Книги жанра «Приключения» на букву «H»

num: 1 2 4 7 9
en: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
ru: А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Э Ю Я




No cikla «Lielas Lācenes deli»


Altberliner Verlag Luzic GroBzer

No vācu valodas tulkojusi Ērika Lūse

I. Kuskova ilustrācijas Vāku un titulu darinājis Eglons Lūsis


John Russell has been raised as an Apache. Now he's on his way to live as a white man. But when the stagecoach passengers learn who he is, they want nothing to do with him -- until outlaws ride down on them and they must rely on Russell's guns and his ability to lead them out of the desert. He can't ride with them, but they must walk with him or die.

Автор: Leonard Elmore
Hornblower and the Atropos

In the wake of a humbling incident aboard a canal boat in the Cotswolds, young Captain Horatio Hornblower arrives in London to take command of the Atropos, a 22-gun sloop barely large enough to require a captain. Her first assignment under Hornblower's command is as flagship for the funeral procession of Lord Nelson. Soon Atropos is part of the Mediterranean Fleet's harassment of Napoleon, recovering treasure that lies deep in Turkish waters and boldly challenging a Spanish frigate several times her size. At the center of each adventure is Hornblower, Forester's most inspired creation, whose blend of cautious preparation and spirited execution dazzles friend and foe alike.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
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Hornblower's charitable offering

HMS Sutherland of two decks and seventyfour guns, Captain Horatio Hornblower, was on her way north from Gibraltar to her rendezvous in the Western Mediterranean. To port lay the coast of Spain; to starboard, and barely in sight, just peeping over the horizon, lay the hilltops of one of the Balearic Islands, Ibiza. Spain was now an ally of England, and it was no business of the Sutherland’s to intercept Spanish trade or fight Spanish ships of war. Only the French were now enemies, and the French conquest of Spain had not progressed as far south yet as Valencia. It was to take a hand in the struggle in Catalonia that the Sutherland–at least so Hornblower suspected—was being sent north. Meanwhile he had little enough to worry him; a full crew, a wellfound ship, and nothing special to do …

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Hornblower in the West Indies

The eleventh tale of naval adventure in C.S. Forester's Hornblower series finds Horatio Hornblower an admiral struggling to impose order in the chaotic aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars. As commander-in-chief of His Majesty's ships and vessels in the West Indies, he must take on pirates, revolutionaries, and a blistering hurricane. The war is over, but peaceful it is not.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Hornblower and the Widow McCool

"Hornblower and the Widow McCool" is a short story by C. S. Forester, featuring his fictional naval hero, Horatio Hornblower. It was published together with the unfinished novel Hornblower and the Crisis and another short story, "The Last Encounter". It is titled "Hornblower's Temptation" in certain US editions.

The story is set very early in Hornblower's career, in 1799 or 1800, after Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, but before Lieutenant Hornblower.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Серия: Hornblower
Hornblower and the Crisis

Captain Hornblower, after two hard years on blockade at Brest, has relinquished the helm of the Hotspur. He has no ship, only the promise of one. Meanwhile there are battles to be fought.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
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Hornblower and the Hotspur

MacNee (The Avengers and A View to a Kill) is a superb choice to read this ripping yarn—the third in Forester's expert and exciting series about a young naval officer who rises rapidly through the ranks to become one of England's heroes in the battles against Napoleon's huge fleet of fast and formidably armed frigates. MacNee is perfect as the young Horatio Hornblower, who listeners meet on his wedding day in 1803. The couple's romance succumbs to history as the dastardly French prepare to attack. With the possible exception of Patrick O'Brian, nobody else writes about sea battles with the perfect control of Forester, and MacNee uses all his acting skills to keep the action moving. A few sound effects might have been in order during the fighting scenes, but one can't have everything.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Herr Интендантуррат

Есть люди, которые родились для оперативной работы. Случается, человек понимает это не сразу, но когда распробует… С Крайневым так и произошло. Однажды побывав в прошлом, во время Великой Отечественной, он уже не смог отказаться от смертельно опасной работы партизанского разведчика. И вот новый рейд, новое задание, старые враги и верные боевые товарищи. А на карте – тысячи жизней и успех операции «Багратион».

