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Книги серии «Gabriel Allon»

Эта серия относится к следующим жанрам: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Шпионский детектив
В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Сильва Дэниел, Silva Daniel, Силва Дэниел

Убийца по прозвищу Англичанин , часть 2.

Респектабельный швейцарский банкир, собиравший произведения искусства, жестоко убит, а его собственная коллекция исчезла.

По иронии судьбы тело случайно обнаруживает Габриэль Аллон…

Когда-то он считался лучшим из лучших оперативников секретных служб.

Теперь Аллон вышел в отставку, ведет тихую жизнь и не намерен возвращаться к прежней работе.

Однако какой профессионал устоит перед возможностью расследовать столь сложное и запутанное дело?

Габриэль Аллон вступает в игру – и очень скоро оказывается в списке будущих жертв суперкиллера по прозвищу Англичанин…

The Confessor , часть 3.

From The Cover:


Art restorer Gabriel Allon is trying to put his secret service past behind him. But when his friend Benjamin Stern is murdered in Munich, he's called into action once more.

Police in Germany are certain that Stern, a professor well known for his work on the Holocaust, was killed by right-wing extremists. But Allon is far from convinced. Not least because all trace of the new book Stern was researching has now mysteriously disappeared...

Meanwhile, in Rome, the new Pope paces around his garden, thinking about the perilous plan he's about to set in motion. If successful, he will revolutionize the Church. If not. he could very well destroy it...

In the dramatic weeks to come, the journeys of these two men will intersect.

Long-buried secrets and unthinkable deeds will come to light and both their lives will be changed for ever...

'The Confessor opens with a startling twist, then gets even better. It will resonate with fans of Dan Brown's novels, as long-buried secrets about unthinkable deeds are unearthed. The pace is relentless...'

'A shrewd, timely thriller that opens the heart of the Vatican.'


Daniel Silva is also the author of the bestselling thrillers The Unlikely Spy, The Mark of the Assassin, The Marching Season, The Kill Artist and The English Assassin. The Washington Post ranks him as 'among the best of the younger American spy novelists' and he is regularly compared to Graham Greene and John Le Carre. He lives in Washington, DC.

Автор: Silva Daniel
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Исповедник , часть 3.

Когда-то Габриель Аллон служил в разведке, и ему не было равных. Он давно вышел в отставку, ведет тихую семейную жизнь и не хочет вспоминать о прошлом. Но прошлое снова напоминает о себе. При загадочных обстоятельствах погибает историк, изучавший тайные связи Ватикана с гитлеровской Германией. Улики свидетельствуют о том, что преступление совершил киллер по прозвищу Леопард. И следующей его жертвой, как выясняет разведка, должен стать один из самых могущественных людей мира. В это трудно поверить. Это почти невозможно предотвратить… Но Габриель Аллон всегда умел совершить невозможное!

Убийство в Вене , часть 4.

В венском офисе израильской разведки взорвалась бомба.

Одна из жертв взрыва – Эли Лавон, старый друг Габриэля Аллона.

Когда-то Аллон считался лучшим из лучших оперативников секретных служб.

Теперь он вышел в отставку, ведет тихую жизнь и не намерен возвращаться к прежней работе.

Однако если речь идет о покушении на жизнь друга – он готов действовать вновь.

Аллон начинает расследование – и вскоре понимает, что следы преступников ведут в трагическое прошлое его собственной семьи.

«Смерть в Вене» завершает цикл из трех романов, написанных о неоконченном деле холокоста. Кража нацистами произведений искусства и сотрудничество с ними швейцарских банков послужили фоном для «Убийцы по прозвищу Англичанин». Роль католической церкви в холокосте и молчание папы Пия XII вдохновили меня на написание «Исповедника».

Prince of Fire , часть 5.

Few recent thriller writers have excited the kind of critical praise that Daniel Silva has, with his novels featuring art restorer and sometime spy Gabriel Allon.

Now Allon is back in Venice, when a terrible explosion in Rome leads to a disturbing personal revelation: the existence of a dossier in the hands of terrorists that strips away his secrets, lays bare his history. Hastily recalled home to Israel, drawn once more into the heart of a service he had once forsaken, Gabriel Allon finds himself stalking an elusive master terrorist across a landscape drenched in generations of blood, along a trail that keeps turning in upon itself, until, finally, he can no longer be certain who is stalking whom. And when at last the inevitable showdown comes, it's not Gabriel alone who is threatened with destruction-for it is not his history alone that has been laid bare.

A knife-edged thriller of astonishing intricacy and feeling, filled with exhilarating prose, this is Daniel Silva's finest novel yet.

Автор: Silva Daniel
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Властитель огня , часть 5.

Самое опасное дело Габриэля Аллона – легендарного агента спецслужб, вынужденного вернуться к прежней работе, дело о взрыве в Риме, который унес десятки невинных жизней.

Аллон начинает расследование и вскоре понимает, что, возможно, за этим преступлением стоит его личный враг – человек, много лет назад приказавший «убрать» его жену и сына.

Теперь убийца наконец заплатит за содеянное – даже если это дело станет для Аллона последним…

Посланник , часть 6.

Когда-то Габриэль Аллон, один из лучших сотрудников спецслужб, попытался выйти в отставку, но в итоге был вынужден вернуться к прежней работе.

И теперь о мире и покое остается только мечтать…

Разведке стало известно о покушении, которое «Аль-Каида» готовит на самого папу римского.

Габриэлю приказывают немедленно отправиться в Ватикан и любой ценой предотвратить теракт.

