Книги жанра «Постапокалипсис» на букву «B»

en: A B C D E F H I L M O P R S T U W
ru: А Б В Г Д З И К М Н П С Т У Х Ц Ч Ш Я


Backs Against the Wall

Joss has escaped the Colonies but her troubles have only just begun. She’s wounded, exposed and vulnerable but worst of all, she needs help. And there’s only one place she can go to get it. Only one place she can stand to be.

With Ryan.

Together they’ll have to delve into the seedy underworld of post-apocalyptic Seattle. A world of gambling, fighting, secrets and lies. A world governed by The Hive.

But the deeper they sink, the more they’ll find that The Hive isn’t everything it seems. That even the mighty have someone to fear. Is the enemy of their enemy their friend? Or is there another threat, one greater than the Risen or the Colonies, looming in the distance?

Автор: Ward Tracey
Серия: Survival
Battle Hymn

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Legion of the Damned® novels comes the final volume in the postapocalyptic military science fiction trilogy about America warring with itself and the people trying to keep it together…

The Second Civil War continues to rage as Union president Samuel T. Sloan battles to keep America whole and, more than that, to restore the country to its former greatness.

“Wanted Dead or Alive.” Following a fateful battle between Union Army major Robin “Mac” Macintyre and her sister, the New Confederacy places a price on Mac’s head, and bounty hunters are on her trail.

But there’s work to be done, and Mac is determined to help Sloan reunify the country by freeing hundreds of Union POWs from appalling conditions in Mexico and capturing a strategic oil reserve that lies deep inside Confederate territory.

However, to truly have peace it will be necessary to capture or kill the New Confederacy’s leadership, and that includes Mac’s father, General Bo Macintyre.

Автор: Dietz William C
Серия: America Rising
Bird Box

Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.

Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it’s time to go, but the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat—blindfolded—with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. Something is following them all the while, but is it man, animal, or monster?

Interweaving past and present, Bird Box is a snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

Автор: Malerman Josh
Bird box

Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.

Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it’s time to go, but the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat—blindfolded—with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. Something is following them all the while, but is it man, animal, or monster?

Interweaving past and present, Bird Box is a snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

Автор: Malerman Josh
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Black Autumn

A rogue Russian nuke sails toward the harbors of Los Angeles in the hull of a ramshackle sailboat. Without destroying a single building, the bomb shatters the latticework of the American dream, toppling one piece of the economy after another. A group of Special Forces veterans and their prepper friends scramble for survival in a worldwide catastrophe so psychologically disruptive they are left questioning everything they ever believed to be true.

Автор: Kirkham Jeff, Ross Jason
Серия: ReadyMan
Автор: Montano Steven
Серия: Blood skies

“A grippingly well told story.”

—Craig Berkman

No-one could have imagined there was worse to come.

Former Australian special forces soldier Stone Luckman never dreamed he could put his troubled past behind him.

In a search for survivors, Luckman rescues marooned surfer Mel Palace from a collapsing Gold Coast high rise. She tells him she’s been expecting him for weeks. Later, she claims she can read minds.

If his own insanity meter wasn’t off the register, he’d suspect she had a screw loose. But then lately he’s been having visions of an Aboriginal spirit man who is strangely connected to global events.

There are those who say the Earth has fallen victim to a terrible act of God. To China and America, however, it’s a declaration of war. Each accuses the other of being responsible.

The head of Australian defence intelligence sets Luckman a secret task aimed at ending the threat of war, but if it backfires he’ll be branded a terrorist and left on his own to take the rap.

Luckman is compelled to take Mel on the journey, though for the life of him he doesn’t know why.

He’s about to find out.

Автор: Eaton Matt
Автор: Montano Steven

In a novel filled with lush imagery and exhilarating action, Faith Hunter creates a near-future world caught in the throes of an ambiguous apocalypse-where a woman with everything to hide finds her true destiny revealed.

As humanity struggles with religious strife and seraphs and demons fight a never-ending battle, a new species has arisen. «Neomages" are human in appearance, but able to twist left-over creation energy to their will. A threat to both humans and seraphs, they are confined in luxurious Enclaves.

Thorn St. Croix is no ordinary neomage. Nearly driven insane by her powers, she is smuggled out of an Enclave and now lives among humans, channeling her gift of stone-magery into jewelry making. But when Thaddeus Bartholomew, a dangerously attractive policeman, tells her that her ex-husband has been kidnapped, Thorn risks revealing her identity to find him. And for Thorn, the punishment for revelation is death.

Автор: Hunter Faith
Серия: Thorn St Croix
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Broken Lines

The advancement of technology has allowed our society to grow in leaps and bounds. The fields of medicine, engineering, agriculture and countless others have benefited from the applied science of high tech microprocessors and their data processing capabilities. This technology helps power our homes, cars, laptops, and phones. It is involved in every aspect of our lives, but as powerful and complex as these systems are there is one device that can cripple everything and bring the world as we know it to a standstill: EMP blast.

Mike Grant, a veteran welder for a Pittsburgh steel company, is at work when an EMP blast wrecks the entire country. With no transportation and no way to contact his loved ones, Mike has to combat the panic stricken city to find his father, reach his wife and children in the suburbs, and escape to their cabin in Ohio.

This fast-paced, adrenaline filled thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat as we all find out what happens when the lights go out.

