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Книги серии «Young Wizards [= Nita & Kit]»

В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Duane Diane, Дуэйн Диана

Deep Wizardry , часть 2.

Deep Wizardry is about wizards Nita and her partner, Kit, working on their next assignment: underwater! Apparently whales and dolphins can also be wizards. The one recently put in charge, S’reee, now needs Nita and Kit’s help to perform The Song of Twelve, an ancient ritual. Nita goes in, not knowing that her role as the Silent One is to get eaten. By a shark named Ed. As always, Nita and Kit still go to help and defeat their enemy — The Lone Power. Filled with action, blood, and betrayal, this book is great for those willing to read to the end.

Автор: Duane Diane
Deep Wizardry , часть 2.
Автор: Дуэйн Диана
High Wizardry , часть 3.

Young wizards Kit and Nita are faced with strange events when a life form from another era emerges on Mars. Though the Martians seem friendly, they have a plan that could change the shape of more than one world. As the shadow of interplanetary war stretches over both worlds, Kit and Nita must fight to master the strange and ancient synergy binding them to Mars and its last inhabitants. If they don't succeed, the history that left Mars lifeless will repeat itself on Earth.

Автор: Дуэйн Диана
A Wizard Abroad , часть 4.

To give Nita a vacation from magic, her parents pack her off for a stay with her eccentric aunt in Ireland. But Nita soon finds herself with a host of Irish wizards battling creatures from a nightmare land.

Автор: Дуэйн Диана
The Wizard's Dilemma , часть 5.

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Автор: Duane Diane
A Wizard Alone , часть 6.

Kit and Nita join forces once more against the terrible Lone Power on an unusual battleground, as they fight for the heart and mind of a young wizard with the power to save their world…

Initially, Kit finds himself flying solo as Nita has sunk into a deep depression after the events of The Wizard's Dilemma. Luckily, Kit's telepathic pooch, Ponch, is happy to fill Nita's niche temporarily, as long as enough dog biscuits are involved.

Kit's fighting to understand why autistic wizard-in-training Darryl McAllister has been stuck in his wizardly Ordeal for over three months. Is it merely the fault of his autism? Exploring inside Darryl's mind, Kit and Ponch discover complex landscapes of weird beauty that belie Darryl's rocking, vacant exterior. But they also find the Lone Power, attacking Darryl with a relentless brutality that seems to make little sense. What makes Darryl so important — and why can't he escape his Ordeal?

Nita, meanwhile, is distracted from her sorrow by a series of strange dreams in which some mysterious being pleads desperately for her aid. What do the cryptic messages mean? She has to find out quickly — because now Kit, too, has vanished. Can she find him — and if she does, will the two of them be able to come together in time to deal with the Lone Power before It can destroy them?

Автор: Duane Diane
Wizards Holiday , часть 7.
Автор: Дуэйн Диана
Wizards At War , часть 8.
Автор: Дуэйн Диана

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