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Tactical Error

With powerfull AI controlled ships, the Starwolves have been defending the Republic against the numerically superior but extremely technically inferior Union forces, a decidedly one-sided battle that has lasted for centuries. However, that may soon change. The commander of the Union forces is drafting a new plan to destroy the Starwolves for good. At the heart of this plan is a new secret weapon which is capable of destroying the Starwolves once and for all. Just wait till you find out what that weapon is!

Автор: Gunnarsson Thorarinn
Серия: Starwolves
Tarnished Knight

The authority of the Syndicate Worlds government is crumbling. Civil war and rebellion are breaking out in many star systems despite the Syndic government’s brutal attempts to suppress disorder. Midway is one of those star systems, and leaders there must decide whether to remain loyal to the old order or fight for something new.

CEO Artur Drakon has been betrayed. The Syndic government failed to protect its citizens from both the Alliance and the alien enigmas. With a cadre of loyal soldiers under his command, Drakon launches a battle for control of the Midway Star System assisted by an ally he is unsure he can trust.

CEO Gwen Iceni was exiled to Midway because she wasn’t ruthless enough in the eyes of her superiors. She’s made them regret their assessment by commandeering some of the warships at Midway and attacking the remaining ships still loyal to the Syndicate empire. Iceni declares independence for the Midway Star System on behalf of the people while staying in charge as President. But while she controls the mobile fleet, she has no choice but to rely on General Drakon’s ground forces to keep the peace planet-side.

If their coup is to succeed, Drakon and Iceni must put their differences aside to prevent the population of Midway from rising up in rebellion against them, to defend Midway against the alien threat of the enigma race and to ferret out saboteurs determined to reestablish Syndic rule.

Автор: Campbell Jack
Серия: The Lost Stars
Tau Zero

Maestro della fantascienza spaziale, autore di celebri saghe come quella del mercante van Rijn e della Lega Palesotecnica, Anderson è festeggiato in questo volume con tre celebri avventure “indipendenti” che non appartengono a cicli ma ce lo mostrano in tre diverse sfaccettature della sua poliedrica carriera; Quoziente 1000 è una straordinaria avventura del pensiero che parte da un’ipotesi affascinante: che accadrebbe se all’improvviso il quoziente intellettuale di tutta l’umanità aumentasse di dieci o venti volte? Quali orizzonti si schiuderebbero alla nostra conoscenza e alla nostra immaginazione? Le amazzoni è la storia di un pianeta dove le donne sono molto, ma molto bellicose; Tau zero, infine, racconta con grande verosimiglianza un viaggio nello spazio a bordo di un’astronave relativistica e dell’incidente che trasforma quest’avventura in un incubo dove spazio, tempo e dimensione cessano di avere ogni significato a noi noto.

Автор: Anderson Poul
Temporary Duty

A pair of enlisted sailors are assigned to an alien spaceship, to clean and prepare quarters for the real human delegation. Once there, they find that there’s a little more to it…

Alien worlds, exploding spaceships, IRS agents, derring-do, and a little sex. Oh, and mops, brooms, and dustpans. Truly there are wonders Out There.

Автор: Locke Ric

Pilot Pirx is an astronaut, a fresh-faced physical powerhouse, but no genius. His superiors send him on the most dangerous missions, either because he is expendable, or because they trust his bumbling ability to survive in almost any habitat or dilemma. Follow Pirx now through a world of hyper-technology and super-psychology from his early days as a hopelessly inept cadet soloing with a pair of sex-crazed horseflies… to a farside moon station built by bickering madmen… to a chase through space after a deadly sphere of light… to an encounter with a mossy old robot whose programming has slipped.

