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Plante Lynda La - книги автора

Творчество автора (Plante Lynda La) представлено в следующих сериях книг: DC Jack Warr, Tennison, Dolly Rawlins, Lorraine Page, Anna Travis, Legacy series

Judas Horse

‘Do you know what a Judas Horse is? When the wild mustangs are running free, you corral one and train it. When he’s ready, you release him and he’ll bring his team back into the corral — like Judas betraying them...’

Violent burglars have been terrorising residents across the English countryside. But when a mutilated body is discovered in a Cotswolds house, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary group of opportunist thieves.

As Detective Jack Warr investigates, he discovers locals with dark secrets, unearths hidden crimes — and hits countless dead ends. With few leads and the violent attacks escalating, he will have to act as audaciously as the criminals if he hopes to stop them.

When Warr meets Charlotte Miles, a terrified woman with links to the group, he must use her to lure the unsuspecting killers into one last job, and into his trap. But with the law already stretched to breaking point, any failure will be on Warr’s head — and any more blood spilled, on his hands...

Серия: DC Jack Warr

Days later, she is found brutally murdered in her home.

When the investigation uncovers an international drugs operation on the widow’s property, the case grows even more complex. And as the hunt for the widow’s lodger hits dead end after dead end, it seems that the prime suspect has vanished without a trace.

To find answers, Jack must decide how far is he willing to go — and what he is willing to risk — in his search for justice. Because if he crosses the line of the law, one wrong move could cost him everything...

Серия: DC Jack Warr
Dark Rooms

Helena Lanark is an elderly woman, living in a luxurious care home. The heiress of an immense family fortune, she keeps the secret to the horror which once occurred within the Lanark family house.

Jane Tennison is leading a murder investigation into the recent brutal death of a young girl, her decomposed starved body discovered in an old air raid shelter in the garden of the Lanark’s now derelict house. Initially the focus is on identifying the victim, until another body is found, hidden in the walls of the shelter.

As the investigation and search for answers intensifies, Jane travels to Australia. There she discovers the dark secret, that the Lanark family has kept hidden for decades. A secret, that not only threatens to bring down a family dynasty, but also places Jane Tennison in mortal danger...

Серия: Tennison
Murder Mile

Can Jane Tennison uncover a serial killer?

February 1979. Economic chaos has led to widespread strikes across Britain. Jane Tennison, now a detective sergeant, has been posted to Peckham CID, one of London’s toughest areas. As the rubbish on the streets mounts, so does the murder count — two bodies in as many days.

The only link between the two victims is the location found within a short distance of each other near Rye Lane in Peckham. Three days later another murder occurs in the same area. Headlines scream that a serial killer is loose on ‘Murder Mile’ and police incompetence is hampering the hunt.

Working long hours with little sleep, what Jane uncovers leaves her doubting her own mind...

Серия: Tennison
Widows 2

Facing life alone, they had turned to crime together.

Dolly Rawlins, Shirley Miller, Linda Pirelli and Bella O’Reilly set out to do the impossible, hold up an armed security wagon.

Using Dolly Rawlins’ husband’s plans, they succeed and make their escape to Rio, leaving the bulk of their cash hidden in London. The women are free, rich, and ready to start a new life. When the scream has died down, they will return to share out their cash. Only the shadow of the man they had presumed dead hangs over them.

Harry Rawlins is alive, and he wants the women’s money — and he will go to any lengths to retrieve what he feels is rightly his, even more so when he discovers his ‘widow’ has laid claim to all his business and banking assets.

Rawlins is desperate to find his wife and through her the haul from the robbery. The hunt is on and the widows’ freedom short-lived...

Серия: Dolly Rawlins
Cold Blood

Suspicion and fear surround the mysterious disappearance of a movie star’s daughter... the race to claim the reward for finding Anna Louise Caley spirals into a deadly trail of voodoo in the french quarter of New Orleans... Lorraine Page is back in Cold Blood, the devastating new thriller from Lynda La Plante, brilliant creator of Prime Suspect and The Governor. Ex-lieutenant Lorraine Page has buried her past to start a new life as a private detective. Helped by two trusted friends, the Page Investigation Agency is ready to fight the best in Los Angeles for the right to do business. I he Caleys were determined that someone should find their daughter... dead or alive. They weren’t paving extra for an emotional involvement in the case, but Lorraine finds herself crossing the boundary. The search for a missing girl becomes a deadly murder hunt, and in her desperation to succeed and prove herself, Lorraine is caught in a web of deceit and violence that threatens to drag her back into the murky world she fought so hard to escape. Continuing the investigation means risking everything against a secret network of terror... The insidious undercurrent of evil forces Lorraine to battle with the demons inside herself. But the million dollar bonus is one hell of an incentive not to back off a case that could kill her — or give her a future and the professional respect she craves.

