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Johansen Iris - книги автора

Творчество автора (Johansen Iris) представлено в следующих сериях книг:

A Summer Smile

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Iris Johansen comes a classic tale of thrilling adventure and unbound passion, as two people embark on a journey through terror and desire…

At twenty-one, Zilah Dabala has already survived a harrowing past. Now she's convinced she can handle anything on her own-even being held hostage by a terrorist group. But Daniel is determined to rescue her. And soon their escape ignites an intimacy neither has ever known. Once Daniel learns Zilah's tragic secret, however, he fears she may be lost to him forever. He's defied death many times over-but can he teach a young woman the healing power of love?

Daniel Seifert has spent his life on the edge of danger, carrying out high-risk security missions across the globe. But it's more than adventure that compels him to tempt fate yet again-it's a young woman in a photograph, a woman whose warm, wise-beyond-her-years smile gives Daniel the inexplicable feeling that he's found something he's been searching for all along.

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A wtedy umrzesz…

Słońce świeci, na rynku małego miasteczka w Meksyku panuje cisza i spokój. Mimo to widać, że wydarzyło się coś niepojętego, a Bess Grady, fotoreporterka, i jej siostra Emily mimowolnie znalazły się w samym środku katastrofy. W chaosie i zamieszaniu Emily znika, Bess zaś staje się zakładniczką. Ponieważ chodzi o życie niewinnych ofiar, musi przystać na współpracę z dziwnym nieznajomym; jego motywy są podejrzane, za nim ściele się ścieżka zasłana trupami. Do czego doprowadzi ta niebezpieczna gra?

Across the River of Yesterday

From the moment he saw seductive, violet-eyed Serena Spaulding, Gideon Brandt was imprisoned by the reckless longings of his heart. But Serena escaped from his arms, and he couldn't find her again until years later. And then his overwhelming need to possess her placed them both in grave danger in savage, sun-kissed Castellano. Gideon's sizzling touch exposed Serena's secret yearnings and made her cling to his strength, teaching her that destiny had meant them to be together. She blossomed under the blazing intensity of his passion, but her own obsession for the man she could never resist would test her pride – and her love. Swept up in a revolution that risked both their lives, could Gideon and Serena survive?


#1 New York Times bestselling author Iris Johansen provides her trademark blend of seductive romance and pulse-pounding suspense in this classic tale of a woman who unexpectedly finds herself living – and loving – on the edge of danger.

Lisa Landon makes her living with her voice – a voice fueled by a heartbreak she vows never to experience again. But despite her renown, Lisa's real ambition is to escape the memories that follow her from one sold-out engagement to the next. Perhaps that's what brings her to the exotic desert nation of Sedikhan and the nightclub where she meets Clancy Donahue.

Clancy takes one look at the beautiful, vulnerable chanteuse and knows she is exactly the woman he's been searching for. The Sedikhan security chief needs to bait a trap for a terrorist moneyman, and Clancy is certain that Lisa will be irresistible. What he doesn't count on is that he won't be able to resist her either – and that he'll do anything to protect her, even if it means risking his own life. With deadly plans in motion and Lisa in the crosshairs, Clancy realizes that before their romance can get to always, it will first have to reach tomorrow.

Blood Game

Eve Duncan returns in a thriller that pits her against the most evil mind she has ever encountered: a ruthless killer who taunts her with his every move…and who has a special affinity for blood. When a Georgia senator's daughter is found murdered, and her body drained of blood, Eve Duncan is drawn into the web of Kevin Jelak – a serial murderer who is on Eve's short list of killers who might know something about her missing daughter Bonnie. When a goblet of blood is found in Eve's refrigerator, she knows the taunting is over…and the games have begun. As Eve and Jelak engage in a dance of death, Eve must call upon those she loves and trusts the most…even if it means bringing them into the game as well.

Blue Velvet

When Beau Landry spots Kate Gilbert at the seaside bar, he's sure she's the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Rashly, Beau agrees to use his ship to help Kate rescue her friends, but soon finds himself in danger both at sea and in the arms of the bewitching Kate.


When Eve gave birth to Bonnie, she experienced a love she never knew existed. Eve's entire life came into focus and nothing was going to stand in the way of giving her daughter a wonderful life – the kind of life she herself never experienced. And then, the unthinkable happened. On an ordinary class trip to a local park, seven-year-old Bonnie vanished. Eve found herself in the throes of a nightmare that permeated her days and nights, and from which there was no escape. But a new Eve emerged: a woman who would use her remarkable talent as a forensic sculptor and her passion for helping others to find closure when the unthinkable happens to their child. A woman who would stop at nothing to find her own daughter's killer and bring her body home. A woman with both justice and vengeance on her mind. Finally, in the trilogy that began with Eve and continued with Quinn, comes the story that fans have been dying to read. With the help of her beloved Joe Quinn and CIA Agent Catherine Ling, Eve Duncan gets closer and closer to answering the questions that have tormented her. But the deeper she digs, the more she realizes that Bonnie's father, John Gallo, is a key player in solving this monstrous puzzle. And that Bonnie's disappearance was not as random as everyone had always believed. Eve, Joe, Catherine, and John find themselves in a deadly dance where answers will be uncovered, and justice might finally be served – if they can all stay alive.

