Bob Hawkins

Feeding the neighbor_s dog

Chapter One

"You'd just love to get into that little cutie's panties, wouldn't you, Ken?"

Mary Jenkins grinned at her husband as she squatted into a pair of tight black bikini panties, then tugged them up snugly against her cunt.

Ken rubbed the towel vigorously across his taut belly, drying himself off from the shower. His cock stuck out stiff and straight, bouncing wildly as he moved the towel up over his chest and shoulders.

"Well," he said, grinning back at his wife, "she sure is cute, all right."

"Fuck!" Mary snorted, reaching for her garter belt. "She's fucking beautiful, that's what she is."

Ken picked up a pair of underpants and stepped into them, drawing them up his powerful legs. He fumbled with his hard cock, trying to stuff his prick down inside the pants.

"Sounds like you'd like to get into her pants, too."

Mary wrapped her garter belt around her trim waist, hooked it at her side, then shifted it until it was in position.

"Maybe," she said.

Ken looked at her. Her nipples were stiff, swollen outward like two huge dark thumbs on her large tits.

"You serious?" Ken asked.

Mary looked at the man for a moment, then turned her bare back toward him and sat down on the edge of the bed. She picked up one black stocking and began pulling it up her long slender leg, stroking it smooth with both hands.

"I don't know," she said at last.

Ken slipped into a shirt and walked around in front of his wife as he buttoned it up the front.

"I don't know how we'd go about it."

Mary picked up her other stocking.

"I don't know, either," she said with a sigh.

"But you want to?"

"Well," Mary said, sighing again. "I guess so. She's such a sweet thing, so pretty and small and… perfect. I know it must sound really sick, Ken, but I think I would like to make love to her."

"She's only…"

Mary blushed. "So? Are you saying you wouldn't like to put that cock of yours into her pussy?"

Ken felt his guts tighten. "Hell, I'd like to fuck the shit out of her. But who wouldn't? She's a fucking little sexpot, and she doesn't even know it."

"I know, I know," Mary said. She stood up, got a bra out of the dresser and began fitting it up onto her tits.

"Well?" Ken said.

"Well?" Mary repeated, looking at him. "What do you want me to say, Ken? Let's go downstairs and rape the little girl?"

Ken grinned.

"No, I guess that would be out of the question, wouldn't it?"

"Afraid so," Mary said. She stepped into her skirt and worked it up around her waist, ran the zipper up, hooked the thin cloth belt tightly over her tummy.

"There must be some way," Ken said, handing his wife her frilly white blouse.

"Thanks. Better hurry up and get dressed yourself, honey. The Jacksons will be here any minute."

Mary shrugged into her blouse, and buttoned it. She was quivering deep inside, wondering if it would be possible to hold that beautiful child downstairs, hold her small young body, stroke her legs and thighs and sweet young virgin cunt, feel her lovely young tits.

Ken was thinking much the same thing. He had played with such ideas for a long time – fucking some delicious little neighborhood girl, kissing her virgin lips, feeling her virgin cunt clamped around his fucking prick as he fucked in and out of her tight pussy. What a dream! His cock stiffened harder in his pants.

But it was only a dream. He had never suspected that his own young wife shared it. Oh, they had toyed around with the idea some, playfully pretending Mary was a little girl, dressing her up as a young kid that one time, a few years ago. But nothing serious had ever come of it. Mary sometimes pointed out a pretty little girl on the streets or in the malls. She would nudge Ken's arm and gesture with a nod of her head, and they would both watch the girl swish her way rapidly along the crowded mall, dodging around the slower older folks.

Now, considering it, he should have known. Mary was just as eager as he was to do something delicious to this new young girl. Maybe more eager. Yes, Ken thought to himself, he should have seen it. Mary hadn't been pointing all those kids out just to please her husband, but to please herself.

He looked at Mary as she finished dressing, tucking her blouse into the tight waistband of her skirt. She was a beautiful young woman. Tall and trim, with a lovely mane of long blonde hair. Just like the hair Jody had.

Jody. The little girl downstairs. The new babysitter. She was a teenager and new to this particular neighborhood.

She was a little stunner. Both Ken and Mary had felt their hearts quicken when the child first appeared at their door.

"Hi! I'm Jody," she had said gaily. "I'm new around here, and I was wondering if you might ever need a babysitter, if you'd call me. I'm very good with children, I really am."

She'd been a delight. Mary had invited her in and they'd talked for nearly an hour.

