.

Pārmaiņas bedrē nokļuvušā ceļotāja apziņā nobrieda pamazām, gandrīz pret viņa gribu. Protams, Niki Dzimpejam zināmi tādi jē­dzieni kā taisnīgums vai pienākums pret citiem. Bet, «ja ikreiz gri­bēs glābt tuvāko, kas mirst badā, nekad citam neatliks laika». It īpaši viņam derdzas, ka viņu varmācīgi spiež strādāt. Varbūt viņš arī pats būtu pieteicies palīdzēt. Šķiet, ka notikumu dzelžainā loģika saārda pašapmāna viengabalaino sistēmu, iesaista viņu darbībā. Inteliģen- tisko koncentrētību uz sevi, domu par to, ka viņš ir nevainīgs upu­ris, nomainīja izpratne, ka tieši ciema iedzīvotāji ir pamesti un at­stāti, ka viņiem cietsirdība ir uzspiesta, to radījuši dzīves apstākļi, nepieciešamība aizsargāties no smilšu tirānijas. Joprojām paliekot bedres dibenā, viņā jau mostas tādas jūtas, it kā viņš būtu uzkāpis augstā tornī, no kurienes vieglāk pārskatāms ilgi gaidītais mērķis — brīvība. Un līdzeklis tās sasniegšanai — bēgšana — izrādās nederīgs. Pirmo reizi pēc pusgada tiek nolaistas virvju kāpnes. Bet bēgt — tātad padoties? «Smiltīs kopā ar ūdeni viņš it kā atklāja jaunu cil­vēku.»

Kobo Abe romānā saka: pienākums — tā ir cilvēka pase. Viņa varonis vizējis pasi pie dzīves atstumtajiem. Atteicies no sava «es», viņš pievienojas cilvēcei, jēdzienam «mēs». Romāna galvenā vērtība, acīm redzot, ir tā, ka Kobo Abe, izsekojis vairākiem moko­šiem cilvēka psiholoģiskiem stāvokļiem, noved lasītāju pie nepārpro­tama secinājuma, ka individuālistiskā pozīcija brīvības izpratnē ir ne­pamatota.

' No grāmatas «CoBpeMeHHbift 3K3HCTemtHajiH3M», Maskavā, 1966 , 501. lpp.

Rietumu kritika, kas tiecas pārmērīgi pārspīlēt romāna metafi- zisko pusi, bedres tēlu interpretē asociāli, kā pasauli, kurā neprātīgi rosās primitīvas būtnes, kas moka cita citu. «Muļķīga nejaušība iedzi­nusi nelaimīgos šausmīgās lamatās, pilnīgi nav nekādu ētisku vai so­ciālu motīvu vai kādas kaprīzas gribas, kas viņus būtu nolēmusi tu­rēt mūža ieslodzījumā, — tas viss pasvītro notikušā absurdumu, cē­lonības un mērķa trūkumu, rada vēl lielāku bezcerīguma sajūtu nekā Kafkas «Process»,» rakstīja Parīzes «Mond» recenzents Marsels Bri- ons.[5] Ar visu savu māksliniecisko sistēmu japāņu romāns saceļas pret šādu patvaļīgu interpretāciju. Kafkas antivaroņiem dzīve ir Nāves pa­sludinātā sprieduma izpildīšana iepriekš, neizmeklējot lietu, un ape­lācija augstākās instancēs patiešām ir absurda.

Kobo Abem dzīve ir cīņa — sīva, smaga, tā prasa pašuzupurēša­nos, dažreiz tā pat šķiet bezcerīga, it īpaši, ja domā par visu mir­stīgo kopējo likteni. Bet cilvēks tāpēc arī var saukties par cilvēku, nevis par kukaini, ka, apzinādamies bargo nepieciešamību, nenolaiž rokas, nepakļaujas mierinošajai filozofijai par būtības bezjēdzīgumu.

Romāna «Sieviete smiltīs» pamatā liktā situācija ir nosacīta un eksotiska. Romāna «Svešā seja» (1963) materiāls vairāk tuvināts vēs­turei. Notikumi, kas satricinājuši japāņu nāciju pēdējo gadu desmitu laikā, met draudīgu ēnu uz šo daiļdarbu. Militārisma neierobežotā vara 30. gados, sakāve otrajā pasaules karā, kad galīgi tika iznīcinā­tas varonīgo, dieva svētīto samuraju mūžsenās tradīcijas, astoņpa­dsmit grāmatas ar sešdesmit diviem tūkstošiem Hirosimas un Naga- saki atombombardēšanas upuru vārdiem, «svešo seju» — it īpaši amerikāņu masveida ieplūšana japāņu salās, viņu iejaukšanās ekono­mikā, politikā, kultūrā, šķiru pretišķības — tas viss skaidri sama­nāms sarežģītajā, pretrunīgajā romāna mākslinieciskajā izveidē. Uz­manīgs lasītājs ievēros meitenes tēlu ar caurspīdīgo un skumjo pro­filu un sakropļoto sejas pusi, — acīm redzot, apstarojuma upuri, tā­pat arī daudzos atgādinājumus par karu un varmācību pasaulē, «al­katību, nesaudzīgu dzīvības izšķiešanu» mūsdienu pilsētās. Traģiskā pagātne un šķietami laimīgā tagadne caurstrāvo visu daiļdarbu un atstāj savas pēdas varoņa izskatā. Sakarā ar romāna ekranizāciju Zoržs Saduls rakstīja: «Šim sakropļotajam cilvēkam jāsimbolizē kara izpostītās Japānas seja un Hirosima, kurai laupītas tās īpatnības, tā­pat arī ņudzošie pilsētas pūļi.»

Pēc kara attīstītākajās kapitālistiskajās valstīs izvērsās plašas debates par personības lomas nostiprināšanu sabiedrībā. Jēdzienam identitļ), tas ir, cilvēka identitātei savam uzdevumam, personības īs­tumam, cilvēka individualitātei, ir veltīti zinātniski pētījumi un māk­slas darbi. Buržuāziskie sociologi un psihologi prāto par personības neizbēgamo atsvešināšanos «industriālajā sabiedrībā», par «es» krīzi. Literāti raksta romānus par cilvēka vientulību un individualitātes zu­dumu. Tikpat kā izbeigusies portretu glezniecība: klasiskās harmoni­jas vietā nākusi tendence sadalīt cilvēka ārieni sastāvdaļās, atklāt se­jas konstrukciju. Amerikāņa Džozefa Levi kollāža, kur cilvēks attēlots līdz viduklim ar apaļu ekrānu sejas vietā un uzrakstu «Tas esmu es!», uzskatāmi ilustrē mūsdienu buržuāziskā cilvēka depersonalizāciju.

Ap jēdzienu «personības identifikācija» šķiests tikpat daudz vārdu, cik savā laikā ap relativitātes teoriju vai cīņu par eksistenci. Turpretī marksistiskā doma jau sen konstatējusi, ka «lietisko apstākļu valdīšana pār indivīdiem, individualitātes nomākšana nejaušības val­dīšanas rezultātā ir ieguvusi viskrasāko un visuniversālāko formu» un vēsturiski izskaidroja cilvēka atsvešināšanos ar privātīpašuma at­tīstību.

Ar savu romānu Kobo Abe metas dedzīgajā mūslaiku disputā par personību, atradis apbrīnojami konkrētu un ietilpīgu tēlu — zināt­nieku, kuram neveiksmīgā-ķīmijas eksperimentā sakropļota seja. Va­ronim nav vārda, viņš zaudējis savu ārējo izskatu — tādējādi viņš ir pilnīgi anonīms.

Varonis slēpj keloīdās rētas zem apsējiem, bet tik un tā kolēģi sastopoties samulsuši nolaiž acis, nepazīstami cilvēki uz ielas un elektriskajā vilcienā apjukuši novēršas. Sieva atsvešinās no viņa. Ne­viens nevar dalīties zinātnieka nelaimē, un viņu apņem «vientulība, kāda manāma veca mirstoša suņa acīs. Bezcerīgums, kas jaušams sliežu atbalsotā šķindoņā, kad vēlu naktī remontē sliežu ceļus.» Vi­ņam, spēcīga intelekta cilvēkam, grūti samierināties ar domu, ka āriene — daži kustīgi, ar ādu apvilkti sejas muskuļi — tik daudz nozīmē saskarē ar citiem cilvēkiem. Protams, cilvēka seja ir tas pats, kas personas apliecība, taču tā neizsaka cilvēka būtību. Protams, seja — «tas ir sava veida vienādojums, kas apzīmē attiecības ar ci­tiem cilvēkiem. Tā ir taciņa, kas saista tevi ar viņiem.» Bet vai tikai seja? Daudz jūtamāks cilvēku attiecību simbols ir tas, ko pieņemts dēvēt par sirdi, dvēseli. Pat ja noliedz dvēseli — eksistē dzeja, grā­matas, gramofona plates, kuras, protams, labāk tuvina cilvēkus nekā vienkārša vaigā skatīšana. Cilvēki, kas nekad nav redzējuši autoru, saprot viņa disertāciju, kura veltīta reoloģijai, zinātnei par vielu plūs- tamību (sal. ar Niki Dzimpeja interesi par smilšu hidrodinamiskajām īpašībām). Un viņa prāts, raksturs — vai tiešām tie nozīmē mazāk nekā āriene, vai tiešām būtība pakļauta šķitumam? Abstraktie prāto­jumi par paradumu spriest par cilvēku pēc ārienes noved varoni pie secinājuma, ka aizspriedumi pret ādas krāsu ir mežonīgi. Nav nejau­šība, ka romānā tiek pieminēti Amerikas nēģeri, kuri uzstājas pret diskrimināciju, nav nejaušība, ka arī grāmatas varonis brīžiem iden­tificē sevi ar korejiešiem, kuri Japānā ir rasu aizspriedumu objekts un atrodas izstumto stāvoklī.

Kobo Abes varonis neparedzēja, kā pārvērtīsies šķietamā glābēja doma izgatavot mākslīgu seju. Ar nelielo «masku komēdiju» viņš tikai bija gribējis aizpildīt piespiesti ieilgušo starpbrīdi dzīvē. Tomēr maskas uzlaikošanas brīdī viņš saņem kārtējo triecienu — ne tikai tāpēc, ka pārāk precīza kopija ir nedzīva un izraisa nomācošu iespaidu, bet galvenokārt tādēļ, ka no spoguļa uz viņu vienaldzīgi raugās sveša seja, kas izraisa bezgala daudz asociāciju, — sākot no sirmajā tautas pagātnē iedibinātām «No» masku tradīcijām līdz «Cil­vēkam, kas smejas» un «Neredzamajam cilvēkam». No šī mirkļa arī sākas sarežģītas savstarpējās attiecības starp viņu pašu un viņa masku. Ar maskas tēlu romānā saistīts vesels komplekss morāli filo­zofisku un sociālu problēmu, kuras plašā lokā izvietojas ap jēdzie­niem «seja», «personība», «depersonalizācija», «maska», «atmasko­šana». Vispirms maska ir varoņa pašatsvešināšanās priekšmetiska iz­teiksme. Mēģinājums atjaunot savu agrāko «es» un reizē saites ar citiem cilvēkiem noved viņu pie gluži pretēja rezultāta. Viņa uzliktā maska sāka dzīvot patstāvīgu, neatkarīgu dzīvi, slēpa no citiem viņa īsto cilvēcisko būtību. Atrautība no cilvēkiem padziļina viņa mokošo vientulību un vienlaikus rada tieksmi cietsirdīgi atmaksāt par šo pa­zemojumu. Viņu plosa vispretrunīgākie nodomi gan pret sievu, pret ko viņš izjūt jauktas — «mīlestības un naida» jūtas, gan pret cilvēci vispār. Te viņam uzmācas domas, kuru būtību Oldingtons lakoniski izteicis ar sava romāna nosaukumu — «visi cilvēki ir ienaidnieki», un tad viņu pārņem neprātīga mizantropija, te viņam rodas mazieprie- cinošs secinājums, ka «sejas zaudēšana… ir mūsdienu cilvēku ko­pējais liktenis». Notiek traģiska šķelšanās apziņā, postoša nolūku divējādošanās kas vēlāk noved varoni pie pilnīgas morālas degra­dācijas. Brīžiem viņš vēl apzinās savu egocentrismu: «Esmu piešķī­ris pārāk lielu nozīmi savai vientulībai… Es iztēlojos, ka tā ir lie­lāka par visas cilvēces vientulību.» Bet viņu jau gandrīz pilnīgi pa­ņēmis savā varā līdzinieks — augstprātīgā, valdonīgā, ciniskā maska.

' Analoģisku personības sašķelšanos Kobo Abe tēlo romānā «Ceturtais Iedus laikmets», kur varonis, ievērojams inženieris, atklāja sev pretēju alter ego elektronu skaitļojamā mašīnā, ko bija ieprogrammējuši viņa neapzinātie dzenuli.

Maskas tēls palīdz rakstniekam atklāt tādas pasaules liekulību, kur zem mietpilsoniskas pieklājības aizsega cilvēku attiecību pamatā ir vienīgi personiskas intereses — vai nu tas būtu salts aprēķins, vai mīlestības iegribu apmierināšana. Varbūt tieši tāpēc, ka zaudēta seja, varonis daudz vērīgāk nekā agrāk ielūkojas apkārtējos cilvēkos un spēj «pieiet cieši klāt citai, īstai, nevis uz loga uzzīmētai pasaulei». It kā viņš pirmo reizi būtu ieraudzījis seju vietā maskas, modeļus un manekenus apgaismotos skatlogos, mākslīgos zobus un liekos matus, mānīgo puskrēslu kafejnīcās, viltus labo un viltus Jauno, un tas viss virpuļo nez kādā bezjēdzīgā maskarādē, kur «jebkura īsta manta bija.., spīdošs atdarinājums, jebkurš atdarinājums šeit tika vērtēts kā īsta manta».

Vispārēja maskarāde izraisa haosu, rodas iespaids, ka par to ne­soda. Uzlicis masku, varonis izjūt neaprobežotu brīvību. Viņam ne­valdāmi gribas izmantot radušos iespēju — varbūt tāpēc, ka tā brī­vība, ko viņš pazina, bija iluzoriska. «Iegūto brīvību… varēja salī­dzināt ar manu agrāko brīvību kā sulīgu, jēlu gaļu ar sauso vārdu «gaļa».» Sākumā viņam iešaujas prātā «izšķiest» brīvību, kā viņš iz­sakās, praktiski: izzagt no darba vietas seifa finansu revīzijas do­kumentus vai sevišķi interesantus zinātniskus materiālus. Pēc tam viņš neapzinātu impulsu ietekmē nopērk pistoli. Varonis saprot — «ja atbrīvo sevi no visām garīgajām saitēm un iegūst neierobežotu brī­vību, tad viegli kļūt neierobežoti cietsirdīgam». Bet maska uzmodi­nāja viņa dvēselē snaudošos varmācības un postīšanas dēmonus. Viņam uz miesas sāk svilt visdažādāko veidu «vēlmju puni», un pir­mām kārtām tās ir erotiskās vēlmes, — lūk, kāpēc tik liela vieta ro­mānā ierādīta seksuāliem pārdzīvojumiem. Nepazīstamas sievietes tu­vums pārpildītā elektriskajā vilcienā, apskāvies pārītis pustumšajā kinozālē, viegli pieejama meitene, blakussēdētāja pie kafejnīcas gal­diņa — tas gandrīz vai pārvērš viņu par seksuālu maniaku. Pirmais solis uz pilnīgu pagrimšanu — varmācība pret paša sievu, ko viņš pavedina, izlikdamies par svešu cilvēku. Radušies slimīgie sakari iesveļ viņā briesmīgu greizsirdību. Neatliek nekas cits kā izbeigt šo ab­surdo mīlestības trīsstūri. Bet tas ir Antieiklīda trīsstūris, grafiski at­tēlojot, tā ir taisne, uz kuras novietoti trīs punkti — «viņš», «viņa», «maska». Varonis nevar iznīcināt masku — tas nozīmētu iznīcināt sevi. Tātad… līdz šim slēptā doma par slepkavību pārņem visu va­roņa būtību, un, sakopojis pēdējās gribas atliekas, paslēpies uz trim dienām citur noīrētā istabā, viņš raksta piezīmes sievai. Sīs piezīmes arī ir romāns. So mocošo grēksūdzi rakstījis cilvēks, kas zaudējis seju, iedomājies, ka pasaulē nav nekas augstāks par paša «es», un nonācis līdz robežai, aiz kuras cilvēks pārvēršas par briesmoni.

Visskarbākā apsūdzība varonim izteikta īsajā sievas vēstulē — jau pašā sākumā viņa bija uzminējusi, kas slēpjas zem pavedinātāja maskas. Viņa bija gatava dalīties ar mīļoto cilvēku viņa ciešanās, bija gatava paciest visu ņirgāšanos, taču ar šausmām pārliecinājās, ka maska atklājusi viņai vīra īsto garīgo seju. Viņai atlika tikai ar sāpēm novērot, kā viņš uzcel barjeras starp sevi un citiem cilvēkiem un jebkurā svešā cilvēkā redz tikai savu paša atspoguļojumu, kā ideja par savu pārākumu pārvēršas postīgā mānijā. Jā, pasaulē jaušama nāve. Bet «vai nāvi nesēj tev līdzīgi cilvēki, kuri nevēlas pazīt ne­vienu citu kā vien paši sevi»?

Tātad varonim izteikta skarba apsūdzība. Iepriekš pasludināts arī spriedums — sieva neatgriezīsies pie viņa. Apsūdzētajam tiek dots pēdējais vārds, un jāatzīst, ka viņš to izmanto, apbruņojies ar svarī­giem argumentiem. Sievai domātajā atvadu zīmītē, ko viņš uzraksta pirms tam, iekams pazūd pavisam, dodot vietu maskai, — galvenais nav nožēla, attaisnošanās vai kauns par atmaskojumu. Varonis iz­virza argumentus, kuri nāk prātā, jau lasot romānu, turklāt tikpat nopietnus kā viņam izteiktos apvainojumus.

Galvenais apsūdzētā arguments: tas, par ko viņš kļuvis, ir plašu, visu sabiedrību aptverošu procesu sekas. «Tas, kas ietverts manī… ir visos citos cilvēkos, tas ir kaut kas kopējs.» Niki Dzimpejam visa pasaule šķita bedre, no kuras dibena cilvēki veltīgi pūlas izgrābt smiltis. «Svešās sejas» varoņa saasinātajā uztverē pasaule šķiet mil­zīgs cietums, kurā cilvēki ieslēgti katrs savā vieninieka kamerā. Un katrs no viņiem vainīgs — «vainīgs, ka zaudēta seja, vainīgs, ka pārgriezta taciņa, kas saista ar citiem cilvēkiem, vainīgs, ka zaudēta citu cilvēku rūpju un prieku izpratne, vainīgs, ka zaudētas bailes un prieks par nezināmā atklāšanu citos cilvēkos, vainīgs, ka aizmirsts pienākums radīt citu labā, vainīgs, ka zaudēta mūzika, ko bija klau­sījušies kopā …».

Iziruši cilvēku sakari. Visi kļuvuši atsvešināšanās, «abstraktu cil­vēku attiecību» upuri, — varonis atkal un atkal atgriežas pie šīs formulas savās piezīmēs, noraidīdams viņam izteikto apsūdzību. Šajā sakarā nāk prātā tā lieliskā vieta «Vācu ideoloģijā», kur sacīts, ka sabiedrībā, kas veidojusies stihiski un ko raksturo plaisa starp atse­višķām un kopējām interesēm, viens otram stāv pretī it kā materiali­zēti ražošanas spēki un «vairums indivīdu, no kuriem šie spēki ir at­rāvušies un kuri tāpēc zaudējuši katru reālu dzīves saturu, kļuvuši par abstraktiem indivīdiem…»! . Tāpēc patiešām visā savā briesmī­gajā realitātē mūsu acu priekšā nostājas iedomātā aina — monopo­listiskie koncerni sākuši masveidā ražot maskas plašam patēriņam. Personas apliecības, romāni, izglītība, morāle zaudē jēgu. Jēdzieni «indivīds», «ģimene», «tauta», «tiesības», «pienākumi» pārvēršas mi­rušos vārdos. Parlamenta loceklis sāk blēdīties ar parādzīmēm, bet bankas direktoru apsūdz laupīšanā. Sarodas labējās organizācijas: to dalībnieku sejas slēpj vienādas maskas, gluži kā uniformas. Pati valsts pārvēršas kaut kādā milzīgā maskā. Cilvēki pārdzīvo brīnum jauko atbrīvošanos no tikumības nomācošajām važām un izbauda «no­ziegumu un netikumu smalko aromātu».

Visur tikai maskas šaudās, Bet nav cilvēcīgu seju. Un nav sejas cilvēcei. Un nav nelietībai gala, —

kā rakstīja Ginters Veizenborns lugā «Zaudētā seja», kas arī veltīta mūslaiku rietumu mietpilsoņu melīgajai maskai, kura slēpj viņu barbarisko būtību.

Jāatzīst, ka mūsu ķīmiķis, analizēdams cilvēku savstarpējās attie­cības kapitālismā, nonāk pie nesaudzīga, rūgta, pesimistiska rezul­tāta. Bet viņam pilnīgi nav saprotama novēroto parādību sociālā sin­tēze. Rakstnieks atstāj viņu, paslēpušos aiz stūra ar rokā sažņaugtu pistoli. Viņš ir apņēmības pilns pierādīt cilvēkiem, ka viņi visi ir ko­pēja nozieguma līdzdalībnieki un ka par to jāsamaksā. No tālienes atskan sieviešu papēžu klaudzoņa …

Izvirzās likumsakarīgs jautājums: vai Kobo Abes varonis tomēr ir vainīgs vai ne? Rakstnieks nedod viennozīmīgu atbildi. Tāda at­bilde vispār neeksistē. Ja padomā dzi|āk, atrisinājums atrodams divās varoņa replikās romāna beigās: «Neizdosies apsūdzēt mani vienu pašu … Es ienīstu cilvēkus.»

Nav grūti pamanīt, ka daudzi romāna galvenie motīvi — cilvēka vientulība un atsvešināšanās, vainas un brīvības, un citas problē­mas — tieši sasaucas ar atbilstošajām filozofijas kategorijām un ek- sistenciālisma un tā epigoņu māksliniecisko praksi. Tomēr, izmanto­dams eksistenciālistiskās literatūras arsenālu, Kobo Abe polemizē ar dažiem tās atzinumiem. Tipiskam rietumu prozas varonim raksturīga «ontoloģiska» vientulība, tas ir, vientulība, kas radusies tāda acīm redzama iemesla dēļ, ka pasaulē ir tikai viens mans «es» un viss pā­rējais ir svešs, un šis «es» ir mirstīgs. Kobo Abes varonis arī ir bez­gala vientuļš, taču nevis cilvēka eksistences absurduma dēļ, bet pil­nīgi konkrētu un savā būtībā sociālu apstākļu spiests. Kobo Abe ne­aprobežojas ar to, ka mākslinieciski konstatē atsvešināšanos, kā to ar lielu profesionālu prasmi dara, piemēram, tā saucamā «jaunā ro­māna» piekritēji Francijā. Viņš iet tālāk, cenzdamies atklāt šī psi­holoģiskā stāvokļa sabiedriskās saknes. Atbildēdams uz «Les Lettres Franļaises» korespondenta jautājumu par attieksmi pret šo virzienu, Kobo Abe sacīja: «Mani ļoti interesē tas, ko viņi raksta … Bet jūsu jaunie romānisti ne pārāk tic tam, ko varētu nosaukt par «dieva ieskatu», un pārāk uzticas paši savām acīm. Viņiem ir drusku par daudz narcisisma… Es atzīstu par labāku mazliet atkāpties un pa­skatīties uz lietām no dokumentālās puses.»

Kobo Abe savādāk nekā literāti eksistenciālisti risina arī brīvības problēmu. Tā kā indivīda reālo pašsajūtu buržuāziskajā sabiedrībā nosaka svešu spēku izraisītas apspiestības sajūta un pašapziņas brī­vības sajūta, tad dominējošu nozīmi saskaņā ar eksistenciālistu no­stādni iegūst stihiskas, neatkarīgas, visai individuālas izvēles moments: vienmēr noteikti viena izvēle. Nebūt nenoraidīdams «izvēles» svarī­gumu, japāņu rakstnieks abos romānos cenšas atrast šīs akūtās pro­blēmas objektīvu atrisinājumu. Viņš ne tikai apšauba «absolūtās brī­vības» iespējamību, bet arī parāda, ka zināmos apstākļos brīvība neizbēgami pārvēršas patvaļā, individuālismā, kas nepavisam nesa­deras ar japāņu nacionālo raksturu.

Ielaušanās problemātikā, ko iztirzā galvenokārt nereālistiskā lite­ratūra, tās motīvu un māksliniecisko līdzekļu izmantošana Kobo Abem ir pilnīgi apzināta un izriet no viņa uzskata par reālismu kā metodi, kura nebūt nav absolūta un negarantē dziļu īstenības izpratni. Uzska­tīdams sevi par noteiktu reālisma piekritēju, rakstnieks īpaši pasvītro, ka «tam jābūt īsti mūsdienīgam reālismam… kas pilnīgi izpratis reālismam pretējas parādības un apzinīgi met tām izaicinājumu».[6]

Ārkārtīgi grūti risināt polemiku oponenta ierosinātajos apstākļos, gandrīz neizbēgami radīsies trūkumi — it īpaši apstākļos, kad japāņu sabiedrisko domu ārkārtīgi ietekmē jaunākā angļu-amerikāņu ideālis­tiskā filozofija. Tādi trūkumi ir arī Kobo Abem. Iepriekš minētajā intervijā, skardams tēmu par cilvēku sakariem, viņš izteica uzskatu, ka šī problēma it kā esot «vispārēja, tā izejot no sociālās iekārtas robežām. Pat ja uzceltu ideālu sabiedrību… tad problēma par satik­smi ar citiem cilvēkiem varbūt būtu vēl asāka.» Skaidri apzinādamies, cik bīstami ir pārāk plaši iztulkot brīvības jēdzienu, viņš pats pievēr­šas naivi abstraktam problēmas atrisinājumam. «Varbūt brīvība ir līdzīga ļoti iedarbīgām zālēm,» varonis sev jautā, «mazās devās ārstē, bet, ja devu palielina, iedarbība ir negatīva.» Protams, būtība nav dozējumā, bet brīvības dialektikā, konkrēti vēsturiskā pieejā. Subjek- tivistiskās filozofijas virstoņi sadzirdami ari prātojumos par vispārējo vainu par it kā visspēcīgo un visuresošo ļaunumu pasaulē, domā par postošajiem instinktiem, kas slēpti cilvēka dabā, un vairākos citos momentos.

Niki Dzimpejs ieņēma diezgan vienkāršu dienesta un sabiedrisko stāvokli. Turpretī otra romāna varonis ir nozīmīgas laboratorijas va­dītājs solīdā institūtā un «cieši, gandrīz vai ar kuģa tauvu saistīts pie sabiedrības». Acīm redzot, Kobo Abem bija nepieciešama ievēro­jama persona, lai kontrastā spilgtāk parādītu tās pilnīgo atkrišanu un pēc tam arī deģenerāciju. Tam pašam nolūkam kalpo arī izvēlētā epistulārā forma: viss romāns būtībā ir sievai adresētas piezīmes, kurās varonis cenšas vai nu attaisnoties, vai arī tikt skaidrībā pats ar sevi. Šajās piezīmēs, kas attēlo satrauktas domas juceklīgo dar­bību, ir ļoti daudz līdz galam neizteikta, fantāzijas, seksuālu himeru, pretrunu, un dažreiz to jēga, pēc paša autora atzinuma, pazūd pat viņam pašam. Taču nepārtrauktie iekšējie monologi rada tikai psiho­loģiska dziļuma šķietamību. Starp citu, Kobo Abem vispār nerūp, cik daudzpusīgi un reālistiski ir viņa raksturi. Viņš rada situācijas, no­sacītus, reizēm pat mākslīgus iekšējus stāvokļus, kurus galu galā saskaņo ar psihiatrijas mācību grāmatās izteiktajiem atzinumiem, lai vairākkārt apsvērtu attiecīgās tēzes visus pro un contra. Jāatzīst, ka tas palīdz noraksturot maniakam līdzīgu egocentrisku figūru, bet, no otras puses, autors ieslēdz mūs šaurā kamerā, kur strādā vienīgi viņa varoņa prāta mehānisms. Rezultātā skopās īstenības ainas romānā tiek pārvērstas kā tumšajā kamerā. Epizodiskie personāži, kas parādās romāna lappusēs, izpilda pakārtotu blakus lomu. Līdzības vispārīgums tiek sasniegts ar tuvību dzīves īstenībai, kaut arī to pamato ar bagā­tīgu dabzinātnisku terminoloģiju. Tāda tēlojuma metode izriet no japāņu rakstnieka literatūras uzdevumu izpratnes. «Literatūras jomā domāt dialektiski — tas nenozīmē censties attēlot īstenību visā viņas kopumā, bet pēc pirmā ieskata ierobežojot sevi ar noteiktu parā­dību loku, radoša procesa rezultātā nonākt pie atklājumiem, kuri patiešām bagātina mūsu īstenības izzināšanu,» viņš rakstīja, atbildē­dams uz žurnāla «Inostrannaja ļiteratura» izdarīto aptauju «Reālisms šodien».[7]

Stāsta, ka lasīt Kobo Abi oriģinālā esot ārkārtīgi grūti. Viņu grūti lasīt arī tulkojumā. Uzmanīgu un prasīgu lasītāju atalgos japāņu prozaiķa ieceru plašums, skaidrais saprāts un dziļais humānisms.