Callejón sin salida

Ella no estaba dispuesta a ser una víctima…

A pesar del cariño y los cuidados de Eve y Joe, Jane no ha tenido una infancia como las demás. Siempre ha sido más inteligente y madura que muchos de los adultos que la rodean. Por eso, cuando comienzan los sueños, reacciona con cautela. Sabe que las pesadillas la conectan con alguien que vivió hace mucho tiempo, una joven que sufrió y murió pero que de alguna manera sigue viva en ella. Y pronto descubre que no es la única, que existe otra persona que vive obsesionada con aquellos remotos sucesos: un cazador de mujeres para el que Jane representa la presa definitiva. Ni la policía, ni sus queridos padres adoptivos, pueden protegerla. Quizá ni siquiera Trevor, el misterioso extraño que se cuela en su vida en el momento más peligroso, provocando en ella sentimientos a los que creía ser inmune.

… Pero se había convertido en el cebo perfecto.

Brillante como un científico, seductor como una estrella de cine, y letal como el más curtido mercenario, Trevor ha empeñado toda su vida en la captura de un hombre que destrozó sus sueños y que siembra el terror allí donde va. Hasta el momento, el asesino ha ido siempre un paso por delante suyo, pero ahora Trevor ha encontrado la presa perfecta. Un cebo al que el cazador no puede dar la espalda, pero que amenaza con trastocar el bien trazado plan. Porque Jane es una muchacha excepcional, alguien a quien Trevor no puede limitarse a utilizar. Alguien con quien siente, al igual que el asesino, una extraña conexión que se remonta a un pasado lejano. Pero para profundizar en ella y explorar sus sentimientos en el futuro, primero tiene que conseguir que Jane sobreviva al presente…

Chasing the Night

A CIA agent's two-year-old child was stolen in the night as a brutal act of vengeance. Now, eight years later, this torment is something Catherine Ling awakens to every day. Her friends, family, and colleagues tell her to let go, move on, accept that her son is never coming back. But she can't. Catherine needs to find someone as driven and obsessed as she is to help her- and that person is Eve Duncan. She knows that Eve shares her nightmare, since closure is also something that eludes Eve after the disappearance of her daughter Bonnie. Now, Eve must take her talents as a forensic sculptor to another level, using age progression as a way to unite Catherine with her child. As Eve gets drawn deeper into Catherine's horror, she must face looming demons of her own.

Bonnie's killer is still out there. And a new killer is taunting Eve and Catherine at every turn. Is Catherine's son alive, or not? These two women endure the worst fear any mother can imagine in Iris Johansen's latest thrill ride, a gut-wrenching journey into the darkest places of the soul.

Cuenta atrás

La vida de Jane MacGuire parece cambiar para siempre en un segundo cuando, en un secuestro aparentemente azaroso, su amigo de la infancia pierde la vida y mientras Jane trata de salvar la suya, escucha una frase inquietante: «No la mates, imbécil. No nos sirve muerta». De pronto, comienza a sospechar que ella era el verdadero objetivo del ataque. ¿Por qué la buscan? ¿Qué quieren de ella? A partir de ese momento Jane se ve envuelta en una terrible carrera contra el tiempo y ni siquiera su padre adoptivo, Joe Quinn, de la policía de Atlanta, podrá ayudarla. Finalmente, se ve obligada a aceptar la ayuda de Mark Trevor, un atractivo estafador por quien Jane tuvo una atracción en el pasado ¿o no? Mark está allí, dispuesto a cooperar -quién sabe por qué oscuras razones- y ambos emprenden una travesía hacia Nápoles, perseguidos por un asesino obsesionado por un misterio de dos mil años de antigüedad que puede conmocionar al mundo entero.

Czy północ wybije?

Kate Denby, doskonały lekarz i naukowiec, matka dziewięcioletniego syna, nieoczekiwanie staje do konfrontacji ze światem zbrodni, w którym tropi ją niebezpieczny, psychopatyczny morderca. Bliscy jej ludzie giną jeden po drugim, a kontynuowanie badań, które dają nadzieję milionom chorych, może zakończyć się dla niej tragicznie. Jedyna szansa Kate, to zaufać obcemu mężczyźnie, którego intencje wydają się nieodgadnione.

