J T Watson

Sister_s rape lesson

Tracy Dixon crossed her pretty legs and looked about her with an expression of nervousness. Although she had been warned by her sister Maggie of what to expect in the offices of Parker and Hudson, she still had not been ready for the lush carpeted offices where famous people passed casually.

She had already noticed a couple of television personalities and some faces that she'd never seen before except in newspapers or in magazines.

"Miss Dixon," the willowy blonde secretary spoke sharply. "Mr. Hudson will see you now."

Tracy tried to control her nervousness as she walked from the waiting room into the inner office of Mr. Hudson. Maggie had told her all about him except how young he was. Tracy was surprised to see a handsome young man seated behind the big desk.

"Have a seat," he said. "I'll be with you in just a second."

Tracy sat across from him and crossed her legs again. She hoped she looked all right. She had always considered herself pretty. She had long blonde hair and very blue eyes and a figure that drove men wild. She had thought herself pretty enough to land any job but she'd already seen a few fantastic-looking women working in the office.

Mr. Hudson finished working with the papers in front of him and he looked up.

"Hello again," he said. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. We've just been so busy lately."

"I understand," Tracy said.

"So you want a position with us," he said. "What are you qualified for?"

"I've had two years of college," she said. "I can type and take shorthand."

"We have too many typists and people who can take shorthand already," he said. "In fact, we really have all the people we need in the secretarial capacity."

"I don't understand," Tracy said. "Maggie said you needed new people."

"Of course we do," he said. "But not as secretaries. We have a lot of different openings around here. For different types of girls. How would you like a job as an extra on one of our sets?"

"Sets?" she asked.

"Of course," he said. "I'd forgotten you're right out of the country. A set is really just a photograph we take. For our advertisements. You know we're on our way to becoming one of the top advertising firms in the country."

"Maggie told me a little," Tracy said. "But you mean you want me to pose?"

"Something like that," he said. "We have a spot open for a healthy-looking girl. One of those fun in the sun type things. I think you'd be perfect if you look good in a bikini."

Tracy found herself blushing red under his hot stare. This interview was not going at all like she'd expected. She'd gotten herself all ready to give statistics on how fast she could type, her shorthand, her prowess on office machinery. She didn't want to talk about her looks in a bikini.

"I'll tell you what," he said. "I can make the final decision today. Why don't you strip down to your undies and I can judge if you're right for the part?"

"What?" Tracy's reaction brought her half out of her chair. "I'll do no such thing. What kind of person do you think I am?"

"You're Maggie's sister," he said. "I certainly didn't think you'd be shy."

"Well you can have your filthy job," Tracy said.

Tracy stormed out of his office with her face still blushing an angry red. Her parents had warned her about that kind of big city interview. She could hardly wait until she got home to Maggie and told her what he'd said.

Maggie was a good girl. She would quit her job immediately and tell that Hudson pervert what she thought of him. That was what Maggie would do.

Tracy was still angry when she put the key into the door of Maggie's apartment. She didn't bother about calling out because she knew that Maggie was supposed to be working that afternoon. Working. Tracy said the word out loud with a great deal of bitterness.

Tracy had had great dreams about working in the big city. She'd had dreams of being a secretary to some important man and being always on the go to exciting places and doing exciting things. Instead she'd been asked to take her clothes off like some common slut.

She was so angry she decided she would fix herself a drink. She had never had a drink before coming to visit Maggie. Her parents were very strict and there were few places to drink in a small town without getting caught.

Maggie had fixed her some sort of sweet drink the night before that had been delicious and had made her feel good. She thought she could remember how it was made.

She heard the noise as she passed Maggie's bedroom. It was a squeaking sound that was barely audible. Her first thought was of burglars. Maggie had told her that a lot of the girls' apartments had been broken into. The burglars seemed to know when the girls were working.

She stopped outside Maggie's door. She looked toward the phone but she was afraid to move. What if the burglar heard her? What if he was some kind of animal that also raped girls besides breaking into apartments?

Then she heard laughter and it sounded like Maggie's. Maggie must have come home early. Tracy remembered her anger and she didn't bother knocking. She opened the door with a greeting that died on her lips.

It was Maggie all right, but Maggie wasn't alone. Maggie was naked on her knees in the middle of the big bed. Maggie had her back to Tracy. A short, squat man with burly features stood on the bed facing Tracy. His eyes were closed and there was a look of intense pleasure on his face.