Автор: Dietrich William
Автор: Follett Ken
Heaven and Hell

From America's master storyteller and writer of historical fiction comes the dramatic conclusion to the North and South saga. The Civil War has ended, but the Hazards and Mains have yet to face their greatest struggles. Even as the embers of old hatreds continue to burn in the heart of a nation torn apart by war, a new future in the West awaits a new generation of Americans seeking a life of their own — and a place to call their own. Filled with all of the vivid drama, passion, and action that have made John Jakes the acclaimed master of historical fiction. Heaven and Hell is the tumultuous final chapter in one of the greatest epics of our time.

Автор: Джейкс Джон
Серия: North and South
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Автор: Lyndon Robert
Автор: Jackson Douglas
Серия: The Roman trilogy
Автор: Kane Ben
Автор: Donald Angus
Серия: Outlaw chronicles
Автор: Ludlow Jack
Серия: The last Roman
Автор: Hight Jack
Серия: Saladin trilogy
Автор: Ben Kane
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Автор: Kane Ben
Серия: Eagles of Rome
Hornblower and the Atropos

In the wake of a humbling incident aboard a canal boat in the Cotswolds, young Captain Horatio Hornblower arrives in London to take command of the Atropos, a 22-gun sloop barely large enough to require a captain. Her first assignment under Hornblower's command is as flagship for the funeral procession of Lord Nelson. Soon Atropos is part of the Mediterranean Fleet's harassment of Napoleon, recovering treasure that lies deep in Turkish waters and boldly challenging a Spanish frigate several times her size. At the center of each adventure is Hornblower, Forester's most inspired creation, whose blend of cautious preparation and spirited execution dazzles friend and foe alike.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Hornblower's charitable offering

HMS Sutherland of two decks and seventyfour guns, Captain Horatio Hornblower, was on her way north from Gibraltar to her rendezvous in the Western Mediterranean. To port lay the coast of Spain; to starboard, and barely in sight, just peeping over the horizon, lay the hilltops of one of the Balearic Islands, Ibiza. Spain was now an ally of England, and it was no business of the Sutherland’s to intercept Spanish trade or fight Spanish ships of war. Only the French were now enemies, and the French conquest of Spain had not progressed as far south yet as Valencia. It was to take a hand in the struggle in Catalonia that the Sutherland–at least so Hornblower suspected—was being sent north. Meanwhile he had little enough to worry him; a full crew, a wellfound ship, and nothing special to do …

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Hornblower in the West Indies

The eleventh tale of naval adventure in C.S. Forester's Hornblower series finds Horatio Hornblower an admiral struggling to impose order in the chaotic aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars. As commander-in-chief of His Majesty's ships and vessels in the West Indies, he must take on pirates, revolutionaries, and a blistering hurricane. The war is over, but peaceful it is not.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
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Honour This Day

In September 1804, England stands alone against France and the fleets of Spain, daily expecting an invasion. Entrusted with an urgent mission for the King, Vice-Admiral Richard Bolitho hoists his flag above the veteran seventy-four-gun ship Hyperion and sets sail with a new squadron for the Caribbean. Plagued by the knowledge that both his troubled marriage and the eye injured in his last battle with Contre-Amiral Jobert are worsening, Bolitho is eager to quit the land less than three months after his return home. But even his beloved old ship Hyperion, hastily restored from an ignominious existence as a hulk, is full of tormenting memories and lost faces. Ordered to plan and effect a daring raid on the Spanish Main, Bolitho spares himself nothing. It is more like a death-wish than a mission. He himself leads the dawn attack against enemy mortars in La Guaira, capturing after a bloody battle the rich prize of His Catholic Majesty's biggest treasure-ship laden with gold and silver. In Antigua once more, he is roused from his darkness of soul by the rediscovery of a passion which defies convention and every risk to his reputation. His future is full of uncertainty as he sails east to Gibraltar, for a rendezvous that all who follow his flag will remember. For the year is 1805, an historic year for the English fleet, and Hyperion is set to fight her last great

Автор: Kent Alexander
Серия: Bolitho
Heart of Oak

It is February 1818, and Adam Bolitho longs for marriage and a safe personal harbour. But with so much of Britain's fleet redundant, he knows he is fortunate to be offered HMS Onward, a new 38-gun frigate whose first mission is not war but diplomacy, as consort to the French frigate Nautilus. Under the burning sun of North Africa, Bolitho is keenly aware of the envy and ambition among his officers, the troubled, restless spirits of his midshipmen, and the old enemy's proximity. It is only when Nautilus becomes a sacrificial offering on the altar of empire that every man discovers the brotherhood of the sea is more powerful than the bitter memories of an ocean of blood and decades of war.

