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Список книг на букву «A» - страница 5

Все авторы и серии на букву «A»

A Flock of Ships

Early 1941. Her Morse-keyed scream for help was loud, clear — and indisputable.


Far to the south of any South Atlantic navigational route lies the barren and deserted island of Quintanilha de Almeida. According to all records it has remained unvisited for decades yet, when a Royal Navy survey ship finally ventures into its land-enshrouded inner lake, her incredulous crew are confronted by a seemingly impossible sight… the incinerated hulk of a once-mighty cargo liner, the monstrously compacted bones of a less identifiable vessel and — their most bizarre discovery of all — the virtually undamaged corpse of a second British freighter riding docilely at anchor.

Even her name and port of registry under the forlorn, rusting counter can still be clearly distinguished… she's the 'Cyclops', out of Liverpool.

Yet such a situation cannot exist outwith a seaman's worst nightmare. Because 'Cyclops' was known to have been lost with all hands as a result of a Second World War U-boat action well over a quarter of a century previously. And, even more inexplicably — to have sunk in deep water several hundred miles distant from where she has now, apparently, been found without a single living soul aboard…

First published November 27th 1986.

Автор: Callison Brian
A for Andromeda

Novelization of the BBC TV Series A for Andromeda.

Originality, excitement, pace, and scientific accuracy—readers who appreciate these elements in science fiction will enjoy thoroughly this outstanding novel of adventure. A for Andromeda is the product of a very successful collaboration between an astrophysicist of world-wide reputation and a talented dramatist whose work for British television has received the highest critical recognition.

The scene is set ten years from now. A new radio-telescope picks up from the constellation of Andromeda, two hundred light-years away, a complex series of signals which prove to be a program for a giant computer. Someone in outer space is trying to communicate, using a supremely clever yet entirely logical method.

When the necessary computer is built and begins to relay the information it receives from Andromeda, the project assumes a vital importance: politically, militarily, and commercially. For scientists find themselves possessing knowledge previously unknown to man, knowledge of such a nature that the security of human life itself is threatened.

As a seven-part serial on BBC television, this story established popularity records. The last several installments doubled BBC’s audience, reaching 80 per cent of the viewing audience of Great Britain.

Автор: Hoyle Fred, Elliot John
A Fraction of the Whole

At the heart of this sprawling, dizzying debut from a quirky, assured Australian writer are two men: Jasper Dean, a judgmental but forgiving son, and Martin, his brilliant but dysfunctional father. Jasper, in an Australian prison in his early 20s, scribbles out the story of their picaresque adventures, noting cryptically early on that [m]y father's body will never be found. As he tells it, Jasper has been uneasily bonded to his father through thick and thin, which includes Martin's stint managing a squalid strip club during Jasper's adolescence; an Australian outback home literally hidden within impenetrable mazes; Martin's ill-fated scheme to make every Australian a millionaire; and a feverish odyssey through Thailand 's menacing jungles. Toltz's exuberant, looping narrative-thick with his characters' outsized longings and with their crazy arguments-sometimes blows past plot entirely, but comic drive and Toltz's far-out imagination carry the epic story, which puts the two (and Martin's own nemesis, his outlaw brother, Terry) on an irreverent roller-coaster ride from obscurity to infamy. Comparisons to Special Topics in Calamity Physics are likely, but this nutty tour de force has a more tender, more worldly spin.

Автор: Toltz Steve
A Free State

The author of City of Refuge returns with a startling novel of race, violence, and identity.

The year is 1855. Blackface minstrelsy is the most popular form of entertainment in a nation about to be torn apart by the battle over slavery. Henry Sims, a fugitive slave and a brilliant musician, has escaped to Philadelphia, where he lives by his wits and earns money performing on the street. He is befriended by James Douglass — leader of the Virginia Harmonists, a minstrel troupe struggling to compete with dozens of similar ensembles — who senses that Henry's skill and magnetism could restore his show's sagging fortunes. The problem is that black performers are not allowed to appear onstage, even in Philadelphia. Together the two concoct a dangerous masquerade to protect Henry's identity, and he creates a sensation in his first appearances with the Harmonists. Yet even as the troupe's fortunes begin to improve, a brutal slave hunter named Tull Burton has been employed by Henry's former master to track down the runaway and retrieve him, dead or alive.

