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Brown Dale - книги автора

Творчество автора (Brown Dale) представлено в следующих жанрах: Детективы и Триллеры, Боевик, Триллер
Творчество автора (Brown Dale) представлено в следующих сериях книг: Patrick McLanahan, Nick Flynn, Puppet Master, Patrick McLanahan, Puppetmaster, Dreamland, Brad McLanahan

Eagle Station

In this thrilling geopolitical adventure from New York Times bestselling legend Dale Brown, Brad McLanahan and the Space Force must fight to preserve America's freedom when ruthless enemies forge an unlikely alliance to control not only the earth, but the moon and beyond.

Because its enemies never stop trying to undermine the United States’ security, the men and women who serve to protect America must always be vigilant. Few know this better than warriors Brad McLanahan and Nadia Rozek. Newly married, the two are just beginning to settle into their new life together when they are called back into action.

Though the Russians were badly defeated by Brad and the Iron Wolf Squadron in their previous bid for world dominance, they are back and doubling down on their quest for control of outer space. In addition to their cutting-edge weaponry, they have a formidable new ally: China’s energetic and ruthless leader, President Li Jun.

To protect America and the rest of the free world from the Russians and the Chinese, the Americans plan to mine the moon’s helium-3 resources, which will allow them to fully exploit the revolutionary fusion power technology Brad and his team captured from the Russians aboard the Mars One weapons platform.

But Leonov and Li have devised a daring plan of their own. They are building a joint secret base on the moon’s far side fortified with a powerful Russian plasma rail gun that can destroy any spacecraft entering lunar orbit. If the heavily armed base becomes operational, it will give America’s enemies control over the world’s economic and military future.

As this latest skirmish in the war for space accelerates, Brad, Nadia, and their compatriots in the Space Force must use their cunning and skill — and America’s own high-tech weaponry — to derail the Sino-Russian alliance and destroy their lunar site before it’s too late for the U.S.… and the entire world.

Act of Revenge

When terrorists attack Boston, Louis Massina races against time to save the city with a high-tech counteroffensive…

On Easter Sunday morning, the city of Boston is struck by a widespread and coordinated series of terrorist attacks: an explosion in the T, a suicide bomber at Back Bay Police Station, and heavily armed gunmen taking hostages at the Patriot Hotel.

For robotics innovator Louis Massina, aka the Puppet Master, this is far more personal than a savage act of political terrorism. Boston is *his *city — and one of his employees, Chelsea Goodman, is among the hostages facing certain death. As Chelsea fights from the inside, Massina leads his team of tech geniuses at Smart Metal to deploy every bot, drone, and cyber weapon at their disposal to defeat the fanatics and save his city and friend.

That's step one. Step two: Find the twisted mastermind behind the attacks and make him pay.

Серия: Puppet Master
Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора

As the world moves into the next millennium, the United States finds itself at the forefront of this new age, policing not only its own shores but the rest of the world as well. And spearheading this overwatch are the men and women of America's armed forces, the "troops on the wall," who will go anywhere, anytime, and do whatever it takes to protect not only our nation but the rest of the free world.

Now, for the first time, Combat brings the best military-fiction authors together to reveal how war will be fought in the twenty-first century. From the down and dirty "ground-pounders" of the U.S. Armored Cavalry to the new frontiers of warfare, including outer space and the Internet, ten authors whose novels define the military-fiction genre have written all-new short stories about the men and women willing to put their lives on the line for freedom:

Larry Bond takes us into the wild frontier of space warfare, where American soldiers fight a dangerous zero-gee battle with a tenacious enemy that threatens every free nation on Earth.

Dale Brown lets us inside a world that few people see, that of a military promotion board, and shows us how the fate of an EB-52 Megafortress pilot's career can depend on a man he's never met, even as the pilot takes on the newest threat to American forces in the Persian Gulf-a Russian stealth bomber.

James Cobb finds a lone U.S. Armored Cavalry scout unit that is the only military force standing between a defenseless African nation and an aggressive Algerian recon division.

Stephen Coonts tells of the unlikely partnership between an ex-Marine sniper and a female military pilot who team up to kill the terrorists who murdered her parents. But, out in the Libyan desert, all is not as it seems, and these two must use their skills just to stay alive.

Harold W. Coyle reports in from the front lines of the information war, where cyberpunks are recruited by the U.S. Army to combat the growing swarm of hackers and their shadowy masters who orchestrate their brand of online terrorism around the world.

