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La Plante Lynda - книги автора

Творчество автора (La Plante Lynda) представлено в следующих сериях книг: DC Jack Warr, Lorraine Page, Tennison, Anna Travis, Legacy

Good Friday

During 1974 and 1975 the IRA subjected London to a terrifying bombing campaign. In one day alone, they planted seven bombs at locations across central London. Some were defused — some were not. Jane Tennison is now a fully-fledged detective. On the way to court one morning, Jane passes through Covent Garden Underground station and is caught up in a bomb blast that leaves several people dead, and many horribly injured. Jane is a key witness, but is adamant that she can’t identify the bomber. When a photograph appears in the newspapers, showing Jane assisting the injured at the scene, it puts her and her family at risk from IRA retaliation. Good Friday is the eagerly awaited date of the annual formal CID dinner, due to take place at St Ermin’s Hotel. Hundreds of detectives and their wives will be there. It’s the perfect target. As Jane arrives for the evening, she realises that she recognises the parking attendant as the bomber from Covent Garden. Can she convince her senior officers in time, or will another bomb destroy London’s entire detective force?

A Face in the Crowd

This critically acclaimed mystery series features Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, who struggles to combat the "boys' club" atmosphere in her profession as a homicide detective. Set in London, these upbeat stories, based on the smash hit PBS-TV "Mystery" series, give mystery readers hard-hitting realism, fast-paced action, and a savvy against-the-odds heroine they'll never forget.

Above Suspicion

Серия: Anna Travis

Late night on a notorious high-rise estate in Hackney and a white van is being driven erratically. The driver is pulled over by the police and questioned. A woman on the street after a long evening's drinking…She never makes it home. A suspect…an arrest…a confession…A case done and dusted? Five years earlier, a 13-year-old girl disappeared in broad daylight on a busy London street. DCS James Langton headed the investigation; the case was never closed. It has haunted him ever since. And now comes another confession, to this murder, and to one more besides. Too good to be true? DCI Anna Travis, pulled into the fray, isn't so sure. Then the suspect changes his story…

Bella Mafia

Don Roberto Luciano turns informer for the biggest Mafia trial in history, but his family pays a terrible price. The head of the family, his three sons, his two grandsons and his nephew are all killed leaving the five widows to reclaim their inheritance from a dangerous Mafioso.

Blood Line

Under the watchful eye of DCS James Langton, DCI Anna Travis takes charge of an investigation for the first time. But is it purely a missing person's case - or a full blown murder enquiry? An ominous pool of blood and no victim lead Anna on a desperate hunt for a man who has disappeared without trace. As Anna becomes obsessed with seemingly irrelevant details, Langton fears that she is losing control. They still have no body and Anna is under increasing pressure to make an arrest...

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Published to coincide with the BBC series, this is a powerful and realistic story featuring six long-term Parachute Regiment soldiers and their often difficult and painful readjustment to civilian life. The thrill of crime is a strong temptation for the civvies and they each succumb.

Clean Cut

Dedicated, intuitive and utterly obsessive, DCI James Langton is ruthless in his pursuit of a gang of illegal immigrants, killers of a young prostitute. When he is horrifically, almost fatally injured by one of them, it falls upon DI Anna Travis to put her own career on hold as she nurses him through his intense frustration and desperation to bring his would-be murderer to justice. Then Anna is assigned to a different case, the brutal killing of a quiet, studious woman whose body was discovered by her daughter returning home from school. A senseless attack with no obvious motive or immediate suspect. Until, chillingly, the case becomes unexpectedly linked with Langton's and Anna finds herself under similar threat from those who almost destroyed his career and his life.

Серия: Anna Travis
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Deadly Intent

Серия: Anna Travis
Hidden Killers

From the BAFTA award-winning creator of Prime Suspect, starring Helen Mirren, comes the blistering follow-up to the best-selling Tennison.

Jane Tennison, a young, inexperienced WPC, learns the hard way never to take anyone – or anything – at face value, whether in her dealings with her police colleagues or when confronted by seemingly innocent suspects.

Hidden Killers sees Jane acting as a decoy prostitute, with the hope of capturing a suspect wanted for numerous sexual assaults. The attacker is drawn in and put under arrest. Commended for bravery in the case, Jane is given CID status and moves from Hackney to Bow Street Station as detective. Her first call-out is to a nonsuspicious death. The victim is a young mother drowned tragically in her bath, leaving a bereft and doting husband and a young child.