Spēcīga personība, uzlikusi svešu masku, neatrada taciņu uz citiem cilvēkiem. Liekas, ka to atrod Niki Dzimpejs, vienkāršais skolotājs. ŠI taciņa ir šaura, kaut arī var izvest uz aktīvā humānisma plašā ce]a. Cilvēks, kas zaudējis seju, sastingst nozieguma un soda krustceļā, bet viņa liktenis palīdz, kad, runājot V. I. Ļeņina vārdiem, jānorauj visas un visādas maskas no melu un varmācības sabiedrības viltus sejas.

G. Zlobins

Season for Temptation

Two Sisters…

Julia Herington is overjoyed when her stepsister, Louisa, becomes engaged-to a viscount, no less. Louisa's only hesitation is living a life under the ton's critical gaze. But with his wry wit and unconventional ideas, Julia feels James is perfect for Louisa. She can only hope to find a man like him for herself. Exactly like him, in fact…

One Choice…

As the new Viscount Matheson, James wished to marry quickly and secure his title. Kind, intelligent Louisa seemed a suitable bride… until he met her stepsister. Julia is impetuous-and irresistible. Pledged to one sister, yet captivated by another, what is he to do? As Christmas and the whirl of the London season approach, James may be caught in a most scandalous conundrum, one that only true love, a bit of spiritous punch-and a twist of fate-will solve…

Автор: Romain Theresa
Sword Art Online

Версия текста от 01.12.11. Последнюю версию можно найти на http://ushwood.narod.ru/sao/sao.html


Walka o władzę, przygody, namiętności i… może miłość?

Na imię jej Aria. Jest piękną lecz arogancką sukcesorką tronu małego królestwa w Europie. Po burzy, jaką rozpętali spiskowcy w jej kraju, Aria przeżywa prawdziwą burzę u wybrzeży Florydy, z której ratuje ją dzielny porucznik marynarki Stanów Zjednoczonych, J.T.Montgomery.

Porucznik Montgomery nie może nie zauważyć urody Arii, ale czy pod maską godności, chłodu i dobrych manier dostrzeże kobietę zdolną do wielkich namiętności? A ona? Na co się zdecyduje, gdy przyjdzie jej wybierać pomiędzy koroną a mężczyzną, którego zesłał jej los?

Автор: Deveraux Jude

The Faded Sun Triology Book 2

Автор: Cherryh C J
Серия: Faded Sun

Single mom Lizabeth Kane isn't exactly carpenter material – she's never picked up a hammer in her life. But she desperately needs the construction job that builder Matt Hallahan is offering. And even though he knows trouble is ahead, Matt can't refuse Lizbeth's irresistible smile.

Matt Hallahan isn't exactly relationship material – he has always been too busy working on other people's houses to make a home of his own. And even though she knows better, Lizabeth can't stop thinking about the rugged carpenter.

Is the relationship Matt and Lizabeth are building solid – or more like a house of cards?

Автор: Evanovich Janet
Secret Life of a Vampire

Lara Boucher will do whatever it takes to get that coveted promotion to detective. She knows that something strange was happening at the incredibly handsome Jack's party. Working that out will have to take a back seat to discover why so many college girls have gone missing. But the last thing she expects when she goes undercover at the so-called 'spa' is to run into Jack again — or to feel such a strong attraction. The last thing Jack wants is to become the kind of man his father was. But that's just what's required if he's going to bring down this latest ring of Malcontents. Drawing on his legendary Casanova lineage, Jack works his way into the group. But will he be able to show Lara the man he really is without jeopardizing their mission? And can Lara ever trust a man with so many secrets?

Автор: Sparks Kerrelyn
Серия: Love at Stake
She’s Got Balls

What do you do with a "wife" who is more man than you can handle?

The FBI and local law enforcement are attempting a mutually beneficial crime stopping partnership. Rookie Agent Chris Tarpington and Detective Vin Pilk team up to prototype the new alliance. How better to bust a ring of drug dealing suburban house wives than to go undercover-way undercover, as a married couple.

Though Chris reluctantly gets in touch with his feminine side, he quickly finds ways of making his sexy partner squirm. And Vin is definitely squirming, but will he run toward or away from his faux wife? As the investigation heats up, inter-agency cooperation takes on a whole new meaning.

Автор: Watts Mia

Townsfolk called him Devil for dark and enigmatic Julian, Earl of Ravenswood, was a man with a legendary temper and a first wife whose mysterious death would not be forgotten. Some said the Lady had drowned herself in the black, murky waters of Ravenswood pond. others whispered of foul play and the devil's wrath.And now, country-bred Sophy Dorring is about to become Ravenwood's new bride…

Автор: Quick Amanda
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Автор: Bujold Lois McMaster
Серия: Barrayar
Size 12 Is Not Fat


Or, at least, she did. That was before she left the pop-idol life behind after she gained a dress size or two—and lost a boyfriend, a recording contract, and her life savings (when Mom took the money and ran off to Argentina). Now that the glamour and glory days of endless mall appearances are in the past, Heather's perfectly happy with her new size 12 shape (the average for the American woman!) and her new job as an assistant dorm director at one of New York's top colleges. That is, until the dead body of a female student from Heather's residence hall is discovered at the bottom of an elevator shaft.

The cops and the college president are ready to chalk the death off as an accident, the result of reckless youthful mischief. But Heather knows teenage girls… and girls do not elevator surf. Yet no one wants to listen—not the police, her colleagues, or the P.I. who owns the brownstone where she lives—even when more students start turning up dead in equally ordinary and subtly sinister ways. So Heather makes the decision to take on yet another new career: as spunky girl detective!

But her new job comes with few benefits, no cheering crowds, and lots of liabilities, some of them potentially fatal. And nothing ticks off a killer more than a portly ex-pop star who's sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.

Автор: Cabot Meg
Size 14 Is Not Fat Either

Former pop star Heather Wells has settled nicely into her new life as assistant dorm director at New York College—a career that does not require her to drape her size 12 body in embarrassingly skimpy outfits. She can even cope (sort of) with her rocker ex-boyfriend's upcoming nuptials, which the press has dubbed The Celebrity Wedding of the Decade. But she's definitely having a hard time dealing with the situation in the dormitory kitchen—where a cheerleader has lost her head on the first day of the semester. (Actually, her head is accounted for—it's her torso that's AWOL.)

Surrounded by hysterical students—with her ex-con father on her doorstep and her ex-love bombarding her with unwanted phone calls—Heather welcomes the opportunity to play detective… again. If it gets her mind off her personal problems—and teams her up again with the gorgeous P.I. who owns the brownstone where she lives—it's all good. But the murder trail is leading the average-sized amateur investigator into a shadowy world. And if she doesn't watch her step, Heather will soon be singing her swan song!

Автор: Cabot Meg


Lawyer Ryan Matthews wanted sexy Jessica Newman the moment he saw her. And she seemed to want him, too, but something was holding her back. So now Ryan decides it's time to launch a sensual assault. He is going to have Jessica in his bed, and he isn't above tempting her with her own forbidden fantasies to do it!


Jessica isn't really playing hard to get. In fact, she's pretty sure a relationship with Ryan wouldn't work… although faced with Ryan's plan to seduce her senseless, she can't exactly remember why. She's constantly on edge, wondering what sensual scheme, what erotic pleasure Ryan has in store for her. She's definitely enjoying the chase, but does she dare let Ryan catch her?

Автор: Denison Janelle
Автор: Woodiwiss Kathleen E
Silver Master

Professional matchmaker Celinda Ingram is a psychically gifted woman with a problem. She is in desperate need of a bodyguard who can double as a date for her sister's wedding. Davis Oakes, a member of the mysterious Ghost Hunter's Guild, is a security expert with a most unusual paranormal talent. But Davis doesn't trust matchmakers and Celinda doesn't trust anyone connected to the Guild. Sparks fly immediately. Danger is closing in fast, however, and this pair has no choice but to work together to survive.

Автор: Castle Jayne
Серия: Ghost Hunters
Scandals Bride

How can an honorable lady like Lady Catriona Hennessy unite with a rake like Richard Cynster? Though charmed by his commanding presence, she cannot give up her independence. Marriage had not previously been on Richard's agenda, but perhaps taming the lady was just the challenge he needs-if he can have the rights of the marraige bed without making any revealing promises of love?

Серия: Cynster
Secretos personales

Un marido millonario y sexy, un precioso ático en Park Avenue y montones de dinero para dar y tirar. Elizabeth Wellington parecía tenerlo todo… ¿o no era así?

Reed, un hombre de negocios, estaba casado con su empresa y ella se pasaba muchas noches completamente sola. Todavía amaba y deseaba a su marido, pero Reed tenía secretos, algunos suficientemente importantes como para destruir su vida en común.

Entonces el destino les deparó una alegría inesperada: finalmente tenían la oportunidad de ser padres, pero, ¿sería demasiado tarde?

Автор: Dunlop Barbara
Simon dice: Mía

Rona McGregor es mayor, inteligente, independiente… y una dulce sumisa.

Recién divorciada, quiere liberarse, decide que es hora de explorar las fantasías que ha alimentado a través de un matrimonio largo y tedioso con un hombre cuya idea de sexo escandaloso era dejar las luces encendidas. En la parte superior de su lista de fantasías está conocer Dark Haven, el club de BDSM[1], pero ella no está preparada para el poderoso efecto de un Dom[2].

Cuando el Maestro Simon, uno de los más populares en Dark Haven, toma el control y le presenta los juguetes y las sensaciones que nunca ha sentido antes, se da cuenta de que él puede cumplir cada fantasía en su lista por sí mismo.

Después de una noche de placer intenso, y a pesar de su atracción obvia, se niega a verlo de nuevo. Él tiene una manera de cambiar su forma de pensar. No es la primera Sub[3] que ha tomado en un viaje de exploración, pero está empezando a pensar que podría ser la última.

Pero ella se comprometió a no quedar atrapada en una relación de nuevo.

Автор: Sinclair Cherise
Seduction And The Ceo

Making money comes easily for millionaire Jared Ryder, though the hectic corporate lifestyle has him heading to his Montana ranch whenever possible. There, a new female hired hand has the CEO thinking about mixing a little pleasure with business.

Melissa Warner certainly doesn't have many ranching skills. But her beauty's too captivating to ignore, and Jared's ready to stake his claim. Yet even in his passion-induced haze, he suspects Melissa of hiding something. Heaven help her if he discovers her lie, for there's nothing more dangerous than Ryder retribution.

Автор: Dunlop Barbara
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Scared of Spiders

Bring on the bug spray, because to prevail, Josie’s going to have to face her greatest fear.

Josie’s not a brave person, and she’s especially scared of spiders. Imagine her surprise when she finds herself attracted to not one, but two, larger than life men.

Clint and Brandon both want the timid mouse who’s come to work for them-and their beasts are chafing to mark her-but when she can’t decide between them, there’s only one thing to do-share her.

Before they can convince Josie that a threesome would benefit them all, they need to take care of the menace threatening their chosen mate. And when Josie confronts the bogeyman of her nightmares, she discovers an emotion stronger than fear-love.

Автор: Langlais Eve

Six months have passed since Laurel saved the gateway to the faerie realm of Avalon. Now she must spend her summer there, honing her skills as a Fall faerie. But her human family and friends are still in mortal danger-and the gateway to Avalon is more compromised than ever. When it comes time to protect those she loves, will she depend on David, her human boyfriend, for help? Or will she turn to Tamani, the electrifying faerie with whom her connection is undeniable?

Серия: Wings
Solteros Tóxicos

Son atractivos, interesantes, cautivadores, adinerados… y, por encima de todo, solteros. Charlie, Adam y Gray no están dispuestos a volver a fracasar en el amor y por eso se cierran en banda ante cualquier posibilidad de relación seria. En el pasado no han sufrido más que desengaños y se niegan a padecer de nuevo la misma traumática experiencia.

No obstante, cuando juraron fidelidad a su soltería no tuvieron en cuenta el destino, que iba a poner en su camino a tres mujeres opuestas al tipo de pareja que habían tenido hasta el momento y del que tanto recelaban.

¿Conseguirá el amor derribar las barreras del desengaño? Solteros tóxicos, la historia de tres relaciones imposibles en pugna por fructificar, enseña que sí puede, al tiempo que proporciona una lectura amena, tierna… inolvidable.

Автор: Steel Danielle
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Candy – it's the only the name she needs – is blazing her way through Paris, New York and Tokyo as fashion's latest international supermodel… Her sister, Tammy, has a job producing the most successful hit show on TV, and a home she loves in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills… In New York, oldest sister Sabrina is an ambitious young lawyer, while Annie is an American artist in Florence, living for her art… On one Fourth of July weekend, as they do every year, the four sisters come home to Connecticut for their family's annual gathering. But before the holiday is over, tragedy strikes and their world is utterly changed. Suddenly, four sisters who have been fervently pursuing success and their own lives – on opposite sides of the world – come together to share one New York brownstone, to support each other and their father, and to pick up the pieces while one sister struggles to heal her shattered body and soul. Thus begins an unscripted chapter of their lives, as a bustling house is soon filled with eccentric dogs, laughter, tears, friends, men… and the kind of honesty and unconditional love only sisters can provide. But as the four women settle in, each is forced to confront the direction of their respective lives. As the year passes and another July Fourth approaches, a season of grief and change gives way to new beginnings as a family comes together to savor its blessings and a future filled with unexpected gifts, surprises, and ultimately, hope. With unerring insight and compassion, Danielle Steel tells a compelling story of four sisters who love and laugh, struggle and triumph… and are irrevocably woven into the fabric of each other's lives. Brilliantly blending humor and heartbreak, she delivers a powerful message about the fragility – and the wonder – of life.

Автор: Steel Danielle
Summer’s End

Deanna was eighteen when she married a handsome Frenchman, attorney Marc-Edouard Duras. Now, at thirty-seven, she should be happy with Marc, her elegant home in San Francisco, and their teenage daughter, Pilar. But one summer changes it all when she realizes her failing marriage is a trap she must escape.

Автор: Steel Danielle
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Set The Dark On Fire

In a southern California town ablaze with sordid secrets, a free-spirited biologist and a straitlaced sheriff join forces to investigate a suspicious killing – and find themselves getting a little too close to the flames.

Shay Phillips knows her way around Dark Canyon. She's handy with a gun and can track a wild animal with the best of them. It's humans who usually give her the most trouble. And with a hormonally charged teenage brother to raise – and an admitted weakness for the wrong kind of man – they're giving her plenty of trouble these days. Then there's the matter of murder. As an expert on mountain lions, Shay is skeptical when a local prostitute turns up mauled without a drop of blood near the body.

Now, together with the town's newly arrived sheriff, Luke Meza – a Las Vegas city boy with his own dark secrets – Shay must navigate a dangerous valley filled with angry ex-lovers, unfaithful spouses, and poisonous snakes in a desperate search for the killer. But when suspicion falls on her own brother, and her attraction to Luke rages into a full-on erotic affair, can Shay quell the fires inside her long enough to uncover the truth?

Автор: Sorenson Jill
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Szokująca propozycja

Szokujaca propozycja Gdy Erin pilnowała domu brata, pewnej nocy do środka wtargnął dziwny mężczyzna… Wszystko szybko się wyjaśniło, jednak nietypowo rozpoczęta znajomość Erin i Nathana nie rozwija się zbyt pomyślnie. Przymusowi współlokatorzy coraz częściej się kłócą, ale podobno kto się czubi…

Автор: Bernard Hannah

The last thing Dawson Black expected was Bethany Williams. As a Luxen, an alien life form on Earth, human girls are…well, fun. But since the Luxen have to keep their true identities a secret, falling for one would be insane.

Dangerous. Tempting. Undeniable.

Bethany can’t deny the immediate connection between her and Dawson. And even though boys aren’t a complication she wants, she can’t stay away from him. Still, whenever they lock eyes, she’s drawn in.

Captivated. Lured. Loved.

Dawson is keeping a secret that will change her existence...and put her life in jeopardy. But even he can’t stop risking everything for one human girl. Or from a fate that is as unavoidable as love itself.

Автор: Armentrout Jennifer L
Seducir a un Ángel

Desterrada, en la indigencia, y tildada de asesina, Cassandra Belmont, lady Paget, llega a Londres en plena regencia, decidida a superar la reptación que la había precedido a fin de encontrar un rico caballero que pueda devolverla a la extravagante vida a la que estaba acostumbrada. Pone los ojos en Stephen Huxtable, conde de Merton, un hombre con posibilidades y de aspecto angelical, que no podría resistirse a ella.

Intrigado por el encanto de Cassandra, Stephen acepta convertirla en su amante. Pero a pesar de su aspecto y su encanto, Stephen no es ningún ángel, y Cassandra no tarda en darse cuenta de que hay que pagar un precio por intentar tentar a uno.

Автор: Balogh Mary
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Simplemente Perfecto

Alto, moreno y exquisitamente sensual, él es la personificación de la perfección masculina. No es que Claudia Martin esté buscando un amante. Ni un esposo. Como propietaria y directora de la academia de la señorita Martin en Bath, hace mucho que se resignó a vivir sin amor. Hasta que Joseph, marqués de Attingsborough, llega sin previo aviso y la tienta a arrojar por la borda toda una vida de decencia por una aventura que sólo puede conducirle a la ruina.

Joseph tiene sus propias razones para buscar a Claudia. Inmediata e irresistiblemente atraído por la delicada profesora, se embarca en un plan de seducción que los llevará a ambos a anhelar algo más. Pero, como heredero de un prestigioso ducado, se espera que Joseph continúe con el legado de la familia. Y Claudia sabe que no hay lugar para ella en su mundo.

Ahora, dicho mundo está a punto de verse sacudido por el escándalo. Un matrimonio concertado, un secreto que conmocionará a la sociedad y un hombre proveniente del pasado de Claudia, conspiran para separar a los amantes. Pero Joseph está decidido a hacer suya a Claudia a toda costa. Aunque ello signifique desafiar toda convención y romper toda regla por un amor que representa todo cuanto siempre ha deseado; un amor que es perfecto tal como es…

Автор: Balogh Mary
Sto pociągnięć szczotką przed snem

„Sto pociągnięć szczotką przed snem” napisała i opublikowała, mając 17 lat.

Melissa Panarello, autorka najgłośniejszego włoskiego debiutu ostatnich lat, została ochrzczona „sycylijską Lolitą”. Książka ukazała się pod niby-pseudonimem Melissa P., ale autorka dość szybko odsłoniła swą twarz i stała się postacią publiczną. Jej pamiętnik to historia nieokiełznanego seksu, cynicznego oddawania się wszystkim napotkanym mężczyznom – kolegom, korepetytorowi, znajomym z Internetu i przypadkowym nieznajomym. To historia narcyzmu, który urasta do gigantycznych rozmiarów, historia poznawania miłości cielesnej we wszystkich możliwych odmianach i konfiguracjach, zatracenia się w seksie bez prawdziwej miłości i bez przyjemności, w oczekiwaniu na głębokie uczucia, na mężczyznę, który potrafiłby dostrzec w kobiecie coś więcej niż samo ciało.

Автор: P Melissa

Tristan must rescue Ivy, but if he does so his mission will be finished and he will have to leave his true love forever.

Серия: Kissed by an Angel
Segunda Oportunidad

Nell Calder era una mujer tímida y amable, una esposa que intentaba contentar a su ambicioso marido, una madre que amaba a su hijita con pasión. En suma, no era el tipo de mujer capaz de inspirar envidia, deseo ni pasiones asesinas.

¿Quién iba a querer hacerle daño?

Pero ocurrió una tragedia: una noche, en una exótica isla del mar Egeo durante una elegante reunión en la que su marido esperaba culminar su fulgurante carrera en el mundo de las finanzas, y que fue interrumpida por el estruendo de los disparos y la afilada hoja de un cuchillo.

El ataque fue despiadado. La niña murió, y ella quedó terriblemente desfigurada.

Sin embargo, la pesadilla convierte a Nell en una mujer distinta. La mejor cirugía le de un rostro de exquisita hermosura; la posterior rehabilitación, un cuerpo ágil y esbelto. Y Nicholas Tanek, el misterioso desconocido que suscita en ella temor y fascinación, le da una razón para seguir viviendo: la venganza.

Preparar su venganza s lo único que la mantiene viva. El asesino de su hija no puede seguir viviendo. Ella le dará muerte… con sus propias manos.

Автор: Johansen Iris
Star-Spangled Bride

Years after Gabe Falkner saves her life, photojournalist Ronnie Dalton is determined to return the favor, and to break down the cold, hard barrier he has erected around his heart.

Автор: Johansen Iris
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The only thing that can bring down a Quinn is a woman…

The next Mighty Quinn…

P.I. Sean Quinn lives by one rule-never get involved. And he's always held to it…until his latest case, where he nabbed a polygamist just before the guy led another poor woman astray. His mistake? Agreeing to break the bad news to the man's fiancée. Because that woman is already at the church, expecting to become a bride. And she's just asked Sean to be her groom…

His downfall…

If Laurel Rand can't prove to her uncle that she's married, he'll leave his entire fortune to a bunch of coin collectors. But before long, convincing her uncle is the least of Laurel's problems. Confined with Sean in close quarters, trying in vain to ignore the overwhelming chemistry between them, Laurel sees just what great "husband" material Sean is. And she's determined to make him see it, too. Luckily, the deal they made covers the honeymoon stage…

Автор: Hoffmann Kate
Secretos en el tiempo

Una mujer en busca de su pasado… Un hombre dispuesto a arruinarlo

Después de haber crecido como hija única, Keely McClain descubrió con asombro que no sólo tenía un padre, sino que también tenía seis hermanos mayores. Pero antes de nada debía descubrir qué había sucedido hacía tantos años. Y, al investigar su pasado, encontró una familia… y un amante…

Rafe Kendrick sólo tenía un objetivo en la vida: vengarse de los Quinn, y no estaba dispuesto a permitir que nada ni nadie lo distrajera… Hasta que se enamoró locamente de la nueva camarera del pub de los Quinn. Aún así, decidió poner su plan en marcha… fue entonces cuando descubrió que la mujer que había en su cama también era una Quinn.

Автор: Hoffmann Kate
Sinfully Sweet

An omnibus of novels

Shattered Rainbows

Catherine had saved Lord Michael Kenyon on the battlefields of Europe. Now, she is standing in his London drawing room asking him to pretend to be her mate. Catherine is in line to inherit a title, an ancient home, and heritage--if she arrives on the Island of Skoal with her husband, who unbeknownst to Michael is dead.

Автор: Putney Mary Jo
Серия: Fallen Angels
Автор: Moccia Federico
Seducing an Angel

A multiple New York Times hardcover bestselling author with nearly seven million copies of her books sold, Mary Balogh confirms her position as 'a veritable treasure, a matchless storyteller who makes our hearts melt with delight' (Romantic Times). In Seducing An Angel, she continues the adventures begun with First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Seduction, and At Last Comes Love.

Banished, destitute, and labeled a murderess, Cassandra, Lady Paget, arrives in Regency London determined to overcome the reputation that has preceded her and to find a wealthy gentleman who can restore her to the extravagant life to which she's grown accustomed. She sets her sights on Stephen, Earl of Merton - an angelic-looking man of means who surely cannot resist her.

Intrigued by Cassandra's charm, Stephen agrees to make her his mistress. But despite his looks and easy charm, Stephen is no angel, and Cassandra soon realizes that there is a price to be paid for trying to tempt one.

Автор: Balogh Mary
Серия: Huxtable Quintet
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Saving Grace

When Lady Johanna learned that she was a widow, she vowed she would never marry again. Only sixteen, she possessed a strength of will that impressed all who looked past her golden-haired beauty. Yet when King John demanded that she remarry—and selected a bridegroom for her—it seemed she must acquiesce, until her beloved foster brother suggested she wed his friend, the handsome Scottish warrior Gabriel MacBain.

At first Johanna was shy, but as Gabriel tenderly revealed the splendid pleasures they would share, she came to suspect that she was falling in love with her gruff new husband. And it was soon apparent to the entire Highlands clan that their brusque, gallant laird had surrendered his heart completely. But now a desperate royal intrigue threatened to tear her from his side—and to destroy the man whose love meant more to her than she had ever dreamed!

Автор: Garwood Julie
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Slow Burn

Kate MacKenna doesn’t have a bad bone in her body–or an enemy in the world. A woman who barely knew her father and has just lost her mother, Kate is a loving sister, a savvy business owner, and an unpretentious beauty who radiates kindness. So why are bombs igniting everywhere she goes? The first explosion brings her face-to-face with a handsome Charleston police detective.

The second one sends her into the arms of her best friend’s brother–a Boston cop who’s a little too reckless and way too charming for comfort. But Dylan Buchanan won’t let emotion prevent him from doing his job: Someone is trying to kill Kate, and Dylan is the only one standing between her and the monster who wants her dead. For Kate to understand the danger, she must learn all about desire–desire for pleasure, desire for power, and someone’s desire to kill.

Автор: Garwood Julie
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Sex and the Single Vampire

It’s not the ideal career. But Allegra Telford, confirmed singleton, has somehow found herself in a haunted hotel in London, trying unsuccessfully to summon spirits (and not even the alcoholic kind).

So, obviously, she’s thrilled when she discovers the ghost of a stunningly gorgeous, albeit horribly wounded man, even if he does bear an uncanny resemblance to the tall, dark, handsome man of her fantasies.

Her frustration quickly returns, however, when she realises that he is not actually a spirit. In fact, he may be something much more bloodthirsty indeed. And, contrary to Allie’s own desires (ok, not her desires – perhaps her reason), he has arrogantly made some sort of alpha-male decision that she’s his ‘beloved’, whatever that means...

Серия: Dark Ones
Sex, Lies, and Vampires

Amongst the Dark Ones there is one they call The Betrayer, one who is doomed to hand his own kind over to a demon lord... for eternity.

But now a small boy has been kidnapped, and it's up to Nell Harris—a Charmer (no, literally, that's her job) to rescue him. Problem is, she can’t help but find The Betrayer a teeny, tiny bit attractive... is it possible he is not as soul-less as he seems, or has her penchant for bad-boys just gone into overdrive?

Серия: Dark Ones

Merecía la pena romper todas las reglas por un hombre como él…

Regla número 1: Nada de citas a ciegas.

Después de haberse enfrentado a muchas, Samantha O’Ryan no estaba dispuesta a volver a tener otra cita a ciegas… Hasta que su mejor amiga le pidió un favor y conoció a Jack Knight. Si hubiera sabido lo guapísimo que era, no habría protestado.

Regla número 2: Nada de besos en la primera cita.

El problema fue que, después de una sola cita con Jack, Sam quería mucho más que besos, lo cual debería haber sido motivo suficiente para no tener una segunda cita. Pero no lo fue.

Regla número 3: Nada de enamorarse.

Sam había decidido tener un romance sin ataduras… hasta que Jack empezó a hablar de amor…

Автор: Shalvis Jill
Serving Up Trouble


Hardened cop Sam O'Neill knew a meddlesome woman when he saw one. He'd saved cocktail waitress Angie Rivers during a bank holdup, but he couldn't get her pretty face or the feel of her silky skin out of his head. She made him lose his focus-she softened his heart-and that put both of them knee-deep in danger, because someone wanted Angie dead.

Angie was the only one who could identify the leader of a brutal identity-theft ring. But she was done feeling helpless and vulnerable and was ready to take things into her own hands, despite the tall, dark detective's passionate demands to stay out of trouble-and out of his heart!

Автор: Shalvis Jill
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Simply Irresistible

"Shalvis writes with humor, heart, and sizzling heat!" – Carly Phillips

Maddie Moore's whole life needs a makeover.

In one fell swoop, Maddie loses her boyfriend (her decision) and her job (so not her decision). But rather than drowning her sorrows in bags of potato chips, Maddie leaves L.A. to claim the inheritance left by her free-spirited mother-a ramshackle inn nestled in the little coastal town of Lucky Harbor, Washington.

Starting over won't be easy. Yet Maddie sees the potential for a new home and a new career-if only she can convince her two half-sisters to join her in the adventure. But convincing Tara and Chloe will be difficult because the inn needs a big makeover too.

The contractor Maddie hires is a tall, dark-haired hottie whose eyes-and mouth-are making it hard for her to remember that she's sworn off men. Even harder will be Maddie's struggles to overcome the past, though she's about to discover that there's no better place to call home than Lucky Harbor.

Автор: Shalvis Jill
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Slow Heat

A great catch-from the USA Today bestselling author of Double Play

Baseball player Wade O'Riley's bad-boy image is about to be cleaned up by publicist Samantha McNead. But the sexual tension between them is about to drive Wade to his knees.

