Книги жанра «Космическая фантастика» на букву «H»

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Might makes right…

In their ongoing quest for new allies, Atlantis's flagship team travel to Halcyon, a grim industrial world where the Wraith are no longer feared — they are hunted. Horrified by the brutality of Halcyon's warlike people, Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard soon becomes caught in the political machinations of Halcyon's aristocracy. In a feudal society where strength means power, he realizes the nobles will stop at nothing to ensure victory over their rivals.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rodney McKay enlists the aid of the ruler's daughter to investigate a powerful Ancient structure, but McKay's scientific brilliance has aroused the interest of the planet's most powerful man — a man with a problem he desperately needs McKay to solve.

As Halcyon plunges into a catastrophe of its own making the team must join forces with the warlords — or die at the hands of their bitterest enemy…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Автор: Swallow James
Серия: Atlantis
Half Share

After Ishmael Wang is promoted to the environmental section, he's caught in a swirl of mystery, doubt, belief, lust and a really nice fitting pair of jeans. He has to come to grips with what it means to be a spacer while he's still trying to figure out what it means to be a man.

Join Ishmael, Brillo, Pip, and the rest of the crew of the Lois McKendrick as they help the newest member of the crew adjust to life in the Deep Dark.

Автор: Lowel Nathan
Hermanos de armas

El inefable Miles Vorkosigan se encuentra en esta ocasión en la Tierra, sin dinero y con los dolores de cabeza que le da el interpretar a dos personajes a la vez con sus respectivos enemigos. La situación se complica cuando algunos de sus hombres organizan un escándalo en una tienda de licores cuando la máquina no les acepta la tarjeta de crédito. Por culpa de una periodista perspicaz Miles se ve obligado a dar una nueva vuelta de tuerca en su farsa: decide que su otra identidad es en realidad un clon suyo, y engaña a la periodista. Sin embargo, lo que no se podía esperar es que realmente un clon suyo estuviera dispuesto a reemplazarle.

Автор: Bujold Lois McMaster
Серия: Barrayar (es)
Автор: Pournelle Jerry
Серия: Codominium
Higher Education

Kicked out of school after a misfired practical joke, Rick Luban takes a job mining asteroids and is surprised by the industry’s fierce competition and dangers, which include sabotage and murder.

Серия: Jupiter

During a war between two planets in the same solar systemeach occupied by adapted humanswhat is thought to be a cosmic superstring is discovered. After being cut, this object collapses into four cylindrical pieces, each about the size of a tube train. Each is densely packed with either alien technology or some kind of life. They are placed for safety in three ozark cylinders of a massively secure space station. There, a female research scientist subsequently falls pregnant, and gives birth to quads. Then she commits suicidebut why?

By the end of the war one of the contesting planets has been devastated by the hilldiggersgiant space dreadnoughts employing weapons capable of creating mountain ranges. The quads have meanwhile grown up and are assuming positions of power in the post-war society. One of them will eventually gain control of the awesome hilldiggers.

Автор: Asher Neal

Atlantis has returned to Earth. The team members have dispersed and are beginning new lives far from the dangers of the Pegasus galaxy. They think the adventure is over.

They're wrong.

With the help of General Jack O'Neill, Atlantis rises once more — and the former members of the expedition must decide whether to return with her to Pegasus or to remain safely on Earth in the new lives they enjoy…

Picking up where the show's final season ended, STARGATE ATLANTIS Homecoming is the first in the exciting new STARGATE ATLANTIS Legacy series. These all new adventures take the Atlantis team back to the Pegasus galaxy where a terrible new enemy has emerged, an enemy that threatens their lives, their friendships — and the future of Earth itself.

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Автор: Graham Jo, Scott Melissa
Серия: Atlantis, Legacy
Honor Among Enemies

For Captain Honor Harrington, it's sometimes hard to know who the enemy is. Offered a chance to reclaim her career, she is given command of a "squadron" of merchantment, and ordered to stop the pirates who are plundering the Kingdom's commerce. But the pirates are not all they seem.

