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Книги серии «Joe Rush»

Эта серия относится к следующим жанрам: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер
В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Abel James

White Plague , часть 1.

In the remote, frozen waters of the Arctic Ocean, the high-powered and technically advanced submarine U.S.S. Montana is in peril. Adrift and in flames, the boat — and the entire crew — could be lost. The only team close enough to get to them in time is led by Marine doctor and bio-terror expert Joe Rush.

With only thirty-six hours before the surviving crew perish, Joe and his team must race to rescue the *Montana* and ensure that the boat doesn’t fall into enemy hands. Because a fast-approaching foreign submarine is already en route, and tensions may explode.

But that’s the least of their troubles. For the surviving sailors are not alone on the sub. Something is trapped with them. Something deadly lethal. Something that plagued mankind long ago, when it devastated the entire world. And the crew of the Montana has unknowingly set it free. Now, Joe and his team must not only find a way to save the Montana and her crew, but stop a lethal horror of apocalyptic consequence from being unleashed on all humanity.

Автор: Abel James
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Protocol Zero , часть 2.

When authorities in Alaska receive a disturbing call from a teenage girl, their investigation leads them to discover an entire family of researchers dead. Joe Rush is called to help examine the bodies. On the surface, it looks like a brutal murder/suicide. But the situation is nowhere near that simple — nor is it over.

Upon closer investigation, Rush discovers the terrifying truth. The research team has fallen victim to something that seems impossible at first, yet the evidence looks undeniable in the lab. Now the danger may threaten thousands more.

Unfortunately, he's not the only one with knowledge of the looming disaster. The army has cordoned off part of Alaska, and Rush soon finds himself the target of trained killers. Someone suspects Rush of betraying his country. To save countless lives — starting with his own — Rush must uncover the answers hidden in the Arctic. The question is — will he find them in time?

Автор: Abel James
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Cold Silence , часть 3.

James Abel — author of the electrifying Joe Rush novels Protocol Zero and White Plague — unleashes another heartstopping thriller in which an unholy plague from the past has been awakened…

While trying to alleviate the suffering of thousands in drought-stricken, war-torn Africa, ex-Marine doctor and bio-terror expert Joe Rush receives a plea for help from a member of his old military unit, currently working as a geologist in a chaotic region of Somalia.

Joe arrives on the scene to find an entire group showing horrific symptoms of an ancient sickness once thought to be sent as punishment from heaven. But before Joe can get hard evidence identifying the illness, a local warlord takes matters into his own hands — and the proof is gone just as the illness breaks out back in the United States.

This outbreak is not a curse from God. It’s a well-coordinated, meticulously planned attack with a specific goal that could overturn global stability and kill millions. And the only one who can stop the downfall of civilization is Joe Rush…

Автор: Abel James
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Vector , часть 4.

Joe Rush takes on a new terror, spawned in the Amazon rain forest, that threatens to bring the world to its knees in James Abel's latest bio-thriller.

While studying new forms of malaria at an Amazon gold rush, Joe Rush's best friend and partner, Eddie Nakamura, disappears. Learning that many of the sick miners have also vanished, Rush begins a search for Eddie that takes him into the heart of darkness — where while battling for his life, he discovers a secret that may change the world.

Thousands of miles away, sick people are starting to flood into U.S. hospitals. When the White House admits that it has received terrorist threats, cities across the Northeast begin to shut down. Rush and his team must journey from one of the most remote spots on Earth to one of the busiest, as the clock ticks toward a kind of annihilation not thought possible. They have even less time than they think to solve the mystery, for the danger — as bad as it is — is about to get even worse.

Автор: Abel James

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