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Old Filth

Sir Edward Feathers has had a brilliant career, from his early days as a lawyer in Southeast Asia, where he earned the nickname Old Filth (FILTH being an acronym for Failed In London Try Hong Kong) to his final working days as a respected judge at the English bar. Yet through it all he has carried with him the wounds of a difficult and emotionally hollow childhood. Now an eighty-year-old widower living in comfortable seclusion in Dorset, Feathers is finally free from the regimen of work and the sentimental scaffolding that has sustained him throughout his life. He slips back into the past with ever mounting frequency and intensity, and on the tide of these vivid, lyrical musings, Feathers approaches a reckoning with his own history. Not all the old filth, it seems, can be cleaned away.

Borrowing from biography and history, Jane Gardam has written a literary masterpiece reminiscent of Rudyard Kipling's Baa Baa, Black Sheep that retraces much of the twentieth century's torrid and momentous history. Feathers' childhood in Malaya during the British Empire's heyday, his schooling in pre-war England, his professional success in Southeast Asia and his return to England toward the end of the millennium, are vantage points from which the reader can observe the march forward of an eventful era and the steady progress of that man, Sir Edward Feathers, Old Filth himself, who embodies the century's fate.

Автор: Gardam Jane
Серия: Old Filth
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Old Masters

In this exuberantly satirical novel, the tutor Atzbacher has been summoned by his friend Reger to meet him in a Viennese museum. While Reger gazes at a Tintoretto portrait, Atzbacher — who fears Reger's plans to kill himself — gives us a portrait of the musicologist: his wisdom, his devotion to his wife, and his love-hate relationship with art. With characteristically acerbic wit, Bernhard exposes the pretensions and aspirations of humanity in a novel at once pessimistic and strangely exhilarating.

Автор: Bernhard Thomas
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Old Men in Love

"Beautiful, inventive, ambitious and nuts."-"The Times" (London)

"Our nearest contemporary equivalent to Blake, our sweetest-natured screwed-up visionary."-"London Evening Standard"

Alasdair Gray's unique melding of humor and metafiction at once hearken back to Laurence Sterne and sit beside today's literary mash-ups with equal comfort. "Old Men in Love" is smart, down-to-earth, funny, bawdy, politically inspired, dark, multi-layered, and filled with the kind of intertextual play that Gray delights in.

As with Gray's previous novel "Poor Things," several partial narratives are presented together. Here the conceit is that they were all discovered in the papers of the late John Tunnock, a retired Glasgow teacher who started a number of novels in settings as varied as Periclean Athens, Renaissance Florence, Victorian Somerset, and Britain under New Labour.

This is the first US edition (updated with the author's corrections from the UK edition) of a novel that British critics lauded as one of the best of Gray's long career. Beautifully printed in two colors throughout and featuring Gray's trademark strong design, "Old Men in Love" will stand out from everything else on the shelf. Fifty percent is fact and the rest is possible, but it must be read to be believed.

Alasdair Gray is one of Scotland's most well-known and acclaimed artists. He is the author of nine novels, including "Lanark," "1982 Janine," and the Whitbread and Guardian Prize-winning "Poor Things," as well as four collections of stories, two collections of poetry, and three books of nonfiction, including "The Book of Prefaces." He lives in Glasgow, Scotland.

Автор: Gray Alasdair
Ole, Ороско! Сикейрос, si!

Эксперт по живописи попадает на выставку памяти гениального мексиканского художника Себастьяна Родригеса, наследника искусства Сикейроса и Ороско, но выставка оказывается поминками...

Автор: Segal Erich
Omensetter’s Luck

Greeted as a masterpiece when it was first published in 1966, Omensetter's Luck is the quirky, impressionistic, and breathtakingly original story of an ordinary community galvanized by the presence of an extraordinary man. Set in a small Ohio town in the 1890s, it chronicles — through the voices of various participants and observers — the confrontation between Brackett Omensetter, a man of preternatural goodness, and the Reverend Jethro Furber, a preacher crazed with a propensity for violent thoughts. Omensetter's Luck meticulously brings to life a specific time and place as it illuminates timeless questions about life, love, good, and evil.

Автор: Gass William H
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On A Day Like This

A new novel of artful understatement about mortality, estrangement, and the absurdity of life from the acclaimed author of Unformed Landscape and In Strange Gardens.