Автор: Shalvis Jill
Superb And Sexy

When you want to fly the best, you fly Sky High Air. And when you want spectacular adventure and scorching seduction, Jill Shalvis's tantalizing, talented pilots Noah, Shayne, and Brody will get you there-fast, slow, or any way you want it- Buckle Up. It's Going To Be Quite A Ride. Despite his brooding bad-boy attitude, Brody knows life has treated him pretty well. His luxury charter airline, Sky High, has given him financial security and the means to take to the skies whenever things on the ground get complicated. And lately, things have become very complicated, thanks to the insanely passionate, or perhaps just insane, kiss he shared with Sky High's gorgeous, wisecracking concierge, Maddie. He's tried to keep his distance, but now Maddie desperately needs help, and it's triggering protective alpha-male urges Brody didn't even know he had- For months, Maddie hid her crush on sexy, exasperating Brody behind a cool, kick-ass exterior-and then blew that to smithereens by jumping him in the lobby. Yeah, real smooth. She's tried to break her ties with Sky High, but Brody won't let her walk away-especially now that he knows that Maddie and her twin sister Leena are in big-time trouble. To save Leena, Maddie and Brody must pose as husband and wife, and Maddie is amazed that the man she thought was oblivious to her existence knows her very well indeed. But that's nothing compared to the way she's about to get to know him-intimately, in depth, and over and over again-

Автор: Shalvis Jill
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Sekret panny młodej

Przed laty ojciec Lydie pomógł ambitnemu biznesmenowi. Jonah spłacił dług wdzięczności, pomagając Lydie utrzymać rodzinną posiadłość i uregulować zobowiązania zmarłego ojca. Nigdy nie upomniał się o zwrot pieniędzy, poprosił natomiast o inne zadośćuczynienie…

Автор: Steele Jessica
Su secretaria más personal

¿Podría aquel romance de oficina acabar en un paseo hacia el altar?

Cuando Taryn Webster aceptó aquel empleo de secretaria del guapísimo millonario Jake Nash, se dio cuenta de que tendría que luchar contra la atracción que sentía hacia él. Pero Taryn estaba empeñada en no mezclar los negocios con el placer, por lo que se esforzó en mantener las distancias.

El problema fue que Jake le pidió que lo ayudara después de las horas de trabajo. Al principio Taryn se negó a hacerlo, pero el jefe no tardó en convencerla con sus persuasivos argumentos… por no hablar de su encantadora sonrisa y sus tentadores ojos.

Автор: Steele Jessica
Strong And Sexy

In a family of serious over-achievers, Shayne Mahoney has always been the laid-back, easy-going rebel. But running Sky High Air – a charter airline catering to the rich and famous – is a dream come true, in-flight specials included. Like kissing his client's beautiful, brainy daughter in a coat closet. But before Shayne can say "Fasten Your Seatbelts," Dani claims to witness a murder, gets stalked in her own apartment, and as added bonus, gets them both shot at by a mystery sniper. Normally Shayne would be running from the obviously crazy woman, and yet he finds himself trying to help her, leaving him to doubt his own sanity…There's a reason Dani never attends her mother's high society parties. The fake people, the shallow conversation – and the fact that she doesn't fit in. She's a zoologist, not a starlet, and happy about it, even if she wishes men like ruggedly handsome Shayne Mahoney would spare her a second glance. Of course, dodging bullets isn't exactly what she'd call the perfect follow-up to their heated kiss, but Shayne makes it clear she can depend on him. All she has to do is hold on tight to his delicious hard body until the ride is over…

Автор: Shalvis Jill
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Seduce Me

A man this hot is worth breaking all of her rules for…

Rule # 1-No blind dates.

Having suffered through one too many, there's no way Samantha O'Ryan will agree to a blind date. Until her best friend needs a favor, that is. Enter Jack Knight. If she'd known how hot he is, she never would have protested.

Rule # 2-No kissing on the first date.

Sam can't resist Jack. And before the night is over, she wants to do a lot more than just kiss him. For someone like Sam, who runs from all commitment, that fact should be enough to make her refuse the second date. It's not.

Rule # 3-No falling in love.

Sam is determined to keep this fling on sizzle with no strings attached. But Jack starts hinting about something more, and suddenly she's being seduced in the most tempting way.

Автор: Shalvis Jill
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Shadow Hawk

When his latest mission turns into a bloodbath, ATF officer JT Hawk realizes he's been set up by someone at the top. Wounded and on the run, he has no choice but to take beautiful Abby Wells hostage. After all, she's in danger, too. And if the only way to keep the fiercely independent communications expert safe is to cuff her and bring her along for the ride, he'll do it. With pleasure, even.

Only, given their close contact, it's not long before Hawk's thinking about a totally different kind of pleasure…

Автор: Shalvis Jill
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Smart And Sexy

Noah Fisher has worked for months to make Sky High the most prestigious charter airline in California. He's long overdue for a break – something involving ski slopes, cold beers, and hot ski bunny babes, not necessarily in that order. The itinerary doesn't include being hijacked by Bailey Sinclair, gorgeous widow of one of Sky High's wealthiest (ex-) clients. But here they are, and being crammed in a cockpit with the scared, stubborn, unbelievably sexy former model he's been fantasizing about invokes Superman tendencies that could get Noah in serious trouble. Bailey is desperate to find the stash of money hidden by her conniving, thieving late husband – before the bad guys he owed find her. It's a long shot, but nothing compared to the gamble she's taking by being so close to Noah. Every minute in his company has Bailey thinking about doing crazy, reckless things like touching, grabbing, kissing…and oh wow, being kissed right back. Suddenly, seat-of-your-pants seems like the only way to fly, and maybe it's the altitude playing tricks, but this is one trip she never wants to end…

Автор: Shalvis Jill
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Storm Watch

Subject: Jason Mauer, National Guard.

Current status: Homeward bound.

Mission: Getting some R R!

Obstacle: Lizzy Mann. Sexy blast from the past.

After battling a hurricane of catastrophic proportions, Jason needs some downtime – badly! But there's no rest for the heroic. During another deluge, Jason's savior skills are suddenly in demand.by his hot friend Lizzy.

She's fiercely independent. But that doesn't keep them from having incredible sex as they, ah, ride out the storm!

Jason knows relationships and duty don't mix. Still, he feels as if he's being swept away by a flash flood of desire for Lizzy.

The permanent kind.

Автор: Shalvis Jill
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Sands of Time

A collection of stories

A briliant new collection of stories, from the Sunday Times bestselling author of HIDING FROM THE LIGHT. As well as being the author of eight bestselling novels, Barbara Erskine is an acclaimed short story writer and this, her third collection, shows her unique power to draw her readers deep into her character's worlds. Here are over twenty stories, some written especially for this volume, and some written over recent years and collected here for the first time. Highlights include a brand-new story in which we find out what happened next to the characters from WHISPERS IN THE SAND.

Автор: Erskine Barbara
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Small Town Christmas

An omnibus of novels

Three heartwarming holiday stories

to prove that love is the greatest gift of all

Kissing Santa Claus

NASCAR driver Logan Perrish returns to Lucky Harbor, Washington, with love in his heart and a ring in his pocket. But can Sandy Jansen forget the past and give him a second chance? Or will Logan be spending another Christmas alone?

I'll Be Home for Christmas

After ignoring the advice of Miz Miriam Randall, local matchmaker, Annie Roberts expects another hum drum holiday in Last Chance, South Carolina. But when a stray cat arrives in the arms of Army sergeant Matt Jasper, a calico named Holly just may be the best matchmaker of all.

O Little Town of Bramble

All Ethan Miller wants for Christmas is to celebrate in Bramble, Texas, with family and friends. But when his childhood neighbor, Samantha Henderson, comes home for the holiday, Ethan realizes that the girl-next-door could be the girl of his dreams.

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Secretive Stranger

"Shouldn't you be dead?"

It's not enough that Sophie Campbell discovers her neighbor's body. His dead ringer has to show up at her doorstep. But this man's no ghost.the instant attraction that sparks between them is all too real.

College professor Cord Pruitt wants answers about his brother's murder. The woman downstairs must have seen something. But when Cord lays eyes on Sophie, all he wants to do is take her in his arms and protect her. With a killer on the loose, and all signs pointing toward Sophie as the next target, that's just what he will have to do…

Автор: Greene Jennifer
Silver and Spice

Jake Rivard has been back in Grosse Pointe for only twenty-four hours, and already banker Anne Blake’s well-ordered world is in chaos. Again. Every time the man with the sexy silver-gray eyes shows up, she falls into bed with him. And every time he walks away, there’s an ache in her heart she can never ease. Now that she has the stable life she’s always craved, Anne’s not about to let him seduce her again. No matter how much she wants him to.

Jake’s not leaving this time without Anne by his side. He’s determined to marry her, despite her insistence that their relationship doesn’t work outside of the bedroom. All he asks is that she spend two weeks with him in Idaho’s Silver Valley, managing his finances. And if it will prove to her that they have more in common than lust, Jake’s prepared to keep his hands to himself for the whole trip.

But is two weeks enough time to convince Anne that the only thing standing between them is the wall she’s built around her heart?

Автор: Greene Jennifer

For better, for worse…

After nine years of marriage, Erica McCrery fears she’s losing her husband. After Kyle’s father died and the couple left their affluent lifestyle in Florida to take over the family business in Wisconsin, there has been a tension between them. The nights are as passion-filled as ever, but in the light of day, their relationship no longer seems to work.

For richer, for poorer…

Kyle works long hours, keeps Erica in the dark about financial matters and doesn’t seem to believe that she actually enjoys helping out in the woodworking shop. Erica is desperate to spend some time alone with her husband so they can work through their problems, but the situation becomes even more complicated when an old friend, notorious playboy Morgan Shane, invites himself for an extended visit…

Автор: Greene Jennifer
Seduced at Midnight

The Ladies Literary Society of London gathers again for a ghost story…

Lady Julianne Bradley has always longed for wild adventure. Unfortunately, the man with whom she wishes to share her fervor can never be hers. Tormented by her desire, she's preparing for a suitable marriage when ghostly occurrences straight out of her latest read start happening – and to protect Julianne, her father hires the very man her heart cries out for.

Автор: ’Alessandro Jacquie
Sólo Tú

¿Y si una joven decente se queda atrapada en una posada lejos de las restricciones de la sociedad? ¿Qué sucedería? ¿Y cuánto tardaría en sucumbir al deseo?

En este asombroso relato, nuestra heroína se enfrentará con el hombre del que huye… y descubre que, en lugar de ira, continúa habiendo una apasionada conexión que no puede negar. Y realizará un descubrimiento: que una noche puede cambiarlo todo… para siempre.

Автор: ’Alessandro Jacquie
Salvaje y deliciosa

Todos ellos estaban a punto de descubrir el excitante poder del chocolate.

Los propietarios de una prestigiosa tienda de dulces querían demostrar la teoría de que el chocolate era el mejor afrodisíaco del mundo. Para ello llevaron a cabo un estudio muy poco ortodoxo que disfrazaron de promoción de San Valentín. Cuando los confiados clientes empezaron a probar el chocolate… los resultados fueron sorprendentes.

El formal Daniel Montgomery y la atrevida Carlie Pratt descubrieron que los opuestos no sólo se atraían… ¡sino que hacían que saltaran chispas!

Автор: ’Alessandro Jacquie
Sensitiva Amorosa

Novela motivo de escándalo en Suecia durante años, el malsano néctar de la planta Sensitiva amorosa impregna todas las páginas de este libro que toma su título de dicha especie vegetal imaginaria, y que con su desbordado lirismo, sus entonces audaces referencias sexuales, su elaborado e innovador lenguaje y su estética decadente provocó confusión e indignación entre sus contemporáneos.

¿Conduce la posesión física irremediablemente al desamor y al hastío? ¿Qué fuerzas inconscientes gobiernan nuestros impulsos eróticos y provocan su muerte? ¿Es que sólo en el silencio y la distancia puede florecer el amor? Los sucesivos episodios de esta atípica novela plantean con una extraordinaria penetración psicológica estas cuestiones que, si bien no escandalizan como hace un siglo, son aún capaces de causar un profundo impacto en el lector de hoy.

Con Sensitiva amorosa, Hansson, al igual que su compatriota y coetáneo Strindberg, rompió con las convenciones sociales y artísticas, creando una única y personal prosa poética que hoy es considerada una de las cumbres de la literatura sueca.

Автор: Hansson Ola
Solo quedan estas tres

Uno de los héroes más queridos de la literatura romántica sigue siendo un misterio incluso para los fans más devotos de Jane Austen… hasta ahora. Pamela Aidan nos relata, con magistral pluma, los conocidos acontecimientos de Orgullo y Prejuicio desde el punto de vista de su protagonista, Fitzwilliam Darcy.

En Sólo quedan estas tres, la última entrega de esta trilogía, Darcy continúa con el viaje en el que está intentando conocerse a sí mismo, después de que Elizabeth Bennet rechace su propuesta de matrimonio, y en el que tratará de convertirse en el caballero que desea ser. Afortunadamente, el destino les concederá a ambos una nueva oportunidad cuando se vuelven a encontrar en su finca de Derbyshire. Allí, Darcy intentará convencer de nuevo a su amada… si su antiguo némesis, George Wickham, se lo permite.

Автор: Aidan Pamela

In her desperation to repair the rift between herself and her daughter, Ella moves back to Virginia, and agrees to allow the ghost of her past back into her life.

As a favor to her daughter, she allows James Wyman, Jesse's twin, to stay the week in her new home. James. Dominating. Sexy. Younger. The man that has filled her most secret fantasies, her most forbidden desires. And James is determined Ella won't escape him again. This time, she will submit…

Warning: The following material contains strong sexual content meant for mature readers.

SUBMISSION has been rated NC-17, erotic, by three individual reviewers. We strongly suggest storing this electronic file in a place where young readers not meant to view this ebook are unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…

Автор: Leigh Lora
Серия: Bound Hearts

Cole has wanted Tess for years. And he's warned her of this several times. He's also warned her HOW he wants her. Tied down in his bed, under his domination, surrendering to his desires...

Warning: The following material contains strong sexual content meant for mature readers.

SURRENDER has been rated NC-17, erotic, by three individual reviewers. We strongly suggest storing this electronic file in a place where young readers not meant to view this ebook are unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…

Автор: Leigh Lora
Серия: Bound Hearts
Swallowing Darkness

Merry Gentry is not your average private investigator. Half human, half faerie, she's caught in a struggle that threatens not only her life, but the lives of those she desires and holds dear. Her very existence and her rightful place on the throne of Faerie have long depended on her ability to produce an heir - and now, after many failed attempts, the services of her royal guards have found her pregnant...It is a triumphant moment, but revelation follows revelation: for Merry carries two babies, and she knows thay they have more than one father...And of course, there are those of her own flesh and blood who want Merry dead, but she is a fighter and wields a wild magic. And this is her world, where the magical and the mortal intertwine, where folklore, fantasy and erotically charged adventure collide...

Серия: Merry Gentry
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Sir Roberto Rannaldini, the most successful but detested conductor in the world, had two ambitions: to seduce his ravishing nineteen-year-old stepdaughter, Tabitha Campbell-Black, and to put his mark on musical history by making the definitive film of Verdi’s darkest opera, Don Carlos.

As Rannaldini, Tristan, his charismatic French director, a volatile cast and bolshy French crew gather at Rannaldini's haunted abbey for filming, it is inevitable that violent feuds, abandoned bonking, temperamental screaming, and devious plotting will ensue. But although everyone wished Rannaldini dead, no one actually thought the Maestro would be murdered. Or that after the dreadful deed some very bizarre things would continue to occur.

Автор: Cooper Jilly
Серия: Rutshire Chronicles
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Lo llamaban «el demonio» y decían que jamás amaría a otra mujer. Ella aceptó el desafío.

En el pueblo lo llamaban «el demonio», pues el sombrío y enigmático Julian, conde de Ravenwood, era un hombre de temperamento iracundo.

Su primera esposa había muerto de modo misterioso, un hecho que no se olvidaba fácilmente. Había quienes sostenían que la bella lady Ravenwood se había ahogado en las turbias y oscuras aguas de la laguna. Otros implicaban directamente al conde, basándose en su carácter.

Ahora Sophy Dorring, una muchacha criada en el campo, está a punto de convertirse en la nueva esposa de Ravenwood, atraída por su fuerza masculina y por el brillo de deseo que ardía en sus ojos…

Автор: Quick Amanda
Serce na temblaku

Dalszy ciąg historii Judyty, bohaterki Nigdy w życiu! Judyta przeżywa chwile szczęścia u boku ukochanego mężczyzny. Nie potrafi się odnaleźć w nowej sytuacji, jest wciąż niepewna uczuć drugiego człowieka. Boi się powtórki z przeszłości. Walczy, czasem bez powodzenia, o swą niezależność. Sercowym problemom towarzyszą kłopoty z dorastającą córką i coraz bardziej doskwierająca monotonia w pracy zawodowej. Jak długo Judyta będzie nosiła swe serce na temblaku? Czy zabliźnią się rany, czy też wkrótce będzie musiała schować się za obronnym pancerzem?

Автор: Grochola Katarzyna
Stroke of Midnight

In an unseen world that lurks in the

shadows, they roam the night—feral, passionate,

and dangerous. And when their world touches ours,

a primitive desire takes hold, leaving mere

mortals powerless in its wake… 

Four of romance's most intriguing authors have come together to create a mesmerizing anthology—unforgettable tales of vampires, shapeshifters, and werewolves. At the heart of these deeply sensual tales are everyday people facing extraordinary events—men and women thrown together by fate and an irresistible desire. In this world, your eyes can betray you as myth becomes reality, curses are vanquished, and love is the only weapon that can stand in the face of evil. In this world, there is a moment when passion and forbidden desire collide at the…

Winter Born by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Two enemy Were-Panthers discover that fate has destined they become lovers. Pandora must learn to trust Dante's foreign nature. But as she slowly succumbs to the truest passion she has ever known, dark forces have already set out to reclaim her...

Born of the Night by Amanda Ashley

When Lady Shanara Montiori is taken hostage, she learns that the rumors about her captor are true. Lord Reyes is afflicted with the dark curse of the werewolf. Still, Shanara can't fight the attraction they both feel. Will their love break the curse-or feed its powerful hold?

Make It Last Forever by L. A. Banks

An innocent mistake forces the beautiful Tara onto a mission to save herself from the dark fate that awaits her. Salvation comes in the form of a seductive biker with a heart of gold. But will surrendering to their ripe attraction unleash a danger even she cannot control?

Red Moon Rising by Lori Handeland

Novelist Maya Alexander's peace is shattered when she is stalked by a Navaho skinwalker who has taken on the guise of a wolf. Her only hope is the mysterious Clay Philips. In his arms, she seeks protection-but as the red moon rises, no one is safe from the danger that lurks nearby...

Seize The Night

Hail, Glorious Reader:

I was born the noble son of a legendary Roman senator. I walked through the ancient world as a general, admired and supreme until a brutal betrayal caused me to bargain my soul. Now I'm an immortal Dark-Hunter, bound to protect mankind from the evil scourge that haunts it. Over the centuries, I've seen many frightening things: plagues, pestilence, disco music...

And now Tabitha Devereaux. A human, she has trained herself to fight vampires every bit as capably as any Dark-Hunter. Idiosyncratic and off-beat, she is my personal bane—and yet she beguiles me. There are only two small problems. She happens to be the twin of my mortal enemy's wife. More than that, Tabitha and her sister are being stalked by a power that will not rest until everyone she holds dear is dead.

Unlike my Dark-Hunter brethren, I rely on no one but myself. They spurned me and I turned my back on them. But the only way to save Tabitha and her family is to find some way to bridge a two-thousand-year-old feud.

They say opposites attract, but can they stay together when even the Fates conspire to keep them apart? Then again, the Fates have never dealt with the likes of Tabitha Devereaux before. They're going to be in for quite a fight...

— Valerius Magnus

Автор: Kenyon Sherrilyn
Серия: Dark Hunter
Sins of The Night

In the realm of the Dark-Hunters there is a code of honor that even immortal bad boys must follow:

Harm no human. Drink no blood. Never fall in love.

But every now and again a Dark-Hunter thinks himself above the Code. That's when I'm summoned. Who am I? I'm the one thing the fearless fear. Step over the line and it's my wrath you will face. Nothing can touch me. Nothing can sway me. I am relentless and unfeeling.

Or so I thought until I met a female Dark-Hunter who goes by the name of Danger-it's not just her name, it's how she lives her life. She doesn't trust me at all. And who could blame her? She alone knows that I'm here to be judge, jury and most likely executioner of her friends. Yet she is my key to saving some of them. Without her, they all will die.

Dangereuse St. Richard is a deadly distraction. Something about her is reawakening a heart I thought was long dead. But in a race against evil, the only hope mankind has is that I do my duty. And how can I do my duty when it means that I will have to sacrifice the only woman I've ever loved?

Автор: Kenyon Sherrilyn
Серия: Dark Hunters
Secretos en Londres

Olivia Bevelstoke está al tanto de los rumores y chismes de Londres, clave de la vida social de la ciudad. Cuando se entera de que su vecino, sir Harry Valentine, puede haber asesinado a su prometida, comienza a espiarlo. ¿Qué mal puede haber en mirar un poquito para asegurarse? A pesar de no ver nada demasiado sospechoso, está claro que el joven esconde algo: escribe y revisa minuciosamente una gran cantidad de papeles, una y otra vez. Sir Harry Valentine ha crecido con una abuela rusa que sólo se expresaba en su lengua materna y en francés. Gracias a ella, Harry maneja tres idiomas como si fueran el propio, y trabaja como traductor de aburridos y cruciales documentos para el Ministerio de Guerra, a pesar de haber sido entrenado como espía. La aparición de una hermosa rubia que lo observa a través de su ventana pone algo de color a sus días. Más aún cuando empieza a notar que su interés en ella podría volverse bastante personal.

Автор: Quinn Julia
Shopaholic and Baby

Becky’s life is blooming! She's working at London’s newest fashion store, The Look, house-hunting with husband Luke (her secret wish is a Shoe Room)… and she’s pregnant! She couldn’t be more overjoyed — especially since discovering that shopping cures morning sickness. Everything has got to be perfect for her baby: from the designer nursery… to the latest, coolest pram… to the celebrity, must-have obstetrician. But when the celebrity obstetrician turns out to be her husband Luke’s glamorous, intellectual ex-girlfriend, Becky’s perfect world starts to crumble. She’s shopping for two… but are there three in her marriage?

Автор: Kinsella Sophie
Серия: Shopaholic
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Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“This expensive, glossy world is where I’ve been headed all along. Limos and flowers; waxed eyebrows and designer clothes from Barneys. These are my people; this is where I'm meant to be.” — Becky Bloomwood

Universally beloved by readers, Sophie Kinsella’s national bestseller, Confessions of a Shopaholic, introduced the irrepressible one-woman shopping phenomenon, Becky Bloomwood. Now, in this hilarious follow-up, Becky and her credit cards are headed across the Atlantic….

With her shopping excesses (somewhat) in check and her career as a TV financial guru thriving, Becky’s biggest problem seems to be tearing her entrepreneur boyfriend, Luke, away from work for a romantic country weekend. And worse, figuring out how to “pack light.” But packing takes on a whole new meaning when Luke announces he's moving to New York for business — and he asks Becky to go with him!

Before you can say “Prada sample sale,” Becky has landed in the Big Apple, home of Park Avenue penthouses and luxury department stores. Surely it’s only a matter of time until she becomes an American TV celebrity, and she and Luke are the toast of Gotham society. Nothing can stand in their way, especially with Becky’s bills miles away in London.

But then an unexpected disaster threatens her career prospects, her relationship with Luke, and her available credit line! Shopaholic Takes Manhattan — but will she have to return it?

Автор: Kinsella Sophie
Серия: Shopaholic
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Shopaholic ties the knot

Rebecca Bloomwood has the dream job. She's a personal shopper, so is able to spend other people’s money all day instead of her own. And she gets paid for doing it. The perfect job, the perfect man — gorgeous Luke Brandon — and now… the perfect wedding. Yes, Luke has proposed and wedding bells are in sight. No excuses are needed to start the shopping trip of all time. And Becky’s parents are just assuming that the wedding will be at home — a marquee in the garden and Becky in her mum’s wedding dress, which she’s been saving specially for the occasion. But Luke’s mother has very different ideas — a huge affair in New York in a forest glade setting — or perhaps a Venetian Ball, or a fin de siecle extravagance? Now Becky’s getting confused. She doesn't want to say ‘no’ to anyone. The plans are going ahead, and soon it will be too late to turn back — from either wedding…

Автор: Kinsella Sophie
Серия: Shopaholic
Shopaholic and sister

Rebecca Bloomwood is now happily married to Luke Brandon, and all her problems seem to be at an end. But suddenly into her life steps… a sister, of whose existence Becky had hitherto been completely unaware. Becky is only too anxious to welcome her into the bosom of the family. But there is only one snag — she HATES shopping. She is the antithesis of the shopaholic. It all makes for some very difficult family relationships…

Автор: Kinsella Sophie
Серия: Shopaholic
Stand By Your Man

Beautician-turned-country singer Maggie Reid is getting too famous for her own good. Since her endearing if good-for-nothing former husband. "Satellite Dish and Mobile Home King" Vernell Spivey, vanished along with millions, everybodyseems to be interested in the ex-wife he left in the lurch...including some very bad people called "The Redneck Mafia." Drop-dead gorgeous Detective Marshall Weathers and his police cronies want to know what Maggie knows as well, since they have a murder on their hands that has Vernell's name all over it.

Maggie knows this much: there are many negative appellations you could pin on old liquor-loving, skirt-chasing Vernell, but "killer" isn't one of them.

And though it means courting a mob hit and the extreme attentions of a sturdy bike p.i., the determined d-i-v-o-r-c-e-e is going to find her missing ex and prove him innocent...or die trying!

Автор: Bartholomew Nancy
Серия: Maggie Reid
Автор: Balogh Mary
Автор: Balogh Mary
Sherbrooke Twins

When the family ghost, the Virgin Bride, warns Alexandra Sherbrooke that her husband is in danger, Douglas takes the prediction with a grain of salt. But when he is shot and wounded and then is warned by the Duke of Wellington himself that someone from his past is bent on revenge, everyone, including twin sons James and Jason, gets into the act. A pair of identical twins worthy of the Sherbrooke legacy (The Bride of Sherbrooke); a plucky, outspoken, but charmingly na ve heroine who leads James on a merry chase; and a plot with more than one unexpected twist result in the kind of lively, sensual, danger-filled adventure that fans of Coulter's historicals have come to expect. The best-selling author of both historical romance and contemporary romantic suspense, Coulter lives in the San Francisco area.

Автор: Coulter Catherine
Серия: The Bride
Scot on the Rocks

When her ex-boyfriend, Trip, gets engaged to Hollywood's latest It Girl, Manhattan attorney Brooke Miller plans to attend the wedding. Who says a modern girl can't stay friends with her ex? Besides, Brooke's got her sexy Scottish fiancé, Douglas, to take as her date. Okay, so maybe he's not exactly her fiancé, but they're living together in his apartment, so she'll be getting the ring any minute, right? Wrong.

After a fight leaves her without a boyfriend (much less a fiancé) just days before the wedding, Brooke faces the ultimate humiliation of attending her ex-boyfriend's nuptials alone. Desperate to find a replacement to fill Douglas's kilt, Brooke concocts an outrageous plan to survive the wedding and win the man of her dreams, all with her dignity ever-so-slightly intact.

Автор: Janowitz Brenda
Серия: Brooke Miller
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Sanctuary of Roses

Passionate romance and court intrigue, lords and ladies, knights and castles... Madelyne de Belgrume has lived in secrecy in a hidden abbey for years. Her mad, abusive father, Fantin, believes she is dead. Lord Gavin Mal Verne wants nothing more than to seek revenge on Fantin de Belgrume...and he has the king's blessing to bring the man to heel. After a battle with Fantin that leaves Gavin nearly dead, he accidentally comes upon a hidden abbey...and the beautiful, serene nun who helps to heal him...and touches his heart in more ways than one. When Gavin discovers Madelyne's true identity, she is forced to leave the sanctuary of the abbey and appeal to King Henry for succor. To her horror, Madelyne learns she must either marry...or be returned to her father's custody.

Серия: Medieval Herb Garden

New beginnings.

Shocking revelations.

Unexpected endings.

A spring turns into summer, Elizabeth relishes her new role as a young wife, while her sister, Diana, searches for adventure abroad. But when a surprising clue about their father's death comes to light, the Holland girls wonder at what cost a life of splendor comes.

Carolina Broad, society's newest darling, fans a flame from her past, oblivious to how it might burn her future. Penelope Schoonmaker is finally Manhattan royalty — but when a real prince visits the city, she covets a title that comes with a crown. Her husband, Henry, bravely went to war, only to discover that his father's rule extends well beyond New York's shores and that fighting for love may prove a losing battle.

In the dramatic conclusion to the bestselling Luxe series, New York's most dazzling socialites chase dreams, cling to promises, and tempt fate. As society watches what will become of the city's oldest families and newest fortunes, one question remains: Will its stars fade away or will they shine ever brighter?

