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Baxter Alan - книги автора

Творчество автора (Baxter Alan) представлено в следующих сериях книг: Tales from the Gulp, Love, Death and Robots, Jake Crowley Adventures, Sam Aston Investigations, SNAFU

The Gulp

Strange things happen in The Gulp. The residents have grown used to it.

The isolated Australian harbour town of Gulpepper is not like other places. Some maps don’t even show it. And only outsiders use the full name. Everyone who lives there calls it The Gulp. The place has a habit of swallowing people.

A truck driver thinks the stories about The Gulp are made up to scare him. Until he gets there.

Teenage siblings try to cover up the death of their mother, but their plans go drastically awry.

A rock band invite four backpackers to a party at their house, where things get dangerously out of hand.

A young man loses a drug shipment and his boss gives him 48 hours to make good on his mistake.

Under the blinking eye of the old lighthouse, a rock fisher makes the strangest catch of his life.

Five novellas. Five descents into darkness. Welcome to The Gulp, where nothing is as it seems.

“This is a cleverly plotted and exceptionally well-executed five-sectioned novel where the finale of the last story brings everything into perspective… you are left without a doubt that you are reading not just an Alan Baxter novel, but an Alan Baxter novel that is firing on all cylinders… a masterclass in plotting and structure… The Gulp delivers on all fronts.”

– Jim McLeod at Ginger Nuts of Horror
Серия: Tales from the Gulp
Love, Death and Robots. Volumes 2 & 3

The seventeen stories that make up Volumes Two and Three of the Emmy® award-winning Netflix Original series Love, Death & Robots.

Featuring best-selling authors and screenwriters from all over the globe, curated by filmmakers Tim Miller and David Fincher, and Supervising Director Jennifer Yuh Nelson. Stories by Neal Asher, Paolo Bacigalupi, J. G. Ballard, Alan Baxter, Justin Coates, Harlan Ellison, Joachim Heijndermans, Joe Lansdale, Rich Larson, Alberto Miego, Jeff Fowler & Tim Miller, John Scalzi, Bruce Sterling, Michael Swanwick.

What October Brings

Halloween, a time for laughing children in white bedsheets and superhero costumes. A time for chocolate candy, and pumpkins, and Trick-or-Treat. A time for dark things everything to slink out of the shadows and into our lives, reminding those unlucky few that our charades of Halloween cannot erase the centuries of history and pain behind the facade... What October Brings celebrates the dark traditions of the autumn rituals, of Halloween and Samhain, in homage to the uniquely fascinating fiction of HP Lovecraft. Masters of the short story offer you a "once in a lifetime" Trick-or-Treat experience... ...perhaps your last experience!

The commissioned cover is by acclaimed Italian painter Daniele Serra.

Love, Death and Robots. Volumes 2 & 3

The seventeen stories that make up Volumes Two and Three of the Emmy® award-winning Netflix Original series Love, Death & Robots. Featuring best-selling authors and screenwriters from all over the globe, curated by filmmakers Tim Miller and David Fincher, and Supervising Director Jennifer Yuh Nelson. Stories by Neal Asher, Paolo Bacigalupi, J. G. Ballard, Alan Baxter, Justin Coates, Harlan Ellison, Joachim Heijndermans, Joe Lansdale, Rich Larson, Alberto Miego, Jeff Fowler & Tim Miller, John Scalzi, Bruce Sterling, Michael Swanwick.

Blood Codex

An ancient order.

A deadly conspiracy.

A race against time.

When Jake Crowley rescues Rose Black from assailants on the streets of London, the two find themselves embroiled in a mystery that could cost them their lives. People are dying, and all the victims have one thing in common with Rose: a birthmark in the shape of an eagle.

From beneath the streets of London, to castle dungeons, to the heart of Christendom and beyond, Jake and Rose must race to stay alive as they seek to unlock the secrets of the Blood Codex.

Dark Rite

A small mountain town hides a dark secret…

When his father’s death brings Grant Shipman to the Appalachian town of Wallen’s Gap, he believes his biggest problem will be dealing with the slow pace and odd townsfolk. But something sinister is at work. A dark power rises, an echo of the town’s bloody past. A book of blood magic offers an unspeakable horror a gateway into the world of the living, and only Grant stands in the way of their Dark Rite.


What lurks beneath the ice?