Dark Rider

From Publishers Weekly

Cassie Deville rips off her own bodice at the start of this new romance by the author of Midnight Warrior. When Jared Danemount, Duke of Morland, meets the bare-breasted, sarong-swathed heroine on the beach in Regency-era Hawaii, he thinks she's just another Polynesian maiden. He doesn't know, as he tries to ride her wild stallion, Kapu, and gazes hungrily at her pectorals, that she is the daughter of his sworn enemy, Charles Deville, an artist who betrayed Jared's father during the Terror. Cassie offers herself as Jared's sexual hostage if he will take her, Kapu and Lani, Charles's Polynesian mistress, back to Europe with him so that she can try to save her father's life. Although, in a bit of role reversal, Cassie goes nightly to Jared's cabin aboard ship, she will not spend the night or give her heart. Johansen, who specializes in hot talk and steamy sexual politics, is less skilled once her lovers disembark. In unimposing Regency set pieces, Cassie makes friends with Jared's French ward, Josette; she shocks British high society with a low-cut red dress; she tries to save Jared's life as he stalks the cruel French villain. In a disjointed way, Johansen has provided sex talk for grown-ups and other scenes for adolescents.

Dark Summer

Devon Brady is a devoted veterinarian working in a makeshift hospital at an island search and rescue site. When Jude Marrok arrives with his wounded black lab Ned, she has no idea that she is about to be plunged into a whirlwind of terror, destruction, and unstoppable passion.

The last thing Devon needs is to be drawn into Marrok's high-stakes game. And while she feels increasingly drawn to him and his extraordinary dog, she doesn't trust him. Then the bullets start flying and she has nowhere else to run. The body counts gets higher while a mortal mystery swirls around a pack of gifted canines called the 'Dogs of Summer.'

Is Jude her salvation or her damnation? Are the secrets he's protecting worth killing.or dying for? With lighting-fast pace, unforgettable characters, gut-wrenching action, and sizzling sensuality, Dark Summer is compelling new terrain for this master storyteller.

Dead Aim

"She witnesses death through the eye of her camera. Now a relentless killer is focused on her. A celebrated photojournalist, Alex Graham has seen it all – but her latest assignment has forced her across a dangerous line." "What happens when a reporter does more than just report? She has recorded some of the most tragic and heartbreaking of catastrophes, everything from natural disasters to infamous acts of terror. Her experiences have left her forever marked with the human side of tragedy. So when a dam breaks in Arapahoe Junction, Colorado, Alex is once more at the site doing more than just snapping pictures – she is in the mud with a shovel digging for survivors." "What happens when the reporter becomes the story? Alex finds more than she bargained for. In one terrible instant, she is witness to a conspiracy that will stun a nation. The official story is just a cover-up for a truth so frightening, so unthinkable, anyone who threatens to reveal it must be silenced. Forever." "And now that someone is Alex Graham." The first attempt on her life is swift and brutal. Only barely escaping, she finds an ally in an improbable source. Billionaire financier John Logan has his own reasons for protecting Alex, and these reasons alone are likely to get her killed. Using his vast connections and influences, Logan assigns a bodyguard to protect her. Judd Morgan is the best covert commando in the business, and if anyone can keep Alex safe, it's this quietly dangerous man. The problem is, Alex doesn't want to be kept safe by Judd, whose checkered past has made him the target of an unseen assassin who dogs his every step.

From Publishers Weekly

Heavy on verbs, light on adjectives, Johansen's latest fast-moving thriller offers lots of cinematic action, if not much to contemplate or savor. On assignment at a dam collapse in Colorado, photojournalist Alex Graham overhears a conversation between the conspirators who caused the collapse, which they disguised as an act of nature. When they realize that Alex has heard them, they go after her, and soon Alex's friend, Sarah Logan, is wounded in an attempt on Alex's life. Sarah's husband, John, a billionaire with political connections, believes he must hire someone to keep Alex safe. His contact is a man called Galen, a shadowy government operative, who in turn contacts Judd Morgan, a former military assassin who's been deep undercover. Knowing that Alex won't leave the dam mystery alone, and wanting to keep his own wife out of harm's way, John authorizes Judd to kidnap Alex and take her to a safe location. Alex persuades Judd that the dam collapse was a deliberate act, and that more sites are slated to be destroyed. The two team up to learn the identities of the conspirators, who appear to have ties to the FBI and the CIA, as well as to an assassin called Runne, who has his own agenda, and a Central American terrorist ring. There are chases and narrow escapes aplenty as Alex and Judd save the country-including the president himself-from violent mayhem. Some of the characters in Johansen's crowded cast remain murky, but the nonstop action and slick plotting won't disappoint.

Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора

Emily Hudson is an archeologist who travels the world in search of priceless artifacts from war-torn countries and other hot spots. Her best friend and partner, Joel Levy, is always at her side – until one day, her entire crew is massacred and Joel and Emily are held captive. Victims of one of the most ruthless and evil human beings on earth. For two weeks they try to survive, until Emily is the unwitting instrument in Joel's demise.

John Garrett has worked for the CIA, MI6, and whoever else needed his services. Now, the CIA comes calling with a desperate mission for him: save Emily Hudson. But their may be more to this job than they let him know. And soon, his connection to Emily has him questioning everything he thought to be true. Emily has vengeance on her mind. Will Garrett aid her in getting revenge? Can Emily help him get to the truth behind a bigger conspiracy? Or will they both die trying.

