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Moravia Alberto - книги автора

Творчество автора (Moravia Alberto) представлено в следующих жанрах: Проза, Классическая проза, Современная проза

A Romana

Um livro de Alberto Moravia, escrito durante a Segunda Grande Guerra, que se centra na vida simples e aparentemente desinteressante de Adriana, uma jovem habitante de Roma. Traída pelo seu primeiro amor, a romana entrega-se à prostituição como quem se entrega a uma vocação. Numa trajetória de inúmeros amantes, três homens se destacam: um jovem revolucionário, um criminoso foragido e um alto funcionário do governo facista, a romana interliga o destino desses homens, quem têm um final dramático e inesperado. No romance de Moravia o sexo tem um valor sobretudo simbólico.


Thirteen-year-old Agostino is spending the summer at a Tuscan seaside resort with his beautiful widowed mother. When she takes up with a cocksure new companion, Agostino, feeling ignored and unloved, begins hanging around with a group of local young toughs. Though repelled by their squalor and brutality, and repeatedly humiliated for his weakness and ignorance when it comes to women and sex, the boy is increasingly, masochistically drawn to the gang and its rough games. He finds himself unable to make sense of his troubled feelings. Hoping to be full of manly calm, he is instead beset by guilty curiosity and an urgent desire to sever, at any cost, the thread of troubled sensuality that binds him to his mother.

Alberto Moravia’s classic, startling portrait of innocence lost was written in 1942 but rejected by Fascist censors and not published until 1944, when it became a best seller and secured the author the first literary prize of his career. Revived here in a new translation by Michael F. Moore, Agostino is poised to captivate a twenty-first-century audience.

Conjugal Love

When Silvio, a rich Italian dilettante, and his beautiful wife agree to move to the country and forgo sex so that he will have the energy to write a successful novel, something is bound to go wrong: Silvio's literary ambitions are far too big for his second-rate talent, and his wife Leda is a passionate woman. Antonio, the local barber who comes every morning to shave Silvio, sparks off this dangerously combustible situation when Leda accuses him of trying to molest her. Silvio obstinately refuses to dismiss him, and the quarrel and its shattering consequences put the couple's love to the test.

Alberto Moravia earned his international reputation with frank, finely-observed stories of love and sex at all levels of society. In this new English translation of Conjugal Love, he explores an imperiled relationship with his customary unadorned style, psychological penetration, and narrative art.

La romana

Un clásico del realismo italiano. La Roma de Mussolini es el telón de fondo de la caída moral de una muchacha sencilla y bienintencionada.


Adriana jest młoda i olśniewająco piękna. Wychowana została przez matkę, która przeżyła całe swoje dorosłe życie w przekonaniu, że nawet jeżeli miała kiedyś szansę na szczęśliwe i dostatnie życie, straciła ją przez ciążę i małżeństwo z ojcem Adriany. Teraz chce by córka nie powtórzyła jej losu i nie utrzymywała się tak jak ona z bieliźniarstwa, ale została kurtyzaną.

Two Friends

In this set of novellas, a few facts are constant. Sergio is a young intellectual, poor and proud of his new membership in the Communist Party. Maurizio is handsome, rich, successful with women, and morally ambiguous. Sergio’s young, sensual lover becomes collateral damage in the struggle between these two men. All three of these unfinished stories, found packed in a suitcase after Alberto Moravia’s death, share this narrative premise. But from there, each story unfolds in a unique way. The first patiently explores the slow unfurling of Sergio’s resentment toward Maurizio. The second reveals the calculated bargain Maurizio offers in exchange for his conversion to Sergio’s beloved Communism. And the third switches dramatically to the first person, laying bare Sergio’s conflicted soul.

Anyone interested in literature will relish the opportunity to watch Moravia at work, tinkering with his story and working at it from three unique perspectives.


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