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Finder Joseph - книги автора

Творчество автора (Finder Joseph) представлено в следующих жанрах: Детективы и Триллеры, Триллер, Детектив
Творчество автора (Finder Joseph) представлено в следующих сериях книг: Nick Heller, , Harold Middleton


It was nothing more than a one-night stand. Juliana Brody, a judge in the Superior Court of Massachusetts, is rumored to be in consideration for the federal circuit, maybe someday the highest court in the land. At a conference in a Chicago hotel, she meets a gentle, vulnerable man and has an unforgettable night with him — something she’d never done before. They part with an explicit understanding that this must never happen again. But back home in Boston, Juliana realizes that this was no random encounter. The man from Chicago proves to have an integral role in a case she’s presiding over — a sex-discrimination case that’s received national attention. Juliana discovers that she’s been entrapped, her night of infidelity captured on video. Strings are being pulled in high places, a terrifying unfolding conspiracy that will turn her life upside down. But soon it becomes clear that personal humiliation, even the possible destruction of her career, are the least of her concerns, as her own life and the lives of her family are put in mortal jeopardy. In the end, turning the tables on her adversaries will require her to be as ruthless as they are.

Серия: Nick Heller
Agents of Treachery – Spy Stories

For the first time ever, legendary editor Otto Penzler has handpicked some of the most respected and bestselling thriller writers working today for a riveting collection of spy fiction. From first to last, this stellar collection signals mission accomplished.


* Lee Child with an incredible look at the formation of a special ops cell.

* James Grady writing about an Arab undercover FBI agent with an active cell.

* Joseph Finder riffing on a Boston architect who's convinced his Persian neighbors are up to no good.

* John Lawton concocting a Len Deighton-esque story about British intelligence.

* Stephen Hunter thrilling us with a tale about a WWII brigade.

Full list of Contributors:

James Grady, Charles McCarry, Lee Child, Joseph Finder, John Lawton, John Weisman, Stephen Hunter, Gayle Lynds, David Morrell, Andrew Klavan, Robert Wilson, Dan Fesperman, Stella Rimington, Olen Steinhauer

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Buried Secrets

In 2009, Joseph Finder introduced Nick Heller – a 'private spy' who finds out things powerful people want to keep hidden – in the New York Times bestselling novel Vanished. Now, in Buried Secrets, Nick Heller returns, finding himself in the middle of a life-or-death situation that's both high-profile and intensely personal. Nick has returned to his old home town of Boston to set up his own shop. There he's urgently summoned by an old family friend. Hedge fund titan Marshall Marcus desperately needs Nick's help. His eighteen-year-old daughter, Alexandra, has just been kidnapped. Her abduction was clearly a sophisticated, professional job, done with extraordinary precision, leaving no trace evidence. Alexandra, whom Nick has known since she was an infant, is now buried alive, held prisoner in an underground crypt, a camera trained on her, her suffering streaming live over the internet for all to see. She's been left with a limited supply of food and water and, if her father doesn't meet the demands of her shadowy kidnappers, she'll die. And as Nick begins to probe, he discovers that his old friend Marshall Marcus seems to have been running a Ponzi scheme. His fund has collapsed, the FBI has arrested him, and now he's become the most hated man in America. He has a lot of powerful enemies who may have the motivation to go after his daughter. But to find out who's holding Alexandra Marcus hostage, Nick has to find out why. And once he does, he uncovers an astonishing conspiracy that reaches up to the highest levels of government. If he's going to find Alexandra, he has to flush out and confront some of the most deadly opponents ever…before time runs out.

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Company Man

Company Man, a deft mix of compelling story, distinctive narrative voice and full-bodied characterization, once again proves Finder to be a master of the modern thriller. Nick Conover, the son of a factory worker, is the CEO of a major corporation in a company town. Once the most admired man in Fenwick, Michigan, Nick, having presided over massive layoffs, is now the most despised. A single parent since the recent death of his wife, he's struggling to insulate his ten-year-old daughter and angry sixteen-year-old son from the town's hostility. When his family is threatened by a nameless stalker, events spin quickly out of control and Nick is faced with a dead body and damning circumstances. To protect his family, he must cover up the homicide with the help of his old friend and corporate security director. Now Audrey Rhimes, a police investigator with an agenda of her own, is determined to connect Nick to the homicide. Nick, in the meantime, begins to unravel a web of intrigue within his own corporation, involving his closest colleagues, that threatens to gut the company and bring him down with it. With everything he spent his life working for hanging in the balance, Nick Conover discovers that life at the top is just one small step away from a long plunge to the bottom.