Автор: Lem Stanislaw
Серия: Pirx the Pilot
Terre et Fondation

Mission surhumaine pour Golan Trevize : choisir le meilleur avenir pour l’humanité.Un avenir qui ne recréera pas les erreursde l’Empire galactique,entre le matérialisme de la Première Fondationet le mentalisme de la Seconde. Un avenir qui a pour modèle Gaïa, la planète pensante, et pour nom : Galaxia. Trevize a choisi mais il voudrait savoir pourquoi. Et la réponse à ses interrogations se trouve sur la Terre. Mais où la trouver, cette planète des origines, mystérieusement disparuede toutes les archives galactiques ? Trevize et ses deux compagnons, l’historien Pelorat et Joie, la belle Gaïenne, deviennent, bien malgré eux, trois personnagesen quête de Terre... Une quête qui va les mener de planète en planètejusqu’à ce but mythique, jusqu’à la révélation finale, qui leur fera découvrir que l’aventurene fait que commencer.

Автор: Asimov Isaac
Серия: Fondation
The Aftermath

In the wake of the Asteroid Wars that tore across the solar system, Victor Zacharius makes his living running the ore-carrier Syracuse. With his wife and two children he plies the Asteroid Belt, hauling whatever cargo can be found. When the Syracuse stumbles into the middle of a military attack on the habitat Chrysalis, Victor flees in a control pod to draw the attacker’s attention away from his family. Now, as his wife and children plunge into the far deeps of space, Victor has been rescued by the seductive Cheena Madagascar. He must do her bidding if he’s to have a prayer of ever seeing his family again.

Elverda Apacheta is the solar system’s greatest sculptor. The cyborg Dorn was formerly Dorik Harbin, the ruthless military commander responsible for the attack on Chrysalis. Their lives and destinies have been linked by their joint discovery of the alien artifact that had, earlier, profoundly affected industrialist Martin Humphries. Similarly transformed by the artifact’s mysterious powers, Apacheta and Dorn now prowl the Belt, determined to find the bodies of the many victims of Harbin’s atrocities so that they can be given proper burials.

Kao Yuan is the captain of Viking, owned by Martin Humphries, who’s determined to kill Dorn and Elverda because they know too much about the artifact and its power over him. But Viking’s second-in-command, Tamara Vishinsky, appears to have the real power on board ship. When Viking catches up to Apacheta and Dorn, their confrontation begins a series of events involving them, the Zacharius family, and Martin Humphries and his son in the transformation of the human solar system…

Автор: Bova Ben
Серия: Grand Tour
The Albatross

Pilot Pirx is an astronaut, a fresh-faced physical powerhouse, but no genius. His superiors send him on the most dangerous missions, either because he is expendable, or because they trust his bumbling ability to survive in almost any habitat or dilemma. Follow Pirx now through a world of hyper-technology and super-psychology from his early days as a hopelessly inept cadet soloing with a pair of sex-crazed horseflies… to a farside moon station built by bickering madmen… to a chase through space after a deadly sphere of light… to an encounter with a mossy old robot whose programming has slipped.

Автор: Lem Stanislaw
Серия: Pirx the Pilot
The Big Time

Fritz Leiber (1910–1992) is best known as a fantasy writer, but his achievements and influence are also considerable in the horror and science fiction fields. One of his major SF works is the Change War series, about rival time-traveling armies locked in a bitter, age-old war for control of existence; the battles frequently alter the course of human history. The most important work of Leiber's Change War series is the Hugo Award-winning novel The Big Time, in which doctors, entertainers, and wounded soldiers find themselves treacherously trapped with an activated atomic bomb inside the Place, a room existing outside of space-time. It's not one of Leiber's strongest novels: the cutesy-girlish narrative voice is unconvincing, while the demands of describing time travel and time paradoxes inevitably strain the prose. But The Big Time is a tense, claustrophobic SF mystery, and possibly the ultimate locked-room whodunit.

Won Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1958.

Автор: Leiber Fritz
The Butcher of Anderson Station

[The Expanse #0.5]: A Prequel Story to The Expanse book series.

Set in the hard-scrabble solar system of Leviathan Wakes and Caliban’s War, The Butcher of Anderson Station deepens James S. A. Corey’s acclaimed Expanse series.

