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Книги серии «Willow Falls Mysteries»

Эта серия относится к следующим жанрам: Детективы и Триллеры, Иронический детектив
В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Henegar Sharon

Sleeping Dogs Lie , часть 1.

On a rainy October night, Louisa waits in the car while her friend Bob makes a dash into the grocery store. Soon he comes out again but with him is a woman in a sleek red suit. She leads him to her Mercedes and they drive away.

Has Louisa been ditched, or has Bob been kidnapped? She enlists the help of her cousin Kay, owner of an antique store, and two intrepid canines, Jack and Emily Ann, to follow the scant clues to find Bob. Find him they do but when they learn who he really is, they find out that the stakes are high. Will they avoid being the next victims of a cold-blooded murderer?

Sleeping dogs lie is author Sharon Henegar's first mystery in the Willow Falls series.

Автор: Henegar Sharon

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