Extraordinary Powers

Ben Ellison is an attorney with a Boston law firm, a safe haven from the espionage world that almost killed him. Then two events occur to change all that. First, the Director of the CIA is killed, then Ben is subjected to a CIA psychological experiment which leaves him able to read people's minds.

Good and Valuable Consideration

In this short story from the thrilling anthology FaceOff, bestselling authors Lee Child and Joseph Finder – along with their popular series characters Jack Reacher and Nick Heller – team up for the first time ever.

When Jack Reacher sits down to watch a baseball game at a Boston bar, he has no way of knowing what kind of trouble is about to walk in the door – and not just because he's a Yankees fan in a Red Sox town.

In this action-packed short story, Reacher and a new acquaintance – Sox fan Nick Heller – find themselves drawn into a much less friendly rivalry when the guy sitting between them at the bar turns out to be a marked man.

For more exciting pairs, check out all eleven short stories in FaceOff!

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Guilty Minds

Private spy Nick Heller is the best lie detetor you'll ever meet. Trained in the special forces; tough, smart and stubborn, he'll do what needs to be done to uncover the truth.

He's been hired to disprove a story about a Supreme Court judge and a high-class call girl who's just been found dead. Nick has forty-eight hours before a Washington gossip website runs an expose that could destroy the justice system as we know it.

Forty-eight hours to figure out who is lying. Forty-eight hours to solve the murder of an innocent woman. Forty-eight hours to force the power-brokers of Washington to give up their secrets…

The truth, when it comes, will shock them all.

High Crimes

Claire Chapman has it all. A celebrity professor at Harvard Law School and high-powered criminal defence attorney, she has recently successfully defended a movie star in a rape trial. And she has a loving husband, Tom, and a cute six year old daughter. But this is all about to change. A random burglary sets off a terrifying chain of events. Tom is arrested and put on trial for a thirteen year old mass murder, and Claire puts her reputation on the line to defend him. But as the trial progresses, it becomes apparent that the Pentagon will let nothing stand in the way of Tom's conviction and Claire's faith in her husband is tested to the limit.

Killer Instinct

Jason Steadman is a thirty-year-old sales executive living in Boston andsworking for an electronics giant, a competitorsto Sony and Panasonic. He's a witty, charismatic guy who's well liked at the office, but he lacks the “killer instinct” necessary to move up the corporate ladder. To the chagrin of his ambitious wife, it looks as if his career has hit a ceiling. Jason's been sidelined.

But all that will change one evening when Jason meets Kurt Semko, a former Special Forces officer just back from Iraq. Looking for a decent pitcher for the company softball team, Jason gets Kurt, who was once drafted by the majors, a job in Corporate Security. Soon, good things start to happen for Jason-and bad things start to happen to Jason's rivals. His career suddenly takes off. He's an overnight success. Only too late does Jason discover that his friend Kurt has been secretly paving his path to the top by the most “efficient”-and ruthless- means available. After all, as Kurt says, “Business is war, right?”

But when Jason tries to put a stop to it, he finds that his new best friend has become the most dangerous enemy imaginable. And now it's far more than just his career that lies in the balance. A riveting tale of ambition, intrigue, and the price of success, Killer Instinct is Joseph Finder at his best.


Adam Cassidy is twenty-six and a low level employee at a high-tech corporation who hates his job. When he manipulates the system to do something nice for a friend, he finds himself charged with a crime. Corporate Security gives him a choice: prison-or become a spy in the headquarters of their chief competitor, Trion Systems. They train him and feed him inside information. Now at Trion, he's a star, skyrocketing to the top. He finds he has talents he never knew he possessed. He's rich, drives a Porsche, lives in a fabulous apartment, and works directly for the CEO. He's dating the girl of his dreams. His life is perfect. All he has to do to keep it that way is betray everyone he cares about and everything he believes in. But when he tries to break off from his controllers, he finds himself in way over his head, where nothing is what it seems and no one can really be trusted. And then the REAL nightmare begins…

Plan B

"Plan B" finds private spy Nick Heller in Barcelona, Spain on a rescue mission. The target: a walled compound with state-of-the art-security. The object: a teenage girl, held against her will. The plan: get in and rescue the girl and then get out – without tripping an alarm or alerting the army of guards. But even the best designed plans can go wrong. Which is why Nick Heller always has a Plan B.