On a day like any other, Andreas changes his life. When a routine doctor’s visit leads to an unexpected prognosis, a great yearning takes hold of him — but who can tell if it is homesickness or wanderlust? Andreas leaves everything behind, sells his Paris apartment; cuts off all social ties; quits his teaching job; and waves goodbye to his days spent idly sitting in cafes — to look for a woman he once loved, half a lifetime ago. The monotony of days has been keeping him in check; now he hopes for a miracle and for a new beginning.

Andreas’ travels lead him back to the province of his youth, back to his hometown in Switzerland where he returns to familiar streets, where his brother still lives in their childhood home, and where Fabienne, a woman he was obsessed with in his youth, visits the same lake they once swam in together. Andreas, still consumed with longing for his lost love and blinded by the uncertainty of his future, is tormented by the question of what might have been if things had happened differently.

Peter Stamm has been praised as a “stylistic ascetic” and his prose as “distinguished by lapidary expression, telegraphic terseness, and finely tuned sensitivity” (Bookforum). In On a Day Like This, Stamm’s unobtrusive observational style allows us to journey with our antihero through his crises of banality, of living in his empty world, and the realization that life is finite — that one must live it, as long as that is possible.

Автор: Stamm Peter
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On the Edge

On the Edge is a monumental fresco of a brutal contemporary Spain in free fall.

On the Edge opens with the discovery of a rotting corpse in the marshes on the outskirts of Olba, Spain — a town wracked by despair after the burst of the economic bubble, and a microcosm of a world of defeat, debt, and corruption. Stuck in this town is Esteban — his small factory bankrupt, his investments stolen by a “friend,” and his unloved father, a mute invalid, entirely his personal burden. Much of the novel unfolds in Esteban’s raw and tormented monologues. But other voices resound from the wreckage — soloists stepping forth from the choir — and their words, sharp as knives, crowd their terse, hypnotic monologues of ruin, prostitution, and loss.

Chirbes alternates this choir of voices with a majestic third-person narration, injecting a profound and moving lyricism and offering the hope that a new vitality can emerge from the putrid swamps. On the Edge, even as it excoriates, pulsates with robust life, and its rhythmic, torrential style marks the novel as an indelible masterpiece.

Автор: Chirbes Rafael
On the Edge

Sabine is the most mercurial woman Peter Thorpe has ever known. Such is his desire for her that he overturns his whole life — his disillusioned merchant-banker’s life — and leaves everything behind, not caring that his lover is of no fixed address, nor that his search for her will take him to the beating heart of New Ageism in northern California.Each of his fellow seekers is in hot pursuit of that elusive something (happiness?), and in their eccentric company Peter stumbles across vistas he had never before dared to imagine. .‘St Aubyn has achieved a comic novel which is more than a send-up and carries the message that love is not quite all you need’ Independent‘An intellectually informed, richly insightful and vigorously funny take on the modern condition’ Sunday Times‘Pierced with goodwill, tenderness and a new kind of thoughtfulness’ Spectator‘His satire is unfailingly funny and immensely satisfying’ Guardian

Автор: Aubyn Edward St
On The Road

Jack Kerouac's On the Road is one of the most controversial American novels of the 20th century. When critics concede that the book and its author were instrumental in triggering the rucksack revolution, this is to damn with praise, as Kerouac is reduced to a one-book author (though he published some twenty volumes containing a wide range of prose and poetry). Moreover, the spiteful acknowledgement of a sociohistorical fact imports an aesthetic grudge against a novel that a close reading reveals to be far more conventional than most of its adversaries would would care to realize. Nor does the book propagate the shameless adoration of libidinous licentiousness for which it has been castigated in conservative quarters.

Kerouac, too, never understood what his book meant to the hordes of youngsters taking to the highways after the fashion of the characters peopling the narrative; but then, he was ill-fitted to grasp what his book had kindled in generations of young readers who felt stifled by the limitations of their parental homes. He never realized that he had prefigured their longings.