With lightning-fast pacing, plot twists and shocking betrayals, Iris Johansen is at the top of her game in this latest thriller.

Eight Days To Live

Eve Duncan and her adopted daughter, Jane Macguire, are pitted against the members of a secretive cult who have targeted Jane and have decided that she will he their ultimate sacrifice. In eight days they will come for her. In eight days, what Jane fears the most will become a reality. In eight days, she will die. It all begins with a painting that Jane, an artist, displays in her Parisian gallery. The painting is called "Guilt" and Jane has no idea how or why she painted the portrait of the chilling face. But the members of a cult that dates back to the time of Christ believe that Jane's blasphemy means she must die. But first. she will lead them to an ancient treasure whose value is beyond price. This elusive treasure, and Jane's death, are all that they need for their power to come to ultimate fruition. With Eve's help, can Jane escape before the clock stops ticking?

El Guerrero De Medianoche

Brynn es tomada como esclava contra su voluntad y entregadaa Lord Gage Dumont como botín de guerra. Él le ordena salvar la vida de su amigo herido con sus extraordinarios poderes de sanación. Una extraordinaria historia de amor y aventuras en los bosques de Gales.

El Tesoro

Una ex esclava de un harem… Un sicario arrepentido…

Una carrera por encontrar el artefacto religioso más poderoso de todos los tiempos…

Lady Selene Ware tan solo había sido una esclava de un harem cuando Kadar Ben Arnaud, un hombre entrenado en las artes oscuras de la muerte y la seducción, la ayudó a escapar y ponerse a salvo en su Escocia natal. Pero incluso con un mundo de por medio, continúa sin estar a salvo del jeque que la reclamó como su propiedad robada, y que ahora les obliga a ella y a Kadar a regresar con una oportunidad de recuperar su libertad. Lo cual, naturalmente, es una trampa. Primero deben encontrar la legendaria reliquia que los hombres de poder llevan buscando desde los tiempos del rey Arturo.

Para Selene y el ex asesino, es una peligrosa odisea que comienza en una erótica cautividad y que les lleva a encontrarse con el misterioso y solitario Tarik, que ahora posee el tesoro. Pero la verdad es mucho más explosiva, el riesgo mucho más letal, y cuanto más cerca están de descubrir el secreto, mayor es la posibilidad de perderse el uno al otro… así como las vidas de ambos. Pues aunque Selene tiene la llave de este antiguo enigma, Kadar puede traspasar la fina línea que separa el camino del mal del de la luz para salvarla.


The #1 bestselling author delivers the first in a trilogy that will begin to answer questions that have haunted her legion of fans for over a decade, in her newest novel of breathtaking suspense

Eve Duncan's mission in life is to bring closure to the families who have experienced the agony of a missing child. As a forensic sculptor, she is able to piece together bones, create a face, and bring an identity to a child who would have otherwise gone unidentified…maybe forever. Eve is brilliant, and driven, and tormented-because her own daughter, Bonnie, was taken from her years ago. And Eve has never discovered what happened to her. But now a name from the past resurfaces, thanks to CIA agent Catherine Ling who knows all too well what it's like to lose a child.

After teaming up with Agent Ling to find her missing son, Eve and Catherine share a bond forged by their mutual pain. Now, Catherine challenges Eve with a name: John Gallo. A man from Eve's past. A man, seemingly raised from the dead, whose whereabouts are unknown. Could Gallo be the missing piece to the puzzle that has haunted Eve for years? Why was he in Atlanta just before Bonnie's disappearance? With a brilliant narrative that goes back to Eve Duncan's early life, exploring her history and motivations like no other novel before, Eve reveals long-guarded secrets and is guaranteed to leave Johansen fans panting for more-soon to come in Quinn .


New York Times bestselling author Iris Johansen delivers a powerful novel of romantic suspense that proves no price is too high, no risk too great, for love…

Knowing she'd have only one chance to enlist his help, Kira Rubinoff plotted her approach carefully. Formidable, seductive, handsome to the point of dangerous, Zack Damon didn't suffer fools gladly, but Kira was no one's fool. In this day and age, even a bona fide princess had to be more than just a pretty face. But from the moment of their first encounter at his mountaintop lodge, Kira's well-laid plans – and her life – were turned inside out. For the self-made international financier had been watching her for as long as she'd been watching him.

Together they will embark on an adventure to a country as exotic as it is treacherous, linked by a shared destiny and a secret Zack has been keeping until the time is right. And with danger closing in on all sides, the time to reveal it could be now…or never.

Final Target

The Barnes Noble Review

Passion, power, and political intrigue clash with deadly results in Iris Johansen's latest tale of romantic suspense, Final Target. At the heart of this fast-paced thriller is the seven-year-old daughter of the president of the United States, who has witnessed something so awful it's left her in a catatonic state. Now, the woman who hopes to save her must trust her heart and her life to a mysterious man with a nefarious reputation.