Автор: Godbersen Anna
Серия: Luxe
Secrets of the Heart

    Theirs should have been the perfect marriage. Sarah was as wildly in love with the Duke of Cranwell as he was with her…until, on their wedding night, Sarah was forced to reveal the secret of her past. And that, midst great public scandal, ended their marriage almost before it began.

    Then in fashionable Bath their paths crossed again. The stunningly beautiful Sarah knew it was folly to think this dashing and sought-after lord would ever get over her shocking betrayal. His fury made it painfully clear that they should separate again, this time forever.

    Sarah could find a thousand arguments against the wisdom -or likelihood- of so miserable an edict. For one, the duke's ridiculous masculine pride was no match for the sensuous power of her affection for him…as she counted on love to melt the last shred of his resistance to her passionate surrender…

Автор: Balogh Mary

Piękna Arabella Grey, osierocona królewska krewna, jako młodziutka dziewczyna ma być wydana za mąż za sir Jaspera Keane'a. To zaaranżowane przez króla małżeństwo ma zapewnić ochronę rodowego zamku Greyów na niebezpiecznym szkockim pograniczu. Tymczasem w dniu ślubu do kościoła wkracza młody Szkot Travis Stewart, podstępem oraz groźbą zmusza pana młodego do odstąpienia od swych praw i sam bierze ślub z młodziutką panną młodą. Jak potoczą się dalsze losy Arabelli?

Автор: Small Bertrice
Skye O'Malley

There has never been a woman like luscious, raven-haired, hot-tempered Skye O'Malley. She is the courageous seafaring captain of her own mighty fleet, and intelligent enough to win a battle of wits with Queen Elizabeth herself. Follow along as Skye O'Malley is swept up in a journey filled with romance and passion that takes her from glittering Ireland, to lush Algeria, to the heart of London in pursuit of a unique and eternal love…

Автор: Small Bertrice
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Sudden Pleasures

Ashley Kimbrough has everything a woman could want. Not only is she wealthy and successful, she has a more than satisfying sex life in The Channel, a secret network that allows women to live out their wildest fantasies. But if she doesn't find herself a husband she could be in danger of losing it all.

Then multi-millionaire Ryan Mulcahy enters Ashley's life. With that Celtic warrior's body and drop-dead gorgeous face, he makes her fantasies run wild. Although their marriage is one of convenience, Ashley is starting to wonder whether she can use everything she learned from The Channel on her unsuspecting husband.

Автор: Small Bertrice
Storm Haven

Could Nikki's home be a haven for Luke?

As a general practitioner to Eurong on the Queensland coast, Dr. Nikki Russell deliberately led a quiet life with small daughter Amy. Needing three weeks to review for an exam, she took on a locum to allow time to study.

Dr. Luke Marriott was a shock-why would a young, obviously highly qualified doctor with above average surgical skills be doing locum work-and avoiding his family like the plague? By the time Nikki found out, it was too late-she was already deeply in love, with a man who had no intention of staying…

Автор: Lennox Marion
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Stormbound Surgeon

The rain is thrashing down on Iluka, and Joss Braden is bored out of his mind. In fact, the hotshot Sydney surgeon is heading out of there as fast as his sports car can take him!But the bridge is down. There's no way on or off the storm-lashed headland…not even for the emergency services! Suddenly, Joss is responsible for a whole town's health-with only Amy Freye's nursing home as his makeshift hospital. And as Joss and Amy cope with their unexpected responsibility for a series of crises, the incredible chemistry between them becomes an emergency in itself!

Автор: Lennox Marion
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See Jane Score

This is Jane

A little subdued. A little stubborn. A little tired of going out on blind dates with men who drive vans with sofas in the back, Jane Alcott is living the Single Girl existence in the big city. She is also leading a double life. By day, she's a reporter covering the raucous Seattle Chinooks hockey team – especially their notorious goalie Luc Martineau. By night, she's a writer, secretly creating the scandalous adventures of "Honey Pie"… the magazine series that has all the men talking.

See Jane Spar

Luc has made his feelings about parasite reporters – and Jane – perfectly clear. But if he thinks he's going to make her life miserable, he'd better think again.

See Jane Attract

For as long as he can remember, Luc has been single-minded about his career. The last thing he needs is a smart-mouthed, pain-in-the-backside reporter digging into his past and getting in his way. But once the little reporter sheds her black and gray clothes in favor of a sexy red dress, Luc sees that there is more to Jane than originally meets the eye.

Maybe it's time to take a risk. Maybe it's time to live out fantasies. Maybe it's time to… see Jane score.

Автор: Gibson Rachel
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Sex, Lies, And Online Dating

"What a find!" – Jayne Ann Krentz

She explained THE TROUBLE WITH VALENTINE'S DAY (as if you didn't know!) Now Rachel Gibson tells all about…


What is it about men anyway? Bad cars, bad jobs, even bad teeth – nothing convinces them that they can't snare a Size Two Babe with a D-cup chest. And after way too many internet dates with men named "luvstick" and "bigdaddy182," Lucy Rothschild should know.


But sitting across from her now is "hardluvnman," and he seems different – sensitive, honest, and hot! He says he's a plumber, while Lucy claims she's a nurse! She's really a mystery writer, dating online while researching her next book. Hey, everyone lies a little, don't they?


But Quinn's really an undercover cop hunting down a serial killer, and he sees Lucy as his top suspect. And while he could really go for this smart, sexy woman with the killer bod – if that's the only thing "killer" about her – he knows he needs to wine and dine her and discover the truth. Hey, he realizes the dating scene can be deadly – but this is ridiculous!

Автор: Gibson Rachel
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Simplemente Irresistible

Georgeanne Howard, una encantadora belleza sureña, deja a su prometido plantado en el altar cuando se da cuenta de que no es capaz de casarse con un hombre que podría ser su abuelo… por mucho dinero que éste tenga. John Kowalsky, inconscientemente, la ayuda a escapar… hasta que se percata de que se está fugando con la novia de su ¡¡¡jefe!!!… pero ya es demasiado tarde para dar marcha atrás.

En lo más alto de su carrera, esta rebelde estrella del hockey no quiere ser el salvador de nadie -salvo de sí mismo- y no importa lo bella que la dama en cuestión pueda ser. Lo malo es que les espera una larga noche por delante -una noche demasiado ardiente como para resistirse a la tentación.

Años más tarde, Georgeanne y John vuelven a encontrarse. Ella está tratando de convertirse en una encantadora ama de casa de Seattle y él ha dejado atrás sus días de juerga. Pero se queda completamente asombrado cuando se entera de que esa noche inolvidable con ella tuvo como fruto una niña -su hija-, y está decidido a formar parte de su vida.

Georgeanne ha amado a John desde el momento en que se metió en su Corvette rojo siete años atrás, pero no quiere volver a arriesgar su corazón en el intento. ¿Realmente se ha convertido en un hombre nuevo? ¿Será capaz de enfrentarse a la furia de su jefe, perdiendo su última oportunidad de alcanzar la gloria, para demostrar que esta vez su amor será para siempre?

Автор: Gibson Rachel
Simply Irresistible

Truly Unforgetabe

Georgeanne Howard, charm school graduate and Southern belle extraordinaire, leaves her fianci at the altar when she realizes she just can't marry a man old enough to be her grandfather, no matter how rich he is. John Kowalsky unknowingly helps her escape, and only when it's too late does he realize that he's absconded with his boss's bride. At the height of his hockey career, this bad boy isn't looking to be anybody's savior but his own, no matter how beautiful this angel may be. But a long night stretches ahead of them-a night too sultry to resist temptation.

When Georgeanne and John meet again, she is on her way to becoming Seattle's domestic darling and he is past his hellraising days. But he is shocked to learn that their single unforgettable night in paradise produced a daughter, and he is determined to be part of her life. Georgeanne has loved John since the moment she jumped into his little red Corvette seven years ago, but she doesn't want to risk her heart again. Is he really a changed man? And will he risk the wrath of his boss, and one final chance at glory, to prove that this time his love will be everlasting?

Автор: Gibson Rachel
Seduction in Mind

He could offer her only one thing – a week of intimate pleasure…

Samuel Lennox and Miss Alexandra Ionides cordially invite you to a most provocative game of seduction

It shall last for seven days, during which Lennox, Viscount Ranelagh, will wield his celebrated prowess with the London ladies in an attempt to add Miss Alex's name to his list of conquests. The infamous list is long, though the duration of each liaison has been brief – and as the viscount will assure anyone, that is precisely how he likes it.

The lady, for her part, an accomplished artist and benefactress of various charities, has no wish to be a mere plaything. Although a week of intimate pleasure with a man of Ranelagh's legendary skills would be memorable…

As for the other players – irate parents, designing debutantes, a scheming ex-mistress, even a love-struck young man with ideals – all seem intent on meddling. But the viscount is single-minded when it comes to seduction, and Miss Alex is in his sights.

Come see who wins in this amorous game!

Автор: Johnson Susan
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Sexy As Hell

Second in the all-new trilogy from the New York Times bestselling author of Gorgeous as Sin

If his mistress is missing, then who's the woman in the baron's bed?

When Baron Lenox's assignation with his mistress goes awry, he finds himself in bed with the wrong lady. The potential scandal leaves him with one option: marry the innocent mystery woman. But Isolde Perceval has no intention of marrying Lenox. In fact, she orchestrated the compromising situation herself-for reasons that are unpredictable, riotously romantic, and sexy as hell.

Автор: Johnson Susan
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Seductive One

"Smart, sexy entertainment." – Christina Dodd

For the Marcelli sisters of California wine country, the season is ripe for romance!

Of all the Marcelli sisters, the one who dreams of running the family's winery is Brenna – and she's about to get her chance. But taking the helm at Marcelli Winery is tougher than she bargained for – especially when she butts heads with her grandfather, whose Old World ways dictate that a male should inherit the business. In need of some fast capital in order to prove her grandfather wrong, Brenna turns to Nic Giovanni, her family's nemesis…Years ago, she ended her secret relationship with Nic, choosing loyalty to her family over the hot passion they shared. But now he's back in her life, he's loaned her a million dollars, and their feelings for each other are stronger than ever. Brenna must find out for herself: is Nic the love of her life? Or the schemer who could topple the Marcelli dynasty – and break her heart?

Meet three unforgettable sisters in a wonderful trilogy that's vintage Susan Mallery – warm, witty, and stunningly sensual. Look for The Sparkling One and The Sassy One, available from Pocket Star Books!

Автор: Mallery Susan
Shelter In A Soldier's Arms

When Jeff Ritter offered Ashley Churchill shelter, the struggling single mom longed to lean on his broad shoulders. And though she accepted a job as his housekeeper, Ashley was determined to make her own happiness, without the heartbreak of loving a man. No matter how tempting that man was…

It was Jeff's nature to protect, but his heart was off-limits-even to the woman and child he came home to each night. For life had made Jeff a hardened soldier, not a man to love. And despite the hope he saw shining in Ashley's eyes, Jeff didn't dare dream she could truly be his…

Автор: Mallery Susan
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Siempre te Esperaré

Ella había encontrado el trabajo perfecto para él… convertirse en el papá de su futuro hijo…

Después de una desastrosa relación que la había dejado embarazada y sola, Hannah Bingham supo que debía regresar a Merlyn County; aunque eso significara tener que enfrentarse a su familia y explicar los errores que había cometido. Con lo que no había contado era con la presencia de Eric Mendoza, su amor de juventud, que se había convertido en un hombre peligrosamente guapo… y entregado a su carrera. Por mucho que dijera que su profesión lo era todo para él, Hannah sabía que deseaba tener un hogar y una familia…

Автор: Mallery Susan
Sin miedo a la vida

Durante la adolescencia, Molly Anderson se había enamorado platónicamente del atractivo Dylan Black, a pesar de que era un joven demasiado rebelde y sólo tenía ojos para su hermana Janet. Pero antes de marcharse de su ciudad natal con el corazón roto, Dylan le había dado a Molly el anillo de compromiso rechazado por Janet y le había prometido llevarla a correr una aventura algún día. Bueno, como todo su mundo se había venido abajo de repente, Molly decidió buscar a Dylan y aceptar su ofrecimiento.

Dylan siempre había sentido debilidad por Molly. Entonces, ¿por qué no pasar unos días con ella y divertirse sin lazos emocionales de por medio? Después, los dos habían prometido seguir su camino. Pero eso fue antes de que Molly despertara su deseo y conmoviera su alma cínica con su valor callado. Tal vez algunas promesas estaban destinadas a romperse…

Автор: Mallery Susan
Sólo para mí

Cuando la mejor amiga de Pia O’Brian murió, ésta esperaba heredar a su querido gato, pero, en lugar de eso, Crystal le dejó tres embriones congelados. Pia no creía que estuviera preparada para la maternidad. Sin embargo, dispuesta a cumplir el sueño de su amiga, decidió convertirse en madre soltera… y ese mismo día conoció a un hombre guapísimo y sexy.

Raúl Moreno, un famoso ex jugador de fútbol americano que se había criado en una casa de acogida, era ahora más rico de lo que podría haber imaginado nunca y dirigía un campamento para los niños necesitados de Fool’s Gold. Aunque después de su última relación había decidido olvidarse de las mujeres, no podía sacarse de la cabeza a la dulce y sexy Pia… y le propuso un descabellado plan.

Автор: Mallery Susan
Sweet Trouble

Jesse Keyes has done some serious growing up. With a steady job and a vibrant four-year-old son, Gabe, she's in a far better place than when she left Seattle five years ago.pregnant and misunderstood by almost everyone in her life.

Now it's time to go home and face her demons. But her sisters, Claire and Nicole, aren't exactly impressed with the new and improved Jesse. And then there's Matt, Gabe's father, who makes it clear that he never wants to see her again despite the lust that still smolders between them.

Jesse doesn't know if she can make up for all the mistakes of her past. But the promise of sweet nights with Matt might just give her the extra incentive she needs to make it worth the trouble…

Автор: Mallery Susan
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A spiteful article about the former pitcher and current playboy questions his talent in the bedroom. And the newspaper's just the first bad news. Reid's grandmother Gloria's broken hip means she needs constant care-but Reid hired Nurses 1 and 2 for their bedside manner with him. So for Number 3 he chooses Lori Johnson, the first candidate who seems immune to his brand of charm.

Lori's never wasted her time with amoebas like Reid Buchanan. So why are her well-fortified defenses starting to crumble under the force of his sexy smile-and the kindness he shows her at every turn? There's only one explanation for the feelings flaring between them-chemistry. Chemistry so hot, it's sizzling!

Автор: Mallory Susan
Seducida por el millonario

A Duncan Patrick, un poderoso hombre de negocios, no le gustaban los ultimátums, a menos que fuera él quien los diera. Pero la junta le estaba exigiendo que cambiara su dura imagen pública. Cuando conoció a la dulce Annie McCoy, profesora de guardería, supo que lo haría parecer como un ángel… aunque tendría que recurrir a manipulaciones diabólicas.

Consiguió que Annie se hiciera pasar por su amante, pero ahora necesitaba que lo fuera en la vida real. ¿Lograría el ejecutivo gruñón desplegar el encanto necesario para seducir a la mujer a la que casi había destruido?

Автор: Mallery Susan
Simplemente perfecto

Cuando la mejor amiga de Pia O’Brian murió, ésta esperaba heredar a su querido gato, pero, en lugar de eso, Crystal le dejó tres embriones congelados. Pia no creía que estuviera preparada para la maternidad. Sin embargo, dispuesta a cumplir el sueño de su amiga, decidió convertirse en madre soltera… y ese mismo día conoció a un hombre guapísimo y sexy.

Raúl Moreno, un famoso ex jugador de fútbol americano que se había criado en una casa de acogida, era ahora más rico de lo que podría haber imaginado nunca y dirigía un campamento para los niños necesitados de Fool’s Gold. Aunque después de su última relación había decidido olvidarse de las mujeres, no podía sacarse de la cabeza a la dulce y sexy Pia… y le propuso un descabellado plan.

Автор: Mallery Susan
Straight From The Hip

Izzy has always been the fearless Titan sister. But when an oil rig blows up, leaving her barely able to see, her sisters find themselves as concerned by her emotional withdrawal as by the possibility that the explosion was no accident. Are the mind games their long-lost brother Garth has been playing turning physical? Or is someone else out to get them?

When her sisters enroll her in a survivor training camp, Izzy is not happy. Nick, her instructor, is determined that she won't be left in the dark. In more ways than one. But if he tells her the terrible truth behind why he's helping her, he'll never see her again. Unless they're both willing to take the biggest risk of all.

Автор: Mallery Susan
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Surrender in Silk

Dangerous Games

Jamie Sanders was finally turning her back on her secret life as a government agent to search for who she really was – as a person, and as a woman. But first she had to take on one final mission. She was determined to help the man who had made her into a lethal killing machine – the man who had also awakened the woman within her…

But as she rescued Zach Jones from his foreign captors and tried everything in her power to heal the wounds that scarred him, inside and out, she had to accept what she'd been hiding from for years – that he was what she'd been searching for all along.

Автор: Mallery Susan
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Sweet Spot

"Responsibility" should be Nicole Keyes's middle name. After all, not many people would sacrifice their lives to run the family bakery and raise a younger sibling. But with Nicole's twin sister now blissfully married and her younger sis turning out more femme fatale than girl-next-door, super reliable Nicole is getting sick of putting everyone else's needs first!

Enter Hawk. The deliciously sexy former NFL player offers Nicole a taste of the freedom she craves. Hawk may know the way, blindfolded, to her sweet spot, but Nicole's not about to let him get close enough to break her heart. Of course, she might not have a choice in the matter if Hawk's past keeps getting in the way of their present…

Автор: Mallery Susan
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Sweet Talk

Don't ask Claire Keyes. The twenty – eight – year – old piano prodigy has never had a regular boyfriend, much less a real romance. Her music career has left little room for friends or family – which is just part of the reason she hasn't seen the family bakery or her two sisters in years.

But now Nicole is sick, and Jesse is AWOL. Despite the fact that Claire can't boil water, she's determined to play caretaker. Connecting with her sisters tops her to – do list.along with falling in love, or at least in lust, for the first time.

Ruggedly sexy Wyatt just might fit the bill. Although he keeps saying that he and Claire come from entirely different worlds, he lights up hotter than a bakery oven whenever Claire is near. If this keeps up, she just might sweet – talk him into her bed.and her life.

Автор: Mallery Susan
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Sealed with a Kiss

New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips always delivers the perfect sexy read!

On the outside, Molly Gifford has it all – a hot legal career and Daniel Hunter, her equally hot boyfriend. But what she really wants is a family. So when she discovers her real father, she doesn't hesitate to pack her bags. Even though it means leaving her old life behind…

A year later, Daniel Hunter's still trying to get on with his life. Then Molly shows up at his door, begging for help. Her newfound father is under arrest for murder, and she's convinced Hunter is the only attorney with the skill and reputation to get him off.

Hunter can't resist helping an innocent man. But this time he'll be the one walking away – even if it breaks both their hearts to do it…

Don't miss this sizzling new romance from nationally bestselling, award-winning author Carly Phillips!

Автор: Phillips Carly
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Secret Fantasy

Do You Have a Secret Fantasy? Juliette Stanton does. After running out on her wedding, she needs total peace, quiet and anonymity. Little does she know, the sexy charmer who sweeps her off her feet and into his bed is only after her story. Or is he? Fantasies Inc. Where fantasies are fulfilled…

Автор: Phillips Carly
Seducido por una Desconocida

La abogada Mallory Sinclair llevaba tanto tiempo luchando por hacerse un hueco en un mundo de hombres, que nadie se acordaba siquiera de que en realidad era una mujer, y una mujer tremendamente sensual. Pero Jack Latham estaba a punto de descubrirlo, ya que Mallory le había hecho una invitación que no podía rechazar…

¡Aquello era increíble! Debajo de aquella estupenda profesional se escondía una auténtica diosa empeñada en seducirlo. Desde luego él no tenía la menor queja al respecto… El problema era que la nueva Mallory era tan diferente y desinhibida que Jack no podía evitar preguntarse si de verdad era la compañera a la que conocía desde hacía tanto tiempo. Lo que sí sabía era que no quería que aquello acabara… solo deseaba saber quién era la mujer con la que acabaría compartiendo la cama…

Автор: Phillips Carly
Seducme Me aka Erotic Invitation

Looking this good should be against the law

Sexy divorce attorney Jack Latham is brilliant in court and even better in bed. He has no desire to get off the romance go-round, until a high-profile case assigns him to work with his law firm's resident ice queen, Mallory Sinclair.

For years, Mallory's power suits and cool professionalism have laid down the law for male colleagues. But the lady has a secret. Jack just happens to be the object of her desire. Hiding her lust has been a challenge, but her ambitions demanded the sacrifice.

Now, with Jack so tantalizingly close, it's time to reveal the silk beneath the pinstripes…

Автор: Phillips Carly
Sensaciones Al Límite

Cuando el investigador privado Ben Callahan asumió el encargo de vigilar y proteger a la rica heredera Grace Montgomery, creyó que sería una misión fácil. Pero pronto descubrió que la maravillosa Grace representaba una seria amenaza para su libido. No le preocupaba poder mantenerla a salvo de cualquier amenaza, pero… ¿quién podría protegerla de él?

Grace era finalmente libre: libre para descubrir quién era y lo que quería. Y lo que quería en aquel momento era a su nuevo y sexy vecino. Pensaba explorar su propio lado sensual, despojarse de todas sus inhibiciones y descubrir lo que significaba ser una mujer: la mujer de Ben. Aunque jamás hubiera podido imaginar que a Ben le habían pagado por obtener ese privilegio.

Автор: Phillips Carly
Simplemente Escandaloso

Logan Montgomery necesitaba arruinar su reputación, de lo contrario su importante padre jamás dejaría de intentar empujarlo hacia la política. Su única esperanza era tener una aventura con una mujer cuya familia no fuera socialmente adecuada.

La insolente y seductora Catherine Luck era la mujer perfecta… en todos los sentidos. Sólo que cuanto más tiempo pasaba Logan con la hermosa rubia, más comprendía que daría su reputación, y todo lo demás, por pasar una noche con ella…

Автор: Phillips Carly
Simply Sexy

The Barnes Noble Review

Do you like romances that sizzle? Carly Phillips really turns up the heat in Simply Sexy, her response to reader requests for a story about the sister of Body Heat hero Jake Lowell. It's been a year and a half since her husband's death, and Rina Lowell has finally made the fresh start she's been promising herself. After years of marriage to a wealthy man who loved her but never really understood her, Rina revels in the thought that she can now design her future to suit herself. She's left her big-city life behind and relocated to the small Massachusetts town of Ashford. And her new job there, as a staff writer for the local paper, seems tailor-made – she can observe and report, and enjoy life without risking either her freedom or her heart. You see, while Rina is determined to avoid relationships, she's decided that sex is a different issue – one she plans to explore in her new column called "Hot Stuff." She thinks that a holiday fling with her new boss, sexy sportswriter Colin Lyons, would be a great way to research her first tantalizing topic, "What Do Men Want?" Unfortunately, much as Colin's curiosity is aroused by Rina's proposal, he thinks the failing paper can't afford to waste space on a "fluff piece" like "Hot Stuff"…and their difference of opinion quickly grows heated, both professionally and personally… Sue Stone

Автор: Phillips Carly
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Simply Sinful

New York Times bestselling author Carly Philips is really heating up the marketplace! Don't miss this sizzling story with a hero to die for and a romance that is Simply Sinful.

Detective Kane McDermott might be fighting a bad case of burnout, but that doesn't mean he's taking things easy. His latest assignment is to investigate Kayla Luck, to discover if the etiquette school she runs for awkward businessmen is really some kind of escort service. It looks cut-and-dried… Until he sets eyes on Kayla. She's smart, but she's also trusting to a fault – and the heat that flairs up between them keeps getting in the way of Kane's best intentions. But if Kayla ever suspects his real motives, Kane will be the one who ends up getting burned…

Автор: Phillips Carly
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Soltero… ¿y sin compromiso?

Los hermanos Chandler se han convertido en los tres solteros más atractivos de Yorksire Falls. Son muy protectores con su madre viuda y muy cobardes a la hora de decidirse a amar. La madre, conocedora de sus temores, finge un infarto para hacerlos volver a casa y convencerlos de que el amor y la familia son lo que realmente importa. Y ellos, con tal de no defraudarla, deciden echar a suertes quién será el primero que tendrá que encontrar pareja.

Roman, el menor, pierde la apuesta. Su trabajo le obligó a renunciar a todo, incluida Charlotte, su primer amor. Pero cuando se reencuentran, ambos entienden que tienen muchos temas pendientes. ¿Podrá el amor de esta mujer hacer que un hombre independiente y amante de la libertad se comprometa para el resto de sus días?

Автор: Phillips Carly
Summer Lovin'

Zoe Costas knows trouble when she sees it Zoe's a security specialist and a Costas through and through. Her eccentric, rather dubious family runs an Atlantic City spa that's just this side of legit. So Zoe isn't fooled by the charm or good looks of this Ryan Baldwin when he shows up claiming to be related to Sam, the little girl the Costas family is about to adopt.

But Ryan is Sam's uncle and one of the rich, upright – and uptight – Boston Baldwins. Ryan's search for his sister Faith, the family's black sheep, has led him to news of her death, and to a niece he's never met. But someone else has also tracked Sam down – someone who never wanted the child to be found.

Ryan is determined to protect Sam and find out what really happened to his sister. And Zoe "Whatever-It-Takes" Costas is just the woman to help him do it…

Автор: Phillips Carly
Seduciendo A Mister Bridgerton

A sus veintiocho años, Penélope se ha resignado ya a convertirse en una solterona destinada a envejecer cuidando a su madre. Durante una década, ha asistido a todas las fiestas de la aristocracia londinense, y siempre ha sido la muchacha mediocre, callada, la que nadie saca a bailar más que por compromiso, la que pasa inadvertida para todos. También para Colin Bridgerton, hermano de la mejor amiga de Penélope, guapo, audaz, soltero de oro… y su amor platónico desde siempre. Para Colin, Penélope siempre ha estado ahí, simpática, agradable, pero casi invisible. ¿Cómo es posible que todo cambie de repente? Sin saber bien cómo, el menor de los Bridgerton descubre a una mujer inteligente, sensible, audaz… y muy atractiva. Durante años se han conocido casi como hermanos, y de repente se dan cuenta de que no saben nada el uno del otro. Pero no todo lo que descubrirán va a resultar tan placentero…

Автор: Quinn Julia
Secret Agent Sam

Reporter Cory Pearson's penchant for working in war zones had gotten him into hot water before, but this was uncharted territory, even for him. Because the pilot assigned to fly him into danger was none other than Samantha Bauer. Once she'd been Sammi June, an eighteen-year-old girl who'd looked at him starry-eyed. Now she was Sam, a very competent professional, whose eyes seemed to hold all manner of secrets.

If Sam was thrown by learning who her new client was, she couldn't afford to show it-or the fact that her strong feelings for Cory hadn't changed. But if he couldn't accept who she was back then, what would he possibly want with her now-now that her life had taken a direction neither of them could have imagined…and left them both clinging to each other for their very survival?

Автор: Creighton Kathleen
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Sheriff’s Runaway Witness

Pregnant and on the run, Rachel Malone Delcorte is the only witness to the murder of two federal agents. Mob boss Carlos Delcorte wants her baby – his grandson – and he wants Rachel dead. But as fate would have it, sheriff's deputy Jethro "J.J." Fox gets to Rachel first.

After delivering her baby and seeing her safely to her billionaire grandfather's estate, he's sworn to protect the beautiful widow. Keeping mother and son safe isn't the problem for J.J. – he's used to handling the bad guys. Matters of the heart – that's a whole different story. He's always had his own agenda. One he's not sure Rachel can accept…

Автор: Creighton Kathleen
Shooting Starr

The gun trained on his chest left him with no choice… Turning Caitlyn in to the police was the right thing to do, the law-abiding thing. So why did it have to hurt so bad…and cost her so much?

Caitlyn Brown had never expected C. J. Starr to walk back into her life after all they'd endured. Never imagined she'd draw strength from his voice, the memory of his smile, the gentle touch of his hand. She could allow him to protect her from a danger she could no longer see, but she could never forget that he'd sworn to uphold the law, and – as long as there were innocent victims in need of her help – that she had vowed to break it.

Автор: Creighton Kathleen
Still Waters

Rita Awards

Determined to face her fear of water, Maddy Gordon signed up for beginner swimming, and found herself surrounded by seven-year-olds! And why did her instructor have to be golden-muscled Olympic swimmer Zack London, whose grin still gave her goose bumps? Stunned by the emotions Zack aroused in her, Maddy sought refuge behind her puppets. – Perfect for her work with children, they also helped keep other people at arm's length – a barely safe distance where Zack was concerned! Zack knew Maddy had to face what scared her before she could return his love, but would she trust him enough to conquer her ghosts?