Marine biologist Sam Aston is hired to explore a series of subterranean caverns deep beneath the Antarctic. Somewhere within this lost world of magnificent caverns and underground seas lies a source of limitless clean energy, but something guards this treasure. As enemies bent on obtaining this world-changing resource for themselves close in from above, Aston and his team plunge further into the depths, and discover they are not the first to come this way… and they are not alone.

As the death toll mounts, Aston and his companions are forced to uncover secrets hidden far beneath the ice. Danger lurks at every turn as they face the deadly threat of the OVERLORD.


Sometimes, the legends are true.When eccentric billionaire, Ellis Holloway, hires renegade marine biologist, Sam Aston, to investigate the legend of a monster in a remote Finnish lake, Aston envisions an easy paycheck and a chance to clear his gambling debts. But he gets much more. Something terrible lives beneath the dark waters of Lake Kaarme, and it's hungry. As the death toll mounts, Aston faces superstitious locals, a power-hungry police chief, and a benefactor's descent into madness as he races to find the legendary beast of the lake.

SNAFU: Black Ops

Special Forces.The very sharpest edge of any military throughout history.

Now, they face their greatest challenge yet. Undead, mutations, monsters, all the things no-one ever believed could happen are here in the pages of SNAFU: Black Ops.

Read tales from existing bestselling series by Jonathan Maberry, Nicholas Sansbury Smith, Hank Schwaeble, John O'Brien, and James Lovegrove, along with some of your SNAFU favourites in this collection of the very best stories by the very best writers of military horror.


BACK TO BLACK — Jonathan Maberry and Bryan Thomas Schmidt


THE CLASH OF CYMBALS — Richard Lee Byers

BLACK TIDE — James A Moore & Charles Rutledge


SONS OF APOPHIS — Christine Morgan


A DEBT REPAID — Tim Marquitz & J. M. Martin

GROUND ZERO — Kirsten Cross

DEEPEST, DARKEST — Hank Schwaeble

RAID ON WEWELSBERG — Seth Skorkowsky

GOD-KILLERS IN OUR MIDST — James Lovegrove and N.X. Sharps

EXTINCTION LOST — Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Серия: SNAFU
SNAFU: Future Warfare

Join the military, they said. See far-flung worlds, they said. Meet interesting creatures, and kill them all. Soldiers fighting aliens in unforgiving landscapes, where every breath could be their last. Featuring stories by Weston Ochse, Mike Resnick, and others. From near-future to far-future, featuring some of the best writers working in the field today.



SUITS — Steve Lewis

Under Calliope's Skin — Alan Baxter

The ASH at Ft Preston — Case C. Capehart

Human Strain — Benjamin Cheah

Kill Streak — Samson Stormcrow Hayes

Shatner Rules — Weston Ochse

Scout Mission — Jack Hillman

Outpost — Anthony Izzo

Invasive Maneuvers — Tim Marquitz & J. M. Martin

Romeo and Julie — Mike Resnick

Acting Private Tantas Jackson — Deborah Walker

Perfect War — Jay Werkheiser

Emeralds — Asher Wismer

Серия: SNAFU
SNAFU: Survival of the Fittest

Survive, no matter what. Lost in the shadows, low on ammo; wounded, fighting to make it through, the last remnants of the mission team trying to make sense of where they had gone wrong, and how to make it out alive with next-to-no resources. Where every bullet counts. Featuring nearly 100,000 words of military fiction and sci-fi.

— Jeremy Robinson & Kane Gilmour (Callsign: Deep Blue, Ragnarok, and Omega, all part of the phenomenal Jack Sigler/Chess Team series)

— S.D. Perry (has written extensively in the universes of Star Trek, Aliens, and Resident Evil, among others)

— Weston Ochse (SEAL Team 666 and Grunt Life/Grunt Traitor)

— Matt Hilton (author of the high-octane Joe Hunter thriller series)

Plus another six established and emerging writers.



Badlands — S.D. Perry

Of Storms and Flame — Tim Marquitz & J. M. Martin

In Vaulted Halls Entombed — Alan Baxter

They Own the Night — B. Michael Radburn

Fallen Lion — Jack Hanson

Sucker of Souls — Kirsten Cross

Cold War Gothic II: The Bohemian Grove — Weston Ochse

After the Red Rain Fell — Matt Hilton

The Slog — Neal F. Litherland

Show of Force — Jeremy Robinson & Kane Gilmour

Серия: SNAFU

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