David Hagberg brings us another Kirk McGarvey adventure, in which the C.I.A. director becomes entangled in the rising tensions between China and Taiwan. When a revolutionary leader is rescued from a Chinese prison, the Chinese government pushes the United States to the brink of war, and McGarvey has to make a choice with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

Dean Ing reveals a scenario that could have been torn right from today's headlines. In Oakland, a private investigator teams up with a bounty hunter and F.B.I. agent to find a missing marine engineer. What they uncover is the shadow of terrorism looming over America and a conspiracy that threatens thousands of innocent lives.

Ralph Peters takes us to the war-torn Balkan states, where a U.S. Army observer sent to keep an eye on the civil war is taken on a guided tour of the country at gunpoint. Captured by the very people he is there to monitor, he learns just how far people will go for their idea of freedom.

R.J. Pineiro takes us to the far reaches of space, where a lone terrorist holds the world hostage from a nuclear missle-equipped platform. To stop him, a pilot agrees to a suicidal flight into the path of an orbital laser with enough power to incinerate her space shuttle.

Barrett Tillman takes us to the skies with a group of retired fighter jocks brought back for one last mission-battling enemy jets over the skies of sunny California.

Day of the Cheetah

In one of his boldest bestsellers, Dale Brown creates a shattering scenario of the ultimate race for technology…America's most advanced fighter plane, "DreamStar, " has been hijacked. To retrieve it, Lt. Col. Patrick McLanahan takes on his most daring assignment since "The Flight of the Old Dog." The odds are against him. His plane, the "Cheetah, " is less advanced than "DreamStar." And so begins the greatest high-flying chase of all time…

Серия: Patrick McLanahan
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Executive Intent

The United States has just launched the most powerful weapon in history – a missilelaunching satellite called "Thor's Hammer" that can strike anywhere on the planet in seconds. The world's other major superpowers, Russia and China, are rocked by America 's development, and they scramble to respond by gaining control of the seas.

But when terrorists hijack Pakistani missiles and fire them at Indian cities, U.S. President Joseph Gardner has only one option – to use the untested Thor's Hammer. But when something goes awry, Pakistan decides to give China naval strategic advantage by granting access to Middle Eastern ports.

To make matters worse, Somali pirates board a Chinese freighter and slaughter the crew. China responds by brutally attacking and then occupying Somalia, quickly setting up missile pads that can target U.S. Naval ships. Now the U.S. high command is on red alert and the country's security is in total jeopardy…

Another flash point quickly emerges – in Earth's orbit. When Chinese and Russian spacecraft surround an American space station, the threat is clear: negotiate and compromise, or China and Russia will cripple the U.S. Navy with ballistic missiles. Will the world's superpowers be plunged into a full-scale war?

With Executive Intent, the New York Times bestselling master thriller-writer Dale Brown crafts an action-packed tale of intrigue and technological weaponry that pits the world's superpowers in a contest for Earth's oceans and ultimate high ground – space.

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Fatal Terrain

In Asia, all hell is breaking loose. Finally ready to flex its formidable muscle, the People's Republic of China has struck at Taiwan, and when the United States comes to Taiwan's aid, it is dealt a stunning setback. Emboldened, China begins to scoop up its lost territory in Asia, and sets into the effect an audacious military and geopolitical plan aimed at immobilizing the United States so it cannot retaliate. But the United States still has one card to play. Aerial strike warfare expert Patrick McLanahan and genius aerospace engineer Jon Masters have been working on plans to convert the Air Force's recently retired B-52 Stratofortress bomber fleet to the new EB-52 Megafortress "flying battleship" standard, designed to be a rapid-reaction global strike force. The plans are nowhere near ready — but now is not the time for hesitation. With a small band of civilian and military colleagues, McLanahan goes to work outfitting his minifleet of EB-52 Megafortress bombers with a payload of cutting-edge stealth cruise missiles. If there's anything that can turn the tide, these new missiles are it. But are they enough? And have they come too late?

Серия: Patrick McLanahan
Iron Wolf

New York Times bestselling author Dale Brown goes beyond the headlines in this high-tech, high-tension military thriller in which a resurgent Russia enflames sectarian unrest and violence in Ukraine and Poland, setting off a stealth robotic war and escalating an international crisis.

