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Книги серии «Sostrates and Menedemos»

В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Turtledove Harry, Тёртлдав Гарри

Over the Wine-Dark Sea , часть 1.

Автор: Turtledove Harry
По воле Посейдона , часть 1.

Цикл исторических романов о двоюродных братьях, ставших странствующими торговцами. Действие происходит в Средиземноморье в IV веке до н. э.

310 г. до н. э. Прошло более десяти лет со смерти Александра Македонского, но тень великого человека все еще господствует над Древним миром. В это неспокойное время торговец Менедем в погоне за богатством предпринимает рискованное морское путешествие от берегов Малой Азии к далекой Италии. Победит ли он в бесчисленных схватках с людьми и с морской стихией? Будет ли благосклонен к нему Посейдон?

The Gryphon's Skull , часть 2.

The vast tapestry of the Hellenic world unfolds in this stirring tale of two traders from the island of Rhodes, who range across the wind-blown face of the beautiful and treacherous Mediterranean in search of adventure and profits.

In Over the Wine-dark Sea, H. N. Turteltaub transported his readers to the year 310 B.C. and the lives of Menedemos and Sostratos, two sea traders of Rhodes. From the smell of papyrus and ink to the thrumming of sail in the wind and the grunt of the oarsmen, the details of life in a now-vanished world come alive again in his new novel, The Gryphon’s Skull, an epic of grand adventure and finely realized characters. Sostratos, long and rangy, intellectual and curious, chases knowledge as ardently as his cousin chases women; Menedemos, nearly as perfect a physical specimen as Alexander himself, is the headstrong man of the sea, his eyes unable to resist the veiled beauties around him... including his young stepmother, Baukis, whose voice and form he struggles to ignore.

Having profitably returned on the Aphrodite to Rhodes, the two cousins find that war threatens their once free-trading world. Alexander the Great’s successors are warring for control of the eastern Mediterranean. The ruthless one-eyed general Antigonos, who draws on the strength of all Anatolia, and his rival Ptolemaios, who controls the endless wealth of Egypt, are each ruthlessly maneuvering for advantage... and the neutrality of Rhodes, so essential to commerce, may be coming to an end.

Yet though war and rumors of war surround them, Sostratos and Menedemos need to turn a profit. It seems the height of folly to try one’s luck so strenuously, but Sostratos has come into possession of what he is convinced is the skull of the mythical gryphon, the fabled beast with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. They sail to Athens, intending to sell it to a school of philosophy. And the Egyptian emeralds they’ve obtained on the cheap promise to make them an even tidier profit.

But between the Aphrodite and Athens lie two war fleets, innumerable pirates, and enough danger and intrigue to satisfy even Homer. Unfortunately, it may be more than Sostratos and Menedemos can hope to survive.

Автор: Turtledove Harry
Череп грифона , часть 2.

309 г. до н. э. Остров Родос, одна из торговых столиц античного мира, оказывается в центре схватки между полководцами, унаследовавшими империю Александра Македонского.

Однако, несмотря на вооруженный конфликт, лавируя между военными флотами враждующих сторон, плывут суда торговцев в надежде на прибыль. И купец Менедем вновь отправляется в путь с экзотическими товарами на борту. У него есть даже череп грифона — мифического животного, охраняющего сокровища на конце света.

Salamis , часть 5.

"All will be impressed by Turtledove's immersive ancient world."

—Publishers Weekly

A new novel by one of the most acclaimed writers of alternate history in the world; a New York Times bestselling author who has been crowned as 'the Master of Alternate History' by Publisher Weekly and has won virtually every major award associated with the genre.

Salamis is the fifth (standalone) novel in Harry Turtledove's critically acclaimed Hellenic Traders universe, detailing the adventures of two cousins, Menedemos and Sostratos, who work as seaborne traders following the death of Alexander the Great.

This time the stage is one of the greatest sea battles ever fought in ancient times; the Battle of Salamis of 306 BC.

The small, free, and independent polis of Rhodes is trying to stay neutral between the local...

Автор: Turtledove Harry

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