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Pearl Matthew - книги автора

Творчество автора (Pearl Matthew) представлено в следующих жанрах: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Детектив, Исторический детектив

Cień Poego

W październiku 1849 roku na małym cmentarzu w Baltimore odbywa się skromna uroczystość pogrzebowa z udziałem kilku zaledwie osób. Tak Ameryka żegna jednego ze swoich najwybitniejszych poetów i pisarzy – Edgara Allana Poego. Grób, w którym zostaje pochowany, pozostanie nie oznaczony. Opinia publiczna, prasa, a nawet znajomi zmarłego są zdania, że był on drugorzędnym pisarzem, doprowadzonym do smutnego końca przez chorobę alkoholową. Jedynie młody prawnik o nazwisku Quentin Clark, żarliwy wielbiciel talentu Poego, nie podziela tej opinii. By ocalić od zapomnienia tę postać i jej dzieło oraz wyjaśnić tajemnicę śmierci pisarza, rzuci na szalę własną karierę i reputację… Prowadząc prywatne śledztwo w tej sprawie, udaje się do Paryża. Tam niespodziewanie na jego drodze staje niebezpieczny – jak się wydaje – osobnik, podający się za pierwowzór detektywa Augusta Dupina, niezapomnianego bohatera Morderstwa przy Rue Morgue. Młody prawnik zostaje wplątany w sieć złowrogich machinacji, rozsnutą przez tajnych agentów, piękną morderczynię oraz skorumpowanych handlarzy niewolników… Przyszłość zawodowa i osobista Clarka jest poważnie zagrożona. Musi jak najszybciej uwolnić się od fatalnego związku z losem Poego!

Matthew Pearl (ur. 1975) jest absolwentem dwóch najbardziej prestiżowych uczelni amerykańskich: Harvardu i Yale. Ukończył filologię angielską i amerykańską oraz prawo. Wykłada literaturę i prowadzi warsztaty pisarskie na Uniwersytecie Harvarda, a także w Emerson College.

El Club Dante

Boston, 1865. Importantes personalidades están siendo brutalmente asesinadas por un criminal inspirado en los tormentos del Infierno de Dante. Sólo los miembros del club Dante -poetas y profesores de Harvard dirigidos por Henry Wadsworth Longfellow- pueden anticiparse al asesino e identificarle. Mientras preparan la primera traducción americana de La divina comedia enfrentándose a la oposición de la puritana vieja guardia de Harvard, los intelectuales deberán convertirse en detectives y pasar a la acción. Nicholas Ray, el primer policía negro del departamento de Boston, dirigirá la investigación oficial mientras los miembros del club llevan a cabo sus insólitas pesquisas. Un dantesco infierno medieval se cierne sobre las calles de la ciudad, en una época que toca a su fin, convulsa por la recién terminada guerra civil, el asesinato del presidente Lincoln y los disturbios raciales. Comparada insistentemente con El nombre de la rosa, de Umberto Eco, aclamada por la crítica con una unanimidad asombrosa y refrendada por el público con su presencia en las listas de los libros más vendidos de New York Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, entre otros, El club Dante está a punto de ser publicada en veintiún países antes de ser llevada al cine. Matthew Pearl ha logrado un equilibrio perfecto entre realidad y ficción, una novela histórica de suspense que sorprende de principio a fin.

El Último Dickens

Un apasionante y vertiginoso thriller que reabre uno de los más grandes enigmas literarios de la historia. ¿Qué ocurrió con la novela inconclusa de Charles Dickens? ¿Hubo alguna relación entre la repentina muerte del escritor más admirado en vida, y esta misteriosa obra cuya sola mención deja un rastro de cadáveres en tres continentes?

Una brillante y adictiva trama que mezcla el tráfico del opio y la literatura, el efervescente Boston de fines del siglo XIX, el Londres victoriano y la India colonial.

Dejará sin aliento a la cada vez mayor legión de seguidores del maestro de la novela histórica de intriga, y atrapará desde la primera página a los nuevos lectores.

«Matthew Pearl es la nueva estrella deslumbrante de la ficción literaria. Un autor superdotado.» DAN BROWN

«Brillante y erudito.» The New York Times

«Irresistible… Admirable.» The Observer

Klub Dantego

Niezwykła powieść kryminalna – uczta dla miłośników fabuł detektywistycznych i wyrafinowanych nawiązań literackich, porównywana z "Imieniem róży" Umberto Eco. Efektowna intryga i wyraziste postacie.