When masked intruders break into a presidential stronghold and try to kidnap the president's daughter, Cassie, the child witnesses several brutal murders. She survives, thanks to the efforts of Michael Travis, a man who skirts the law and makes a living in the international underworld, but the shock leaves her dwelling in a state somewhere between consciousness and death. The president puts his daughter in the hands of Dr. Jessica Riley, who helped her younger sister, Melissa, recover from a similar condition a few years earlier. Though fully recovered, Melissa's bout with catatonia left her with a curious side effect: the ability to merge her mind with the consciousness of others who are catatonic.

As Cassie's condition worsens, her only hope lies with two people: Melissa, who can get into Cassie's mind, and Travis, whose presence has a calming affect on the child's life-threatening seizures. But there's a problem: Travis has a host of deadly assassins breathing down his neck and isn't inclined to stay, yet his conscience won't let him desert the child, either. So he takes Cassie, Jessica, and Melissa with him, sneaking them out of the country and into Europe, where he becomes embroiled in a deadly game of international intrigue. With the president's forces now breathing down his neck in the belief that he has kidnapped Cassie, and his attentions increasingly drawn toward Melissa, whom he has come to care for, Travis becomes distracted enough to make a deadly miscalculation. The tragedy that results will have a monumental effect on everyone involved and may mean the end of any hopes they hold for the future.

Johansen is a master at keeping her readers on edge, and Final Target is a perfect example of this master at work. The pace zips, the plot twists, and each turn of the page brings a new surprise. But the best part of Johansen's latest effort is her characteristically explosive mix of chilling terror and heated passions. (Beth Amos)

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La Cara del Engaño

Un cráneo sin identificar…

Un rastro de aterradores secretos…

Y una mujer cuyas diestras manos podrían relevar la impactante verdad…

Como escultora forense, Eve Duncan ayuda a identificar a los muertos a partir de sus cráneos. Habiendo sido asesinada su propia hija y su cuerpo jamás hallado, el trabajo es el único modo que tiene Eve de hacer las paces con su pesadillas personal. Pero le aguardan cosas más espantosas si cabe cuando acepta trabajar para el multimillonario John Logan.

Bajos sus diestras manos toma forma el rostro del cráneo que él le ha pedido que reconstruya, un rostro que nadie esperó nunca ver. Ahora Eve se encuentra atrapada en una aterradora red de asesinatos y engaños. Poderosos enemigos están decididos a encubrir la verdad, y se asegurarán de que llevar dicha verdad a la tumba… aunque Eve tenga que ser enterrada con ella.

La Huida

La vida de Grace Archer cambió para siempre ocho años atrás cuando asesinaron a su padre, un agente de la CIA. Ahora lleva una existencia tranquila, en una granja de caballos, junto a su hija Frankie. Pero el pasado siempre vuelve, y Grace deberá confiar en Jake Kilmer, el hombre que ya la traicionó una vez. El acecho de un asesino que la busca a cualquier precio no le dejará opción: deberá pedir ayuda a Jake para salvaguardar la vida de su hija y la suya propia. Juntas, Grace y la niña emprenderán una huida feroz protegidas por un hombre tan peligroso como atractivo. Es que por más que Grace intente negarlo, Jake tiene un lugar especial en su corazón…

El extraño poder de la protagonista para comunicarse con los caballos -razón fundamental por la que la busca su verdugo- será de gran ayuda en este viaje lleno de peligros, que no tardará en convertirse en un camino para reencontrar el verdadero amor.

Marea De Pasión

Nadando desnuda en la noche en compañía de sus delfines, Melis había encontrado por fin la paz y algo parecido a la felicidad. Vivía en una isla solitaria alejada del mundo… pero el mundo no estaba dispuesto a olvidarla. Porque esta muchacha hermosa y aparentemente frágil tiene la clave para el mayor descubrimiento arqueológico de la humanidad, un premio que atrae a los hombres como la sangre a los tiburones. Uno de ellos es Jed Kelby, seductor millonario, curtido ex-comando de la Armada y ambicioso buscador de tesoros. El otro es Hugh Archer, traficante de armas y uno de los más despiadados criminales que existen. Melis resiste bien las presiones, pero cuando la gente comienza a morir a su alrededor se ve obligada a aceptar la colaboración de Kelby. Juntos, zarparán en busca de un sueño y se enfrentarán a la muerte que les acecha continuamente. Pero para encontrar el tesoro Melis tendrá que superar antes la más dura de las pruebas, plantar cara a un terrible secreto del pasado que, en manos de su enemigo, es un arma devastadora.