A Free State is both a riveting chase novel and a searing parable of liberty and its costs. Charged with narrative tension and unforgettable characters, A Free State is a thrilling work by a novelist at the height of his powers.

Автор: Piazza Tom
A Fresh Start

Synopsis: Aladdin's Lamp sends me back to my teenage years. Will I make the same mistakes, or new ones, and can I reclaim my life? Note: Some codes apply to future chapters. The sex in the story develops slowly.

Sex contents: Some Sex


Codes: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Consensual, Romantic, Heterosexual, True Story, Time Travel, Historical, First, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, School, Military

A Fundação e a Terra

Golan Trevize, Conselheiro da Primeira Fundação, vê-se diante de uma tarefa assustadora: decidir qual será o futuro da Galáxia. Rejeitando a possibilidade de um Império Galáctico baseado na tecnologia da Primeira Fundação e também a de um Império baseado nos poderes mentais da Segunda Fundação, Trevize escolhe Gaia. O planeta Gaia é um superorganismo, um aglomerado de seres que encontra sua força na unidade mental. Se toda a Humanidade se fundir com Gaia, o resultado será um suprassuperorganismo dedicado ao bem comum, uma entidade que Trevize chama de Galáxia Viva.

Qual, porém, a razão pela qual Trevize foi levado a optar por Gaia em vez de uma das Fundações? Estará relacionada de alguma forma à história do planeta de origem da raça humana, que os antigos chamavam de Terra? Trevize não descansará enquanto não conhecer a resposta. Descobrindo que todas as informações a respeito da Terra desapareceram misteriosamente da Biblioteca Galáctica de Trantor, parte de Gaia em busca do planeta “perdido”. Enquanto ele e seus companheiros, o historiador Janov Pelorat e a linda mulher de Gaia chamada Bliss, viajam de planeta em planeta, enfrentam uma odisseia da qual depende o destino do Império… e da própria Humanidade.

Автор: Asimov Isaac
Серия: Fundação
A Game of Thrones

Long ago, in a time forgotten, a preternatural event threw the seasons out of balance. In a land where summers can last decades and winters a lifetime, trouble is brewing. The cold is returning, and in the frozen wastes to the north of Winterfell, sinister and supernatural forces are massing beyond the kingdom’s protective Wall. At the center of the conflict lie the Starks of Winterfell, a family as harsh and unyielding as the land they were born to. Sweeping from a land of brutal cold to a distant summertime kingdom of epicurean plenty, here is a tale of lords and ladies, soldiers and sorcerers, assassins and bastards, who come together in a time of grim omens.

Here an enigmatic band of warriors bear swords of no human metal; a tribe of fierce wildlings carry men off into madness; a cruel young dragon prince barters his sister to win back his throne; and a determined woman undertakes the most treacherous of journeys. Amid plots and counterplots, tragedy and betrayal, victory and terror, the fate of the Starks, their allies, and their enemies hangs perilously in the balance, as each endeavors to win that deadliest of conflicts: the game of thrones.

Автор: Martin George R R
A Gdyby To Była Prawda…

Co można zrobić z siedzącą w waszej szafie nieznajomą kobietą? Poprosić, żeby sobie poszła? Ale to nie takie proste, zwłaszcza dla przystojnego architekta, Arthura. Bo, po pierwsze, ta kobieta jest młoda i czarująca, po drugie, twierdzi, że jej ciało znajduje się zupełnie gdzie indziej – leży pogrążone w głębokiej śpiączce w szpitalu. Lauren uważa, że tylko Arthur może jej pomóc, jako jedyna osoba, która ją słyszy i widzi w cielesnej postaci. Chociaż zaintrygowany mężczyzna ma mnóstwo podejrzeń i wątpliwości, ostatecznie poddaje się urokowi ślicznego "ducha" i przyjmuje wyzwanie. Tymczasem lekarze, zniechęceni długą, daremną walką o życie pacjentki, planują eutanazję. Przerażony Arthur wykrada ze szpitala ciało ukochanej. Następuje seria nieoczekiwanych zdarzeń…

Автор: Levy Marc
A General Theory of Oblivion

The brilliant new novel from the winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize.