Boston, rok 1865. Niespodziewana seria brutalnych morderstw wstrząsa miastem. W tym samym czasie niewielkie grono akademików kończy prace nad pierwszym amerykańskim przekładem Boskiej Komedii Dantego i zamierza odsłonić Nowej Anglii niesamowite wizje zawarte w tym dziele. Przedsięwzięciu temu sprzeciwiają się miejscowe władze, dopatrujące się w papistowskich treściach włoskiego arcydzieła niebezpieczeństwa dla spokoju protestanckiego miasta. Narażeni na groźby i szykany z ich strony członkowie Klubu Dantego – poeci i profesorowie uniwersytetu: Henry Wodsworth Longfellow, Olivier Wendell Holmes, James Russell Lowell i ich wydawca James T. Fields – starają się utrzymać swą translatorską misję w tajemnicy. W tym samym czasie policyjne śledztwo utyka w ślepym zaułku, akademicy zaś niespodziewanie odkrywają, iż zabójstwa wystylizowano zgodnie z "piekielnymi wzorami", uwiecznionymi w dziele włoskiego poety. Zadaniem członków Klubu Dantego stanie się powstrzymanie zabójcy – Nicolas Rey, jedyny czarny policjant w Bostonie, wbrew policyjnym regułom podejmie z nimi współpracę. Morderca okaże się być bliżej niż można było pomyśleć.

Przygotuj się na mocne wrażenia, jeśli chcesz go poznać. "Matthew Pearl jest wschodzącą gwiazdą współczesnej literatury – błyskotliwy, pomysłowy, wszechstronnie utalentowany autor "- Dan Brown, autor Kodu Leonarda.

La Sombra de Poe

Baltimore, 1849. El cuerpo de Edgar Allan Poe es enterrado en una tumba sin nombre. El público, la prensa y la propia familia del célebre autor asumen su condición de borracho con un patético final. Pero un apasionado admirador, un joven abogado llamado Quentin Clark, decide arriesgarlo todo para restituir el buen nombre de Poe, descubrir el misterio que rodea sus últimos días y descifrar las extrañas circunstancias de su muerte.

Inspirado por los relatos de Poe, Clark intenta encontrar al único hombre que puede resolver este extraño caso: la persona en la que se basó Poe para crear al infalible detective C. Auguste Dupin. Con la aparición de dos candidatos comienza una competición sin igual para desentrañar la muerte de Poe y demostrar quién es el «verdadero» Dupin. Clark se verá envuelto en un duelo de inteligencias, un torbellino de misterio y literatura del que sólo podrá escapar investigando.

No Rest for the Dead

When Christopher Thomas, a curator at San Francisco's Museum of Fine Arts, is murdered and his decaying body is found in an iron maiden in Berlin, his wife Rosemary Thomas is the prime suspect.

Long suffering under Christopher's unfaithful ways, Rosemary is tried, convicted and executed. Ten years later, Jon Nunn, the detective who cracked the case, becomes convinced that the wrong person was put to death. Along with financier Tony Olsen, he plans to gather everyone who was there the night Christopher died and finally uncover the truth about what happened that fateful evening. Could it have been the ne'er do well brother Peter Hausen, interested in his sister's trust fund having got through his own; the curatorial assistant Justine Olengard, used and betrayed by Christopher; the artist Belle who turned down his advances only to see her career suffer a setback; or someone else all together?

No Rest for the Dead is a thrilling, page-turning accomplishment that only the very best thriller writers could achieve.

Sherlock Holmes In America

An anthology of stories

Holmes and Watson in America. Original short stories. A literary gem? Elementary, of course!

Sherlock Holmes makes his American debut in this fascinating and extraordinary collection of never-before-published crime and mystery stories by bestselling American writers. The world's greatest detective and his famous sidekick Watson are on their first trip across the Atlantic as they fight crime all over nineteenth-century North America. From the bustling neighborhoods of New York City and Washington, D.C., to sunny yet sinister cities like San Francisco on the West Coast, the world's best-loved British sleuth will face some of the most cunning criminals America has to offer, and meet some of America's most famous figures along the way.

Each original story is written in the extraordinary tradition of Doyle's best work, yet each comes with a unique American twist that is sure to satisfy and exhilarate both Sherlock Holmes purists and those who always wished that Holmes could nab the nefarious closer to home.

This is a must-read for any mystery fan and for those who have followed Holmes' illustrious career over the waterfall and back again. 12 b/w illustrations.

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The Dante Club

In 1865 Boston, the literary geniuses of the Dante Club—poets and Harvard professors Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, and James Russell Lowell, along with publisher J. T. Fields—are finishing America’s first translation of The Divine Comedy and preparing to unveil Dante’s remarkable visions to the New World. The powerful Boston Brahmins at Harvard College are fighting to keep Dante in obscurity, believing that the infiltration of foreign superstitions into American minds will prove as corrupting as the immigrants arriving at Boston Harbor.

The members of the Dante Club fight to keep a sacred literary cause alive, but their plans fall apart when a series of murders erupts through Boston and Cambridge. Only this small group of scholars realizes that the gruesome killings are modeled on the descriptions of Hell’s punishments from Dante’s Inferno. With the lives of the Boston elite and Dante’s literary future in America at stake, the Dante Club members must find the killer before the authorities discover their secret.

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and an outcast police officer named Nicholas Rey, the first black member of the Boston police department, must place their careers on the line to end the terror. Together, they discover that the source of the murders lies closer to home than they ever could have imagined.