Автор: Kent Alexander
Серия: Bolitho
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Alan Lewrie works to get a leg over on Emma Hamilton, and comes face to face with the rising star in France, a guy called Napoleon, as well as the infamous Captain Bligh. Not a small feat!

Автор: Lambdin Dewey
Серия: Lewrie
Havoc`s Sword

It's 1798, and Lewrie and his crew of the Proteus frigate have their work cut out for them. First, he has rashly vowed to uphold a friend's honour in a duel to the death. Second, he faces the horridly unwelcome arrival of HM Government's Foreign Office agents (out to use him as their cat's-paw in impossibly vaunting schemes against the French). And last, he must engineer the showdown with his arch foe and nemesis, the hideous ogre of the French Revolution's Terror, that clever fiend Guillaume Choundas!We know Lewrie can fight, but can he be a diplomat, too? He must deal with the newly reborn United States Navy, that uneasy, unofficial "ally", and the stunning, life-altering surprise they bring. For good or ill, Lewrie's in the "quag" up to his neck, this time. Can sword, pistol, and broadsides avail, or will words, low cunning, and Lewrie's irrepressible wit be the key to his victory and survival, as even the seas cry "Havoc"?

Автор: Lambdin Dewey
Hornblower and the Widow McCool

"Hornblower and the Widow McCool" is a short story by C. S. Forester, featuring his fictional naval hero, Horatio Hornblower. It was published together with the unfinished novel Hornblower and the Crisis and another short story, "The Last Encounter". It is titled "Hornblower's Temptation" in certain US editions.

The story is set very early in Hornblower's career, in 1799 or 1800, after Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, but before Lieutenant Hornblower.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Серия: Hornblower
Hornblower and the Crisis

Captain Hornblower, after two hard years on blockade at Brest, has relinquished the helm of the Hotspur. He has no ship, only the promise of one. Meanwhile there are battles to be fought.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Hornblower and the Hotspur

MacNee (The Avengers and A View to a Kill) is a superb choice to read this ripping yarn—the third in Forester's expert and exciting series about a young naval officer who rises rapidly through the ranks to become one of England's heroes in the battles against Napoleon's huge fleet of fast and formidably armed frigates. MacNee is perfect as the young Horatio Hornblower, who listeners meet on his wedding day in 1803. The couple's romance succumbs to history as the dastardly French prepare to attack. With the possible exception of Patrick O'Brian, nobody else writes about sea battles with the perfect control of Forester, and MacNee uses all his acting skills to keep the action moving. A few sound effects might have been in order during the fighting scenes, but one can't have everything.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Автор: Jenkins Geoffrey
HMS Seawolf

In this second exciting adventure of the British Navy in the American Revolution by Michael Aye, the Fighting Anthonys return to wage war against the colonials. This time Gabe is at the center of the action as he takes command for the first time. Not one to stand aside, he leads a daring cutting out expedition that ends disastrously. Separated from the crew, he is presumed dead. But his brother Gil knows better. Love, blood, and battle will unite the brothers once again-as long as the seas are running and their powder remains dry!

Автор: Aye Michael
Havana Storm

Dirk Pitt returns, in the thrilling new novel from the grand master of adventure and #1 New York Times-bestselling author.

While investigating a toxic outbreak in the Caribbean Sea that may ultimately threaten the United States, Pitt unwittingly becomes involved in something even more dangerous — a post-Castro power struggle for the control of Cuba. Meanwhile, Pitt’s children, marine engineer Dirk and oceanographer Summer, are on an investigation of their own, chasing an Aztec stone that may reveal the whereabouts of a vast historical Aztec treasure. The problem is, that stone was believed to have been destroyed on the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, which brings them both to Cuba as well — and squarely into harm’s way. The three of them have been in desperate situations before... but perhaps never quite as dire as the one facing them now.

Серия: Дирк Питт
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Hell Around the Horn

Hell Around the Horn is a nautical thriller set in the last days of the great age of sail. In 1905, a young ship’s captain and his family set sail on the windjammer, Lady Rebecca, from Cardiff, Wales with a cargo of coal bound for Chile, by way of Cape Horn. Before they reach the Southern Ocean, the cargo catches fire, the mate threatens mutiny and one of the crew may be going mad, yet the greatest challenge will prove to be surviving the vicious westerly winds and mountainous seas of the worst Cape Horn winter in memory. Based on an actual voyage, Hell Around the Horn is a story of survival and the human spirit against overwhelming odds.