In the spring of 2017, the U.S. economy is rebounding under President Stacy Anne Barbeau, the country's first female president. But her leadership is about to be severely tested: Russian president Gennadiy Gryzlov has sent special troops, disguised as pro-Russian activists, into Ukraine and Moldova. Though NATO is outraged, its response is tepid. Refusing to let Russian aggression go unpunished, former U.S. president Kevin Martindale approaches Polish president Peter Wilk with a radical solution: a counterattack using a covert force of Cybernetic Infantry Device (CID): manned robots.

Underwritten by the wealthy Wilk, Operation Iron Wolf is launched-without the knowledge of the Americans or its NATO partners. The CID's initial strikes are successful, infuriating Gryzlov and propelling President Barbeau to pledge western help to investigate the attack. With international tensions at the boiling point, Martindale's secret alliance, supported by the best military technology, is determined to outmaneuver the Russians.

In this battle that will determine the fate of Eastern Europe, just which side will win?

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Night of the Hawk

Five years ago, the Old Dog crossed the skies of the Soviet Union on a daring mission. One brave airman sacrificed his life to save his fellow crew members. His body was left in the Siberian wastes, while the Old Dog soared off to victory. Now, it has been discovered, David Luger never died. Captured and brainwashed by the KGB, Luger revealed U.S. military secrets of stealth technology. Secrets that could reunited the shattered factions of the former Soviet Union — and forge the most dangerous military alliance in the world…

Серия: Patrick McLanahan
Price of Duty

The U.S. and its Western allies come under a diabolical Russian cyber warfare attack in this action-packed military techno-thriller from New York Times bestselling master Dale Brown.

In a top-secret location deep in the Ural Mountains, Russian President Gennadiy Gryzlov has built his nation’s most dangerous weapon since the atomic bomb — a fearsome tool to gain superiority in Russia’s long-running battle with the West. From inside Perun Aerie — an intricate network of underground tunnels and chambers that is the heart of the Russian cyber warfare program — he is launching a carefully plotted series of attacks on an unsuspecting U.S. and its European allies.

The first strike targets Warsaw, Poland, where Russian malware wipes out the records of nearly every Polish bank account, imploding the country’s financial system and panicking the rest of Europe. When Stacy Anne Barbeau, the besieged American president, fails to effectively combat the Russian threat, Brad McLanahan, on some well-earned R&R with his new Polish girlfriend, Major Nadia Rozek, is called back to duty.

As the Russians’ deadly tactics escalate — including full-scale assaults on Europe’s power grid and the remote hijacking of a commercial airliner that kills hundreds of civilians — McLanahan and his Scion team kick into gear, arming themselves with the most advanced technological weaponry for the epic struggle ahead. A patriot in the mold of his father, the late general Patrick McLanahan, Brad knows firsthand the price of freedom.

With the world’s fate hanging in the balance, will Scion succeed in turning back Gryzlov before he can realize his terrifying ambition to conquer the globe? And what will the toll of victory be?

Серия: Patrick McLanahan
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Puppet Master

In Dale Brown’s Puppet Master, intelligent machines take center stage as America battles the Russian mafia in Eastern Europe

Louis Massina is revolutionizing the field of robotics. His technological wonders are capable of locating disaster survivors, preventing nuclear meltdowns, and replacing missing limbs. After one of Massina’s creations makes a miraculous rescue, an FBI agent recruits him to pursue criminals running a massive financial scam — and not coincidentally, suspected of killing the agent’s brother. Massina agrees to deploy a surveillance “bot” that uses artificial intelligence to follow its target. But when he’s thrust into a dangerous conspiracy, the billionaire inventor decides to take matters into his own hands, unleashing the greatest cyber-weapons in the world and becoming the Puppet Master.

Серия: Puppetmaster
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Silver Tower

From the bestselling author of Flight of the Old Dog comes this shattering novel of the ultimate Middle East crisis. Iran has been invaded. And America responds in a grueling counterattack by air, by sea — and by brave new technology that will redefine war: the most sophisticated laser defense system ever. It is called Silver Tower. And it will change the balance of world power forever…

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Sky Masters

Lt. Col. Patrick McLanahan was virtually exiled. But now he's offered a chance to test-fly a new, state-of-the-art B-2 bomber in strategic warfare training sorties. It's his last chance to prove himself to the Pentagon brass… But no one anticipated the crisis brewing on the oil-rich islands near China. No one knew the war games would become so real.

Серия: Patrick McLanahan
Storming Heaven

The USA is under siege. Terrorist Henri Cazaux has been using large commercial aircraft to drop explosives on major US airports. When he unleashes a cargo of explosives on San Francisco airport, the national panic reaches all the way to the White House.