On the eve of Angolan independence an agoraphobic woman named Ludo bricks herself into her apartment for 30 years, living off vegetables and the pigeons she lures in with diamonds, burning her furniture and books to stay alive and writing her story on the apartment’s walls.

Almost as if we’re eavesdropping, the history of Angola unfolds through the stories of those she sees from her window. As the country goes through various political upheavals from colony to socialist republic to civil war to peace and capitalism, the world outside seeps into Ludo’s life through snippets on the radio, voices from next door, glimpses of someone peeing on a balcony, or a man fleeing his pursuers.

A General Theory of Oblivion is a perfectly crafted, wild patchwork of a novel, playing on a love of storytelling and fable.

Автор: Agualusa é Eduardo
A German Officer in Occupied Paris: The War Journals, 1941-1945

Ernst Jünger, one of twentieth-century Germany’s most important and controversial writers, faithfully kept a journal during the Second World War in occupied Paris, on the eastern front, and in Germany until its defeat-writings that are of major historical and literary significance. These wartime journals appear here in English for the first time.

Ernst Jünger was one of twentieth-century Germany’s most important—and most controversial—writers. Decorated for bravery in World War I and the author of the acclaimed western front memoir Storm of Steel, he frankly depicted war’s horrors even as he extolled its glories. As a Wehrmacht captain during World War II, Jünger faithfully kept a journal in occupied Paris and continued to write on the eastern front and in Germany until its defeat—writings that are of major historical and literary significance. Jünger’s Paris journals document his Francophile excitement, romantic affairs, and fascination with botany and entomology, alongside mystical and religious ruminations and trenchant observations on the occupation and the politics of collaboration. While working as a mail censor, he led the privileged life of an officer, encountering artists such as Céline, Cocteau, Braque, and Picasso. His notes from the Caucasus depict the chaos after Stalingrad and atrocities on the eastern front. Upon returning to Paris, Jünger observed the French resistance and was close to the German military conspirators who plotted to assassinate Hitler in 1944. After fleeing France, he reunited with his family as Germany’s capitulation approached.

Both participant and commentator, close to the horrors of history but often distancing himself from them, Jünger turned his life and experiences into a work of art. These wartime journals appear here in English for the first time, giving fresh insights into the quandaries of the twentieth century from the keen pen of a paradoxical observer.

Ernst Jünger (1895–1998) was a major figure in twentieth-century German literature and intellectual life. He was a young leader of right-wing nationalism in the Weimar Republic. Among his many works is the novel On the Marble Cliffs, a symbolic criticism of totalitarianism written under the Third Reich.

Elliot Neaman is professor of history at the University of San Francisco and the author of A Dubious Past: Ernst Jünger and the Politics of Literature after Nazism (1999).

Thomas Hansen, a longtime member of the Wellesley College German Department, is a translator from the German.

Abby Hansen is a translator of German literary and nonfiction texts.

Автор: ünger Ernst
A Ghostly Ménage

Forget ghosts who rattle chains, try living with ones that like to grope.

Jenna, desperate for change, buys a repossessed home on a whim. The townsfolk claim it's haunted, but Jenna's pretty sure all it needs is some filler to stop the drafts. But before long, even she has to admit, there's more going on here than the vagaries of an old house. And whatever it is keeps making her panties damp and her dreams hot.

Derrick and Mark, werewolf twins, are stuck in their house as disembodied spirits all because of an evil witch. When their fated mate suddenly becomes the new owner, they end up taking haunting to a whole new erotic level.

Can Jenna save the alpha brothers and if she does, can she handle a forever after with not one, but two men?

Автор: Langlais Eve
A gift of daisies


    Lady Rachel Palmer was quite used to men falling helplessly in love with her. Every gentleman in aristocratic society, including her devoted fiancé, Lord Algernon Rivers, fell a willing victim to Rachel's dazzling beauty and bewitching charm.

    Every gentleman, that is, except Lord Rivers' closest friend, the studiously unfashionable and splendidly handsome Mr. David Gower.