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The Last Dickens

Matthew Pearl reopens one of literary history's greatest mysteries in his most enthralling novel yet, a tale filled with the dazzling twists and turns, the unerring period details, and the meticulous research that thrilled readers of bestsellers The Dante Club and The Poe Shadow.

Boston, 1870. When news of Charles Dickens's untimely death reaches the office of his struggling American publisher, Fields Osgood, partner James Osgood sends his trusted clerk Daniel Sand to await Dickens's unfinished novel-The Mystery of Edwin Drood. But when Daniel's body is discovered by the docks and the manuscript is nowhere to be found, Osgood must embark on a transatlantic quest to unearth the novel that will save his venerable business and reveal Daniel's killer.

Danger and intrigue abound on the journey, for which Osgood has chosen Rebecca Sand, Daniel's older sister, to help clear her brother's name and achieve their singular mission. As they attempt to uncover Dickens's final mystery, Osgood and Rebecca find themselves racing the clock through a dangerous web of literary lions and drug dealers, sadistic thugs and blue bloods, and competing members of the inner circle. They soon realize that understanding Dickens's lost ending to Edwin Drood is a matter of life and death, and the hidden key to stopping a murderous mastermind.

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The Poe Shadow

MATTHEW PEARL'S second novel is based on what he calls "one of literary history's most persistent gaps." Edgar Allan Poe died, Pearl tells us, "at the age of 40 in a Baltimore hospital on Oct. 7, 1849, four days after being found in distress at Ryan's inn and tavern." The stubbornly unexplained gap occurred in the five days preceding his appearance at the tavern.

Poe was supposed to be almost anywhere other than Baltimore: he was traveling from Richmond to New York with a planned stop in Philadelphia, not Baltimore. No one knows how he came to be in the city – or, for that matter, how he ended up at the tavern. For some of us, this pretty much describes a really great Saturday night, but when it happens to the master of darkness, just days before his untimely death, it has the makings of a mystery.

Pearl takes us back to those few lost days through the inquiries of Quentin Clark, a Poe-mad young Baltimorean who is dismayed not just by the writer's death but by the press's apathetic reponse to the news. Clark takes it upon himself to look into matters and rectify this slight to his hero. The trouble is, Clark is a stock character from the world of commercial thrillers: a man with a lot to lose, imperiled by his own obsession. Engaged to a beautiful young woman, the son of wealthy and very proper parents and pursuing a career as a lawyer, he may sacrifice them all to his devotion to Poe.

Clark haunts the writer's grave, visits the hospital where he lay dying and tracks down the Poe cousins. But wherever he turns, he's met with indifference or outright obstruction. Finally, in desperation, he turns to another source of information: the pages of a book. Clark has always admired Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue" and the other mysteries featuring C. Auguste Dupin, the brilliant Frenchman who solves crimes too baffling for the Paris police. "Dupin's reasoning followed a method Poe called ratiocination," Clark reminds himself, "employing one's imagination to achieve analysis, and one's analysis to climb the heights of imagination."

When Clark stumbles on a newspaper item suggesting that Dupin was based on a real Frenchman, he promptly takes off for the Continent. Of course, there turns out to be more than one candidate for this honor, and soon a couple of testy Frenchmen are racing back to America, eager to snatch whatever glory they might from Poe's death.

Baroquely orchestrated complications ensue, up to and including a threat to the future of the French republic. As he demonstrated in his serial-killers-and-philosophers best seller, "The Dante Club," Pearl is a fine scene-setter and a resolute, if not always inspired, plotter. "The Poe Shadow" is thick with intrigue and thicker still with carefully researched (and ostentatiously displayed) details.

Pearl, who taught literature at Harvard before embarking on his literary career, sometimes displays a wonderfully knowing tone, and enjoys playing with 19th-century lingo. When a Baltimore police officer asks Clark if he has a wife and is told that he has a fiancée, the officer warns: "You should have much to occupy yourself without needing to think of this unhappy affair, then. Or your sweetheart might give you the mitten." Sadly, Pearl's plot is not all sweethearts and mittens.

With its bewildered narrator and its attempt to marry the rational and the spooky, "The Poe Shadow" seems to be modeled on Poe's own writing, but it's missing a crucial element: brevity. Although Pearl has a real affinity for 19th-century America, he overwhelms the strengths of his book with a hurricane of ersatz Victorian prose. He doesn't just disinter Poe's story; he disinters the language of Poe's time. After a while, you feel like you're trapped in a sepia-toned faux-daguerrotype. Pearl has created a museum rather than a world. And no one lives in a museum.

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     Детективы и Триллеры, Полицейский детектив, Крутой детектив, Триллер, Детектив

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    Две смерти, одна за другой. И это только часть заговора, в котором замешаны очень влиятельные люди, поэтому, когда неугомонный Ричер нарушает их планы, они собираются так или иначе устранить угрозу. Но кто из них мог предположить, что, если угроза исходит от Джека Ричера, план Б не сработает?..

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