Śmiertelna Gra

Główną bohaterką jest Eve Duncan, rzeźbiarka sądowa, doskonale odtwarzająca twarze zmarłych na podstawie kształtu ich czaszek. Tym razem otrzymuje propozycję pracy przy identyfikacji wykopanych w Georgii szkieletów. Podejmuje się bez wahania, przypuszczając, że jeden z nich może być szkieletem jej dawno zamordowanej córki, której ciała dotąd nie znaleziono. Właśnie na zaangażowaną Eve w sprawę Georgii liczy morderca. Obserwuje bacznie jej każdy krok, zadręcza dziwnymi telefonami, aby w odpowiednim czasie zadać cios. Ten bezlitosny psychopata, przekonany, że zawsze wygrywa, nie skończy swej śmiertelnej gry, póki nie osiągnie zamierzonego celu, którym jest życie Eve.

Night Watch


Born blind, Kendra Michaels spent the first twenty years of her life in darkness. Then, thanks to a revolutionary medical procedure developed by the Night Watch Project, she was given the gift of sight. Her highly developed senses – honed during her years in the dark – combined with her newfound vision have made Kendra a formidable investigator, sought after by law-enforcement agencies all over the country. But in her newest case she uncovers the stunning truth about the shadowy organization that has given her so much.

IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE… Kendra is surprised when she is visited by Dr. Charles Waldridge, whose groundbreaking experiment gave her her vision. But the brilliant surgeon is troubled by something he can't discuss…and when he disappears the very night he visits her, Kendra jumps on the case. With the help of government agent-for-hire Adam Lynch, Kendra follows a twisted trail that leads to a gruesome discovery: the corpse of one of Dr. Waldridge's associates. But it's only the first casualty in a white-knuckle confrontation with an enemy who will push Kendra to the limits of her abilities. Soon she must fight for her own survival as she tries to stop the killing – and unearth the shocking deadly secret of Night Watch.

No Red Roses

When singer Rex Brody took Tamara Ledford in his arms, he knew suddenly that the lady he'd been singing to all along was no longer just a hopeful fantasy. But could he convince her that his feelings were as sincere as the powerful desire that swept her from a small-town life into the public spotlight where he lived? Tamara's psychic Aunt Elizabeth had predicted that with Rex she would share the beautiful music only true lovers may hear. But Tamara rebelled against his need for her. Then Rex showered her with blossoms that symbolized longing and tenderness – and broke her heart… for there were no red roses…

Pandora's Daughter

The number-one blockbuster bestselling author delivers her most explosive and compelling novel yet, in which a woman must unlock the secrets of her own mind before she loses her life.

She has a gift of unspeakable power…

He must control her or destroy her…

For as long as she can remember, successful young physician Megan Blair has tried to silence the voices in her head--voices that bring her to the edge of madness and terror. Megan possesses psychic powers that have been dormant for years, hidden deep in the past she's tried so desperately to forget. But now everything has come to a boiling point--someone is trying to kill her, and others are trying to use her, including the deadly and seductive Neal Grady. Shocking secrets about her life and her mother's death bombard her as she fights to take control of her heritage and save herself and everything she believes in. Grady holds the key to understanding her future, a future in which Megan's life will never be the same.

If she survives to have a future.

A fast-paced thrill ride, Pandora's Daughter is Iris Johansen as you've never read her before.


Returning from Johansen's New York Times bestselling thriller, Stalemate, forensic sculptor Eve Duncan is still obsessed with finding her daughter, Bonnie. No stranger to looking for clues where there seem to be none, Eve enlists the unique skills of the mysterious Dr. Megan Blair to help bring Bonnie's elusive killer to justice. The tension and danger escalates as Eve and Joe Quinn go on a hunt that can either bring them the revenge and closure that Eve has long sought or the destruction of everything she holds dear.


Former Navy SEAL turned cop, Joe Quinn has seen the face of evil and knows how dark the shadows of the soul can turn. But when he met Eve Duncan a decade ago, he never expected to fall in love with a woman whose torment was matched only by her dual desires to bring her missing daughter home and reveal the truth of her disappearance, no matter how devastating it may be. Eve's fateful first love, John Gallo, seems to hold the key to the mystery of young Bonnie's fate. With Joe's life hanging in the balance at the hands of Gallo, justice may never be served – unless CIA agent Catherine Ling, who owes her child's life to Eve and Joe, can outsmart Gallo at his own game. Emotionally charged with one shock after another, readers discover for the first time how Joe and Eve met and fell in love against a backdrop of haunting tragedy, gaining new insight into the characters they've known and become invested in for more than a decade. Soon to follow: the mind-blowing conclusion to Iris Johansen's trilogy: Bonnie.

Segunda Oportunidad

Nell Calder era una mujer tímida y amable, una esposa que intentaba contentar a su ambicioso marido, una madre que amaba a su hijita con pasión. En suma, no era el tipo de mujer capaz de inspirar envidia, deseo ni pasiones asesinas.

¿Quién iba a querer hacerle daño?

Pero ocurrió una tragedia: una noche, en una exótica isla del mar Egeo durante una elegante reunión en la que su marido esperaba culminar su fulgurante carrera en el mundo de las finanzas, y que fue interrumpida por el estruendo de los disparos y la afilada hoja de un cuchillo.