Автор: Creighton Kathleen
Silhouette Christmas Stories

A collection of stories

Santa's special miracle by Ann Major

All widowed Noreen Black's son wanted for Christmas was a daddy, but even Santa couldn't bring the man she loved into their family. Grant Hale's comforting arms almost made Noreen forget why she'd run from him years ago. Yet when he discovered the child she'd kept secret, only a miracle would grant a little boy's wish…

Lights out! by Rita Rainville

Despite a grandfather named Kris K. Ringle, Carroll Stilwell's holidays weren't starting out well. Grandpa's experiments with seasonal decoration kept putting out lights all over town, and their handsome new neighbor was complainting about the power failures. But despite his anger, Carroll kept wondering how he would look under her tree!

Always and forever by Lindsay McKenna

Fighter pilot Kyle Anderson waged a private war against desire for the one woman he could never have. Gale Taylor had sworn never to give her heart again…until a twist of fate at Christmas sne her into Kyle's arms for always.

The mysterious gift by Kaltheleen Creighton

Christmas looked bleak. Karen Todd was broke, with eight-year-old Andrew to support. Only mechanic – and guardian angel – Tony Angelo stood between her and total poverty. After all, no car, no job. Then Andrew asked Santa for a very special gift. Would Tony be an angel one more time?

Small Town Girl

Young Tess McPhail left tiny Wintergreen, Missouri, for Nashville and is now one of country music's biggest stars. But her sisters insist she come home to help care for their widowed mother. Back home, Tess is suddenly a non-person, until a opportunity to help a rising star sparks passion from close by…

Автор: Spencer Lavyrle
Spring Fancy

Winn and Joseph met at a resplendent spring wedding, only months before Winn's own wedding. Confident and practical, she never imagined anyone or anything could overturn her own perfect wedding plans.

Автор: Spencer Lavyrle
Spring Fancy

Winn and Joseph met at a resplendent spring wedding, only months before Winn's own wedding. Confident and practical, she never imagined anyone or anything could overturn her own perfect wedding plans.

Автор: Spencer Lavyrle
Suspect Lover

Eager to start a family, Caroline Sommerville marries Dominic Santos in a whirlwind courtship. Then the unthinkable happens: her husband becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his business partner.

With Dominic on the run from the police, Caroline is his last hope. Though she's only known him a short time, she's certain he was framed.

But there's so much about him she doesn't know. And when a damning secret in Dominic's past surfaces, Caroline has to decide whether she believes in the man she married. Is he the murderer he's accused of being? Or is he the husband who needs her trust – and love?

Автор: Doyle Stephanie
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Sweet Surrender, Baby Surprise

Marriage and kids? Not for confirmed bachelor Cameron Duke. Then an affair with Julia Parrish changed everything. Once he discovered the pretty cupcake maker had borne him a son, Cameron's priorities did a complete turnaround. He would marry and give his child the Duke name. But he'd be keeping his heart.

A marriage of convenience? That wouldn't have been Julia's first choice. Yes, she had always craved Cameron, and becoming his wife could be sweet indeed. But once she said "I do," this new bride and mother realized she wanted more from her husband. She wanted love.

Автор: Carlisle Kate
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Searching for Pemberley

Using a literary mystery rooted in Jane Austen's inspiration for Pride and Prejudice, Simonsen's debut novel brings resonance to the story of a love-torn American girl in post-WWII London. Young and eager for adventure, Maggie Joyce has left her jobless Pennsylvania coal-mining town for a typist position overseas. In London, she discovers two love interests as well as connections to the real-life Londoners rumored to have been the basis for Pride's Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. Learning to disregard her prim and proper instincts, Maggie becomes closer to her very own version of Darcy, as well as the families of the original Darcy and Bennet, from whom she receives old diary entries and letters. Simonsen is clever and evenhanded, maintaining an unhurried pace in both the Austen adventure and Maggie's love life. Fans of historical fiction and Austen should savor this leisurely read.

Spying in High Heels

L.A. shoe designer, Maddie Springer, lives her life by three rules: Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. But when she stumbles upon the work of a brutal killer, her life takes an unexpected turn from Manolos to murder. And things only get worse when her boyfriend disappears-along with $20 million in embezzled funds-and her every move is suddenly under scrutiny by LAPD's sexiest cop. With the help of her post-menopausal bridezilla of a mother, a 300-pound psychic and one seriously oversexed best friend, Maddie finds herself stepping out of her stilettos and onto the trail of a murderer. But can she catch a killer before the killer catches up to her?

Автор: Halliday Gemma
Автор: Moccia Federico

Come back to Tara . . . to Scarlett and Rhett . . . and to the greatest love story in all fiction. This is the book whose initial publication was an instant sensation—selling out immediately, setting new records, and enthralling readers all over the world. This is the book everyone wants to read, savor, and enjoy . . .

Автор: Ripley Alexandra
Sprig Muslin

Sir Gareth Ludlow knows it is his duty as a man of honour to restore so young and pretty a girl as Amanda, wandering unattended, to her family. But it is to prove no easy task for the Corinthian. 

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Sushi Para Principiantes

Lisa, editora de una revista de moda londinense, se cree genial. Lo tiene todo: un novio fotógrafo guapísimo, se viste de Prada, solo va a los sitios fashion… Pero de repente la mandan al fin del mundo, a lanzar una nueva revista en Dublín, donde ni siquiera habrá una tienda de Versace, ni de Moschino, ni de nadie que valga la pena. Primero se pone furiosa y luego se deprime, pero Lisa no es una perdedora.

Su nuevo jefe es bastante atractivo pero al parecer tonto, ya que no le hace caso. Prefiere, aunque parezca inconcebible, a su ayudante Ashling, modesta, trabajadora, buena chica, sufridora de primera categoría, la que siempre quiere ayudar a todos…

Como muchos libros, Sushi para principiantes trata de la búsqueda de la felicidad.

Автор: Keyes Marian
Slave to Sensation

Dive into a world torn apart by a powerful race with phenomenal powers of the mind—and none of the heart…

In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of “rehabilitation”— the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was….

Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy co-existence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murders of several Changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion—and that the animal in him is fascinated by her. Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities—or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation…

Автор: Singh Nalini
Серия: , Psy-Changelings
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W zamierzchłych czasach średniowiecza narodziny bliźniąt wiązano z siłami nieczystymi. Powiadano, że są ucieleśnieniem dobra i zła, że są jedną duszą, że w łonie matki walczą o to, które ma pierwsze przyjść na świat. To pierwsze bowiem otrzymuje całe dobro duszy, to drugie – zło.

Linnea byla tą drugą z bliźniaczek, i tak też ją traktowano. Jedni na jej widok kreślili znak krzyża, inni od niej uciekali, jeszcze inni okazywali pogardę.

Kiedy dziewczynie trafia się okazja udowodnienia, że nie jest wcieleniem zła, postanawia ją wykorzystać. Poświęca się dla ukochanej siostry Beatrix i staje zamiast niej na ślubnym kobiercu ze znienawidzonym wrogiem rodziny.

Nikt poza kilkoma osobami wtajemniczonymi w spisek nie wie, że zamiast Beatrix ślub wzięła jej potępiona siostra bliźniaczka. Zwłaszcza nie wie o tym najbardziej zainteresowany – pan młody. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że spisek się powiedzie. Jest tylko jeden problem: Linnea zakochuje się w mężu, a właściwie w mężu siostry…

Автор: Becnel Rexanne
Siła i namiętność

Ojciec ostrzegał ją: – Danton Fayette jest najniebezpieczniejszym mężczyzną, jakiego znam. Radził jej trzymać się z daleka od ciemnowłosego bogacza. Jednak jakiś instynkt wewnętrzny kazał Bernadette podjąć wezwanie… Przyjęła zaproszenie Dantona i pojechała na małą wyspę na Pacyfiku…

Автор: Darcy Emma
Sliding Into Home

They play the field…but can they play for keeps?

Rookie Brody Davis has all the right moves. But will they be enough to tempt sexy Naomi back into his bed?

Shortstop hero Lance Montero must prove to a bad-girl heiress that he's good at everything he does. Very, very good…

Superstar Javier Velasquez is getting a hot 'n heavy workout with Lisa, the team's trainer. But who's healing whom?

First baseman Rick Warren is on a winning streak…with the owner's daughter!

Автор: Rock Joanne
Seeds of Fear

Plant yourself under the covers and get ready for Seeds of Fear, fifth in the ground- breaking Hot Blood erotic horror anthology series. Pinup queen Brinke Stevens delivers the Introduction, and 19 original stories cultivated by editors Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett follow. Terror and titillation reach full, florid bloom as Bentley Little invites you to “See Marilyn Monroe’s Panties!” Ronald Kelly introduces a “Scream Queen” you won’t soon forget, Edward Lee follows his Stoker-nominated “Mr. Torso” (HB4) with “Grub-Girl” and award-winning author P. D. Cacek (Stoker, World Fantasy) welcomes her “Devil With a Blue Dress.”

These top-name horror writers bring you the freshest works guaranteed to raise goosebumps and scald the blood.

Серия: Hot Blood
Seeds of Fear

Plant yourself under the covers and get ready for Seeds of Fear, fifth in the ground- breaking Hot Blood erotic horror anthology series. Pinup queen Brinke Stevens delivers the Introduction, and 19 original stories cultivated by editors Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett follow. Terror and titillation reach full, florid bloom as Bentley Little invites you to “See Marilyn Monroe’s Panties!” Ronald Kelly introduces a “Scream Queen” you won’t soon forget, Edward Lee follows his Stoker-nominated “Mr. Torso” (HB4) with “Grub-Girl” and award-winning author P. D. Cacek (Stoker, World Fantasy) welcomes her “Devil With a Blue Dress.”

These top-name horror writers bring you the freshest works guaranteed to raise goosebumps and scald the blood.

Серия: Hot Blood
Seeds of Fear

Plant yourself under the covers and get ready for Seeds of Fear, fifth in the ground- breaking Hot Blood erotic horror anthology series. Pinup queen Brinke Stevens delivers the Introduction, and 19 original stories cultivated by editors Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett follow. Terror and titillation reach full, florid bloom as Bentley Little invites you to “See Marilyn Monroe’s Panties!” Ronald Kelly introduces a “Scream Queen” you won’t soon forget, Edward Lee follows his Stoker-nominated “Mr. Torso” (HB4) with “Grub-Girl” and award-winning author P. D. Cacek (Stoker, World Fantasy) welcomes her “Devil With a Blue Dress.”

These top-name horror writers bring you the freshest works guaranteed to raise goosebumps and scald the blood.

Серия: Hot Blood
Shadow Highlander

Sent on a dangerous mission into the shadowy world of the Druids, Galen must find a powerful ancient relic to defeat the enemies of Castle MacLeod. But what he discovers is far more powerful — and far more dangerous. A Druid lass whose beauty is as spellbinding as any magic…

Reaghan is the most enchanting woman Galen has even met — and the most enigmatic. She alone is immune to his mind-reading gifts. He alone makes her feel safe and secure. But Reaghan holds a secret power deep inside her that could destroy them both. And if Galen hopes to hold this captivating woman in his arms every night, he must defeat the darkness that draws closer around her every day….

Автор: Grant Donna
Серия: Dark Sword
Sexiest Vampire Alive

Who's the Sexiest Vampire Alive? Without a doubt, it's undead playboy Gregori Holstein, the dashing immortal hero of this wity, charming, and super-hot paranormal romance winner from New York Times bestseller Kerrelyn Sparks. Another fabulous entry in her Love at Stake series — which author Lynsay Sands, creator of the popular Argeneau vampire family novels, has called, 'an absolute delight' -- the Sexiest Vampire Alive has met his match, and she's the beautiful, brave, and brainy daughter of the President of the United States, whom Gregori must accompany on a dangerous secret mission to China. Kerrelyn Sparks does vampire romance to perfection, which is why she is up there at the very top with the other paranormal superstars, like Sands, Katie MacAlister, and Mary Janice Davidson.

Автор: Sparks Kerrelyn
Серия: Love at Stake

Six months have passed since Laurel saved the gateway to the faerie realm of Avalon. Now she must spend her summer there, honing her skills as a Fall faerie. But her human family and friends are still in mortal danger-and the gateway to Avalon is more compromised than ever. When it comes time to protect those she loves, will she depend on David, her human boyfriend, for help? Or will she turn to Tamani, the electrifying faerie with whom her connection is undeniable?

Автор: Pike Aprilynne
Серия: Wings
Spiel des Schicksals (Hounds and Jackals)

Während einer komplizierten Operation erhält Lydia Harris, eine hochqualifizierte OP-Schwester in einem Krankenhaus im kalifornischen Malibu, einen mysteriösen Anruf von ihrer Schwester Adele, von der sie seit Jahren nichts gehört hat. Adele bittet sie ebenso dringlich wie verworren, sofort zu ihr nach Rom zu kommen.

Wenig später trifft ein Päckchen von Adele ein. Es enthält eine Figur aus Elfenbein mit einem kunstvoll geschnitzten Schakalskopf. Lydia zieht den mit ihr befreundeten Chirurgen Dr. Kellerman zu Rate, der sich privat als Kunstsammler betätigt. Dr. Kellerman findet schnell heraus, daß es sich bei dem Schakal um eine Figur aus einem uralten ägyptischen Brettspiel handeln und daß diese Figur äußerst wertvoll sein muß. Lydia macht sich indessen große Sorgen um ihre Schwester. Gegen den Rat von Dr. Kellerman fliegt Lydia kurzentschlossen nach Rom. Aber das ist erst der Anfang einer gefährlichen Odyssee, die Lydia schließlich bis in das ägyptische Tal der Könige führt.

Barbara Wood, 1947 in England geboren, wuchs in Kalifornien auf. Sie arbeitete nach ihrem Studium zehn Jahre als OP-Schwester in einer neurochirurgischen Klinik, bevor sie ihr Hobby zum Beruf machte und Schriftstellerin wurde. Inzwischen hat sie mehrere sehr erfolgreiche Romane geschrieben.  Barbara Wood bereist alle Länder, in denen ihre Romane spielen, um die geschichtlichen und sonstigen Details zu recherchieren. Sie lebt in Kalifornien.

Автор: Wood Barbara
Sweet Venom

Grace just moved to San Francisco and is excited to start over at a new school. The change is full of fresh possibilities, but it's also a tiny bit scary. It gets scarier when a minotaur walks in the door. And even more shocking when a girl who looks just like her shows up to fight the monster.

Gretchen is tired of monsters pulling her out into the wee hours, especially on a school night, but what can she do? Sending the minotaur back to his bleak home is just another notch on her combat belt. She never expected to run into this girl who could be her double, though.

Greer has her life pretty well put together, thank you very much. But that all tilts sideways when two girls who look eerily like her appear on her doorstep and claim they're triplets, supernatural descendants of some hideous creature from Greek myth, destined to spend their lives hunting monsters.

These three teenage descendants of Medusa, the once-beautiful Gorgon maligned in myth, must reunite and embrace their fates in this unique paranormal world where monsters lurk in plain sight.

Автор: Childs Tera Lynn
Серия: Medusa Girls
Skin Game

A beautiful fugitive — wanted dead or alive.

Kyra is a con woman and a particular kind of thief. She steals with a touch, but she only takes one thing: her target’s strongest skill. Which means she can be a fighter, an athlete, a musician, an artist — anything she wants… for a limited time. Heartbroken, she turns her gift toward avenging her father’s murder; with deadly patience, Kyra works her way into casino owner Gerard Serrano’s inner circle. After pulling off the ultimate con, she flees with his money and his pride.

A hit man who never misses the mark.

Reyes has nothing but his work. Pity for Kyra, he’s the best and mercy never sways him once he takes a job. He’s been hired to find out where Kyra hid the cash — and bring her back to face Serrano’s “justice.” Dead will do, if he can’t locate the loot. He’s never failed to complete a contract, but Kyra tempts him with her fierce heat and her outlaw heart. So Reyes has a hell of a choice: forsake his word or kill the woman he might love.

Автор: Gray Ava
Серия: Skin
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Stand-In Groom

Get ready to attend the quirkiest wedding ever in this delightful romance by Kaye Dacus, a new voice in women's contemporary fiction. When wedding planner Anne Hawthorne first meets George Laurence, she thinks she's found the man of her dreams. But when she discovers he's a client, she knows planning his wedding will be no honeymoon. Can Anne remain professional while falling for the groom? Or will she risk her heart, her values, and her career in the midst of planning the wedding of the century?

Автор: Dacus Kaye
Серия: Brides of Bonneterre
Secretly More

What if the one you love IS the one you’re with…

Jay Navarrete has been in love with his best friend Kimber York for years. When she ends her frustrating long-term relationship with an apathetic musician, he decides the time is finally right to tell her how he feels.

But Kimber has an agenda of her own, one that doesn't include returning Jay's feelings. Instead, she's eager to make up for lost time by becoming more sexually adventurous. Her mission leads her to an upstairs bedroom at a wild party, where she agrees to be blindfolded and await a mystery lover. Although Jay knows it's wrong, he's unable to resist the opportunity to be with her.

But Jay soon finds himself in a complex tug-of-war between his integrity and his heart, one that threatens to ruin everything between Kimber and him-especially when she falls hard for someone else: her mystery lover.

Автор: Zakari Lux
Sombras Del Crepúsculo

A pesar de provenir de uno de los linajes más prósperos de Alabama, la vida no ha sido generosa con Roanna Davenport. Huérfana a edad temprana y siempre arrinconada por su propia familia, sólo los caballos y su primo Webb, por el que siente un amor secreto, le sirven de apoyo en un entorno que no la quiere ni la acepta. Tras la extraña muerte de Jessie, la esposa de Webb, el rechazo se vuelve más evidente. Miradas suspicaces, sospechas infundadas y crueles acusaciones, junto con la repentina partida de su protector, la empujan a esconderse tras un manto de hielo, a desterrar para siempre a la sensible muchacha que una vez fue. Sin embargo, diez años más tarde, la sólida máscara tallada por los años y las tragedias caerá ante la visión de Webb, que vuelve otra vez a casa dispuesto a recobrar aquello que fue suyo y a protegerla de nuevo ante un asesino que ya sembró la desdicha en una ocasión y que sólo espera una nueva oportunidad para acabar su trabajo.

Автор: Howard Linda
Secrets of the Heart

Agnes Campion is 30 when she inherits Flagge House. Struggling with its upkeep while looking after her elderly aunts, juggling her work and nursing a bruised heart, she doesn't bank on falling for property developer Julian, whose job is everything she despises

Автор: Buchan Elizabeth
Sex, Lies And Mistletoe

Undercover DEA agent Caleb Black is home for the holidays – possibly to bust his own father. But maybe Caleb's con-man dad isn't the one running drugs through the small town of Black Oak. Maybe it's the green-eyed goddess who runs the New Age shop and has Caleb under her sultry spell.

Pandora Easton saved the family store with two words: sex sells. And her delectable aphrodisiacs really work, as she's proven with notorious bad boy Caleb again and again and again.

Little does she guess that, in the end, her most potent potion will be the truth…

Автор: Weber Tawny
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Serce nie sługa

Phillida była zrozpaczona, kiedy odkryła, że zakochała się w swoim szefie, Jake'u. Jak to się mogło stać? W jaki sposób wplątała się w sieć uczuć i pożądania? Z przerażeniem zastanawiała się, czy zdoła wyjechać z Australii, wrócić do Anglii i żyć bez Jake'a. A przecież on jej nie znosił. Zawsze podkreślał, że nie cierpi zarozumiałych Angielek. Jak uda jej się teraz przetrwać każdy kolejny dzień u jego boku, mając świadomość, że go kocha, a nie może mu tego wyznać?

Автор: Hart Jessica
Serce wie najlepiej

Piękna i bogata Rosalind Leigh kiedyś okrutnie sobie zadrwiła ze starającego się o jej rękę Michaela Brooke'a. Od tamtej chwili minęło już wiele lat i teraz los zadrwił sobie z Rosalind, bo zmuszona jest poprosić Michaela o pomoc w sprawie, z którą nie radzi sobie nawet policja. Dawne wspomnienia ożywają jak za dotknięciem czarodziejskiej różdżki. Czyżby oboje pomylili się, sądząc, że przed laty łączyła ich tylko zmysłowa namiętność, a ich serca były zimne jak lód? A może dopiero teraz dojrzeli do miłości?

Автор: Hart Jessica
Słodkie kłopoty

Prudy, uważana przez najbliższych za naiwną romantyczkę, postanawia szukać szczęścia aż w Australii. Teraz musi wrócić do Londynu na ślub siostry. Problem w tym, że słała do rodziny listy o bliskich zaręczynach. Z kłopotu wybawia ją przygodny znajomy. Nat potrzebuje narzeczonej od zaraz, bo tylko w ten sposób może przejąć opiekę prawną nad osieroconymi bratankami, pozostającymi pod opieką dziadków w Anglii…

Автор: Hart Jessica

Un hombre ha muerto, al parecer, de causas naturales. Otro ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro, y un tercero se ha ahogado en un lago apacible. El asesino quiere asegurarse de no dejar ningún cabo suelto, de que todos los enemigos guarden silencio. Pero todavía queda una persona que conoce su secreto.

Dieciseis años después de que ocurrieran todos los hechos hay una persona empeñada en desentrañar toda la verdad, pero hay demasiados secretos, ocultas pasiones y peligrosos intereses en juego que nadie quiere revelar.

Автор: Jackson Lisa
Seducción Y Conquista

Iba a poner todo su empeño en seducirla

Slade McCafferty siempre había evitado que las mujeres le echaran el lazo; el famoso soltero estaba demasiado ocupado fabricándose un infierno como para comprometerse con nadie.

Quince años antes, el temerario Slade se había aprovechado de la inocencia de Jamie Parsons y le había roto el corazón. Pero ahora Jamie estaba de vuelta en el pueblo y se había convertido en una abogada profesional y llena de confianza en sí misma. Cuando la vio de nuevo, Slade sintió un cúmulo de emociones que creía olvidadas. Lo que había pasado entre ellos era historia pero, a pesar de ello, Jamie tenía algo que le hacía desear más, mucho más.

Автор: Jackson Lisa

Hollandowie to jedna z najbogatszych i najbardziej szanowanych rodzin w Oregonie. Kiedy jednak ojciec pięknej Claire zaczyna ubiegać się o stanowisko gubernatora, na jaw wychodzi szokujący dramat sprzed lat.

Największym wrogiem Hollanda jest przystojny dziennikarz, który żywi tajemniczą nienawiść do całej rodziny. Ale to właśnie w jego objęciach musi się schronić Claire przed nadciągającym niebezpieczeństwem. I nie potrafi się oprzeć namiętności, która może ją ocalić… lub zgubić.

Автор: Jackson Lisa
Sombra del pasado

Romana Claibourne estaba totalmente decidida a demostrar que ella y sus dos hermanas eran capaces de dirigir Claibourne Farraday, unos exclusivos grandes almacenes de Londres. Y que podían hacerlo con más éxito que los hombres del Clan Farraday. Romana pensaba que aquello era bien fácil…

Pero no lo era tanto. Tendría a Niall Farraday pisándole los talones durante un mes para aprender de su gestión en el negocio. ¿Cómo iba a poder impresionarlo si era tan atractivo que la desconcentraba? Estaba enamorándose de su enemigo…

Nota: Reeditado por Harlequin Ibérica en el trío Negocios…Amor de la colección Especial Miniseries Nº3(2007)

Автор: Fielding Liz
Sombras en el paraíso

Flora Claibourne había programado un viaje de negocios con el único propósito de no tener que trabajar junto al sexy Bram Farraday Gifford. Pero le había salido mal, porque él había decidido acompañarla.

En lugar de atenerse al cómodo horario de oficina, se vio obligada a estar constantemente con aquel hombre tan atractivo…en una romántica isla tropical. Flora se moría de ganas de besarlo, pero las barreras que había construido para protegerse de los hombres eran demasiado infranqueables. No dejaba que nadie se acercara a ella…, pero Bram sentía cada vez más curiosidad por descubrir por qué.

Автор: Fielding Liz
Salvado por una Ilusión

El bebé que lo salvó…

En un viaje a Italia, Ferne Edmunds se quedó completamente deslumbrada por el alegre y encantador Dante Rinucci. Lo que no sabía era que a Dante le resultaba tan fácil vivir el momento porque cada día podía ser el último de su vida. Pero cuando Ferne descubrió que estaba embarazada, la oportunidad de ser padre le ofreció a Dante una razón para luchar y recobrar la ilusión.

Автор: Gordon Lucy
Sprawa honoru

Spadkobierca fortuny i nazwiska sławnego kierowcy rajdowego, Carlo Valetti, nie jest szczęśliwy. Honor nakazuje mu trwać w nieudanym związku małżeńskim, choć serce wyrywa się do innej kobiety. Po śmierci żony los ponownie styka go z jej krewną, którą potajemnie kochał od lat. Serena ma o Carlu jak najgorsze zdanie, nie ufa mu do tego stopnia, że chroni przed nim jego własną córkę, nad którą opiekę powierzyła jej umierająca kuzynka…

Автор: Gordon Lucy
Sin Undone


As the only female Seminus demon ever born, master assassin Sinead Donnelly is used to being treated like an outcast. She spent decades enslaved, and now vows she'll die before she'll relinquish her freedom again. Then Sin's innate ability to kill her enemies goes awry: She creates a lethal new werewolf virus that sparks a firestorm of panic and violence.


Half-werewolf, half-vampire Conall Dearghul is charged with bringing in Sin to face punishment for the plague. And she's no stranger: He's bound to her by blood, and the one sexual encounter they shared has left him hungering for her raw sensuality. Worse, Sin is the underworld's most wanted and Con soon learns he's the only one who can help her . . . and that saving her life might mean sacrificing his own.

Автор: Ione Larissa
Серия: Demonica
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Автор: Parker

With her reputation forever tarnished by a youthful indiscretion, lovely Emily Faringdon is resigned to a life of spinsterhood, until she embarks on an unusual correspondence and finds herself falling head over heals in love. Sensitive, intelligent, and high-minded, her noble pen pal seems to embody everything Emily has ever dreamed of in a man. But Simon Augustus Traherne, the mysterious Earl of Blade, is not at all what he seems.

Driven by dark, smoldering passions and a tragic secret buried deep within his soul, Blade has all of London cowering at his feet, but not Emily...never Emily. For even as she surrenders to his seductive charms, she knows the real reason for his amorous suit. And she knows that she must reach the heart of this golden-eyed dragon before the avenging demons of their entwined pasts destroy the only love she has ever known...

Автор: Quick Amanda
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Sign of the Unicorn

Accepting the responsibilities as ruler to the world of Amber, Corwin finds himself the target of sibling treachery, and must seek guidance in a land of visions, where a sinister prediction foretells his doom.

Автор: Zelazny Roger

The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past…bridged two irreconcilable worlds…faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust…and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for — and their love — forever.

Автор: Fitzpatrick Becca
Серия: Hush, Hush
Sylvester, or The Wicked Uncle

Sylvester, Duke of Salford, has exacting requirements for a bride. Then he meets Phoebe Marlow, a young lady with literary aspirations, and suddenly life becomes very complicated. She meets none of his criteria, and even worse, she has written a novel that is sweeping through the ton and causing all kinds of gossip... and he's the main character!

Something borrowed

Rachel White and Darcy Rhone have been best friends since childhood. They've shared birthdays, the horrors of high school and even boyfriends, but while Darcy is the sort of woman who breezes through life getting what she wants when she wants it, Rachel has always played by the rules and watched her stunning best friend steal all the limelight. The one thing Rachel's always had over Darcy is the four-month age gap which meant she was first to being a teenager, first to drive, first to everything ...but now she's about to be first to thirty. And Darcy still has a charmed life. On the eve of her thirtieth birthday, Rachel is shocked to find herself questioning the status quo. How come Darcy gets a glamorous job at a PR firm and the perfect boyfriend, while Rachel grinds away at her despised job as an attorney and remains painfully single. Is it just luck? Or, looking back at their friendship and their lives together, is it a bit more complicated than that? Then an accidental fling complicates everything, and it's time for Rachel to make a few hard choices. And she's suddenly forced to learn that sometimes true love comes at a price ...

 Praise for Something Borrowed

    "Page-turning, heartbreakingly honest… Instead of falling back on easy chick-lit cliches, Giffin deftly depicts the hopeful hearts behind an unsympathetic situation."

    -Entertainment Weekly, Grade A

    "What kind of self-described 'nice girl' would sleep with her best friend's fiance? One who's seriously flawed, like this delightful debut novel's heroine, but also surprisingly winning and real."


    "The characters are authentic and thus familiar… Captures what it's like to be thirty and single in the city, when your life pretty much revolves around friendships and love and their attendant complexities, rivalries, and hoped-for happily-ever-afters."

    -San Francisco Chronicle

    "A contemporary fairy tale… should spark a laugh or three in any gal who has served as handmaiden to Bridezilla."

    -Time Out New York

    "Both hilarious and thoughtfully written… You may never think of friendships-their duties, the oblique dances of power, and their give-and-take-quite the same way again."

    -The Seattle Times

    "One of the hottest books of the summer."

    -Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    "Sharply observed and beautifully etched."

    -Newark Star-Ledger

    "Sprightly… dead-on dialogue, real-life complexity, and genuine warmth."

    -Sarasota Herald- Tribune

    "Giffin's attention to detail and love for her central female characters gives Something Borrowed an endearing edge… goes beyond a selfish quest for love to take a semicritical look at female relationships."