Jody Gordon had just moved into town with her father, Tom Gordon. Her mother had died a few years ago, she told Mary eagerly, obviously relating to the older woman like she would have to her own mother. Since then, Jody had been mostly on her own, because her father had to work long hours with the company that employed him. He was a troubleshooter for a manufacturer of computers and related hardware. Computers broke down at odd hours, night or day, weekends, locally or far far away. Jody's father spent more time in planes flying between jobs than he did at home with her.

But they loved each other very much. Jody's dad had made certain that his daughter had everything she needed, from all the latest fashions to the best house he could find for her.

But the one thing Jody really needed, her father couldn't provide – companionship. Jody had plenty of friends her own age, but she was a highly intelligent child, and she needed the companionship of older minds, more mature minds. Children her own age had nothing, intellectually, to offer her.

Jody was so utterly stunning in her beauty that all of the boys and lots of the girls wanted to be around her. Of dates, Jody had more offers than any other girl in her class. Most of these she turned down cold.

She hated dates. She hated the fumbling, the awkward attempts to get her blouse open, to get her knees apart, and those awful kisses, all wet and slobbery and disgusting.

Jody spent a lot of time alone in the big house her father had bought. She fixed it up just like she wanted, especially her bedroom. She had all the money to spend she could ever use. But what she really wanted, she couldn't buy.

So she walked around the neighborhood, offering her services as a babysitter. She did it for several reasons. She loved talking to the mothers. Friendly, happy, talkative, Jody delighted them all, and those with children quite readily accepted her offer.

But Mary and Ken didn't have any children. At first, Jody had just dropped by, to talk, to have a quick lunch, to sit with Mary and watch the soap operas in the afternoon.

Then, last week, Ken had come home with a wonderful present for Mary.

A dog.

The big happy animal had come bounding into the living room, leaping up onto the couch and licking Mary's face as though they were old and long-lost friends. Mary squealed with total delight. Jody had sat in her chair, watching with eager eyes.

The dog was a huge, young male. A German shepherd. Handsome in the extreme, his eyes were bright and intelligent, his coat of fur soft and sleek and healthy.

"Where did you get this magnificent animal, Ken?" Mary asked.

"One of the guys at work is moving from a house into an apartment complex, and they can't take the dog with them. His family was upset about getting rid of him, but they had no choice. I knew you'd been wanting a dog for a long time, so I figured, what the fuck, I mean, what the heck?" He was suddenly aware that Jody was in the room.

"Oh, thank you, Ken," Mary said, pushing up from under the dog's heavy body and struggling to her feet. She gave Ken a big hug, then kissed him long and hard.

Jody watched everything, her own bright eyes round and big and excited.

"What's his name?" Jody asked.

Ken broke the kiss, turned to look toward Jody.

"Hi, Jody," he said.

"Hi, Mr. Jenkins."

"Well," Mary said, turning back toward the huge animal on the couch. He was slapping his tail eagerly against the cushions, his head jerking from one person to another as they talked about him.

"What is his name, Ken?" Mary asked, hugging the dog around his powerful neck, burying her face in the soft fur at his throat.

Ken blushed, his eyes darting toward the little girl.

Mary and Jody both looked at him.

"Uh," Ken said. Then he grinned, trying to cover up his embarrassment. He hadn't expected to find the kid here. On the other hand, he'd left work early to pick the dog up at his friend's place, and gotten home early.

"Come on, will you," Mary laughed. "Tell us his name."


"Wang?" Jody said, making a face. But it was obvious that she didn't understand the word.

Mary had covered her mouth with one palm, stifling a laugh.

"Wang?" she said.

Ken's grin broadened.

"My buddy has a rather unusual sense of humor." He looked at Jody again, then back to Mary. "You see, Wang is the name of a manufacturer of calculators, and our company uses a lot of them. We use so many, in fact, that we have a special room for them all, and we call it the Wang room."

"I see," Mary said, chuckling behind her palm.

Jody could tell that there was really more to all this comedy than what Ken had said but she let it go. She could find out later. Right now, she was thrilled by the animal before her. She'd never seen such a wonderful, big, handsome dog. He took the girl's breath away.

There were several more minutes of delighted fun with the dog, before Jody worked up the courage to speak.

"I could doggie-sit for you," she said in a quiet voice, one hand buried in the animal's soft furry side.

"Huh?" Mary said, bending forward and peering at the little girl under Wang's chin.

"I said I could doggie-sit for you. When you want to go out for an evening, I could come and stay with Wang."