Born, in 1922, in Lowell MA and baptized Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac, he learned English only as a second language. His parents, French Canadian immigrants, provided for a parochial, Catholic conservative, working-class background dominated by the mother who, in keeping with her heritage, felt more comfortable at speaking to her children in her French-Canadian dialect. The father, a printer, lost his job in the Great Depression and never recovered his standing. “Ti-Jean” (as Jack was pet-named by his mother) was a brooding, introverted child, a voracious, if indiscriminate reader. In high school, he was a minor sensation on the football field, the performanance at half-back, rather than academic excellence, earning him a scholarship to Columbia University after a preparatory year at Horace Mann, a private high school in New York City. College football, however, was more competitive than high-school games, and after breaking a leg in practice, he could not establish himself as a starter on the team. He also was in academic difficulties and had to make up for failing grades with extracurricular work during summer vacation. Kerouac left Columbia during his sophomore year, came back for a brief spell the following year, and after various odd jobs at gas stations and an honorable discharge from the Navy for an “indifferent character,” he joined the merchant marine in 1942.

Jack, who claimed he had completed his first novel at age eleven, had written for his high-school paper, contributed articles on local college sports to the Columbia Spectator, and, “… inspired by a new enthusiasm for the novels of Thomas Wolfe” (Ann Charters, Kerouac), began to keep extensive journals. Onboard the S.S. George Weems, “bound for Liverpool with 500-pound bombs in her hold, flying the red dynamite flag” (Charters), he wrote The Sea Is My Brother, which remained unpublished. After the war restless years followed, as Jack grew involved in the emerging underground scene of New York. (In part he was to record those experiences in On the Road.) During the winters he lived in his mother’s apartment in Ozone Park, L.I. (the father had died in the spring of 1946), from where he set out on frequent drinking bouts, often lasting for several days, to Times Square bars or to parties in Greenwich Village; the summers he spent roaming the country between New York, San Francisco, and Mexico City. Intermittently he worked on what was to become The Town And the City; accepted by Harcourt, Brace Co. in 1949, the book appeared the following year and received lukewarm critical appraisal: “More often than not, the depth and breadth of his vision triumph decisively over his technical weaknesses,” the New York Times Book Review noted in November 1950.

During the spring of 1951 Kerouac completed, in a three-week burst of writing, a typescript entitled variously “Beat Generation” and “On the Road,” different names for “… a scroll of paper three inches thick made up of one single-spaced, unbroken 120 feet long paragraph,…” as a friend recalls. In spite of several revisions and persistent efforts, Kerouac could not find a publisher for what he, according to Ann Charters, “… knew immediately… was the best writing he had ever done.” Editors were more interested in stories dealing with the scandalous lifestyle of these young, “Beat” bohemians than in their artistic work, until, in late 1955, Malcolm Cowley, senior adviser at Viking, accepted the book on the proviso that he and Kerouac go over the script together. When On the Road finally came out in 1957, the original typescript had been cut by one-third and amended to approximate the text to literary, orthographic, and printing conventions. “… Cowley riddled the original style of the manuscript there, without my power to complain,…,” Kerouac indicted later in an interview for The Paris Review. (The tangled genesis of the text prior to publication-some seven typescript versions are known to exist-may well prove futile all attempts at establishing a definitive edition.)

In the wake of the clamor raised over the publication of Allen Ginsberg's “Howl” (the poem is dedicated to Kerouac, among others),On the Road made the bestseller lists and, except for a short lag in the early sixties, has continued to sell at a steady pace in America and Western Europe. The commercial success of On the Road prompted Viking to bring out more of Kerouac’s writings. By 1958 he had completed several manuscripts (Visions of Cody, Doctor Sax, and The Subterraneans, to name but a few), all autobiographical, loose in form, and written in the new prose style which he had developed in the meanwhile and called “Spontaneous Prose”: long, unpremeditated sentences full of associations, put to paper in the way they came to his mind; highly personal, often idiosyncratic accounts which were at times inherently contradictory; as he phrased it himself, in the vaguely programmatic “Essentials of Spontaneous Prose”:

No pause to think of proper word but the infantile pileup of scatological buildup words till satisfaction is gained, which will turn out to be a great appending rhythm to a thought and be in accordance with Great Law of timing.