    -Ripsaw Magazine

    "Emily Giffin brings a fresh new voice to women's fiction. Something Borrowed is a deftly written and convincing tale of a friendship gone comically-and at times poignantly-awry."

    -Meg Cabot, author of The Boy Next Door and The Princess Diaries

    "Something Borrowed is a winner; it has rare emotional depth. Rachel, a perpetual self-sacrificing nice girl, shocks herself by launching an affair with her evil best friend's fiance. This first savage blow for freedom sets off a chain reaction that will inspire pathologically nice girls everywhere to strike savage blows of their own. After reading Giffin's debut, I've decided never to be nice again. And I wasn't very nice to begin with. Now I am totally unencumbered. Whew."

    -Valerie Frankel, author of The Accidental Virgin and The Not-So-Perfect Man

    "Something Borrowed is a luxurious page-turner of a debut novel that marks the arrival of a tremendously bright, clever new voice in women's fiction. In quick-moving, captivating prose punctuated with dead-on dialogue, Giffin deftly captures complexity and humor of love, betrayal, career, and friendship for a city girl at the edge of thirty; you'll forget this is just a novel, and won't want to put it down."

    -Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, author of The Dirty Girls' Social Club and Playing with Boys

    "I absolutely LOVED it and read it in two sittings because I could not put it down… Something Borrowed is a very well written-nice spare prose, which kept me pressing forward, agog to know what happened… Such a compelling, engrossing, and uplifting book."

    -Marian Keyes, author of Sushi for Beginners

Автор: Giffin Emily
Серия: Adventures of Darcy
Something Blue

For fans of Sex in the City and Marian Keyes, an unputdownable, romantic read Thirty years old, successful and stunning, Darcy Rhone used to think that 'being down and out' meant not finding a size four at the Barney's Warehouse Sale. Now she is pregnant, unmarried and recovering from a broken engagement to Dex and the betrayal of her ex-best friend Rachel who stole Dex's affections. Marcus, Darcy's new man and father of her baby, helps her paper over the cracks in her seemingly charmed life, but reality quickly catches up. A few months into her pregnancy, she loses the second boyfriend in a row. For the first time in her life, she is completely alone. Frantically casting around for help, she calls upon Ethan, an old high school friend, and convinces him to let her stay with him in London for a few weeks to get her act together. Little does she know what she's in for when she boards to plane to cross the Atlantic, but as weeks turn into months, Darcy makes a surprising discovery. Preparing for motherhood and settling into a new career, she builds herself a new life from scratch, finally finding romance - in the most unexpected place.

Автор: Giffin Emily
Серия: Adventures of Darcy
Shadow’s Edge

Leander McLoughlin is leader of the Ikati, an ancient tribe of beautiful, savage shape-shifters who live hidden in the forests of England. Their survival is rooted in secrecy, a secrecy threatened by the very existence of one raised outside the tribe. Charged with capturing her before she can expose their secret, Leander tracks the unsuspecting outsider to Southern California. The great warrior is prepared for a fight ? but not for the effect the courageous young beauty has on his heart. Jenna Moore spent her childhood in hiding, on the run from an unseen enemy. Now her mother is dead and her father has vanished without a trace, leaving Jenna alone to contend with sudden strange, superhuman abilities. When handsome, enigmatic Leander McLoughlin appears, promising answers to all of her questions, she knows she shouldn't trust him. But their connection is as undeniable as the dangerous destiny drawing her home?

Автор: Geissinger J T
Серия: Night Prowler
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In this sexy series based around the Mayan doomsday prophecy, a group of magic- wielding warrior heroes called the Nightkeepers are ready to fight the demon creatures of the underworld to prevent annihilation...

When prominent Mayanist Ambrose Ledbetter goes missing, his daughter Sasha tracks his remains down to an ancient temple. Before she can recover from the shock, she is kidnapped. Slick and charming recruit Michael Stone rescues Sasha from her imprisonment and feels an instant attraction. But he doesn't dare get involved, with the threat of his dark side growing stronger and the powers of sorcery on the rise. Both Michael and Sasha will discover a new passion together and one they have to admit to in order to change their worlds...

Автор: Andersen Jessica
Серия: Nightkeepers

Imprisoned and tortured by the demoness who tricked him into betraying the Nightkeepers and the woman he loves, Rabbit must endure excruciating pain to protect the diminished Skywatch army as the end-time approaches. Although an ancient prophecy says his unique powers are key to winning the final battle in the doomsday war, he hasn’t just lost his credibility—he’s lost his magic.

Myrinne is far from the woman Rabbit once knew—she’s got magic now, and despite emotional scars, she’s strong enough to help the Nightkeepers. And yet she’s not prepared to handle the fiercely driven man he’s become or the new, dangerous feelings that spark between them.

With the barrier ready to fall and a xombi outbreak in the human world, Rabbit and Myrinne must forge a new partnership amid dangerous instability and the threat of an undead army. In the end, it will be up to Rabbit to master his ferocious magic—or all will be lost. For him, for the woman he doesn’t have the right to love anymore, and for the fate of the world…

Автор: Andersen Jessica
Серия: Nightkeepers
Storm Kissed

When sexy Nightkeeper Dez goes rogue, the bounty hunter enlisted to catch him is Reese, his former lover. The sexual energy between them is hotter than ever-but the life-and-death stakes attached to the chase may pull them apart for good.

Автор: Andersen Jessica
Серия: Nightkeepers

Ex-detective Macmillan has a taste for bad girls, but his last lover really took the cake?and his humanity. Now a half-demon, Mac?s lost his friends, his family, and his job. Then a beguiling vampire asks for his help to find her son. Suddenly, Mac has a case to work?one that leads him deeps into the supernatural prison where Mac learns that cracking the case will cost him his last scrap of humanity.

Автор: Ashwood Sharon
Серия: The Dark Forgotten
Spirit's Oath

Four years before the events of The Spirit Thief, Miranda Lyonette was a young apprentice Spiritualist on the cusp of a promising career. But on the eve of her return from bonding a wind spirit, a night that should have been a celebration, she finds instead that her father has come to take her home. Now, Miranda must choose between her duty to her family and her future at the Spirit Court. But while she’s trying to make her parents see reason and avoid an arranged marriage to a man she can’t stand, she stumbled across the one one spirit who needs her more than any other, a caged ghosthound who doesn’t want her help. To save him, Miranda will have to earn the dog’s trust, but what she gets in return is a friendship deeper than anything she expected.

Автор: Aaron Rachel
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Spirit’s End

Eli Monpress is clever, he's determined, and he's in way over his head.

First rule of thievery: don't be a hero. When Eli broke the rules and saved the Council Kingdoms, he thought he knew the price, but resuming his place as the Shepherdess's favorite isn't as simple as bowing his head. Now that she has her darling back, Benehime is setting in motion a plan that could destroy everything she was created to protect, and even Eli's charm might not be enough to stop her. But Eli Monpress always has a plan, and with disaster rapidly approaching, he's pulling in every favor he can think of to make it work, including the grudging help of the Spirit Court's new Rector, Miranda Lyonette.

But with the world in panic, the demon stirring, and the Lord of Storms back on the hunt, it's going to take more than luck and charm to pull Eli through this time. He's going to have to break a few more rules and work with some old enemies if he's going to survive.

Автор: Aaron Rachel
Single Wolf Female

Midnight Liaisons - 2.5

Alice Savage needs an alpha – any alpha – to prevent her pack from being usurped by the lecherous Roscoe. As a last resort, she signs up for the Midnight Liaisons dating service, never expecting that she’d find the alpha she seeks. She certainly didn’t expect Jackson Wilder, a laid back, sexy-as-sin outsider who claims to be an alpha.

But Alice has a problem that most female wolf alphas don’t — she’s a virgin. And the female alpha of a wolf pack always belongs to a male alpha. Luckily for her, Jackson’s utterly gorgeous and willing to take things slow. But is he alpha enough to help her save her pack…or is he too easy-going to be the man she needs?

Автор: Sims Jessica
Scythe Does Matter

Kirsty’s afterlife gets even more Hellish in this second installment of The Reluctant Reaper series when her soul-stealing ex-boss targets her beloved aunt. Her only chance to stop him? Becoming a Reaper herself. Fortunately, her hunky new boyfriend, Italian-poet-turned-Reaper Dante Alighieri, is there to help.Still trapped in the bureaucratic inferno known as Hell, Kirsty d’Arc redoubles her efforts to escape back to the Mortal Coil when she learns Conrad is after the soul of her beloved aunt. To save Aunt Carey, Kirsty must enroll at the Reaper Academy and earn a scythe of her own. Studying topics like Exor-scything 101, Riding the Death Cycle, and Reincarnation for Dummies is strange. But then, so are her classmates: a fallen angel, the Death Valley girls, and Kali—the ancient god of death, destruction, and those little earring backs that always go missing. 

Now time is running out thanks to a temporal crisis she may have accidentally created. Can she graduate, rescue her aunt, take down Conrad, and save Hell and every other dimension—before the clock stops ticking?

As the saying goes in Hell, “Be careful what you wish for; it just might get you!”

Автор: Grant Gina X
Серия: The Reluctant Reaper
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Scars of the Earth

Amanda is a Healer. So naturally she is accustomed to falling into nightmares. She had witnessed terrible things ever since she could remember, horror scenes that an innocent child's mind should never have to process. Life as a healer had three rules: Never question the Ancients. Never stay in a scar with a demon. And never fall in love. As fate would have it, she was about to break all three.

Автор: Moore C S

Katie Greene’s worst nightmare comes true when her mother dies, and she’s devastated to learn that she will have to leave the only home she’s ever known. Desperate to find where she belongs, she must decide if she has what it takes to start a new life across the ocean.

For Yuu Tomohiro, every day is a nightmare. He struggles to control his strange ability, and keeps everyone at a distance so they won’t get hurt—even his girlfriend, Myu. At night, a shadow haunts his dreams, and a mysterious woman torments him with omens of death and destruction. But these haunting premonitions are only the beginning…

Автор: Sun Amanda
Shadow's Curse

Suffering under a horrible curse and renounced by his clan, the Imnada shape-shifter, David St. Leger, stalks the London nights in the form of a large black wolf, channeling his desperate rage on thieves and murderers. But when he’s captured by the very woman he sought to rescue, he’s thrown into the magical and dangerous world of the Other—half human, half-Fey, and one of the Imnada’s ancient enemies.

Forced by her half-brother to use her gift of necromancy as a money-making scheme, Callista Hawthorne wants only to flee to her aunt in Scotland where she’ll be safe. Considering David her last hope, she offers him a deal—freedom in exchange for his protection on the long journey north.

Now in a race for their lives, Other and Imnada must put aside centuries of animosity and work together if they are to overcome the dark forces intent on stopping them before they reach safety. For Callista is far more powerful than she knows, and with her help and her love, David may finally be able to break the curse of the Imnada…

Автор: Egan Alexa
Серия: Imnada Brotherhood
Shadow's Curse

Suffering under a horrible curse and renounced by his clan, the Imnada shape-shifter, David St. Leger, stalks the London nights in the form of a large black wolf, channeling his desperate rage on thieves and murderers. But when he’s captured by the very woman he sought to rescue, he’s thrown into the magical and dangerous world of the Other—half human, half-Fey, and one of the Imnada’s ancient enemies.

Forced by her half-brother to use her gift of necromancy as a money-making scheme, Callista Hawthorne wants only to flee to her aunt in Scotland where she’ll be safe. Considering David her last hope, she offers him a deal—freedom in exchange for his protection on the long journey north.

Now in a race for their lives, Other and Imnada must put aside centuries of animosity and work together if they are to overcome the dark forces intent on stopping them before they reach safety. For Callista is far more powerful than she knows, and with her help and her love, David may finally be able to break the curse of the Imnada…

Автор: Egan Alexa
Серия: Imnada Brotherhood
Storm Warrior

Enslaved for millennia by the masters of the Welsh faery realm, the fierce Celtic warrior Rhys is doomed to wander the earth forever. But when a brave beauty unwittingly breaks the enchantment, he is drawn into a strange new world…and an all-consuming desire.

Sensible Morgan doesn’t believe in magic—until a mysterious being saves her from a fate worse than death, and life as she knows it changes forever. Now the man of her dreams has become flesh and blood, igniting a spark in Morgan’s soul which science cannot explain. But even a love that transcends time may not be strong enough to withstand the power of an ancient curse.

From the best-selling author of Changeling Moon, this stirring novel of passion and magic launches an addictive new series for fans of paranormal romance.

Автор: Harper Dani
Серия: Grim
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Spy's Honor

Rhianne, mind mage and Imperial Princess of Kjall, cannot openly challenge the emperor. Instead, she acts in secret to aid the victims of his worst excesses. But now the emperor plans to wed her to the cruel Augustan, the man leading Kjall’s attack against the nation of Mosar. Soon she will be torn from her supporters and shipped overseas, where she can help no one.

Mosari crown prince Janto is desperate to save his country from invasion. When one of his most trusted spies disappears while gathering intelligence at the Kjallan palace, Janto takes his place and continues searching for information that could save his people. But falling for the Imperial Princess was not part of his plan. Nor was having his true identity revealed…

Now Rhianne must make a choice—follow the path of tradition or the one of the heart, even if it means betraying her own people.

Автор: Raby Amy
Серия: Hearts and Thrones
Stroke Of Fear

Sometimes the things you love are the things you fear the most …

Aubrey Depp has already faced death and escaped it once. Now it is back to get her. Once a swimming champion at her high school, Aubrey’s life was taken away when a former swimmer and boyfriend tosses her over a bridge, leaving her for dead.

Now a senior in college, she takes a summer job as a camp counselor with her best friend Cassie and her it’s complicated boyfriend Jake. Then she meets southern heartthrob Tanner Young and her entire summer is flipped upside down. He’s damaged, has a sexy southern drawl and has his eyes set on Aubrey.

She doesn’t mind.

Tanner is damaged, broken and for the first time in a year, feels like he can love again. Aubrey Depp is the one he wants, and he won’t stop until he gets her.

With danger lurking in every corner, Tanner vows to protect Aubrey. Showing her it’s okay to take that Stroke of Fear.

Автор: Kar Alla

Piper's world is dying.

Each day brings hotter temperatures and heat bubbles that threaten to destroy the earth. Amid this global heating crisis, Piper lives under the oppressive rule of her mother, who suffocates her even more than the weather does. Everything changes on her eighteenth birthday, when her mother is called away on a mysterious errand and Piper seizes her first opportunity for freedom.

Piper discovers a universe she never knew existed—a sphere of gods and monsters—and realizes that her world is not the only one in crisis. While gods battle for control of the Underworld, Piper’s life spirals out of control as she struggles to find the answer to the secret that has been kept from her since birth.

Автор: Hoover P J


Don’t leave me here... It starts with a whisper. At first Trinity thinks she’s going crazy. It wouldn’t be a big surprise—her grandpa firmly believes there’s a genuine dragon egg in their dusty little West Texas town. But this voice is real, and it’s begging for her protection. Even if no one else can hear it...


He’s come from a future scorched by dragonfire. His mission: Find the girl. Destroy the egg. Save the world.


He’s everything his twin brother Connor hates: cocky, undisciplined, and obsessed with saving dragons.

Trinity has no idea which brother to believe. All she has to go by is the voice in her head—a dragon that won’t be tamed.

Автор: Mancusi Mari
Серия: Scorched

It's a beautiful day for a war.

As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all.

And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoonworthy Aiden St. Delphi, they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.

In the stunning, action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear… or the end of herself.

Автор: Armentrout Jennifer L
Серия: Covenant
Sworn To Transfer

Eighteen-year-old companion trainee Ciardis Weathervane has won the friendship of the royal heir and saved his claim to the throne. Yet her interference in the inheritance rights leaves more harm done than good. The Ameles Forest lies unprotected and its inhabitants are dying.

As humans begin to die in gruesome deaths, the Emperor dispatches the royal heir to the forests with the solution to the kith concerns.

With enemies closing ranks in Sandrin, Ciardis can little afford to leave the city’s nest of vipers to take on a new task. But she’s given no choice when her loyalty to the crown and courts are called into question.

To keep the Companions’ Guild happy and the favor of the Imperial Court, Ciardis will be tested in frightening new ways, especially when she’s faced with an obstacle that could risk the lives of her friends and the family she never thought she had.

Автор: Edun Terah
Серия: Courtlight
Sweet Legacy

The stunning conclusion of Tera Lynn Childs's Greek mythology–based Sweet Venom trilogy is perfect for teen fans of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series.

The girls cannot hesitate as they seek the location of the lost door between the realms, even as monsters and the gods of Olympus descend on San Francisco in battle-ready droves.

Greer must use her second sight to step up and prevent anything from stopping her sisters' mission, even though a god is playing with her mind. Grace wants to trust her adopted brother, Thane; but will his secret put the girls in even more danger? And Gretchen has trained her sisters to stop the monsters, but her role as a huntress comes with more responsibility than she ever imagined.What will the girls' immortal legacy be? Three teenage descendants of Medusa must unite to restore balance to the world in this action-packed series with plenty of romance.

Автор: Childs Tera Lynn
Серия: Medusa Girls
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Simple Gone South

 The last time Brantley Kincaid had an argument with someone, he was eighteen years old—and he regrets it like he will never regret anything again. If only he had not balked at going to pick up his grandfather that day, his mother would not have driven into the path of a truck and there would be two fewer graves in Merritt Cemetery. Though a frequent visitor, he hasn't lived in Merritt since burying his mother and grandfather. But now he's coming back and it might not be so easy to hide behind his wit and charisma.

Outwardly, interior designer Lucy Mead is a beautiful, confident professional. Inside, she's the friendless, overweight girl who spent her life following her archeologist parents all over the globe. And who could forget those teenage years of turmoil and unrequited love? It would have been kinder if Brantley had not known she was alive rather than treating her like Robin to his Batman. She carries the humiliation to this day.

Their friends and Brantley's family are delighted when he sets his sights on Lucy, though Lucy isn't so sure. She cannot deny the attraction, but something is wrong. Does he really love her, or does he see her as a refuge and another way to run from his grief?

If she can’t find answers, what could be a simple, sweet life might go completely south

Автор: Pace Alicia Hunter
Серия: Gone South
Striking Distance

Her past is a secret—even to her.

Discovering it will be the most dangerous move of her life.

TV reporter Laura Nilsson, known as the "Baghdad Babe," spent eighteen months in an Al Qaeda compound after being kidnapped live on the air. Two years later, she's still wondering why.

No rescue mission in Javier Corbray's fourteen years as a Navy SEAL affected him the way Laura's rescue did. No woman has stirred his protective instincts the way she has. And he wants her more than he's ever wanted anyone.

As Laura and Javier's passion ignites, so does Laura's need to discover the mystery of her past. Especially when she learns that her abduction was not random—and that she's still a target for a killer with an impenetrable motive. Now Javier will have to rely on his skills to keep the woman he loves from being struck down before she dares uncover the truth.

Автор: Clare Pamela
Серия: The I-Team
Скачивание и чтение запрещены DCMA

The Surrender series has kept readers engaged since the first book hit the shelves. In this final installment to the series, you will finish the journey that Rafe and Ari started, as well as read the stories of Shane and Lia, and Rachel and Ian.

Love and desire run rampant throughout this series, but romance is about more than that. It’s about the small battles that lead to the greatest victories.

Is Ari and Rafe’s love powerful enough to withstand challenges beyond their control? Will Lia and Shane learn to compromise instead of careening between extremes of passion and loathing? Can Rachel give up her dream of living an ordinary life and learn to love King Adriane?

Read the conclusions of these three strong women’s stories, and learn what choices they make. Is love enough to conquer when the odds are stacked against them?

Автор: Anne Melody
Серия: Surrender

The Surrender series has kept readers engaged since the first book hit the shelves. In this final installment to the series, you will finish the journey that Rafe and Ari started, as well as read the stories of Shane and Lia, and Rachel and Ian.

Love and desire run rampant throughout this series, but romance is about more than that. It’s about the small battles that lead to the greatest victories.

Is Ari and Rafe’s love powerful enough to withstand challenges beyond their control? Will Lia and Shane learn to compromise instead of careening between extremes of passion and loathing? Can Rachel give up her dream of living an ordinary life and learn to love King Adriane?

Read the conclusions of these three strong women’s stories, and learn what choices they make. Is love enough to conquer when the odds are stacked against them?

Автор: Anne Melody
Серия: Surrender
Savage Awakening

A group of former Navy SEALS, the Alpha Pack is a top-secret team of wolf shifters with Psy powers combating the greatest dangers in the world. But sometime those dangers are more intimate than they bargained for…

After a mission goes wrong, Aric Savage is taken prisoner. Half-dead and despairing, he makes a stunning discovery: his Pack mate Micah Chase, who was reported dead, is a fellow captive. When the Alpha team goes into full-rescue mode, accompanying them is an absolute stunner with sable hair—and a spine of solid steel.

LAPD officer and Psy Dreamwalker Rowan Chase has one priority: her brother Micah’s recovery. Still, she can’t help but be drawn to Aric, the ruggedly handsome wolf shifter who pleasures her as no man ever has—however fleeting their affair is destined to be. But when Aric’s life is endangered, Rowan must ask herself what she’s willing to sacrifice in the name of love, for the man fated to be her Bondmate.

Автор: Tyler J D
Серия: Alpha Pack
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Sinner's Heart


Abraham Stirling, Lord Rothwell, was a fighter once, a soldier in the Colonies. But Bram returned to London with more nightmares than tales of glory. Now he drowns his senses in the arms of countless women, while his friends, the Hellraisers, ensure he needn't sin alone.

Until, that is, the Devil himself grants them each a wish, undoing their camaraderie as they explore their wicked powers. Bram finds himself magically bound to Valeria Livia Corva, the sensuous priestess who raised the Devil the first time—and died to send the demon back.

She may be a ghost, but Livia is no angel. The raw passion she witnesses in Bram's memories isn't much different from her behavior when she had a body to enjoy. But it doesn't make it any easier to convince Bram to become a warrior again, lest all London burn. And the fierce desires reawakening within her might just start the blaze...

Автор: Archer Zoe
Серия: The Hellraisers
Sinner's Heart


Abraham Stirling, Lord Rothwell, was a fighter once, a soldier in the Colonies. But Bram returned to London with more nightmares than tales of glory. Now he drowns his senses in the arms of countless women, while his friends, the Hellraisers, ensure he needn't sin alone.

Until, that is, the Devil himself grants them each a wish, undoing their camaraderie as they explore their wicked powers. Bram finds himself magically bound to Valeria Livia Corva, the sensuous priestess who raised the Devil the first time—and died to send the demon back.

She may be a ghost, but Livia is no angel. The raw passion she witnesses in Bram's memories isn't much different from her behavior when she had a body to enjoy. But it doesn't make it any easier to convince Bram to become a warrior again, lest all London burn. And the fierce desires reawakening within her might just start the blaze...

Автор: Archer Zoe
Серия: The Hellraisers
Shadow of the Wolf

Christopher Beckett is tired of being alone. His wolf is howling for his mate, and Chris knows it is only a matter of time before his needs override everything else in his life.

He casts the spell all the Becketts have used to call their mates to them. What he wants is a woman of an older lineage, of power to equal his own. And she has to accept the one aspect that sets him apart from almost every other wizard: his wolf.

What Chris gets is Alannah Evans, a powerful witch of the Evans Coven. The petite, dark haired woman has no problems with the wolf. What she does have a problem with is the fact that Chris is a wizard. Since wizards and witches don’t get along very well, neither should they, but the sparks flying between them can’t be denied.

Chris isn’t taking no for an answer. When it becomes clear that an old enemy has targeted them both Chris will wind up engaging his enemy in a duel that could cost him his life.

Or worse: Lana.

Автор: Eberharter Dana Marie
Серия: Heart’s Desire
Shadow of the Wolf

Christopher Beckett is tired of being alone. His wolf is howling for his mate, and Chris knows it is only a matter of time before his needs override everything else in his life.

He casts the spell all the Becketts have used to call their mates to them. What he wants is a woman of an older lineage, of power to equal his own. And she has to accept the one aspect that sets him apart from almost every other wizard: his wolf.

What Chris gets is Alannah Evans, a powerful witch of the Evans Coven. The petite, dark haired woman has no problems with the wolf. What she does have a problem with is the fact that Chris is a wizard. Since wizards and witches don’t get along very well, neither should they, but the sparks flying between them can’t be denied.

Chris isn’t taking no for an answer. When it becomes clear that an old enemy has targeted them both Chris will wind up engaging his enemy in a duel that could cost him his life.

Or worse: Lana.

Автор: Eberharter Dana Marie
Серия: Heart’s Desire
Steel Beauty

She's everything a big bad wolf could want.

Coping with a devastating injury is hard enough for Belinda--Belle--Campbell. Forced separation from her destined mate while she heals is almost more than she can endure. Until she is strong enough to take up her duties as Luna of the Poconos Wolf Pack, however, the safest place for her is Halle. Now, after months of being alone, she is more than ready to be claimed. But is the pack ready for a Puma Luna?

Rick Lowell has waited long enough to bring Belle home where she belongs. He's aware of the danger, as well--and it isn't long before a bitch with an eye on Belle's position issues a challenge. The only way to put down the threat is for Belle to defeat the usurper in combat.

There's only one problem. Thanks to the pins in her broken hip, Belle can't shift. Without that tactical advantage, it won't be a fair fight. With his new mate's life on the line, Rick is forced to make a decision that will change everything.

That is, if Belle gives him the chance to make it.

Warning: This title contains explicit sex, graphic language, lots of doggie (or is that kitty?) style and some songs Rick will never want to hear again. Ever.

Автор: Bell Dana Marie
Серия: Halle Pumas
Steel Beauty

She's everything a big bad wolf could want.

Coping with a devastating injury is hard enough for Belinda--Belle--Campbell. Forced separation from her destined mate while she heals is almost more than she can endure. Until she is strong enough to take up her duties as Luna of the Poconos Wolf Pack, however, the safest place for her is Halle. Now, after months of being alone, she is more than ready to be claimed. But is the pack ready for a Puma Luna?

Rick Lowell has waited long enough to bring Belle home where she belongs. He's aware of the danger, as well--and it isn't long before a bitch with an eye on Belle's position issues a challenge. The only way to put down the threat is for Belle to defeat the usurper in combat.

There's only one problem. Thanks to the pins in her broken hip, Belle can't shift. Without that tactical advantage, it won't be a fair fight. With his new mate's life on the line, Rick is forced to make a decision that will change everything.

That is, if Belle gives him the chance to make it.

Warning: This title contains explicit sex, graphic language, lots of doggie (or is that kitty?) style and some songs Rick will never want to hear again. Ever.

Автор: Bell Dana Marie
Серия: Halle Pumas
Sweet Dreams

Sweet dreams can easily become nightmares.

Getting attacked by some crazed she-devil, complete with claws and fangs, certainly wasn't on Rebecca Yaeger's agenda when she agreed to attend a local masquerade. In a few slashing moments, Becky learns things about her friends and the man she loves that she never would have suspected.

When Simon rescues Becky from an unprovoked attack by one of his Pride, he finally confirms what he's long suspected: she's his mate. Carrying her off to his home and dressing her wounds gives him the chance he's been waiting for--to taste her and mark her as his. And she's far sweeter than anything, or anyone, he's ever had before.

Just as their problems seem a thing of the past, a strange illness begins to haunt Becky, threatening to turn their sweet dreams into a nightmare.

Warning: This title contains explicit sex, graphic language, Godiva chocolates and a tall, dark and handsome shifter. (

Автор: Bell Dana Marie
Серия: Halle Pumas, Halle Puma
Sweet Dreams

Sweet dreams can easily become nightmares.

Getting attacked by some crazed she-devil, complete with claws and fangs, certainly wasn't on Rebecca Yaeger's agenda when she agreed to attend a local masquerade. In a few slashing moments, Becky learns things about her friends and the man she loves that she never would have suspected.

When Simon rescues Becky from an unprovoked attack by one of his Pride, he finally confirms what he's long suspected: she's his mate. Carrying her off to his home and dressing her wounds gives him the chance he's been waiting for--to taste her and mark her as his. And she's far sweeter than anything, or anyone, he's ever had before.

Just as their problems seem a thing of the past, a strange illness begins to haunt Becky, threatening to turn their sweet dreams into a nightmare.

Warning: This title contains explicit sex, graphic language, Godiva chocolates and a tall, dark and handsome shifter. (

Автор: Bell Dana Marie
Серия: Halle Pumas, Halle Puma
State of Rebellion

Everything has changed.

After a devastating ambush that left the militia group Freedom Fighters struggling to survive, Cassidy Hart has been lucky to escape with her life. Along with her Commander and former Navy SEAL Chris Young, she’s made a shocking discovery concerning the whereabouts of her father. The militias have moved further into the mountains. And the secret that is kept there will come with a price. But when the National Guard arrives, Cassidy is faced with a choice that will force her to decide between her friends and her family. Omega is getting stronger. The fight for freedom looms on the horizon. It’s all or nothing. And Cassidy has no intention of giving up.