Автор: Weber David
Серия: Honor Harrington
Honor królowej

Drugi tom cyklu o przygodach Honor Harrington. Tym razem bohaterka obejmuje dowództwo konwoju do systemu Yeltsin. Przedstawicielem Jej Królewskiej Mości zostaje admirał Courvosier, przyjaciel i mentor Honor, a celem ich misji jest zawarcie sojuszu z władzami planety Grayson. Manticore potrzebuje bowiem sprzymierzeńców w zbliżającej się wojnie. Królewskie Ministerstwo Spraw zagranicznych przeoczyło jednak drobną kulturową różnicę, zlecając zadanie Honor na planecie Grayson kobiety nie mają żadnych praw i nawet sama obecność Harrington stanowi obelgę dla wszystkich męskich obywateli. Na dodatek Grayson niespodziewanie zostaje zaatakowana przez fanatyków z planety Masada, a w boju ginie admirał. Czy Honor będzie w stanie ocalić planetę przed nuklearną zagładą?

Автор: Weber David
Серия: Honor Harrington (pl)
Honor na wygnaniu

Przybita ostatnimi wydarzeniami i rozgoryczona rozwojem sytuacji lady Honor Harrington udaje się na planetę Grayson, by zając się zarządzaniem domeną Harrington i zaleczyć wewnętrzne rany.

Spokój jednak nie jest pisany — z jednej strony atakują wrogowie wewnętrzni, dla których kobieta — patron stanowi obrazę, z drugiej zewnętrzni: zrewolucjonizowana Ludowa Republika Haven kolejny raz próbuje zdobyć system Yeltsin. Na drodze do zwycięstwa jednych i drugich stoi tylko jedna przeszkoda — admirał lady Honor Harrington. Admirał, ale nie Królewskiej Marynarki…

Автор: Weber David
Серия: Honor Harrington (pl)
Honor ponad wszystko

Honor Harrington zostaje powieszona, a nagranie z egzekucji rozpowszechnione. Admirał Esther McQueen pierwszy raz od lat przejmuje inicjatywę i kontratakuje, zmuszając Sojusz Manticore do obrony. Grayson rośnie w siłę, a Królewska Marynarka testuje nowe uzbrojenie i nową klasę okrętów.

Tymczasem na Hadesie, planecie więziennej, Honor leczy rany odniesione w trakcie ucieczki. O tym, że przeżyła, wiedzą jedynie dwie osoby. Dzięki pomocy więźniów Harrington opanowuje planetę i obiecuje zabrać ich ze sobą. Jest tylko jeden problem — uwięzionych jest prawie czterysta tysięcy, a ona ma zwyczaj dotrzymywać słowa.

Автор: Weber David
Серия: Honor Harrington (pl)
Honor wśród wrogów

Szósty tom przygód Honor Harrington. Szósty tom przygód Honor Harrington, która wraca w nim do Royal Manticoran Navy, ale jako dowódca grupy czterech statków pułapek, czyli jednostek handlowych przerobionych na okręty wojenne, z załogami, na których nie można zbytnio polegać. Ma oczyścić z piratów obszar Konfederacji Silesiańskiej, gdzie marynarka handlowa ponosi przez nich duże straty. Jak się jednak okazuje, nie wszyscy oni są wyłącznie piratami, a na dodatek starzy wrogowie w Gwiezdnym Królestwie Manticore nie zapomnieli o Honor Harrington i zrobili, co mogli, by tak zadanie, jak i przeciwnik oraz środki, które dano jej do dyspozycji, gwarantowały przegraną…

Автор: Weber David
Серия: Honor Harrington (pl)
Hunt and run

When the hunted become hunters…

Ronon Dex is a mystery. His past is a closed book and he likes it that way. But when the Atlantis team triggers a trap that leaves them stranded on a hostile world, only Ronon’s past can save them — if it doesn’t kill them first.