The editors insisted on something conventional and chose The Dharma Bums because it was close to On the Road in scope, contents, and method of presentation. The book was inspired by Kerouac’s friendship with the Californian poet Gary Snyder, who became the model for Japhy Ryder, the hero of The Dharma Bums. Snyder had introduced Kerouac to Buddhist texts, the influence of which is traceable in On the Road and, more conspicuously, in The Dharma Bums. But Kerouac 'a infatuation with Eastern mysticism and religions was only transitory. At heart he always remained a devout Catholic, in his own personal way. He writes in “The Origins of the Beat Generation,” an article for Playboy:

I am not ashamed to wear the crucifix of my Lord. It is because I am Beat, that is, I believe in beatitude and that God so loved the world that he gave his own begotten son to it… So you people don’t believe in God. So you're all big smart know-it-all Marxists and Freudians, hey? Why don’t you come back in a million years and tell me all about it, angels?

Kerouac had always been an introverted, brooding, melancholic loner who preferred watching from the side over actively participating in his friends' hullabaloos; during the Sixties, his health deteriorating from continuous abuse of alcohol and benzedrine, he became utterly estranged from the world and retreated to his mother's home. He felt his work was misunderstood by the reading public, for whom he had become, due to his semi-fictitious heroes Dean Moriarty and Japhy Ryder, a cult figure and a pioneer of the newly emerging liberal movement. His political attitude was diametrically opposed to that of the majority of his readers as well as to that of his former close friend Allen Ginsberg. Kerouac spoke out in favor of the American engagement in Vietnam; in the interview for The Paris Review he explained:

I’m pro-American and the radical political involvements seem to tend elsewhere… The country gave my Canadian family a good break, more or less, and we see no reason to demean said country.

Shadows of fatalism and a profound pessimism permeate his later writing, for instance, The Vanity of Duluoz. Resignation, that all is “vanity,” rings through the last attempt at reshaping the legend he had begun with The Town And the City. Conspicuously, the two books cover roughly the same period of time, from the last years in Lowell to the father's death in New York City; while not exactly cheerful, the tone of The Town And the City, characterized by a longing to restore the happy days of childhood, had to give way to a deep sense of irrevocable loss. He wrote in the preface of Visions of Cody: “My work comprises one vast book like Proust's Remembrance of Things Past, except my remembrances are written on the run instead of afterwards in a sickbed.” The comparison, half-correct at best, sheds a distinct light on the author’s ambitions and misperceptions.

Jack Kerouac died on October 21, 1969, “of hemorrhaging esophageal varices, the classic drunkard’s death,” according to Gerald Nicosia, the author of Memory Babe, a near-definitive critical biography.

Автор: Kerouac Jack
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On the Road to Babadag

Andrzej Stasiuk is a restless and indefatigable traveler. His journeys take him from his native Poland to Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Albania, Moldova, and Ukraine. By car, train, bus, ferry. To small towns and villages with unfamiliar-sounding yet strangely evocative names. “The heart of my Europe,” Stasiuk tells us, “beats in Sokolow, Podlaski, and in Husi, not in Vienna.”

Where did Moldova end and Transylvania begin, he wonders as he is being driven at breakneck speed in an ancient Audi — loose wires hanging from the dashboard — by a driver in shorts and bare feet, a cross swinging on his chest. In Comrat, a funeral procession moves slowly down the main street, the open coffin on a pickup truck, an old woman dressed in black brushing away the flies above the face of the deceased. On to Soroca, a baroque-Byzantine-Tatar-Turkish encampment, to meet Gypsies. And all the way to Babadag, between the Baltic Coast and the Black Sea, where Stasiuk sees his first minaret, “simple and severe, a pencil pointed at the sky.”

A brilliant tour of Europe’s dark underside — travel writing at its very best.

Автор: Stasiuk Andrzej
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On the Yankee Station: Stories

Wiliam Boyd, winner of the Whitbread and Somerset Maugham Awards, introduces unlikely heroes desperate to redeem their unsatisfying lives.

From California poolsides to the battlegrounds of Vietnam, here is a world populated by weary souls who turn to fantasy as their sole escape from life's inequities. Stranded in an African hotel during a coup, an oafish Englishman impresses a young stewardess with stories of an enchanted life completely at odds with his sordid existence in "The Coup." In the title story, an arrogant, sadistic American pilot in Vietnam underestimaets the power of revenge when he relentlessly persecutes a member of his maintenance crew. With droll humor and rare compassion, Boyd's enthralling stories remind us of his stature as one of contemporary fiction's finest storytellers.