Автор: Hunt James
Серия: Broken Lines
Broken Roads

This is a stand-alone novel and doesn’t require reading the other books in the series

It’s been a week without power. No phones. No computers. Nothing. Whatever shred of humanity is left in people is slowly dwindling away. Gangs are forming, people are starving, and the whole country is in a free-for-all.

With his house burnt to the ground, Mike Grant finds himself on the road, fighting to stay alive. A single thought propelling him forward: get to his family.

Accompanied by his neighbor, Nelson, Mike leaves Pittsburgh and heads to his family’s cabin in Ohio. For Mike the only thing worse than not making it to the cabin is the fear of his family not being there when he does.

Автор: Hunt James
Серия: Broken Lines
Broken Ties

After fighting tooth and nail to reach his cabin in Ohio, Mike Grant has finally been reunited with his family. The safe haven he built has enough supplies to last them for months, but with the extra mouths to feed that timeline is shrinking fast.

With a murderous gang of bikers in the nearby town, a loose alliance with a neighboring hunter, and tension building from members inside his own group, Mike has to navigate the murky waters of trust in this post-EMP world, and hard choices have to be made. Friends are lost and family bonds are tested as Mike is pushed to the brink in this thrilling next installment of the “Broken” series.

Автор: Hunt James
Серия: Broken Lines

Новинки! Свежие поступления книг жанра «Постапокалипсис»

  •  Черноземье
     Белов Иннокентий
     Фантастика, Постапокалипсис, ,

    Герой с чистой совестью покидает царскую Россию и собирается уйти в свой уже родной мир Черноземья.

    Ему придется сделать одну остановку в пути, но не больше.

    А потом уже третий раз приход в мир Черноземья.

  •  Пастырь
     Терехов Роман
     Фантастика, Постапокалипсис, Попаданцы, , ,

    Побочная история мира Башен. Новобранец анклава землян Виктор Шилов заброшен в дикую местность с задачей создать устойчивое поселение, способное обеспечивать Метрополию ресурсами. Он твердо намерен выполнить контракт, пусть предыдущие попытки провалились, а персонал настроен скептически. Виктор не герой без страха и упрека, но встреченных на своем пути врагов считает подарками судьбы. Ведь он идет к заветной мечте, ради которой необходимо стать сильным магом и потуже набить свой пространственный карман.

Новинки месяца жанра «Постапокалипсис»

  •  На осколках мира
     Владимирович Колесников Виктор
     Фантастика, Социально-психологическая фантастика, Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Постапокалипсис

    В недалеком будущем Землю поглотила вода и человечество лишилось всей суши. Те, кому удалось выжить в первые дни всемирного потопа, влачат жалкое существование. Единственная надежда уцелевших - найти клочок земли, на котором можно обрести новый дом, создав элементарные условия для выживания. Но пока что людям предстоит бороться за свою жизнь со стихией, поглотившей Землю.

  •  Мимик нового Мира 13
     Лис Северный
     Фантастика, Юмористическая фантастика, Постапокалипсис,

    О чудный-дивный мир! Казалось бы, вот всё налаживается, а нет! Илью ждут новые приключения, а старые и не думают заканчиваться! И как, спрашивается, не просто выжить, но также приумножить число союзников? Верно… придётся рискнуть и довериться своим подчинённым… и желательно без последствий в виде пули в голову или в случае Мимика — пули в ядро. А пока… надо найти выход из сложившейся ситуации и вернуться в Академию.

  •  Выше, чем звезды
     Зверев Павел
     Фантастика, Космическая фантастика, Постапокалипсис,


    - Мы не одиноки во Вселенной! – радостный возглас в ответ на видеозапись.


    - Мы не одиноки во Вселенной... – обреченный шёпот в ответ на панихидное шествие.

    17 мая 2025 года в атмосферу Земли вошли инопланетные корабли. Отступающие и преследователи. Стечение обстоятельств, когда далекая от привычных маршрутов система оказалась обитаема. Две стороны конфликта и человечество, в качестве неожиданного десерта для одной из них.

  •  Сопряжение 8. Объединитель
     Астахов Евгений
     Фантастика, Боевая фантастика, Постапокалипсис,

    Второй этап. Война Марионеток. Земля получила понятную цель, но путь к ней окажется весьма тернистым. Объединение или раскол? Победа или забвение? Егерю придётся сыграть совершенно новую для себя роль, и от его успеха будет зависеть дальнейшая судьба всей планеты.

  •  Fallout Equestria: Синяя молния
     Смит Даниил
     Фантастика, Постапокалипсис, ,

    Два века назад по Эквестрии прокатилась война, уничтожив практически всё огнём мегазаклинаний. Но древние проекты, созданные в охватившей страну научно-технической гонке, не исчезли без следа, а остались заморожены после гибели тех, кто ими занимался.

    И вот - долгое время спустя один из них оказался близок к своему завершению.

    Во многом благодаря тому, что однажды в застой постапокалиптической Эквестрии вторгся пришелец из другого мира. Его цель - найти легендарные Элементы Гармонии, чтобы использовать на благо своей реальности.

    Проблема в том, что у обитателей Пустоши совершенно иные планы.

  •  Дайте поспать! Том II
     Матисов Павел
     Фантастика, Постапокалипсис, ,

    Гребаные модификантки и зомби, дайте же поспать, будьте людьми!

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