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Blackwood Grant - книги автора

Творчество автора (Blackwood Grant) представлено в следующих жанрах: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер
Творчество автора (Blackwood Grant) представлено в следующих сериях книг: Jack Ryan, Jr., Briggs Tanner

Dead or Alive

For years, Jack Ryan, Jr. and his colleagues at the Campus have waged an unofficial and highly effective campaign against the terrorists who threaten western civilization. The most dangerous of these is the Emir. This sadistic killer has masterminded the most vicious attacks on the west and has eluded capture by the world's law enforcement agencies. Now the Campus is on his trail. Joined by their latest recruits, John Clark and Ding Chavez, Jack Ryan, Jr. and his cousins, Dominick and Brian Caruso, are determined to catch the Emir and they will bring him in… dead or alive.

Duty and Honor

Even though he’s on forced leave from the clandestine intelligence group known as The Campus, Jack Ryan, Jr., still finds himself caught in the crosshairs after an attempt on his life is thwarted when he turns the tables on his would-be dispatcher. Convinced that the attack is linked to his recent covert actions with the convalescing Iranian national Ysabel Kashini, Jack sets out to find out who wants him dead, and why.

Using clues found on the now dead assassin, Jack pursues the investigation, following a growing trail of corpses to the European Union’s premier private security firm, Rostock Security Group, and its founder, Jürgen Rostock — a former general in the German Special Forces Command. Rostock is world-renowned as a philanthropist and human rights advocate. But Jack knows him from a Campus mission revolving around a company linked to RSG — a mission that has put him on Rostock’s lethal radar.

Without any Campus resources, Jack launches his own shadow campaign to uncover the truth about Rostock and a long-running false-flag war of terror that has claimed thousands of lives. Yet all of that bloodshed is but a precursor to a coming catastrophic event that will solidify Rostock’s place among the global powers. An event that Jack must stop at any cost.

Серия: Jack Ryan, Jr.
Echo of War

The final installment in the trilogy from the #1 New York Times bestselling author.

Dinaric Alps, Bosnian region of Austrian Hungarian Empire, 1918

After four Allied soldiers stumble across a biological weapon that could bring devastation to the world, they take a vow to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. Ever since, the deadly substance — code-named Kestrel — has been guarded by the descendants of those four brave men, each with the mission of keeping its existence a secret.

Chesapeake Bay, August 2003

The wife of former CIA director Jonathon Root has been kidnapped, and no one except Root himself knows who carried out the crime or why. His grandfather had been one of the soldiers responsible for stealing Kestrel, and now a group of Bosnian terrorists are trying to force Root to hand it over.

Enter agent Briggs Tanner. His mission: follow a trail through the Alps, to the heart of where it all began. At risk: Millions of lives lost, starting with his own.

First published July 29th 2003

Серия: Briggs Tanner
End of Enemies

#1 New York Times bestselling author Grant Blackwood introduces Briggs Tanner in a trilogy that Clive Cussler raves is "Pure fun, pure adventure."

One Man.

Covert agent Briggs Tanner doesn't like coincidences. In his business, they always mean trouble. So when a man is professionally assassinated right in front of him, Tanner wants answers.

One Mission.

Who pulled the trigger and why? And what is the mystery behind the key the man clutched in his dying hand — the key that Tanner now possesses?

One War Without End.

His search will lead him on an international trail, city to city, from the depths of the Pacific Ocean to the bullet-ridden back alleys of Beirut, all the way to a deadly secret — buried since the end of World War II — that only Tanner can keep from falling into the wrong hands.

Серия: Briggs Tanner
Thriller: Stories to Keep You Up All Night

An anthology of stories

Be prepared to be thrilled as you've never been before

Featuring North America's foremost thriller authors, Thriller is the first collection of pure thriller stories ever published. Offering up heart-pumping tales of suspense in all its guises are thirty-two of the most critically acclaimed and award-winning names in the business. From the signature characters that made such authors as David Morrell and John Lescroart famous to four of the hottest new voices in the genre, this blockbuster will tantalize and terrify.

Lock the doors, draw the shades, pull up the covers and be prepared for Thriller to keep you up all night.


"Thriller will be a classic. This first-ever collection of thriller stories, from the best in the business, has it all. The quality blew me away." – Greg Iles

"The best of the best storytellers in the business. Thriller has no equal. Action, intrigue, and entertainment at the highest level. Adventure on a grand scale you won't forget." – Clive Cussler

"Thriller is entertaining, fast-paced, and just plain fun. It will take you to the most terrifying heights of suspense." – Tess Gerritsen

Under Fire

On a routine intelligence gathering mission in Tehran, Jack Ryan, Jr., has lunch with his oldest friend, Seth Gregory, an engineer overseeing a transcontinental railway project. As they part, Seth slips Jack a key, along with a perplexing message.

The next day Jack is summoned to an apartment where two men claim Seth has disappeared — gone to ground with funds for a vital intelligence operation. Jack’s oldest friend has turned, they insist.

They leave Jack with a warning: If you hear from Seth Gregory, call us immediately. And do not get involved.

But they don’t know Jack. He won’t abandon a friend in need.

His pursuit of the truth will lead him across Iran, through the war-torn Caucasus, and finally deep into territory coveted by the increasingly aggressive Russian Federation. Along the way, Jack is joined by Seth’s primary agent, Ysabel, a enigmatic Iranian woman who seems to be his only clue to Seth’s whereabouts.

Jack soon finds himself lost in a maze of intrigue, lies, and betrayal where no one is who they seem to be — not even Seth, who’s harboring a secret of his own that harkens back to the Cold War. A secret that is driving him to the brink of treachery.

Racing against the clock, Jack must unravel the mystery: Who is friend and who is foe? Before it’s over, Jack Ryan, Jr., may have to choose between his loyalty to Seth and his loyalty to America.

Серия: Jack Ryan, Jr.
Wall of Night

The second installment in the adrenaline-fueled Briggs Tanner trilogy, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author.

Ghosts of the Past.

Twelve years ago, Agent Briggs Tanner snuck into China to help strategic mastermind General Han Soong defect to the West. The escape went perfectly, until, somehow, the secret police interrupted them at the final rendezvous. Tanner barely escaped, but Soong and his family were arrested, and soon thereafter they disappeared…

Threats to the Future.

Now, Soong has resurfaced. He's contacted the CIA with the message that he needs once more to try and escape — and the only person he trusts is Briggs Tanner. But even as Tanner prepares to confront the chaos of his own past and once again challenge the authority of China's brutal secret police, forces around the globe are watching him, waiting for the moment that will lead the world to the brink of war, and seal Tanner's fate once and for all.

First published March 26th 2002

Серия: Briggs Tanner

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