Автор: Boyd William
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Once and for All: The Best of Delmore Schwartz

With his New Directions debut in 1938, the twenty-five-year-old Delmore Schwartz was hailed as a genius and among the most promising writers of his generation. Yet he died in relative obscurity in 1966, wracked by mental illness and substance abuse. Sadly, his literary legacy has been overshadowed by the story of his tragic life.

Among poets, Schwartz was a prototype for the confessional movement made famous by his slightly younger friends Robert Lowell and John Berryman. While his stories and novellas about Jewish American experience laid the groundwork for novels by Saul Bellow (whose Humboldt’s Gift is based on Schwartz’s life) and Philip Roth.

Much of Schwartz’s writing has been out of print for decades. This volume aims to restore Schwartz to his proper place in the canon of American literature and give new readers access to the breadth of his achievement. Included are selections from the in-print stories and poems, as well as excerpts from his long unavailable epic poem Genesis, a never-completed book-length work on T. S. Eliot, and unpublished poems from his archives.

Автор: Schwartz Delmore
Once in Europa

A collection of interwoven stories, this is a portrait of two worlds — a small Alpine village bound to the earth and by tradition, and the restless, future-driven culture that will invade it — at their moment of collision. The instrument of entrapment is love. Lives are lost and hearts broken.

Автор: Berger John
Серия: Into Their Labours
Once Upon The River Love

A novel of love and growing up by Andreï Makine, whose bestselling Dreams of My Russian Summerswas hailed by the Los Angeles Timesas one of the "best autobiographical books of the century."

In the immense virgin pine forests of Siberia, where the snows of winter are vast and endless, sits the little village of Svetlaya. In the early years of the century the village had been larger, more prosperous, but time and the pendulum of history had reduced it by the 1970s to no more than a cluster of izbas. As wars and revolution had succeeded one another, the men had gone away, never to return, the women reduced to dressing in black.

But for three young men-the handsome young Alyosha, the crippled Utkin, and the older, dashing Samurai-little is needed to construct their own special universe. Despite the harshness of the environment and their meager resources, the three adolescents form a tight band of friendship and dream of another life, a world of passion and love. The warm lights of the Transsiberian train passing through give them fleeting glimpses of that other world. And when they learn one day that a Western film is being shown at the Red October Theatre in the closest real city, Nerlug, twenty miles away on the mighty Amur River, they trek for hours on snowshoes to see it. Through that film, starring the French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo and replete with gorgeous women whom he succeeds in seducing one after the other with consummate ease, the boys' lives are changed forever. Over the next several months they travel seventeen times to see their hero. And when that film is replaced by another that is equally daring and seductive, their obsession only grows.

Written from the perspective of twenty years after these youthful events, Once Upon the River Lovefollows the destinies of these three young idealists up to the present day, to the boardwalks of Brighton Beach and the jungles of Central America.

With the same mastery of plot and prose that marked the author's Dreams of My Russian Summers,this novel demonstrates Andreï Makine's remarkable ability to recreate the past with such precision and beauty that the present becomes all the more poignant and moving.

Once Upon the River Loveoffers further proof that Andreï Makine is one of the major literary talents of our time.

Автор: Makine Andrei
Once We Had a Country

A richly textured novel of idealism and romance, Once We Had a Country re-imagines the impact of the Vietnam War by way of the women and children who fled with the draft dodgers.

It’s the summer of 1972. Maggie, a young schoolteacher, leaves the United States to settle with her boyfriend, Fletcher, on a farm near Niagara Falls. Fletcher is avoiding the Vietnam draft, but they’ve also come to Harroway with a loftier aim: to start a commune, work the land and create a new model for society. Hopes are high for life at Harroway; equally so for Maggie and Fletcher’s budding relationship, heady as it is with passion, jealousy and uncertainty. As the summer passes, more people come to the farm—just not who Maggie and Fletcher expected. Then the US government announces the end of the draft, and Fletcher faces increasing pressure from his family to return home. At the same time, Maggie must deal with the recent disappearance of her father, a missionary, in the jungle of Laos. What happened in those days before her father vanished, and how will his life and actions affect Maggie’s future? Once We Had a Country is a literary work of the highest order, a novel that re-imagines an era we thought we knew, and that compels us to consider our own belief systems and levels of tolerance.

