Tim Peterson

First time for daughter


Looking back, Lisa almost cringed when she thought about how naive she had been. And how timid, and not to mention just plain sappy. And confused.

While still a virgin, she'd wanted her first fuck to be with a guy she was in love with. That was the only proper way for a girl to go, surely. Find someone who would take care of her, and not blab it all over how easy she was or anything like that.

She didn't know yet that fucking was something that could be enjoyed purely on it's own, without all that emotional bag and baggage. At the time, all she knew was that she wanted to find the right someone. Rather, she wanted that someone to find her. She was too bashful and inexperienced to do much seeking, herself.

Often curiosity, a simple need to find out, would threaten to get the better of her, and tempt her to venture beyond what books could tell her, or what she could learn from girl's washroom conversations. But without experience, and with such high standards, who could she turn to? Finally she'd begun to think she would never get fucked.

Then came the summer when Mom and Dad packed her and brother Buddy into the station wagon and all four of them headed up-state for a month-long vacation. It was to be spent on a farm, or rather what had been one until it had been taken over by an artist friend of her father's.

Lisa welcomed the change. It would give her time and peace and quiet in which to think, maybe sort some things out.

On her first night there, she was overtaken by a strange kind of restlessness. At first she attributed it to being in a strange bed, a new environment, all of that. But that notion quickly passed.

There were no boys. There would be a whole month without them. The forty-acre property was pretty isolated, ten miles from the nearest small town. Who knew where the nearest neighbors were? And what did country bumpkin know, anyway?

No boys.

Not that she would definitely have done anything had there been a selection to choose from, but it was nice to just look at them when she wanted.

One day, soon after arriving, she drifted out of the house into the yard. It was surrounded by a grove of trees, cut on one side by the lane leading in from the highway and on another side by a lesser road leading off to the fields. Anxious for a change of scenery, Lisa set off along the latter, passing by the small barn that had been converted to a studio by the absent artist.

Before getting through the grove of trees, which grew more plentifully along this road, she encountered a fairly well-worn pathway leading into the trees. Glad to have something to explore, she followed it.

Shortly, she neared a clearing, no more than five yards away. It was a spot from which a single, broad tree might have been plucked, the ground flat and covered with tall grass. Between two tree trunks, Lisa saw her mother standing in the clearing.

Beth was a lovely brunette, short-haired, in her late thirties. She was wearing a flowery summer dress, holding herself erect and poised as she looked down. At what, Lisa couldn't tell, as a clump of shrubbery blocked her view.

Abruptly, Beth lowered onto her knees, almost sinking from view.

Instantly curious, Lisa ventured forward, moving off the path as it cut away form this little oasis of sunlight in the cool shade of the woods.

As Lisa went closer, she saw her father's back rise into view. He was kissing his way up from between Beth's tits onto the side of her neck, finally claiming her mouth in a soulful kiss.

Lisa stopped, ducking silently behind a thick barked tree trunk. Her breath had fairly caught in her throat. She'd seen her parents smooching before, a thousand times, but it had never been anything like this. This kiss had passion in it.

Now Beth was responding, kissing Matt back. Their mouths were open. Tongues were showing as they fucked in and out and against each other.

Lisa had never seen anything like it, especially from her own parents. Lisa stared, captivated, entranced. For the moment, it didn't occur to her that she might be doing something that maybe she shouldn't.

Then, either Beth sank backwards on her own or Matt went forward to ease her down onto the grassy ground. Whatever, they both dis appeared from view behind the shrubbery.

Lisa bit on her bottom lip, considering her next move. It wasn't hard for her to figure out where things were heading for Mom and Dad. It was harder to imagine it, though, to picture it in her mind. Fucking was still this great mystery to her… she had to look.

Easing to her left, she found a break in the low shrubs and eased up to it. She was alive with curiosity. She'd never seen two people actually fucking before, and she was so keen to that she had already forgotten that these two were her parents.

The young, fresh-faced blonde crouched and leaned into the narrow opening. There was only the slightest chance of her being discovered, and still she could see everything.

Matt and Beth were continuing with their provocative smooching. They rolled to one side, putting Beth on top, then Matt reassumed the dominant position. Drawing his knees up between her legs, he caused her thighs to tilt and separate. Beth's hem tumbled up onto her hips, exposing her panty-covered crotch. Still fully dressed himself, Matt lowered his cock-bulge onto her crotch and ground against her there, crouched low over her.