Автор: Spilman Rick
HOMO Navicus, человек флота. Часть первая

В этой, с позволения сказать, книге, рассказанной нам З. Травило, нет ничего особенного. Это не книга, а, скорее всего, бездарная запись баек и случаев, имевших место быть. Безусловно, наглость З. Травило в настойчивом предложении себя на рынок современной работорг…ой, литературы, не может не возмущать цивилизованного читателя, привыкшего к дамским детективам, дающим великолепную пищу для ума. Или писал бы, как все, эротические рассказы, все интереснее. А так ни тебе сюжета, ни слезы, одно самолюбование. Чего только отзывы (наверняка купил) стоят! Впрочем, автор и не скрывает, что задействовал связи и беззастенчивый блат для издания своих пустых россказней. Увы, все нынче покупается и продаётся. Рекомендуем категорически не трогать руками эту пошлую книжонку, спрятать ее от детей, сжечь не читая, купить и выбросить в ближайшую урну. И плюнуть ей вслед.

Краткие сведения об авторе: подозрительная и сомнительная личность.

Автор: Травило З Х
HOMO Navicus, человек флота. Часть вторая

Хронологий и четкого строя по должностям, флотам и датам не жди, читатель. Каждый рассказ самостоятелен. Вырви странички, сложи их, как хочешь. Можешь даже использовать. Понятно, на самокрутку… Дымок табачный – достойный реквием воспоминаниям военного пенсоинера. (Редактор, уважаемый, написано правильно. Убери свой красный карандаш. Как есть, так и читается, и пишется).

Продолжение книги "HOMO Navicus, человек флота (Часть первая)"

Книга содержит нецензурную лексику.

Hearts of Three

In the words of Jack London, "I have written some novels of adventure in my time, but never, in all of the many of them, have I perpetrated a totality of action equal to what is contained in 'Hearts of Three'."

Автор: London Jack
Hornblower and the Atropos

In the wake of a humbling incident aboard a canal boat in the Cotswolds, young Captain Horatio Hornblower arrives in London to take command of the Atropos, a 22-gun sloop barely large enough to require a captain. Her first assignment under Hornblower's command is as flagship for the funeral procession of Lord Nelson. Soon Atropos is part of the Mediterranean Fleet's harassment of Napoleon, recovering treasure that lies deep in Turkish waters and boldly challenging a Spanish frigate several times her size. At the center of each adventure is Hornblower, Forester's most inspired creation, whose blend of cautious preparation and spirited execution dazzles friend and foe alike.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Hornblower's charitable offering

HMS Sutherland of two decks and seventyfour guns, Captain Horatio Hornblower, was on her way north from Gibraltar to her rendezvous in the Western Mediterranean. To port lay the coast of Spain; to starboard, and barely in sight, just peeping over the horizon, lay the hilltops of one of the Balearic Islands, Ibiza. Spain was now an ally of England, and it was no business of the Sutherland’s to intercept Spanish trade or fight Spanish ships of war. Only the French were now enemies, and the French conquest of Spain had not progressed as far south yet as Valencia. It was to take a hand in the struggle in Catalonia that the Sutherland–at least so Hornblower suspected—was being sent north. Meanwhile he had little enough to worry him; a full crew, a wellfound ship, and nothing special to do …

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Hornblower in the West Indies

The eleventh tale of naval adventure in C.S. Forester's Hornblower series finds Horatio Hornblower an admiral struggling to impose order in the chaotic aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars. As commander-in-chief of His Majesty's ships and vessels in the West Indies, he must take on pirates, revolutionaries, and a blistering hurricane. The war is over, but peaceful it is not.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Hornblower and the Widow McCool

"Hornblower and the Widow McCool" is a short story by C. S. Forester, featuring his fictional naval hero, Horatio Hornblower. It was published together with the unfinished novel Hornblower and the Crisis and another short story, "The Last Encounter". It is titled "Hornblower's Temptation" in certain US editions.