One day, Colonel Fred Johnson will be hailed as a hero to the system. One day, he will meet a desperate man in possession of a stolen spaceship and a deadly secret and extend a hand of friendship. But long before he became the leader of the Outer Planets Alliance, Fred Johnson had a very different name. The Butcher of Anderson Station.

This is his story.

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The Chosen

Born to rule…

With Ancient technology scattered across the Pegasus galaxy, the Atlantis team is not surprised to find it in use on a world once defended by Dalera, an Ancient who was cast out of her society for falling in love with a human.

But in the millennia since Dalera's departure much has changed. Her strict rules have been broken, leaving her people open to Wraith attack. Only a few of the Chosen remain to operate Ancient technology vital to their defense and tensions are running high. Revolution simmers close to the surface.

When Major Sheppard and Rodney McKay are revealed as members of the Chosen, Daleran society convulses into chaos. Wanting to help resolve the crisis and yet refusing to prop up an autocratic regime, Sheppard is forced to act when Teyla and Lieutenant Ford are taken hostage by the rebels…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Серия: Atlantis
The Churn

[The Expanse #0.2]: A Prequel Novella to The Expanse book series.

Set in the hard-scrabble solar system of Leviathan Wakes, Caliban's War, Abaddon's Gate and the upcoming Cibola Burn, The Churn deepens James S. A. Corey's acclaimed Expanse series.

Before his trip to the stars, before the Rocinante, Amos Burton was confined to a Baltimore where crime paid you or killed you. Unless the authorities got to you first.

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Автор: Halstead Jason
Серия: Vitalis
The Compleat McAndrews

Presenting the space adventures of Arthur Morton McAndrew, space-time expert and scientist extraordinaire, and his long-suffering companion, spaceship skipper Jeanie Roker. Jeanie first met McAndrew on a routine run to Titan and quickly learned he was a genius of the caliber of Newton or Einstein. When McAndrew invented a space drive that let frail humans survive hundreds of gravities of acceleration, he disappeared while testing it, and Jeanie had to find him, using a trail of cryptic messages he had left behind.

That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, in spite of the gray hairs that Jeanie began accumulating as a result of McAndrew’s impractical nature and his talent for getting himself into trouble with much more practical villains, such as…

Автор: Sheffield Charles
The Conditioned Reflex

Pilot Pirx is an astronaut, a fresh-faced physical powerhouse, but no genius. His superiors send him on the most dangerous missions, either because he is expendable, or because they trust his bumbling ability to survive in almost any habitat or dilemma. Follow Pirx now through a world of hyper-technology and super-psychology from his early days as a hopelessly inept cadet soloing with a pair of sex-crazed horseflies… to a farside moon station built by bickering madmen… to a chase through space after a deadly sphere of light… to an encounter with a mossy old robot whose programming has slipped.

Автор: Lem Stanislaw
Серия: Pirx the Pilot
The Dark Ship

Captain Jeff Austin and his crew are stranded in the interstellar void after their bomber is destroyed. Their last hope is a giant alien spacecraft floating abandoned in space. But not long after gaining access, the crew’s worst fears are confirmed: they are not alone on board, and soon their lives are under threat from sinister aliens.

There seems to be only one way out: Jeff sets off with the last survivors to the distant center of the ship to uncover the dark secrets of its extraterrestrial inhabitants.

But nothing can prepare them for the horror that awaits them deep inside The Black Ship.

Автор: Peterson Phillip P
The Dark Wheel

Новелизация игры Elite

Автор: Holdstock Robert
The Day of Their Return

Aeneas is the powder keg of the universe, a frontier planet where rebellion is a way of life—and death. Smarting under the thumb of the Terran Empire after an almost successful war against Imperial rule, the Aeneans are swept up in a fanatical religious movement that promises the return of the Elder Race.

Автор: Anderson Poul
Серия: Dominic Flandry

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