Автор: Lane Summer
Серия: Collapse
State of Chaos

Cassidy Hart has had better days. Her dad is missing. Her friends have been captured. And modern society is pretty much gone, thanks to an EMP that destroyed the technological infrastructure of the United States. Surviving in the foothills of California is a challenge, but with the help of former Navy SEAL Chris Young, Cassidy’s been able to stay alive. Until now. Omega, the shadow army arisen from the chaos, won’t stop until every single survivor is either under their control or dead. Taken by soldiers and forced into a labor camp, Cassidy must turn the tables on her captors. Escape means everything. Unfortunately, staying out of Omega’s crosshairs is easier said than done. You can run. But you can’t hide. Cassidy’s about to learn that the hard way.

Автор: Lane Summer
Серия: Collapse
Spirit Flight

When Marisa Lacoste goes to the Cascades she never expects to end up running for her life. Betrayed. Terrified. Her pursuers close behind, she scrambles along a canyon wall until she's sent hurtling downward. Left to die, she regains consciousness to find herself in a cave with a warrior whose every touch and glance signals that she belongs to him. Ukiah cares for her. Makes love to her. Conquers her with pleasure. But when a decision on her part puts Marisa back in danger, he's forced to act, to test her courage and the strength of their new relationship by showing himself for what he is-a creation of magic and belief whose spirit takes flight in the storm.

Автор: Strong Jory
Серия: Thunderbird Chosen
Spirit Flight

When Marisa Lacoste goes to the Cascades she never expects to end up running for her life. Betrayed. Terrified. Her pursuers close behind, she scrambles along a canyon wall until she's sent hurtling downward. Left to die, she regains consciousness to find herself in a cave with a warrior whose every touch and glance signals that she belongs to him. Ukiah cares for her. Makes love to her. Conquers her with pleasure. But when a decision on her part puts Marisa back in danger, he's forced to act, to test her courage and the strength of their new relationship by showing himself for what he is-a creation of magic and belief whose spirit takes flight in the storm.

Автор: Strong Jory
Серия: Thunderbird Chosen
Spirit Flight

When Marisa Lacoste goes to the Cascades she never expects to end up running for her life. Betrayed. Terrified. Her pursuers close behind, she scrambles along a canyon wall until she's sent hurtling downward. Left to die, she regains consciousness to find herself in a cave with a warrior whose every touch and glance signals that she belongs to him. Ukiah cares for her. Makes love to her. Conquers her with pleasure. But when a decision on her part puts Marisa back in danger, he's forced to act, to test her courage and the strength of their new relationship by showing himself for what he is-a creation of magic and belief whose spirit takes flight in the storm.

Автор: Strong Jory
Серия: Thunderbird Chosen
Secret for a Nightingale

As a young girl in India, beautiful, high-spirited Susanna Pleydell had first became aware of her special gifts to soothe the sick. But she had sacrificed that calling when she married the dashing and sophisticated Aubrey St. Clare. When they return home to London, however, Aubrey has changed. Susanna discovers she has married a man with a weakness for opium and the occult. And even more menacing, Aubrey has met the sinister Dr. Damien Adar, whose hold over him is fierce and frightening...

Searching for Someday

Kate has given up on love—at least for herself. She is both blessed and cursed with the ability to sense a romantic connection between two people—a gift that her family passed down for generations. When Kate launches her own matchmaking company, Kinnection, with her two best friends in a cozy New York town, she has to put aside her own romantic disasters to make her business a success.

But when a furious man stalks into her office and accuses her business of being a scam, Kate is given the ultimate challenge to prove herself. Slade puts himself in her hands and asks Kate to find him love. Enraged at his arrogance but stubbornly eager to prove herself, Kate agrees, dedicating herself to the journey of finding him love...only to find herself falling for him along the way.

Автор: Probst Jennifer
Серия: Searching For
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Searching for Someday

Kate has given up on love—at least for herself. She is both blessed and cursed with the ability to sense a romantic connection between two people—a gift that her family passed down for generations. When Kate launches her own matchmaking company, Kinnection, with her two best friends in a cozy New York town, she has to put aside her own romantic disasters to make her business a success.

But when a furious man stalks into her office and accuses her business of being a scam, Kate is given the ultimate challenge to prove herself. Slade puts himself in her hands and asks Kate to find him love. Enraged at his arrogance but stubbornly eager to prove herself, Kate agrees, dedicating herself to the journey of finding him love...only to find herself falling for him along the way.

Автор: Probst Jennifer
Серия: Searching For
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Surrender to Love

After finding herself out of luck and out of love, Patricia Jacobs has written off the male species. No one but her father has ever given her the love and devotion she knows she deserves, and she’s sick and tired of it. Until she collides, literally, with a man whose devastating smile and seductive charm that should be considered illegal, destroys her plans. He’s everything she’s ever dreamed of in a man: handsome, intelligent, successful, they share a love of cars and best of all; he looks at her like she’s his light in the dark. What more could a girl ask for?

Jonathon Bradshaw, destroyed by a past that has haunted his every waking moment for the last five years, isn’t looking for a serious relationship, until he meets Patricia. Sweet, saucy and as hot as the summer is long, Jon can’t deny the draw he has toward her. For the first time, he has hope. Determined to shake the ghosts of his past, Jon focuses on forging a future with Patti, but he’s always been a master at standing in his own way.

When Jon’s past refuses to be forgotten, will Patti be able to live with the truth about the man who’s stolen her heart?

Автор: Valentine J C
Серия: Night Calls
Surrender to Love

After finding herself out of luck and out of love, Patricia Jacobs has written off the male species. No one but her father has ever given her the love and devotion she knows she deserves, and she’s sick and tired of it. Until she collides, literally, with a man whose devastating smile and seductive charm that should be considered illegal, destroys her plans. He’s everything she’s ever dreamed of in a man: handsome, intelligent, successful, they share a love of cars and best of all; he looks at her like she’s his light in the dark. What more could a girl ask for?

Jonathon Bradshaw, destroyed by a past that has haunted his every waking moment for the last five years, isn’t looking for a serious relationship, until he meets Patricia. Sweet, saucy and as hot as the summer is long, Jon can’t deny the draw he has toward her. For the first time, he has hope. Determined to shake the ghosts of his past, Jon focuses on forging a future with Patti, but he’s always been a master at standing in his own way.

When Jon’s past refuses to be forgotten, will Patti be able to live with the truth about the man who’s stolen her heart?

Автор: Valentine J C
Серия: Night Calls


Nick Merrick is stretched to breaking point. He's trying to keep his grades sky-high or he won't get in to college. He's trying to keep his brother's business afloat or the Merricks will be out on the street. He's trying to keep the secret of where he's going in the evenings from his twin brother Gabriel - or he fears he'll lose his family. And he's trying to keep his mind off the hot, self-assured dancer who is his 'girlfriend's' partner.

And then Quinn takes to hanging around his sworn enemy, and an Elemental Guide is counting the hours until he can try again to kill the Merrick brothers. Storms are brewing. On all sides.


Автор: Kemmerer Brigid
Seven for a Secret

Tragedy brought young Frederica to the idyllic hamlet of Harper's Green. But as she grew from child to woman, she became powerless against her love for the enigmatic Crispin Tamarisk, and drawn more closely to his family's secrets and curses that seemed directed to her...

Sweet Deal

The relationship is pretend. The chemistry…isn’t.

After her last job ended with a broken heart and a humiliating exit from the company, Shelby Leighton’s project management career is back on track with a new job and a high-profile project. The problem: her new boss is a little too friendly, and the staff is talking. Can you say, “déjà vu?” The solution: casually mention a fictional new boyfriend.

New problem: she’s expected to bring her new man to the upcoming corporate picnic.

Jake Magill doesn’t do relationships. It’s casual or nothing, but the hot blonde he’s been eyeing at the coffee shop sure is something. Especially when she confesses her problem, and he finds himself offering to act as her date.

Sounds simple. Stroll around the party with Shelby’s sexy curves clinging to his arm? He’s all over it. Until he meets her boss—the man who once stole and married the one woman Jake thought he loved.

Now Jake’s the one with a reason to pretend. If only to save his own pride…and Shelby from the predatory gaze of the man who could ruin her, and any chance of finding out if their fake connection is the real thing.

Product Warnings: Contains one desperate lady in need, and a pretend boyfriend who shows impressive dedication to nailing all—and then some—elements of his role. Oh my!

Автор: Jamieson Kelly
Sweet Deal

The relationship is pretend. The chemistry…isn’t.

After her last job ended with a broken heart and a humiliating exit from the company, Shelby Leighton’s project management career is back on track with a new job and a high-profile project. The problem: her new boss is a little too friendly, and the staff is talking. Can you say, “déjà vu?” The solution: casually mention a fictional new boyfriend.

New problem: she’s expected to bring her new man to the upcoming corporate picnic.

Jake Magill doesn’t do relationships. It’s casual or nothing, but the hot blonde he’s been eyeing at the coffee shop sure is something. Especially when she confesses her problem, and he finds himself offering to act as her date.

Sounds simple. Stroll around the party with Shelby’s sexy curves clinging to his arm? He’s all over it. Until he meets her boss—the man who once stole and married the one woman Jake thought he loved.

Now Jake’s the one with a reason to pretend. If only to save his own pride…and Shelby from the predatory gaze of the man who could ruin her, and any chance of finding out if their fake connection is the real thing.

Product Warnings: Contains one desperate lady in need, and a pretend boyfriend who shows impressive dedication to nailing all—and then some—elements of his role. Oh my!

Автор: Jamieson Kelly
Siren Unleashed

Twin detectives Ben and Chase Dawson have been sent to investigate an unusual murder at a resort owned by Julian Lodge. Julian wants them to protect the prime suspect, a young submissive who was the last person to see the victim alive. The job seems simple until Ben and Chase discover that the beautiful submissive they both desire has a dark past.

Natalie Buchanan came to the Willow Fork Tranquility Spa seeking sanctuary after escaping the clutches of a twisted sadist. Working as a massage therapist at the resort has given her a chance to heal as well as access to the spa’s secret dungeon. But when one of her regular clients ends up dead on her table, Natalie fears that the monster she once escaped has come back to claim her.

As Natalie rediscovers the beauty of BDSM with her twin Masters, all three will be forced to confront her past.

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

Автор: Oak Sophie
Серия: Texas Sirens
Siren in Bloom

For Leo Meyer, being the Dom in residence at The Club has been a perfect life. A strict daily routine free from emotional attachment has been safe and comfortable. But when the only woman he ever loved walks back into his life, his world is turned upside down.

Wolf Meyer has been restless since an injury ended his career in the Navy SEALs. Hoping to reconnect with his brother Leo, Wolf accepted a job with Julian Lodge. His first assignment is to train Shelley McNamara, a gorgeous sub with a troubled past.

Shelley came to The Club to forge a new life and heal her wounded heart. She never dreamed that exploring her dark fantasies with her new Master would leave her caught between two brothers.

When Shelley’s life is threatened, the Meyer brothers will have to work together and use all their training to save her life and claim her heart.

Автор: Oak Sophie
Серия: Texas Sirens
Siren in Waiting

Bethany “Mouse” Hobbes spent her entire life waiting, especially for the love of Bo O’Malley. But for the first time in her life, she is ready to start living, with or without him. She has found her dream, restoring a rustic farmhouse on the outskirts of town.

Trev McNamara left Deer Run a high school hero and has returned, his pro football career in ruins. When Trev meets Mouse, he discovers a passion strong enough to overcome his past. But can she accept his dominant desires?

Bo O’Malley has lived his whole life in the shadow of his brother, never committing to anything or anyone. When the woman he secretly loved all his life begins an affair with the man who betrayed his trust, Bo will do anything to claim her as his own.

Transformed by their love, will Mouse be enough woman for both of them?

Автор: Oak Sophie
Серия: Texas Sirens
Siren Beloved

Aidan O’Malley left his fiancée, Lexi Moore, and their best friend, Lucas Cameron, after a night of passion left him shaken to his core. Years later, Aidan is back and he knows what he wants. He wants Lucas and Lexi forever.

Lucas has always been in love with Lexi, but he knows they need something more. They need the perfect Dom to complete their family. He never expected Aidan would be the Dom of their dreams.

Lexi is hiding a secret. She knows she’s drowning and the time has come to heal, but her anger at Aidan holds her back from moving on with Lucas.

When Lexi’s life is in danger, Aidan knows he’ll do anything to win them back—and keep them alive.

Автор: Oak Sophie
Серия: Texas Sirens
Siren Enslaved

Julian Lodge has everything a man could want. He’s rich, successful and owns the most exclusive BDSM club in Dallas. But something is missing.

Finn Taylor has worked his way up in the world from humble beginnings in Willow Fork, Texas. The only thing he still loves in his hometown is Danielle Bay. He never told her he was actually bisexual, and he never confessed his love for her. Now she’s getting married, and Finn is sure he’s lost his chance with the only person he’ll ever love.

Julian’s vacation to the Barnes-Fleetwood ranch brings them all together. After Dani jumps into Julian’s car while fleeing her wedding, Julian knows he has to have her. But nothing is easy in Willow Fork. A danger from Julian’s past threatens them all. Julian will have to convince both Dani and Finn that being his will be the best decision they ever made.

Автор: Oak Sophie
Серия: Texas Sirens
Sirens in Bliss

What happens after happily ever after?

It’s the event of the year. The wedding of Leo and Wolf Meyer to their beautiful sub, Shelley McNamara, has all of Bliss up in arms—and makes everyone think about love and marriage and family.

Wolf and Leo have to deal with the sudden reappearance of their father. Rafe Kincaid is handed an opportunity that might take him and his family away from Bliss. Aidan, Lexi, and Lucas O’Malley find themselves at a crossroads in their marriage. And Stefan Talbot must face his biggest fear—possibly losing his wife in childbirth.

So come to the Feed Store Church, pick a seat, and enjoy the chaos as all your favorite characters from Texas Sirens and Nights in Bliss, Colorado, come together for one eventful weekend.

And some of them may never be the same again.

Note: This is a reunion book, which shares an overall story arc and many crossover characters with the Texas Sirens and Nights in Bliss series. This is not a stand-alone.

Автор: Oak Sophie
Sirens in Bliss

What happens after happily ever after?

It’s the event of the year. The wedding of Leo and Wolf Meyer to their beautiful sub, Shelley McNamara, has all of Bliss up in arms—and makes everyone think about love and marriage and family.

Wolf and Leo have to deal with the sudden reappearance of their father. Rafe Kincaid is handed an opportunity that might take him and his family away from Bliss. Aidan, Lexi, and Lucas O’Malley find themselves at a crossroads in their marriage. And Stefan Talbot must face his biggest fear—possibly losing his wife in childbirth.

So come to the Feed Store Church, pick a seat, and enjoy the chaos as all your favorite characters from Texas Sirens and Nights in Bliss, Colorado, come together for one eventful weekend.

And some of them may never be the same again.

Note: This is a reunion book, which shares an overall story arc and many crossover characters with the Texas Sirens and Nights in Bliss series. This is not a stand-alone.

Автор: Oak Sophie
Siren in the City

When the Dom's away...the subs will play! Jack and Sam married Abby. It was supposed to be for forever, but lately Abby wonders where her alpha male has gone. Jack has retreated, and life has become decidedly vanilla. It isn't the true threesome she and Sam wanted. Sam and Abby know the time has come to fight for what they need.

A call from his mentor forces Jack to revisit the club where discovered his sexuality. Jack's half-brother is in the city and interested in a little blackmail. Can Jack handle two defiant subs and a brother in need of tough love?

Sometimes all it takes to find the way home is a little love and a lot of bondage.

Автор: Oak Sophie
Серия: Texas Sirens
Small Town Siren

Jack Barnes and Sam Fleetwood have been best friends since they met in foster care. They share a business as cattle ranchers and a house. All they need now is a woman to share. The men are sure they've found that woman when Abigail Moore returns to Willow Fork, Texas. Abby left her hometown twenty years before under a cloud of scandal. She's raised a daughter, forged a new life for herself, and is ready for the next phase when she meets the handsome cowboys. They're a dream come true; Jack is the sexy Dom, and Sam the playful lover. It's everything she's ever fantasized about. There's only one problem. She's still not welcome in Willow Fork, and someone is willing to kill to keep her away.

Автор: Oak Sophie
Серия: Texas Sirens
Saraband for Two Sisters

Angelet and Bersaba. They were identical twins, but their alikeness stopped at their physical appearance. Angelet was gentle and mild in her innocence. While Bersaba was dark and devious in her overwhelming sensuality. They hadnever been apart - until Bersaba became ill. Angelet was immediately packed off to London. There she met and married Richard Tolworthy and went to live at the handsome, brooding manor house at Far Flamstead. Bersaba had always thought she would be the first to wed. Recovered, she went to visit the newlyweds with more jealousy than joy in her heart. Nothing could have prepared her for the secrets she discovered there. Secrets of a carefully hidden past that could unleash dangerous passions and forever separate her from the sister she had always loved...

Speed Mating

Midnight Liaisons - 2.3

Estrella may be going into heat, but she’s determined to remain in control. Just because she’s ovulating doesn’t mean she has to settle for just any man (or his beast). Her sexy alpha’s determined to find her a tiger to take care of her heat and father her child…but no one seems to look quite as good as the man in charge. Will giving in to her need for her alpha ruin her tenuous relationship with her clan or be a match made in heaven?

(This story originally appeared in the anthology “Fire & Frost”)

Автор: Sims Jessica
Speed Mating

Midnight Liaisons - 2.3

Estrella may be going into heat, but she’s determined to remain in control. Just because she’s ovulating doesn’t mean she has to settle for just any man (or his beast). Her sexy alpha’s determined to find her a tiger to take care of her heat and father her child…but no one seems to look quite as good as the man in charge. Will giving in to her need for her alpha ruin her tenuous relationship with her clan or be a match made in heaven?

(This story originally appeared in the anthology “Fire & Frost”)

Автор: Sims Jessica
State of Emergency


What would you do if the world as you know it ended in an instant?

How far would you go to survive?

Cassidy Hart is your typical High School graduate: A little shy, a little sarcastic, and a little naive. But when an electromagnetic pulse takes down the United States, she’s forced to kick into full survival mode when she gets separated from her father.

Yeah. Things suck.

But with the help of a handsome soldier named Chris, she just might find her dad without getting into serious trouble.

Emphasis on might.

Oh. And there’s the matter of avoiding getting killed in a world that’s quickly turned into an active war zone.

It’s going to change Cassidy’s life.

It’s going to be a major pain in the butt.


State of Emergency is a Young Adult/New Adult Dystopian Romance.


Автор: Lane Summer
Серия: Collapse
Selbstopfermänner: под крылом божественного ветра

Возможно, когда-то было время, когда бы я позволил тебе уйти, Я бы даже не пытался, но я думаю, ты могла бы спасти мою жизнь… Просто не бросай меня, я не подведу тебя. Нет, я не подведу тебя… Просто не переставай верить, я все утрясу. Пожалуйста, не сдавайся! Я не подведу тебя… Whataya Want From Me (с) Adam Lambert

Автор: Leigh Lora
Серия: Bound Hearts

Jesse Wyman knows Terrie’s reluctance to accept the desires that are a natural part of him. Desires he sees lurking in the darkest depths of her eyes. But Terrie must accept those needs herself. In a bold and risky turn, Jesse dares her to seduce him. Challenges her to accept her needs, to push her own boundaries. She must convince him. She must be willing to risk her heart, her very soul, for the ultimate prize. But is Terrie more daring than even Jesse knew?

Автор: Leigh Lora
Secretary’s Punishment

When Emily Robinson lands a good job with Bonham Industries, she's desperate to keep it. Unfortunately, Emily's new boss, Edward Caudry, is a very strict man and even the tiniest mistakes infuriate him. One day, after yet another typo, Edward gives Emily a choice: she can be fired or submit to a “punishment” that will better help her focus—a bare-bottomed spanking! While part of Emily rebels at the idea—it's certainly not allowed in today's workplace!—another part of her is secretly aroused by it, so she agrees. But Edward keeps pushing her deeper into her submission to his will and she finds herself drawn in to the highly erotic nature of their new relationship. Fans of the cult classic movie “Secretary” will appreciate this homage, although it is not a retelling of that story.

Автор: McKenna J W
Sin Hellcat

Bored with his perfect suburban life, a bitter '60s ad man reconnects with his college sweetheart, a prostitute who enlists him in a spectacular act of international smuggling.

Автор: Shaw Andrew
Sindroma unicuma. Finalizi (СИ)

Это городское фентези, близкое к научной фантастике. Не пугайтесь вступления. Дотерпите. В нем просто рассказывается что произошло в мире. Без этого будет трудно понять мироустройство романа. Действия происходят в научно-магическом институте. Г. героиня девушка Эва - студентка, на долю которой выпало не мало бед. Рассказывается о её жизни, учёбе, о людях что ей помогают и наоборот терзают. Г. герой как раз из последних. Мир романа достаточно жесток. Но в повествовании есть и юмор, и ирония. Все герои очень живые, яркие.  

Автор: Хол Блэки
Серия: Sindroma unicuma
State of Alliance

“[Summer Lane] has a real knack for writing dialogue as well as action scenes.”

— Ellisa Barr, author of Outage

There is no such thing as safe.

For Commander Cassidy Hart, staying alive is only one of her day-to-day problems. As a newly minted Senator of the State of California, she must travel to Monterey Bay with the hope of bringing an agreement between the militia forces and the Pacific Northwest Alliance as the United States desperately battles against the shadow invasion forces of Omega.

But Monterey is not what it seems. The threat of another Omega attack is imminent, and Commander Chris Young — the love of Cassidy’s life — is not the only important person who is keeping secrets. Assassinations, betrayal and startling revelations lie ahead.

The war is now. Fight or die.

Choose your side.

The fifth installment in the international bestselling YA/NA Post-Apocalyptic Series.

Автор: Lane Summer
Серия: Collapse

Endowed with rank, wealth and elegance, Sylvester, Duke of Salford, posts into Wiltshire to discover if the Honorable Phoebe Marlow will meet his exacting requirements for a bride. If he does not expect to meet a tongue-tied stripling wanting both manners and conduct, then he is intrigued indeed when his visit causes Phoebe to flee her home. They meet again on the road to London, where her carriage has come to grief in the snow. Yet Phoebe, already caught in one imbroglio, now knows she soon could be well deep in another …

Автор: Heyer Georgette
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Shut Out

Most high school sports teams have rivalries with other schools. At Hamilton High, it's a civil war: the football team versus the soccer team. And for her part,Lissa is sick of it. Her quarterback boyfriend, Randy, is always ditching her to go pick a fight with the soccer team or to prank their locker room. And on three separate occasions Randy's car has been egged while he and Lissa were inside, making out. She is done competing with a bunch of sweaty boys for her own boyfriend's attention.

Lissa decides to end the rivalry once and for all: She and the other players' girlfriends go on a hookup strike. The boys won't get any action from them until the football and soccer teams make peace. What they don't count on is a new sort of rivalry: an impossible girls-against-boys showdown that hinges on who will cave to their libidos first. And Lissa never sees her own sexual tension with the leader of the boys, Cash Sterling, coming.

Автор: Keplinger Kody
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Shut Out

Most high school sports teams have rivalries with other schools. At Hamilton High, it's a civil war: the football team versus the soccer team. And for her part,Lissa is sick of it. Her quarterback boyfriend, Randy, is always ditching her to go pick a fight with the soccer team or to prank their locker room. And on three separate occasions Randy's car has been egged while he and Lissa were inside, making out. She is done competing with a bunch of sweaty boys for her own boyfriend's attention.

Lissa decides to end the rivalry once and for all: She and the other players' girlfriends go on a hookup strike. The boys won't get any action from them until the football and soccer teams make peace. What they don't count on is a new sort of rivalry: an impossible girls-against-boys showdown that hinges on who will cave to their libidos first. And Lissa never sees her own sexual tension with the leader of the boys, Cash Sterling, coming.

Автор: Keplinger Kody
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Shards of Hope

Awakening wounded in a darkened cell, their psychic abilities blocked, Aden and Zaira know that they must escape. But when the lethal soldiers break free from their mysterious prison, they find themselves in a harsh, inhospitable landscape far from civilization. Their only hope for survival is to make it to the hidden home of a predatory changeling pack that doesn't welcome outsiders.

And they must survive. Aden will cross any line to keep his people safe for this new future, where even an assassin might have hope of a life beyond blood and death and pain. Zaira has no such hope. She knows that she's too damaged to return from the abyss. Her driving goal is to protect Aden, to protect the only person who has ever come back for her no matter what. But this time, even Aden's passionate determination may not be enough — because the emotionless chill of Silence existed for a reason. For the violent, and the insane, and the irreparably broken . . . like Zaira.

Автор: Singh Nalini
Серия: Psy-Changelings
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Sense & Sensibility

From one of the most insightful chroniclers of family life working in fiction today comes a contemporary retelling of Jane Austen's classic novel of love, money, and two very different sisters.

John Dashwood promised his dying father that he would take care of his half sisters. But his wife, Fanny, has no desire to share their newly inherited estate with Belle Dashwood's daughters. When she descends upon Norland Park with her Romanian nanny and her mood boards, the three Dashwood girls - Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret - are suddenly faced with the cruelties of life without their father, their home, or their money.

As they come to terms with life without the status of their country house, the protection of the family name, or the comfort of an inheritance, Elinor and Marianne are confronted by the cold hard reality of a world where people's attitudes can change as drastically as their circumstances.

With her sparkling wit, Joanna Trollope casts a clever, satirical eye on the tales of Elinor and Marianne Dashwood. Reimagining Sense and Sensibility in a fresh, modern new light, she spins the novel's romance, bonnets, and betrothals into a wonderfully witty coming-of-age story about the stuff that really makes the world go around. For when it comes to money, some things never change...

Автор: Trollope Joanna
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Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers

A dangerously seductive collection of tales that—like the sirens themselves—are impossible to resist

Sensuality mingles with fantasy in this sultry anthology starring fairies, sphinxes, werewolves, and other beings by masterful storytellers including Joyce Carol Oates, Neil Gaiman, Jane Yolen, Ellen Kushner, and more. Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers features a vampire who falls in love with her human prey, an updated Red Riding Hood fantasy, an unsuspecting young man who innocently joins in seductive faerie revelry, and a cat goddess made human. Alluring and charismatic, this collection from master editors Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling will stimulate more than just your imagination.

This ebook features illustrated biographies of Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, including rare photos from the editors’ personal collections.

Серия: Alien Sex
Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers

A dangerously seductive collection of tales that—like the sirens themselves—are impossible to resist

Sensuality mingles with fantasy in this sultry anthology starring fairies, sphinxes, werewolves, and other beings by masterful storytellers including Joyce Carol Oates, Neil Gaiman, Jane Yolen, Ellen Kushner, and more. Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers features a vampire who falls in love with her human prey, an updated Red Riding Hood fantasy, an unsuspecting young man who innocently joins in seductive faerie revelry, and a cat goddess made human. Alluring and charismatic, this collection from master editors Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling will stimulate more than just your imagination.

This ebook features illustrated biographies of Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, including rare photos from the editors’ personal collections.

Серия: Alien Sex
Shiver : 13 Sexy Tales of Humor and Horror

The sassy ladies of sexy Romantic Comedy serve up some spooky and spicy Halloween fun.

Серия: Anthology
Shiver : 13 Sexy Tales of Humor and Horror

The sassy ladies of sexy Romantic Comedy serve up some spooky and spicy Halloween fun.

Серия: Anthology
Scandalous Desires

Can a pirate learn that the only true treasure lies in a woman's heart?

Widowed Silence Hollingbrook is impoverished, lovely, and kind--and nine months ago she made a horrible mistake. She went to a river pirate for help in saving her husband and in the process made a bargain that cost her her marriage. That night wounded her so terribly that she hides in the foundling home she helps run with her brother. Except now that same river pirate is back...and he's asking for her help.

"Charming" Mickey O'Connor is the most ruthless river pirate in London. Devastatingly handsome and fearsomely intelligent, he clawed his way up through London's criminal underworld. Mickey has no use for tender emotions like compassion and love, and he sees people as pawns to be manipulated. And yet he's never been able to forget the naive captain's wife who came to him for help and spent one memorable night in his bed...talking.

When his bastard baby girl was dumped in his lap--her mother having died--Mickey couldn't resist the Machiavellian urge to leave the baby on Silence's doorstep. The baby would be hidden from his enemies and he'd also bind Silence to him by her love for his daughter.

Автор: Hoyt Elizabeth
Серия: Maiden Lane
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Slightly Wicked

With his laughing eyes and wild, rakish good looks, Lord Rannulf Bedwyn is a hard man to resist. To Judith Law, a woman in need of rescue when the stagecoach in which she is traveling overturns, Rannulf is simply her savior, her dream come true, an heroic stranger with whom she will allow herself one night of reckless passion before she must settle to the dreary life of companion to her wealthy aunt. However, a shock is in store for her when that same stranger turns out to be the eligible, wealthy son of a duke--and when he arrives at Harewood Grange to woo her cousin.

Judith holds firm against all Rannulf's advances, both honorable and otherwise. But then scandal rocks the household and threatens her name and her very liberty, and it is Rannulf who rides to her rescue--bringing all the considerable power and influence of the Bedwyns to her defense.

But can a relationship begun in passion and culminating in gratitude offer them a future together? Can true love grow out of something very slightly wicked...

