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Книги серии «Flight 12 Begins»

Эта серия относится к следующим жанрам: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер
В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Battles Brett

Flight 12: A Jonathan Quinn Thriller , часть 10.

Jonathan Quinn and his team thought they were done for the night. The body they’d been hired to make disappear had been dealt with exactly to the required specifications, so, by all rights, they should have been at the airport, catching their flights home.

But a last minute call puts a crimp into their plans. Another assignment has come up, one that must be dealt with immediately, and will prove considerably more difficult than the last as they are not the only ones who’ve come for the corpse.

An already long night dealing with the dead is just about to get a little longer.

The novella FLIGHT 12: A Jonathan Quinn Thriller is part of the FLIGHT 12 project, featuring stories from best selling authors featuring some of their most popular protagonists.

Автор: Battles Brett

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