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Книги серии «Chess Team Adventure»

Эта серия относится к следующим жанрам: Приключения, Приключения, Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер
В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Robinson Jeremy, Робинсон Джереми, Gilmour Kane, Ellis Sean

Pulse , часть 1.


Imagine a world where soldiers regenerate and continue fighting without pause, where suicide bombers live to strike again and again. This is the dream of Richard Ridley, founder of Manifold Genetics, and he has just discovered the key to eternal life: an ancient artifact buried beneath a Greek-inscribed stone in the Peruvian desert.

When Manifold steals the artifact and abducts archeologist Dr. George Pierce, United States Special Forces Delta operator Jack Sigler, call sign King, and his “Chess Team” — Queen, Knight, Rook, Bishop, and their handler, Deep Blue — give chase. Formed under special order from President Duncan, they are the best of America’s Special Forces, tasked with antiterrorism missions that take them around the world against any threat, ancient, modern, and at times, inhuman. With cutting-edge weapons, tough-as-nails tactics, and keen intellects, they stand alone on the brink, facing the world’s most dangerous threats.

Ridley’s plan to create unstoppable soldiers has just made him threat number one. Tension soars along with the body count as the team faces high-tech security forces, hordes of “regens,” the horrific results of Manifold’s experiments, and a resurrected mythological predator complete with regenerative abilities, seven heads, and a savage appetite. The Chess Team races to save Pierce and stop Manifold before they change the face of genetics — and human history — forever.

Heart-pounding action combines with adrenaline-charged suspense in the first of Jeremy Robinson’s smart, sharp series featuring the Chess Team.

Автор: Robinson Jeremy
Гидра , часть 1.

В перуанской пустыне под камнем, покрытым греческими письменами, обнаружен ключ к вечной жизни. Но вскоре находку выкрадывает некая организация, которая давно ищет разгадку секрета бессмертия.

Джек Сиглер, кодовое имя Король, получает приказ действовать. Он и четверо его помощников — Королева, Конь, Слон и Ладья — лучшие из лучших оперативников подразделения «Дельта», их профиль — устранение самых опасных угроз, будь то угрозы современные, древние и даже на первый взгляд фантасмагорические. Такие, как воскрешение Гидры — того самого чудовища, которого когда-то, по легенде, победил Геракл…

Omega: A Jack Sigler Thriller , часть 5.

Jack Sigler, call sign “King,” field leader for a black ops organization known as Endgame, is accustomed to feeling capable of handling most any situation. It is a confidence forged in the fires of battle against both monsters and madmen. But the introduction of Asya, a sister he never knew existed, and the kidnapping of his parents has him reeling. Using Endgame’s resources, King and his Chess Team (Queen, Rook, Bishop, and Knight) scour the planet for his parents, tracking a man known to the world as Alexander Diotrephes, but known to King by another name. A masked man walks past their secret headquarters’ defenses, sits himself down in the director’s chair, and waits. He’s Richard Ridley, the team’s oldest and most dangerous enemy, who is supposed to be dead. But he isn’t Ridley. He is a clone in search of his master, the real Ridley, who yet lives and is being held captive by the same man that is holding King’s parents.

Savage , часть 6.

For more than a hundred million years, the Dark Continent has kept a savage secret.

While on the trail of a stolen tactical nuclear weapon, Jack Sigler, callsign: King, and his black ops Chess Team, answer a cry for help. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is on the verge of exploding into another bloody civil war that will engulf all of Africa and put millions at risk, a crisis too politically volatile for any outside nation to touch. As the team, unfettered by political constraints, deploys across the globe, the threats spin out of control.

A search for the Congo's missing president becomes a quest to solve a century old mystery, and uncover a secret that powerful men will kill to protect. A mission to rescue a team of scientists from violent revolutionaries devolves into a desperate run through the jungle, pursued by both modern man and ancient beast. And the effort to stop a revolution becomes a brutal contest, pitting King against the most cunning and sadistic foe he has ever faced-a deadly mercenary known as the Red Queen.

King has traveled around the globe and across time to protect the people he loves. Now, he must face a harsh truth: he cannot save everyone.

The Jack Sigler Thrillers, starting with PULSE, are now in development as a feature film series with director Jabbar Raisani, whose work on Game of Thrones earned him an Emmy Award.


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