El ataque fue despiadado. La niña murió, y ella quedó terriblemente desfigurada.

Sin embargo, la pesadilla convierte a Nell en una mujer distinta. La mejor cirugía le de un rostro de exquisita hermosura; la posterior rehabilitación, un cuerpo ágil y esbelto. Y Nicholas Tanek, el misterioso desconocido que suscita en ella temor y fascinación, le da una razón para seguir viviendo: la venganza.

Preparar su venganza s lo único que la mantiene viva. El asesino de su hija no puede seguir viviendo. Ella le dará muerte… con sus propias manos.

Silent Thunder

Hannah Bryson is a marine architect who's been given a fascinating assignment. A Russian nuclear submarine called The Silent Thunder has been purchased by the United States for exhibition in a museum. Hannah must create a schematic of the sub to check for hazards and design seamless modifications to make it safe for the thousands of expected visitors. Her brother, Connor, acting as her assistant, knows how much this work means to Hannah. But Connor discovers something on the sub – a mysterious message hidden behind one of the panels. And then in a brutal assault on the sub Connor is murdered and the chase is on for Hannah to find her brother's killer. Soon she discovers that she's being used as bait. Because what she doesn't even realize she knows could end her life as well.


From Publishers Weekly

In the latest Eve Duncan forensics thriller from bestseller Johansen (Killer Dreams), the Atlanta-based forensic sculptor with an international reputation finds herself attracted, not always convincingly, to a sleazy manipulator. Duncan, who specializes in reconstructing facial features from skulls, has buried herself in her work since the disappearance and presumed death of her seven-year-old daughter, Bonnie, years earlier. That still-open wound is probed with sadistic skill by Luis Montalvo, a shady Colombian arms dealer, who offers to solve the mystery of what happened to Bonnie if Duncan agrees to attempt a reconstruction from a skull Montalvo believes was his late wife's. Despite the misgivings of her former husband, an FBI agent, Duncan accepts, and soon finds herself dodging bullets in a war between Montalvo and a drug lord rival in the Colombian jungle. Despite a shortage of the sort of meaty science that, say, a Kathy Reichs thriller typically provides, Johansen's faithful audience should be satisfied.

From Booklist

Forensic sculptor Eve Duncan is a complicated woman. She has survived her years in the school of hard knocks, although not without scars. And she has suffered the worst event a parent can, losing a child to abduction. Now she helps other stricken parents by reconstructing skulls so that victims can be identified. In this, she is one of the best. In addition to her work, she has Joe, a wonderfully understanding man with many military and government connections. But all this abruptly changes when Eve gets a phone call from Montalvo, a drug lord in South America in need of her services. Eve initially refuses to make the journey, but after he promises to use all his resources to find her daughter's killer and her body, this scarily single-minded and stubborn woman agrees to go, despite knowing that she will most likely be killed. Eve is then simultaneously repelled by and attracted to Montalvo. Johansen strikes again, creating both a nonstop thriller and a character study about an individual who has long seen the world in black and white, and now perceives only shades of gray.

Star-Spangled Bride

Years after Gabe Falkner saves her life, photojournalist Ronnie Dalton is determined to return the favor, and to break down the cold, hard barrier he has erected around his heart.

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Sueños asesinos

En una noche oscura, los terrores del pasado volverán a la vida de Sophie Dunston. Reconocida especialista en terapias del sueño y creadora del tratamiento REM-4, la científica ha visto cómo sus hallazgos se vuelven contra ella al ser utilizados para controlar la mente de los pacientes y convertirlos en crueles asesinos. Para salvaguardar su seguridad y la de su hijo Michael, durante años ha luchado con todas sus fuerzas denunciando las oscuras prácticas de Robert Sanborne, su antiguo jefe, aunque todo ha sido en vano. Esta vez, los sicarios del magnate farmacéutico están más cerca que nunca, pero Sophie no está dispuesta a que ganen la partida.

Amenazada de muerte, su única opción será encomendarse a Matt Royd, un soldado calculador y enigmático que ha podido rehabilitarse de la manipulación causada por el medicamento. Pero ¿podrá confiar en él? Sus peores pesadillas, convertidas ahora en realidad, no han hecho más que empezar.

Su vida corre peligro…

Sophie Dunston nunca podrá perdonarse el hallazgo de la fórmula para controlar las pesadillas. No mientras ésta se encuentre en manos de Robert Sanborne, el despiadado empresario que ahora la utiliza con el propósito de crear un ejército de asesinos. Sus intentos de denuncia han sido en vano, y la científica empieza a entender que esta guerra que ha iniciado no la podrá luchar sola. Prisionera de su propio hogar y atrapada por los sentimientos de culpa, necesitará todo su ingenio y valentía para proteger su vida y la de su hijo Michael de las oscuras intenciones de Sanborne y sus secuaces, estableciendo un arriesgado juego de confianza con la única persona que parece dispuesta a ayudarla…

…y no sabe en quién confiar.