Tracy couldn't move. She had never been so shocked. Her sister was moving her blonde head up and down very rapidly. Tracy couldn't see what Maggie was doing but she could hear the sounds. The soft smacking sounds of Maggie's lips. There was no doubt about what Maggie was doing.

Of course, Tracy knew what was happening. She just couldn't believe it. She had attended a small-town school where there had been the usual talk about bad girls. The bad girls allowed a boy to put his hand on her breast or feel up her thigh. It took a really degenerate girl to do what Maggie was doing.

"Oh my God," Tracy said softly.

Tracy was horrified but she couldn't make herself leave. Maggie's blonde head was moving faster and faster and the man groaned.

"That's a good girl, Maggie," he said. "Suck me. Suck right up! Ohhhhh, Maggggggie!"

The man opened his eyes and saw Tracy standing there. He gave her a smile, showing all of his white teeth. Tracy thought that he was really a vulgar-looking man. He had black hairs all over his chest and his bulging muscles gave him the look of a construction worker.

"Why hello there," he said. "Would you care to join us?"

Maggie jerked her head away and turned to look at her younger sister. Her face paled. Tracy turned her head away in disgust because she had seen a spot of white at the corner of Maggie's mouth that could only be one thing.

"Tracy," Maggie said. "What are you doing here?"

Tracy backed out of the room with her eyes tightly closed. She made it to the couch before she had to sit down. Her knees felt weak.

A few moments later Maggie and the man came out of the bedroom. The man had his clothes on so Tracy was spared the humiliation of actually seeing the place between his legs.

Maggie had a robe wrapped around her.

"Tracy," Maggie said softly. "Tracy, baby, it's not what you think."

"I saw you." Tracy said. "I know what it was." Tracy put her head in her hands and sobbed softly. She heard the front door open and now and she knew that the man had left. It was only then that she could bring herself to raise her head and look at her sister.

"How could you?" Tracy asked. "How could you do that to that awful man? It's disgusting."

Maggie's face got hard.

"It's not that disgusting," Maggie said. "Actually he tasted pretty good!"

Tracy stared at her sis in disbelief. Then she put her hands over her face again. Her entire body racked with her sobs. Maggie had always been the good sister. Maggie had been the cheerleading sweetheart, the girl voted most likely to get someplace in the world.

How could she do something like that?

Maggie waited until Tracy had cried herself out. Maggie knew what Tracy was feeling. Maggie had felt it herself when she had first come to the city. She'd been smart and pretty and full of ambition.

The problem was that the city was full of smart, pretty girls with ambition. A girl had to work hard to get anywhere. Maggie got tired of the many interviews where all the man wanted was a little pussy.

Finally her money and her patience had worn out. There was only one way to get a really good-paying job in that city. That was the beginning of her career. She decided that the next man who asked would get what he wanted. Maggie had won her job on the office couch of Gary Hudson.

He had finished with her, given her a pat on her well-rounded ass, and told her to report in the morning. It had been as simple as that. She had clawed and fucked her way up to the highest-paid worker in the office. It was rumored that before long, with her brains and her body, she would be offered an administrative job.

"It's all right, Tracy," Maggie said soothingly.

"It's not all right," Tracy said. "It's horrible. I've been propositioned today and then I come home and find you… Oh, it's so horrible, Maggie."

Maggie opened her arms and allowed her sister to place her wet face against her shoulder. She patted Tracy's back as Tracy's tear gates opened again.

"Cry it all out, baby," Maggie said. "Then we'll talk."

It seemed like a long time before Tracy could gain control of herself again. Her cheeks were streaked with her tears as she finally managed to quit sobbing. She pushed herself away from her sister.

"How could you?" Tracy asked again.

"Let me fix you a drink," Maggie said.

Tracy didn't speak as she watched her sister cross to the bar and mix the drink. Tracy wondered that she had never noticed the bouncy way her sister had started walking. Like a whore showing off her merchandise. A jiggle of her full buttocks.

Tracy took the drink and sipped it thankfully. She wanted the sweet sensation that she'd felt the night before. She wanted to forget all that had happened that day.

"So Gary tried to make you," Maggie said.

"Yes," Tracy said.

"What did you do?" Maggie asked.

"What do you think?" Tracy asked. "I told him he could keep his filthy job."

"I don't think you should have done that," Maggie said.