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Target Utopia

Is there a traitor at Dreamland?

When Muslim extremists are found with a mysterious UAV in the Malaysian part of Borneo, Colonel Danny Freah and his Whiplash team are sent to investigate. They discover that Dreamland's drone technology has been stolen. Who has betrayed them? China is rumored to be involved, as is Russia. But finding out who's really bankrolling the guerrillas means finding someone who knows combat UAVs inside and out. Someone with nothing to lose. Someone like Air Force ace Turk Mako.

Yet as Mako and Freah learn, the conspiracy is deeper and darker than either imagined. With the situation worsening, the Whiplash team finds itself in a desperate race to recover their aircraft and capture the perpetrators — without setting off World War III.

Серия: Dreamland
The Kremlin Strike

In this exciting, visionary, and all-too-plausible next chapter in the legendary Dale Brown’s *New York Times* bestselling techno-warfare series, Brad McLanahan and the Iron Wolf Squadron must fight the Russians on a dangerous, untested battlefield: outer space.

The previous administration’s ineffective response to the growing Russian threat has left America vulnerable. Setting a bold course for America’s defense, the decisive and strong new president, John Dalton Farrell, intends to challenge Russian aggression head on. Brad and Patrick McLanahan and the formidable Iron Wolf Squadron — including the recently injured Nadia Roz, rested and back to fighting form thanks to a pair of state-of-the-art prosthetic legs — are ready and eager to join the battle.

But even with their combined forces, the Russian menace may prove too great for the Americans to overcome. Done with provocative skirmishes and playing for small stakes, the Russian president has set his sights on the ultimate prize: controlling the entire world. Expanding beyond earth’s bounds, the Russians have built a new high-tech space station and armed it with weaponry capable of destroying US satellites as well as powerful missiles pointed at strategic targets across earth.

Devising a cunning plan of attack, Brad, Nadia, and the Iron Wolf warriors will take to the skies in their advanced space planes to destroy the space station, check the Russians’ plan for dominance, and save the world. But is it already too late?

Серия: Brad McLanahan
The Moscow Offensive

America’s first line of defense — Brad McLanahan and the heroes of the Iron Wolf Squadron — must counter a dangerous Russian strike from within the homeland in this cutting-edge tale from the New York Times master of the high-tech military thriller, Dale Brown.

On a remote island estate, a billionaire investor sells his air freight company to a mysterious new owner. The purchaser is none other than the President of Russia, Gennadiy Gryzlov. The Russians will use these private planes to secretly transport dangerous cargo into the United States.

The inept American President Stacy Anne Barbeau has failed to account for the Russian threat. But others have been vigilant and will not leave America defenseless. Brad McLanahan and the Iron Wolf Squadron have joined forces with the newly formed Alliance of Free Nations in Eastern Europe, to prepare for the attack they know is imminent. Working with the most cutting-edge technology, the team will deploy CIDs — Cybernetic Infantry Devices — twelve-foot-tall humanoid combat robots, each armed with more firepower than a conventional platoon.

But their state-of-the-art weapons may not be enough to combat the threat. The Russians have managed to reverse engineer their own combat robots nearly decimated in a previous attack, and have slowly begun smuggling them across America’s borders. Dealing with an unprecedented danger and a feckless president and congress, McLanahan and the Iron Wolf Squadron will once again put their own lives on the line to check this new Russian peril and keep the home of the brave and the free world safe.

Серия: Patrick McLanahan
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Warrior Class

The world is falling apart, and there are plenty of people willing to take advantage. One of them is Pavel Kazakov, a Russian oilman with close ties to organized crime, and an audacious idea: Build a huge pipeline through the Balkans, get the Russian army to back him, and everybody gets rich. Sure, NATO will object, but the new president’s emphatic decision that American will no longer be the world’s policeman guarantees no effective opposition. Russia will dominate Europe. Kazakov will dominate the oil supply. He hasn’t reckoned with Patrick McLanahan, however. The young Air Force general leads a combat mission deep into Russia to rescue a spy on the ground, but when things start to spin out of control, McLanahan’s intuition is to push it even further, to create whatever havoc he can. That puts him directly in opposition to the president himself, and pretty soon McLanahan and his team find themselves faced with a dire choice. Which is the greater threat: the empire in front of them — or the president behind? Whichever way they choose, life as they know it will never be the same.

Серия: Patrick McLanahan

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