Автор: Balogh Mary
Серия: Bedwyn Saga
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Sweet Ruin

An immortal assassin is caught between desire and duty in this sizzling new novel from Kresley Cole's number-one New York Times best-selling Immortals After Dark series.

A foundling raised in a world of humans

Growing up, orphaned Josephine didn't know who or what she was — just that she was "bad", an outcast with strange powers. Protecting her baby brother, Thaddeus, became her entire life. The day he was taken away began Jo's transition from angry girl...to would-be superhero...to enchanting villain.

A lethally sensual enforcer on a mission

Whether by bow or in bed, archer Rune the Baneblood never fails to eliminate his target. In his sights: the oldest living Valkyrie. Yet before he can strike, he encounters a vampiric creature whose beauty mesmerizes him. With one bite, she pierces him with aching pleasure, stealing his forbidden blood — and jeopardizing the secrets of his brethren.

A boundless passion that will lead to sweet ruin...

Could this exquisite female be a spy sent by the very Valkyrie he hunts? Rune knows he must not trust Josephine, yet he's unable to turn her away. When Jo betrays the identity of the one man she will die to protect, she and Rune become locked in a treacherous battle of wills that pits ultimate loyalty against unbridled lust.

Автор: Cole Kresley
Серия: Immortals After Dark
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Slow Burn

The Colton Points of View Collection

One Night. That's all it was supposed to be. Reeling from the sudden loss of her sister, Haddie Montgomery has sworn off relationships. All she wanted from Beckett Daniels was a sexy distraction to help her escape her pain for just a little while....There weren’t supposed to be any strings attached—so why can’t she shake the memory of that unforgettable night from her thoughts? Or the taste of his kiss from her lips? No matter how hard Haddie tries to forget about him, Becks relentlessly tries to prove that she should start living for today. But she is determined to avoid romantic commitment, and she can always use her ex-boyfriend’s reappearance to help snuff out the slow burn within her that Becks has sparked.... Or will fate force her to realize that this kind of connection doesn’t come along very often and a chance at love is worth the risk?

Автор: Bromberg K
Серия: The Driven Trilogy
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Sweet Ache

The Colton Points of View Collection

Hawkin Play, the bad boy rock star with a good guy heart, has lived a lifetime of cleaning up after his twin brother’s mistakes. Hunter’s most recent screw-up could land Hawke in jail and risk the band’s future. Hawke agrees to guest lecture at a local college to stay in the judge’s good graces—and a bet with his bandmate to seduce his sexy teaching assistant is icing on the cake. Quinlan Westin is harder to bed than Hawke imagined. She knows his type and is determined to avoid the rocker at all costs—even if their attraction runs deeper than simple lust. Just as Hawke might finally be winning over the girl, his brother has other plans. When Hunter realizes his twin finally has a weakness, he’ll stop at nothing to take advantage…

Автор: Bromberg K
Серия: The Driven Trilogy
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Saraband for Two Sisters

Angelet and Bersaba. They were identical twins, but their alikeness stopped at their physical appearance. Angelet was gentle and mild in her innocence. While Bersaba was dark and devious in her overwhelming sensuality. They had never been apart - until Bersaba became ill. Angelet was immediately packed off to London. There she met and married Richard Tolworthy and went to live at the handsome, brooding manor house at Far Flamstead. Bersaba had always thought she would be the first to wed. Recovered, she went to visit the newlyweds with more jealousy than joy in her heart. Nothing could have prepared her for the secrets she discovered there. Secrets of a carefully hidden past that could unleash dangerous passions and forever separate her from the sister she had always loved...

Автор: Carr Philippa
Second Honeymoon

Now that her third and last child has left the nest, Edie Boyd's life turns suddenly and uncomfortably silent. She begins to yearn for the maternal intimacy that now seems lost to her forever. Be careful what you wish for…Before long, a mother-and-child reunion is in full swing: life away from the nest has proven to be unexpectedly daunting to the children, who one-by-one return home, bringing their troubles.

With an unannounced new phase of parenthood suddenly stretching ahead of her, Edie finds her home more crowded than ever. In this touching, artful novel, Joanna Trollope has created a family drama for the ages, a moving story of work, love and eternal parenthood.

Автор: Trollope Joanna
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Song of the Siren

Carlotta Main & Damaris Main

As England erupts in violent Jacobite upheaval, two half-sisters - one of surpassing beauty and untamed spirit; the other plain, shy and dutiful - vie for the love of a man and the life of a child.

When the lovely and willful Carlotta, on her way to the home of her suitor Benjie Stevens, is abducted by the dashing Jacobite leader Lord Hessenfield and forced to share his bed, she doesn't dream that the shameful coupling will spiral into mutual passion. But Hessenfield must flee to France, and Carlotta finds herself pregnant with his child. Desperate to save face and future, she marries Benjie and resolves to live happily ever after - until she returns home to find her half-sister Damaris in love with Matt Pilkington, son of the neighboring estate owner. Never one to deny her desires, Carlotta plunges into a torrid affair with Matt, a betrayal that sends the trusting Damaris into a nearly fatal illness, a easting disease from which only Carlotta's child, the enchanting Clarissa, can save her.

With Damaris restored to health and a quiet if empty life, and Carlotta reunited in France with her true love, Hessenfield, it seems that each sister has realized her destiny - until a desperate letter from Paris reveals the terrible price Carlotta has paid for her happiness and begs Damaris to save the child Clarissa from a similar fate.

Автор: Carr Philippa
Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers

A dangerously seductive collection of tales that—like the sirens themselves—are impossible to resist

Sensuality mingles with fantasy in this sultry anthology starring fairies, sphinxes, werewolves, and other beings by masterful storytellers including Joyce Carol Oates, Neil Gaiman, Jane Yolen, Ellen Kushner, and more. Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers features a vampire who falls in love with her human prey, an updated Red Riding Hood fantasy, an unsuspecting young man who innocently joins in seductive faerie revelry, and a cat goddess made human. Alluring and charismatic, this collection from master editors Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling will stimulate more than just your imagination.

This ebook features illustrated biographies of Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, including rare photos from the editors’ personal collections.

Серия: Alien Sex

Candy – it's the only the name she needs – is blazing her way through Paris, New York and Tokyo as fashion's latest international supermodel… Her sister, Tammy, has a job producing the most successful hit show on TV, and a home she loves in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills… In New York, oldest sister Sabrina is an ambitious young lawyer, while Annie is an American artist in Florence, living for her art… On one Fourth of July weekend, as they do every year, the four sisters come home to Connecticut for their family's annual gathering. But before the holiday is over, tragedy strikes and their world is utterly changed. Suddenly, four sisters who have been fervently pursuing success and their own lives – on opposite sides of the world – come together to share one New York brownstone, to support each other and their father, and to pick up the pieces while one sister struggles to heal her shattered body and soul. Thus begins an unscripted chapter of their lives, as a bustling house is soon filled with eccentric dogs, laughter, tears, friends, men… and the kind of honesty and unconditional love only sisters can provide. But as the four women settle in, each is forced to confront the direction of their respective lives. As the year passes and another July Fourth approaches, a season of grief and change gives way to new beginnings as a family comes together to savor its blessings and a future filled with unexpected gifts, surprises, and ultimately, hope. With unerring insight and compassion, Danielle Steel tells a compelling story of four sisters who love and laugh, struggle and triumph… and are irrevocably woven into the fabric of each other's lives. Brilliantly blending humor and heartbreak, she delivers a powerful message about the fragility – and the wonder – of life.

Автор: Steel Danielle
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Steal the Dragon

Slave. Swordwielder. Spy. Some girls have all the luck...

When Rialla was young, slave traders from Darran ambushed her clan, killing all the men and enslaving the women and children. For years, Rialla lived in bondage, until she escaped and fled to the mercenary nation of Sianim.

Now she can strike back at her former masters. A lord in Darran seeks to outlaw slavery—but there are plots to kill him before he can. Rialla is chosen by the Spymaster of Sianim to prevent the murder—and is plunged into a world of deadly magic...

Автор: Briggs Patricia
Серия: Sianim
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Sword Art Online

Версия текста от 27.05.12. Последнюю версию можно найти на http://ushwood.ru/sao

Sept jours pour une éternité…

Marc Levy, roi du best-seller depuis Et si c'était vrai…, est de retour avec Sept jours pour une éternité! San Francisco aujourd'hui. Lucas est le genre beau brun ténébreux un peu vénéneux sur les bords; Zofia est une belle plante ingénue à qui on donnerait le Bon Dieu sans confession. À qui s'en remettre pour que ces deux-là se rencontrent? Au destin, forcément, qui s'en charge aux alentours de la quarantième page. Tous deux sont envoyés du ciel: Lucas est le délégué sur terre du diable, ici nommé le Président, et Zofia l'émissaire de Monsieur, c'est-à-dire Dieu en personne. Lucas et Zofia vont jouer sur le plan singulier la partie que le diable et Dieu jouent à l'échelle universelle. Le diable a plus d'un tour dans son sac et Dieu sait tout, par définition. Le seul impondérable c'est ce fichu Destin qui pousse page après page Lucas dans les bras de Zofia et fait croître entre eux un attachement très spécifique aux humains: l'amour.

Sur fond de péripéties policières et d'une intrigue pas tout à fait nécessaire mettant en scène des promoteurs immobiliers véreux (l'auteur était architecte avant d'être romancier à succès, peut-être y a-t-il ici un règlement de comptes par la bande), Marc Levy signe une fable moderne, bien troussée, sur l'amour. Joueur, il multiplie à loisir les métaphores et les situations cocasses entre les anges et les démons. Les droits de Et si c'était vrai… ont été achetés par Spielberg pour une adaptation hollywoodienne. Nous ne serions pas étonné que Sept jours pour une éternité trouve également preneur!

Автор: Levy Marc
Silver Girl

Meredith Martin Delinn just lost everything: her friends, her homes, her social standing – because her husband Freddy cheated rich investors out of billions of dollars.

Desperate and facing homelessness, Meredith receives a call from her old best friend, Constance Flute. Connie's had recent worries of her own, and the two depart for a summer on Nantucket in an attempt to heal. But the island can't offer complete escape, and they're plagued by new and old troubles alike. When Connie's brother Toby – Meredith's high school boyfriend – arrives, Meredith must reconcile the differences between the life she is leading and the life she could have had.

Set against the backdrop of a Nantucket summer, Elin Hilderbrand delivers a suspenseful story of the power of friendship, the pull of love, and the beauty of forgiveness.

Автор: Hilderbrand Elin
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It's June 15th, the night of Nantucket High School graduation. Four juniors are driving home from a party when something goes horribly wrong and there is a crash. The driver of the car, Penny Alistair, is killed, and her twin brother, Hobby Alistair, is left in a coma. Penny's boyfriend, Jake Randolph, and Penny's friend Demeter Castle are unhurt-but suffer tremendous emotional damage. Jake and his family move to the other side of the globe-to the west coast of Australia-in order to escape the horrors of the accident. Demeter falls prey to alcohol abuse and other self-destructive behaviors that nearly lead to her destroying her own life.

SUMMERLAND delves into the circumstances surrounding this accident, the roots of which lie deep in the past, with the first interactions between these four friends and their parents. It's a novel about how tragedy affects individuals, families, and the island community as a whole, and how healing can happen, in even the most devastating circumstances.

Автор: Hilderbrand Elin
Sveika, mana jaunā dzīve!

Man jāmācās sevi aizstāvēt, – nolemj Megija Storma, kuras dienas aizrit, uzkopjot mājas cilvēkiem, kam bieži ir daudz naudas, bet maz pieklājības.

Prātam jāpatur virsroka pār sirdi, – sev iegalvo Ella Mūra, kura atgūstas pēc septiņiem velti izšķiestiem gadiem neauglīgās attiecībās.

Vairs nekādu sieviešu, – apsola sev Ītans Edvardss, kurš agrāk no savas depresīvi tukšās laulības dzīves glābies, regulāri krāpjot sievu…

Kā viņiem veiksies ar solījumu pildīšanu?

Автор: žeimsa Erika
Silver Silence

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh introduces a bold new chapter in her extraordinary paranormal romance saga with the Psy-Changeling Trinity series. Wild passion will encounter the darkest of betrayal...

Control. Precision. Family. These are the principles that drive Silver Mercant. At a time when the fledgling Trinity Accord seeks to unite a divided world, with Silver playing a crucial role as director of a worldwide emergency response network, wildness and chaos are the last things she needs in her life. But that’s exactly what Valentin Nikolaev, alpha of the StoneWater Bears, brings with him.

Valentin has never met a more fascinating woman. Though Silver is ruled by Silence—her mind clear of all emotion—Valentin senses a whisper of fire around her. That’s what keeps him climbing apartment buildings to be near her. But when a shadow assassin almost succeeds in poisoning Silver, the stakes become deadly serious…and Silver finds herself in the heart of a powerful bear clan.

Her would-be assassin has no idea what their poison has unleashed...

Автор: Singh Nalini
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Strange Weather in Tokyo

Shortlisted for the 2012 Man Asian Literary Prize, Strange Weather in Tokyo is a story of loneliness and love that defies age.

Tsukiko, thirty-eight, works in an office and lives alone. One night, she happens to meet one of her former high school teachers, “Sensei,” in a local bar. Tsukiko had only ever called him “Sensei” (“Teacher”). He is thirty years her senior, retired, and presumably a widower. Their relationship develops from a perfunctory acknowledgment of each other as they eat and drink alone at the bar, to a hesitant intimacy which tilts awkwardly and poignantly into love.

As Tsukiko and Sensei grow to know and love one another, time’s passing is marked by Kawakami’s gentle hints at the changing seasons: from warm sake to chilled beer, from the buds on the trees to the blooming of the cherry blossoms. Strange Weather in Tokyo is a moving, funny, and immersive tale of modern Japan and old-fashioned romance.

Literary Awards: Man Asian Literary Prize Nominee (2012), Independent Foreign Fiction Prize Nominee (2014), Tanizaki Prize 谷崎潤一郎賞 (2001).

Автор: Kawakami Hiromi
Sindroma unicuma. Эпилог

Заключительная книга про приключения девушки Эвы.

Это городское фэнтези, близкое к научной фантастике. Не пугайтесь вступления. Дотерпите. В нем просто рассказывается, что произошло в мире. Без этого будет трудно понять мироустройство романа. Действия происходят в научно-магическом институте. Главная героиня, девушка Эва — студентка, на долю которой выпало немало бед. Рассказывается о её жизни, учебе, о людях, что ей помогают и, наоборот, терзают. Главный герой — как раз из последних. Мир романа достаточно жесток. Но в повествовании есть и юмор, и ирония. Все герои очень живые, яркие.

(Любительская аннотация)

В файл добавлены 3 бонуса с СИ и ответы автора на вопросы читателей

Автор: Хол Блэки
Серия: Sindroma unicuma
Sex with a Stranger

Bleak, funny and excruciatingly accurate, Sex with a Stranger examines what it is to be in your twenties, lonely, hollow and uncertain.

Adam meets Grace in a club. They go back to hers. Earlier that day, his girlfriend watches as he prepares for his big night out.

‘A dazzling achievement’ – Independent

‘Wonderfully frank, true and tender…. extraordinarily touching’ – Telegraph

‘Skilfully constructed, painful-to-watch but very funny… a talent on the move’ – Whatsonstage.com

Автор: Golaszewski Stefan
Sekretaj sonetoj

La temo de la «Sekretaj sonetoj»estas eterna kiel la vivo mem: la amo. Klasika, senriproĉa formo el 52 sonetoj, 2 rondeloj kaj balado-epilogo (la virtuozan poezian teknikon de la aŭtoro konas ĉiu leganto!) prezentas tute eksterordinaran enhavon — «la ardan amon trans ĉemizo».

Verdire, se oni traktas Sekretajn Sonetojn sen antaŭjuĝoj — la ciklo estas tute ĉasta kaj altspirita. Ĝi ne liveras pornografiaĵojn, ne reklamas perversojn, sed traktas la veran amon, ĉar «la vera am’ neniam ja perversas» (XXII), «tabuo ne ekzistas por la am’» (XXX).

Ĝenerale, por legi la libron oni bezonas ne nur libere posedi esperanton kaj esti ne surda al poezio, sed ankaŭ — havi krom ĉio cetera bonan senton de humuro. Preskaŭ ĉie en la versoj de Kalocsay ĉeestas milda ironio, kaj tio donas al atentema leganto apartan plezuron.

La «Komplezaj klarigoj» estas duonŝerca glosaro de kelkaj raraj vortoj kaj neologismoj, inter kiuj enkondukitaj de la aŭtoro (ekzemple pugo). Tradicia parto de multaj esperantaj libroj, la glosaro, ĉi tie estas senriproĉe versita per kvinjamboj (kvankam senrime), kaj havas apartan artan valoron. Laŭ la diro de la aŭtoro,

ĝi vin ne sole distras, sed instruas
vin ankaŭ uzi pli vortriĉan stilon:
kunligos vi plezuron kaj utilon.
(Laŭ recenzo de V. Melnikov en LOdE №10/11)
Автор: Peneter Peter
Song of Summer

The thirteen qualities of Robin’s Perfect Man range from the mildly important "Handsome"? to the all-important "Great taste in music."? After all, Westfield’s best high school folk musician can’t go out with some schmuck who only listens to top 40 crap. So when hot Carter Paulson walks in the door of Robin’s diner, it looks like the list may have come to life after all...until she realizes he’s profoundly deaf.

Carter isn’t looking for a girlfriend. Especially not a hearing one. Not that he has anything against hearing girls, they just don’t speak the same language. But when the cute waitress at Grape Country Dairy makes an effort to talk with him, he takes her out on his yellow Ducati motorcycle.

Music, language, and culture all take a backseat as love drives the bike. But how long can this summer really last?

Автор: Anderson Laura Lee
Soulmate Золотого Дракона

Мне с детства было известно, что я полукровка, но вот чья капля крови смешалась с ангельской никто не знал. И всё шло гладко до того момента, пока в мою жизнь не ворвался дерзкий незнакомец с очаровательной улыбкой и скверным характером.

После знакомства с ним пришло требование, чтобы я немедленно явилась в академию драконов и прошла там обучение. Я Дракон? Серьёзно? Хуже быть не может… Или всё-таки может?

Soulmate* (Соулмейт) образованно от английского словосочетания soul mate, что в переводе значит родственная душа (вторая половинка).


В тексте есть: драконы, соулмейты, академия драконов


Set against the dramatic backdrop of World War II, Nazi Germany, Swallow is the story of a young woman destined to fly.

Gabriele Richter, the daughter of an ambitious German general, connives her way into the Luftwaffe, becoming Germany’s only female fighter pilot and ‘ace’. Flying like a swallow, she defends the Fatherland with the gusto and fearlessness of youth, confronting death on every sortie and living by the Luftwaffe edict “Fly till we die”. On the cusp of womanhood, Gabi also learns about love. She shares her heart with Heinz, a young, impulsive ‘fledgling’ pilot set on becoming a war hero. She bares her soul to Hans, an ambitious flight commander whose love is troubled with demons of self-doubt. She gives herself to narcissistic Kurt and his scar fetish, comforted by his unwavering loyalty. She confides in RAF Wing Commander Arthur Wilson, living in hope to love again…

But, after discovering her beloved father, General Max Richter, has been implicit in horrific war crimes against humanity, she turns her back on the Fatherland, helping the enemy restore and fly Germany’s latest weapon, the Me-262 fighter jet. With the end of war imminent, Gabi’s tragic destiny is fulfilled, leaving General Richter to face retribution.

This novel is written in Australian English.

Spelling, grammar and some expressions may vary from US conventions.

Автор: Fischer Heidi

Меня зовут Кэрри, но для него, я всего лишь серая мышь благодаря которой он сможет поймать кота. Я всего лишь девушка, которая оказалась не в то время и не в том месте, под дулом пистолета, и под прицелом его синих глаз. Я именно та, кто по мнению остальных видела его лицо и ощущала горячие руки у себя на теле. Я та, чье сердце колотиться каждый раз, когда передо мной, возникает парень в черной маске и заставляет ему подчиниться.


Новинки! Свежие поступления книг жанра «Любовные романы»

  •  Слишком поздно
     Гувер Колин
     Фантастика, Ужасы и Мистика, Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Детектив, Любовные романы, Современные любовные романы, Остросюжетные любовные романы, О любви, , ,

    Любимый автор пользователей TikTok, более 435 млн упоминаний.

    «Трудно признать, что браку пришел конец, когда любовь еще не ушла. Люди привыкли считать, что брак заканчивается только с утратой любви. Когда на место счастья приходит злость.

    Но мы с Грэмом не злимся друг на друга. Мы просто стали другими.

    Мы с Грэмом так давно смотрим в противоположные стороны, что я даже не могу вспомнить, какие у него глаза, когда он внутри меня.

    Зато уверена, что он помнит, как выглядит каждый волосок на моем затылке, когда я отворачиваюсь от него по ночам».

    Совершенной любви Квинн и Грэмма угрожает их несовершенный брак.

    Они познакомились при сложных обстоятельствах. Драматичное, но красивое начало. Сейчас же близится конец. Что может спасти их отношения?

    Квинн уверена, что должна забеременеть. Но ее уверенность становится и тем, что ведет их брак к концу.

    Сколько секретов, недосказанностей и боли могут скрывать друг от друга любящие люди? И обратим ли этот процесс?

    «Восхитительный, но и буквально выворачивающий наизнанку роман. Убедительная история о том, как ожидания счастливой жизни не оправдываются… и что с этим делать». – Library Journal

    «Душераздирающе… Еще один потрясающий роман от Колин Гувер». – Bustle

    «Пронзительная история любви». – Booklist

    «Совершенное изображение несовершенного брака». – Kirkus

    Колин Гувер – троекратная обладательница премии Goodreads Choice Award в номинации «Любовный роман». Автор бестселлеров «Уродливая любовь» и многих других. Ее произведения переведены на множество языков и постоянно попадают в списки бестселлеров по версии New York Times и Amazon.com. Сильные, эмоциональные истории Колин Гувер покорили сердца миллионов читательниц по всему миру, ведь они посвящены лучшему чувству на земле.

  •  Слишком поздно
     Гувер Колин
     Фантастика, Ужасы и Мистика, Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Детектив, Любовные романы, Современные любовные романы, Остросюжетные любовные романы, О любви, , ,

    Любимый автор пользователей TikTok, более 435 млн упоминаний.

    «Трудно признать, что браку пришел конец, когда любовь еще не ушла. Люди привыкли считать, что брак заканчивается только с утратой любви. Когда на место счастья приходит злость.

    Но мы с Грэмом не злимся друг на друга. Мы просто стали другими.

    Мы с Грэмом так давно смотрим в противоположные стороны, что я даже не могу вспомнить, какие у него глаза, когда он внутри меня.

    Зато уверена, что он помнит, как выглядит каждый волосок на моем затылке, когда я отворачиваюсь от него по ночам».

    Совершенной любви Квинн и Грэмма угрожает их несовершенный брак.

    Они познакомились при сложных обстоятельствах. Драматичное, но красивое начало. Сейчас же близится конец. Что может спасти их отношения?

    Квинн уверена, что должна забеременеть. Но ее уверенность становится и тем, что ведет их брак к концу.

    Сколько секретов, недосказанностей и боли могут скрывать друг от друга любящие люди? И обратим ли этот процесс?

    «Восхитительный, но и буквально выворачивающий наизнанку роман. Убедительная история о том, как ожидания счастливой жизни не оправдываются… и что с этим делать». – Library Journal

    «Душераздирающе… Еще один потрясающий роман от Колин Гувер». – Bustle

    «Пронзительная история любви». – Booklist

    «Совершенное изображение несовершенного брака». – Kirkus

    Колин Гувер – троекратная обладательница премии Goodreads Choice Award в номинации «Любовный роман». Автор бестселлеров «Уродливая любовь» и многих других. Ее произведения переведены на множество языков и постоянно попадают в списки бестселлеров по версии New York Times и Amazon.com. Сильные, эмоциональные истории Колин Гувер покорили сердца миллионов читательниц по всему миру, ведь они посвящены лучшему чувству на земле.

  •  Слишком поздно
     Гувер Колин
     Фантастика, Ужасы и Мистика, Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Детектив, Любовные романы, Современные любовные романы, Остросюжетные любовные романы, О любви, , ,

    Любимый автор пользователей TikTok, более 435 млн упоминаний.

    «Трудно признать, что браку пришел конец, когда любовь еще не ушла. Люди привыкли считать, что брак заканчивается только с утратой любви. Когда на место счастья приходит злость.

    Но мы с Грэмом не злимся друг на друга. Мы просто стали другими.

    Мы с Грэмом так давно смотрим в противоположные стороны, что я даже не могу вспомнить, какие у него глаза, когда он внутри меня.

    Зато уверена, что он помнит, как выглядит каждый волосок на моем затылке, когда я отворачиваюсь от него по ночам».

    Совершенной любви Квинн и Грэмма угрожает их несовершенный брак.

    Они познакомились при сложных обстоятельствах. Драматичное, но красивое начало. Сейчас же близится конец. Что может спасти их отношения?

    Квинн уверена, что должна забеременеть. Но ее уверенность становится и тем, что ведет их брак к концу.

    Сколько секретов, недосказанностей и боли могут скрывать друг от друга любящие люди? И обратим ли этот процесс?

    «Восхитительный, но и буквально выворачивающий наизнанку роман. Убедительная история о том, как ожидания счастливой жизни не оправдываются… и что с этим делать». – Library Journal

    «Душераздирающе… Еще один потрясающий роман от Колин Гувер». – Bustle

    «Пронзительная история любви». – Booklist

    «Совершенное изображение несовершенного брака». – Kirkus

    Колин Гувер – троекратная обладательница премии Goodreads Choice Award в номинации «Любовный роман». Автор бестселлеров «Уродливая любовь» и многих других. Ее произведения переведены на множество языков и постоянно попадают в списки бестселлеров по версии New York Times и Amazon.com. Сильные, эмоциональные истории Колин Гувер покорили сердца миллионов читательниц по всему миру, ведь они посвящены лучшему чувству на земле.

  •  Реанимация солнца
     Волжская Анастасия, Яблонцева Валерия
     Любовные романы, Любовно-фантастические романы,

    «Я заново запустила его сердце. Он перезагрузил мою жизнь».

    Говорят, жизнь в трущобах Абисс-сити тяжела и опасна. Но я, Солана Диаз, знаю секрет. Нужно лишь соблюдать неписаные правила. Казалось бы, что может быть проще – не задавать вопросов, не вмешиваться в разборки между бандами, не нарушать врачебный нейтралитет и знать свое место. А главное – никогда, ни при каких условиях, ни в коем случае не связываться с бойцами «Механического солнца» – безжалостными, практически неуязвимыми убийцами.

    Но один вечер изменил все.

  •  Стражи Сердца. Единственная для пустынников
     Полынь Кира
     Фантастика, Киберпанк, Фэнтези, Любовные романы, Современные любовные романы, Эротика, Старинное, Старинная литература, Любовно-фантастические романы

    — Она не твоя. Это мой ребенок и ребенок Рената.

    — Продолжаешь врать, — он цокнул языком, и опустил ладони на мои плечи, сжимая до боли в мышцах. — Я вспомнил тебя, Катюша, вспомнил, как имел тебя, во что ты была одета, и даже как стонала, вспомнил. Понимаешь? Я все вспомнил.

    — Это мой ребенок и ребенок Рената, — твердила, как заевшая пластинка.

    Просто повторяла одно и то же, а пальцы все сильнее вминались в плечи, принося только боль, растекающуюся по спине.

    — Ты пришла к нему уже беременная.

    — Нет.

    — Ты от меня залетела.

    — Нет, от Рената.

    — По срокам не сходится.

    — Преждевременные. Полина родилась недоношенной.

    — Че ты мелешь?! — прорычал мне в лицо, разворачивая к себе и встряхивая. — Хватит гнать, Катя! Она моя дочь, и останется со мной.

  •  Стражи Сердца. Единственная для пустынников
     Полынь Кира
     Фантастика, Киберпанк, Фэнтези, Любовные романы, Современные любовные романы, Эротика, Старинное, Старинная литература, Любовно-фантастические романы

    — Она не твоя. Это мой ребенок и ребенок Рената.

    — Продолжаешь врать, — он цокнул языком, и опустил ладони на мои плечи, сжимая до боли в мышцах. — Я вспомнил тебя, Катюша, вспомнил, как имел тебя, во что ты была одета, и даже как стонала, вспомнил. Понимаешь? Я все вспомнил.

    — Это мой ребенок и ребенок Рената, — твердила, как заевшая пластинка.

    Просто повторяла одно и то же, а пальцы все сильнее вминались в плечи, принося только боль, растекающуюся по спине.

    — Ты пришла к нему уже беременная.

    — Нет.

    — Ты от меня залетела.

    — Нет, от Рената.

    — По срокам не сходится.

    — Преждевременные. Полина родилась недоношенной.

    — Че ты мелешь?! — прорычал мне в лицо, разворачивая к себе и встряхивая. — Хватит гнать, Катя! Она моя дочь, и останется со мной.

Новинки месяца жанра «Любовные романы»

 Жанры книг

 Новые обзоры