Poderes Extraordinarios

En el mundo del espionaje, poderes extraordinarios es un término que se utiliza para referirse al permiso que se le otorga a un agente secreto de mucha confianza para que en circunstancias extremadamente especiales viole las órdenes de su empleador si es absolutamente necesario para cumplir el objetivo de una misión de suma importancia.

Poderes extraordinarios es una novela de suspenso escrita por un novelista catalogado como uno de los mejores escritores de thrillers del mundo, Joseph Finder, graduado en la universidad de Yale y Harvard.

La novela narra la historia de Ben Ellison, quien se encarga de investigar el accidente que terminó con la vida de su suegro, director de la CIA en el momento más exitoso de su carrera. Pero, aparentemente, no se trata de un accidente. Ben utilizará sus poderes de percepción extrasensorial para buscar al ex jefe de la KGB, el único que puede revelar la verdad. Pero mientras Ben lleva a cabo su investigación, un asesino le asecha.

Joseph Finder describe una conspiración concebida en el corazón de la inteligencia norteamericana. Una fortuna perdida, de origen soviético y habilidades parapsicológicas condimentan una trama muy atrapante.

El libro tiene un valor tremendo, es muy bueno. Además, su autor afirma que si bien ciertas cosas de la novela son parte de la ficción, la historia está basada en hechos históricos muy misteriosos y poco conocidos, pero existen registros muy interesantes que demuestran su veracidad. A medida que se avanza en la lectura, Joseph Finder presenta artículos periodísticos que respaldan su afirmación.

Se trata de una verdadera obra de arte, te la recomiendo.

Te dejo el link de la página oficial del autor para que encuentres más información si es de tu interés.

Power Play

It was the perfect retreat for a troubled company. No cell phones. No BlackBerrys. No cars. Just a luxurious, remote lodge surrounded by thousands of miles of wilderness.

All the top officers of the Hammond Aerospace Corporation are there. And one last-minute substitute – a junior executive named Jake Landry. He's a steady, modest, and taciturn guy with a gift for keeping his head down and a turbulent past he's trying to put behind him.

Jake's uncomfortable with all the power players he's been thrown in with, with all the swaggering and the posturing. The only person there he knows is the female CEO's assistant-his ex-girlfriend, Ali.

When a band of backwoods hunters crash the opening-night dinner, the executives suddenly find themselves held hostage by armed men who will do anything, to anyone, to get their hands on the largest ransom in history. Now, terrified and desperate and cut off from the rest of the world, the captives are at the mercy of hard men with guns who may not be what they seem.

The corporate big shots hadn't wanted Jake there. But now he's the only one who can save them.

Power Play is a non-stop, pulse-pounding, high-stakes thriller that will hold the reader riveted until the very last page.


Danny can't afford the private school his teenage daughter, Abby, adores, and he can't bear to tell his daughter he has failed her. By a stroke of brilliant luck, Danny meets Thomas Galvin, one of the richest men in Boston.

When Danny accepts a loan from Thomas, the authorities turn up at his door. Now he has a choice: face prison or become part of a sting operation to bring down his extremely dangerous new best friend…

The Chopin Manuscript: A Serial Thriller

15 thriller masters. 1 masterful thriller.

Former war crimes investigator Harold Middleton possesses a previously unknown score by Frederic Chopin. But he is unaware that, locked within its handwritten notes, lies a secret that now threatens the lives of thousands of Americans. As he races from Poland to America to uncover the mystery of the manuscript, Middleton will be accused of murder, pursued by federal agents, and targeted by assassins. But the greatest threat will come from a shadowy figure out of his past: the man known only as Faust.