Автор: McGill Robert
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One Amazing Thing

"Divakaruni is a brilliant storyteller; she illuminates the world with her artistry; and shakes the reader with her love." – Junot Diaz

Late afternoon sun sneaks through the windows of a passport and visa office in an unnamed American city. Most customers and even most office workers have come and gone, but nine people remain. A punky teenager with an unexpected gift. An upper-class Caucasian couple whose relationship is disintegrating. A young Muslim-American man struggling with the fallout of 9/11. A graduate student haunted by a question about love. An African-American ex-soldier searching for redemption. A Chinese grandmother with a secret past. And two visa office workers on the verge of an adulterous affair.

When an earthquake rips through the afternoon lull, trapping these nine characters together, their focus first jolts to their collective struggle to survive. There's little food. The office begins to flood. Then, at a moment when the psychological and emotional stress seems nearly too much for them to bear, the young graduate student suggests that each tell a personal tale, "one amazing thing" from their lives, which they have never told anyone before. And as their surprising stories of romance, marriage, family, political upheaval, and self-discovery unfold against the urgency of their life-or-death circumstances, the novel proves the transcendent power of stories and the meaningfulness of human expression itself. From Chitra Divakaruni, author of such finely wrought, bestselling novels as Sister of My Heart, The Palace of Illusions, and The Mistress of Spices, comes her most compelling and transporting story to date. One Amazing Thing is a passionate creation about survival-and about the reasons to survive.

Автор: Nicholls David
One flew over cuckoo's nest

Chief Bromden, half American-Indian, whom the authorities believe is deaf and dumb, tells the story of a mental institution ruled by Big Nurse on behalf of the all-powerful Combine. Into this terrifying grey world comes McMurphy, a brawling gambling man, who wages total war on behalf of his cowed fellow-inmates. What follows is at once hilarious and heroic, tragic and ultimately liberating. Since its first publication in 1962, Ken Kesey’s astonishing first novel has achieved the status of a contemporary classic. “Kesey can be funny, he can be lyrical, he can do dialogue, and he can write a muscular narrative. In fact there's not much better come out of America in the sixties… If you haven’t already read this book, do so. If you have, read it again” – Douglas Eadie, “Scotsman”.

Автор: Kesey Ken
One For My Baby

New novel about men, love and relationships by the author of the Book of the Year, Man and Boy. Alfie Budd found the perfect woman with whom to spend the rest of his life, and then lost her. He doesn't believe you get a second chance at love. Returning to the England he left behind during the brief, idyllic time of his marriage, Alfie finds the rest of his world collapsing around him. He takes comfort in a string of pointless, transient affairs with his students at Churchill's Language School, and he tries to learn Tai Chi from an old Chinese man, George Chang. Will Alfie ever find a family life as strong as the Changs'? Can he give up meaningless sex for a meaningful relationship? And how do you play it when the woman you like has a difficult child who is infatuated with a TV wrestler known as The Slab? Like his runaway bestseller, Man and Boy, Tony Parsons's new novel is full of laughter and tears, biting social comment and overwhelming emotion.

Автор: Parsons Tony
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Новинки! Свежие поступления книг жанра «Современная проза»

  •  Поцелуй смерти
     Вайлд Элис
     Проза, Современная проза, Любовные романы, О любви

    После смерти матери моя жизнь изменилась. Отец клялся, что больше никогда не сможет полюбить, но встретил Мерельду, и теперь она центр его Вселенной. А мне приходится сносить жестокие слова новой семьи… и жестокие поступки. Ведь мачеха и ее драгоценные сыночки превращают мою жизнь в сущий ад.

    И когда отец оказывается при смерти, а я – на грани нежеланного замужества, я решаюсь взять судьбу в свои руки.

    Для спасения отца мне придется заключить сделку с загадочным Торговцем.

    В случае провала меня ждет брак и, с большой вероятностью, смерть от руки мужа-садиста. В случае успеха – отец будет жить… подпитываясь моей силой, пока я провожу последние дни рядом с Торговцем.

    Так или иначе, моя судьба будет итогом моего выбора. Или нет?

  •  У каждого своя война
     Володарский Эдуард Яковлевич
     Детективы и Триллеры, Детектив, Проза, Современная проза

    Послевоенную Москву захлестнул вал преступности. Криминальный мир с его блатной романтикой кружит головы полуголодным подросткам. Удастся ли герою романа Робке Крохину удержаться над пропастью, отстоять свою независимость и защитить первую любовь?