Lisa felt perverse stirrings inside as she wondered what that must feel like. Not a totally inexperienced kid, she had finger-fucked herself, rubbed her pussy with various objects, but to have someone else do it for you… wow!

Beth was loving it, squirming her pussy at him. They kept on kissing, Lisa noticed, and she ached for some of that, too.

Lisa's sense of anticipation deepened as she saw her mother begin to undo, the buttons of her father's shirt. At the same time, he was loosening Beth's dress, slowly pulling it open.

Beth's tits, with the approximate dimensions of grapefruits and a creamy shade of white, were encased in a lacy bra that came open in front with a magical flick of Matt's fingers. The cupping fabric slid off to either side, and he raised up to look down at her tits.

Beth peeled his shirt off and stretched both arms over her head, bunching up her tits, lifting them in unabashed offering. Of more interest to Lisa was the sight of her father's hand gliding up onto the twin rises of tit-meat to explore and squeeze and tease.

Beth's face became alluringly flushed and she squirmed under Matt. She curled her fingers into his hair and drew him down into the feast of her tits and, watching intently, Lisa felt her first pang of envy.

Against the material of her top, Lisa's own sizable tits were coming alive with a terrible sensitivity. They wanted squeezes too, and all those good and sexy things that Matt was dishing out. Lisa had never felt anything quite like it before. Not this deeply, anyway. Now that she could see what she was missing out on, her needs came into sharper focus and were harder to ignore.

With Matt biting into her tit-flesh with his lips, Beth let her open hands play out onto his shoulders and back. His muscles showed. He was in good shape, and handsome as anything to begin with. Lisa could understand from that alone why Beth would enjoy touching him.

Also, Matt was taking a long time with Beth, finding his pleasure in pleasing her, turning her on, making her hot and horny, all of it. He was sensuous and beautiful, and in those moments Lisa wished he wasn't her father, so she could have him for herself.

Lisa's insides tightened as Beth reached down and opened Matt's pants. Her heart pulsed heavier as she witnessed his clothing being pushed from his hips. Then it seemed to skip a beat and she flushed all over as his hard cock swung down into view.

It was a more virile length of rock-solid cockmeat than she could ever have imagined. The skin was incredibly smooth, a light red in color except where it was laced with thick, veins of an off-purple shade. They matched the look of his cockhead, which, stretched to its fullest dimension, was even smoother and more polished in texture than the gorgeous cockshaft.

Lisa's mouth watered as she watched Beth's hands close about Matt's prick in loving, caressing fashion. The woman applied gliding, rasping strokes, milking excitement into the already aroused fuck-shaft.

Matt slowly lifted himself upright, sitting himself ass-on-heels between her thighs. Beth continued slow-stroking his prick as he lifted her legs high. She held them up there as his hands slid down to her hips, to the strands of her bikini panties.

Lisa held her breath as he began to pull Beth's undies from her hips and ass and pussy. Another surge of envy went through the frustrated girl as her mother got that much closer to being fucked by a knowing stud.

Beth laughed as she straightened her upright legs and Matt slid her panties up and off. In teasing fashion, she spread her thighs to a wide V and closed them up again. Grinning wolfishly, Matt took hold of her ankles, spread her legs and held them wide open. Beth was grinning from ear to ear.

Lisa wiggled, beginning to enjoy herself now, too. She was almost tempted to crawl out of hiding and join the playful couple. God, wouldn't that be a kick?

Lisa caught herself. What on earth was she thinking? Where were these wicked ideas coming from?

She didn't have time to worry over it.

Pants around his knees, Matt shifted away from Beth and leaned slowly forward. His hands slid down to the backs of her raised knees and pushed her shapely legs back and away. Her ass and pussy tilted upward.

Lisa was amazed to see her father nuzzle his lips into the soft folds of her mother's pussy. It was easily the most incredible sight she had ever seen. The intimacy of it dazzled her.

Matt dipped his tongue out and trailed the tip up and back down in the folds and hollows of Beth's cunt. Then he was fucking at her soft pussy-flesh, honing in on the sensitive spot of her clit area. His wet probe swirled in at it time and time again, until Beth was squirming on the pound, her head thrown back, body arching to the sun.