The story is set very early in Hornblower's career, in 1799 or 1800, after Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, but before Lieutenant Hornblower.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Серия: Hornblower
Hornblower and the Crisis

Captain Hornblower, after two hard years on blockade at Brest, has relinquished the helm of the Hotspur. He has no ship, only the promise of one. Meanwhile there are battles to be fought.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Hornblower and the Hotspur

MacNee (The Avengers and A View to a Kill) is a superb choice to read this ripping yarn—the third in Forester's expert and exciting series about a young naval officer who rises rapidly through the ranks to become one of England's heroes in the battles against Napoleon's huge fleet of fast and formidably armed frigates. MacNee is perfect as the young Horatio Hornblower, who listeners meet on his wedding day in 1803. The couple's romance succumbs to history as the dastardly French prepare to attack. With the possible exception of Patrick O'Brian, nobody else writes about sea battles with the perfect control of Forester, and MacNee uses all his acting skills to keep the action moving. A few sound effects might have been in order during the fighting scenes, but one can't have everything.

Автор: Forester Cecil Scott
Hollyleaf’s Story

When Hollyleaf disappeared in the tunnels by the lake, ThunderClan believed she was lost to them forever. But her adventure was only beginning. Lost and lonely, Hollyleaf soon meets a mysterious cat named Fallen Leaves, who teaches her how to live in the tunnels. But Hollyleaf can’t help wondering if leaving her Clanmates was the right choice. She knows she’s a ThunderClan cat at heart, but can she ever truly go back?

Автор: Hunter Erin
Серия: Warriors: Novellas
Автор: Lyman John

“Hawke is a fast-paced adventure… truly an exciting read,” says Nelson DeMille. “Rich, spellbinding, and absorbing, Hawke is packed with surprises,” raves Clive Cussler. Readers beware, this stunning, high-caliber thriller is not recommended for the faint of heart.

Lord Alexander Hawke is a direct descendant of the legendary English pirate Blackhawke and highly skilled in the cutthroat's deadly ways himself. While still a boy, on a voyage to the Caribbean, Alex Hawke witnesses an act of unspeakable horror. Hidden in a secret compartment on his father's yacht, Alex sees his parents brutally murdered by three modern-day pirates. It is an event that will haunt him for the remainder of his life. Now, fully grown and one of England's most decorated naval heroes, Hawke is back in the same Caribbean waters on a secret mission for the American government. A highly experimental stealth submarine, built by the Soviets just before the end of the Cold War, is missing. She carries forty nuclear warheads and is believed to be in the hands of a very unstable government just ninety miles from the American mainland. Hawke is in a race against time. His mission: Find the deadly sub before a preemptive strike can be launched against the U.S., and confront the murderous men behind the personal nightmare that haunts him before they find him first.

Featuring breathtaking action, international intrigue, and a hero worthy of the very finest adventure fiction, Hawke heralds the exciting debut of a bold new talent.

Автор: Bell Ted
Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince

Автор: Rowling JK


For three thousand years, the Herculean Society has preserved the legacy of the ancient hero, Hercules, protecting history’s fragile relics from humanity, and humanity from the dangerous truths behind the legends. Now, the Society’s new leader, archaeologist George Pierce, faces his first test: the Cerberus Group. The shadowy organization has two goals: the collection and distribution of black market relics, tech and secrets, and the purge of those deemed unfit for survival.

Pierce and his niece, Fiona — the last guardian of the ‘mother tongue,’ the forgotten language of creation — discover a secret entrance to the legendary Labyrinth, and at its heart, a hidden trove of relics that point the way to Hercules’s greatest discovery: a mutagen that can rewrite the very code of life. When a surprise attack leaves Pierce and Fiona trapped in the deadly maze, fighting for their lives, the race to stop the Cerberus Group begins.

To defeat this new enemy, Pierce must assemble a team of experts including Felice Carter, a geneticist with a dangerous secret, Augustina Gallo, a mythology professor, Cintia Dourado, a high tech hacker, and Lazarus, a dead soldier returned to life.

Guided by their knowledge of science, history and mythology, Pierce’s team sets out on an epic journey, following in the footsteps of Hercules, to stop Cerberus from controlling the power that rises from the Well of Monsters.


Jeremy Robinson and Sean Ellis, the international bestselling team behind the Jack Sigler thrillers, including Savage and Cannibal, return with a new series that rewrites the way we see history. Rivaling the best of Matthew Reilly and James Rollins, Herculean combines a blistering pace with fringe science and myths reborn.

