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Книги серии «The Cards in the Deck»

Эта серия относится к следующим жанрам: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер
В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Stanek Robert

Devil's Due , часть 1.

A new thriller from award-winning best-selling author Robert Stanek! The first book in the series, The Pieces of the Puzzle, was an instant Top 10 Mystery Bestseller and a #1 Fiction Bestseller in Audio.

Now former NSA agent turned rogue operative Scott Madison Evers is back in an all new action thriller. Still a man on the outside looking in, Scott Evers is working security onboard the Sea Shepherd, an Island class vessel performing fishery protection patrols in the Mediterranean Sea. No, Scott Evers hasn't become an environmentalist. He's about as far from the pie-in-the-sky happy people he has sworn to protect as any person could ever be. But he's got a job to do. Namely, to keep the yuppies from doing stupid things that will get them killed. With tensions heating up in the Mediterranean Sea and with terrorists afoot, Scott's an instant away from everything going as terribly wrong as he fears. When the dust clears, his world will never be the same again.

Автор: Stanek Robert
Strike Force , часть 2.

A thriller from award-winning best-selling author Robert Stanek. The first book in the series, The Pieces of the Puzzle, was an instant Top 10 Mystery Bestseller and a #1 Fiction Bestseller in Audio.

In the heart of the Middle East, former NSA agent, Scott Evers, is drawn deep into an explosive terrorist plot. Two ships in the Mediterranean were destroyed, a Navy helicopter has been shot down, and two SEAL teams are missing in action. As he races to find answers, Scott is being hunted by a rogue operative that wants him dead no matter what it takes. When the dust clears, Scott's world will never be the same again.

Автор: Stanek Robert
Face Off , часть 3.

In the heart of the Middle East, former NSA agent, Scott Evers, is drawn deep into an explosive terrorist plot. Two ships in the Mediterranean were destroyed, a Navy helicopter has been shot down, and two SEAL teams are missing in action. As he races to find answers, Scott is being hunted by a rogue operative that wants him dead no matter what it takes. When the dust clears, Scott’s world will never be the same again.

Автор: Stanek Robert
End Game , часть 4.

The gripping conclusion to Robert Stanek's The Cards in the Deck! Finally available for order, this thriller written by a former military intelligence analyst who worked with the NSA tells the all-too-real story of a former NSA operative.

In the heart of the Middle East, former NSA agent, Scott Evers, is drawn deep into an explosive terrorist plot. Two ships in the Mediterranean were destroyed, a Navy helicopter has been shot down, and two SEAL teams are missing in action. As he races to find answers, Scott is being hunted by a rogue operative that wants him dead no matter what it takes. When the dust clears, Scott's world will never be the same again.

Автор: Stanek Robert

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