Серия: Lorraine Page

THE A3 RAID, THE EUSTON BY — PASS JOB, THE M40 HIJACK... they all worked a treat. All magic. All the work of one mastermind — Harry Rawlins. But Harry blew it in the Blackwall Tunnel.

Harry always said that if anything ever happened to him Dolly would be all right: Joe and Terry would take over, the team would look after everyone. But when Harry got blown to bits in the Blackwall Tunnel, Joe and Terry (God help them) went with him. Which only left Dolly, Linda and Shirley to run the business — the WIDOWS.

A hard-hitting new gangland series in the sensational tradition of THE LONG GOOD FRIDAY and MINDER.

Серия: Dolly Rawlins
Blind Fury

Close to a motorway service station, the body of a young woman is discovered. She appears to have no family, no friends, no one to identify her.

DI Anna Travis is brought onto the team of investigators by DCS James Langton, who already suspects that this recent case could be linked to two unsolved murders. As more evidence is discovered the team realize that they are contending with a triple murder investigation — and no suspect.

Anna’s blood runs cold when she receives a letter from a murderer she helped to arrest. He makes contact from prison insisting that he can track down their killer, but he will only talk to Anna.

Does he really have insight into the other killer’s mind, or is he merely intent on getting into hers?

Серия: Anna Travis

No matter how cruelly twins are separated, their lives will always be entwined.

In the newly liberated streets of modern Berlin, two women — a pampered, beautiful Baroness, losing control of her mind, and a fearless wild animal trainer, facing the greatest challenge of her career — are drawn together by a series of tragic and extraordinary coincidences.

When a man is found brutally murdered, their lives become entangled in an investigation that uncovers a web of darkness and secrets that have long been condemned to silence...

Who were they, all those years ago? What nightmares did they share? And what is the truth about the undying nature of their love?

Like A Charm

'It's fascinating to see some of my favourite crime novelists coming together to create a taut, tense thriller; each chapter stands alone as a powerful story, yet they also combine seamlessly into a great read. Genuinely gripping.' – Harlan Coben


With each crime writer picking up the story in their usual locale, each of the authors tell a gripping story of murder, betrayal and intrigue. Running through each story is a charm bracelet which brings bad luck wherever it's found. Set in locations ranging from nineteenth-century Georgia to wartime Leeds, the book features stories from contributors such as Peter Robinson (writing about 1940s Leeds), Fidelis Morgan, Lynda La Plante (1970s Britain), Val McDermid (1980s Scotland) and Mark Billingham tackling contemporary London.

Sleeping Cruelty

Sir William Benedict has always desired acceptance from society’s elite. Coming from a working-class background, the now very wealthy entrepreneur owns millions, alongside a small slice of paradise by way of an island in the Caribbean.

William gets what he wishes for when the fast-rising Tory MP, Andrew Maynard enters his life. After pouring money in to Maynard’s political campaign, William suddenly finds that he has the social status he has always craved. But his joy is premature...

After a political scandal erupts, William is shunned by the socialites that he believed were his friends.

With his reputation in tatters, the entrepreneur turns to Justin Chalmers, and his sister, Laura, for help. William’s island will no longer be a tranquil paradise, but the backdrop for his revenge.


From the creator of the award-winning ITV series Prime Suspect, starring Helen Mirren, comes the fascinating back story of the iconic DCI Jane Tennison.

In 1973 Jane Tennison, aged 22, leaves the Metropolitan Police Training Academy to be placed on probationary exercise in Hackney where criminality thrives. We witness her struggle to cope in a male-dominated, chauvinistic environment, learning fast to deal with shocking situations with no help or sympathy from her superiors. Then comes her involvement in her first murder case.

The Escape

Is a change of identity all it takes to leave prison?

Colin Burrows is desperate. Recently sent to prison for burglary, he knows that his four year sentence means that he will miss the birth of his first child. With his wife’s due date fast approaching, he had hoped that the prison authorities would allow him to be present for the birth, but they have said no.

Sharing a cell with Colin is Barry Marsden. Unlike most of the inmates, Barry actually likes prison life because he has come from a very difficult family and been in and out of a series of foster homes. In prison, he has three meals a day and he has discovered a talent for drawing. So he is upset that he will have to leave on parole soon.

Sad to see his cellmate looking depressed, Barry hatches a plan to get Colin out of jail for the birth. It’s a plan so crazy that either it will fail and get both men in deeper trouble, or it might just work.

Bestselling author Lynda La Plante’s exciting tale of one…

The Talisman

From the goldmines of South Africa to the boardrooms of the City of London, from the risks of the casinos to the heady glamour of the London fashion world, the author continues the saga of a family’s fortunes.

Серия: Legacy series

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    Две смерти, одна за другой. И это только часть заговора, в котором замешаны очень влиятельные люди, поэтому, когда неугомонный Ричер нарушает их планы, они собираются так или иначе устранить угрозу. Но кто из них мог предположить, что, если угроза исходит от Джека Ричера, план Б не сработает?..

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