Он начинает охоту за преступниками – но все его усилия безуспешны.

Постепенно Аллон приходит к единственно возможному выводу: в Ватикане находится агент террористов, поставляющий им секретную информацию.

Но кто он?

Как на него выйти?

Времени до запланированного покушения все меньше, а сотрудники спецслужб все еще не могут найти предателя…

The Rembrandt Affair , часть 10.

Gabriel Allon returns in the spellbinding new novel from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author.

Two families, one terrible secret, and a painting to die for...

It has been six months since Gabriel's showdown with Ivan Kharkov. Now, having severed his ties with the Office, Gabriel has retreated to the Cornish coast with only one thing in mind: healing his wife, Chiara, after her encounter with evil. But an unspeakable act of violence once again draws Gabriel into a world of danger when an art restorer is brutally murdered and the newly discovered Rembrandt on which he is working taken. Gabriel is persuaded to use his unique skills to trace the painting and those responsible for the crimes; but, as he investigates, he discovers there are terrible secrets connected to the painting, and terrible men behind them. Before he is done, he will have undertaken a journey through some of the twentieth century's darkest history-and come face-to-face with some of the same darkness within himself.

Автор: Silva Daniel
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Portrait of a Spy , часть 11.

Gabriel Allon has been hailed as the most compelling creation since 'Ian Fleming put down his martini and invented James Bond' (Rocky Mountain News). A man with a deep appreciation for all that is beautiful, Gabriel is also an angel of vengeance, an international operative who will stop at nothing to see justice done. Sometimes he must journey far in search of evil. And sometimes evil comes to him.

In a dangerous world, one extraordinary woman can mean the difference between life and death. . . .

 For Gabriel and his wife, Chiara, it was supposed to be the start of a pleasant weekend in London — a visit to a gallery in St. James's to authenticate a newly discovered painting by Titian, followed by a quiet lunch. But a pair of deadly bombings in Paris and Copenhagen has already marred this autumn day. And while walking toward Covent Garden, Gabriel notices a man he believes is about to carry out a third attack. Before Gabriel can draw his weapon, he is knocked to the pavement and can only watch as the nightmare unfolds.

 Haunted by his failure to stop the massacre of innocents, Gabriel returns to his isolated cottage on the cliffs of Cornwall, until a summons brings him to Washington and he is drawn into a confrontation with the new face of global terror. At the center of the threat is an American-born cleric in Yemen to whom Allah has granted 'a beautiful and seductive tongue.' A gifted deceiver, who was once a paid CIA asset, the mastermind is plotting a new wave of attacks.

 Gabriel and his team devise a daring plan to destroy the network of death from the inside, a gambit fraught with risk, both personal and professional. To succeed, Gabriel must reach into his violent past. A woman waits there — a reclusive heiress and art collector who can traverse the murky divide between Islam and the West. She is the daughter of an old enemy, a woman joined to Gabriel by a trail of blood. . . .

 Set against the disparate worlds of art and intelligence, Portrait of a Spy moves swiftly from the corridors of power in Washington to the glamorous auction houses of New York and London to the unforgiving landscape of the Saudi desert. Featuring a climax that will leave readers haunted long after they turn the final page, this deeply entertaining story is also a breathtaking portrait of courage in the face of unspeakable evil — and Daniel Silva's most extraordinary novel to date.

Автор: Silva Daniel
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The Fallen Angel , часть 12.

Gabriel Allon — art restorer, spy, and assassin — returns in a spellbinding new thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling master of intrigue and suspense

When last we encountered Gabriel Allon in Portrait of a Spy, he was pitted in a blood-soaked duel with a deadly network of jihadist terrorists. Now, exposed and war-weary, he has returned to his beloved Rome to restore a Caravaggio masterpiece for the Vatican.

But while working early one morning in the conservation laboratory, Gabriel is summoned to Saint Peter's Basilica by his friend and occasional ally Monsignor Luigi Donati, the all-powerful private secretary to his Holiness Pope Paul VII. The body of a beautiful woman lies smashed and broken beneath Michelangelo's magnificent dome. The Vatican police rule the death a suicidal fall, though Gabriel, with his restorer's eye and flawless memory, suspects otherwise. So, it seems, does the monsignor. Concerned about a potential scandal, Donati fears a public inquiry will inflict more wounds on an already-damaged Church; he calls upon Gabriel to use his matchless talents and experience to quietly pursue the truth — with one important caveat.

"Rule number one at the Vatican," Donati said. "Don't ask too many questions."

Gabriel soon discovers that the dead woman had uncovered a dangerous secret - a secret that threatens powers beyond the Vatican. To solve the mystery, Gabriel joins forces with a master art thief to penetrate a criminal smuggling network that is looting timeless treasures of antiquity and selling them to the highest bidder. But there is more to this network than just greed. An old enemy is plotting revenge, an unthinkable act of sabotage that will plunge the world into a conflict of apocalyptic proportions. Once again Gabriel must return to the ranks of his old intelligence service — and place himself, and those he holds dear, on the razor's edge of danger.

An intoxicating blend of art and intrigue, The Fallen Angel moves swiftly from the private chambers of the Vatican, to a glamorous art gallery in St Moritz, to the hidden alleyways of Istanbul — and finally, to a pulse-pounding climax in the ancient city of Jerusalem, the world's most sacred and contested parcel of land. Each setting is rendered with the care of an Old Master, as are the spies, lovers, priests, and thieves who inhabit its pages. It is a story of faith and of the destructive power of secrets. And it is an all-too-timely reminder that those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

Автор: Silva Daniel

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