  •  Мое тело – тюрьма
     Кицунэ Миято
     Проза, Современная проза, Прочее, Неотсортированное, Мистика

    3 книги в одной, 1 и 2 книги БЕСПЛАТНО!

    2000-е: в тело студентки Киры Калининой заточили энергетическую сущность, и она вынуждена стать "тюрьмой" для провинившегося инопланетянина. Несмотря на своего невольного подселенца, Кира пытается жить нормальной жизнью... не зацикливаясь на общепринятом трактовании этой "нормы".

  •  Возвращение
     Готлиб Майрон А
     Проза, Современная проза, О войне

    Дни побега от приближающегося фронта Второй мировой вынуждают Дашу из беззащитной девушки превратиться в сильную независимую женщину, способную постоять не только за себя, но и за других, кто нуждается в помощи. Ее будущее предопределено – она не в силах вернуть потерянных близких, но верит, что годы спустя ей представится возможность предотвратить некую трагедию. Осознавая, что ее исключительных умений видеть и понимать людей и события может оказаться недостаточно, она полагается на помощь еще одного человека, по своим способностям не уступающим Дарье – ее сына.Содержит нецензурную брань.

  •  Ночи становятся короче
     Мольнар Геза
     Проза, Современная проза, О войне

    Имя видного венгерского писателя, лауреата премии имени Аттилы Йожефа Гезы Мольнара хорошо знакомо советскому читателю: его романы уже публиковались ранее в Советском Союзе.

    В настоящую книгу, составленную самим автором для советского читателя, вошел антифашистский роман «Ночи становятся короче» и психологическая повесть «Любовь и гибель летчика-истребителя».

    В романе «Ночи становятся короче» Г. Мольнар в яркой форме воссоздает широкую картину венгерской действительности в период освобождения Будапешта войсками Советской Армии. Автору удалась показать стремления лучших представителей венгерской молодежи к свободе и ее симпатии к русским воинам-освободителям.

    В повести «Любовь и гибель летчика-истребителя», удостоенной премии Всевенгерских профсоюзов за лучшее произведение о современной венгерской армии, рассказывается о жизни одной летной части, о любви, дружбе, офицерской этике и морали.

    Книга рассчитана на массового читателя.

  •  Нежность
     Маклауд Элисон
     Проза, Историческая проза, Современная проза

    Среди холмов Сассекса и на берегах Средиземного моря Д. Г. Лоуренс (для одних – современный классик, для других – записной нарушитель спокойствия и апологет непристойности) набирается впечатлений для своего последнего романа под рабочим названием «Нежность», который станет скандально знаменит как «Любовник леди Чаттерли». В 1928 году официальная публикация этой книги невозможна – и смертельно больной Лоуренс, отчаявшись, частным порядком печатает ее в Италии, тиражом 1000 экземпляров. Через тридцать лет общественный климат меняется, начинают дуть новые ветры – и вот сперва «Гроув-пресс» в США, а затем «Пингвин букс» в Англии решаются опубликовать полную, без цензурных сокращений, версию, прекрасно понимая, что рискуют быть привлеченными к суду; и предчувствия их не обманули. С журналистской дотошностью Элисон Маклауд излагает хронику обоих судебных процессов, имевших историческое значение для свободы слова, и с любовным тщанием выписывает портреты борцов за эту свободу.

    Впервые на русском – «гимн свободе и творческому воображению» (Мадлен Миллер) от автора, которому «по плечу любые свершения» (Элизабет Гилберт).

Новинки месяца жанра «Современная проза»

  •  Куриный бульон для души. Не могу поверить, что это сделала моя кошка! 101 история об удивительных выходках любимых питомцев
     КЭНФИЛД Джек, Хансен Марк Виктор, Кваша Дженнифер
     Проза, Современная проза, Домоводство (Дом и семья), Домашние животные

    В этой книге собрана 101 реальная история о кошках, рассказанная обычными людьми. Кошки не лгут о любви. Им нет нужды притворяться… И, если хотя бы одну из своих девяти жизней они подарили вам ‒ можете считать себя счастливцем. Забавные и трогательные рассказы полны нежности и удивления, ведь каждый питомец дарит теплые эмоции, в которых мы все так нуждаемся.

