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Книги серии «Dark Ones»

В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Макалистер Кейти, MacAlister Katie

A Girl's Guide to Vampires , часть 1.

Joy Randall's Top 5 Tips for Vampire Hunters

1. Location, location, location. Remember, if you wouldn't be there, neither would a bloodsucker. They won't be found dead (ha!) in places like discos, ten-minute lube shops, or Switzerland. Check the Czech Republic.

2. Trust your eyes. You know the handsome, annoyingly arrogant, self-assured man in the shadows with long hair and a cleft in his chin? He's your vampire.

3. No matter how tempting it might be, DO NOT "ACCIDENTALLY" ACQUIRE A PAPER CUT AND SUGGEST YOUR VAMPIRE KISS YOUR FINGER TO MAKE IT BETTER. What you offer as a snack, he might take for a four-course meal.

4. From here on out, play it cool. Don't offer to accompany your prince of the night on the talk show circuit and WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T OFFER HIM YOUR HEART.

5. And most of all, remember—being a vampire is nothing to laugh about.

Sex and the Single Vampire , часть 2.

It’s not the ideal career. But Allegra Telford, confirmed singleton, has somehow found herself in a haunted hotel in London, trying unsuccessfully to summon spirits (and not even the alcoholic kind).

So, obviously, she’s thrilled when she discovers the ghost of a stunningly gorgeous, albeit horribly wounded man, even if he does bear an uncanny resemblance to the tall, dark, handsome man of her fantasies.

Her frustration quickly returns, however, when she realises that he is not actually a spirit. In fact, he may be something much more bloodthirsty indeed. And, contrary to Allie’s own desires (ok, not her desires – perhaps her reason), he has arrogantly made some sort of alpha-male decision that she’s his ‘beloved’, whatever that means...

Sex, Lies, and Vampires , часть 3.

Amongst the Dark Ones there is one they call The Betrayer, one who is doomed to hand his own kind over to a demon lord... for eternity.

But now a small boy has been kidnapped, and it's up to Nell Harris—a Charmer (no, literally, that's her job) to rescue him. Problem is, she can’t help but find The Betrayer a teeny, tiny bit attractive... is it possible he is not as soul-less as he seems, or has her penchant for bad-boys just gone into overdrive?

Even The Vampires Get The Blues , часть 4.

Paen Scott is a Dark One: a vampire without a soul. And his mother is about to lose hers, too, if Paen can't repay a debt to a demon by finding a relic known as the Jilin God—in five days. When he hires half-elf private investigator Samantha Cosse to help him, he sets her elf senses tingling. Which makes it pretty much impossible to keep their relationship on a professional level. Especially since Sam is convinced that she is Paen's Beloved—the woman who can give him back his soul, whether he wants it or not...

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Even Vampires Get The Blues , часть 4.

Paen Scott is a Dark One: a vampire without a soul. And his mother is about to lose hers, too, if Paen can't repay a debt to a demon by finding a relic known as the Jilin God—in five days. When he hires half-elf private investigator Samantha Cosse to help him, he sets her elf senses tingling. Which makes it pretty much impossible to keep their relationship on a professional level. Especially since Sam is convinced that she is Paen's Beloved—the woman who can give him back his soul, whether he wants it or not...

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Даже вампиры хандрят , часть 4.

Пэйн Скотт — один из Темных: вампир без души. И его мать вот-вот также потеряет душу, если Пэйн не сможет вернуть долг демону и найти за пять дней реликвию, известную как Бог Цзилиня.

Полуэльфа Саманту Косс выгнали из Ордена Прорицателей, но она все еще может находить пропавшие вещи, и именно поэтому она и открыла свое собственное частное сыскное агентство.

Пэйн — один из первых клиентов Сэм, и единственный, кто заставил трепетать ее эльфийскую чувственность. Это делает почти невозможным сохранить их отношения на деловом уровне. Тем более, что Сэм уверена, что она Возлюбленная Пэйна, которая может вернуть ему душу, хочет ли он того или нет…

The Last of the Red-Hot Vampires , часть 5.

On a trip to England, physicist Portia Harding is stalked by a heart-stoppingly handsome maniac. Theondre North is a nephilim—the son of a fallen angel—who needs Portia's help to change his fate. Problem is, Portia's down-to-earth attitude frustrates beings from both heavenly and hellish realms—and gets Theo turned into a vampire. But at least he has Portia to satisfy his newfound hungers-and possibly save his soul.

Zen and the Art of Vampires , часть 6.

Pushing 40 and alone, Pia Thomason heads to Europe on a singles tour, hoping to find romance. What she finds are two very handsome, very mysterious - and very undead men. Pia comes to learn that where vampires are concerned, love isn't the only thing at stake.

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Последний из страстных вампиров , часть 6.

Жизнь физика Порции Хардинг основана на фактах. Нет ничего, что нельзя объяснить логикой и наукой…, пока она не отправилась в путешествие с лучшей подругой в Англию и случайно вызвала неземную силу, которая сделала ей подарок — контроль над погодой.

Теперь Порция ходит в буквальном смысле с облаком над головой, а ее сердцем пытается завладеть красивый маньяк, пытавшийся похитить ее. Но Теондр Норт не какой-нибудь сумасшедший. Он — нефилим — сын ангела — который, чтобы изменить свою судьбу, нуждается в помощи Порции. Проблема в приземленной позиции Порции, которая отрицает существование ада и рая, чем добивается того, что Тео превращается в вампира. Но, по крайней мере, у него есть Порция, чтобы удовлетворить его новооткрытый голод… и возможно спасти его душу.

Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang , часть 7.

Pia Thomason is torn between two Dark Ones: her husband Kristoff—who doesn't trust her—and his best friend, Alec, who is MIA. So Pia goes back to her humdrum Seattle life, but fate has other plans. And she realizes that if she and Kristoff are going to be shackled together for better or worse, she may as well start to enjoy it.

In the Company of Vampires , часть 9.

If only a broken heart were all she had to deal with…

…but there are Viking ghosts, gods, werebeings, and one sexy as sin vampire on Francesca’s case. And her biggest trouble is Loki, the trickster god.

When Fran arrives at Goth-Faire to deal with him, things go from bad to worse, for her immortal ex, Benedikt, is there…with a new girlfriend.

Shapesifters, Vikings, and a town filled with deranged opera fans…it’s a good thing Fran’s no ordinary mortal…

Автор: MacAlister Katie
Much Ado About Vampires , часть 10.

Corazon Ferreira is a jaded woman. Turns out she was a vampire's mate in a past life. And no matter how distractingly gorgeous he is, she just can't get the image of him killing someone out of her head. But when her life depends on him, Corazon's going to have to stop overthinking things-and start trusting her heart...

Автор: MacAlister Katie

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