    Mr. Gower made it clear that the ravishing Rache represented everything he scorned, and that he was the very last man in the world she could ever ensnare. It was a challenge Rachel could not ignore-from a man she could not resist…



    Rachel had never been held thus, against the full, warm length of a man's body. And she had never been kissed thus, with lips that moved over hers, parting and persuading hers to do the same. But she knew this was right. This was the way it must be.

    Then she felt David's hold loosen.

    "I have given into a temptation I thought I had under control," he said. "I had determined never to touch another woman this way until she had consented to be my wife."

    "I can marry you," Rachel said eagerly.

    He shook his head. "No, Lady Rachel, we can never marry."

    Rachel's face was becoming stormy. "Give me one reason why I may not marry you."

    "Because I am not asking you," he coldly replied.

    Signet, North American Library, Signet

    Copright 1989

    And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

    And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

    Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

    -Matthew 6: 28-30

Автор: Balogh Mary
A Gift Upon the Shore

In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, two women seek to preserve the small treasury of books available to them—a gift of knowledge and hope for future generations.

“[A] poignant expression of the durability, grace, and potential of the human spirit.”

— Jean M. Auel, author of the Earth’s Children® series

In the 21st Century, civilization is crumbling under the burden of overpopulation, economic chaos, petty wars, a horrific pandemic, and finally, a nuclear war that inevitably results in a deadly nuclear winter.

On the Oregon Coast, two women, writer Mary Hope and painter Rachel Morrow, scratch out a minimal existence as farmers. In what little time is available to them, they embark on the project that they hope will offer the gift of knowledge to future generations of survivors—the preservation of the books: those available from their own collections and any they find at nearby abandoned houses.

For years, Mary and Rachel are satisfied to labor at this task in their solitude, but a day comes when they encounter a young man who comes from a group of survivors on the southern coast. They call their community the Ark. An incredibly hopeful meeting, it might seem, until Rachel and Mary realize that the Arkites believe in only one book—the Judeo-Christian bible—and regard all other books as blasphemous.

“Wren’s post-nuclear world rings true, as do her compelling depictions of the subsistence-level daily life.”

Publisher’s Weekly

“[Wren’s] passionate concern with what gives life meaning carries the novel.”

Library Journal
Автор: Wren M K
A Girl Named Mister

Bestselling author Nikki Grimes, author of Dark Sons, Barak Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope, and Voices of Christmas, presents the story of Mister, a teenage girl who honestly and poignantly tells her story of temptation and teenage pregnancy through free verse, and who finds support and forgiveness from God through a book of poetry presented from the virgin Mary's perspective.

Автор: Grimes Nikki
A Girl's Guide to Vampires

Joy Randall's Top 5 Tips for Vampire Hunters

1. Location, location, location. Remember, if you wouldn't be there, neither would a bloodsucker. They won't be found dead (ha!) in places like discos, ten-minute lube shops, or Switzerland. Check the Czech Republic.

2. Trust your eyes. You know the handsome, annoyingly arrogant, self-assured man in the shadows with long hair and a cleft in his chin? He's your vampire.

3. No matter how tempting it might be, DO NOT "ACCIDENTALLY" ACQUIRE A PAPER CUT AND SUGGEST YOUR VAMPIRE KISS YOUR FINGER TO MAKE IT BETTER. What you offer as a snack, he might take for a four-course meal.

4. From here on out, play it cool. Don't offer to accompany your prince of the night on the talk show circuit and WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T OFFER HIM YOUR HEART.

5. And most of all, remember—being a vampire is nothing to laugh about.

Серия: Dark Ones
A Glove Shop In Vienna

A collection of short stories by the author of Madensky Square reveals the writer’s ability to write funny and erudite historical fiction.

