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Smith Alexander McCall - книги автора

Творчество автора (Smith Alexander McCall) представлено в следующих жанрах: Детективы и Триллеры, Криминальный детектив, Любовные романы, Современные любовные романы, Триллер, Детектив

The Mammoth Book Of Best British Crime, Volume 8


Leading editor and reviewer Maxim Jakubowski has compiled another beguiling collection of the year’s best new short crime fiction from the UK. Ian Rankin’s perennially popular Edinburgh cop, Inspector Rebus, makes an unexpected comeback in a short, but intriguing story, ‘The Very Last Drop’, and the collection closes with another Rankin story, ‘Driven’.

Making their first appearance in the series are many luminaries such as Kate Atkinson, Louise Welsh, Stephen Booth, Christopher Brookmyre, Colin Bateman, A. L. Kennedy, Sheila Quigley, Lin Anderson, Simon Kernick and David Hewson. Also represented are exciting up-and-coming talents such as Nick Quantrill, Jay Stringer, Paul D. Brazill and Nigel Bird.

Emma: A Modern Retelling

The best-selling and beloved author of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series now gives us his charming take on Jane Austen with this modern-day retelling of Emma.

The summer after she graduates from university, Emma Woodhouse returns home to the village of Highbury, where she will live with her health-conscious father until she is ready to launch her interior-design business and strike out on her own. In the meantime, she will do what she does best: offer guidance to those less wise than she is in the ways of the world. Happily, this summer brings many new faces to Highbury and into the sphere of Emma's not always perfectly felicitous council: Harriet Smith, a naïve teacher's assistant at the ESL school run by the hippie-ish Mrs. Goddard; Frank Churchill, the attractive stepson of Emma's former governess; and, of course, the perfect Jane Fairfax. This modern-day Emma is wise, witty, and totally enchanting, and will appeal equally to Alexander McCall Smith's multitude of fans and to the enormous community of wildly enthusiastic Austen aficionados.

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No Rest for the Dead

When Christopher Thomas, a curator at San Francisco's Museum of Fine Arts, is murdered and his decaying body is found in an iron maiden in Berlin, his wife Rosemary Thomas is the prime suspect.

Long suffering under Christopher's unfaithful ways, Rosemary is tried, convicted and executed. Ten years later, Jon Nunn, the detective who cracked the case, becomes convinced that the wrong person was put to death. Along with financier Tony Olsen, he plans to gather everyone who was there the night Christopher died and finally uncover the truth about what happened that fateful evening. Could it have been the ne'er do well brother Peter Hausen, interested in his sister's trust fund having got through his own; the curatorial assistant Justine Olengard, used and betrayed by Christopher; the artist Belle who turned down his advances only to see her career suffer a setback; or someone else all together?

No Rest for the Dead is a thrilling, page-turning accomplishment that only the very best thriller writers could achieve.

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built People

The tenth installment of this universally beloved and best-selling series finds Precious Ramotswe in personal need of her own formidable detection talents.

Mma Ramotswe's ever-ready tiny white van has recently developed a rather disturbing noise. Of course, Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni-her estimable husband and one of Botswana 's most talented mechanics-'"is the man to turn to for help. But Precious suspects he might simply condemn the van and replace it with something more modern. And as usual, her suspicions are well-founded: without telling her, he sells the van and saddles his wife with a new, characterless vehicle… a situation that must be remedied. And so she sets out to find the van, unaware, for the moment, that it has already been stolen from the man who bought it, making recovery a more complicated process than she had expected.

In the meantime, all is not going smoothly for Mma Makutsi in her engagement to Mr Phuti Radiphuti (to make matters worse, Violet Sephotho, who could not have gotten more than fifty percent on her typing final at the Botswana Secretarial School, is involved). And finally, the proprietor of a local football team has enlisted the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency to help explain its dreadful losing streak: surely someone must be fixing the games, it can't just be a case of unskilled players.

And as we know, there are few mysteries that can't be solved and fewer problems that can't be fixed when Precious Ramotswe puts her mind to it.

The Double Comfort Safari Club

The delightful new installment in Alexander McCall Smith's beloved and best-selling series finds Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi traveling to the north of Botswana, to the stunning Okavango Delta, to visit a safari lodge where there have been several unexplained and troubling events-including the demise of one of the guests.

When the two ladies of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency arrive at the Okavango Delta, their eyes are opened, as if for the first time, to the natural beauty of their homeland. With teeming wildlife, endless grasslands, and sparkling rivulets of water running in every direction, it is breathtaking.

But they can't help being drawn into a world filled with other wildlife: rival safari operators, discontented guides, grumpy hippopotamuses. On top of that, the date has still not been set for Mma Makutsi and Phuti Radiphuti's wedding, and it's safe to say that Mma Makutsi is beginning to grow a bit impatient. And to top it all off, the impossible has happened: one of Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni's apprentices has gotten married… Of course none of this defeats the indomitable Precious Ramotswe. Good sense, kindness, and copious quantities of red bush tea carry the day. As they always do.

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The Full Cupboard of Life

Mma Ramotswe is still engaged to Mr J.L.B. Matekoni. She wonders when a day for the wedding will be named, but she is anxious to avoid putting too much pressure on her fiance. For he has other things on his mind – notably a frightening request made of him by Mma Potokwani.

