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ét Stephen Vincent - книги автора

Творчество автора (ét Stephen Vincent) представлено в следующих жанрах: Фантастика, Научная Фантастика, Детективы и Триллеры, Классический детектив
Творчество автора (ét Stephen Vincent) представлено в следующих сериях книг: Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine

We, Robots

Artificial intelligence in 100 stories.

To ready us for the inevitable, here are 100 of the best short stories ever written--most of them by humans--about robots and artificial minds. Read them while you can, learn from them, and make your preparations... From 1837 through to the present day, from Charles Dickens to Cory Doctorow, this collection contains the most diverse collection of robots ever assembled. Anthropomorphic robots, invertebrate AIs, thuggish metal lumps and wisps of manufactured intelligence so delicate if you blinked you might miss them. The literature of robots and artificial intelligence is so wildly diverse, in both tone and intent, that our stories form six thematic collections.

It's Alive! is about inventors and their creations.

Following the Money drops robots into the day-to-day business of living.

Owners and Servants considers the human potentials and pitfalls of owning and...


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