From Publishers Weekly

Known for her neatly fashioned romance fiction, Ibbotson (Madensky Square) here collects 19 decorous stories of love gained and lost. With settings that range from the early 1990s to the present day, they generally feature surprise endings, some of them sadly contrived. In the title story, Max, a lawyer and confirmed bachelor in pre-WW I Vienna, attends the opera, where Helene, a singer of Wagnerian heft, is hurt in an onstage accident. She hires Max to file suit; they marry; later, Max takes a mistress. On his wife’s death he is free to marry his paramour, but Helene’s will dictates otherwise — she knew that forbidden fruit is sweetest. The London grocer in “Doushenka” is obsessed by Russia. Traveling to St. Petersburg, he falls in love with a young ballerina, but their relationship is ended by his sacrifice on her behalf, and for the rest of his life he must be content with the memories of his Great Love. A Great Love is the essential element in these old-fashioned tales, of which “Sidi” is the most celebratory-and blatantly sentimental. Eschewing the angst and alienation discussed in much contemporary fiction, Ibbotson offers leisurely details of a more genteel era whose passing she obviously laments. Her stories, however, are oversweet and ultimately cloying.

From Library Journal

Women who enjoy romantic fiction will enjoy these heartwarming stories, first published in Great Britain in 1984. Ibbotson concentrates on the infinite variety of Great Love-its discovery, development, recognition, loss, and denouement. Her characters, males and females of all ages and professions, are frequently seen during the Christmas season and in prewar Vienna and Russia. In many stories, people find and lose each other-often with an O. Henry twist. Ibbotson, a winner of the Romantic Novelists Association award, writes charmingly about love, forgiveness, loss, and happiness. Highly recommended.

Ellen R. Cohen, Rockville, Md.
Автор: Ibbotson Eva
A God and His Gifts

First published in 1963, A God and his Gifts was the last of Ivy Compton-Burnett's novels to be published in her lifetime and is considered by many to be one of her best. Set in the claustrophobic world of Edwardian upper-class family life, it is the story of the self-willed and arrogant Hereward Egerton. In his marriage to Ada Merton he maintains a veneer of respectability but through his intimate relationships with his sister, Emmeline, and his son's future wife, Hetty, he steps beyond the bounds of conventional morality with both comic and tragic results…

Автор: Compton-Burnett Ivy
A God in Every Stone

July 1914. Young Englishwoman Vivian Rose Spencer is running up a mountainside in an ancient land, surrounded by figs and cypresses. Soon she will discover the Temple of Zeus, the call of adventure, and the ecstasy of love. Thousands of miles away a twenty-year old Pathan, Qayyum Gul, is learning about brotherhood and loyalty in the British Indian army.

July, 1915. Qayyum Gul is returning home after losing an eye at Ypres, his allegiances in tatters. Viv is following the mysterious trail of her beloved. They meet on a train to Peshawar, unaware that a connection is about to be forged between their lives — one that will reveal itself fifteen years later, on the Street of Storytellers, when a brutal fight for freedom, an ancient artefact and a mysterious green-eyed woman will bring them together again.

A powerful story of friendship, injustice, love and betrayal, A GOD IN EVERY STONE carries you across the globe, into the heart of empires fallen and conquered, reminding us that we all have our place in the chaos of history and that so much of what is lost will not be forgotten.

Автор: Shamsie Kamila
A Golden Age

As young widow Rehana Haque awakes one March morning, she might be forgiven for feeling happy. Her children are almost grown, the city is buzzing with excitement after recent elections. Change is in the air.

But no one can foresee what will happen in the days and months that follow. For this is East Pakistan in 1971, a country on the brink of war. And this family's life is about to change forever.

Set against the backdrop of the Bangladesh War of Independence, 'A Golden Age' is a story of passion and revolution, of hope, faith, and unexpected heroism. In the chaos of this era, everyone must make choices. And as she struggles to keep her family safe, Rehana will be forced to face a heartbreaking dilemma.

Автор: Anam Tahmima
A Golpe De Magia

A diferencia de las que salen en los cuentos de hadas, las brujas de esta historia no son seres terribles y amenazadores, sino mujeres descendientes de una antigua raza que temen por su supervivencia en un mundo hostil.

Paige Winterbourne es una de ellas: a sus 23 años, no sólo tiene que hacer frente a los problemas de cualquier chica de su edad, sino que ha heredado los poderes de su madre y es una de las líderes del Aquelarre Americano, una asociación encargada de velar por los intereses de las brujas. Además, también tiene la responsabilidad de cuidar de Savannah Levine, una bruja adolescente de 13 años extremadamente inteligente y muy rebelde, fascinada por la magia negra y que está en el punto de mira de las poderosas camarillas de hechiceros, los eternos rivales de las brujas.