As the gripping tale unfolds, we return to Ronon’s earliest days as a Runner and meet the charismatic leader who transformed him into a hunter of Wraith. But grief and rage can change the best of men and it soon becomes clear that those who Ronon once considered brothers-in-arms are now on the hunt — and that the Atlantis team are their prey.

Unless Ronon can out hunt the hunters, Colonel Sheppard’s team will fall victim to the vengeance of the V’rdai.

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Автор: Rosenberg Aaron
Серия: Atlantis

Edward York is an illegal clone, genetically engineered for perfection — but something went wrong. His twin sister, Ambassador Samantha York, is a gorgeous genius, but the physically perfect Edward is condemned by his faulty brain to service in the human Navy’s Outward Fleet Explorer Corps, a collection of misfits who call themselves the Expendables, and with good reason. After Edward fails to save his sister’s life on the war-torn planet Troyen, he is sent away on a Navy starship in which all other crew and passengers die in the same instant, leaving Edward alone — and trapped with unknown, destructive nanotechnology. If that isn’t trouble enough, his fate is mysteriously tied to that of Troyen’s native race, the Mandasar, in a complex interstellar web of conspiracy and treachery. And his only allies may be five young Mandasar; a human-alien symbiont with motives of her own; and the most infamous Expendable in the Corps, the hated Admiral Festina Ramos.

In addition to Hunted, James Alan Gardner has written two previous novels featuring Festina Ramos, Expendable and Vigilant; his novel Commitment Hour is set in the same universe.

Автор: Gardner James Alan
Серия: League of Peoples
Hunting Party

Heris Serrano—formerly a commander in the Regular Space Service—must take whatever job she can get after her resignation under a cloud. What she can get is the captaincy of a rich old lady’s space yacht... a rich old horsewoman, who has little liking for the military, and whose spoiled nephew Ronnie (and his equally spoiled friends) have been foisted on her after his folly embarrassed the family. Lady Cecelia’s only apparent interest is horses—she intends to go fox hunting on the private pleasure planet of a friend of hers, Lord Thornbuckle. But events conspire to make it far more than a fox hunt.

Автор: Moon Elizabeth
Серия: Serrano Legacy
Hvězdy, ty studené hračky

Profesionální kosmický pilot Petr Chrumov se vrací se svým nákladním raketoplánem z hlubin vesmíru zpět na zemi. Už na cestě zjistí, že neletí jako obvykle sám, ale že má společnost — Cizáka z civilizace počtářů. Tento reptiloid způsobí, že místo na kosmdromu přistanou s pozemským pilotem a jeho strojem na opuštěné silnici na ruském Dálném východě. Nouzové přistání se zdaří, ale v nastalém zmatku Cizák zmizí. Posléze se opět vynoří ve společnosti Chrumovova dědečka, významného odborníka na mimozemské civilizace. Starého pána i mladého pilota přiměje, aby odcizili pozemský raketoplán a s pomocí civilizace počtářů i dalších „slabých“ ras pak zlikvidovali blíže nespecifikované nebezpečí, hrozící planetě Zemi. I tento příběh má všechny přednosti Lukjaněnkovy tvorby — strhující děj, svižné dialogy, téměř detektivní zápletku a nečekané rozuzlení.

Автор: ěnko Sergej

Dopo l’Egira, nell’universo è stata creata una federazione di pianeti: l’Egemonia dell’Uomo. Ma al di fuori della sua giurisdizione esiste un pianeta chiamato Hyperion. E su Hyperion è in attesa una creatura metallica, sanguinaria, dotata di poteri semidivini: lo Shrike. Alcuni lo adorano. Altri lo temono. Altri ancora hanno giurato di distruggerlo. Lo Shrike li attende tutti, amici e nemici, nella Valle delle Tombe del Tempo, dove enormi strutture cupe provenienti dal futuro si ritraggono verso il passato recando oscuri messaggi. Alla vigilia dell’Armageddon, con l’intera galassia in guerra, sette pellegrini si mettono in viaggio verso le Tombe, alla ricerca delle risposte agli enigmi delle loro vite. Ognuno di loro custodisce un terribile segreto e una disperata speranza, e ognuno è disposto a morire, per portare a termine la ricerca. E forse dovrà morire, perche lo Shrike uccide tutti i pellegrini che gli si avvicinano… meno uno. E il superstite vedrà realizzato il desiderio che più gli sta a cuore. Per prepararsi all’incontro con lo Shrike, ogni personaggio racconta agli altri la propria storia, la storia che l’ha portato su Hyperion. E con il procedere dei racconti ci viene rivelata una cultura interstellare d’incredibile complessità e varietà, che diventa a poco a poco sempre più reale e coinvolgente.