"Why not?" Tracy asked. "I'm not that kind of girl."

"We're all that kind of girl," Maggie laughed. "It just takes some of us longer to find out."

"I can't believe you're saying these things," Tracy said. "You were always a good girl. Maggie."

"I still am," Maggie said casually. "You should ask some of my boyfriends. I'm a very good girl."

"Oh Maggie," Tracy said.

"Listen, Tracy," Maggie said. "I know you're upset now. But you're going to have to grow up and start thinking straight. We're not back in hickville now. We're in the big city and you're going to have to get with it."

"No, I'm not," Tracy said firmly. "Tomorrow I'm going home and I want you to come with me."

"Me?" Maggie questioned incredulously.

"Yes," Tracy said. "I know you're not this kind of girl. You need to get home and get your thinking straightened out. Nobody would ever have to know why…"

"You're nuts," Maggie said. "You're out of your tree. Go home? Why on earth would I want to go home? I'm having a great time."

"But this is not you, Maggie," Tracy protested. "It's not," Maggie said. "I suppose you'd have me with a husband and half a dozen kids hanging onto me."

"Yes," Tracy said. "That wouldn't be so bad."

"Well it might be all you want but it's sure not all I want," Maggie said. "You think about it. I have handsome men escorting me everywhere and I have lots of money. I'm a very lucky girl and you could be also."

"But Maggie," Tracy said.

Maggie placed her fingers over Tracy's lips.

"You just think about it," Maggie said. "You think about that hick town where nothing ever happens. You think about those screaming brats and dirty dishes. Think about it for tonight and tomorrow we'll talk again."

"I'm going home tomorrow," Tracy said.

"Okay," Maggie shrugged. "If it's really what you want. But you think about it tonight."

Tracy thought about it. She spent a sleepless night thinking about it. She really didn't want to go home. The more she thought the less appealing going home sounded. She could already see her parents' "I told you so" looks, and hear the disapproval of their voices.

Besides, it wouldn't be fair running out on Maggie. Maggie was sick. Tracy knew she was because no woman in her right mind would behave like Maggie had behaved. Maggie was sick and she needed help and Tracy was the only one who could give it to her.

Tracy decided she would stay for just those reasons.

She told Maggie at the breakfast table.

"To help me!" Maggie laughed. "Oh my God, that's a good one! To help me! Well if that's what you want then you're welcome."

"Today I get a job," Tracy declared. "I'll get it myself."

"You should go back and see Gary," Maggie said. "Beg him to reconsider."

"Never," Tracy said firmly.

"If you don't," Maggie warned, "you'll never find a good job in this town."

"Yes I will," Tracy said.

Tracy was wrong. She searched all that morning and met with the same leering grins and the same kind of propositions that Gary Hudson had made her. She finally had to lower her sights from a good secretarial position.

Her last interview that morning way for a position as a salesperson at a department store. The manager was a fat, ugly man who smoked cigars.

"I think we can use you, Miss Dixon," the manager said.

She went to work at the candy counter that afternoon. It was hard work. The store was hot and the people were always in a hurry. She ran her legs off until four o'clock when the manager called her back into his office.

"You do good work," he said.

"Thank you," she said.

"I think we can find something better for you," he said.

The fat manager stood up and walked around his desk. He put one puffy hand on her knee. He fondled her knee intimately and a leering smile came across his face.

"Now what kind of position do you think you're suited for, Miss Dixon?" he asked.

"Not what you have in mind," she said.

She slapped his hand off her knee and walked out in a huffy storm. She didn't bother to pick up her one day's pay check. It wouldn't have amounted to enough to take home.

She was tired and angry but she tried to put on a good face. She was supposed to stop by and see Maggie before she went back to the apartment. She had hoped to give Maggie good news about her new job. Now all she could give were a few weak excuses.

Maggie was in her office when Tracy arrived. Maggie's official title was private secretary to Henry Parker. Henry Parker was out of town and Maggie had very little to do. She was bent over some papers another secretary had typed when Tracy entered.

"Sit down, Tracy," Maggie said. "How'd you do?"

"Not so good," Tracy shrugged.

Maggie frowned.

"I told, you. Listen, if you want a good job in this city you have to be nice to the right people." Tracy thought about what her sister said. Maggie had an office of her own. She looked healthy and in good spirits. Her words had some wisdom. Tracy would be an old lady before she got a job in this town.