Matt Royd ha sido entrenado para matar. Miembro del grupo de operaciones especiales del ejército estadounidense, es frío como un iceberg y experto en manipular gente. Sin embargo, en su vida se esconde una historia mucho más oscura, un experimento que le transformó en lo que es en la actualidad. Decidido a saldar cuentas pendientes con aquéllos que le convirtieron en un asesino, en su camino se cruzará con la bella Sophie, y hará todo lo posible por protegerla.

The Beloved Scoundrel

Now, from nationally best-selling Iris Johansen comes a thrilling tale of abduction, seduction, and surrender that sweeps from the shimmering halls of Regency England to the decadent haunts of a notorious rogue…

She was a hostage torn between passion and loyalty…

Marianna Sanders realized she could not trust this dark and savagely seductive stranger who had come to spirit her away across the sea. She possessed a secret that could topple an empire, a secret that Jordan Draken, the duke of Cambaron, was determined to wrest from her. In the eyes of the world the arrogant duke was her guardian, but they both knew she was to be a prisoner in his sinister plot-and a slave to his exquisite pleasure.

He was the fabulous rake they called the Duke of Diamonds…

For years, brilliant, deadly Jordan Draken had schemed to destroy the emperor who threatened everything he valued most in the world. Now that he held this defiant woman who was the key to his final triumph, he felt a fierce sense of satisfaction…and the first stirring of desire. She was only supposed to be a pawn in his plans, but once alone with his captive, Jordan realized she was a prize he could never surrender.

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The Treasure

An ex-harem slave…

A reformed assassin…

A race to find the most powerful

religious artifact of all time…

New York Times bestselling author Iris Johansen returns with her first historical romance in a decade, a new novel of passion and exotic adventure that leads two unlikely and unforgettable treasure hunters on a perilous journey – and into the heart of one of the most captivating mysteries of all time.

Lady Selene Ware had been nothing more than a harem slave when Kadar Ben Arnaud – a man once trained in the black arts of death and seduction – helped her escape to the safety of her native Scotland. But even a world away she still wasn't safe from the sheikh who claimed her as his stolen property – and who now forced both her and Kadar to return with a chance to win their freedom. There is, of course, a catch. First they must find the legendary religious relic that men of power have searched for from King Arthur's time to the present.

For Selene and the ex-assassin, it is a dangerous odyssey that begins in erotic captivity and leads to an encounter with the mysterious and reclusive Tarik, who now possesses the treasure. But the truth is far more explosive, the stakes far more deadly, and the closer they come to discovering the secret, the closer they will come to losing each other – and their lives. For even as Selene grasps the key to this age-old mystery, Kadar may have to step over the fine line separating the dark path from the light to save her.

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This Fierce Splendor

In a classic historical romance from #1 New York Times bestselling author Iris Johansen, a bookish beauty and her rogue guide go in search of a city lost to the sands of time – and find a burning passion.

Ever since she was a little girl, Elspeth MacGregor has dreamed of completing her father's quest to find the legendary lost city of Kantalan. After poring over textbooks, atlases, and tribal legends, Elspath knows everything there is to know about the ancient metropolis – except how to reach it. Now she's made the journey to Hell's Bluff, Arizona, in search of the man who may be her last hope of reaching Kantalan, despite his dangerous reputation… or maybe because of it.

The last thing Dominic Delaney needs is to lead some stubborn scholar around on a wild goose chase. A wanted man, Dominic has never had time for fairy tales. But there's something about Elspeth's fiery determination that has him willing to suspend disbelief… and something about Dominic that has Elspath falling for the wrong man. Now, to reach the magnificent riches of Kantalan, the mismatched pair must first conquer the dark mysteries of desire.

Includes a special message from the editor, as well as excerpts from these Loveswept titles: Remember the Time, The Vow, The Baron, Lightning That Lingers, Tall, Dark, and Lonesome, Dream Lover, and Legends.

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W Obliczu Oszustwa

Rzeźbiarka sądowa Eve Duncan posiada rzadki – i czasem nieprzyjemny – dar. Jej genialna zdolność rekonstrukcji twarzy dawno zmarłych osób jedynie na podstawie kształtu czaszki przynosi ukojenie rodzicom zaginionych dzieci. Dla Eve, której córka została porwana i zamordowana, a jej ciała nigdy nie odnaleziono, jest to sposób na pogodzenie się z własnym koszmarnym losem. Pewnego dnia milioner John Logan proponuje Eve, aby zrekonstruowała twarz dorosłej ofiary morderstwa. Eve zgadza siętylko dlatego, że Logan ofiaruje ogromną sumę pieniędzy na cel dobroczynny. Wkrótce okaże się, że była to najbardziej niebezpieczna decyzja jej życia.

Zabójcze sny

Sophie Dunston, jeden z najlepszych terapeutów snów w kraju, specjalizuje się w groźnych dla życia koszmarnych sennych, które męczą również jej dziesięciloetniego syna, Michaela.


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