Серия: Cerberus Group

D'origine maorie, Jack Fitzgerald est entré dans la police après que sa fille et sa femme ont mystérieusement disparu sur une île de Nouvelle-Zélande. Pas la moindre trace. Juste la voiture vide et le souvenir d'un geste de la main, d'un sourire radieux…

Vingt-cinq ans ont passé. Jack est devenu un solitaire rapide à la détente, un incorruptible « en désespoir stationnaire ». La découverte sur une plage du cadavre d'une jeune fille au sexe scalpé ravive l'enfer des hypothèses exacerbées par le chagrin. Aidé par une brillante criminologue, Jack, devant les meurtres qui s'accumulent, mènera l'enquête jusqu'au chaos final…

Écrivain, voyageur, Caryl Férey est né en 1967. Il écrit pour la musique, le théâtre et la radio. La publication de Utu, deuxième volet publié en Série Noire d’une série romanesque consacrée aux Maoris de Nouvelle-Zélande, l’a révélé comme l’un des espoirs confirmés du thriller français.

Автор: érey Caryl
Серия: Folio Policier

A deadly swarm of earthquakes shakes the planet. In the sky above, the sun appears to stand still.

While the world reels from the vast destruction, George Pierce and the Cerberus Group, a team of scientific and historical experts, uncover an imminent threat straight out of history that must be stopped. But not everyone wants them to succeed.

An apocalyptic death cult, made up of suicidal martyrs and true believers who will do whatever it takes to ensure the destruction of all life on Earth, goes head-to-head with a billionaire tech-genius commanding an army of robots, on a quest to own the sun itself.

Caught in the middle, the Cerberus Group must fend off both sides while traveling to every corner of the map, and into the depths of myth and history, to find the holiest treasure on Earth — an artifact that can harness the power of creation. The prophecies are true.


Jeremy Robinson and Sean Ellis, the international bestselling team behind the Jack Sigler thrillers, including Cannibal and Empire, continue the new series that rewrites the way we see history. Rivaling the best of Matthew Reilly and James Rollins, Helios combines a blistering pace with fringe science and myths reborn.

Серия: Cerberus Group
Habitat Zero

In the Pacific Ocean a Silicon Valley magnate vacationing on his luxury motor yacht Carpe Diem stumbles across a floating island of pumice.

Two weeks later, their motor yacht returns to its home port in San Diego on autopilot — but when it arrives, nobody gets off.

Sam Reilly and his team are called in to investigate what happened on board Carpe Diem. But what at first appears to be a simple boating accident soon turns into a deadly game of international intrigue — sending America and Russia racing toward each other on an unavoidable collision course.

Серия: Sam Reilly

Новинки! Свежие поступления книг жанра «Приключения»

Новинки месяца жанра «Приключения»

  •  Страна Арманьяк. Книги 1-7
     Башибузук Александр Вячеславович
     Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Боевая фантастика, Героическая фантастика, Приключения, Вестерн, Исторические приключения, Приключения, Попаданцы, ,

    Полным ходом идёт русско-японская война, Японская империя начинает аннексию Сахалина. Для защиты острова из каторжан формируется ополчение. Александр Любич, бывший штаб-ротмистр Отдельного корпуса пограничной стражи, волей судьбы попавший на каторгу, не задумываясь вступает в дружину, но в первом же бою попадает в плен.

    Казалось, всё предопределено, смерть неминуема, но череда невероятных событий, позволяет избежать казни, а потом Александр начинает понимать, что он уже совсем не тот человек, кем привык себя считать — в штаб-ротмистра совершенно непонятным образом вселился неизвестный жестокий средневековый персонаж. Кто он такой — пока неизвестно, но это совсем не повод отказываться от защиты родины. Аннексия говорите? Ну-ну…

    Примечания автора:

    Можно считать эту книгу эдаким вбоквелом к серии «Страна Арманьяк», но это будет абсолютно самостоятельный цикл и ни одного героя из «Арманьяка» здесь не появится. Хотя, главный персонаж «Чёрной крови Сахалина», вам обязательно кое-кого напомнит. Итак, всё как обычно, постараюсь свести до минимума рояли, побольше исторической достоверности и реализма, щедро подсыплю приключений и посмотрим, что из этого получится. Судить, в любом случае, только вам.