Автор: Simmons Dan

Dopo l’Egira, nell’universo è stata creata una federazione di pianeti: l’Egemonia dell’Uomo. Ma al di fuori della sua giurisdizione esiste un pianeta chiamato Hyperion. E su Hyperion è in attesa una creatura metallica, sanguinaria, dotata di poteri semidivini: lo Shrike. Alcuni lo adorano. Altri lo temono. Altri ancora hanno giurato di distruggerlo. Lo Shrike li attende tutti, amici e nemici, nella Valle delle Tombe del Tempo, dove enormi strutture cupe provenienti dal futuro si ritraggono verso il passato recando oscuri messaggi. Alla vigilia dell’Armageddon, con l’intera galassia in guerra, sette pellegrini si mettono in viaggio verso le Tombe, alla ricerca delle risposte agli enigmi delle loro vite. Ognuno di loro custodisce un terribile segreto e una disperata speranza, e ognuno è disposto a morire, per portare a termine la ricerca. E forse dovrà morire, perche lo Shrike uccide tutti i pellegrini che gli si avvicinano… meno uno. E il superstite vedrà realizzato il desiderio che più gli sta a cuore. Per prepararsi all’incontro con lo Shrike, ogni personaggio racconta agli altri la propria storia, la storia che l’ha portato su Hyperion. E con il procedere dei racconti ci viene rivelata una cultura interstellare d’incredibile complessità e varietà, che diventa a poco a poco sempre più reale e coinvolgente.

Автор: Simmons Dan
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора

Hypérion marquera durablement la science-fiction. Ce splendide roman a reçu le prix Hugo aux Etats-Unis et son auteur s’annonce un rival dangereux pour Stephen King lui-même.

Hypérion est un livre-univers, comme le Dune de Frank Herbert, un roman d’aventures haletant mais aussi un exploit littéraire impressionnant qui ressuscite dans l’avenir le poète anglais John Keats et fait écho à son oeuvre majeure, Hypérion.

Au 28° siècle, sur la planète Hypérion, les dangers s’amoncellent. Celui de la guerre avec l’approche de la flottes des Extros en perpétuel conflit avec l’Hégémonie. Celui du gritche, figure mythologique et meurtrière que révère l’Eglise des Templiers. Celui de l’ouverture des Tombeaux du Temps qui dérivent de l’avenir vers le passé à la rencontre d’une imprévisible catastrophe.

Dans l’espoir de sauver Hypérion et d’accomplir leurs destins suspendus, sept pèlerins se dirigent ensemble vers le sanctuaire du gritche. Il y a le père Lenar Hoyt, prêtre catholique, qui a vu l’enfer ; le colonel Kassad, dit le Boucher de Bressia, à la recherche d’un rêve ; Martin Silenus, le poète, qui a connu la Vieille Terre et perdu les mots ; Brawne Lamia, la belle détective, qui a aimé un John Keats synthétique : le Consul qui a régné sur Hypérion ; Sol Weintraub, l’érudit, dont la fille perd des années ; et le templier Het Masteen, qui garde ses secrets.

Autant d’énigmes, autant d’histoires, qu’ils choisissent de conter avant d’affronter les labyrinthes d’Hypérion. Autant de styles différents.

Автор: Simmons Dan

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