The two storylines interweave as Jane begins to doubt the evidence against her assailant in East London and becomes certain that the young woman in the bath did not drown in tragic circumstances. Two entirely different cases but one common thread – the lingering doubt in Jane's mind around the evidence…and around her colleagues.

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Prime Suspect

A woman is murdered and the police have a prime suspect, but cannot prove it. Detective Jane Tennison fights to solve the crime and win the respect of her fellow, male, officers.

Royal Heist

High adventure, furious plotting, blackmail and betrayal… 'The Colonel' is rumoured to have masterminded several of the most successful robberies in the UK over the last forty years. But who is he? Edward de Jersey, now a wealthy man, owns a very successful racing yard and stud farm and his pride and joy is his horse, Royal Flush, who he has always dreamed will one day win the Derby. But de Jersey's luck runs out when his trusted financial advisor invests his fortune in a fledgling internet company which goes bust, leaving de Jersey with no capital and mounting debts. In danger of losing everything, De Jersey resurrects his criminal past, turning to the internet to find a team of specialists who will help him pull off the most audacious heist in history.

Silent Victims

This critically acclaimed mystery series features Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, who struggles to combat the "boys' club" atmosphere in her profession as a homicide detective. Set in London, these upbeat stories, based on the smash hit PBS-TV "Mystery" series, give mystery readers hard-hitting realism, fast-paced action, and a savvy against-the-odds heroine they'll never forget.


In 1973 Jane Tennison, aged 22, leaves the Metropolitan Police Training Academy to be placed on probationary exercise in Hackney where criminality thrives. We witness her struggle to cope in a male-dominated, chauvinistic environment, learning fast to deal with shocking situations with no help or sympathy from her superiors. Then comes her involvement in her first murder case. From the creator of the award-winning ITV series Prime Suspect, starring Helen Mirren, comes the fascinating back story of the iconic DCI Jane Tennison. This paperback book has 582 pages and measures: 19.7 x 13 x 3.8cm.

The Legacy

Серия: Legacy
The Red Dahlia

When the body of a young girl is found dumped on the banks of the Thames, even the police are shocked by the brutality of her murder: horifically mutilated, severed in half and drained of blood, her death is a mirror image of an infamous 1940s case in Los Angeles known as 'The Black Dahlia'.

That case was never solved, but now Detective Inspector Anna Travis must race against time to catch this 'copycat killer', dubbed 'The Red Dahlia' from the flower his victim wore in her hair. But there are no suspects and a media frenzy is spiralling out of control. Anna turns to her mentor, the brilliant and volatile Detective Chief Inspector James Langton, but the frictions of their romantic relationship are complicating the case.

And then a second girl is found, her death again mirroring the 'Black Dahlia', and as Anna and Langton close in on the prime suspect they uncover a shocking web of sadistic sexual evil and a family's murderous secrets.

Серия: Anna Travis
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Marcus and Lena Fulford are the envy of their friends. Wealthy, attractive and successful, the couple, with their strikingly beautiful teenage daughter Amy, seem settled and content. But appearances mask a strained relationship almost at breaking point. Marcus's latest business venture has failed, draining Lena, the major breadwinner, dry. Putting Amy into weekly boarding school and striving to get her own career back on its feet, Lena remains alone in the luxurious family house as her marriage heads towards as amicable a divorce as she and Marcus can muster, and joint custody of their only child. So when Amy arranges a sleepover with a school friend one weekend, neither parent sees the need to be in touch with her. It is only when Amy is reported missing from school and her friend's mother reveals that, instead of staying with them, Amy was visiting her father – a fact vehemently denied by Marcus – that Lena contacts the police. DI Victor Reid, in charge of the case, fears the worst – abduction or murder. A family under constant police and press scrutiny, a father who has seemingly lied about his alibi for the weekend, a mother whose perfect world is crumbling beneath her feet, a detective under pressure from his impatient superiors to deliver a result, the length of time that Amy has been missing gathering speed…all conspire to make Lynda La Plante's latest thriller her most tense and terrifying yet.

Wrongful Death

Heres the latest novel from this bestseeling author who in 2009 wwas inducted into the Crime Thriller Awards Hall of Fame. Her novels have all been international bestsellers.


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    Две смерти, одна за другой. И это только часть заговора, в котором замешаны очень влиятельные люди, поэтому, когда неугомонный Ричер нарушает их планы, они собираются так или иначе устранить угрозу. Но кто из них мог предположить, что, если угроза исходит от Джека Ричера, план Б не сработает?..

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