«Fuzzy Navel» (Konrath J.) - скачать книгу бесплатно без регистрации

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 Название: Fuzzy Navel
 Жанр(ы): Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер

Anthony and Macavity Award finalist J.A. Konrath returns with the latest gripping – and hilarious – Jack Daniels mystery.

Things are going well for Lieutenant Jacqueline “Jack” Daniels of the Chicago Police Department. She has solved some of the city’s toughest and most high-profile homicides. Her personal life is finally in order. Her friends and family are safe and happy. And she just got a call that eased her mind like nothing else could: Alex Kork, one of the most dangerous criminals Jack ever arrested, killed herself while in jail.

But things sour quickly when a group of vigilantes on a murderous spree decide to take down a cop and the people she cares about… and they turn downright awful when Jack discovers that Kork may not be dead after all.

The next eight hours will be the worst of Jack’s life. And that’s saying something.

Fuzzy Navel is perfect for readers who like their mysteries with a shot of humor.

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