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Towning Andrew - книги автора

Творчество автора (Towning Andrew) представлено в следующих жанрах: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Приключения, Приключения
Творчество автора (Towning Andrew) представлено в следующих сериях книг: Jake Dillon Adventure

Chimera Code

From Scotland to Sandbanks and Santorini Jake Dillon is lured into another thrilling assignment opposing an inimitable yet unseen adversary — the ultimate destructive technology — The Chimera Code!

Escaping death and cheating Assassins Dillon seeks out those that demand the destruction of 'Scorpion' — the British Government's secret organisation that exists to fight a covert war against fanatics of every faith and political persuasion. Dillon's extraordinary skills wreak havoc amongst his adversaries, traitors and terrorists alike, against all the odds in a bid to stop the unleashing of the ultimate viral weapon, and the global institutional and personal meltdown that will surely follow… This, some would say, is the closest we have come to the 'real' Jake Dillon. This journey sees him chasing an invisible enemy and along the way Jake reveals some of the inner demons that make him the urban warrior that he is. Accompanied by Vince Sharpe, and some familiar accomplices from his past, Jake leaves the sanctuary of his Scottish home to halt the power of a double turncoat ex-KGB spy and an international terrorist of middle-eastern origin. This toxic team has developed the inimitable Chimera Code under the guise of a British Government initiative! The Chimera Code is incredibly powerful — it is a programme that is able to gain access and interact with any computer programme or database — encrypted or not — in the blink of an eye. It can isolate any computer by accessing every available on-line resource. It then up-loads a tiny piece of mal-ware that eventually destroys the hard drive. But not before taking control of the system and downloading every single piece of data on it — it also is self-perpetuating and can morph and develop itself so that there is no anti virus software in the land that can combat its power or 'virtual intellect'.

With a deadly army of Assassins behind the complex international threat Jake finds himself, and those close to him, in mortal danger. His cunning and experience is pushed beyond limits that previously didn't exist in this action-packed novel that fights its battles on the waves, in the air and on terra firma across the globe! Rules were made to be broken in this Dillon thriller!

Серия: Jake Dillon Adventure
Shroud of Concealment

The Partners at Ferran & Cardini employ Dillon to tackle a simple problem in the big picture of international field operations. An innocent student has had the opportunity of adoring, in a private collection, what she considers to be ‘The Concert’, a classic painting by Vermeer dating back to 1665-66. This masterpiece was stolen in 1990 from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, and has never been seen since and is classed as priceless!

Dillon is set the task of determining whether the piece is the original or a superb forgery and embarks on an investigation into the Sandbanks-based owner and millionaire, the enigma that is Charlie Hart.

Simple is far from reality — on closer examination the owner of the painting seems to have more to hide than just the provenance of the classic work of art and takes disproportionate and deadly action to keep Dillon off his case.

No one close to Dillon is safe, his partner is targeted in what seems a purely innocent manner through her law firm but Dillon sees through this and sends her into hiding after he is tailed, stalked and explosive attempts on his life are foiled.

Dillon starts to put together a picture of a group of individuals who come from all walks of life — and who have several things in common — greed, international networks and no way back!

Their wealth is rooted in Asian drug cartels, gold bullion, arms trading, global hospitality chains, political espionage and underworld criminal activity.

As Dillon follows leads across London and the South West of England he leaves a trail of destruction and death — those involved that do not heed his warnings pay the ultimate price.

The chain of deceit stretches into the Houses of Parliament and deep within the corridors of power cowardly bravado breaks into the first chink in the armour — giving Dillon what he needs to prize deeper into his investigation. Although powers from above are keen for the enquiry to end. Why?

To add to the confusion is the discovery of gold bullion — could this be the haul from the 1983 Brinks Mat robbery that shocked the UK? This amongst more priceless Middle Eastern art and cocaine!

Now undercover Dillon puts to work all the experience he has gained in the field and uses many guises to outwit the security services and those that consider themselves beyond the law and want him dead! Could there be a price on his head? If so who wants him out of the picture that badly?

With his Glock by his side and Vince Sharp at the cutting edge of today’s technology can Dillon get through this one? Racing from Dorset to Delhi — has Dillon really learned any more and who is the mystery lady that is the focus of Hart’s attentions?

Shroud of Concealment is Dillon at his most raw — fists, street fights, breaking and entering and a multitude of disguises punctuated with breath taking shoot outs and death — he did warn them! Conscience is not something Dillon will entertain.

From M15 to MI6 and the back streets of Delhi Dillon fights to find the answers — and they are not necessarily the ones he wanted to hear!

Серия: Jake Dillon Adventure

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