  •  Шесть зимних ночей
     Торин Владимир Витальевич, Покусаева Мария Николаевна, Сова Надя, Астэр Кэти, Той Кристина, Лизз Демаро
     Проза, Современная проза

    Шесть зимних ночей – и шесть рассказов, по одному на каждую, уютных и жутких, сказочных и пугающих. О юном коридорном, спасающем город и Новый год; о сестрах, в груди у которых бьются слишком разные сердца – ледяное, словно зима, и жаркое, словно лето; о древних чудовищах и юных ведьмах; о многом другом – и в первую очередь о людях, остающихся людьми в самые долгие зимние ночи.

    Для кого эта книга

    Для читателей, которые любят мистические, таинственные и сказочные истории.

    Для тех, кто ищет идеальную книгу в подарок на Новый год для своих близких.

  •  Животное. У каждого есть выбор: стать добычей или хищником
     Таддео Лиза
     Проза, Современная проза, Документальная литература, Биографии и Мемуары

    Джоан всю жизнь терпела безразличие и жестокость мужчин. Когда любовник застрелился у нее на глазах, она сбежала из Нью-Йорка в поисках Элис, единственного человека, который может помочь ей разобраться в своем прошлом, чтобы понять себя настоящую. В душном Лос-Анджелесе Джоан восстанавливает в памяти то ужасное событие, свидетелем которого она стала в детстве. Именно оно преследовало ее всю жизнь.

    Провокационный роман о женской ярости в ее самом грубом проявлении, а также исследование последствий общества, в котором доминируют мужчины. Таддео пишет так, что это испепеляет и завораживает, иллюстрируя захватывающее превращение одной женщины из добычи в хищника.

  •  Разорвать тишину
     Гаврилов Николай Петрович
     Проза, Проза, Современная проза,

    В повести Николая Гаврилова, лауреата Международной премии «Имперская культура» им. Эдуарда Володина за 2013 год, описаны события одной засекреченной трагедии из периода советской истории. Весна 1933 года. По решению властей из Минска в Сибирь отправлены на спецпоселение люди различных социальных слоев. В числе высланных — тридцатипятилетний врач с женой и сыном. Семью ожидают страшные испытания… Перенести тяжкие страдания в полной мере дается не всем. Но серьезно задуматься о ценности человеческой жизни под силу каждому. Хотя бы однажды… Книга написана на основе реальных событий и будет интересна широкому кругу читателей.

  •  Инсу-Пу: остров потерянных детей
     Лобе Мира
     Проза, Современная проза, Детское, Детская проза, Детские приключения, Детская литература

    Одиннадцать детей, бежавшие от войны, оказываются на необитаемом острове. На большой земле после безрезультатных поисков их признают пропавшими. Детям приходится выживать. Они строят себе жилье, учатся шить одежду и охотиться. Каждый находит себе место в маленьком сообществе. Так пройдет больше полугода. Детям предстоит пережить голод, болезни, нашествие диких животных и даже небольшую революцию. И только один мальчик на большой земле будет продолжать искать пропавших друзей.

    5 причин купить книгу «Инсу-пу: остров потерянных детей»:

    • Приключенческий роман классика австрийской детской литературы Миры Лобе выдержал множество переизданий и впервые выходит в России;

    • Роман о выживании и взрослении в трудных условиях – без взрослых, без привычного окружения и комфорта;

    • История о том, что даже в самых сложных ситуациях дети могут договориться и построить жизнь вместе;

    • Островитяне устанавливают свои законы, которые оказываются человечнее и правильнее, чем законы взрослого мира;

    • Дети постепенно понимают, что каждый важен для сообщества, даже тот, кто, на первый взгляд, кажется обузой, кто совсем ничего не умеет.

  •  Старая крепость. Трилогия
     Беляев Владимир Павлович
     Проза, Современная проза

    В первой и второй книгах романа известного советского писателя, лауреата Государственной премии СССР и премии имени Т.Шевченко, рассказывается о жизни ребят маленького пограничного городка Западной Украины в годы гражданской войны. Юные герои становятся свидетелями, а порой и участниками революционных боев за Советскую власть.

    В третьей книге романа повествуется о длинном и нелегком пути от первых лет Советской власти до победы нашего народа над фашистской Германией, пути который достойно прошли герои книги, навсегда оставшись преданными великому делу революции.


    1. Старая крепость

    2. Дом с привидениями

    3. Город у моря

 Жанры книг

 Новые обзоры