Cuando las cosas comienzan a complicarse, la única persona en la que Paige puede confiar es también la única con la que de ningún modo debería relacionarse: el abogado (y hechicero) Lucas Cortez.

Kelley Armstrong consigue en este libro recrear un universo paralelo al mundo corriente, en el que los seres del inframundo, brujas, vampiros, hombres lobo…, tienen las mismas inquietudes y problemas que la gente corriente, aunque, eso sí, ellos pueden resolverlos con un toque de magia…

La Serie de Mujeres de otros mundos es una aventura en un mundo donde lo paranormal no sólo existe si no que esta integrado a nuestro alrededor. Sus vecinos podrían ser hombres lobo, o quizá brujas, o incluso medio-demonios. Usted nunca se da cuenta hasta que algo malo sucede. E incluso entonces, puede usted darse cuenta solo antes de morir.

Автор: Amstrong Kelley
A Good Day for Seppuku

A thirteen-year-old girl must choose between her mother in Beverly Hills or her pot-growing father in the Allegheny Mountains. Dr. Bernie Roth and his wife Chloe reside in a grand hacienda in La Jolla. Their children are in college, and their disappointments are profound. But Bernie has his doctor’s bag of elixirs for the regrets of late middle age. Mrs. Barbara Stein, a high school teacher, looks like she’d sacrifice her life for Emily Dickinson’s honor. That’s camouflage―Mrs. Stein actually spends summers in the Sisyphean search for her prostitute daughter in Los Angeles.

These are some of the tales told in Kate Braverman’s audacious new story collection. These furious and often hilarious tableaus of American family life remind us of why she has been seducing readers ever since her debut novel Lithium for Medea shook the literary world nearly forty years ago.

“Braverman possesses a magical, incantatory voice and the ability to lift ordinary lives into the heightened world of myth.”

New York Times

Kate Braverman is the author of a memoir, four novels, two story collections, and four books of poetry. She is the recipient of the Economist Prize, an Isherwood Fellowship, and the O’Henry Award. Her classic short fiction has appeared in Ben Marcus’s New American Short Stories, Tobias Wolfe’s The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Short Stories, McSweeney’s, Best American, Carver, The Paris Review, and numerous esteemed anthologies and award-winning collections. She lives in the Bay Area.

Автор: Braverman Kate
A Good Man in Africa

Boyd's excruciatingly funny first novel presents an unforgettable anti-hero and a vision of Africa seldom seen. British diplomat Morgan Leafy bumbles heavily through his job in Kinjanja. When he finds himself blackmailed, diagnosed with a venereal disease, and confounded with a dead body, he realizes very little is going according to plan.

Автор: Boyd William
A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories

With an keen eye for the dark side of human nature, an amazing ear for dialogue, and a necessary sense of irony, Flannery O’Conner exposes the underside of life in the rural south of the United States. One of the powers in her writing lies in her ability to make the vulnerability of one into that of many; another is her mastery of shifting “control” from character to character, making the outcome uncertain. Sexual and racial attitudes, poverty and riches, adolescence, old age, and being thirty-four which “wasn’t any age at all” are only some of the issues touched on in this collection. When Ruby has to walk up the “steeple steps… [that] …reared up” as she climbed to her fourth floor apartment, we feel her pain as she “gripped the banister rail fiercely and heaved herself up another step…”

Flannery O’Conner, a 1972 National Book Award winner, reminds us that none of the roles in our lives is stagnant and that wearing blinders takes away more than just a view. Through her stories we see that what we blind ourselves to is bound to appear again and again.

Автор: ’Connor Flannery
A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain: Stories

Robert Olen Butler's lyrical and poignant collection of stories about the aftermath of the Vietnam War and its impact on the Vietnamese was acclaimed by critics across the nation and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1993. Now Grove Press is proud to reissue this contemporary classic by one of America's most important living writers, in a new edition of A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain that includes two subsequently published stories — "Salem" and "Missing" — that brilliantly complete the collection's narrative journey, returning to the jungles of Vietnam.