Ken's cock gave a violent lurch when he heard the child mouth the word. Her voice was so sweet and innocent that the word came out of her mouth as just about the sexiest thing Ken had ever heard.

Mary looked at Ken. "What do you think of that idea, honey?"

"Great. Good idea, Jody. After all, good old Wang here is new to this neighborhood, too. He could use a companion like you."

"Oh, good!" Jody clapped her hands together then hugged the huge dog. It was obvious to Mary and Ken that the child needed this animal more than either of them did. She would have doggie-sat, as she called it, for free, just to be able to play with Wang.

"In fact, you can start tomorrow night, Jody. If you want to," Ken said.

"Tomorrow?" Mary said.

"Yes. I've made arrangements to take the Jacksons over to the dinner-theater. Sorry it's such short notice, Mary, but I had to take the tickets when I got the chance. The show ends this weekend."

"Oh, my God. You actually got tickets to it?"

Ken dug into his coat pocket and pulled out the four tickets, waved them in front of his wife's eyes.

"Front row, second level. Perfect."

"Oh, honey," Mary said, leaping into her husband's arms again. She kissed him hard, driving her tongue between his lips and crushing her tits into his chest. She ground her thighs against his, lifting one leg and wrapping it around his thigh. She began pumping her cunt against his crotch.

Ken forced her back, made her break the kiss. His eyes kept darting toward Jody.

Mary wrinkled her nose, then gave the man a simple hug.

Jody hadn't missed the action. Her heart was hammering wildly in her chest. God, she hoped she could find a man like this someday. She hoped she could be a woman like Mary, too. In that one moment, Mary and Ken became Jody's new family. She scratched her fingers deep into Wang's smooth fur and massaged him as he leaned hard against her.

Jody had never been happier than she was right that moment.

She doggie-sat that next night. She and Wang had a wonderful time watching TV, hugging, running back and forth across the living room.

It had been great fun for the little girl and for the big dog.

Jody had spent nearly every day of the following week at Mary and Ken's house playing with Wang.

Tonight, she was going to doggie-sit again. She was going to show Wang one of her very secret, very special tricks. She'd gotten the idea the night before and hadn't been able to sleep.

She sat on the couch now, waiting for Mary and Ken to come downstairs and leave the house. Wang sat on his haunches, his big red tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, staring at Jody.

Jody smiled at him. She wondered if he could read her mind. If he could, she knew, he was one very happy doggie.

Upstairs, Mary stepped into a pair of high-heeled shoes, then lifted first one foot, then the other, up onto the bed and buckled the straps across her high arch.

Now that the idea was out in the open, Ken felt himself trembling. Damn. He'd been suppressing the idea of touching Jody since the first moment he'd laid eyes on her wonderful little body. He hadn't even realized it. Fucking shit! The mind could sure as hell play funny tricks on a guy. All these weeks, Jody and Mary had been here alone, talking and getting to know each other, becoming more and more like mother and daughter.

He looked at his wife. So, she was interested in that little cunt, too. Magnificent. Together, somehow, they surely ought to be able to think of some way to get Jody naked. He felt certain that he'd never really be able to fuck her tight virgin hole, but he was beginning to feel confident that both he and Mary would actually be able to touch the child, touch her and feel her and maybe even kiss her down between those delightfully slender thighs of hers. Ken licked his lips, wondering what Jody's blossoming young nipples would taste like. His chest seemed to tighten as he imagined his lips and tongue stroking the little girl's bare cunt slit, sucking out her virginal fluids.

"Damn," he said out loud.

"What, honey?" Mary said, looking up. She lowered her foot back to the floor and smoothed her skirt down over her belly and thighs.

"Jody," Ken said, by way of explanation.

"Yeah," Mary sighed. "Well, why don't we try to think of something. I mean, there she is, all alone in that big house, and she is a teenager. I mean, that's old enough, isn't it? To experiment, I mean?"

"Oh, stop babbling, Mary. We'll work out something. But right now, we better get going."


Together, they went downstairs.

"Oh, hi, Mary. Hi, Mr. Jenkins," Jody said happily. She stood up. Wang shifted, his tail pounding the floor.

"Hi, Jody. Well, we're ready."

The doorbell rang. Mary's shoulders sagged. She had hoped to be able to talk for a few minutes with Jody, get things rolling, so to speak. But the Jacksons were here now and they would have to leave right away.

"Have fun now, Jody, OK?" Ken said, touching the child's shoulder and giving her a firm squeeze.

"We'll be home quite late, honey," Mary said. "Sure you'll be OK?"