  •  Страна Арманьяк. Книги 1-7
     Башибузук Александр Вячеславович
     Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Боевая фантастика, Героическая фантастика, Приключения, Вестерн, Исторические приключения, Приключения, Попаданцы, ,

    Полным ходом идёт русско-японская война, Японская империя начинает аннексию Сахалина. Для защиты острова из каторжан формируется ополчение. Александр Любич, бывший штаб-ротмистр Отдельного корпуса пограничной стражи, волей судьбы попавший на каторгу, не задумываясь вступает в дружину, но в первом же бою попадает в плен.

    Казалось, всё предопределено, смерть неминуема, но череда невероятных событий, позволяет избежать казни, а потом Александр начинает понимать, что он уже совсем не тот человек, кем привык себя считать — в штаб-ротмистра совершенно непонятным образом вселился неизвестный жестокий средневековый персонаж. Кто он такой — пока неизвестно, но это совсем не повод отказываться от защиты родины. Аннексия говорите? Ну-ну…

    Примечания автора:

    Можно считать эту книгу эдаким вбоквелом к серии «Страна Арманьяк», но это будет абсолютно самостоятельный цикл и ни одного героя из «Арманьяка» здесь не появится. Хотя, главный персонаж «Чёрной крови Сахалина», вам обязательно кое-кого напомнит. Итак, всё как обычно, постараюсь свести до минимума рояли, побольше исторической достоверности и реализма, щедро подсыплю приключений и посмотрим, что из этого получится. Судить, в любом случае, только вам.

  •  Страна Арманьяк. Книги 1-7
     Башибузук Александр Вячеславович
     Фантастика, Альтернативная история, Боевая фантастика, Героическая фантастика, Приключения, Вестерн, Исторические приключения, Приключения, Попаданцы, ,

    Полным ходом идёт русско-японская война, Японская империя начинает аннексию Сахалина. Для защиты острова из каторжан формируется ополчение. Александр Любич, бывший штаб-ротмистр Отдельного корпуса пограничной стражи, волей судьбы попавший на каторгу, не задумываясь вступает в дружину, но в первом же бою попадает в плен.

    Казалось, всё предопределено, смерть неминуема, но череда невероятных событий, позволяет избежать казни, а потом Александр начинает понимать, что он уже совсем не тот человек, кем привык себя считать — в штаб-ротмистра совершенно непонятным образом вселился неизвестный жестокий средневековый персонаж. Кто он такой — пока неизвестно, но это совсем не повод отказываться от защиты родины. Аннексия говорите? Ну-ну…

    Примечания автора:

    Можно считать эту книгу эдаким вбоквелом к серии «Страна Арманьяк», но это будет абсолютно самостоятельный цикл и ни одного героя из «Арманьяка» здесь не появится. Хотя, главный персонаж «Чёрной крови Сахалина», вам обязательно кое-кого напомнит. Итак, всё как обычно, постараюсь свести до минимума рояли, побольше исторической достоверности и реализма, щедро подсыплю приключений и посмотрим, что из этого получится. Судить, в любом случае, только вам.

  •  Свобода внутри нас
     Селезнёва Елена Алексеевна
     Фантастика, Героическая фантастика, Приключения, Приключения,

    Самая сильная ведьма будущего Элла оказалась в настоящем. Она готова уничтожать всё и всех ради собственных целей. Но как быть с семьёй, которая искренне любит её в любом времени? Последнее приключение, которое приведёт к не самым ожидаемым выборам. Ведь даже если раньше ты точно знал, как быть, не факт, что в тот самый важный раз не выберешь иначе. Книга является завершающей частью цикла. 1. Магия внутри нас 2. Сила внутри нас 3. Зло внутри нас 4. Свобода внутри нас (данная книга) Обложка сделана в нейросети Playground.

  •  Золотой осел
     Фантастика, Социально-психологическая фантастика, Приключения, Исторические приключения, Старинное, Античная литература, Мифы. Легенды. Эпос

    Перевод М. Кузьмина под редакцией С. Маркиша и А. Сыркина.

    Цветные иллюстрации Б. Дехтерева.

    Оформление Л. 3усмана.

  •  Осколки потерянных душ
     Фриссон Фика
     Приключения, Приключения, Попаданцы,

    Жизнь юной Уны рухнула в один момент. Казалось, хуже быть не может, но неожиданное и дерзкое появление необычного существа разделило ее жизнь на до и после. Сможет ли она противостоять сложившейся ситуации и в итоге вернуться домой, или же придется смириться и приспособиться к новым условиям, столкнувшись не только с проблемой выживания, но и моральными дилеммами…

 Жанры книг

 Новые обзоры