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Книги серии «Jeremy Logan»

Эта серия относится к следующим жанрам: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер
В этой серии представлено творчесво следующих авторов: Child Lincoln, Чайлд Линкълн

Утопияленд , часть 3.

Джереми Лоугън е известен като изключителен енигмолог — експерт по необяснимото, който има способността да разкрива всякакви мистерии и аномалии. Работата на Лоугън го е отвеждала на странни местопрестъпления, на места и сцени на неразкрити исторически тайни. Легендарният ловец на съкровища Портър Стоун е открил нещо, което завинаги ще промени египтологията. В Ал Суд, диво и забравено от бога място на юг от египетската граница, Стоун смята, че се е натъкнал на гробницата на владетеля бог Нармер — обединител на Горен и Долен Египет преди повече от пет хиляди години. Още от началото на разкопките обаче специалистите на Стоун започват да се сблъскват със странни аномалии: в началото те са досадни, но постепенно стават плашещи. Загрижен за безопасността и успеха на експедицията, Стоун се обръща към Джереми Лоугън с молба да се опита да разгадае случващото се… Страхът и параноята стават неудържими. Лоугън трябва да се гмурне в тайните на Древен Египет и клиничната смърт, за да открие какво застрашава експедицията. Той трябва да се изправи и срещу зловещо древно проклятие — заровено в продължение на хилядолетия заедно с невъобразимите богатства на фараон Нармер, което може би ще се сбъдне.

The Forgotten Room , часть 3.

New York Times bestseller Lincoln Child returns with a riveting new thriller featuring the charismatic and quirky Professor Jeremy Logan, renowned investigator of the strange and the inexplicable, as he uncovers a long-lost secret experiment only rumored to have existed.

Jeremy Logan (The Third Gate, Deep Storm) is an "enigmalogist" — an investigator who specializes in analyzing phenomena that have no obvious explanation. In this newest novel Logan finds himself on the storied coastline of Newport, Rhode Island, where he has been retained by Lux, one of the oldest and most respected think tanks in America. Just days earlier, a series of frightening events took place in the sprawling seaside mansion that houses the organization. One of its most distinguished doctors began acting erratically — violently attacking an assistant in the mansion's opulent library and, moments later, killing himself in a truly shocking fashion. Terrified by the incident and the bizarre evidence left behind, the group hires Logan to investigate — discreetly — what drove this erudite man to madness.

His work leads him to an unexpected find. In a long-dormant wing of the estate, Logan uncovers an ingeniously hidden secret room, concealed and apparently untouched for decades. The room is a time capsule, filled with eerie and obscure scientific equipment that points to a top secret project long thought destroyed, known only as "Project S." Ultimately, the truth of what Project S was… and what has happened in that room… will put Logan in the path of a completely unexpected danger.

One of his most thrilling novels to date, The Forgotten Room is replete with veiled, fascinating history, and all the exhilarating action and science that are the hallmarks of a Lincoln Child blockbuster.

Автор: Child Lincoln
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Full Wolf Moon , часть 5.

The New York Times bestselling author of The Forgotten Room and Deep Storm is back with a new thriller that follows the trail of a killer who cannot exist… featuring Jeremy Logan, the renowned investigator of the supernatural and fantastic.

Legends, no matter how outlandish, are often grounded in reality. This has been the guiding principle behind the exhilarating career of Jeremy Logan, the "enigmalogist" — an investigator who specializes in analyzing phenomena that have no obvious explanation — previously seen in The Forgotten Room, The Third Gate, and Deep Storm. Logan has often found himself in situations where keeping an open mind could mean the difference between life and death, and that has never been more true than now.

Logan travels to an isolated writers' retreat deep in the Adirondacks to finally work on his book when the remote community is rocked by the grisly discovery of a dead hiker on Desolation Mountain. The body has been severely mauled, but the unusual savagery of the bite and claw marks call into question the initial suspicions of a wild bear attack. When Logan is asked to help investigate, he discovers no shortage of suspects capable of such an attack — and no shortage of locals willing to point the finger and spread incredible rumors. One rumor, too impossible to believe, has even the forest ranger believing in werewolves. As Logan gets to know the remote deep-woods landscape, including a respected woman scientist still struggling with the violent loss of her father in these very woods, Logan realizes he's up against something he has never seen before.

His most action-packed and white-knuckled novel to date, Full Wolf Moon is the perfect combination of exotic locales, provocative science, and raw action that make for a deeply entertaining Lincoln Child blockbuster.

Автор: Child Lincoln
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Chrysalis , часть 6.

A blockbuster new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Lincoln Child, centered on a dominant tech company — Chrysalis — whose groundbreaking virtual reality technology is redefining the way we live… and possibly introducing a catastrophic danger to the world.

Like millions of people around the world, Jeremy Logan (famed enigmalogist, or investigator of unexplained things) has grown to rely on his incredible new tech device. Made by Chrysalis, the global multibillion dollar tech company, the small optical device connects people in a stunning new way, tapping into virtual reality for the first time on a wide scale.

And yet, when Logan is summoned by Chrysalis to investigate a disturbing anomaly in the massive new product rollout, Logan is shocked to see the true scope of the massive company. He also quickly realizes that something in Chrysalis’s technology is very wrong, and could be potentially devastating. The question is what, and where, is the danger coming from? In Lincoln Child’s wildly inventive new novel, high tech comes to life alongside the myriad dangers it poses, making for one of Child’s most infectious, entertaining thrillers to date.

Автор: Child Lincoln

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