«Skin Medicine» (Curran T.) - скачать книгу бесплатно без регистрации

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 Название: Skin Medicine
 Жанр(ы): Фантастика, Ужасы и Мистика, Приключения, Вестерн
Издательство: Severed Press
Год издания:
ISBN: 978-0-980-60651-5

An unspeakable evil is stalking the territory. Civil war veteran and bounty hunter Tyler Cabe, who is tracking a merciless murderer, must find a way to battle something beyond the imagination of living man.

“Tim Curran goes hell-bent for leather in this supernatural thriller set in the Wild West, and he scores a big, bloody bullseye. Writing in the rich language of a Dark Angel on hell brewed whiskey, Curran gives us the scariest beasts ever to fork legs over a horse. Skin Medicine is a wild ride into the Dark Frontier.”

—Randy Chandler, author of Bad Juju

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