The Kalahari Typing School For Men

'The Kalaharl Typing School for Men' is the fourth novel in the widely acclaimed No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. Following on from 'Morallty for Beautiful Girls' we find Precious Ramotswe, the founder of Botswana's only detective agency now running her business from the garage of her fiance, that most gracious of men, Mr J.L.B. Matekoni. Having recovered from his illness, Mr J.L.B. Matekoni is back at the helm of Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors, and plans for the couple's wedding need to be made. But when, If ever, will they wed? Intriguing cases present themselves and Mma Ramotswe juggles new clients with her usual formidable talent, but things become unusually complicated when her first-class assistant Mma Makutsi decides to expand the agency by opening a much-needed typing school for men. Amongst her puplis Mma Makutsl finds an admirer, but Mma Ramotswe, knowing how men are, decides to dig deeper.

The Mammoth Book of Best British Mysteries 6

Thirty-five short stories from the top names in British crime fiction, by the likes of Lee Child, Ian Rankin, Alexander McCall Smith, Jake Arnott, Val McDermid, and more.

The no. 1 ladies' detective agency

The African-born author of more than 50 books, from children's stories (The Perfect Hamburger) to scholarly works (Forensic Aspects of Sleep), turns his talents to detection in this artful, pleasing novel about Mma (aka Precious) Ramotswe, Botswana 's one and only lady private detective. A series of vignettes linked to the establishment and growth of Mma Ramotswe's "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" serve not only to entertain but to explore conditions in Botswana in a way that is both penetrating and light thanks to Smith's deft touch. Mma Ramotswe's cases come slowly and hesitantly at first: women who suspect their husbands are cheating on them; a father worried that his daughter is sneaking off to see a boy; a missing child who may have been killed by witchdoctors to make medicine; a doctor who sometimes seems highly competent and sometimes seems to know almost nothing about medicine. The desultory pace is fine, since she has only a detective manual, the frequently cited example of Agatha Christie and her instincts to guide her. Mma Ramotswe's love of Africa, her wisdom and humor, shine through these pages as she shines her own light on the problems that vex her clients. Images of this large woman driving her tiny white van or sharing a cup of bush tea with a friend or client while working a case linger pleasantly. General audiences will welcome this little gem of a book just as much if not more than mystery readers.

Unbearable Lightness of Scones

The story of Bertie and his dysfunctional family continues in this fifth instalment alongside the familiar cast of favourites – Big Lou, Domenica, Angus Lordie, Cyril and others – in their daily pursuit of a little happiness. With customary charm and deftness, Alexander McCall Smith has again given us a clever, witty and utterly delightful new novel.


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    — Ты совсем уже? Как нет проблем?! — кричу я, бросая в него снятую фату. — Я не была готова к такой новости.

    — Тихо, — рыкнул он. — Мы с тобой в отеле, а не в тундре, везде лишние уши. У нас, между прочим, брачная ночь.

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    — Какие кровавые простыни? В брачную ночь сексом занимаются, а не поножовщиной. И кричать ты должна в горизонтальном положении от удовольствия, — подмигивает мне нагло.

  •  Время свободы
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    Тихий, скучный городок в штате Колорадо всколыхнула трагедия: погибла женщина. По словам одного уважаемого свидетеля, она сама бросилась под колеса.

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    Две смерти, одна за другой. И это только часть заговора, в котором замешаны очень влиятельные люди, поэтому, когда неугомонный Ричер нарушает их планы, они собираются так или иначе устранить угрозу. Но кто из них мог предположить, что, если угроза исходит от Джека Ричера, план Б не сработает?..

  •  Время свободы
     Чайлд Ли, Чайлд Эндрю
     Детективы и Триллеры, Полицейский детектив, Крутой детектив, Триллер, Детектив

    Тихий, скучный городок в штате Колорадо всколыхнула трагедия: погибла женщина. По словам одного уважаемого свидетеля, она сама бросилась под колеса.

    Однако случайно оказавшийся на месте происшествия бывший военный полицейский Джек Ричер собственными глазами видел, как прохожий, с безучастным видом остановившийся рядом, вдруг толкнул жертву под автобус, затем схватил ее сумку и исчез. Ричер не может допустить, чтобы преступнику, каким бы ни был его мотив, сошло это с рук, и решает докопаться до правды. Он узнает, что женщина была сотрудницей частной тюрьмы в Миссисипи и приехала в Колорадо, чтобы сообщить своему бывшему начальнику некие тревожные сведения. Однако не успела — тот скончался, предположительно от сердечного приступа.

    Две смерти, одна за другой. И это только часть заговора, в котором замешаны очень влиятельные люди, поэтому, когда неугомонный Ричер нарушает их планы, они собираются так или иначе устранить угрозу. Но кто из них мог предположить, что, если угроза исходит от Джека Ричера, план Б не сработает?..

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    — Мне не нужен надзиратель!

    Он лишь иронично выгибает бровь. Эту глыбу льда ничем не прошибешь…

    — Я лучше буду жить на улице!

    — Это вряд ли.

    Его рука опускается на мое плечо.

    — Пусти! — вырываюсь я.

    Я мечтала о вольной студенческой жизни, но родители решили, что за мной нужен присмотр… Этому не бывать!

    Зачем я на это подписался? Ей девятнадцать, мне тридцать пять. Я должен присматривать за ней, как за младшей сестренкой. Но она пробуждает во мне отнюдь не братские желания! Поэтому ей лучше уехать. Я сделаю все, чтобы она не захотела оставаться. Иначе… я за себя не отвечаю.

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