But Lisa's eyes were concentrated solely on her father. Who now seemed to be more than just her father. She was seeing him in a whole new light, that was for sure. Before, he'd been Dad, purely and simply. Now he was a man. A lover. A sexual being.

Matt moved his nuzzling mouth up onto Beth's pert cunt-bush, then onto the flat of her tummy. Lifting, he moved up over her, between her legs. Their mouths met and held. Matt's legs slid out behind him. Beth kept her legs back and apart, her pussy naturally open. She obviously knew what was about to happen. She was waiting for it.

A bomb could have gone off and Lisa might not have noticed, so intent was she on watching the advance of Matt's cock on the gaping, wet pussy. She stared as his large, flared cock-tip went flawlessly to the fuck-hole, sinking in, in, without resistance, deeper, and deeper, all the way to his balls.

Beth writhed, wrapping arms and legs about Matt and holding him possessively. Across the short distance separating them, a thrilled sound reached Lisa's ears from Beth, and the girl sensed the heaven that her mother had just entered on Matt's prick.

Before, Lisa had had the occasional doubt.

Maybe fucking wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Now she knew she'd never think that way again. How could she?

Matt began to undulate from his shoulders down, and his ass lifted. His thick pussy-fucker was pulled back up into view. It was redder now possibly even thicker, and best of all, coated with a wetness that could only have come from the walls of Beth's deep and excited cunt. His cock looked all shiny and delicious.

Matt lifted his prick high and sank back into Beth's wanting grasp.

"Sexy," Lisa heard him say. "Country air agrees with you."

"Nnnnnnn," Beth responded, heaving her tits up against his chest in a provocative way. "It's doing some good things to your cock, too."

Such frank talk, Lisa observed. Sexy though, and why be coy about anything? Oh, there were lessons to learn here. Mom and Dad were a pure gold mine of carnal secrets. What next?

Matt and Beth settled into another long kiss. Matt complemented it with long and easy fuck thrusts of his prick and Beth made sure to work her hips about, grinding her pussy against him. Almost on the sly, he slipped his arms behind her legs and brought her heels up to rest on his shoulders.

Lisa was astonished. Not so much by the position Matt had slipped Beth into but rather by the mastery it gave him over her and the extent of Beth's surrender to it, and to her husband. He could pretty much have his way with her now, and Beth apparently liked it just fine.

Also, it was such a blatant, raunchy move. It was unabashed, no-holds-barred fucking they were getting into. Thrilling to watch, more thrilling to be a part of, Lisa was sure.

As soon as he had Beth where he wanted her, Matt was into his fuck-strokes. On slightly bent arms, he fucked his stiff prick in and out of her craving body with purposeful strokes. The entire length of his prick-meat filled up her cunt and pulled out of her each time, causing her to squirm under him.

Hands clasped behind his neck, she caught his mouth with a wanton kiss. She couldn't get enough of him, to Lisa's eyes, and the girl had a pretty good idea of what that was like.

The blonde virgin daughter wished all over again, harder this time, that Matt could be hers.

Beth's head dropped and rolled way back. Horny sounds rasped out of her throat. Her long fingers clawed at his hair and upper body.

Matt's ass rose and he fucked his prick into her with the most force yet. Lisa could see her mother's cunt-lips lifting with his retreating prick and being turned inward as he gave her penetration. The fucking was getting hotter and heavier.

Lisa watched, enthralled through and through as Matt and Beth ground their fuck-organs at one another. His arms straightened and his hips appeared to be punching his lust-reddened cock at the inner-most depths of her pussy.

Beth's hips were going wild underneath his, working in broad circles to stir his cock around inside her cunt's steamy grasp and to give him his own kind of stirring pleasure. She was a wicked thing under him, totally tuned in to her libido.

Was Beth naturally passionate, or did Matt have to bring it out in her, Lisa wondered. Probably a little of both, she somehow sensed. The girl felt a strange affinity with her mother, watching the torrid fuck-scene unfold, she got the vague feeling that the two of them were of the same kind. Was sensuality hereditary?

More important, if Matt was crazy about Beth, how would he feel about a younger version?

A dangerous thought, but she couldn't help thinking it. It didn't have to lead anywhere though, so she didn't worry about it too much.

The pace of the fucking slowed then, inexplicably, until Lisa realized that this wasn't a race to any finish line. It was worth it to slow down and savor the moment, especially when it was so close to the ultimate pleasure.