Автор: Butler Robert Olen
A Good Woman

From the glittering ballrooms of Manhattan to the fires of World War I, Danielle Steel takes us on an unforgettable journey in her new novel – a spellbinding tale of war, loss, history, and one woman's unbreakable spirit…

Nineteen-year-old Annabelle Worthington was born into a life of privilege, raised amid the glamour of New York society, with glorious homes on Fifth Avenue and in Newport, Rhode Island. But everything changed on a cold April day in 1912, when the sinking of the Titanic shattered her family and her privileged world forever. Finding strength within her grief, Annabelle pours herself into volunteer work, nursing the poor, igniting a passion for medicine that would shape the course of her life.

But for Annabelle, first love, and a seemingly idyllic marriage, will soon bring more grief – this time caused by the secrets of the human heart. Betrayed, and pursued by a scandal she does not deserve, Annabelle flees New York for war-ravaged France, hoping to lose herself in a life of service. There, in the heart of the First World War, in a groundbreaking field hospital run by women, Annabelle finds her true calling, working as an ambulance medic on the front lines, studying medicine, saving lives. And when the war ends, Annabelle begins a new life in Paris – now a doctor, a mother, her past almost forgotten.until a fateful meeting opens her heart to the world she had left behind. Finding strength in the most unlikely of friendships, pulling together the broken fragments of her life, Annabelle will return to New York one more time – this time as a changed woman, a woman of substance, infused with life's experience, building a future filled with hope.out of the rich soil of the past.

Filled with breathtaking images and historical detail, Danielle Steel's new novel introduces one of her most unique and fascinating characters: Annabelle Worthington, a remarkable woman, a good woman, a true survivor who triumphs against overwhelming odds. For Annabelle's story is more than compelling fiction, it is a powerful celebration of life, dignity, and courage – and a testament to the human will to survive.

Автор: Steel Danielle
A Grand Tour

This appendix sketches in some of the salient points of the galaxy into which Honor was born… and which she, willingly or not, was to play a major part in changing forever.

Автор: Drake David, Weber David
Серия: More than Honor
A Grande Caçada

A Roda do Tempo gira, e Eras vêm e vão, deixando memórias que se transformam em lendas. Há séculos os menestréis narram a Grande Caçada à Trombeta de Valere, que muitos pensavam não passar de uma história, e agora foi encontrada. Ela seria usada para convocar heróis mortos de seus túmulos para lutar contra o Tenebroso, mas alguém a roubou. Rand al’Thor, Mat Cauthon e Perrin Aybara juntam-se aos soldados shienarianos, dispostos a sacrificar a própria vida para recuperar o artefato. No entanto, há algo que Rand teme ainda mais do que as forças do Tenebroso: a mácula de saidin. Rand sabe que está condenado à loucura e à morte e se pergunta se conseguirá ajudar seus amigos antes que isso aconteça ou se será ele próprio o responsável por destruí-los.

Автор: Jordan Robert
Серия: A Roda do Tempo
A Grave Denied

Everyone knew Len Dreyer, a handyman for hire in the Park near Niniltna, Alaska, but no one knew anything else about him. Even Kate Shugak hired him to thin the trees on her 160-acre homestead and was planning to ask him to help build a small second cabin on her property for Johnny Morgan, a teenaged boy in her care. But she, the Park's unofficial p.i., seems to have known less about him than anyone.

Alaska is a place where anybody can bury his history and start fresh, and for any reason, but this particular mystery comes to light when Len Dreyer turns up murdered. His body is discovered, frozen solid, in the path of a receding glacier with the hole from a shotgun blast in his chest. No one even knew he was missing, but it turns out he's been missing for months.

Alaska State Trooper Jim Chopin asks Kate to help him dig into Dreyer's background, in the hope of finding some reason for his murder. She takes the case, mindful of the need for gainful employment as she copes with her responsibility for Johnny, a constant reminder of his father, her dead lover. Little does she imagine that by trying to provide for him she just might put him right in the path of danger.

A talented writer at the prime of her abilities, Stabenow delivers a masterful crime novel that turns out to be as much about living as it is about dying.

Автор: Stabenow Dana

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