Книги жанра «Технические науки» на букву «G»

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GENIUS LOCI. Повесть о парке

«Genius loci» (Гений местности) – повесть-эссе, первая публикация отдельной книгой.

Анатолий Королев – прозаик, драматург, эссеист. Автор романов «Голова Гоголя», «Эрон», «Человек-язык», «Змея в зеркале», «Быть Босхом», «Stop, коса!». Лауреат международной литературной русско-итальянской премии «Москва-Пенне» за роман «Голова Гоголя» (2000).

Повесть-эссе «Genius loci» (Гений местности) рассказывает историю одного русского пейзажного парка. Повествование о фатальных годах и роковых героях ведет нас через полосы трех минувших столетий и, наконец, «швартуется» к ХХI веку…

Чтение повести вполне сравнимо с прогулкой по аллеям огромного парка после летней грозы, когда каждая страница, как вдох свежего воздуха, полна озоном…

«Гений местности» переведен на многие языки, публиковался в журналах и сборниках, но отдельной книгой выпускается впервые.

Вы держите подлинный шедевр современной русской литературы… Не выпускайте его из рук…

Glock: The Rise of America's Gun

Based on fifteen years of research, Glock is the riveting story of the weapon that has become known as American’s gun. Today the Glock pistol has been embraced by two-thirds of all U.S. police departments, glamorized in countless Hollywood movies, and featured as a ubiquitous presence on prime-time TV. It has been rhapsodized by hip-hop artists, and coveted by cops and crooks alike.

Created in 1982 by Gaston Glock, an obscure Austrian curtain-rod manufacturer, and swiftly adopted by the Austrian army, the Glock pistol, with its lightweight plastic frame and large-capacity spring-action magazine, arrived in America at a fortuitous time. Law enforcement agencies had concluded that their agents and officers, armed with standard six-round revolvers, were getting "outgunned" by drug dealers with semi-automatic pistols. They needed a new gun.

When Karl Water, a firearm salesman based in the U.S. first saw a Glock in 1984, his reaction was, “Jeez, that’s ugly.” But the advantages of the pistol soon became apparent. The standard semi-automatic Glock could fire as many as 17 bullets from its magazine without reloading (one equipped with an extended thirty-three cartridge magazine was used in Tucson to shoot Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others). It was built with only 36 parts that were interchangeable with those of other models. You could drop it underwater, toss it from a helicopter, or leave it out in the snow, and it would still fire. It was reliable, accurate, lightweight, and cheaper to produce than Smith and Wesson’s revolver. Made in part of hardened plastic, it was even rumored (incorrectly) to be invisible to airport security screening.

Filled with corporate intrigue, political maneuvering, Hollywood glitz, bloody shoot-outs—and an attempt on Gaston Glock’s life by a former lieutenant—Glock is at once the inside account of how Glock the company went about marketing its pistol to police agencies and later the public, as well as a compelling chronicle of the evolution of gun culture in America.

Автор: Barrett Paul M
Greatest Cartridges of All Time

From the Introduction:

I'll ask the question for you esteemed reader, what divine proclamation anointed your humble scribe the guru of all the cartridges that exists? The answer is simple, there is no such anointment. Well, perhaps my publisher indicated such, but that certainly isn't divine providence.

I have, however, had a long and varied shooting and hunting career. I received my first firearm, a Winchester youth rifle (a Model 68 I believe it was), single-shot .22 RF, at the ripe old age of six years. If I make it to Mid-August this year, I'll turn seventy-six. Math has never been my strong suite, but I think that gives me seventy years of shooting experience…

Автор: Turpin Tom

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