The Chopin Manuscript is a unique collaboration by 15 of the world's greatest thriller writers. Jeffery Deaver conceived the characters and set the plot in motion; the other authors each wrote a chapter in turn. Deaver then completed what he started, bringing The Chopin Manuscript to its explosive conclusion.

Серия: Harold Middleton
The Fixer

New York Times bestselling author Joseph Finder's breakneck stand-alone thriller about the secrets families can keep – and the danger of their discovery.

When former investigative reporter Rick Hoffman loses his job, fiancee, and apartment, his only option is to move back into – and renovate – the home of his miserable youth, now empty and in decay since the stroke that put his father in a nursing home.

As Rick starts to pull apart the old house, he makes an electrifying discovery – millions of dollars hidden in the walls. It's enough money to completely transform Rick's life – and everything he thought he knew about his father. Yet the more of his father's hidden past that Rick brings to light, the more dangerous his present becomes. Soon, he finds himself on the run from deadly enemies desperate to keep the past buried, and only solving the mystery of his father – a man who has been unable to communicate, comprehend, or care for himself for almost 20 years – will save Rick…if he can survive long enough to do it.

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The Zero Hour

Code-named "Prince of Darkness" the handsome, blue-eyed Afrikaner known as Baumann is the foremost terrorist-for-hire in the world. When financiers hire him to bring Wall Street crashing down, Sarah Cahill, a young FBI agent, becomes involved in the investigation.


Lauren Heller and her husband Roger, a brilliant executive at a major corporation, are attacked in a Georgetown parking lot after an evening out. Knocked unconscious by the assailants, Lauren lies in a coma in the hospital while her husband has vanished without a trace.

With nowhere else to turn, Lauren's teenage son Gabe reaches out to his uncle, Nick Heller, a high-powered investigator with a corporate intelligence firm in Washington, D.C. Having returned to town on the next available flight, Nick finds Lauren conscious, the police skeptical and his older brother Roger still missing.

Nick and Roger have been on the outs since the arrest, trial and conviction of their father, the notorious 'fugitive financier,' Victor Heller. Whereas Roger chose to follow in their father's footsteps and join the corporate world, Nick instead rebelled. He enlisted in the Special Forces and later he served in a highly secretive intelligence unit in the Pentagon.

Now working for one of the most respected firms of corporate 'fixers,' Nick's looking into his brother's disappearance unexpectedly pits him against the interests of some extremely influential forces in Washington, including his own boss. With few allies and many enemies, Nick is forced to seek help where he can – including from his own despised father, still in prison in upstate New York. Nick finds himself on a collision course with one of the most powerful and secretive corporations in the world, whose minions will stop at nothing to protect the secrets that Nick Heller is determined to uncover – secrets that reach into the highest levels of the government…and may get Nick and everyone he's trying to protect killed.


From International Thriller Writers comes WATCHLIST: two powerful novellas featuring the same thrilling cast of characters in one major suspenseful package. THE CHOPIN MANUSCRIPT and THE COPPER BRACELET are collaborations of some of the world’s greatest thriller writers, including Lee Child, Joseph Finder, Lisa Scottoline, and Jeffery Deaver, who conceived the characters and set the plots in motion. The other authors each wrote a chapter and Deaver then completed what he started, bringing both novellas to their startling conclusions.

In the first novella, THE CHOPIN MANUSCRIPT, former war crimes investigator Harold Middleton possesses a previously unknown score by Frederic Chopin. But he is unaware that, locked within its handwritten notes, lies a secret that now threatens the lives of thousands of Americans. As he races from Poland to America to uncover the mystery of the manuscript, Middleton will be accused of murder, pursued by federal agents, and targeted by assassins. But the greatest threat will come from a shadowy figure from his past: the man known only as Faust.

Harold Middleton returns in THE COPPER BRACELET -- the explosive sequel to THE CHOPIN MANUSCRIPT -- as he’s drawn into an international terror plot that threatens to send India and Pakistan into full-scale nuclear war. Careening from Nice to London and Moscow to Kashmir to prevent nuclear disaster, Middleton is unaware that his prey has changed and that the act of terror is far more diabolical than he knows. Will he discover the identity of the Scorpion in time to halt an event that will pit the United States, China, and Russia against each other at the brink of World War III?


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